Saturday, May 28, 2022

News: May 28

निजगढ विमानस्थल बनाउन रोक लगाएकोमा खुसीयाली, तस्बिरहरु
स्कुलको ‘फस्ट गर्ल’ देखि ललितपुरको उपमेयरसम्म हामी जनताका सेवक हौँ, मालिक होइन : मञ्जली शाक्य
एमालेलाई ३४ प्रतिशत जनमत, काँग्रेसलाई २९ र माओवादीलाई ११ प्रतिशत : विष्णु रिमाल
स्थानीय तह निर्वाचन : कुन दलका कति आए जनप्रतिनिधि ? राजधानी बाहिर धरान र धनगढी उपमहानगरपालिकामा पनि मतदाताले परम्परागत दल बाहिरबाटै युवा नेतृत्वको चयन गरेका छन् । ....... काँग्रेसबाट १३ हजार ७३७ जनप्रतिनिधि निर्वाचित भएका छन् । यस्तै नेकपा (एमाले) बाट ११ हजार ८७२, नेकपा (माओवादी केन्द्र)बाट पाँच हजार ४४ र अन्य दल तथा स्वतन्त्र गरी चार हजार ४८ जनप्रतिनिधि निर्वाचित भएको ....... वि.सं २०७४ मा तीन चरणमा सम्पन्न स्थानीय तह निर्वाचनमा काँग्रेसबाट ११ हजार ४५६, एमालेबाट १४ हजार १०० र माओवादी केन्द्रबाट पाँच हजार ४४० जनप्रतिनिधि निर्वाचित भएका थिए । ........ नेकपा (एकीकृत समाजवादी), जनता समाजवादी पार्टी (जसपा) नेपाल, लोकतान्त्रिक समाजवादी पार्टी, राष्ट्रिय प्रजातन्त्र पार्टी र स्वतन्त्रबाट चार हजार ३४८ निर्वाचित भएको ....... ६ महानगरका प्रमुख र उपप्रमुख, ११ उपमहानगरका प्रमुख र उपप्रमुख, २७६ नगरपालिकाका प्रमुख र उपप्रमुख, ४६० गाउँपालिकाका अध्यक्ष र उपाध्यक्ष, ६ हजार ७४३ वडाध्यक्ष, सोही सङ्ख्यामा महिला सदस्य र दलित महिला सदस्य तथा १३ हजार ४८६ वडा सदस्य गरी कूल ३५ हजार २२१ पदका लागि निर्वाचन भएको थियो ....... निर्वाचनमा करिब एक लाख ४५ हजारले उम्मेदवारी दिएका थिए ।

ओलीको गनथनमा निर्वाचनमा हार व्यहोरेको कुण्ठाबाहेक केही देखिएन : थापा
‘बालेन र हर्क राई’ लोकतन्त्रमा फक्रिएका दुईवटा सुन्दर फूल हुन् : प्रचण्ड
युक्रेनी सेनालाई थप सैन्य सहयोग गर्नुपर्छ : जोनसन रुसी राष्ट्रपति भ्लादिमिर पुटिनको सेना पूर्वी युक्रेनको दोनबासमा सुस्त तर स्पष्ट प्रगति गरिरहेको बेलायती प्रधानमन्त्री बोरिस जोनसनले टिप्पणी गरेका छन् । ‘मलाई डर छ कि पुटिनले आफू र रुसी सेनाको लागि ठुलो मूल्य चुकाएर दोनबासलाई नियन्त्रणमा लिन चाहन्छन्’, प्रधानमन्त्री जोनसनले भने । ...... मारिओपलोको स्टिल कारखानामा लामो समयदेखि बन्धक भएका युक्रेनी सेनालाई रुसी सेनाले रिहा गरिदिएका छन् ।

