जाउलो खाएर क्रान्ित गर
तरकारी महँगो भयो भने
जाउलो खाएर क्रान्ित गर
तरकारी महँगो भएको बहानामा ितमीले क्रान्ित रोक्यौ भने
नाित पनाितले सराप्लान
बन्द गिरदेउ देश एक चोिट सर्लप्प
तािक फेिर किहले पिन बन्द गर्न नपरोस्
लोकतान्त्िरक गणतन्त्रको नाराले पाँच छ जना शहीद भइसके
अिहले क्रान्ित रोक्यौ भने
तीनै शहीदले सराप्लान्
खै ती शहीदलाई त तरकारी महँगो भएन
ितमीलाई पिन तरकारी महँगो नभएकै हुनुपर्छ
यो तरकारी महँगो भएको हल्ला ंमण्डलेहरुले फैलाएको हल्ला हुनुपर्छ
तरकारीको मूल्य त मण्डले प्रोपगाण्डा हो
तरकारीको मूल्यको कुनै अर्थ नै छैन
कहाँ क्रान्ित, कहाँ तरकारी
क्रान्ित गर
क्रान्ित गिरराख
क्रान्ितकारी संसदको स्थापना नभएसम्म क्रान्ित नरोक
क्रान्ितकारी अन्तिरम संिवधान अन्तर्गतको क्रान्ितकारी संसदको स्थापना नभएसम्म क्रान्ित कायम राख
नत्र नाित पनाितले सराप्लान
यो आन्दोलन होइन, यो त क्रान्ित हो
कुनै देशको इितहासमा हजार वर्षमा एक पटक हुन्छ
सात पार्टीले गरेको आन्दोलन होला, माओवादीले गरेको आन्दोलन होला
राजाले देखे नदेखे गरेको आन्दोलन होला
तर ितमीले गिरराखेको त क्रान्ित हो
क्रान्ितले वार्ता गर्दैन
क्रान्ितले क्रान्ितकारी अन्तिरम संिवधान अन्तर्गतको
क्रान्ितकारी संसदको स्थापना गर्छ
त्यो नभएसम्म ितमी जाउलो खाएर क्रान्ित गिरराख
तरकारीको मूल्यको कुनै अर्थ नै छैन
शहीदको रगतको अर्थ छ
ये तो क्रान्ित है
कोइ कहते हैं ये आन्दोलन है
दो चार लोग सडक पर इकट्ठा करेंगे
ओैर जाएंगे राजासे िभख माङ्ने
कहेंगे प्रभु दे दो प्रजातन्त्र, कृपा करो
इकट्ठा तो कर ही ली है हमने भीड
दुरबीन लगा के देख लो
खुद अपनी आँखोंसे
क्युँ िछने
िछने भी तो अब तो वापस कर दो
बहुत हो गई
मैलमें क्युँ उतर आए
वो िकचड तो हमारे िलए है
तुम वापस िसंहासन पर िवराजमान हो जाओ
बहुत हो गई
लेिकन मैं कहता हुँ ये तो क्रान्ित है
जनता सडक पर उतर आई है
मनसुन क्या खाक आएगी
ये तो मनसुनसे पहले क्रान्ित आ गई
मनसुनकी तरह
लोगोंके मुहसे िनकल रही बािरसको देखो
क्या बौंछार है
एक जमाना था
जगह जगह मलेिरयाका प्रकोप था
सब जगह पोिलयो िथ
देश देशमें एक राजा हुवा करता था
पोिलयो तो समाप्त हुई
राजतन्त्र भी समाप्त होगी
श्री ५ का भी कोइ सरकार होता है क्या
सरकार तो जनताकी होती है
उसको नेपाल सरकार कहके बुलाया जाता है
ये एक बच्चा पैदा हो रहा है
नेपालमें पहली बार लोकतन्त्रकी स्थापना होने जा रही है
कोइ इसको नेतृत्व क्या देगा
बाढ जो नदी में आती है
उसको कौन नेतृत्व देता है
ये तो क्रान्ित है
आग लग चुकी है
ज्वाला धधक रहा है
लोगोके चेहरा पर गर्व है
उस गर्वको देखो
वार्ताकी तो बात ही न करो
बात आगे बढ चुकी है
ये कोइ हडताल है जो वार्ता होगी
ये तो क्रान्ित है
क्रान्ितकी एक लक्ष होती है
देखो लोगोंको कैसे सडक पर उतर आए हैं
िदलमें धधक रही आगको देखो
ये तो स्वतन्त्रताकी उन्माद है
कैसे मस्त मस्त झुम रहे हैं
कीर्ितपुर, िचतवन, मैतीदेवी गणतन्त्रकी घोषणा कर ली
वार्ता कहाँ हुइ
रुपन्देहीमें नाम दे िदया उन्होने
नेपाल सरकार, नेपाल सरकार
बगैर वार्ताके
ये तो क्रान्ित है
क्रान्ित एक क्रान्ितकारी संसदकी स्थापना करती है
क्रान्ित वार्ता नहीं करती
ये बन्दरका खेल नहीं, ये तो क्रान्ित है
(अप्िरल १०, २००६)
यो सडक ितम्र्ो हो
घरबाट िनस्केर आउ सडकमा
पर्खाल हाम्फालेर आउ
अंकमाल गरेर आउ
कौसीबाट हाम्फाल
ढोका खोलेर आउ
यो सडक ितम्रो हो
फािसस्टहरुले देश बेच्न लािगसके
राजा नभए देश रहन्छ
देश नरहे ितमी रहन्नौ
ितम्रो घरमा अँध्यारो छ
बत्ती बाल्ने बेला यही हो
आउ सडकमा
यो सडक ितम्रो हो
आँधीबेरी जस्तै आउ
मनसुनको बर्सात भएर आउ
तर मनसुन आउनु अगािड आउ
यो आन्दोलन समयको तकाजा हो
यो वर्तमान, यो भिवष्य ितम्रो हो
त्यसैले आउ सडकमा
यो सडक ितम्रो हो
गाउँ गाउमा आउ
शहर शहरमा आउ
िजल्लाको सदरमुकाममा आउ
राजधानीमा त ओइरेर आउ
