Tuesday, July 19, 2022

19: Hydroelectricity

‘My Worldview Has Been Destroyed’: Chinese Banking Scandal Tests Faith in the System The disappearance of ordinary savers’ money, and the government’s seemingly indifferent response, could pose a major test for the Communist Party’s legitimacy. .

सत्तारुढ वामपन्थीको रणनीति : एउटै चुनाव चिह्न, कांग्रेससँग तालमेलमात्रै सत्ता गठबन्धनको कांग्रेसबाहेकका दलहरु प्रतिनिधिसभा र प्रदेशसभा निर्वाचनमा एउटै चुनाव चिह्न लिएर सहभागी हुने र कांग्रेससँग तालमेलमात्र गर्ने रणनीतिमा छन् । ...... अहिले सत्तामा रहेका र एमाले बाहेकका वाम शक्तिबीच गठबन्धन गर्ने सहमति भएको हो । ....... माओवादी केन्द्र र नेकपा एकीकृत समाजवादीबीच एकता संयोजन समिति बनाउने र त्यो समितिले एमालेबाहेकका अरु वामशक्तिहरुलाई एकताबद्ध गरेर वाममोर्चा गठन गर्ने प्रस्ताव कार्यदलले गरेको छ । ....... सत्ता गठबन्धनको कांग्रेसबाहेकका दलहरुले बनाउन लागेको उक्त मोर्चामा जसपा, राष्ट्रिय जनमोर्चा, वामदेव गौतमले नेतृत्व गरिरहेको नेकपा राष्ट्रिय एकता अभियान, बाबुराम भट्टराईको नेतृत्वमा बन्ने नयाँ पार्टी पनि सहभागी हुनेछन् । ...... भट्टराईले दीपक लामिछानेको नेतृत्वमा निर्वाचन आयोगमा दर्ता भएको समावेशी लोकतन्त्र पार्टीबाट अबको राजनीति अघि बढाउने तयारी गरिरहेका छन् । मंगलबार माओवादी केन्द्रका अध्यक्ष प्रचण्डसितको संवादमा पनि भट्टराईले आफ्नो आगामी रणनीतिका विषयमा बताएका छन् । ........ ‘स्थानीय तहको निर्वाचनलाई भन्न त गठबन्धन भनियो तर त्यो तालमेलमात्रै हो । गठबन्धन हुन त देशैभरि संगै हुनुपर्‍यो, न्यूनतम साझा कार्यक्रम हुनुपर्‍यो, कांग्रेससँग त्यो संभव छैन,’ अनौपचारिक कार्यदलमा रहेका एक नेताले भने, ‘त्यसैले संयोजन समिति र मोर्चा मिलेर कांग्रेससँग तालमेल गर्ने गरी हामीले संवाद अघि बढाएका हौं ।’ ........ वाम मोर्चा एउटै चुनाव चिह्न र घोषणापत्र लिएर चुनावमा जानेछन् । ‘कांग्रेससँग केही केही ठाउँमा मात्रै तालमेल होला, बाँकी देशैभरि हामी मिल्छौं, त्यसो हुँदा ओलीजीको आरोप पनि खण्डन हुने भयो, हाम्रो शक्ति पनि बलियो हुने भयो,’ ती नेताले भने । ......... तर उम्मेदवारी दिएका सयमध्ये ८० सिट जसरी भए पनि जित्ने, समानुपातिक प्रणालीबाट ४० देखि ४५ को सांसद जित्ने र सरकार बनाउन एक्लै बहुमत पुर्‍याउने आफ्नो पहिलो निष्कर्ष भने कांग्रेसले निर्णय पुस्तिकामा उल्लेख गरेको छैन । ...... कांग्रेसको दोस्रो लक्ष्य मधेश केन्द्रित दलहरुसँग मिलेर सरकार बनाउन सक्नेगरि चुनाव लड्ने र तेस्रो लक्ष्य बल्ल बामपन्थीसँग मिलेर चुनाव लड्ने हो । कांग्रेसको आन्तरिक तयारी बुझेकैले सत्ताभित्रै रहेका वाम शक्ति एकताबद्ध हुने प्रयत्नमा लागेका हुन् । .

