Friday, October 03, 2014

राजनीतिक अधिकार बिनाको नागरिकता

  • निर्दलीय (partyless) प्रजातन्त्र (democracy)
  • आत्म निर्णयको अधिकार (right to self determination) बिनाको संघीयता (federalism)
  • राजनीतिक अधिकार (political rights) बिनाको नागरिकता (citizenship)
All three are very similar concepts. But of the three, the most primitive has got to be the citizenship without political rights. And that is what the most educated Nepalis on earth are agreeing to in a deal with the scoundrels running Nepal today. The thugs are calling the shots, looks like.

NRN लाई दोस्रो दर्जाको नागरिक बनाउने तैयारी
NRN लाई दोस्रो दर्जाको नागरिकता

Thursday, October 02, 2014

नेपालमा LTTE देख्ने MKKNE

Power Devolution: Bigger Issue Than Maps And Names Of States

Map of the Australian states / Mapa dels estat...
Map of the Australian states / Mapa dels estats australians (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
How much power will the states have? Will it be true federalism where states do most things, and the center only does things the states can not do? Will states be able to raise taxes? How much power will there be at the local level? Will villages and towns have real budgets where they are not at the mercy of state and central governments?

These power devolution issues are the true issues of federalism. But almost all the debate and hand wringing has been on the maps and names of possible states. You can have the map and the name you want, but unless there is true power devolution, federalism is going to be fake.

5 States, 75 Districts

  • 5 states, their names to be decided through majority vote by their state legislatures once they are formed before monsoon 2015.
  • Two direct elections, one for MPs, another for wada chiefs, mayors and deputy mayors. 
  • MPs elect Prime Minister
  • Wada chiefs, mayors and deputy mayors elect members of the district government. 
  • All elected leaders at all levels elect the President who is constitutional chief and Commander In Chief of the Nepal Army

NRN लाई दोस्रो दर्जाको नागरिक बनाउने तैयारी

२००५-०६ को लोकतान्त्रिक क्रान्ति र त्यसपछिको मधेसी क्रान्तिमा मैले फुल टाइम दिएको हुँ। उड़ाउनेले "पत्रकार" भनेर उड़ाईदिने गरेका पनि छन। तर मैले त्यति बेला पत्रकारिता गरेको होइन। मेरो काम नितान्त राजनीतिक थियो। पत्रकारिता भन्नु पुर्वाग्रह हो। तर मैले न कुनै संगठनको सदस्यता लिएँ, पद त लिने कुरै भएन। त्यसको कारण थियो। मैले डिजिटल tools प्रयोग गरेको थिएँ। रणभुमि नेपालमा थियो।

सीके राउतको रिहाईकालागि फेरि २० दिन जागियो। संघीयताको मुद्दामा बेइमानी हुने खतरा छ। तर मेरो दिल र दिमाग भविष्य तर्फ मुडिसक्यो। आर्थिक क्रान्तिको मुद्दा। २०-३० वर्ष चल्ने मुद्दा।

NRN को चुनाव भयो अमेरिकामा। पहिलो पटक NRN movement अमेरिका पसे जस्तो। अहिले मात्र होइन, १०-१५ वर्षपछि पनि NRN संगठनको कुनै पद मलाई खानु छैन। तर हालै भएको एउटा ठुलो निर्णय डिस्टर्ब गर्ने किसिमको छ। यसले नेपालको आर्थिक क्रांतिलाई डिस्टर्ब गर्छ।

NRN लाई दोस्रो दर्जाको नागरिक बनाउने तैयारी भइरहेकोछ। यो बड़ो चिन्ताको विषय हो। नेपाल पछाडि पर्नुको नम्बर एक कारण नै नेपालको राजनीती हो। राजनीतिक अधिकार बिनाको द्वैध नागरिकता NRN लाई दिन खोजेर नेपालका नेताहरुले पुच्छरले कुकुर हल्लाउने षडयन्त्र भैरहेको छ। बड़ो गलत निर्णय हुन लागेको छ। सावधान।

Wednesday, October 01, 2014

5 States

Surket is part of West Terai. Chitwan, Makwanpur and Udaypur are part of East Terai. The 75 districts stay intact. But there are no direct elections for the district government. The wada chiefs, mayors and deputy mayors form the electoral pool. The names of the five states are determined through majority vote by their respective state legislatures.


