Fulfill the genuine demands of Terai people through talks
Sunday, January 28, 2007
The population of Nepali Madhesi is 9 million approximately in Nepal, i.e. one third of Nepal's 27 million populations. The Terai region of Nepal are dominated by Nepali Madhesi and it is situated in the southern parts of Nepal bordering India.
According to the newly promulgated interim constitution of Nepal, have failed to resolve the problems facing by the “TERAI” people. The present government must outline the election constituency on the basis of population and declare Nepal, a Federal Republic state without any conditions.
We urged the Nepal’s Government to give full recognition to Madhesi people as Nepali from mountainous region. Let them share the power and the rights equally. They are also the first class citizens. We are in the 21st century, let us all have equal opportunity in the nation building process. We never had ethnic clashes so far and we don’t want it to grow like flames. Our leaders must act it immediately to stop the tense in the terai region and call for the dialogue tonight. We don’t want any “Royalists” taking advantage from this issue. Royalists are ready to add kerosene in the fire.
The contribution of Madhesis in April Revolution (Janaandoolan II) is commendable. The Nepal Government should not put their genuine demands aside instead call them for round table conference to settle the problems peacefully. We all want to see peace (after 12 years of civil war), harmony, justice, fairness and equal participation, and an exercise in democracy. The most importantly, we should stop discriminating Madhesis immediately. Let us live in harmony.
Somnath Ghimire
President of NSU, USA & Canada ChapterHamro Nepal: 50 Members
Devendra Raj Panday, Sunday, December 10, 7 PM, Satya Narayan Mandir
Prachanda, Madhav, Devendra
Somnath Ghimire: Why Republic
Somnath Ghimire, Family, Friends
Somnath Ghimire: Open Letter To Deuba
Somnath Ghimire: King G Is Pinochet
Somnath Ghimire On Leadership Crisis In Nepali Congress
Why Are The Pahadis Quiet?
Bhagat jee,
I have no interest on your blog, please remove my name from your database.
I have never register on your blog, i don;t know where you get my id.
I don;t want anymore of your emails. Please stop.
Paramendra jee,
Thank you very much for your inquery about the Terai crisis. Oviously, I am
eagerly looking the Terai incident. I have great sympathy to them. I am very
much concern about two things in Nepal
1. The existing social harmony among the Nepali people should not be broken.
2. Nation should not be splited in the name of politics.
Whether they are Madeshi or Pahadi, all the deprived group should be unite
and find out the solution soon. Lets talk over phone on this matter.
Excellent point. Some may be even conspiring against the movement.
Read my article in Ktm Post of June 22- its a critic of the proposed
electoral method.
It is very much right, pertinent and timely.
What are you try to say using following sentence in your blog
Manu makhu marsya wala
Would you kindly explain little more detail ?
You are crying for Madhesi 's right and I am fighting for NEWAR'S right.
It should not be the Pahadi and Madhese issues because we all are Nepalese.
the main problems and issues are the political leaders who are attracted to
the post and neglegting all nepalese's future. everything is politicise
which is dangerous for all of us.
motherfucker i dont know who you are and i dont fuckin care to know either. dickhead I'm not pissed at your opinion or anything. fucking son of a bitch stop fuckin sending mails to me. fuckin homo, if i see one more mail from you in my mail box i would be pissed as fuck. so dont send anymore of mails to me, i didnt signup for anything or any group.
Dear Roger:
I'm so sorry to hear about your house. I have been to your house in Bhanu Chauk several times. It truly saddens me to know that this event is happening in our home town. There is no justification for this kind of violence act. Hurting innocent people/property is "no way" to fight for legitimate rights.
Knowing personally how dedicated you have been to uplifting of Teraibasi, I can not imagine how hurt you and your family may be. I along with our ANTA friends share in your hurt and disappointment. Hope you find forgiveness for the people who are participating in this kind of "cowardly act". We must learn "tit for tat" has never worked nor will ever work.
Let us be strong in our resolve to do what is right.
Please accept our heartfelt sorrow!
On 1/27/07, Roger Adhikari
I Agree with you; it's a moral obligation of all Nepalis, including the members of this forum to address Tarai's issue. Growing up in Tarai (five generations), I am aware of the personal experience you may have gone through. And I believe, no one should have to endure such experience any where, let alone in their country. While, I must confess my awareness of such matters were less of bothersome when I was growing up in Janak Pur. May be it was due to my age (I left Janak Pur at 16) and or because I didn't care then because it didn't personally impact me.
However, for the last three decades, specially since coming to America, I have given lots of thought in this matter and have spoken with many people of such disparity and unfairness bestowed upon Madhesis by the Nepal government; from Ranas to the recent elected government.
I believe, it is high time for Nepalis from all walks of life to speak loud against this unfairness. The Government of Nepal must have a peaceful dialogue with the Madheshi leaders for seeking a peaceful equitable settlement.
On the personal side, My brother from Colorado just called me to say that our home near Bhanu Chowk, where I and seven of my siblings grew up, was put on fire by the mob.
As you may know, all members of my family, including my parents, live in America. Therefore, my family is unharmed from this event. But until this morning smoke was still coming out of our home. I hope your family is doing fine.