योजना आयोगका पूर्वउपाध्यक्ष वाग्लेले भेटे मोदीलाई

नेपालमा उत्पादित विद्युतको अन्तरदेशीय व्यापारको लागि अहिले भारत एकमात्र सहज बजार हो । चीनसँग न विद्युत व्यापार सम्झौता हुन सकेको छ न त अन्तरदेशीय प्रसारण लाइन नै बनेको छ । बंगलादेशसँग विद्युत व्यापार समझदारी भएपनि भारतकै बाटो लैजानुपर्ने जटिलता छ । यसले गर्दा प्रस्तावित चिनियाँ लगानी पनि अन्योलमा परेको छ ।

Prachanda In Delhi
तीन दिने भारत भ्रमणको दोस्रो दिन अध्यक्ष प्रचण्डका गतिविधिहरु (फोटो फिचर)

...... an additional 0.9 billion hectares of Earth’s surface could support forests and woodlands ....... they could store some 205 gigatons of carbon — or what Crowther estimates to be one-third of the carbon that people have released into the atmosphere to date .......

research “highlights global tree restoration as our most effective climate change solution to date.”

.......... the Science article spawned more than 700 media reports ........ In 2020, President Trump promised American support for the World Economic Forum’s Trillion Tree Initiative, “to protect and restore one trillion trees by 2030.” ......... Many countries made their own pledges, including well-treed Canada, which pledged to plant two billion trees, and nearly treeless Saudi Arabia, which pledged 10 billion trees. Celebrities joined the effort, including Jane Goodall, Gisele Bündchen and Elon Musk, who for a period in 2019 changed his Twitter display name to “Treelon.” .......... The problem isn’t with tree-planting in theory. Nearly everyone agrees that planting trees can be a useful, wholesome activity. The problem is that, in practice, planting trees is more complicated than it sounds. ........... In the 24 national plans that had been made public by then — 61 countries now support the goal — nearly half the land involved was slated to be turned into plantations of fast-growing commercial trees. The carbon these monocultures store is mostly released in a decade or so, when the trees are harvested, the researchers wrote. .........

a bigger question is where a trillion trees could be planted

.......... Instead of the lush, even green of the surrounding pastures, the vegetation here was a mottled dun, many-​textured, thin and low to the ground. The roots of the cerrado plants went deep, reaching down to the water table. “It is an upside-down forest,” Cortes said. Cerrado de Pé’s planters had sown nearly 200 species of native grasses, sedges, rushes, herbs and bushes, plants of all sizes and shapes. Scientists estimate that the cerrado is home to some 12,000 species of plants, many of which are found nowhere else. ........... Some local conservationists were alarmed when Eden appeared in northern Goiás State and announced its plans to plant trees — and only trees. ........ There are large areas of the world where the climate could support forests, but where there are not forests. ........ Grassland scientists say tree-planting advocates have tended to view all those areas as equally ripe for reforestation. These experts argue that such areas are not degraded forests, but rather ancient, biodiverse and carbon-rich ecosystems, worthy of protection in their own right. “There’s a peculiar forest fetish and obsession, which I think is traced back to Europe, possibly Germany” ........ “I think it’s a massive misunderstanding of the natural world.” .......... Grassland scientists were dismayed when the World Resources Institute, a research nonprofit, published its 2011 “Atlas of Forest and Landscape Restoration Opportunities,” which purported to show where people could restore forests and degraded land. “It largely looked like a map of the savannas and grasslands of the world” .......... By directing the attention of tree-planting campaigns toward those grasslands, he thought, the map could threaten the existence of countless species and ecosystems. ......... it drastically overestimated the climate-mending effects of planting trees. “They did the carbon-accounting equivalent of you or me buying a house for $100K, fixing it up with $50K of improvements, selling it for $200K, then bragging about how we made $200K in profit,” he says. .......... the estimates by Bastin et al. of potential carbon sequestration were “approximately five times too large.” ......... the world continues to lose trees at a far faster rate than it gains them and that planting trees can be a locally useful tool of restoration. But planting a trillion trees, he says, would be too much of a good thing. ........... One Tree Planted claims to have planted more than 40 million trees. Trees for the Future claims 250 million trees. ......... people are not really planting trees, which offer a host of benefits and are famously tough, capable of surviving for hundreds or sometimes thousands of years and of weathering all kinds of trials and insults. They are planting seeds or seedlings, which offer few benefits and are not tough at all. “Seedlings are like baby plants” ............ Seedlings die by drought, fire and flood. They are eaten, shaded out, stepped on. Often they die of simple neglect. The changing climate — which scientists predict will rearrange species and ecosystems — makes the long-term fate of any individual tree even more uncertain. While there are many examples of successful planting efforts, the scientific literature also includes numerous examples of tree-planting ventures that have resulted in few, if any living trees. ......... “We should be growing trees, not planting trees,” she says, “We need to think about whether those trees are surviving over time, because it’s going to take 10, 20 years, a century, before we really get the benefits that we want.” ........... “We probably would prefer to see ourselves as a forest-restoration movement instead of a tree-planting movement,” he told me. “I think that this trillion-tree frame still totally makes sense, because it gives people a rough sense of the scale of restoration potential. Obviously, it’s clear and simple and catchy.” ......... These trees had already fulfilled one of the tree-planting movement’s promises, offering work to people in a place with few economic opportunities. It would take much longer to see whether the trees, which were really just seeds and seedlings, would grow up into the forest that Santos envisioned, providing the expected benefits to the local environment, or whether they and all of the billions or tens of billions of other seeds and seedlings that Eden and other groups had planted around the world would survive long enough to have any meaningful impact on biodiversity or the global carbon cycle. .......... Even as countries, companies and individuals spend billions of dollars to fund tree-planting projects around the world, much about the trees themselves must be taken on faith. ........ “We know we have to get the science right, especially in a changing climate. They’re saying, ‘Well, if you’re focused on a trillion trees, then you’re not focused on these details of ecologically appropriate, climate-informed, community-centered reforestation,’ which is factually false. To be honest, it’s infuriating.” .......... “It’s more important that we make a few mistakes than do nothing,” he says, referring to the broader movement. “We are talking about an urgent problem. Our focus should not be on perfection.” .......... “We really need about a hundred Edens,” he says, every one of them planting thousands, millions, billions of trees.

