Showing posts with label Bharatiya Janata Party. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bharatiya Janata Party. Show all posts

Thursday, December 10, 2015

भारत ले ठग्यो, नेपालमा डैम बनायो, नेपालको भूमिमा पानी जम्यो

ये अक्सर सुना जाता है नेपाल में। भारत ले ठग्यो, नेपालमा डैम बनायो, नेपालको भूमिमा पानी जम्यो। पानी जत्ति जम्मै इंडिया मा लग्यो। अभी भी सुना जा रहा है। अक्सर कोशी और गण्डक की बात की जाती है। उन प्रोजेक्ट में काम किये कोई इंजिनियर जिन्दा होगा मेरे को नहीं लगता। अगर हैं तो पुछा जाए। कि तुम ने उस जगह क्यों बनाई जहाँ बनाई? जहाँ बनी है उससे और दक्षिण बनने का सवाल पैदा नहीं होता है। सबसे उपयुक्त जगह है जहाँ नदी चुरिया पहाड़ को कटान करे। वो तो ऐसी बात हो गई कि मैं फरमाइस करूँ मेरे स्मार्टफोन के लिए उपयुक्त बैटरी वो होगा जो एक चार्ज पर लगातार एक सप्ताह चलता रहे। तो टेक्नोलॉजी वहाँ अभी पहुँची ही नहीं है। ये आल इंडिया रेडियो का फरमाइशी गीत कार्यक्रम है? कि बस मैं फरमाइस मारता रहूँ।

तो ये जो डैम बने हैं वो कब के हैं? नेहरू के समय के हैं। नेहरू को अगर नेपाल की जमीन लेनी थी तो खुद नेपाल के राजा ने नेहरू के ऑफर किया था त्रिभुवन ने, कि आप इसे भारत में ही मिला दो। जिस सख्स ने वो ऑफर अस्वीकार कर दिया तो वो फिर १००, २०० बिगहा पर फिर क्यों आँख गाड़ के बैठ गया?

मेरे को लगता है उस समय की इंजीनियरिंग ही ऐसी थी। उन इंजीनियर लोगों ने उस जगह डैम बनाई जहाँ वो बना सकते। बॉर्डर के पास अपने उपकरण ले जाना आसान रहा होगा। I am guessing. मैं कोई नितीश कुमार नहीं जो एक इंजीनियर के नजरिये से देखुँ। एक ऑप्शन है कि आप कोई डैम बनाओ ही नहीं। नेपाल में होता भी यही आया है। किसी भी प्रोजेक्ट का इतना विरोध इतना विरोध होता है कि अंत में जा के काम होता ही नहीं। बहुत अजीब माइंडसेट है। चरम गरीबी माइंडसेट है।

भारत ले ठग्यो, नेपालमा डैम बनायो, नेपालको भूमिमा पानी जम्यो। डैम बन्यो, पानी जम्यो। डैम बनता और पानी न जमता तो ताज्जुब होती। कि डैम बन गया फिर पानी जम क्यों नहीं रहा है? इंजीनियर को बोले थे डैम बनाने को लेकिन उसने बना दिया तटबन्धन। बुलाओ उसे। ये कोई लालु यूनिवर्सिटी का जाली सर्टिफिकेट वाला मालुम पड़ता है। निकालो नौकरी से। You are fired!

डैम बन्यो, पानी जम्यो नेपालको भूमिमा। तो डैम बना है नेपाल में पानी लॉन्ग जम्प मार के जायेगा जमने आसाम में? स्वाभाविक है नेपालके भूमिमें पानी जमेगा। डैम बना है नेपाल में पानी जा के जमेगा पप्पु यादव के दरबज्जे पर?

मोदी नया प्रस्ताव ले चुके हैं कोशी के लिए, कि एक नया डैम बनाया जाए, इस बार चतरा में जहाँ कोशी चुरिया पहाड़ क्रॉस करती है। और वहाँ से ढेर सारा पानी पश्चिम ले जा के गंडक में गिराया जाए। तो ये बात नेहरू नें क्यों नहीं सोंची? नेहरू ने मेरे स्मार्टफोन के बैटरी को सप्ताह दिन वाला क्यों नहीं बनाया? ऐसा क्यों बना दिया कि डेली चार्ज करना पड़ता है? I hate Nehru.

तो नेपाल में होता ऐसा क्यों है? विकास का नंबर वन बाधक यही बात है। देश गरीब रह जाता है। कहने वाले कहते हैं शिक्षा का लेवल low है, जनता शिक्षित हो जाए तो जागरूकता आएगी। गलत। ये भ्रष्टाचार के कारण ऐसा होता है। इतना ज्यादा भ्रष्टाचार है नेपालमे। इतना ज्यादा। नेता लोग पैसा डकार जाते हैं और भारत को गाली बोलते रहते हैं। जब तक जनता का ध्यान भारत पर है वो भ्रष्टाचार  में हिसाबकिताब मांगेंगे नहीं। वो बात है। It is about corruption. जनता पढ़ीलिखि न हो लेकिन नेता लोग तो पढ़े लिखे हैं। बहुत ज्यादा पढेलिखे ना हो लेकिन अभी का ओली भी और उससे पहले का सुशील भी, दोनों मैट्रिक पास।

