The revolution hereby resurrects the 1999 House as a one chamber revolutionary parliament with revolutionary powers for an interim time period. The seven party alliance is to form the interim government. The 1990 constitution died on February 1, 2005. The express goal of the revolutionary parliament is to form a seven party government, hold peace talks with the Maoists, and take the country through a constituent assembly to give the country a new constitution as per the people's desire.
Revolutionary Parliament
- This is the 1999 House.
- It has the powers of an executive, and the legislative, and it has the powers to reorganize the judiciary.
- The seven party alliance is to form a seven party government.
- The person chosen by that alliance is to be the interim prime minister, unless the revolutionary parliament declares the country a republic, in which case the person becomes the interim president.
- The interim prime minister/president is the Commander In Chief of the state army, immediately renamed Nepal Army. As Commander In Chief, the said person may fire any person in the army, of any rank, may promote or demote the same. As Commander In Chief, the said person may order the Nepal Army to wage war, or to declare peace.
- All such revolutionary acts by the interim prime minister/president will need a majority vote in the revolutionary parliament preceded by a public debate.
- This revolutionary parliament will be considered dissolved the day the Constituent Assembly takes shape, which may be no later than 12 months from the revolutionary parliament taking shape.
- Details not covered by this interim constitution will be guided by the provisions in the 1990 constitution unless they clash with the provisions in this interim constitution. The revolutionary parliament may amend any such detail through majority vote.
- The revolutionary parliament will make no decision, and take no step counter to the Universal Declaration Of Human Rights.
- The revolutionary parliament may imprison and otherwise punish all those who have subjected peaceful democracy demonstrators and activists to human rights violations and killings.
Constituent Assembly: 300 Seats Of Roughly Equal Population
April Revolution: Document Every Atrocity
यो सडक ितम्र्ो हो
Kamal Thapa Is A Nazi
In The News
“Day of reckoning” in Nepal, tens of thousands protest against the royal regime NepalNews
OHCHR expresses ‘grave concern’ over Pokhara firing
Rights activists, professionals defy curfew order, court arrests
19 killed in Rupandehi, Kapilvastu clashes; several govt offices destroyed
Thousands take out protest rally in Pokhara, a demonstrator shot dead
NHRC starts monitoring of human rights situation during 7-party protests
Senior leaders call to defy curfew order
NBA calls lawyers to join pro-democracy movement
Nationwide protest against government; hundreds arrested
Sarlahi Attack and Nepal-India Relations
Jana Andolan 1990 Revisited III
Protestor shot dead in west Nepal tourist town Monsters and Critics.com, UK
Protests as Nepal imposes curfew in capital
Security alert on Indo-Nepal border
Police clash with protesters in Nepal Irish Examiner, Ireland
Pitched battles in Nepal, 750 held
Gyanendra "destroyed" democracy in Nepal: US official Islamic Republic News Agency, Iran
CPI(M) flays crackdown on Nepal's leaders
Protest in Nepal Turns Violent; 3 Wounded Pierceland Herald, Canada
25,000 riot against king in Nepal Irish Independent, Ireland
Nepalese Government threaten to shoot protestors on sight Unison.ie, Ireland
OHCHR concerned over killing of protestor in Pokhara Kantipur Publications
Demonstrators defy curfew, stage demos; Daylong curfew in Kathmandu, Lalitpur on Sunday
3 injured in police firing in Chitwan, curfew imposed
Protestor killed in Pokhara firing; curfew in Surkhet
US Congressmen write to king
Butwal, Kapilvastu clashes: 20 killed, several govt offices destroyed
Govt. clamps curfew in Kathmandu Valley, mobile phone service disrupted
Curfew, Emergency could be imposed: Home Minister
King Gyanendra inaugurates WHF silver jubilee celebrations
Over two dozen injured, three dozen arrested in Pokhara, Chitwan
Over 200 arrested, dozens injured; police open fire in Patan, Dang
Bank, Corporation employees join protests