A 2024 Presidential Candidate Who Meets the Moment I’d like you to consider the possibility that we’re in some sort of prerevolutionary period — the kind of moment that often gives birth to something shocking and new. ........ Joe Biden has a 33 percent job approval rating among registered voters. About half of Republican voters want to move on from Donald Trump and find a new presidential candidate for 2024. ........ inflation “destroyed the wealth of the more solid elements in German society; and it left behind a moral and economic disequilibrium, apt breeding ground for the disasters which have followed.” ........ the generational turnover is coming. The boomer gerontocracy that now dominates power is bound to retire, leaving a vacuum for something new. .......... Americans are detaching from the two political parties. Far more Americans consider themselves independents than consider themselves either Democrats or Republicans, and independents may be growing more distinct. ........

Sixty-two percent of Americans believe a third party is needed.

........ 58 percent believe that our democracy needs major reforms or a complete overhaul. Nearly half of young adult voters believe voting does not affect how the government operates. .......... if the hunger for change is as strong as it is now, the climate will favor unconventional outsiders, the further outside the better. These sorts of oddball or unexpected candidates could set off a series of swings and disequilibriums that will make the existing party systems unstable. .......... if ever there was a moment ripe for a Ross Perot-like third candidate in the 2024 general election, this is that moment. There are efforts underway to prepare the way for a third candidate, and in this environment an outsider, with no ties to the status quo, who runs against the establishment and on the idea that we need to fundamentally fix the system — well, that person could wind up winning the presidency. ........... The Republicans used to be the party of business, but now they are emerging as a multiracial working-class party. ......... it does seem as if the Republicans are genuinely becoming a working-class white-brown coalition. These voters care about the economy, the economy and the economy. .......... An aggressive home-building project to bring down prices. Whatever it took. .......... I guess I’m looking for a sort of modern Theodore Roosevelt.

A Viable Third Party Is Coming, and It’s Starting With a New Jersey Lawsuit On June 7, I won the Democratic Party primary in New Jersey’s Seventh Congressional District, on my way to what I hope will be my third term in the House. The same day, I also accepted the nomination of the new Moderate Party, formed substantially by state Republicans fed up with the extremism of a party led by Donald Trump. ........... Fusion parties were common in 19th-century America. During the 1890s in North Carolina, for example, Republicans and Populists ran a unified slate that temporarily ousted the white supremacist Democratic majority. .......... if fusion parties were permitted nationwide, the political force most likely to form one would be the center. Such a party might be especially attractive to Republicans disgusted with their national party’s embrace of election lies, vaccine denial and QAnon conspiracy theories but who are turned off by the left wing of the Democratic Party and remain reluctant to pull its lever. ........ I represent the median congressional district in America; half the districts are more Democratic, and half more Republican. The voters I meet every day in my district have views that defy tribal party stereotypes, no matter which party they have registered with. ........ They support the police, whether it’s protecting our homes from criminals or our Capitol from insurrectionists. They think that we should enforce our immigration laws but that our economy needs — and our nation should welcome — legal immigrants. They are pro-business but think that corporations should pay taxes and that the success of American business depends on leading the world to clean energy. They support the Second Amendment but with reasonable restrictions like background checks and red flag laws. ......... In the small towns and suburbs I represent, there is also a yearning for community. They want politicians to focus on fighting inflation, not fueling culture wars. ......... Thanks to gerrymandering, it’s been estimated that

only around 40 of America’s 435 House districts are truly competitive

. Most elections are thus decided in primaries that push Democrats left and Republicans right, encouraging each side to fight and block the other rather than find common ground. ......... If I were to win my congressional race by, say, two points and five or 10 of those points came from supporters of the Moderate Party, I would work hard to keep their support. After all, if I didn’t, they could endorse someone else ....... Our political system today rewards and encourages divisiveness that has already led to violence and could tear our country apart. We need new rules that promote responsible leadership and cooperation.

