Video of April 24 Royal AddressBeloved Countrymen,
Convinced that the source of State Authority and Sovereignty of the Kingdom of Nepal is inherent in the people of Nepal and cognizant of the spirit of the ongoing people's movement as well as to resolve the on-going violent conflict and other problems facing the country according to the road map of the agitating Seven Party Alliance, we, through this Proclamation, reinstate the House of Representatives which was dissolved on 22 May 2002 on the advice of the then Prime Minister in accordance with the Constitution of the Kingdom of Nepal-1990. We call upon the Seven Party Alliance to bear the responsibility of taking the nation on the path to national unity and prosperity, while ensuring permanent peace and safeguarding multiparty democracy. We also summon the session of the reinstated House of Representatives at the Sansad Bhawan, Singha Durbar at 1 P.M. on Friday, 28 April 2006.
We are confident that this House will contribute to the overall welfare of Nepal and the Nepalese people.
We extend our heartfelt condolences to all those who have lost their lives in the people's movement and wish the injured speedy recovery. We are confident that the nation will forge ahead towards sustainable peace, progress, full-fledged democracy and national unity.
May Lord Pashupatinath bless us all!
Jaya Nepal!
Project Nepal Democracy: Contribute Samudaya, Alliance, NAC.
Nepal Medical Association, A/C # 21228-11, Nepal Bank Limited, Dharmapath, Kathmandu
KMHMAHA-Loktantra HRF, Nepal Investment Bank, Pulchok, A/C 7752140, Swift code: NIBL NP KT
The king has reinstated the parliament. That reinstatement is the departure point of the seven party alliance roadmap. Step two is an all party government, step three is peace talks with the Maoists, and the final step is a constituent assembly.
I accept the leadership of the seven party alliance. They got what they wanted, and so I am happy.
Of course there are reservations. There are people who think this step has now got us stuck in the 1990 constitution. I don't think so. The House reinstatement has been a political decision on the part of the king. It has not been a legal or a constitutional decision. The next three steps of the roadmap are also going to be political decisions.
If there is any deviation from the roadmap, the people should still be ready to come out into the streets. But when that happens, would you rather have Kamal Thapa as Home Minister, or Bamdev Gautam? I would rather have Bamdev Gautam.
Some people say we should be cautious because the king has not given us a constituent assembly, he has merely revived the House. That is not how I read the speech. He has made a clear commitment to the roadmap of the seven party alliance.
House Revival Through Supreme Court Decision
The King Will Only Respond To Internal Pressure (April 22, 2005)
Brave People
The people who braved the streets all across Nepal have a reason to celebrate. This has been a historic revolution. In Ukraine in 2004, it happened only in the capital city, only in one part of the city. In Nepal it happened all across the country. The people shut down the country for 18 straight days. The Nepali people have given a new meaning to the word revolution.
Stick To The Roadmap
Vigilance has to be maintained. We have to secure a constituent assembly, otherwise these 18 days will have gone to waste.
Commend The King
I also commend the king. He has delivered a perfect speech. He has mentioned the movement, he has mentioned the martyrs, the injured. He has come around to the roadmap of the seven party alliance which he describes as "agitated." If I don't like this step, I should take my grievances to the seven party alliance.
You can not say the choice is between a ceremonial monarchy and a republic, and then blame the king for not giving you everything you wanted. A republic, for example.
The Ball Is In the Court Of The Seven Party Alliance
The ball is no longer in the king's court. It is for the SPA to stick to its roadmap. The faster we can get to a constituent assembly, the better.
Two Armies
The formation of the all party government should be smooth. Peace talks with the Maoists will prove challenging, I think. It will be easy because both sides have already agreed to the end result: a constituent assembly. It will be tough because the country has two armies.
I think the best thing to do would be to dismantle both armies, and then take the country to a constituent assembly.
Nepal is not about to go to war with India or China. Nepal is a poor country. We need to be producing teachers and health care workers and political activists, not soldiers. We need to be spending on education, health and micro credit, not on defense.
Constituent Assembly
I think it has to be 300 seats of roughly equal population. The assembly has to stick to the one person one vote principle as closely as possible.
Constituent Assembly: 300 Seats Of Roughly Equal Population
Committed To A Republic
As the president of Hamro Nepal, I am committed to the cause of a republic. Getting there through a constituent assembly is my first choice option. That is the non violence way. That is the democratic way. That is the ballot box way. That is the people power way. You work to win hearts and minds.
For me it is not about the person of the king, any personal dislike, any vendetta. For me it is about a republic being the best vehicle for a rapid socio-economic growth of the country. It is about principle. It is about thinking what is best for the country, what form of a political arrangement. A republic will best make possible a double digit growth.