नेता ईमानदार होते तो समझाते। लोगों को समझाते। कहते देखो विकास के लिए ये डैम बनना जरुरी है। देश में बहुत गरीबी है, बच्चे भुखे हैं।

अभी जो यकायक कहाँ से न कहाँ से नेपाल में एक anti-corruption आँधी आ गयी है, that has been very necessary. तो ये आया कहाँ से? जो anti-corruption body है उसमें प्रावधान सदैब रहा है कि आम जनता किसी भी नेता या कर्मचारी के विरुद्ध याचिका दायर कर सकते हैं। तो investigation होगा। तो जनता शिकायत कर रहे हैं। उन्हें अब लग रहा है सब के सब भ्रष्ट हैं। They are being able to see through the anti-India rhetoric by their politicians. भारत के राज्य सभा में जो बहस हुवा नेपाल पर वो नेपाल में लाइव प्रसारण हुवा। तो लोगों को अब लग रहा है की नाकाबंदी भारत ने नहीं की। कुकिंग गैस ना होना भारत के बदमाशी के कारण नहीं। They are connecting the dots. And they are saying the anti-India rhetoric has been designed to distract the people from corruption. लोग जग रहे हैं अच्छी बात है।

When was the last time India's upper house had this large an impact?

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

संघीयता पक्षधर ले संगठन विस्तार गर्ने सुनौलो मौका

Altered colors as per latest political scenario.
Altered colors as per latest political scenario. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
बीजेपी ले गर्छ भारत मा ----- missed call भन्ने। नेपालमा पनि अहिले संघीयता पक्षधर शक्तिहरुले त्यो गर्नु पर्ने भो। संगठन विस्तार गर्ने त्यो एउटा सार्है राम्रो तरिका हो। त्यसै बाटो बाट बीजेपी दुनिया को सबैभन्दा ठुलो पार्टी बन्यो।

काँग्रेस एमाले माओवादी लाई सदा सदा का लागि बाई बाई गर्ने मौका हो यो।

अशोक राई ५० सीट ल्याउनु पर्ने तर ५ सीट ल्याएको मान्छे। आफ्ना सबै कार्यकर्ता लाई ७५ जिल्ला मा समेटने बेला यही हो। एमाले नाङ्गो भएको अवस्था छ। एमाले जनजाति को शोसक भन्ने कुरामा अब कुनै दुइमत रहेन।

मधेस का २२ जिल्ला मा मधेसी दल हरु जंगल को आगो जस्तो फैलिने बेला हो यो। संग सँगै दिगो संगठन बनाएन भने आन्दोलन मुतको न्यानो हुन पुग्छ। आयो गयो सकियो, चुनाव मा जित्ने फेरि काँग्रेस एमाले। त्यसैले आंदोलन संग सँगै संगठन विस्तार गर्नु पर्छ। मेम्बरशिप ड्राइव गर्नु पर्छ। मिस्ड कॉल।

२०-२५ लाख वोट को बलमा सारा देशको शासन आफ्नो हात मा आउने देशमा १० लाख वोट ल्याएका ले अब २० लाख, २५ लाख को लक्ष्य राख्नु पर्यो। सकिन्छ। चित्तबुझ्दो संविधान आए पनि त्यसले संघीयता घर को नक्शा मात्र दिन्छ। घर बनाउन बाँकी नै हुन्छ। त्यसका लागि सत्तामा जानुपर्ने हुन्छ।

घरको नक्शा मा बेईमानी गर्ने लाई घर बनाउने जिम्मेवारी दिने रोडमैप गैर जिम्मेवार हो। संघियता पक्षधर शक्ति हरुले सत्ता को रोडमैप अख्तियार गर्नु पर्यो। लोकतंत्र मा जनता लाई गरेको वाचा पुरा गर्ने नै सत्ता मा गएर हो। मही माग्ने ढुङ्ग्रो लुकाउने गर्नु हुँदैन।  कि जनता लाई वाचा नगर्ने। वाचा गर्ने भए सत्ता पुग्ने रोडमैप स्पष्ट पार्ने। त्यस अनुसार को संगठन विस्तार गर्ने।