अमेरिकाको लाइसेन्स हुनेले नेपालसहित १८० देशमा गाडी चलाउन यसरी निकाल्न सकिन्छ अन्तराष्ट्रिय परमिट

खराब सचिवले के–केसम्म बदमासी गर्नसक्छ? सार्वजनिक समाचारअनुसार, बजेट निर्माणको काम अन्तिम चरणमा पुग्दै गर्दा गत जेठ १४ गते मध्यराति सचिवहरूलाई निरीह बनाएर अनधिकृत व्यक्तिलाई शर्माले बजेटमा पहुँच दिलाएका थिए । सुरुमा ‘चरित्र हत्या गर्न बुनिएको कथा’ भनेर उक्त संगीन आरोप पन्छाएका शर्मा अन्ततः विरोध थेग्न नसकेर बहिर्गमन हुन बाध्य भएका छन् । बजेटमा अनधिकृत व्यक्तिलाई प्रवेश दिएर करका दर तलमाथि गरिएकोबारे छानबिन गर्न संसदीय विशेष समिति नै गठन भएको छ ........ बजट आएको केही दिनमा सञ्चारमाध्यममार्फत् यो प्रकरण चुहियो । तथापि, मरासिनी शर्माको बहिर्गमनको एक दिनअघि ‘जनार्दन रहेसम्म काममा फर्किन्नँ’ भन्दै बिदा बसेका थिए । घटनाको लामो समयसम्म मौन बसेर जनार्दनको राजीनामा निश्चितप्रायः भइसकेको स्थितिमा उनले जायर गरेको असन्तुष्टि त्यति विश्वसनीय लाग्दैन । ........ नेपाल सरकारका पूर्वसचिव गोपीनाथ मैनाली अर्थ मन्त्रालयमा पूर्वसचिव रामेश्वर खनाललाई उछिन्ने गरी कोही आउन नसकेको टिप्पणी गर्छन् । ‘आर्थिक नीति, सावजनिक खर्चसम्बन्धी विषयमा उहाँले राख्नुभएको अडान असाध्यै राम्रो थियो,’ उनले भने, ‘हालसम्म कोही पनि अर्थसचिवले उहाँले गरेको कामलाई उछिन्न सकेका छैनन् । कसैले पनि उहाँको बाटो पछ्याउन सकेनन् ।’ .......... नका अनुसार मन्त्रालयमा एकजना खराब सचिव हुँदा उसले प्रशासनिक सौदाबाजी गर्छ, सरुवा–बढुवामा र्याल काढ्दै मन्त्री÷नेताहरूको दैलो चहार्छ । ....... खराब सचिवहरूमा विदेश भ्रमण गर्ने प्रवृत्ति बढेको पनि उनले बताए । मैनालीका अनुसार, यस्ता सचिवहरू असार मसान्तजस्तो कामको चाप हुने समयसमेत ख्याल नगरी विदेश भ्रमणमा जाने गरेका छन् । ‘हिसाब गर्नुपर्ने, जवाफदेहिताको लागि रिपोर्ट बनाउनुपर्ने यो समयमा विदेश भ्रमणमा जाने हो ?,’ उनी प्रश्न गर्छन् । .......... ‘हामी त मन्त्रालयमा बढी बसेमा ८/९ महिना हो,’ उनले भनिन्, ‘कर्मचारीको २०/३० वर्षसम्मको कार्यअवधि हुन्छ । यो समयसम्म त उहाँहरूले धेरै काम गर्न सक्नुहुन्छ ।’ ........ सचिव र मन्त्रीको राम्रो सहकार्यले उत्कृष्ट नतिजा निकाल्न सकिने शर्माको अनुभव छ । नेपाल लोडसेडिङ मुक्त भएको घटनालाई उनले त्यसको उदाहरणको रूपमा प्रस्तुत गरिन् । ........ सचिवको सहकार्यमा एक दुईवटा राम्रा निर्णय गरेकै कारण अधिकृत तथा उपसचिवस्तरका कर्मचारीहरूले ‘यो मन्त्रालयमा छु भन्दा गर्वले छाती फुल्छ’ भनेर सुनाउने गरेको उनले स्मरण गरिन् । ........ प्रशासनिक सुधारको मुख्यबिन्दु नै सचिव र मुख्यसचिव भएको हुँदा सुधार त्यहीबाट हुनुपर्छ । ‘विडम्बना विमल कोइरालापछि गव गर्नलायक मुख्य सचिव आएनन्,’ उनले थपे, ‘कुनै विषयगत विशेषज्ञता भएका मुख्य सचिव पायौं होला । तर, व्यक्तिगत लोभ–लालचमा नफस्ने पाइएन ।’ ........ ‘कुनै पनि मन्त्रीलाई खराब निर्णयबाट रोक्नका लागि सचिवको ठूलो भूमिका हुनेमा दुई मत नै छैन । यस्ता कैयन् उदाहरण छन् जहाँ सचिवले मन्त्रीसँग डटेर खराब निर्णय गर्नबाट रोकेका छन्,’ उनले भने । ......... मन नपरेको काम गरेको खण्डमा जगेडामा लगेर राखिन्छ । यही कारण प्रधानमन्त्री तथा मन्त्रिपरिषद् कार्यालय मन नपरेका सचिव थन्क्याउने ‘डस्टबिन’ बनिरहेको उनको भनाइ छ । पूर्वसचिव मैनाली पनि विभिन्न समयमा सदाचारिताको पक्षमा अडान राख्दा सरूवा हुनुपरेको र अझ पद घटुवाको समेत अनुभव संगाल्नुपरेको बताउँछन् । ........ खराब सचिवबाट मातहतका अन्य कर्मचारी मात्रै होइन, मन्त्रीहरूले पनि हैरानी खेप्छन् । पूर्वमन्त्री लालबाबु पण्डित आफू मन्त्री हुँदा कर्मचारीबाट भएको अहसयोग स्मरण गर्छन् । संघीय निजामती सेवा ऐन लागू गर्न खोज्दा कर्मचारीतन्त्रबाटै असहयोग भएको उनले सुनाए । ‘मुख्य कुरा त, ऐन बन्ने बेलामा नै समस्यामा पारे,’ उनले भने, ‘उनीहरूबाट भएको असहयोगकै कारण देशमा प्रशासनिक संघीयता लागू हुन सकिरहेको छैन ।’ ........... आफ्नो अनुकूल भएन भने हुने काम पनि गर्न सकिन्न भनेर अल्झाउने गरेको उनले बताए । .