Home Minister visits Malangwa
आन्दोलन तीव्र
ँप्रजातन्त्रको उपहास’
बुटवल र तौलिहवामा आक्रमण
राजालाई अमेरिकी सांसदहरूको पत्र
संकटकालको संकेत
कर्मचारीहरू पनि आन्दोलित
सर्लाहीमा सरकारी कामकाज ठप्प
कीर्तिपुर ँलोकतान्त्रिक मुक्तिक्षेत्र’
आन्दोलनमा आउन नेताहरूको आग्रह
प्रदर्शन दबाउन सेना
Updates INSN
Daylong curfew imposed again
One Killed in Pokhara; Protestors defy curfew in Kathmandu
Curfew Imposed in Capital
19 Killed in Maoist Attack in Butwal and Taulihawa
Day 2: Two injured in firing, hundreds arrested
Patan: 1990 revisited
सोलिगडारिटी नेपाल
Protesters Police Clash all over the Valley
Two hurt in police firing
Day 1: One killed, hundreds arrested nationwide
Anti-Monarchy Front Organises Seminar in Delhi
Fighting caste discrimination in the context of the conflict
Interview with Mathura Shrestha
सामन्ति निरंकुश राजतन्त्रलाई सहयोग पुग्ने काम नगरौं
Police AIG (retired) critiques government policy
The countdown in Kathmandu has begun
Broken People in Nepal
Violence takes toll during Friday demonstrations
KrishnaSen report
Around 400 Arrested On First Day of General Strike
Madhav Kumar Nepal taken away by APF
राजाको पलायन
Japan: statement
CPN(M): statement
US: State Department comment
CPN(M): statement of Pravu Sah
CEHURDES: statement
FNJ: journalist threatened
FNJ: journalists arrested and beaten
FNJ: journalists arrested, one beaten, others released
CPI(M): statement
COCAP: Kathmandu tense on 2nd day of protest; many incidences of HR violation
COCAP: report on demonstrations
AI: Hundreds of pro-democracy activists arrested
CPN(M): English translation of 6 April statement
CPN(M): ANWA statement
CPN(M): two statements
ICDR & VODI: condemning the murder of Daya Ram Pariyar
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Global Voices Online, Harvard Law School
Nepal Movement, Day 3: Shoot At Sight Order April 8
Day 2: Nepal Democracy Movement April 8
Khatmandu’s tense political moves April 6
Nepal: Moriarty Drowns Out Prachanda March 5
Nepal: Money Needed For Movement February 13
कीर्तिपुर ँलोकतान्त्रिक मुक्तिक्षेत्र’
चक्र कार्की
हजारौंको संख्यामा आन्दोलनकारीले सडक भरिएको थियो । छतमा आन्दोलनकारीलाई सर्मथन गर्दै सयौं सर्वसाधारण ताली बजाइरहेका थिए । एक बजेबाट आन्दोलनकारी र प्रहरीबीच झडप सुरु भयो । हजारौंको संख्यामा रहेका आन्दोलनकारीले प्रहरीलाई ढुंगाले खेद्दै विश्वविद्यालय हाताभित्रबाट गेटसम्म पुर्याए ।
पूरै बजार आन्दोलनकारीले नियन्त्रणमा लिएका थिए । प्रत्येक आन्दोलनकारीका हातमा ढुंगा, इँटा र लठ्ठी थिए । प्रहरीले दक्षिणकाली सडकबाट अश्रुग्यास फाल्दा त्यसैले प्रतिकार गर्थे । आन्दोलनकारीले टायर बालेर सडक अवरुद्ध पारेका थिए । मुढा र ढुंगा तेर्साएर पूरै सडक अवरुद्ध बनाएका थिए ।
प्रहरीले हानेको अश्रुग्यास आन्दोलनकारीले प्रहरीतर्फ टिपेर फालिदिन्थे । प्रहरी र आन्दोलनकारीबीच भएको झडपमा दुई प्रहरी अधिकृत घाइते भए । आन्दोलनकारीलाई नियन्त्रण गर्न प्रहरीले दर्जनौं राउन्ड अश्रुग्यास हानेको थियो ।
झन्डै दुई सयको संख्यामा रहेका प्रहरीलाई लखेट्दा सयौंको संख्यामा छतमा रहेका स्थानीयवासीले समर्थन जनाउँदै आन्दोलनकारीको हौसला बढाइरहेका थिए ।
आन्दोलनमा स्थानीयवासी र केटाकेटीले अश्रुग्यासको मुस्लो निस्किन नदिन बाल्टिनमा पानी बोकेर हिँडेका थिए । ग्यासको सेल आउने बित्तिकै उनीहरूले भिजेको जुटको बोराले छोप्ने गर्थे । एक स्थानीयवासीले ०४६ साल आन्दोलनको याद आएको उल्लेख गर्दै भने, 'पहिले पनि कीर्तिपुरमा यस्तै आन्दोलन भएको थियो ।'
दलका नेताले आन्दोलनलाई रोकेर राख्न खोजेका छन् । त्यसलाई तोड्नुपर्ने आन्दोलकारीले बताए । उनीहरूले तीन जना गुप्तचर प्रहरीलाई समातेर पिट्दै बजार परिक्रमा गराएका थिए ।
Posted on: 2006-04-07 19:52:04
April 8, 2006
Royal regime killed two more peaceful demonstrators
Pokhara - As the general strikes called by the Seven Political Party Alliance enters into third day, the royal regime is further intensifying its brutal attack to the peaceful demonstrators. This morning, one more pro-democracy activist was shot dead by the Royal Nepal Army in Pokhara (200 km west of Kathmandu). Bhimsen Dahal, 32 year old and a member of CPN (UML), was killed by the security personnel while he was taking part in the peaceful demonstration this morning. The military bullets killed Mr. Dahal at the spot and seriously injured six other demonstrators including Gangadhar Baral and it is reported that their conditions are serious. The shooting in Pokhara was taken place when king Gyanendra himself was in Pokhara.
