The Madhesi issue is the number one issue in Nepal. It is bigger than the Dalit, Janajati and Mahila issues put together. It is bigger than the poverty issue.
Madhesis of the world, unite.
There is a need for a revolution within a revolution. Democracy will not be enough. So a movement to establish democracy is not enough. There is need for more.
This is a Pahadi Raja. That is why he needs to be shown the door. A Madhesi could be president.
The royal army is a Pahadi army, it needs to be dismantled. The Maobadi army is a Pahadi army, it needs to be dismantled. Nepal is a poor country, it does not need an army. One supreme goal of this revolution is to create a Nepal that does not have an army.
Baburam Bhattarai might be a revolutionary, but he is a Pahadi revolutionary. Look at his most recent writing: Baburam Bhattarai: Lokatantric Ganatantra Ko Prasab Bedana. The word Madhesi is missing.
Gagan Thapa might be a republican, but he is a Pahadi republican.
Have you seen the online photos of the revolution by the Pahadi journalists? Madhesis are missing. Madhesis have taken the lead, but they are missing.
When politicians started getting arrested before January 20, I was happy to note the Sadbhavana leaders had been spared. Only later I learned through a private email that it was not true the Sadbhavana leaders had not been arrested. They just did not make the news. The Pahadi patrakars had decided they were only going to report on the Pahadi arrests.
The nobody Pahadis in the American diaspora reek of intense prejudice.
If there are five central figures in this revolution worldwide, I am one of them. Madhav Nepal acknowledges that, and he is the person who is going to be the first president of Nepal. He might say I am one, and he is another. But I am being generous, I am saying five.
I routinely interact with Pahadi activist amateurs who are part timers, who probably can't spell the word politics correctly. But I have written a whole full-fledged constitution for the country. I am second to none in this revolution in the message department, be it in Nepal or India or Europe, America, Australia, Hong Kong, Arabia.
There was a rally on September 16. I was politely passed over. There was a rally a few days back and I was politely passed over. That does not inhibit my political productivity. My blog reaches a global audience like magic. I don't need no rally, I got my own mega microphone, bigger than anyone else's.
But the thing about the rally on Friday is at that point in time I also was doing well in the organization department. I am the founding president of Hamro Nepal which has been hailed in the blogosphere as the "world's first dital democracy organization." But Pahadi media has still to pick it up.
In the diaspora I am the father of the idea that moral support and lobbying is not enough, we need to extend logistical support. The nobody Pahadis of the Nepal Democracy Google group kicked me out when I was busy shaping the medical emergency details back in November. I saw Gongabu in November.
Money, message, organization.
But I have not been mentioned once in the Kathmandu media. I get mentioned vociferously in private circles. But god forbid these Pahadis go official with their fascination with the Paramendra Bhagat name. Every accomplished Pahadi I ever met really struggles with the idea of Madhesi leadership. BBC World Service wants to talk to me, BBC Nepali Service pretends I don't exist.
Well, folks, I want the king out because I want to see some Madhesi president within an election cycle. In the mean time let Madhav Nepal warm the seat.
Pahadi kranti is not going to cut it. Madhesis need to wake up now. There is a need for a Madhesi kranti. There is a need for a revolution within a revolution.
The token Madhesis, and the internalized prejudice Madhesis, and the slave mentality Madhesis are like the Mandale Pahadis. They are no good for the Madhesi cause any more than Mandales are good for democracy. Shun them.
My personal life does not depend on any Pahadi. My career neither. As for Hamro Nepal, I get reminded of the Subhash Chandra Bose line, tum mujhe khoon do, main tumhe ajadi doonga. The Pahadi nobodies in America need me to attain political dignity. When you go grocery shopping, you don't do the grocery store a favor.