Hamro Nepal, Latest
Hamro Nepal: Draft Constitution
Hamro Nepal All Set To Be Launched
Organization: Hamro Nepal
Your Many Identities
The Movement Is Very Much On
It is just that it is more fun when your folks are in power.
Now the Maoists should declare an indefinite ceasefire, and the SPA needs to reciprocate without delay. And the SPA will.
Now if the people feel the need to come out and protest, they don't have to fear bullets and batons. The SPA government will respect the right to peaceful assembly.
Madhesis And Constituent Assembly
The revolution has won, but the revolution within the revolution has not even been launched yet. A constituent assembly is the best possible framework the Madhesi community can hope for in which to fight for total equality. The word Nepali has never before included someone like me. That has to change.
My Most Controversial Blog Post To Date: On Madhesi Issue
Aire Gaire Natthu Khaire Pahadis
First ANTA NYC Event, Times Square Marriott
Time For Madhesi Militancy Is Now
Madhesi Hum Lenge Sau Mein Pachas
Madhesi Rights: Abhi Nahin To Kabhi Nahin
Tibetans And Madhesis
International Isolation Now Ends
The country got globally isolated on February 1, 2005. That phase is now over.
Now the country can go back to living fully. We need healthy, relentless debates on many topics, but we don't need to shut the country down for such debates.
Prime Minister
I wonder who will be Prime Minister.
18 Days In Pictures
Kantipur Day 1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12|13|14|15 |16 |17|18|19
Phalano.com Day 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18

19 days of pro-democracy movement Kantipur
Photos of nationwide victory rallies
Samudaya Defying curview on the 18th day of protests, Tens of thousands out on Apr 21, Death in Kalanki, Burnt Taxi, New Baneshwor, Jorpati: No stones, Agitation for Democracy, Part 3, Agitation for Democracy, Part 2, Agitation for Democracy, Patan: 5:30-7:30pm, Part 2, Patan: 5:30-7:30pm, Part 1, Business as usual, Following the rubble trail, Khalanga, Rukum, Black Day at Basantapur, Pt 2, Defiance at New Road / Basantapur, Before the curfew, The thoughtpolice says hello, Citizens Meet in New York for Democracy, Part 2, Citizens Meet in New York for Democracy, Vigil at Basantapur — Creative Dissent in Kathmandu, This Week in Kathmandu, Pt. 2, This Week in Kathmandu, Pt. 1
INSN Udayapur: 10-11 Baisakh, Hamro andolan jari cha!, Photos: 8 Baisakh, Signs of the Times, Images, Protest in Chabil Area
Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests (Photo sources: NepalNews, Kantipur, United We Blog, Samudaya, Phalano etc.)
Mero Sansar Video Clips 7
Mero Sansar Video Clips 6
Mero Sansar Video Clips 5
Mero Sansar Video Clips 4
Mero Sansar Video Clips 3
Mero Sansar Video Clips 2
Mero Sansar Video Clips
Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2006 11:36:56 -0700
From: "Shailesh Ghimire" sghimire@gmail.com
To: "paramendra bhagat" paramendra@yahoo.com
Subject: Reaction to King's Latest Proclamation 4/24
I felt like I need to write to you since your blog has so much reach. In reaction to the King's latest proclamation 4/24 06:45PM GMT:
- House revival is a dead end trap. Here is how KG is thinking:
a) revive house
b) let politicans squabble
c) people go back home
d) tempers cool
e) 4-8-10 weeks later we're back to October 2002 - bickering politicans, raging Maosit insurgency,
f) King slowly builds good will as peole start blaming politicans
g) C.A can not agree on monarchy so further complications
h) Maoists break agreement with parties and start killing NC and UML workers
i) Army generals maintain loyalty to KG
j) fast forward to 2008 January, stage is set for another KG/Army power grap - this time factoring in mistakes from previous power grab!
Reviving the house is a mistake!!! This hous is not worth 1 life let alone 14 lives.
Abolition of monarchy is the only way forward. Maoists can be brought into the mainstream through a negotiated compromise. The main obstacle is the King!
We can not compromise on this! I hope you publish these thoughts on your blog.
Here are other reasons we can't trust KG:
- he has not released political prisioners
- he has not returned money stolen from the treasury
- he's cadre's need to be brought to justic for killing innocents - he himself needs to be put on trial!
I am not satisfied with all this but the King surely did play a great card to save monarchy and his power. And I am waiting for political parties to responses. Here are some questions political parities need to answer before they accept it.