Chitawan - a large demonstration was carried out in Bharatpur, Chitawan where security personnel indiscriminately opened fire and killed a women demonstrator and injured many. It is reported that around 100,000 people participated the protest march (it is reported that it was one of the largest demonstrations in these weeks) in Bharatpur which also broke the security obstacles in various places. When the marchers were reached at the main chowk, the security personnel opened fire without warning and brutally killed a women activist.
Kathmandu, Patan and Bhaktapur - Defying the curfew order imposed by the royal regime in Kathmandu, a demonstration was held in Kalanki Kathmandu and Modanath Prashrit and Dr. Pushpa Kandel of CPN (UML) and one member of Nepali Congress were arrested from the demonstration. Similarly, demonstration was also carried out in Maitidevi where security personnel open fire and injured 55 demonstrators. Among the injured 15 were arrested from Maitidevi including Tanka Paneru. At Chabahil – Chuchhepati another demonstration was held and police used teargas and lathi to disperse the march and arrested Mr. Ram Babu three others. At Gangabu area large demonstration was carried out and police opened fire and arrested Ashok Ghimire, Nireshlal Singh, Ms Devi Phuyal and Prem Silwal. ANNFSU – one of the largest students organization of Nepal organized a demonstration at Bagbazaar to defy the curfew order this morning. 10 students leaders including president Khimlal Bhattarai, General Secretary Thakur Gaire, Secretary Yagya Sunwar, Secretary were arrested from the demonstration. Meanwhile, people of Patan today again chased away the security personnel from the inner city area and held demonstrations at Magnal Bazaar defying the curfew order. In Bhaktapur also demonstration is being organized challenging the government’s curfew order.
Dailekh - Demonstration was also held in Dailekh where clashes occurred with the security personnel and 42 demonstrators were arrested.
Surkhet - Protest march was also carried out in Surkhet and clashes occurred where Distirict administration imposed curfew after the clashes.
Janakpur – Over 15000 thousand people took part in the protest marchin Janakpur where the marchers forced the security forces to retreat from their barricades in the city.
Nepalgunj - Thousands of people joined the protest rally in Nepalgunj defying the security restrictions.
Sunsari – Protest marches are also carrying out in Dharan this afternoon.
Jhapa – Demonstrations are being carried out in Damak, Birtamod, Chandragadhi and Dhulabari. In Dhamak demonstrations over 12 thousand people marched in the main city and broke the security barricades.
To mark the historic day (April – 8 democracy day), protest programs were also organized in Kavre, Parbat, Kailali, Kanchanpur, Hetauda and many other districts. Over thousand participants were arrested from those demonstrations.
Call for defy curfew: Meanwhile two parties – CPN (UML) and Nepali Congress of Seven Party Alliance have issued separate statements urging people to actively participate the protest march defying all the restrictions including the curfew order.
(The above report is by Nepal Solidarity.)
Protestors chase away police, take control of all government offices, declare Chitwan ‘republic region’
(Source of this report will be posted as available.)Protesting against the government repression on Friday’s peaceful protests, more than 50 thousand protestors took to the streets here in Chitwan, chanting slogans against monarchy and in favour of republicanism.
The protestors have chased away the security men and have taken under control all administrative offices. They have declared the Chitwan district a “republic region.”
All government offices in Chitwan are under the control of the protestors for the last one hour. They have chased away the policemen deployed to suppress the agitation across the Narayani river. Additional security forces have not arrived. Over 150 protestors have been injured in teargas shell firing by the police.
Thousands of protestors have assembled at Chaubiskothi, Narayangadh bazaar. Chanting anti-monarchy slogans, they say “Chitwan has become the first republic district in the country.”
Police arrested over a hundred protestors in the morning.
Yesterday, nearly three dozen protestors were injured when police in indiscriminate baton-charge by the police. Dozens were arrested.
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