क्रान्ितलाई नबुझ्नु, बुझ पचाउनु
ये तो क्रान्ित है
यो सडक ितम्र्ो हो
हृदयेश त्रिपाठी: मधेसी समस्या र राज्यको पुनर्संरचना
संघीय गणतन्त्र
कांग्रेसले रोज्नुपर्ने बाटो
अहिंसाका प्रश्न
डा बाबुराम भट्टराईलाई शान्तिको सन्देश
डा बाबुराम भट्टराई: आन्दोलनको उत्कर्ष र त्रस्त सत्ता
मधेशी अधिकारको कुरामा पहाडीहरुको सहभागीता
प्रवासी नेपाली: "नैतिक समर्थन कायम राख्दै भौतिक समर्थन थप्ने।"
भूपि शेरचन, गोपालप्रसाद रिमाल, प्रवर जिसी
मधेशी पहचान
देशव्यापी पम्फलेटिङ
प्रहार गरिहालौं
अइ आन्दोलनमें मधेशी अधिकारके बात
लोकतान्त्रिक गणतन्त्र नै किन?
चुनाव बहिष्कार बाहेक विकल्प छैन: सात दल
Hamro Nepal, Latest
UN Rally
First ANTA NYC Event, Times Square Marriott
Nepali Congress Or Praja Parishad
Malaria, Polio, Monarchy
Hamro Nepal: Draft Constitution
Interim Constitution, Revolutionary Parliament
Constituent Assembly: 300 Seats Of Roughly Equal Population
Crime, Organized Crime, Terrorism, State Terrorism
BBC Calls
April Revolution: Document Every Atrocity
The Fascists In Kathmandu
Kamal Thapa Is A Nazi
Hamro Nepal All Set To Be Launched
Kamal Thapa Going Jail, Kamal Thapa Chukkie Pissing
Dinesh Tripathi, Your Worst Nightmare
Needed: Dynamic Agreement, Concrete Eight Party Alliance
Surya Subedi, Not A Democrat
Undeclared Ceasefire, Decisive Movement
The King's Clowns And The Baathists Of Iraq
Dinesh Tripathi Raising Dust
Up The Ante: Smart Sanctions
Congress Not Yet For A Republic
Govind Shah: Social Inclusion Of Madheshi Community In Nation Building
The Demosphere Manifesto
Organization: Hamro Nepal
Money, Message, Organization
"Robin Hood Im Internet"
Conspiring Against Democracy Is Treason And Can Be Legally Punished
One King Is Six Blind Men
RNA To Deliver Mail
Not Journalism But Politics At The Speed Of Thought
Subedi Surya, Not Surya Subedi
Hridayesh Tripathi Arrested
Republic Of Nepal Flag
Curfews Will Not Save The Crown
Tea, Coffee Or Soda?
Dinesh Tripathi, "Arthur Kinoy Of Nepal"
Janakpur Rally, Biggest In Nepal Since 1990
Nepal Needs To Be Hitting The World Headlines: Write To The Media
PCP: Pahadi Chauvinist Pig
Forget Constituent Assembly, Head Straight For A Republic
Proposed Republican Constitution
Time For Madhesi Militancy Is Now
Madhesi Hum Lenge Sau Mein Pachas
Madhesi Rights: Abhi Nahin To Kabhi Nahin
Tibetans And Madhesis
In The News
Outlook (subscription), India -
Hundreds of activists belonging to the Madhesi community today staged demonstrations in Nayabaneshwor to extend solidarity to the seven-party pro-democracy ...
Police arrest 15 leaders from protest rally Nepalnews.com, Nepal - Police arrested 15 leaders of seven agitating political parties from a protest rally organized by Madhesi community to support the general strike of seven ... |
Nepal King tightens anti-terror law India Monitor, UK - ... Meanwhile, the police arrested over 50 activists belonging to the Madhesi community, including Nepal Sadbhavana Party (A) general secretary Rajendra Mahato ... |
Dozens of political activists detained from demonstrations Kantipur Online, Nepal - Activists from the Madhesi community were arrested from a protest organized to mark its solidarity with the upcoming nationwide general strike called by the ... |
Nepal Govt bans mass meetings; 50 activists arrested Outlook (subscription), India - ... Police arrested over 50 activists belonging to the Madhesi community, including Nepal Sadbhavana Party (A) general secretary Rajendra Mahato, NSP Vice ... |
Alliance Call: Take to Streets on April 8 Himalayan Times, Nepal - ... aims to restructure the state and establish inclusive and total democracy to accommodate women, indigenous and nationalities communities, Madhesi community and ... |
Gorkhapatra | Nepal's steps for free press significant: Mission member Gorkhapatra, Nepal - ... of Nepalese Journalists (FNJ), but it includes several groups like Sancharika Samuha, Jagaran Media and media group related to Madhesi community," he said. ... |
HEARING ANYONE FOR PEACE IN NEPAL? PeaceJournalism.com, Nepal - ... At the same time, a few affiliates of the Maoists––the Tamuwan National Liberation Front, Magarat National Liberation Front and Madhesi National Liberation ... |
OhmyNews International, South Korea -
... Similarly, 8.7 percent Chhetri, 14.7 percent Indigenous groups, 9.8 Newar, 1.8 percent Madhesi & Dalit, and 0.4 percent from the Muslim community are ...