अहिले best time हो संगठन विस्तार गर्ने।

The new 9 crore BJP: Here's how Modi can use his 'missed call' tech to push the land bill
When the books closed on 31 March, the account keepers of the BJP membership drive were a delighted lot. The number of `missed calls’ for enrollment to the primary membership of the party had reached the nine crore mark. ......... However the party’s appetite has grown bigger and it wants more. The deadline to extend memberships has thus been extended by a month, to 30 April, particularly in states like Maharastra, Jharkhand, Haryana, J&K, which went to polls last year. The party believes that this extended period will give it a chance to meet its stated target of 10 crore members......... For the first time since its inception in 1980, it not only has a clear majority on its own in Lok Sabha but has also become largest political party in the world. It has evolved from being a cadre based party in its erstwhile avatar, the Bharatiya Jan Sangh, to a genuinely mass based modern day BJP. ....... this gigantic exercise. ..... The technology the party adopted to implement its missed call membership drives also gives the BJP a huge data bank ....... It will help the BJP even reach out to states where its organisational strength is limited. ...... “Supposing Modi is going to a tribal area in Orissa or a remote backward region in Bundelkhand, the members could get a message about his visit and other plans. Even if he or she cannot attend the public meeting, in case there is one, he or she can be kept connected through messages. ......... The system does not accept two registrations from same number. ...... Those enrolled as members will be physically visited by a party worker, ostensibly to give them a membership card and some other follow up material such as booklets, pamphlets, names and numbers of party office and local area office bearers, etc. “Names of those who registered by mistake or due to mischief of some one else or with obvious criminal records would be deleted” after these visits, Singh explained. ....... Modi had successfully experimented with this process in Gujarat and is now trying it on national scale. Around 17 crore people voted for the BJP in the last Lok Sabha election.
PM Modi launches mega membership drive, wants BJP to become diverse
He further added that in a party, from bottom to top there should be correct information flow and from top to bottom there should be correct guidance. He also said that BJP workers should toil hard like during an election campaign and make it an inspirational one across the globe. ..... People from all walks of life and sections should have a representative in the party." ..... In states like Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Goa and others where the party is strong, the BJP will have to increase its membership by four times and work further towards cementing it permanently, he said. ...... Madhya Pradesh has to raise its membership to two crore this time, as per the target, he said. In states where the party is not that strong, it has to ensure that the membership drive reaches from cities to towns, village and to booth level, the BJP leader said. ...... The frontal organisations too have been given the task of registering full-time party members.

BJP is the only party in the country which follows internal democracy in totality by holding elections every two years

, Shah claimed.

Over 1 crore flocked to give BJP a ‘missed call’
Like most good ideas, BJP's "missed call" strategy was simple enough — all a Narendra Modi supporter had to do to join a "NaMo for PM" volunteer force was to call a designated number. ..... But what Modi's backroom was unprepared for was the volume of the response as no less than 1 crore missed calls were logged on designated numbers set up for the purpose. Once a would-be volunteer called a NaMo number, a call centre got in touch with the potential BJP voter and took down details like email IDs and residential addresses. ....... The caller also sought an important piece of information, one which could help turn a 'missed call' into a vote for NaMo. The volunteer's electoral roll number became part of the BJP database. ..... The voter IDs gathered was 20 lakh, more modest than the total number of volunteers registered, but nothing to sneeze at either as it helped BJP track voters all the way to the polling booth. The data processing, conceived by NetCORE's Rajesh Jain, created an impressive base of voter IDs and mobile numbers that let BJP workers identify the specific polling booths where a voter was registered. ....... "Ahead of polling day, the local BJP unit could inform a voter of his booth number and location. On polling day, the party could be sure that a particular voter has indeed cast a vote," said a BJP source. ........ "turning out the vote" in recent elections — the basic ingredient of any electoral victory — BJP's IT support looked to keep volunteers informed and motivated. ..... Once registered through a missed call, the volunteer became part of BJP's ambitious Mission 272 and would be informed of campaign messages and could even work for the party on small assignments. Tasks included circulating campaign material among a peer group or posting audio and videos promoting NaMo on social media. Apart from being force multipliers, the interaction maintained a sense of engagement with voters. ....... The missed calls resulted in BJP managers also receiving a stream of live feedback from voters hailing from different age groups, communities and professions. A fairly elaborate system of screening emails and messages meant that some finally reached Modi as briefs before and after his rallies. ....... In a recent interview, Modi said his decision to attack Trinamool leader Mamata Banerjee when he switched track midcampaign was in good measure prompted by emails urging him to raise issues like lack of development and illegal migration. ....... Working the large base of volunteers allowed BJP managers to mobilize support for programmes like 'chai pe charcha' and 'run for unity' where again the particulars of those who showed up were faithfully recorded. ........ BJP sources said party strategists had recognized fairly early on that organizational presence was clearly overstated in many places and membership lists were, to put it mildly, unverifiable. On the other hand, Congress and some other regional parties were much better at nurturing voting blocs and ensuring a network of local organizers and sympathizers brought out the vote on polling day. ....... The missed call numbers gave Modi's team an opportunity to tap into new and active supporters without having to rely on a creaky party machinery......... A would-be volunteer called a NaMo number A call centre got in touch with the potential BJP voter It took down email IDs and residential addresses ....... Caller also sought important info that could turn a missed call into a vote for NaMo ....... Volunteer's electoral roll number became part of the BJP database ...... Once registered, the volunteer would be informed of campaign messages ....... 20 lakh voter IDs were gathered and it helped BJP track voters all the way to the polling booth
30L 'Missed Call' Members of BJP Muslims
Of the 10 crore new members enrolled by the BJP through its missed call drive, over 30 lakh are Muslims. The BJP said the process of shifting through the records was still on and the numbers could see a rise. ...... the number of enrolled members belonging to the minority community could have doubled during the latest membership drive. ..... The BJP had enrolled over 10.5 crore members in its six-month long drive. The party is currently conducting Mahasampark Abhiyan in which details of each member enrolled through a missed call were being collated. The membership form has columns for social category and caste. The enrolment of Muslims could be over three percent. ....... the increase in Muslim members was seen in states where the BJP is in power.