लाखौंको संख्यामा आउ
यो सडक ितम्रो हो
आन्दोलन सफल हुन्छ
सडक रगताम्मे हुन्छ
िवजयको अबीरले
दशकौंपिछ नाित पनाितले सोध्लान
क्रान्ितका दौरान ितमी कहाँ िथयौ
ितमीले भन्नु नपरोस्
ितमी कोठामा टीभी हेरेर बसेका िथयौ
अथवा बार्दलीबाट रिमता हेरेर बसेका िथयौ
त्यसैले सडकमा आउ
यो सडक ितम्रो हो
कमल थापा हावाको गोली हान्दैछन्
ितमी बोलीको गोली हान
नारा लगाउ
कमल थापा, तुल्सी िगरीलाई जेल पुर्याउ
माधव नेपाललाई जेलबाट फुत्काउ
आउ, ितमी सडकमा आउ
यो सडक ितम्रो हो
राजा नागिरक र व्यापारी भएर बसुन्
नत्र भने जेल जाउन
मतलब छैन
मतलब ितम्रो छ
भरे बाटो कुरेर बस्न नपरोस्
ितमी रातभिर जागाराम भएर पिन आउ
एका िबहानै आँखा िमच्दै आउ
लाखौंको संख्यामा आउ
माित्तएको गोरु जस्तै िनर्धक्क भएर आउ
यो सडक ितम्रो हो
आउ, आउ
सडकमा आउ
(मार्च २८, २००६)
तिमी सडकमा उत्रेको देखेको छु
न्यु यर्क कहिले ननिदाउने शहरमा
इन्टरनेट मेरो पर्दा नलाग्ने झ्याल भएको छ
टाढैबाट भए पनि
सडकमा तिमीले जुन स्वतन्त्रता संग्राम मच्चाएका छौ
त्यसलाई मैले यहाँबाट नै प्रणाम गरेको छु
रगताम्मे निधारमा मैले भोलिको नेपाल देखेको छु
महिला पुरुष एक भएर, विद्यार्थी बुज्रुक एक भएर
तिमीले देखेको सपना, हे योद्धा
साकार हुन्छ, अवश्य हुन्छ
किनभने स्वतन्त्रता बाहिर मानवताको कुनै अस्तित्व छैन
तिमी त्यहाँ होस्टे गर, म यहाँ हैंसे गर्छु
तिमी भन इन्किलाब, म भन्छु यहाँ जिन्दाबाद
तिमी भन तानाशाही, म यहाँ भन्छु मुर्दाबाद
तिम्रो निधारको रगत बिहानीको सुर्य हो
क्षितिजमा त्यो आइसकेको छैन, तर सारा आकाश रगताम्मे छ
त्यो विहान अवश्य आउँछ
त्यो नीतिको नियम हो
वाग्मतीको पानी कसले रोक्न सक्छ
कोशी जहिले बगेकै छ
स्वतन्त्रता त्यस्तै एकोहोरो हुन्छ
लोकतन्त्रको आवाज शंखनाद हो
यो मेघ झैं गर्जन्छ
अहिंसा भनेको अणु बमभन्दा भयानक हतियार हो
यदि त्यो स्वतन्त्रता सेनानीको हातमा पर्छ भने
हे वीर योद्धा
तिमीलाई मेरो सलाम
तिमी भन त्यहाँ इन्किलाब, म भन्छु यहाँ जिन्दाबाद
(अक्टोबर ४, २००५)
Nepal, with the assassination of King Birendra and his family, has reached a point of crisis which would not only threaten its very existence but will also threaten Indian interests. According to the Intelligence reports the stories about the conspiracy are true. According to the same reports the regicide was masterminded by Prince Paras Shah the cousin of King Birendra and the son of the new King Gyanendra Bir Bikram Shah.
The same report then goes on to state that Dipendra had nothing to do with the killing and was shot when he was trying to escape from the room where the shootings had taken place. There are also reports about the involvement of the Nepal Army's Chief, General Shamsher Jung Bahadur. The stories about Prince Dipendra's differences with his parents over his weddings to Devyani were also planted by Prince Paras Shah, as were the stories about Prince Dipendra having killed his parents.
The same reports also state that today Paras has the complete control over Narayanhiti Palace. Reports also mention of Paras having close association with the Drug Mafia , which as every one knows is headed by Dawood Ibrahim and through him by the Pakistan's Inter Services Intelligence Directorate. That the Inter Services Intelligence Directorate has had a stranglehold on the Nepalese Royalty as well as the principle political families was broken in detail last year by an extensive probe by India Today who had published in detail the individuals suspected to be involved in the spread of Fundamentalism in Nepal.