On The Web
The Madhesis Of Nepal
madhesi : Madhesi
Democracy For Nepal (DFN): Madhesi
Democracy For Nepal (DFN): Time For Madhesi Militancy Is Now
madhesi news views and terai community of nepal
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I think this is not right time to raise this isuue...first we have to create democratic environment in the country so that we can fight for our right.
I disgree.
(1) If we can not bargain for equality for Madhesis now when they are powerless, what chances will we have when they get into power?
(2) This issue will further energize the Madhesis for the ongoing revolution. And the revolution will help the Madhesi cause.
If you don't talk about equality during a revolution, when is a better time?
How come you sound so bitter? I do agree with you that the Madhesis are a minority community in Nepal. But now you want to make them the "minority rulers." However, you also have to acknowledge that the prejudice agianst the madhesis stems from Indians treating pahadia Nepalis always as Bahadurs and Chowkidars... I know madhesis are not Indians, but they do pass for one and whenever they get a chance, they exploit this as an advantage. However, I am not implying that the bigotry is justified and they should be silenced. You might have experinced those moments yourself. There is a double standard in the Madhesi politics. Also you are quite wrong about making madhesi issue the biggest of all. For an intelligent man like you who sees racism and casteism as problems, you use racist and stereotypical terms yourself. Do you think it will help your cause? I do think that your work should be acknoweldged by the Nepali community, but your flip-flop politics does not let anyone take you very seriously. The real problem lies right there!
Well, Mr Bhagat
What an irony!
You talk about the rights of the Madhesis while at the same time your words themselves smell of racism and communalism. Sounds like you want to be the savior of the Madhesis (I fear they are not on the same line as Hitler's claims about the Aryans)? Your issues might be, and most probably are, logical but the way you have expressed them certainly casts a different, undesired expresssion on the readers. Hope to read more stuffs with broadened thoughts from u in future.
I think this is a very apt time for such issues, not only pahadi-madhesh, which is important for Paramendra, but whoever deems whatever is important, slap them on the table right now. More the problems , more people are conscious how full of trash our streets are (no pun), and how much inertia is needed to garner a successful revolution. Considering, when the revolution is done with, we have the knack of leading a public life with such desensitized mindset, we walk upon the literal miles of trash-reeking roadways, we forget how heinously the stench reeks.
"this is not right time to raise this isuue..."
If you do not sound the beaugle of equality during a revolution, when will you?
"How come you sound so bitter?"
I sound scientific. I am talking policy. I am talking social structure.
"Madhesis are a minority community in Nepal"
Bahuns and Chhetris and Newars are minority. Madhesis are 40% of Nepal. That is no minority.
"....prejudice agianst the madhesis stems from Indians treating pahadia Nepalis always as Bahadurs and Chowkidars..."
Madhesis are Nepalis. Madhesis are not Indians. If you have a grudge with Indians, take the issue up with Indians.
" you are quite wrong about making madhesi issue the biggest of all"
Ask the Dalits, Janajatis and women among Madhesis.
"I do think that your work should be acknoweldged by the Nepali community, but your flip-flop politics does not let anyone take you very seriously. The real problem lies right there!"
See if you can engage in policy talk. Personal attacks are not taking you anywhere. Can't fudge this issue. This is too big an issue.
"Your issues might be, and most probably are, logical but the way you have expressed them certainly casts a different, undesired expresssion on the readers."
Okay to talk about Madhesi rights, just don't make me feel uncomfortable. I feel extremely uncomfortable when someone talks about Madhesis rights, because the most fundamental threads of my worldview get challenged in the process and I don't like it.
"I think this is a very apt time for such issues, not only pahadi-madhesh, which is important for Paramendra, but whoever deems whatever is important, slap them on the table right now."