सीकेको रिहाईको बधाई

Free CK Raut Global Campaign

सीके राउतको अनशन टुटेको छ, रिहाई हुने निर्णय भएको छ। बधाई। सीकेलाई पनि र सीकेको रिहाईकालागि संघर्ष गरेका सबैलाई।

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

माधव नेपाल: दही च्युरे बाहुन

वाक स्वतंत्रता हुनुपर्छ तर सीके राउतलाई समातेको ठीकै हो भन्नुको मतलब के? यसो भन्नुको अर्थ के लाग्छ? माधव नेपालले वाक स्वतंत्रता हुनुपर्छ भनेर वाक स्वतंत्रता हुने भए माधव नेपालले वाक स्वतंत्रता गायब पार्नुपर्छ भन्ने भए वाक स्वतंत्रता गायब हुनुपर्ने हो। तर हुँदैन। वाक स्वतंत्रताको सवालमा माधव नेपाल एक जना irrelevant व्यक्ति हो भन्ने कुरा त्यसैबाट प्रमाणित हुन्छ। म वाक स्वतंत्रताको पक्षमा छु तर यो दही च्युरे बाहुनले मुख नखोलेकै बेस।

नेपालमा एमाले भन्दा घटिया, racist, prejudiced अर्को कुनै राजनीतिक पार्टी छैन। एमाले भनेको पहाड़ी बाहुनहरुले नेपालको राजनीतिमा अन्तिम हुइंया गर्न जाने ठाउँ हो।

State And Local Elections Before Monsoon 2015

It is imperative that the constitution is promulgated on time, and the state and local elections are held before monsoon 2015. The vacuum at the local level has been a great disservice to the country and its peoples.

Because federalism is still as controversial as ever, it is likely the geographical boundaries might be agreed to, but it might be best to leave the business of naming the states to the duly elected state legislatures. I have seen too many hyphens in some of the proposed names.

Federalism Is Cheaper Than The Unitary System

English: A map of Canada exhibiting its ten pr...
English: A map of Canada exhibiting its ten provinces and three territories, and their capitals. (Lambert conformal conic projection from The Atlas of Canada) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Federalism is cheaper than the unitary system in place, because federalism is a far more efficient way of delivering government services to the people. This whole idea that expenses will go up 10 times because there will be 10 new states is bizarre. It is even more bizarre because that argument is being pushed around by some otherwise very smart people.

Law enforcement is handled by states in a federal system. That means the central government budget for law enforcement will go down by at least 90%. The civil war has long been over but the bloated army has not been downsized. There is a 90% savings when you bring down the number of soldiers to 10,000 from its current 90,000.

Several ministries can be outright eliminated. A bunch can be brought together. All need to be downsized. I see a 50% cost saving if all this is done right. Why is there a separate Ministry Of Irrigation? Why is that not part of the Ministry of Agriculture?

  • Agriculture
  • Tourism
  • Defense
  • Education
  • Health
  • Energy 
  • Finance
  • Foreign Affairs
  • Home
  • Industry 
  • Trasportation
  • Science And Technology
  • Federal Affairs 
  • Information And Communications
These 14 ministries would be enough. All would be restructured. All would be downsized. All would be computerized. 

The state governments would generate their own revenues. The local governments would have their own budgets. What can be done locally should not be passed on to the state and central governments. What can be done at the state level should not passed to the central government. That is what federalism means. In this arrangement the efficiency goes way up. And that is why the costs come down dramatically.