India and Nepal have been having close relationship since before 1857, when soon after the Indo-Nepalese Wars, Nepal agreed to the recruitment of Gurkhas, into the Indian Army. It was in 1950 that Nepal was able to overthrow the Rana regime, with the help of India. Since then, relations between the two countries have oscillated within narrow margins. Things did come to a head during the Rajiv Gandhi's regime when the Transit and Trade Agreements came to an end and the Indian Government did not renew them. Nepal, in turn also exacerbated the situation by acquiring Chinese anti-aircraft guns. The matter was sorted out amicably but it just shows the paranoia that exists in the relationship. Nepal being land locked is dependent on India for transit facilities, as bulk, almost all her imports, or for that matter exports outside India, pass through Calcutta. Though, of late, some routes Northward have been opened, the trade is mainly with, and through India.
India has gone out of her way to help Nepalese economy. Exports from Nepal are duty free and have free access to the Indian Markets. All movement from Nepal to India and in reverse direction is free and without the requirement of passports or visas. As a result India today, particularly the East, is flooded by Nepalese labour, looking for livelihood, to the extent that there is a major ethnic crisis building up in Bhutan where the Nepalese, transiting through India are settling down in big numbers.
A fair number of Indian business establishments have also set up shop in Nepal and are helping the economy of that country. The latest is that, two Indian concerns, taking advantage of the laws have set up texturising units in Nepal to process polyester yarn. The clause is that if an exporter in Nepal gets 60% or more of his raw material from India and thereafter exports his product to India, his export does not attract any export or import duty. Nepal benefits on two accounts, viz., firstly, Nepalese get employed; and secondly, a portion of raw material is from Nepal and is being exported as a finished product. The Gurkha soldiers also repatriate a sizeable amount back to Nepal.
It would thus be seen that while Nepal makes a sizeable gain by her association with India, yet is not averse to using her China card to ensure better returns. For India it is largely nebulous. She is hoping that Nepal would remain neutral in the international fora and in the SAARC against Pakistani tirades.
Nepal it must be realised is quite indifferent to the SAARC, as such. For her it is her relationship with India that really matters. This, she can achieve, to her satisfaction, by bilateral dealings. In addition, according to Mr J.N.Dixit, the erstwhile Foreign Secretary, Nepal along with other countries think that bilateral disputes between India and Pakistan and India and Bangladesh will continue to affect the co-operation at the regional level. This was reiterated in the 8th Summit.
It would be of interest to know what Mr J.N.Dixit has to say about the functioning of SAARC. He makes the following points :-
(a) "The accusation that India is domineering and hegemonistic is more a matter of perception of our neighbours than a reflection of our actions or intentions."
(b) "First, there is the larger than life asymmetry between India and its neighbours, in terms of size, demography, resources, technological capacities and military strength."
(c) "Second, while each of the six member countries have land or sea front impinging on India, they are not direct neighbours. This affects their security perceptions and strategic thinking, about India with undercurrents of apprehensions."
(d) "The size and diversity of Indian economy has resulted in at least three of our neighbours being reticent about giving free rein to economic co-operation between member countries."
(e) "----- it should not be forgotten that Pakistan, in basic policy terms, is more keen on West Asian and Gulf connections."
(f) Sri Lanka, in the late seventies was a declared aspirant for full ASEAN membership."
(g) "Bangladesh, in her first decade, after liberation had articulated the desirability of a South East Asian Islamic grouping, consisting of Bangladesh, Indonesia and Malaysia."
(h) "There is a school of thought in India that other important countries joined SAARC for the purposes of balancing off India's overwhelming position, motivated by political reasons."
In fact when one analyses the Indo-Nepalese Relationship one would find that Nepal has not been so friendly as it appeared to be. This should have become obvious ever since the South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation came into being. While Ershad the President of Bangladesh made no bones about stating that in essential the organisation had been mooted to create a counter poise against India, Nepal has been more insidious in her approach. However, what does come out loud and clear is that Nepal has invariably sided with Pakistan against India. A Nepal base journalist even states that as early as 1960, December 1960, when King Mahendra took over the gaddi he had shown his antagonist proclivities towards India and his tilt towards China and Pakistan.
According to the same source Nepal knew about the Chinese plans to attack India but never informed India. The report then goes on to state that according to Tulsi Giri the erstwhile Prime Minister of Nepal, the Chinese attack on India was in fact meant to help the Nepalese Monarchy and had the Chinese Attack been delayed by just one week the Nepalese Monarchy would have been evicted, with the Nepal Congress forming the government.
The same report then goes on to state that the animus against India and the favour for Pakistan was so great that the Nepal Royal Family was prepared to go against its own customs and beliefs, in that while even the Queen of England, Queen Elizabeth and the President of India, Dr Zakir Hussain were denied entry into the Vishnu Darbar, on the ground that they were not Hindus, General Yahya Khan was put up in the Narayan Hiti Palace for three days. In fact one of the reasons of Rajiv Gandhi's pique against Nepal was a similar treatment given to him and his wife Sonia . Eventually the last matter was sorted out amicably but it just shows the paranoia that exists in the relationship.
In Nepal, what is even more important is that it does not take very long to get a Nepalese Passport. All that it requires is a Certificate of Citizenship which it seems can be acquired from any of the Chief District Officers, seventy five in number, after a residence of just ten days, of course at a price varying from Nepalese Rupees 5000 .00 to 10000.00.