This is in tune with the spirit of the ongoing revolution.
yes it the right time to talk about rights of all the sidelined groups of the country...but the language u use casts a deep shadow on whether you are asking for equality or the hatred of other groups...u are using stereotypes and little reasoning..so is gagan thapa no good just because he is a pahadi? thats racism, hatred and nothing more....yes it is the time that voice of the madhesis be heard, and the new constitution, if and when it is drafted, should ensure that the issues of groups that have been sidelined needs to be addresed by the new constitution.. i agree, and if u could make all the people aware about it, madhesi and others alike, thats a great work...but spreading antagonism against other people, you are instilling people with hatred that is bound to put our country in further turmoil
I always respected for your active politcal debate in Nepal. But this time i think you are not right.
First of all let me tell you that people in Nepal are divided and divided many number of times that people in power never need to worry that these divided people would ever unite to throw them from the power. Just go back and look your community you will see that everywhere.
They first divided them as pahade, and himali and madheshi.. so everytime when madheshi raises their voice they will just see pahade doing it (not being very specific to these blood suckers)
And when it comes to among the pahade people see bahuns and chhetri doing it... all others feel neglected.. when it comes to the bahun.. it is some special bahuns do it... i always thought i was a bahun by caste at least (even though i hardly follow those bahun rules).. once i over heard someone say-- he is the western tallo khalko bahun... then i went home and tried finding what does that mean... i figured out that people are really making even more distinction.. someone told me.. you are the outcasted group in your surname group.. than i realised how much class they have imposed upon you and me so that we will never rise to the power or anything near to it...
then i started become glad when people of my western tallo khalko bahun elected or got into power.. got scholarship or be famous in some field... but now i think if i start favoring people just by caste rather than the one who is open minded to accomodate all the people than i will leave the country far behind in the quest of selfish desire. so i would like to ask you to join the revolution to throw this system which divides you and me. me and my friends.
Let us hope one day we all can sit together and say we are Nepali rather than madheshi (i don't know what kind and sub kind and class and sub class you put yourself into) and western(I mean the bahun with no right to read vedas.. to khasya bahun... to something else).
Hope you will join this freedom struggle as people in france did several century ahead of us.
alright man, seriously, i think you need a psychiatrist. seriously dude. I have been watching you since school, sometimes with admiration, sometimes with amusement, sometimes with compassion and sympathy, and all the while this definite premonition was always there that your ego would ruin everything for you. The thing is you have been faced with that multiple times yet you refuse to acknowledge it. Seriously I think its time to get a psychiatrist. I'm not ridiculing you. Contrarywise, I think it will help a lot, both for you personally, and for the country which could well make use of someone like you, should they be in their right mind.
Peace, and best of luck!!
I think you are going insane. There is seriously something wrong with you. You are more dangerous than any other entity concerning Nepal. WIth your fucking arse praked in US, dont try to instigate something nasty in this country which is already bleeding white. If you care enough for Madhesis, come over and do something for them. I am also a Nepali, and I have never felt that there is discrimination against me. Parmendra, drive a truck along the Madhes and you would know taht I am right. Being in US and talking big wont take you anywhere. Creep !
Damn right boy, I am a proud Pahadi chauvanist, and you make me even more! And Madhese making 40% of Nepali population does not mean squat if there is no identity WITHIN madhesis of belonging to the identity of being greater Nepali. Constantanly confused between their Indian heritage and Nepali geographic location, you my friend go way overboard in trying to present your damn case.
After reading your eloquent and persuasive peice of brilliance, I am convinced that you are the greatest Madhesi ever, if not the greatest Nepali ever. Heck, you are one of the great world leaders of our times. Its a vast right wing pahadi conspiracy that this most salient fact has not been universally acknowledged yet. Nepali media and world media are in cohots trying to deny you your rightful acknowledgement. Otherwise, howcome I had never heard of the great one like you before?
From now on I solemnly pledge to dedicate my life in your glorification. Please accept this pledge of one humble pahadi. May you find it in your magnanimous heart to forgive my misguided, venal and corrupt fellow pahadis.
Are you pissed off because Madhesis are not getting enough attention or because YOU are not getting enough attention ?
I have some things to ask here.
1) Please define Madhesis.
