Proposed Constitution
-Dr Bindeshwar Prasad Yadav
The knowledge of the difference between brass and gold is important in the selling and buying business. Brass looks like gold, it mimics gold but it is not gold. For purchasers of gold it becomes top important to know what qualities of brass are similar to gold that one may not purchase brass thinking it was gold. Secondly, it also becomes important to know what quality of gold confirms that it is sure and pure; it is gold.
Let’s make an evidence based analysis that water resources such as Koshi, Gandaki and Karnali in state structure are gold or brass. Is it a reality or delusion for economic development with reference to millions state-exploited and marginalized Madheshis in Nepal?
Is state-structure of Nepal a real need?
Nepal is a small country. Its population and geography do not need state structure for a justice based national administration. Also, its economy does not allow state structure, because a big portion of the developmental budget will be diverted for administration purpose of the state. Looking at these facts, one must ponder then why such noise or move for several states in Nepal?
Another reality is that the answer is “yes”, nevertheless all above facts. People sentiments-based state structure has become most important for the present Nepal. The root cause is century long unjust national administration. It is like a poor patient selling his land and wife’s jewelry to buy expensive medical care to save his life from fatal disease. Today, Nepal must go through state structure to save national unity and to provide people with the power of decision and governance.
Dilemmas of Economic development
It is evident that some decades ago, Madhesh region and Madheshis were economically, educationally richer in comparison to other part of the country. But, Madheshis were poor in political power and policy making. Unjust policy and discriminatory intension of the government did not provide the opportunity for growth and development to Madhesh and Madheshis, as well as, the people were exploited and suppressed. The result is that today economically and educationally they have been pushed behind.
Political power is a must to gain and protect economy
In several countries of the world such as Asia, Africa, Americas, (what I know personally) Indian Diasporas have had economic and educational power of the country, but now they are suffering in spite of those powers. In fact, political power (that is power of administration, and policy, as well as, manipulates power of judiciary in its favour) is the master of all other powers.
Presently, a move for states in Nepal is a move for sharing political power and policy making power. In the present world, as an ultimate means, political power has become a trend and trait for several national leaders to gain and save economically.
If Madheshis is without both political and decision making powers then stronger people with political power will snatch their economy.
Water resources and laws
There is international law for use and distribution of water resources in case of a river passing through more than one country. There is also law within a country to guide states on the use and distribution of water resources in case of a river passing through several states in a country. Therefore, proposed Madhesh state has legal rights in the water of Koshi, Gandaki and Karnali. In its case of autonomous state it will have its justified share in these water resources. It doesn’t need to compromise with its people’s sentiment and rights.
Koshi, Gandaki and Karnali States
Firstly, Madheshis will not get political power, policy making power and autonomy in this state structure.
Secondly, as they will remain deprived of power, justified generated economy will not come to them. Major portion will go somewhere else.
For Madheshis, a Nepal without state is much better than Koshi, Gandaki and Karnali states.
First and foremost important, it will divide the Madhesh and Madheshis strength; for that the government is waiting.
Unity is the most powerful over all other combined powers of economy, education etc.
Perhaps, it (Koshi/Gandaki/Karnali) may be a very effective suicidal agenda for the noble cause and call of Madheshis!
In conclusion, it is an economic delusion and dilemma. We must not buy brass in confusion of gold. The top most needs of Madheshis are UNITY & AUTONOMY.
(It is my personal view. in response to an email ………..I received)
In The News
Home Minister directs to re-establish police posts within a week NepalNews Sitaula has directed the security chiefs to re-establish all displaced police posts of the terai region within a week. ..... all displaced police posts should be re-established by 9th January to hold the elections of the constituent assembly by mid-June 2007 .... Home Secretary Umesh Mainali said that the ministry will not make any transfers in the ministry till the elections of the constituent assembly.