घ्यु हो पावर हाउस : महिनावारीको दुखाईबाट राहत, लामो–नरम कपाल र कोमल गुलाबी ओठ पाइने शुद्ध घ्यू सबै मिनरल्स र भिटामिनको पावरहाउस हो । आयुर्वेदमा घ्यूलाई रसायन भनिन्छ । यो शरीरको हरेक भागका लागि फाइदाजनक छ ।

Russia takes small cities, aims to widen east Ukraine battle
Opinion: Why it matters that 'Top Gun: Maverick' is so much better than the original "Top Gun: Maverick" may well be the box-office hit of the year, thanks to a perfect storm of circumstance. It's Memorial Day weekend; people are feeling a tiny bit more adventurous; everyone needs an escape from the horrors of the real world; and... Tom Cruise. ........ the for-real aerial stunts must be experienced in high definition to be believed ........ "TGM" pulls off the highly tricky maneuver of bringing back all the adrenaline and bravado that made the first "Top Gun" such an indelible 1980s milestone, while excising some of its more toxic elements and (at least mildly) updating its worldview. Its politics are just vague enough to inspire nearly everyone to leave the theater cheering. Who but Pete "Maverick" Mitchell could unite this deeply fractured country? ....... It might just be the first movie since the beginning of the pandemic to really remind us of the sheer fun to be had in a communal theater experience. .......... But it's also rife with eye-rolling sexism, from the way the Top Gun recruits snicker at Kelly McGillis' Charlie when she debates security clearance with Maverick, to lines like Iceman's, "The plaque for the alternates is down in the ladies room." ......... It's also the kind of movie where Maverick following a woman into the bathroom and suggesting they do it on the countertop is supposed to be seen as hot, not creepy. I can't speak for all womankind, but this is the kind of stuff that makes a gal feel like a movie really wasn't made with her in mind. ......... He's still weighed down with sorrow over the death of his wingman, Goose, and he's feeling his wheelhouse of capability has narrowed. That ambition to teach that he teased at the end of the first movie didn't work out so well. He doesn't seem to have fared any better romantically; maybe the tactic of enlisting an entire bar to drunkenly sing along with the Righteous Brothers to woo a love interest didn't age all that well. ....... One of the film's many high points is a short, emotional scene between Cruise and Kilmer as the now-ailing Admiral Tom "Iceman" Kazansky; the onetime adversaries have forged a friendship in the intervening decades. ......... Penny takes Pete sailing, only to discover that -- despite being a Navy man -- he has no idea which rope is which. ........ The film even uses his real name a lot of the time -- sometimes he's a Maverick, but a lot of the time he's just a Pete. ........... They're also a more diverse group, with some non-White actors and one female pilot (Monica Barbaro) who's never depicted as belittled or harassed by her peers. ......... the film also goes to great lengths, which are pretty thrilling to watch, to show just how hard it is to fly missions like this: The crushing weight on your body as you climb straight upwards, the nerve-shredding adjacence to death. ......... At its core, of course, "Top Gun: Maverick" still goes hard on the American exceptionalism, on the idea that being smug and difficult and breaking the rules is just part of patriotic heroism. It's bellicose in a way that is not un-problematic: In what reality is it OK for the United States to just bomb another (unnamed) country's uranium stores, even if it is suggestively implied to be global pariah Russia? ....... While Cruise has said that he never thought of the original film as propaganda, the original film reportedly inspired a spike in military enlistments. And, as Cruise has said in a recent interview about "TGM," he and the rest of the cast and crew "worked with the Navy and the Top Gun school to formulate how to shoot it practically." So, it's not not a pro-military movie. ........ mostly, honestly, it's two hours of sheer, visceral fun on the big screen, which feels very retro. In the best possible way.

Hinduization Of India
The Hinduization of India Is Nearly Complete
The Transformation of India Is Nearly Complete The Indian Supreme Court’s decision to allow the building of a temple for Rama on a disputed site is likely to intensify the Hindu nationalist efforts to turn India into a majoritarian nation.

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