‘फोहर व्यवस्थापनमा कामपालाई सहयोग गर्छौँ’ ‘स्रोतमा नै फोहर नमिसाउने’ अभियानअन्तर्गत कामपाले आइतबार र बुधबार कुहिने र सोमबार र शुक्रबार नकुहिने फोहर सङ्कलन गर्न लागेको जनाइएको छ । जनचेतना जगाउन उसले घरदैलो अभियान जारी राखेको छ । .

देउवालाई बलबहादुरको जवाफ- ‘बाँचुन्जेल तपाईं नै सभापति बन्नुस्’ मेरो विचारमा आगामी चुनावमा गठबन्धन गरेर होइन, नगरेर पार्टीले बहुमत ल्याउन सक्छ ।’ ....... मलाई त अहिले हामीले गठबन्धन नगर्दा कम्युनिस्टहरूको एकता हुन्छ जस्तो लाग्दैन । हामीले चुनावअघि गठबन्धन गर्‍यौं भने चुनावपछि चाहीँ कम्युनिस्टहरू मिलेर सरकार बनाउँछन्, त्यही भएन भने मलाई भन्नुहोला ।’ ...... उनले अन्य पार्टीसँग गठबन्धन गर्न चाहने सभापति देउवाले पार्टीभित्रैको गठबन्धन भने नचाहेको बताए । ..... आज पार्टी विचार र सिद्धान्तले चलिरहेको छैन,’ उनले भने, ‘पार्टी पैसाले चलिरहेको छ । त्यो पैसा कसको हो ? कालो धन्दाको हो कि कुन देशबाट के उद्देश्यले आएको हो ? हाम्रो विचार, सिद्धान्त र संगठनको जुन हालत भएको छ, त्यसको चिन्ता कसले लिने ?’ .

जसपामा उपेन्द्र यादवद्धारा बाबुराम भटराई माथी कारवाही , भटराईद्धारा पार्टी पुर्नगठन गर्ने निर्णय
मधेस प्रदेशमा असारे विकास तीब्र, विकास भन्दा पनि वजेट सकाउने दाउ
50 Funny Memes

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