Freed Kamaiyas call off strike
Parliamentary committee okays nomination of Gurung, Yadav as election commissioners
Cold wave toll hits 28
Locals shut down Birgunj after a road mishap
Prachanda reaches Jiri NepalNews accompanied by his wife Sita Poudel and son Prakash. ..... a motorcycle carrying a local Maoist leader escorting Prachanda to Jiri met with an accident in Charikot this morning .... The incident occurred when a bus coming from the oppose side hit the motorcycle.
All party committee to distribute compensation to Nepalgunj riot victims the government allotted Rs 3 million as immediate relief to the riot victims. ..... at least 150 businesses including shops, hotels and cyber cafes were destroyed or looted during the riot in Nepalgunj. ...... The government had formed a three-member judicial commission chaired by Butwal Appellate Court judge, Purusottam Parajuli, to investigate the incident ..... One person was killed and dozens of others injured
JTMM (Goit) announces Terai bandh, vows to foil CA elections Goit has announced three-day Terai bandh on January 12-14. ..... asked Nepali rulers to leave Terai and has demanded that indigenous people of Terai be allowed to run army, police and administration in Terai region. He has also asked that revenue collected from Terai be utilized for Terai development and has demanded an end to infiltration of Nepalis into the region. ...... organize a roundtable conference to write new constitution for Terai.
Minister requests SAC to pass Civil Service Bill
Talks between freed Kamaiyas and government inconclusive
Year 2006: From despotism to democracy
Prachanda directs cadres to allow police, VDC secys in villages
Leaders of eight parties to meet soon to discuss progress on arms management: Nepal
Martin to brief Nepal peace process to Ban Ki Moon
Parliament passes bill to privatize valley water distribution
State, Maoists and Madhesh
- Dr. Prabhat Ranjan
At last, Pranchand, the supreme of NCP (Maoists), directed their cadres to cooperate government's decision of reinstating police posts. He specially mentioned that in a press statement issued here that his party was ready to cooperate with the government to reestablish the abandoned police posts in Madhesh and later in the hill regions. This means, Maoist cadres will felicitate unconditionally the reinstating of police post (state authority) in Madhesh while the same thing in hill regions is not allowed at present and may be done later but only after pre-consultations and approval of NCP (Maoists). What does this mean? Is Prachand serious for the safekeeping of madheshies and not of Pahadis? Or it is his colossal love for the people of madhesh? Then how it differs with the love of Prachand for people of hill region?
Nothing is like that. Prachand's statement came after PM's remarks that Maoists will have to take the responsibility if constituent assembly (CA) elections were not held in time. He said so because Maoists were obstructing the restoration of the police posts and return of the VDC secretaries to their works. Some can see later's decision in this connection and can call it subsequent. But the reality is of far beyond. Prachand has allowed it for madhesh only. This simply means that they are weaker in Madhesh and are frightened of JTMM. As the problems of madhesh are still not to be addressed and the Maoist leadership is also alike others, many guerrillas from NCP (Maoist) can join JTMM with arms. Prachand and his colleagues are afraid of that situation. If it happens not only CA elections will be effected, it will also thwart and hinder gravely the peace process endangering NCP (Maoist)'s current advantageous position.
The move of NCP (Maoist) is strategic. They do not desire to loose their control and strategic presence in hills or give any concessions but want to block state's entrance there. They are eager to tighten their presence in Madhesh with the help of state security forces involved in fighting directly with JTMM which is continuously developing itself as brave and popular armed insurgents of madhesh. If they give up roughshod and barbarous acts and dedicates for equality and freedom for madheshi people, they will certainly gain and increase their strongholds.
The move of Prachand is not a development of overnight. It is widely calculated, planned and then only designed cunningly. After continuous cries in Madhesh for equality and call of Bandha from NSP (A), home ministry and Maoists planned to squash it and chose Nepalganj for the test estimating eastern towns difficult and knotty to accomplish.
