King continues political consultations
King Gyanendra continued his consultations with political leaders on Tuesday as the seven opposition parties continued their general strike across the country.
The King gave an audience to former Prime Minister and leader of Rastriya Prajatantra Party (RPP) Lokendra Bahadur Chand at the Narayanhity Royal in the evening. Chand had nearly one-hour long one-to-one with the King from 5:30 p.m.
Talking to reporters after the royal audience, Chand said he was hopeful for early return to democracy. “I hope for positive step [from the King]. I can’t say anything more,” said he.
Similarly, the King gave separate audiences to former Prime Minister Marich Man Singh Shrestha and RPP chairman Pashupati SJB Rana. Rana was the last to meet the King. He was still inside the palace until 7:15 p.m.
On Monday, the King held separate meetings with former prime ministers KP Bhattrai and Surya Bahadur Thapa. The previous day, he had given separate audiences to the ambassadors of India, USA and China. nepalnews.com mk Apr 18 08
News is the king has been meeting people, that he has been consulting. Some say this is positive. How is this positive? I smell a conspiracy. I think the king is on his way to introducing a Panchayat style constitution. Just look at the names. These are all Panche names.
The seven party alliance falls outside the comfort zone of this king. All his public words and actions point in that direction.
His best option right now is to step down and become a citizen and a businessman. (End Of Ceausescu)
There is no room for dialogue. Democrats don't hold dialogue with despots. The seven party alliance does not have the option to hold dialogue. This is the people's revolution. It is for the seven party alliance to follow the orders of the people who have throngged into the streets all across the country. Let's face it, the SPA leaders did not see this coming on April 5. This shows the people have come into the driving seat. (क्रान्ितलाई नबुझ्नु, बुझ पचाउनु)
The king is not trying to give democracy. Kings don't give democracy. Democracy is not given. Democracy is earned. That is precisely what the people are doing in the hundreds of thousands all across Nepal. A major fermentation is going on. The political consciousness of the people is at an all time high.
Don't you dare go for dialogue. Dialogue, what dialogue? This is deception. The cunning king is doing his very best to calm down the revolution. He tried to shoot the revolution down, he could not. Now he is holding talks. The end goal for him is the same: somehow calm things down.
A country is lucky to get a revolution like this maybe once in its entire history. Nepal has never had a revolution. This is the first time. World history is being made in Nepal as we speak. Nepal is on its way to becoming the number one democracy on the planet. And the king is in the way. Throw the bum out.
The French and the Americans will look to Nepal like we have looked at the French and the American revolutions in the past. This revolution in Nepal is that historic. This revolution is what will launch the Asian Century. It is that historic. Feudals and despots need to get out of the way. Nepal is giving birth to something that is much much bigger than any king, queen or prince. Gyanendra Shaha is irrelevant to this revolution, as irrelevant as Krishna Prasad Bhattarai. (Krishna Prasad Bhattarai, Irrelevant)
This revolution so far has not taken a violent turn, but it very well could. Just like this revolution was not on the SPA roadmap on April 5, but it happened, it does not matter that violence is not on the SPA roadmap. Should there be a military crackdown, what will the SPA leaders tell the mob? Calm down? What will the king tell the mob? Calm down, spare my life, let me fly off into exile? Beyond a point things will be unpredictable.
The goal of this revolution is not to bend the king. The goal is his ouster. Kick the bum out. This revolution wants a resolution, a republic is that resolution, a republic is the only resolution.
The Nepali people are more radical than the Maoists. This revolution is proof. The Nepali people want a republic before they give themselves a constituent assembly.
This is the only time in its entire history of thousands of years that Nepal is witnessing a revolution. It will likely never happen again for the next thousand years. This revolution is that fundamental. There is no calming down. Calm down?
A revolution does not hold dialogue. A revolution establishes a revolutionary parliament. That is what. That revolutionary parliament may decide on anything through majority vote after a public debate. That revolutionary parliament will have the same spirit as the people out in the streets right now. Gyanendra Shaha is irrelevant to the roadmap of the revolution. A revolution is sufficient unto itself, that is why it is called a revolution.
NepalNews has reported Ram Chandra Poudel released. Kantipur has reported his detention extended by another three months. Looks like the regime is getting torn. That is but a beginning. A regime that is to be smashed into pieces will start by getting torn.
Madhav Nepal was being driven to freedom. Then they turned the vehicle around and sent him right back to where he was: in jail. A guy who is a few days, a few weeks away from being Commander In Chief has been kept in an army barrack.
The vehicle turnaround shows the regime is torn. The ultimate hardliner is the king himself. He made the phone call. This revolution does not distinguish between the hardliners and the softliners in this regime. We simply don't care. We want all the bums out en masse. The bums with royal sounding names, the bums in the army leadership, the bums in the top police ranks. Because this is history being made. What is happening in Nepal right now happens maybe once in a thousand years if a country be so lucky.
This is not a bargaining chip. This is a revolution. Gyanendra Shaha could go to jail, he could get hanged. I don't know exactly what. That is why his best option is to simply step down and make way for the revolutionary parliament.
The show is over: monarchy is out.
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फौजको गोलीले मृत्यु
चाबहिलमा गोली, १०० जना घाइते
भारतमा आकस्मिक बैठक
२० पत्रकारलाई तीनमहिने पुर्जी
आठ विद्यार्थी संगठनको चेतावनी
उपचार कोषमा ८८ लाख
सुरक्षाकर्मीद्वारा रकम लुट
आन्दोलनमा भाग लिए गोली हान्ने धम्की
आदिवासी जनजाति आन्दोलित
मैथिल ऐक्यबद्धता
गोली र लाठीबाट सय घाइते
निजामती, व्यवसायीको व्यापक सहभागिता
पत्रकारलाई छानीछानी कुटपिट
निकासको सर्त
बाइरोडको बाटोमा
काठमाडौंलाई घेर
सामन्तवादी रोगबाट मुक्ति
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