Monday, July 13, 2015

The Future Is In The Future

The British Indian Empire and surrounding coun...
The British Indian Empire and surrounding countries in 1909 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
With all due respect, the future is in the future. The British Raj sucked the Indian spirit dry, true. But there is no going back to the days before the British Raj. There was the sati pratha. Monarchies ruled. That is feudalism. Poverty was endemic. The kings had gold and were rich. But the people were still poor. A primarily Hindu nation was ruled by a Muslim dynasty. Nothing against Muslims, and I hope India elects a Muslim prime minister some day, but there was something wrong in the picture. And Mughal Raj was different from the British Raj. The Muslims are a minority, but they are still Indian.

The glory is not in the past. The glory has to be created in the future. Democracy is modern India's religion. India has to prove democracy leads to prosperity, that India can become a First World country, a country that has lifted hundreds of millions out of poverty.

न्यु यर्क मेरा होमटाउन
Modi: A Force Of Nature
भारतको १५% ग्रोथ रेट चाहिए
१५% Growth Rake कैसे Achieve करें
मोदी और सौर्य उर्जा
४% १०% १५%
१५% और १०% में फर्क
China: A Complex Picture
Rohingya: India's Responsibility
All Of Bihar Is One Big City
India: A 15% Growth Rate Is Possible
Tough, Challenging Roles For Amitabh
100 Smart Cities, 100 World Class Universities
Janakpur Patna Kolkata Industrial Corridor
मोदी के चाय दोकान पे चर्चा
ये राजा सिंह कौन?
बिहार के लिए फोर्मुला

It will take 25 years for ‘achhe din’ promised by BJP to come, Amit Shah says
Shah said that in broader perspective, "achhe din" meant restoring the pride that India enjoyed globally before the British raj. "Desh ko duniya ke sarvochch sthan par baithana hai to paanch saal ki sarkaar kuchh nahi kar sakti (Five-year rule (by BJP) cannot make India the top world power)," Shah said....... He elaborated that in its first five-year rule, the BJP government could reduce inflation, ensure secure borders, make a strong foreign policy, achieve economic development, provide jobs and remove poverty. "But the BJP needs to win elections at every level, from panchayat to the Lok Sabha, for

25 years to take India to the No. 1 position in the world

," he added.

Friday, July 03, 2015

मधेसी जनजाति पार्टी एकीकरण र सत्ता को गणित

नीतिश र लालु बीच खींचातानी चलिरहेको थियो। मैले भनें यिनीहरु २०-३० सीट मा झर्छन। ३०-७०। उनीहरु बीच सहमति भयो। मैले भनें अब ४५-५५ मा पुग्यो कुरा। बीजेपी अझै अगाडि छ अली कति। Bihar@2025  को कुरा आयो। त्यसले ५५-४५ बनायो भनें। अनि बीजेपी कैंप मा व्यापक झगड़ा शुरू भयो। मैले भने कुरा अब ६५-३५ मा पुग्यो। नीतिश को पलड़ा अब भारी छ। तर बीजेपी कैंप मा एकता प्रदर्शन भएमा फेरी ५५-४५ तिर पुग्छ।

मधेसी पार्टी हरु को ताकत १०% छ। अर्को १०% ताकत काँग्रेस भित्र का मधेसी सँग छ। अनि गैप छ अर्को १०-१५% --- भाइ फुटे गँवार लुटे। संसदमा मधेसी हुनुपर्ने ३५%, तर छैन। भाइ फुटे गँवार लुटे।

सबै मधेसी पार्टी हरु एक हुने हो भने ताकत १५% पुग्छ। देशको चौथो शक्ति बन्छ र त्यस बाट तेस्रो, दोस्रो, पहिलो शक्ति बन्ने बाटा हरु खुल्छन्। सबै मधेसी जनजाति पार्टी एक पार्टी बन्ने हो भने अर्को चुनावमा देशको कम्तीमा दोस्रो शक्ति बन्छ।

यो अचम्म होइन? काठमाण्डु मा बसेका १० जना मधेसी जनजाति व्यक्ति हरुले चाहेमा मधेसी र जनजाति जनता ले त्यत्रो ठुलो छलांग मार्न सक्ने!

एकीकरण ले १५% मा पुर्याउँछ। अशोक राई ५ मा रहेको मान्छे तर आफै ५० मा पुग्ने संभावना भएको व्यक्ति हो। भन्नुको अर्थ मधेसी जनजाति एकीकरण ले पार्टी लाई १५% बाट ३०% तिर लान्छ। अनि ठोस जीवन्त संघीयता र डबल डिजिट ग्रोथ रेट दिने नेतृत्व अगाडि सार्न सकेको खण्डमा ५०% काट्छ।

Thursday, June 18, 2015


English: BJP Party leader Sushma Swaraj greets...
English: BJP Party leader Sushma Swaraj greets Secretary of State Hillary Clinton at her residence in New Delhi, July 19, 2011 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Indian Minister Swaraj asks Nepal to prepare DPR for postal road
Sushma Swaraj has asked Nepal to prepare Detailed Project Report (DPR) for the second phase of postal road ....... Minister Swaraj asked Nepal government to expedite tender process for the second phase construction of postal highway and that India would provide all the necessary funds to carry out the construction work. ....... Minister Swaraj said that India is positive towards helping to build Bhittamod-Janakpur four-lane highway and other two-lane roads.