Now the question is who will gain? If the situation in Madhesh worsens, certainly JTMM and NSP (A) will gain. Any armed action against JTMM will boost automatically sympathy for them in Madhesh and north India. Govt. of India may stay silent in the beginning but will be compelled by its own people to work for Madhesh and Madheshies later. NC, NCP (UML) will be looser. Their vote-bank will be destroyed and NCP (Maoist) will feel enhanced. Prachand will be then only the leader with broader strongholds. GP Koirala, Madhav Nepal will be thrown behind.
One must know that CA elections and the formation of new constitution is not final for ever. Any unjust action against half of the people will do nothing except shortening the life of peace and stability of the country. PM GP Koirala and other responsible leaders being aware of the developments should take the case seriously find solution cool mindedly. Otherwise, unfortunate incidents can lead Nepal to devastations.
Martin to brief Nepal peace process to Ban Ki Moon
Parliament passes bill to privatize valley water distribution
Jana Aandolan victims gherao ministers' residence
Sitaula says govt-Maoist row will end soon
Lawmakers criticise Maoist excesses
Government, Maoists appeal for restart of Middle Marsyangdi works; Melamchi works stalled again
Refugees want bilateral talks to end the Bhutanese Movement Steering Committee – the apex body of refugees – has asked the government to terminate bilateral discussions as they had become fruitless. ...... The vice president of the committee and president of Druk National Congress Thinley Penjore ...... "Nepal should terminate its negotiation with Bhutan and start dialogue with India.""Nepal should terminate its negotiation with Bhutan and start dialogue with India." ...... Association for Press Freedom Activists in Bhutan (APFA)
No talks with refugees: Bhutan minister
Oli raises strong objection against Bhutan PM's remarks
Government urges protestors to stay away from Singha Durbar, Baluwatar
RCCC chairman, members summoned
Maoists still continuing collection of taxes
Over 100 Jana Aandolan activists arrested, released
NRN meet in North America Non Resident Nepalis Association (NRNA) will be organising a one-day meet of the Nepalis living in North America at San Bernadino, California on January 6. ..... "The purpose of the meeting is to discuss strategy of grassroots Nepali organizations' involvement in Non Resident Nepalis Movement. The meet will also address issues concerning voting rights to NRN and their role in the upcoming Constituent Assembly Election. ....... Mayor of San Bernardino city Patrick Morris is to inaugurate the meeting. NRNA president Dr. Upendra Mahato and Bhim Udhas of the NRN International Coordinating Committee will also be participating ....... Organizer of the meet Dr. Jeetendra Joshee said he is expecting participation from over 15 Nepali organizations in North America.
UML positive towards dual citizenship: UML General Secy. urged Non Residential Nepalis (NRNs) to assist them by presenting international experiences about dual citizenship. ..... Speaking at an interaction in Sydney, Australia organized by NRN Australia ...... Vice-Chairperson of NRN International Coordination Committee Indra Wan ...... Advisor of NRN Australia Dr. Narayan Pradhan presented a memorandum to chief whip of CPN-UML Mahendra Bahadur Pandey. ..... General Secretary of the Federation of Indigenous Nationalities Dr. Om Gurung expressed the Federation’s solidarity to dual citizenship to NRNs.Sitaula says govt-Maoist row will end soon
Lawmakers criticise Maoist excesses
Government, Maoists appeal for restart of Middle Marsyangdi works; Melamchi works stalled again
Refugees want bilateral talks to end the Bhutanese Movement Steering Committee – the apex body of refugees – has asked the government to terminate bilateral discussions as they had become fruitless. ...... The vice president of the committee and president of Druk National Congress Thinley Penjore ...... "Nepal should terminate its negotiation with Bhutan and start dialogue with India.""Nepal should terminate its negotiation with Bhutan and start dialogue with India." ...... Association for Press Freedom Activists in Bhutan (APFA)
No talks with refugees: Bhutan minister
Oli raises strong objection against Bhutan PM's remarks
Government urges protestors to stay away from Singha Durbar, Baluwatar
RCCC chairman, members summoned
Maoists still continuing collection of taxes
Over 100 Jana Aandolan activists arrested, released
NRN meet in North America Non Resident Nepalis Association (NRNA) will be organising a one-day meet of the Nepalis living in North America at San Bernadino, California on January 6. ..... "The purpose of the meeting is to discuss strategy of grassroots Nepali organizations' involvement in Non Resident Nepalis Movement. The meet will also address issues concerning voting rights to NRN and their role in the upcoming Constituent Assembly Election. ....... Mayor of San Bernardino city Patrick Morris is to inaugurate the meeting. NRNA president Dr. Upendra Mahato and Bhim Udhas of the NRN International Coordinating Committee will also be participating ....... Organizer of the meet Dr. Jeetendra Joshee said he is expecting participation from over 15 Nepali organizations in North America.