This has been brought out earlier also. According to Sati Sahni, a renowned political columnist from Jammu and Kashmir, the Inter Services Intelligence Directorate is concentrating on the Trans-border Terai, where it is helping set up a number of Madrassas .
It was since, as far back as, 1992 that Pakistan has been using Nepal for furthering her activities. The aim being to use Nepal as a Transit point for the movement of her operatives as well as recruits for her activities, into and out of India .
The recruits from as far apart as Jammu and Kashmir, down to Uttar Pradesh and Bihar would be first inducted into Nepal from where, depending upon their importance and the task for which they have been recruited, they would either be flown out on the Pakistan International Air Lines of which three flights operated in every week . The normal run would then be moved into Bangladesh through the more or less safe corridor of Purnea, and Malda into Bangladesh. From here they would be sent to Pakistan for the requisite training. The induction for tasks in India was just to reverse the movement back into India through Nepal . Since there is a complete freedom of movement there is just no possibility of any check. Unless of course the India Intelligence agencies have some definite information. And that scenario is indeed farfetched .
The following will give the details of the Nepal Connection for the Inter Services Intelligence Directorate:-
Ser No
13 February 1992>
March 1992
April 1992
Mufti Mehrajuddin Farooqi, an ex-Additional Advocate General of Jammu and Kashmir arrested. He gave details of his meetings with the Inter Services Intelligence Directorate's Operatives in 1991 when he had visited Nepal .
Raja Irfanullah arrested by the Nepalese Police.
Arrest of a group of Inter Services Intelligence operatives.
For allowing the Inter Services Intelligence Directorate's agents to use his hotel as a base.
The First indication of Nepal becoming an important link in the Inter Services Intelligence chain against India.
Mohammed Sharif arrested in Delhi.
Confirmed the use of Nepal Route.
Ghulam Nabi War arrested.
He claimed that he had been given Rs 9.8 lakhs from the officials of Pakistan High Commission in New Delhi to be given to Professor Abdul Ghani Bhatt, the Chairman of the Medical College.
Mid Nineties
Confession of Samer Khan, Chief Commander of Al Inquillab. He also named the second secretary, Kalimullah as the co-ordinator for all such operations. Further information regarding Counsellor Adnan Javed, First Secretary Abdul Qadir and Assistant Mohammed Khalil was also received regarding their efforts towards fund collection .
This was the second main indicator that the Khatmandu Embassy of Pakistan was providing assistance towards funding the insurgency in Jammu and Kashmir.
Mid Nineties
Efforts made to unite under one umbrella organisation the Nepalese based Muslim organisations like: -
Nepal Muslim Ittehad Sangh.
Nepal Islamic Yuva Sangh.
All Nepal Terai Muslim Sangh.
All India Nepal Islamic Front.
Advice of Adnan Javed to use only pagers for communications while in Nepal to the Inter Services Intelligence was intercepted.
Mid Nineties
Latif Ahmed Waza Arrested.
He confessed that he was given18 Kgs of RDX by an Inter Services Intelligence operative, along with four radio sets and detonators, which he handed to Javed Ahmed Khan for blasts in New Delhi
He also gave the information that one Tazamullah was using Nepal fore giving training terrorists for employment in Jammu and Kashmir.
May 1996
Detention of Khalistan Zindabad Force Terrorist Mohinder Pal Singh Khalsa, based in Birganj, Nepal
Mohammed Azeezmuddin arrested in Khatmandu from the Dallu Housing Project with the explosives, which were meant for Latif Javed Waza.
See (h) above.
June 1996
July 1996
Sarfraz a Kashmiri Terrorist arrested from Mayalu Hotel Khatmandu with two drums of chemicals and some RDX.
Apprehension of the Lajpat Nagar Blast along with 29 Kilograms of RDX from Khatmandu. The suspects belonged to Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Force
Deportation of Kanwar Pal Singh alias, Bitoo from Bangkok via Nepal. Involvement of Joga Singh of Mayalu Hotel, Khatmandu in the BKI activities.
Amarjit Singh, the former President of Bittu faction of International Students Youth Federation arrested soon after his visit to Khatmandu.
He reported that the Inter Services Intelligence Directorate at Karachi had arranged his immigration to Khatmandu.
Four Kashmiri Terrorists, arrested, with explosives and detonators.
Fayaz Ahmed Shah arrested from the Shakya Guest House in Khatmandu.
A known associate of Bilal Ahmed Beg the Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front Chief. He divulged details of the receipt of 20 kgs of RDX and detonators for carrying out explosions in Delhi. It was Fayaz Ahmed who also divulged that a Fax was received from Pakistan Trading House in Islamabad (possibly a front for the Inter Services Intelligence Directorate in Islamabad) as to how to prepare the improvised explosive devices .
Manzoor Ahmed arrested along with 20 Kgs of RDX.
It was planned to carry out explosions in New Delhi on the eve of the Republic Day.
The Nepalese Police recovered 13.5kgs of RDX, along with some remote control devices and electronic detonators from Baneshwar area in Khatmandu.
Fayaz* Ahmed Shah and four other members of Jammu and Kashmir Islamic Front arrested.
The consignment belonged to one Mohammed Shahkeel Siddiqui alias Javed Pawle who had been tasked to target the World Trade Centre Mumbai.