2) Please tell me what you are trying to pull with these blogs here. I hope you realize that most of Madhesis are not even reading this.
3) Please tell me what you are doing in US if you want a Madhesi revolution
4) Please tell me instead of supporting a racially undivided nation why you are interested in discriminating.
5) Please tell me why are you so biased against the Pahadis. I don't like your idea of calling "Aire Gaire Natthu Khaire Pahadis"
6) Please tell me why are you so ungrateful to Berea.
7) And tell me, would you have been in the position right now if you had not been to BNKS and Berea?
8) Do something for Madhesis.. Try to bring awareness.. not by blogs and by slandering pahadis or any other groups but by uniting.
Well Parmendra, Kudos to you. I believe you are one of the Chamchas of Gyanendra to raise this issue at this time of the revolution. You are nothing but one of the moves of gyandndra to divide the people and rule. This is not going to happen so easily. You name SPA as Pahadis, Maobadis are pahadis? Rediculous, you have been out of the stream for a long long time. you need to go to Nepal and see, dont just hide in US and post comments like a bigmouth. Okay even if people elect a madhise as a president of nepal you will still say that he must be teli, or bhojpuri, or shit like that. Eveyone knows that there are so many divisions amongst madhises so then would you raise issue of these casts? or something else. Why u dont go for the president yourself instead of raising this issue? You faggot
Give him a break, he cares about who he is what he stands for, what he writes makes sense, they are examples of why he thinks a certain grop of people are sidelined. It is nothing different than when the Newars or any other groups voice what they think needs to be heard.
If you believe that you are a minority and you want your voice heard, the mojority dont come up to subdue that voice, which in itself is racism, that is exactly what I see here and more proof of what Mr. Bhagat says is happening.
I was not aware of it, about the Medhesis no/mis-representation in the political community, now I am.
Good Job, Paramendra, keep up the good work.
In this point in time, if you have something to say say it, before you critisize others.
You must be enjoyin all the attention arent you? I mean, I see the purpose of this whole thing. You are one of those fine sons of bitches, who know how to start a fire in the forest and enjoy the warmth from it. Way to go, so much for your freakin policy level bullshit crap that you talk about. I also suspect that you can be a 'chamcha'of Gyaane. Trying to spread the hatred around.
buid bewakoof nahitan re. log madhesi ke lel jatte ka rahal hai, sab tu barbaad karbe.
jatte abhimaan karbe, otbe lok thu thu kartau.
ab baith ke chat. gadha
laado kha maachikney.
Tainley bhanna khojyaa kay?
bhanna khojya ke bhane pahadi haru le madhesi haru ko soshan garne din gayo. pahadi haru le madhesi haru lai B class citizen banaera rakhna khojne din gayo.
jan andolan pachi arko andolan hunecha. ra jun pahadi le madhesi ko equal rights mandaina, uni haru lai kathmandu bata bahira aayo ki juttai jutta le hirkaine cha.
tyatti bhanna khojya ho machikne
bhanna khojya ke bhane
poahadi haru le madhesi ko soshan garne din gayo
pahadi haru le madhesi la B class citizen banaera rakhna khojne din gayo.
jan andolan pachi kunai pahadi ke yesto garnya khojyo bhane juttai jutta le hirkaine cha.
tyatti bhanna khojya ho machikne
I am starting to believe that Paramendra is right, after all...what kind of language use is this? Sexist, racist and full of venom. I am for Madhise rights as long as they do not seek exceptionalism. And the morons who cannot say a word without cursing their mothers can go to hell wherever they are from-- pahad, valley or the Terai.
yes it is the time that voice of the madhesis be heard, and the new constitution, if and when it is drafted, should ensure that the issues of groups that have been sidelined needs to be addresed by the new constitution.. i agree, and if u could make all the people aware about it, madhesi and others alike, thats a great work...but spreading antagonism against other people, you are instilling people with hatred that is bound to put our country in further turmoil
Pro Madhesi is not anti Pahadi. I am pro Madhesi rights. The Pahadis have been the oppressor group. When talking about Madhesi rights, you do have to point that out, don't you think?