1. Now how they deal with Maoist?
2. What will happen to our (People's) main demand of constitutional assembly and
3. How they will bring military under their leadership?
4. And finally how they will assure public that they will not be corrupted?
They have to answer these questions otherwise we “the young people of Nepal” will lead a new protest against all of them.
Kathmandu, Nepal
April 23, 2006
While almost everyone I have spoken to welcomes any, even tiny step, toward Democracy.. not one person wants the King in any position of power & many want him captured or exiled.
Peoples Power has been built from the suffering and blood of the people and should not be sold easly !
Where is the 12-Point Agreement ? Where is the Republic ? When will the
War-Criminals who have directed the attacks on the people be tried ?
D. Michael Van De Veer-Journalst
Good job Bhagat. I think this is it. The restoration of parliament, though lately, shows that the autocrat who tried to impose an iron fist rule has finally melted due to people's power. Our recent development is an example to the world that yes, peaceful means can achieve desired results!
Regarding the King's status, I strongly believe that the Shah dyansty has been considered a symbol of unity and this particular aspect has a strong bearing on the diplomat's activities. They will in no way support Nepal without a monarch (and however bitter this may be, it is the reality). The best thing the international community can do is to pressure the King to become "ceremonial" with no powers expect that of an onlooker! I believe the secret intense meeting between the King, diplomats and the SPA has agreed to go for it. There will definitely be CA election to give a space to the Maoists and the constitution changed to make them a legitimate political force.
Here, the process is quite simple. But the biggest hurdle now is the Mandales and Royalists who try to sabotage the planned events. They will some how try to obstruct the SPA moves to bring the rebels to the political mainstream. But, lets be optimistic.
The only concern I have now is that the parties would once again not castigate repressors. Next Mallik report should be strictly implemented and people like Tulsi Giri, Kamal Thapa, Niranjan Thapa, Sishir Sumsher Rana, Sachit Sumsher JBR, Keshar Jung Rayamajhi and the like should be punished. The trail should be transparent and fair.
Lets hope that Nepali polity will never be dirty like before and more competent and visionary leaders ride us through the path of success. Of course, we have to do whatever we can from our part.
"1. Now how they deal with Maoist? 2. What will happen to our (People's) main demand of constitutional assembly and..."
Those answers are in the roadmap. The roadmap concludes in a constituent assembly.
"While almost everyone I have spoken to welcomes any, even tiny step, toward Democracy.. not one person wants the King in any position of power & many want him captured or exiled."
I would have liked to see a republic yesterday. But I also see that the king has accepted the demand of the seven party alliance. Now the republican agenda goes to the constituent assembly. Fair enough.
"Our recent development is an example to the world that yes, peaceful means can achieve desired results!"
Non violence is as big a message as democracy. This is a victory. The constituent assembly will be a bigger victory for non violence and democracy.
"Next Mallik report should be strictly implemented and people like Tulsi Giri, Kamal Thapa, Niranjan Thapa, Sishir Sumsher Rana, Sachit Sumsher JBR, Keshar Jung Rayamajhi and the like should be punished. The trail should be transparent and fair."
The SPA has promised that. I think that is in the works.
Dear friends/colleagues:
The recent royal proclamation is certainly a defeat of a dictator and a challenge for change. With the reinstatement of a long-cherished (?)parliamentary process, it has posed further challenges to the political parties and the civil society to effectively blend the rising commoners' aspiration for open, free, inclusive democratic society with the popular demand of constituent assembly. The project for achieving enduring peace can not be crafted sans the direct participation of the CPN (Maoists). Thus, the roadmap for inclusion and partnership of CPN (Maoist) must begin in no time-- categorically before the convening of the parliament. Thus, a public pledge by the seven political parties either to amend the Preamble of the present constitution or a political proclamation to clear the headway to constituent assembly is highly desirable before it gets jeopardized by regressive elements.
The election for constituent assembly is not mere a destination but a incessant journey in which the Maoists must be brought on board to own, share, participate, mentor and mobilize the entire process—unconditionally.
Impunity is a vibrant issue in this transition. No rights perpetrators will be let scott-free in the name of reconciliation. We have suffered a lot and now the history must not repeat. A transitional justice mechanism is to be set up without delay to pave the way for smooth political/legal conversion. Another pertinent issue is the DDR (disarmament, demobilization and rehabilitation) for which a time-bound incentive approach has to be devised.
It is an opportune moment to extend our all our gratitude to the international community for its tireless support and solidarity for our common cause. Meanwhile, our human rights friends abroad do not deserve less appreciation for this achievement.
Gopal Krishna Siwakoti, PhD
On 4/24/06, Paramendra Kumar Bhagat wrote:
Constituent Assembly: 300 Seats Of Roughly Equal Population
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