The individuals were arrested from Lazmipet in Khatmandu
August 1997
Apprehension of Bhupinder Singh alias Bhinda of Khalistan Commando Force (Panjwar) while trying to escape to Pakistan via Nepal. The involvement of Bhag Singh a known Khalistan sympathiser was also established
Mohammed Shah Dhobi of the Hizbullah Mujahideen arrested.
He talked about the well-knit terrorist network in Khatmandu being run with the help of Pakistani diplomats. His arrest led to the arrest of Javed Krawa who disclosed that the Inter Services Intelligence had promised to pay him Rs 20 lakhs for the 21 May 1996 Lajpat Nagar explosion but had back tracked on it . He also disclosed that it was the Pakistani High Commission who had arranged for his visit to Pakistan by giving him fake travel documents.
Latif Pehalwan a Pakistan trained Kashmiri terrorist was also arrested but was allowed to leave as there were doubts about his antecedents.
November 1997
November 1997
January 1998
11.2 1998
June 1998
August 1998
October 1998
Apprehension of three TUM recruits, while preparing to proceed to Pakistan for training.
Dhobi's associates, Yusuf Bhat and Abdul Rashid Najjar, both of Latif Pehalwan's gang also arrested from Base Camp Hotel in Thamel, Khatmandu.
Mohammed Altaf Khan, area commander of Al-Jehad Mujahideen, based in Khatmandu arrested.
Bhag Singh a known Khalistani sympathiser arrested on the Indo-Nepal Border while escorting Ajmer Singh a suspected Sikh Terrorist
Bilal Ahmed alias Basharat and others involved in the blast on Shalimar Express in May 1998, arrested in Khatmandu
Nayeem Shah a Nepali along with his Indian associates, Harpal Singh and Amitpal Singh arrested in Khatmandu with a haul of Rs 3.5 Lakhs of counterfeit Indian Currency.
Yakheer Singh, a Sikh Terrorist arrested with 20kgs of RDX
Documents also revealed linkage between the arrested and the Intelligence officials, including Tariq Hussain, in Pakistan Embassy
Interrogation confirmed linkage between terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir and Khatmandu.
Interrogation revealed that Bhag Singh had been providing shelter to Jagtar Singh Panjola, who had replaced Bhupinder Singh Bhinda
Involvement of late Mirza Dilshad Beg in the counterfeit currency racket also confirmed
Yakeer Singh confessed that the Pakistani Embassy's First Secretary, Mohammed Arshad Cheema had handed the bag full of RDX to him.
Lakhbir Singh of Khalistan Commando Force arrested in Khatmandu. 15 Kilograms of RDX recovered from him
Confirmation of Khatmandu based terrorists established.
May 1999
Javed Ahmed Mushi alias Nasir Ahmed Bhat alias Buil Papa of TUM arrested in Khatmandu. 5 Kilograms of RDX recovered from his Nepali associates in Khatmandu
June 1999
Azizuddin Shiekh alias Sattar arrested near the Indo-Nepal Border
A plot to smuggle AK-47 Rifles into India uncovered. Involvement of Siraj-ul-Ulum Madrassa in Kapilvastu established.
June 1999
Lokesh Kumar, an Indian national detained at the Tribhuvan International Airport and Rs 62 Lakhs in counterfeit currency recovered.
Pakistani nationals, Shahnawaz, alias Khalid Aslam, Maksuda Lala and Shahbir Ali Shah were also involved. It has been now established that the counterfeit currency is coming to Nepal from Pakistan and is being spread around from the Pakistani Embassy.[see(e1) below]
November 1999
Mohammed Qasim Lajpuria alias Mechanic Chacha arrested near the Indo-Nepal Border
A Suspect of the Bombay Blasts.
December 1999
Hijacking of IA-814 by the terrorists belonging to Harkat-ul- Mujahideen
January 2000
Aslam Shah Saboor, an Upper Division Clerk in the Pakistani Embassy arrested for trying to circulate counterfeit Indian currency.
* Fayaz Ahmed Shah was arrested once again in Ghaziabad and again on charges of espionage. The moot point is why are Indian Intelligence agencies so lax?
Nepal being land locked is dependent on India for transit facilities, as bulk, in fact almost all her imports, or for that matter exports outside India, pass through Calcutta. Though of late some routes Northward have been opened, the trade is mainly with, and through India .
India has gone out of her way to help Nepalese economy. Exports from Nepal are duty free and have free access to the Indian Markets. All movement from Nepal to India and in reverse direction is free and without the requirement of passports or visas . As a result, India today, particularly the East, is flooded by Nepalese labour, looking for livelihood, to the extent that there is a major ethnic crisis building up in Bhutan where the Nepalese, transiting through India are settling down in big numbers . Siliguri, Binaguri, Hashimara three major army centres in the Siliguri Corridor are flush with Nepalese labour.
A fair number of Indian business establishments have also set up shop in Nepal and are helping the economy of that country. The latest is that, two Indian concerns, taking advantage of the laws have set up texturising units in Nepal to process polyester yarn . The clause is that if an exporter in Nepal gets 60% or more of his raw material from India and thereafter exports his product to India, his export does not attract any export or import duty. Nepal benefits on two accounts, viz ., firstly, Nepalese get employed; and secondly, a portion of raw material is from Nepal and is being exported as a finished product. The Gurkha soldiers also repatriate a sizeable amount back to Nepal.