Sunday, May 31, 2015

नेपाल लाई सिक्किम बनाउनु पर्छ

Towns of Sikkim, India Names in green are the ...
Towns of Sikkim, India Names in green are the district capitals. The red dot is the state capital, Gangtok. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Sikkim at 40: Small state with surprising success
In the 40 years since Sikkim became India's 22nd state, the erstwhile Himalayan kingdom has been flying under the radar in accomplishing the near-impossible. ..... Its impressive record in literacy, poverty alleviation, sanitation and organic farming makes it nearly unparalleled not just in the region but in, perhaps, all of Asia. ...... With a population of just 6,10,000 Sikkim, the least populated state in India, has its per capita GDP growing in double digits since 2004-05 : similar-sized northeastern states barely registering 5% growth. ........ Sikkim slashed its poverty ratio by 22% to 51,000 (8.2%) in 2011-12 from 1.7 lakh (30.9%) in 2004-05. In 1994, it stood at 41%. The reduction catapulted Sikkim into the nation's top five states in battling poverty. Only Goa (5.1%), Kerala (7.1%) and Himachal (8.1%) fared better. ..... Sikkim's literacy rate shot to 82.2% from 68.8% in 2001, among the country's highest. Male literacy 86.6%, female literacy 66.4%. Its rural literacy rate of 79.8% surpassed the national rate of 68.9%. The state aims to make Sikkim India's second 100% literate state. ...... Sikkim's evolution into a fully organic state since embracing the mission in 2003 received a fillip from PM Narendra Modi earlier this year. Speaking at a reception by Indian expats in Germany, Modi waxed eloquent on huge advances made by Sikkim in organic farming. Of the state's 60,000 ha farmland, 40% is organic. ..... Sikkim was also declared to be the first state to achieve 100% sanitation coverage becoming completely free of public defecation on December 8, 2008, in a country where large parts of the population still defecate in the open.

A South Asian economic union has been my long declared goal.

किन? कृष्ण प्रसाद भट्टराई ले नेपाल लाई सिंगापुर बनाउनु पर्छ भन्न हुने मैले नेपाल लाई सिक्किम बनाउनु पर्छ भनेर भन्न नहुने?

Tuesday, May 05, 2015

In The News (3)

India tapering off military aircraft sorties to Nepal
the massive 'Operation Maitri', with the deployment of 12 helicopters, NDRF teams, Army medical and engineering taskforces, will continue in full swing ...... Three flights each to Kathmandu and Pokhara from India, with food, medicines, blankets, tents, water and power equipment, were undertaken on Wednesday. "The first one of a C-130J Super Hercules, for instance, landed at the small airstrip at Pokhara with six tonnes of food and water. On Wednesday evening, a C-17 Globemaster-III and an IL-76 were awaiting clearance to fly to Nepal. ...... With relief pouring into Nepal from all over the world, the small Tribhuvan International Airport in Kathmandu has become heavily congested over the last three days. After some Indian flights were forced to return from Kathmandu without landing, the IAF had even dispatched its director (transport) to Kathmandu and worked out a plan to send flights in "low density periods" ...... the "land route has become the primary route" now. ......

With 48 to-and-fro sorties of its C-130J, C-17, IL-76 and AN-32 aircraft, the IAF has airlifted 315 tonnes of relief material and equipment to Nepal since Saturday. "They have also inducted 951 people into Nepal for relief work, which included doctors and paramedics for three Army field hospitals, one IAF rapid aeromedical team and a naval medical team. On their way back, they have carried 3,193 people"