State, Maoists and Madhesh
- Dr. Prabhat Ranjan
At last, Pranchand, the supreme of NCP (Maoists), directed their cadres to cooperate government's decision of reinstating police posts. He specially mentioned that in a press statement issued here that his party was ready to cooperate with the government to reestablish the abandoned police posts in Madhesh and later in the hill regions. This means, Maoist cadres will felicitate unconditionally the reinstating of police post (state authority) in Madhesh while the same thing in hill regions is not allowed at present and may be done later but only after pre-consultations and approval of NCP (Maoists). What does this mean? Is Prachand serious for the safekeeping of madheshies and not of Pahadis? Or it is his colossal love for the people of madhesh? Then how it differs with the love of Prachand for people of hill region?
Nothing is like that. Prachand's statement came after PM's remarks that Maoists will have to take the responsibility if constituent assembly (CA) elections were not held in time. He said so because Maoists were obstructing the restoration of the police posts and return of the VDC secretaries to their works. Some can see later's decision in this connection and can call it subsequent. But the reality is of far beyond. Prachand has allowed it for madhesh only. This simply means that they are weaker in Madhesh and are frightened of JTMM. As the problems of madhesh are still not to be addressed and the Maoist leadership is also alike others, many guerrillas from NCP (Maoist) can join JTMM with arms. Prachand and his colleagues are afraid of that situation. If it happens not only CA elections will be effected, it will also thwart and hinder gravely the peace process endangering NCP (Maoist)'s current advantageous position.
The move of NCP (Maoist) is strategic. They do not desire to loose their control and strategic presence in hills or give any concessions but want to block state's entrance there. They are eager to tighten their presence in Madhesh with the help of state security forces involved in fighting directly with JTMM which is continuously developing itself as brave and popular armed insurgents of madhesh. If they give up roughshod and barbarous acts and dedicates for equality and freedom for madheshi people, they will certainly gain and increase their strongholds.
The move of Prachand is not a development of overnight. It is widely calculated, planned and then only designed cunningly. After continuous cries in Madhesh for equality and call of Bandha from NSP (A), home ministry and Maoists planned to squash it and chose Nepalganj for the test estimating eastern towns difficult and knotty to accomplish.
Now the question is who will gain? If the situation in Madhesh worsens, certainly JTMM and NSP (A) will gain. Any armed action against JTMM will boost automatically sympathy for them in Madhesh and north India. Govt. of India may stay silent in the beginning but will be compelled by its own people to work for Madhesh and Madheshies later. NC, NCP (UML) will be looser. Their vote-bank will be destroyed and NCP (Maoist) will feel enhanced. Prachand will be then only the leader with broader strongholds. GP Koirala, Madhav Nepal will be thrown behind.
One must know that CA elections and the formation of new constitution is not final for ever. Any unjust action against half of the people will do nothing except shortening the life of peace and stability of the country. PM GP Koirala and other responsible leaders being aware of the developments should take the case seriously find solution cool mindedly. Otherwise, unfortunate incidents can lead Nepal to devastations.
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