It has been seen that while Nepal makes a sizeable gain by her association with India, yet she is not averse to using her China card to ensure better returns. This is not withstanding the close relationship India and Nepal have, and have been having since before 1857, when soon after the Indo-Nepalese Wars, Nepal agreed to the recruitment of Gurkhas, into the Indian Army . On the other hand, Nepal has permitted China to help build the North South Highway which links Nepal with Tibet and goes right down to Indo-Nepal Border. The ominous symbolism is obvious.
There is no doubt that Nepal is afflicted by the 'Big Brother Syndrome and resents, what she considers as the patronising attitude and behaviour of the Indian Government. While no matter which party is in power, while in power, would find it expedient to have amicable and good relations with India, the party out of power, no matter which one, would go out of its way to castigate the party in power for selling Nepalese Interests to India .
It is this attitude and the under current of dissatisfaction with India that the Inter Services Intelligence Directorate of Pakistan has capitalised on. She has been able to tap the petro dollars of the Wahabi Kingdom of Saudi Arabia . With the help of these dollars she has been funding the spread of Fundamentalist Islam in Nepal and India by spreading and setting up madrassas. It is this money and geo-political incentives that has led to a marked increase of the Muslim population in the past few months . (It would be more appropriate to say the past couple of years. )
In fact according to the Rashtriya Sahara ibid, quoting statistics, states that from just a seven lakh Muslim Population in 1971, it stands at 55 Lakhs in 1998 .
In fact, the figure places the Muslim population at 25% of the total population. While the cause of this inordinate increase is the Muslim proclivity to ignore the norms of family planning . (In fact the fundamentalists ordain that large families is the accepted religious norm .) There has been a large scale conversion, as well as settlement of a large number of Bangladeshis and Biharis from Bangladesh concentration camps in the region .
The obvious cause which most demographers appear to be ignoring is the passage of migration created between Bangladesh and Nepal and there onto Western parts of India. The norm is simple, enter Nepal and since no passport or visa is required between India and Nepal, the émigrés enter as Indian citizens . Thereafter they take Nepalese Citizenship which according to reports is available after two weeks stay and Rs 10000/-. Thereafter they re-enter India as Nepalese Citizens and are free to go where ever they so desire . These individuals are then recruited by the Inter Services Intelligence Directorate and sent to the Islamabad based Dawa Academy for further fundamentalist training as well as training in espionage. They are then re-inducted back into India through Nepal .
There is also no doubt that by and large Pakistan and Nepal have very good relations. Next to India, Pakistan has the largest Embassy in Nepal. In addition Pakistan's Habib Bank (The same bank responsible for collecting and banking all the funds received for insurgency) has close relationship with Nepal's Himalayan Bank and a joint bank called the Habib Himalayan Bank is now in operations in Khatmandu . This bank has branches all along the Uttar Pradesh and Bihar Borders with Nepal . It is this bank which is financing the Inter Services Intelligence operations in this region.
However, even more important is the fact that the Inter Services Intelligence Directorate is, insidiously subverting the Nepalese society.
The above would give a fair linkage of Nepal with the insurgency and terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir as well as the rest of India. What has, however, not attracted the attention of either the media, the Intelligence agencies and the people at large is the direct linkage of the Khalistani Movement and Nepal. It was during the heyday of the Khalistani movement that the Khalistan Liberation Force, the Babbar Khalsa International and the Khalistani Commando Force had at the behest of the Inter Services Intelligence Directorate set up bases in Khatmandu, Nepalganj, Birganj, Mahendranagar and even Phokra. In fact the second layer of Khalistan Zindabad Force under Ranjit Singh Neeta was actually conceived and developed in Nepal. The main nerve centre being the Kopentol Gurduwara in Khatmandu. The militant Sikh network includes the transporters, a number of them originating from Poonch in Jammu and Kashmir. And called the Poonchiya Sikhs. There are also a number of hoteliers including Joga Singh the owner of Muyalu Hotel in Khatmandu.
It was Joga Singh who was instrumental in accommodating Sarfraz the Kashmiri Terrorist in his Mayalu Hotel where Sarfraz was occupying five luxurious rooms on the top floor, paying Rs 30000.00 a day. Joga Singh had acquired the Mayalu Hotel in the 80's and was known to have provided shelter to a number of Khalistani terrorists. Currently he is reputed to have gone into the clandestine business of providing travel documents for anti-Indian terrorists, operating from Nepal, apart from arranging lavish cocktail parties for Pakistani diplomats.
Sarfraz had been tasked by the Inter Services Intelligence Directorate to arrange for weapons which were in any case being supplied by the Inter Services Intelligence Directorate. These weapons were in turn being supplied to selected Nepalese Muslim groups. In addition to the Muslim groups weapons were also being supplied to Maoist groups in the Terai region, apart from those operating in the Rolpa, Dolpo, Gorkha and Syangze regions. The aim, it appears, is to eventually target Nepal, in its drive for the domination of the complete sub-continent as a part of its over all drive as the Pointsman for Global Fundamentalist Islam.
Amongst the close contacts of Sarfraz were Hilal Beg known to be the perpetrator of the Lajpat Nagar explosions in Delhi; Shakil Ahmed Bhatt, Shafaq Ahmed and Tariq Bhatt. He had also established close contacts with Nepalese Muslim collaborators, viz., Ramzan Tibetti (whose name itself denotes his Tibetan origin), Nizar-ud-din, Washi Ahmed, Shiekh Miraz and Tariq Ali to help him in his plans.