.....The helicopters of IAF (8 Mi-17s) and Army (4 Dhruv advanced light helicopters), meanwhile, continue with their sorties within Nepal, operating mainly from Kathmandu and Pokhara. "Apart from airlifting relief supplies, the four Dhruvs have rescued over 110 people from Pokhara, while almost 1,000 have been ferried by the Mi-17s"
Inside the Inflatable Hospital That’s Saving Lives in Nepal
Nepal quake survivors face threat from human traffickers supplying sex trade
“There is nothing like an emergency when there is chaos for opportunities to … traffic more women. There is a great chance that everything that is bad happening in Nepal could scale up” ..... “People here are now desperate and will take any chance. There are spotters in the villages who convince family members and local brokers who do the deal. We know who they are.” ..... Sita, who was rescued last year, was taken by an uncle “for a job” in India. Her parents, who are subsistence farmers and illiterate, believed assurances she would have a good job and be able to send back her wages.... In the brothel in Siliguri, Sita was forced to have unprotected sex with up to 20 or 30 men a day, seven days a week for a year. ..... most of these criminal networks were based in India, which made identification of traffickers difficult. The gangs have representatives and agents looking for suitable women across Nepal, but particularly in deprived rural areas such as Sindhupalchowk. ..... Many local agents do not know the eventual destination of the women, with some genuinely believing they will find well-paid work in Kathmandu or India. Others are well aware of the real nature of their “jobs”. One ruse is to promise marriage to wealthy foreigners. ..... Kathmandu also has hundreds of bars and massage parlours where women work in poor conditions, with many compelled to have sex with clients. These women are recruited locally, again often in zones hit hard by the quake. “Now [after the earthquake] it is going to be easy for brokers” ....... The uncle who abducted Sita was murdered by a contract killer. Her parents remain unaware of exactly what happened to her, though her brothers have found out. They have now disowned her. ..... Sita lives in a secret shelter run by Shakti Samuha. She does not know what has happened to her parents in the earthquake. For many days, communications to her remote village were cut. When she managed to get a line through to a brother, he refused to acknowledge her. “He said he had no sister and I had called a wrong number,” Sita said.
Nepal earthquake: Expert fears satellite mapping could point to more aftershocks
the stress that caused the initial earthquake may not have been fully released....... "There are a lot of concerns about what is to come in terms of aftershocks, because the ground displacement is much less than we expected. ...... the region would be safer if more seismic events were felt along the boundary of the Eurasian and Indian tectonic plates. ..... "Normally we expect a lot of aftershocks along the plate boundary, but in this case, there are none," he said....... "After Sichuan, there were, there aren't many at all, just a couple of dozen........."[When] we see some aftershocks along the boundary, we say the stress has been released and we'll feel a little more relaxed. ......... "At this stage, I can't see that yet."
Why Is Israel Criticized for Helping Nepal Earthquake Victims?
After Nepal quake, time is ripe to push for safer buildings, experts say
more than 200,500 houses have been destroyed and 186,285 damaged. The government thinks the number of wrecked homes could rise to half a million ....... A key factor is explaining to people that building earthquake-resistant houses is not expensive .... For rural buildings, usually made with stone and mud, simple ways of tying the walls together with wood or concrete elements can make them around 80 percent safer and adds only 5 percent to the building cost ..... The extra cost of strengthening old buildings - known as retrofitting - may be too much for individuals, especially in a poor country like Nepal, but is still cost-effective for public buildings ..... Risk reduction experts say the best time to push for more investment of this kind is often in the wake of a major disaster, when the danger is still fresh in people's minds. ..... "The reason we have ... exposure to hazards is that there is something wrong with ... the way we are building our cities" ...... Disasters like the Nepal quake - which damaged rickety, close-packed buildings in the capital and elsewhere - expose these problems and offer a chance to build back better ..... "Don't wait several months, start immediately to think in this tragedy, how can we use what is now happening to improve some other things?" ...... She advised assembling a team of Nepali experts as soon as possible, with outside support if needed, to plan reconstruction and better urban design, before people begin rebuilding themselves in ways that would leave them at risk in the future. ...... Architecture Sans Frontieres (ASF) International, a network of professional groups including Engineers Without Borders Nepal, is setting up a network of built environment experts to assess the damage and help plan the rebuilding process. ...... ASF International chair Peter Newton warned against rushing to construct interim "pop-up" homes, which are not durable and are expensive compared with longer-term aid....A better approach is to assess existing buildings so that safe ones can be re-occupied quickly, providing temporary shelter for those made homeless ..... The challenge is how to provide relevant solutions for poorer social groups that have lost their livelihoods in the disaster, rather than just designing quake-resistant homes for them and raising money to get them built ...... "The aim is to have a bigger impact on people that are more vulnerable, which is a much trickier problem"
Nepal, aid agencies trade blame as confusion mars earthquake relief
A row has broken out between Nepal and some international agencies over the handling of aid that poured into the country after last month's devastating earthquake, with each side blaming the other for confusion and delays in getting help to victims. ...... The 7.9-magnitude quake, which struck 10 days ago, has killed more than 7,500 people and left hundreds of thousands homeless. ...... Relief material initially piled up at the airport as Nepalese customs officials checked each crate that came in so commercial goods did not slip through. ........ Senior government officials said customs checks were necessary, because they did not know what was coming into the country....... Supplies included goods that Nepal did not need and many relief workers arrived without proper documents to enter the country, complicating efforts to move the aid effort along, officials said. ....... Some rescue workers, for their part, said they were frustrated by what they saw as bureaucratic delays and lack of coordination by the government. ...... Frustrated by delays and a lack of coordination, some donors are circumventing the government and sending aid directly through non-governmental organisations for distribution, adding to disagreements ........ Meetings about earthquake preparedness have been a regular feature in Kathmandu in recent years, and global donors have invested millions of dollars to help Nepal be better prepared for a major seismic event. ...... Chaos after a disaster of this magnitude is inevitable, experts said, and given that aid groups had estimated a major quake near Kathmandu could kill 100,000 people, they said things could have been worse. ...... the government had made an error by urgently requesting tents for Nepalis who had lost their homes....."When donors sent them, they were huge and heavy. What we really want are tarpaulins"
'Why Wasn't Nitish Kumar Allowed to Visit Nepal?' His Party Asks in Parliament
Mr Kumar wanted to visit Janakpur near Bihar's border with Nepal, which is around a half-an-hour chopper ride from Patna..... Nitish Kumar has not reacted officially, but sources say he had commented to his party colleagues that he would have been more surprised, had he been allowed to make the trip. .... "He wanted to go to Janakpur to express solidarity with people there, most of them are from Bihar. But there seems to be politics in asking Nitish Kumar not to go to Nepal," Mr Tyagi said amid speculation that the PM Modi-Nitish Kumar rivalry had played a role.
BJP slams Nitish Kumar for proposing to visit Nepal