They first divided them as pahade, and himali and madheshi.. so everytime when madheshi raises their voice they will just see pahade doing it (not being very specific to these blood suckers)
And when it comes to among the pahade people see bahuns and chhetri doing it... all others feel neglected.. when it comes to the bahun.. it is some special bahuns do it
True. Nepali society is hierarchical, socially fragmented. But it is oppression that engenders division. Equality would forge unity. Equality would bring forth health relationships between the various groups.
There are hiearchical identities like caste that are plain wrong, and I think everybody should just go ahead and convert to Buddhism. And there are cultural identities that are healthy. Like Maithil.
Let us hope one day we all can sit together and say we are Nepali rather than madheshi
I want you to go one up and call yourself a Desi.
Hope you will join this freedom struggle as people in france did several century ahead of us.
France is a racist society where Arabs fare worse than blacks in America decades back.
alright man, seriously, i think you need a psychiatrist. seriously dude
I am no MLK, but he got the same suggestion routinely.
When a social doctor like me points out social diseases, people who are the disease think there is no disease in society, the disease is in the doctor's mind who sees the disease.
I have heard similar sentiments expressed by racist whites in my case.
Being in US and talking big wont take you anywhere.
You must not have come across the two biggest contemporaty trends: globalization and the internet. Have you heard of Hamro Nepal?
Constantanly confused between their Indian heritage and Nepali geographic location, you my friend go way overboard in trying to present your damn case.
I am half Indian. FYI. So don't you badmouth India.
The term Nepali has never included Madhesis ever in history. Now is the time to redefine that term in a way that it finally does for the first time in history.
Are you pissed off because Madhesis are not getting enough attention or because YOU are not getting enough attention?
Madhesi issues and those who take the lead to bring up those issues get sidelines in the Pahadi media, the Pahadi mind, the Pahadi psyche.
Please tell me instead of supporting a racially undivided nation why you are interested in discriminating.
Oppression is discrimination. A call for equality is anything but.
....would you have been in the position right now if you had not been to BNKS and Berea?
Not that I am any big shot, but whatever I am it is inspite of not because of BNKS, Berea. BNKS is the institutional epitome of the anti-Madhesi prejudice in Nepal. Half my classmates should have been Madhesi if BNKS were a fair institution.
Institutions are not islands in a sea of prejudice. They are part and parcel of it. Sad fact but true.
But there is another fundamental flaw in your reasoning. You are not the institution and I am not the person.
Do something for Madhesis.
What do you think this is?
Eveyone knows that there are so many divisions amongst madhises so then would you raise issue of these casts? or something else. Why u dont go for the president yourself instead of raising this issue?
Each of us have many different identities. Madhesi, Nepali, Desi, Asian, blac, human, etc.
I was not aware of it, about the Medhesis no/mis-representation in the political community, now I am.
You must be enjoyin all the attention arent you?
If that is what you call attempts at shaping the public opinion, mobilization efforts.
buid bewakoof nahitan re. log madhesi ke lel jatte ka rahal hai, sab tu barbaad karbe.
Okay so you spoke a word of Maithili. What does make you, an internalized prejudice Madhesi, or a Pahadi who has spent some time in Madhes?
bhanna khojya ke bhane pahadi haru le madhesi haru ko soshan garne din gayo. pahadi haru le madhesi haru lai B class citizen banaera rakhna khojne din gayo.
I am starting to believe that Paramendra is right, after all...what kind of language use is this? Sexist, racist and full of venom.
Given the current socio-political scenario, I disagree this is the time to fight over all issues. I agree freedom is important but that does not mean absolute equality.
If not now, when? If not during a revolution, when? If not during the build up to a constituent assembly, when?
You do not believe in total equality, I do. I suggest you raise your political consciousness and get rid of your slave mentality.
Barking from NY does not make sense specially when the community you are fighting for is largely uneducated.
A lot of Madhesis in the US and in Kathmandu and in Europe read this blog. But this blog is not the only thing I do. I am primarily a political activist. It is just that my activism embraces globalization and the internet.
******yes it is the time that voice of the madhesis be heard, and the new constitution, if and when it is drafted, should ensure that the issues of groups that have been sidelined needs to be addresed by the new constitution.. i agree, and if u could make all the people aware about it, madhesi and others alike, thats a great work...but spreading antagonism against other people, you are instilling people with hatred that is bound to put our country in further turmoil******
Pro Madhesi is not anti Pahadi. I am pro Madhesi rights. The Pahadis have been the oppressor group. When talking about Madhesi rights, you do have to point that out, don't you think?