Tariq, with his matrimonial links with Tulsi Giri, whose daughter he has married, developed an exceptional influence in Nepal and as such was of stupendous help to the Pakistani designs of furthering the programmes of the Inter Services Intelligence Directorate. So effective has this contact been that when Sarfraz was arrested with all the incriminating evidence, such noted Nepalese parliamentarians like Dilshad Mirza Beg, Jamin Shah, Mehboob Shah, and Dr Mohammed Mohsin, of the National Democratic Party put heavy pressure on the Nepalese Government to release Sarfraz. With 20 seats held by this Muslim dominated party and supporting the other wise minority government, they held all the aces. It was this factor that has made the Nepalese insensitive to Indian interests.
That Pakistan had been successful in establishing contacts with the highest in Nepal was driven home once again when Aslam Saboor who had been arrested by the Nepalese Police for trying to circulate counterfeit currency.
It had been alleged that the next day the Pakistani Ambassador himself met Sujata Koirala, the daughter of the Nepalese Prime Minister at a Chinese restaurant in the posh Khatmandu Plaza and asked for her intervention. One may conjecture the hold that the Pakistani Ambassador had on her, but the fact is that Saboor was merely expelled from the embassy without any interrogation or arrest .
There is also a flourishing business of travel agents specialising in changed photo passports, as well as hawala dealers, which facilitates both infiltration as well as exfiltration from Nepal into India. This route was used by Dharmendra Singh Parmar, the Chief of Babbar Khalsa International (Parmar Group), to enter Punjab, where he was killed in 1992. In 1993 Paramjit Singh Panjwar the Chief of Khalistan Commando Force and Dr Sohan Singh the head of the Panthic Committee also used the same route to enter into Punjab. The same route was used by Ranjit Singh Neeta to escape from the prison in Maharashtra. In fact so frequent has the use of this route been made that at least two dozen of the Khalistani terrorists who have been arrested in Punjab entered into India from Pakistan through Nepal. That the Khalistanis still continue to use Nepal was driven home with the arrest of Lakhbir Singh of the Khalistan Zindabad Force in 1998, with a large consignment of RDX, supplied by the Inter Services Intelligence Operatives in Nepal.
Even more significant has been the attempt to revive the K2 Movement by renaming it K2M--- Khalistan, Kashmir and Muslim Fundamentalism. Two representatives of this new organisation, Lal Singh of the Khalistan Commando Force and Mohammed Iqbal of Markaz Dawa-wal-Irshad were despatched to India via Nepal. With the propensity of these terrorists to hijack Indian Air Lines aircraft it is quite likely that India will see more of such activity.
That the Inter Services Intelligence Directorate has been using Nepal in a big way for furthering her activities was first broken, in India, by the news report of the assassination of Mirza Dilshad Beg, an erstwhile member of the Nepalese Parliament (House of Representatives) highlighting his association with Dawood Ibrahim and his gang and by association with the Inter Services Intelligence Directorate. Taking up the cue, the India Today, in its issue brought out further details of the association .
Some of the salient facts brought out by the report gave the following details: -
It highlighted that according to the Nepalese Government; the Karnali Hotel in Khatmandu was the base of the Inter Services Intelligence operations in Nepal. It all started in March 1992, when a Pakistani film producer, Shaukat Ali persuaded Meena Raj Bhandari the owner to lease the hotel to Raja Irfanullah and Zaida Awan, posing as a Pakistani couple. They brought with them Asad Bajwa as the chef, who in fact was acting more as the boss. The regulars to the hotel included Gul Rehman the political secretary in the Pakistan Embassy in Khatmandu, and Imtiaz the Third Secretary, apart from other suspected Inter Services Intelligence operatives. Amongst numerous friends of Shaukat Ali was Mirza Dilshad Beg, who was purported to have arranged for a Nepali passport for Babloo Srivastava, a notorious criminal with close association with Dawood Ibrahim. Association with the principal accused of the 'Bombay Blast case was also highlighted.
In fact, the news of the assassination of Mirza Dilshad Beg by the Babloo Srivastava and Chota Rajan Gang was received with big relief by the Indian authorities. Mirza Dilshad Beg, who came from Deoria next to Gorakhpur, started his career with car thefts, assault, kidnapping and of course murder in crime. Dilshad Beg graduated into big league crime after he met Dawood Ibrahim, another aspirant to big league. Both eventually fell to the allurements of the Inter Services Intelligence Directorate. Mirza Beg was also associated with Chota Shakeel, as well with the brothers Amar and Ashwin Naik and the members of the Pathan Syndicate. However, he came into big time prominence only when he came into contact with Pakistan's Inter Services Intelligence Directorate's operatives in India.