Thursday, December 04, 2014

मोदीलाई शङ्का गर्ने ठाउँ छैन

Modi Has Been A Blessing For Nepal
Modi Noticed A "Trust Deficit"

मोदीले जस्तो सोशल मीडिया प्रयोग गर्ने नेता विश्वमा अहिले अर्को छैन। मोदी नंबर एक नै हो। (Politician Number One: Modi) मैले भन्न खोजेको मोदीले के गर्न खोजे, कहाँ कति बेला के बोले, ती सब खुद मोदीकै मुखबाट सुन्न सकिन्छ। मोदी खुद आफैमा मीडिया हो। र मैले मोदीलाई बड़ो नजिकबाट फॉलो गर्दैछु। मोदीको नेपालसँगको अन्तर्क्रियाको मैले गहिरो अध्ययन गरेको छु।

नेपाल र मोदीबारे सबैले बुझ्नु पर्ने कुरा के हो भने मोदी संसारकै सबैभन्दा व्यस्त मान्छे। मोदी नेपाल आउनु अगाडि १७ वर्ष भारतको कुनै पनि प्रधान मंत्री नेपाल नआएको कारण छ: समयको अभाव। मोदी भने नेपाल दुई पटक आउन भ्याइ सके, फेरि आउँछु भन्दैछन्। मैले विश्वका थुप्रै देश घुमें, तर नेपालमा मलाई जुन किसिमको माया प्राप्त भयो त्यो कहीं पनि प्राप्त भएन भनेर भनेका छन।

मोदी जस्तो मान्छे नेपाल आएको नेपाललाई लाटरी परेको हो।

मोदी नेपाललाई ठग्छु भनेर हिंडेको मान्छे होइन। भारतलाई पनि First World Country बनाउँछु, साथै नेपाललाई पनि First World Country बनाउँछु भनेर हिंडेको मान्छे मोदी। मोदी पाउन भारतका जनताले वोट दिनुपर्यो, नेपालका जनताले वोट नै नदिकन पाइ राखेका छन। फोकटमा। यो त धन्यवाद भन्नु पर्ने कुरा हो।

संसारका धनी भन्दा धनी देश आफ्नो देशमा FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) भित्र्याउन तँछाड़ मछाड गर्छन। भारत, चीन, अमेरिका, ब्रिटेन -- सबैले। मोदीले भकाभक तीन महिनामा दुई बिलियन डॉलर नेपाल ल्याइदिए, अर्को ६ बिलियन डॉलर पनि ल्याउन लागेका छन। यो यदि हिंदुत्व हो भने मलाई यस्तो हिंदुत्व अझ चाहियो।

भारतमा मोदीले विकास बाहेक धर्मको कुरा गरेका छैनन् --- नेपालमा त झन गर्ने कुरै भएन। नेपाल धर्म निरपेक्ष राज्य हो --- आज पनि हो, भोलि पनि हो। त्यो छलफल समाप्त भयो। २००६ को अप्रिल क्रांतिको त्यो आदेश थियो।

प्रचण्डलाई एक जनाले सोधे, संसारका अधिकांश देश कुनै न कुनै धर्म सँग आबद्ध छन, नेपाल हिन्दु राष्ट्र भन्दिए के पो बिग्रिन्छ? प्रचण्डले भने ----- संसारमा जति बिकसित देश छन ती प्रत्येक धर्म निरपेक्ष नै छन। देशलाई निरक्षरताबाट साक्षरता तर्फ लाने हो, साक्षरता बाट निरक्षरता तर्फ होइन।

नेपालमा लगभग बढ़ीमा १,००० जति मानिस छन ---- पुलिस, प्रशासन, सेना, पार्टी, मीडिया, NGO आदि इत्यादिमा ---- जसको राष्ट्रीयताको परिभाषा नै नेपाललाई सकेसम्म लामो समय सम्म गरीब बनाएर राख्ने भन्ने छ। एउटा कुन चाहिं राणा प्रधान मन्त्रीले कॉलेज उदघाटन गर्दा रोए जस्तो। मान्छे टाठा बाठा हुन्छन् अनि हामीलाई टेरन छोडछन भन्ने डर। यसै १,००० मान्छेको जमातले मोदीलाई सकेसम्म गाली गरेको अवस्था छ। यो मोदीले देश झिलिमिली पार्ने भो, आपत पार्ने भो भनेर यो १,००० मान्छेलाई निल्नु नओकल्नु भइ राखेको छ।

नेपाल भारत को कुरै छैन, तराई पहाड़को कुरै होइन। राष्ट्रियता त हुँदै होइन। चार वर्षमा एक पटक वोट खसाल्नु बाहेक जनताको महत्व छैन भनठान्ने यो १,००० को अलोकतांत्रिक चरित्रको जमात। तर मोदी grassroots बाट माथि आएको मान्छे --- यो सानो १,००० को जमात र तीन करोड़ नेपाली जनता बीच फरक छुट्याउन सक्ने मान्छे हो।