******They first divided them as pahade, and himali and madheshi.. so everytime when madheshi raises their voice they will just see pahade doing it (not being very specific to these blood suckers)
And when it comes to among the pahade people see bahuns and chhetri doing it... all others feel neglected.. when it comes to the bahun.. it is some special bahuns do it******
True. Nepali society is hierarchical, socially fragmented. But it is oppression that engenders division. Equality would forge unity. Equality would bring forth health relationships between the various groups.
There are hiearchical identities like caste that are plain wrong, and I think everybody should just go ahead and convert to Buddhism. And there are cultural identities that are healthy. Like Maithil.
******Let us hope one day we all can sit together and say we are Nepali rather than madheshi******
I want you to go one up and call yourself a Desi.
******Hope you will join this freedom struggle as people in france did several century ahead of us.******
France is a racist society where Arabs fare worse than blacks in America decades back.
******alright man, seriously, i think you need a psychiatrist. seriously dude******
I am no MLK, but he got the same suggestion routinely.
When a social doctor like me points out social diseases, people who are the disease think there is no disease in society, the disease is in the doctor's mind who sees the disease.
I have heard similar sentiments expressed by racist whites in my case.
******Being in US and talking big wont take you anywhere.******
You must not have come across the two biggest contemporaty trends: globalization and the internet. Have you heard of Hamro Nepal?
******Constantanly confused between their Indian heritage and Nepali geographic location, you my friend go way overboard in trying to present your damn case.******
I am half Indian. FYI. So don't you badmouth India.
The term Nepali has never included Madhesis ever in history. Now is the time to redefine that term in a way that it finally does for the first time in history.
******Are you pissed off because Madhesis are not getting enough attention or because YOU are not getting enough attention?******
Madhesi issues and those who take the lead to bring up those issues get sidelines in the Pahadi media, the Pahadi mind, the Pahadi psyche.
******Please tell me instead of supporting a racially undivided nation why you are interested in discriminating.******
Oppression is discrimination. A call for equality is anything but.
******....would you have been in the position right now if you had not been to BNKS and Berea?******
Not that I am any big shot, but whatever I am it is inspite of not because of BNKS, Berea. BNKS is the institutional epitome of the anti-Madhesi prejudice in Nepal. Half my classmates should have been Madhesi if BNKS were a fair institution.
Institutions are not islands in a sea of prejudice. They are part and parcel of it. Sad fact but true.
But there is another fundamental flaw in your reasoning. You are not the institution and I am not the person.
******Do something for Madhesis.******
What do you think this is?
******Eveyone knows that there are so many divisions amongst madhises so then would you raise issue of these casts? or something else. Why u dont go for the president yourself instead of raising this issue?******
Each of us have many different identities. Madhesi, Nepali, Desi, Asian, blac, human, etc.
******I was not aware of it, about the Medhesis no/mis-representation in the political community, now I am.******
****** You must be enjoyin all the attention arent you?******
If that is what you call attempts at shaping the public opinion, mobilization efforts.
******buid bewakoof nahitan re. log madhesi ke lel jatte ka rahal hai, sab tu barbaad karbe.******
Okay so you spoke a word of Maithili. What does make you, an internalized prejudice Madhesi, or a Pahadi who has spent some time in Madhes?
******bhanna khojya ke bhane pahadi haru le madhesi haru ko soshan garne din gayo. pahadi haru le madhesi haru lai B class citizen banaera rakhna khojne din gayo.******
******I am starting to believe that Paramendra is right, after all...what kind of language use is this? Sexist, racist and full of venom.******
******Given the current socio-political scenario, I disagree this is the time to fight over all issues. I agree freedom is important but that does not mean absolute equality.******
If not now, when? If not during a revolution, when? If not during the build up to a constituent assembly, when?
You do not believe in total equality, I do. I suggest you raise your political consciousness and get rid of your slave mentality.
******Barking from NY does not make sense specially when the community you are fighting for is largely uneducated.******
A lot of Madhesis in the US and in Kathmandu and in Europe read this blog. But this blog is not the only thing I do. I am primarily a political activist. It is just that my activism embraces globalization and the internet.
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