The porous Indo-Nepalese Border, via Raxaul in Bihar helped him in and out of Nepal and into Uttar Pradesh. So notorious had his activities become that even the Uttar Pradesh Police, not a very effective or a diligent police force, in the best of times, placed a reward on his head. This made it safer for him to be located in Nepal, where he joined the Sadbhavana Party. Here, playing the communal card, in the elections, Mirza was elected to the Nepalese Parliament in 1991. He then resigned from the Sadbhavana Party and joined the Rashtriya Prajatantra Party and won the elections from the Kapilvastu Constituency (in the South-west Khatmandu) twice, consecutively. However, with passing of time Mirza's Inter Services Intelligence links started coming in his way. Gangsters on the run and Inter Services Intelligence operatives using the Nepal route, found a permanent shelter in his Krishna Nagar Mansion. He came onto the American Radar screen when he started getting involved with drug runners. His other activities included the following:-
He also began providing place for the abducted to be holed up, while their ransom or final disposal was being worked out by the Inter Services Intelligence Directorate.
He was also into gun running and forging of documents. It was he who was providing documents for the recruits for Inter Services Intelligence to move them to Bangladesh.
He even took on a murder contract against Kalyan Singh the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh.
Mirza Dilshad Beg's biggest contribution to the Indo- Pak troubles has been the changing of the demographic pattern of the population along the Indo- Nepalese Border He had been successful in bringing in the Bihari Muslim from the Bangladesh refugee camps, along with the Bangladeshi Muslim to settle down astride the Border to provide shelter and assistance for any trans-border movement being carried out at the behest of the Inter Services Intelligence Directorate. It is not that the Indian authorities are not aware of the potential of this area for creating trouble for India. According to one report, Inter Services Intelligence Directorate has been using the Terai region of Nepal and India for subversive activities and for fomenting communal tension in parts of India as far away as Kerala, Maharashtra, Gujrat, Hyderabad (Andhra Pradesh), Tamil Nadu and of course Uttar Pradesh.
Inter Services Intelligence Directorate has also been using the Nepalese soil for providing support Tehrik-ul-Mujhadeen, Al Umar, and Jammu and Kashmir Islamic Front, with safe haven and support for their operations outside Jammu and Kashmir. In fact, the Indian security forces were able to arrest quite a few Kashmiri terrorists with RDX explosives, while crossing the Nepalese Border.
The relevance of Nepal to the Inter Services Intelligence Directorate's operations should be obvious to any one with the slightest perceptions of geo-political implications and nuances. Nepal borders Uttar Pradesh and Bihar, which have a sizeable Muslim population. In Uttar Pradesh it was 17,657,735 in the 1981 census and had gone upto 24,109,684 in the 1991 census an increase of 36.54% .
Uttar Pradesh also has Aligarh which is the epicentre of the Students' Islamic Movement of India one of the most virulent anti Indian Muslim organisations, in the country. Districts of Baraich, Basti, Deoria, Gorakhpur, Lakhimpur and Shahjehanpur all having sizeable Muslim population are bordering Nepal. The Inter Services Intelligence Directorate has also established a base in Nepal for induction of terrorists into India. According to Prasanan , the base was established by one Basharat.
The route out into India was and possibly still is, Bhairwan-Nautanwa into Gorakhpur. Sources have also indicated that the Nepalese soil is being used for ex-filtration of youth from Punjab, Kashmir, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar into Bangladesh for training in subversive activities in India. The same reports mentions close contacts by the Inter Services Intelligence Directorate with Ikhain-al-Muslameen and Madarassa Darul-al-Aloon, two fundamental outfits in Bangladesh.
From Gorakhpur the operatives of the Inter Services Intelligence Directorate, using the mosques and madrassas, through Rampur, Moradabad, Amroha and Bijnor fan out into, first Uttar Pradesh and then through out India. (according to R N Singh the Deputy Inspector General of Police of Moradabad range, 11 mosques and 6 madrassas have been identified for this use in the above areas.) The involvement of the Inter Services Intelligence Directorate is made more obvious by the use of foreign currency used by these individuals for payment for their stay. Of late it is counterfeit Indian currency. It must, however, be realised that the Indo-Nepalese Border is a porous one and may be crossed at any place. These individuals were and are on a recruitment drive. They were also responsible for arranging passports for their movement first into Nepal, where training is given to them, to carry out terrorist and sabotage activities in India. Selected individuals are sent onto Pakistan for advanced training for creation of additional cells and further recruitment. According to the same report the self styled Chief of the Northern zone of Lashkar-e-Taiyaba was arrested from Umrikalan in Amroha?
Several fundamentalist organisations within India are known to be in close league with Inter Services Intelligence Directorate .
Some of them are:-
Jamait Ahle Hadis;
Students Islamic Movement of India;
Darul Hida.
In addition, Muslim theological institutions are also being targeted by the Inter Services Intelligence Directorate. While the complete list of these organisations has been given in this author's book The Serpent Strikes', the ones specially mentioned in the above report include the following: -
Darul Uloon Deoband.
Ahle Hida
Darul Uloon, Nadiatul.
Tabligh Jamaat.
Indian Muslim League.
Majlis-e-Ittehadul Musalameen.
Musalameen Peoples Democratic Party.
Nepal's border with Bihar is just as porous. There have been reports that the Inter Services Intelligence operatives have been active in Bihar. Using the porosity of these borders and the fact that there is a fairly large Muslim population in the districts of Champaran, Muzzaffarabad, Dharbhanga, Saharsa and Purnea, all along the Bihar-Nepal Border makes it only easy for the operations of Inter Services Intelligence Directorate. The fact that Purnea borders the districts of Malda, and Murshidabad which are Muslim majority districts of West Bengal who in turn border Bangladesh makes that easier for the Inter Services operatives to transit from Nepal to Bangladesh.
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