हुँदा हुँदा यो १,००० को जमातले भारतबाट भाड़ाका टट्टू झिकाइ झिकाइ मोदीलाई गाली गर्न लगाउन थालेका छन।

मोदीकरणको नेपाली रूप

Monday, November 24, 2014

मोदीने एक मिनट में लिया निर्णय

English: Narendra Modi in Press Conference
English: Narendra Modi in Press Conference (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
मोदी संसारके सबसे व्यस्त व्यक्ति हैं। उनकी एक खुबी है - quick decision making की। वो decisive हैं। जनकपुर और लुम्बिनी जाने की बात उन्होने सारे देशके सामने कहा था, भड़ी संसद में, सारी दुनियाके सामने। उनको और उनके टीम को तभी ही मालुम था कि भारतके किन राज्योंमें कब चुनाव है। बिहार में और उत्तर प्रदेश में जहाँ कि अभी मोदीकी पार्टीकी राज्य सरकार नहीं है, और अगर उनकी पार्टी इन राज्योंमें सरकार बना लेती है तो भारतके upper house में उनको बहुमत मिल जाएगी और वो और स्पीड में काम कर सकेंगे। इस बात से वो वाफिक हैं। जनकपुर और लुम्बिनी भ्रमणसे उनको बिहार और उत्तर प्रदेश में फायदा था।

ये कहना कि व्यस्ततावश उन्होने जनकपुर और लुम्बिनी भ्रमण कैंसिल कर दिया --- ये कूटनीतिक भाषाको न समझना है। वो कैंसिल करने का निर्णय उन्होने एक मिनट में लिया, क्यों कि उनके पास उस के लिए उससे ज्यादा समय है ही नहीं। और एक बार निर्णय कर लेने के बाद फिर से उस निर्णयको revisit करने का समय उनके पास नहीं है।

मोदीने एक मिनट में लिया निर्णय। उनको जनकपुरमें आम जनताको सम्बोधन करना था। तीव्र इच्छा थी। प्रोग्राम schedule पर एक निगाह दिया। देखा आम सभा सम्बोधन प्रोग्राम में है ही नहीं। तो उन्होने जनकपुर जानेका प्रोग्राम कैंसिल कर दिया। खिसा खतम।

जनकपुर नगरीके इतिहासमें टीकमगढ़की महारानीने अपने गलेका नौ लाखका हार उतार कर जो दे दिया और जानकी मन्दिर बनी, वो बेमिसाल है। लेकिन मोदी उससे भी आगे जाने वाले थे। ५०० करोड़का पैकेज तैयार था। जनकपुर नगरीका कायापलट होना था। टीकमगढ़की महारानीसे भी तीन कदम आगे चल्ने वाले थे मोदी।

उस सब पर वामदेवने और काठमाण्डु के शासक वर्गने पानी फेर दिया। कितना गहरा है उन लोगो का घृणा! खुद तो कुछ करते नहीं हैं, मधेसीका पैसा ले जाते हैं लेकिन मधेसीको बजट में जगह नहीं देते हैं। और मोदी जैसे लोग उपहार ले कर आते हैं तो उसमें भी रोड़ा डाल देते हैं। वामदेवको माँ जानकीका श्राप लगेगी। वो तो सीधा नरक जायेगा बन्दा।

मोदी grassroots से उपर आए लोग हैं। उनको ये समझने में ज्यादा कठिनाइ नहीं होगी। ब्रिटिश साम्राज्यसे भारत तो मुक्त हो गया लेकिन मधेश अभी तक उस श्राप से मुक्त नहीं हो पाया है।

मोदी के प्रति मधेश के जनता में एक क्रेज है
Rakesh Sood
सुशील-वामदेव: खतरनाक कि निकम्मा?
सुशील-वामदेवको सरकार निकम्मा भएकोले मोदी जनकपुर नआएको
उल्लु स्वाँठ वामदेव
केपी ओली प्रधान मंत्री बन्न शारीरिक रुपले असक्षम, वामदेव मानसिक रुपले
बारह बिघा मैदान टुडिखेल भन्दा बारह गुणा ठुलो हो
आप भारतीय नहीं हैं तो नहीं हैं, मैं तो हुँ
वामदेवको बदमाशीले जनकपुरलाई ५०० करोड़को घाटा
मोदी जनताको छोरो आम जनतालाई सम्बोधन गर्न चाहन्छ
मोदीको भ्रमण रद्द गर्नु
फिजीके इंडियन और नेपालके इंडियन

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Misleading Headline In Khasokhas

English: Young Nelson Mandela. This photo date...
English: Young Nelson Mandela. This photo dates from 1937. South Africa protect the copyright of photographs for 50 years from their first publication. See . Since this image would have been PD in South Africa in 1996, when the URAA took effect, this image is PD in the U.S. Image source: (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

This headline would have you believe CK Raut was a commando in the US army who is now putting together a battalion of fighters to take over Nepal. It is true that he was working for a company in America that is in the defense sector. But he was working as a computer programmer. And his methods have been all nonviolent. His heroes are Mandela and Gandhi. He is guilty of using his right to free speech and right to peaceful assembly.

This news article is all masala and spin and is misleading.