Thank You,
Dear Roger (my Suraj),
I am really hurt to know that current stream of violence is turning away from the real cause, and is now disturbing the communal harmony, in which we had been living in Terai, including Janakpur, our own place. I am really shocked to know that your house, the one I have been several times (I even could not count) was attacked. Few hours ago, I got the message that a mob was proceeding towards Lila Koirala's house. While I feel that voices had to be raised against the discrimination bestowed upon madheshis by the Nepal Government and its machineries, I beleive that no one should support the violence. In that respect, the initial movement by the people in Terai could be considered genuine, but by no reason, the current violence against whole pahadi community is justified. The struggle should be against policy and the government or 7/8 party leaders and the ones who implement such policies, but not against whole pahadi community.
As a Madheshi, like Lalit, all of us have faced the question by pahadis, 'Are you Indian? or really, you are a Nepali. How can it be?". I myself have faced this question million times, whether that was in Kathmandu or Thailand or US. It does not mean that all pahadis look at madheshis in the same way.Despite this, we know that many of our closest friends and bestwishers are pahadis. Though this kind of question (or say discrimination) has become more common in recent years. In my view, it is because of a shift in paradigm how people of Terai origin (I mean Madheshis, as I know Roger's several generations have been living in Terai) is looked at by Non-madheshis. In early decades, even till late seventies, when the Kathmandu was dominated by Newars, Terai was dominated by madheshis, and hills and mountains by pahadis (Khas language speaking people), the sense of feeling was of Pahadi and Madheshi, both living in harmony, because Kathmandu was percieved as Nepal, and the people, mostly Newar and also some elite Pahadis there in, were considering themselves true Nepali. Even pahadis were lagging behind, and they were considered 'Pakhe'. But, in last two and half decades (especially after 2036 BS movement), while an increase in education and the migration of people from mountains and hills to Kathmandu and Terai has aided multifacet development in several aspects, it has given birth of the feeling of Nepali and Madheshi (non-Nepalis). This shift in paradigm gradually alienet the Madheshi community more and more. (I will write more on this with examples sometime later). Not only feeling, but it got translated in action too. As the result, hundreds of thousands of Madheshis have been denied from citizenship, which is the first basic human right. The current uprise in the Terai is the expression of such alienation.
We, as the members of intellectual societiy, have the moral duty to support the genuine voice, but not the VIOLENCE. The question is how can we the support? We have to raise the voice that current citizenship drive should accomplish its mission as soon as possible and give the citizenship to all genuinne Nepalis (both Madheshis and Pahadis). When we see the news, it tells different story. While news mentioned that >1100 people were given citizenship in Rolpa and Rukum, it highlights that mostly Indians are in que to get citizenships in Terai. This prejudice concept that mostly Indians are seeking the citizenship in Terai, is partially the result of a shift in paradigm that I mentioned above. Otherwise why instead of 3 (as in new law), 5 people will be asked to verify the candidate, and many other instances are like this. The citizenship teams, and that goes up in chain of command, need to be frank and hones,t and they distribute the citizenship in Terai as early as possible. Second point is the representation in decision making process. Even we forget how a decision about policy has been made so far in the country, we know that the future of the country will be written by the members of consituent assembly. If the assembly will not proportionate representation of the diverse group of people, how the interest of each group will be served. So, demand for representation on the basis of populaiton should be considered. Yes, some special arangement has to made to assure that minority group is also heard.
I am not aware of ND fourm, but I beleive that people from all fourms should raise these concerns strongly, and codemn any VIOLENCE, whether that is committed by security person, maoists, pahadis or madheshis, whatever.
Finally, I express my deep sorrow for what happens to your house in Janakpur. I am always with you at every turn.
Take me off your blog site, please.
welcome. what else can we tell you? btw, we could not
understand, why people with such great talent, vision
and achievement still crave for personal show-offs?
those are trivial things, isn't it (correct us, if
not). you have already great status in Nepal, among
leaders, but still why ?
and just a reminder, you today sent more than 6 (?)
emails to group, which have -ve rather than +ve
effect, they start treating as spam, and delete
without looking inside. cheers.
Please take me of your list
Dear Paramendra Kumar Bhagat ji,
Janakpur, Birganj, Lahan, Biratnagar, Rajbiraj and whole Madhes is burning.
This time madhesy is fighting for their right. But Madhesy was fighting for
Pahiriya so far. We want independent and seperate Madhesy state. Madhesy
Andolan Alliance.
Jay Madhesh !
Who the fuck you are sending me all these emails. I do not want to receive anymore.
Hamne madesh jalaraha hae dekha aag bujhaane ne ke liye kuchha to karnahi hogaa. Ye netaa log aesaahi hotaahae apane jagaha surakshit karneke liye.
Whereever you have used the word Nepali should be changed into'Nepalese' because your blog is not only for NEPALI but for entire people of NEPAL. So Nepali convention 2008 should be NEPALESE convention 2008. The word Nepali was replaced for GORKHALI, some 80-90 years ago. NOW is the time of NEPALESE not just NEPALI.
Hi all,
This is a footage from recent "ethnic violence" in Nepalgung. Reminds
me of the Bombay riot in which the police inclined towards the "Hindu
groups" against the Muslims. You can see how the police are joining the
"hill groups" to control the riots. This is not juts a crowd behavior,
but an expression of the underlying ethnic tension, especially hatred
towards the Madheshi people [here Muslims?)- as if all of them are
Indian in disguise.
** WARNING: it has some graphic violent scenes and "vulgar languages".
These two words carry different meanings one is inclusive and other one is exclusive of non nepali (Khas) speaking people.
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