205 will be directly elected. Almost that many will be indirectly elected through proportional representation. The Nepali politicians have called it the mixed system. It is a cocktail. The idea is interesting. But there are two flaws.
Those 205 constituencies are not being marked based on equal population. And those have been marked as perpendicular rectangles in the Terai in a concerted effort to marginalize the Madhesi.
The second mistake has been that there is no provision for reserved constituencies.
What is a reserved constituency? Say if 33% of those 205 seats are reserved for women, 68 of the 205 constituencies would be such that, although direct elections would be held in each of them, all candidates in those 68 constituencies must be women.
We need reserved seats for the DaMaJaMa, Dalit, Madhesi, Janajati, Mahila. Among the 33% for women, we need seats for Dalit, Madhesi, Janajati women.
The Home Minister can get creative, and get all those eligible for citizenship papers to get them. An honest, patriotic zeal would suffice there. How will you know the work got done? If only 33 lakh got the papers, that is half the requisite number. If 55-60 lakh got the papers, we will know the work got done. Because the figure 10 years back was 42 lakh.
But the 205 constituencies based on equal population is a call for a constitutional amendment. The issue of reserved seats for the DaMaJaMa is a call for a constitutional amendment. And these Bahun men in powe will not listen otherwise. We need a decisive movement on the part of the DaMaJaMa.
The Bahuns in power, be it Koirala or Sitaula, and even a Janajati Maobadi, Dev Gurung, have come out alleging regressive elements have been behind the Madhesi Movement. They are so detached from the Madhesi reality, it is not even funny.
If the 205 seats will not be marked based on equal population, the constituent assembly elections can not be allowed to take place. That has to be the bottom line of the Madhesi Movement.
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Interview with Jwala Singh Madhesi - United We Stand Our demands are that Terai should be declared an independent state; there should be proportionate participation by determining constituencies on the basis of population; all the police, army and administration in the Terai should be evacuated and Madheshi people should be posted there; Population census should be conducted in Terai in the coordination of Madheshi; all the revenue collected from Terai should be spent for the development of Terai; all the Madheshi killed by state and Maoists should be declared martyrs and rupees 1.5 million should be provided as compensation; citizenship should be issued from the central to district level in coordination of Madheshi; the land of Madheshi captured by Maoists should be given back and Maoists should stop their donation drive and tax collection in Terai.
1 comment:
Your blog's contribution is appreciable for democratic movement. But I should not hesitate to comment that recent cynical Madhesi movement is something else. It is by-product of the Maoists who planted seeds of ehnic, communal and racial unrest. Madhdesis demand for proportional representation and federal structure of the sstate can be taken as genuine but wwhat wwill left for the constituent assembly to decide if the form of state is already determined and the a republic is declared. It is a demand of authoritarian groups. It is a move to deny the people from participating during decidding country's futture. Some of the Madhesis who are too ambitious are tryying to fish in the troubled water. You all should be sure that ultra mandales like Badrimandal and Gore Bahaur Khapanggi have started raising their ddirty heads.
Look at another demand, which is also genuine. But look at who will represent from Manang if Maddhesis are to follow. So at least one should be elected on the geographical ground. Even if you redelimitate the constituencies on the bassis of fresh census, there will be five o six seats changed. Jhapa, Kailali, Ilam, Palpa and Udaypur may have their onstituencies changed. So it is not a bg issue. It is just a pretext.
You should be clear that everal riminals have acively participated in the movement. The geenuine ones will be back wwithin short time because of influeence of the criminals.
So I support the demands of the Madhesis and thee parliament should take up the issue but I am against the criminal mode of the violent protests. It is totally against our culure moving graddually ttowards a democratic one.
If the Maddhesis' move wins, tthere will be massive ethnic unrest in hills and leads to a civil war. We should be ready for facing that.
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