Showing posts with label South Asia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label South Asia. Show all posts

Monday, November 24, 2014

Rakesh Sood

At such moments, India is often first invited to play the role of peacemaker and then blamed for interfering in Nepal’s internal affairs.
his speech at the Constituent Assembly (CA) was a masterful exercise in touching all the issues that have troubled the India-Nepal relationship over years, and in striking the right notes. He spoke about respecting Nepali sovereignty and reiterated his readiness to revise the contentious 1950 Treaty in line with Nepali wishes, offering encouragement to the Constitution-drafting exercise. He wisely refrained from anything more, while expressing support for a federal, democratic Nepali republic but steering clear of the “secular versus Hindu rashtra” debate, speaking about the cultural and religious ties but without bringing in the Madhesi linkages and promising accelerated cooperation and generous terms for Nepal’s power exports to India. Even though the earlier $250 million line of credit was yet to be exhausted, a generous new line of credit of a billion dollars was announced. ....... the two governments signed a Power Trade Agreement (PTA) while GMR also concluded a Project Development Agreement (PDA) regarding a 900 MW hydel project on Upper Karnali. ...... Out of the 28 survey licences granted to private entities over the last decade, amounting to a total of 8,000 MW, GMR was the first to conclude a PDA. Nepal has an installed hydel capacity of 700 MW with an annual shortfall of 450 MW which is only partially made up through imports from India, leading to power cuts of more than 14 hours a day in the dry season. Despite a technically feasible and economically viable proven potential of more than 40,000 MW, development of the hydel sector has remained politically blocked. It is expected that during Mr. Modi’s visit, the Satluj Jal Vidyut Nigam (SJVN) Limited will also sign a PDA for the 900 MW Arun III project. ...... Three new international airports at Nijgadh (near Kathmandu), Pokhara and Bhairahawa (to service Lumbini) are being planned. A new Kathmandu-Terai highway is being fast-tracked along with the Kathmandu-Hetauda tunnel project. Nepal’s Planning Commission has pointed out that in order to graduate from a ‘Least Developed Country’ to a ‘Developing Country’ by 2022, Nepal would need an investment of nearly $100 billion in infrastructure, of which more than two-thirds will have to come from private sector and multilateral institutions. ........ The Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the International Finance Corporation (IFC) plan to issue long-term bonds amounting to a billion dollars each in local currency in order to provide greater depth to the capital market. There is talk about the need to create a new financial institution to undertake infrastructure financing. While all the buzz is not due to Mr. Modi’s first visit, it certainly added to it because Nepal felt that India was politically engaged, with a new decisive leader at the helm of affairs. ....... At both sites, Mr. Modi sought to address public gatherings which would have attracted huge numbers, including from Indian border towns and villages. Initiatives regarding border connectivity, the tourism potential of the Ayodhya-Janakpur circuit and the Lumbini-Bodhgaya-Sarnath circuit, and development of irrigation in the Terai which is the breadbasket of Nepal would have resonated with the audience and presented Mr. Modi as the tallest leader in the region. This evidently made Nepali political leaders uneasy. Nepal’s government has therefore cited security concerns to turn down the idea of public gatherings, proposing civic receptions instead where Nepali leaders would share the platform and Mr. Modi’s interaction would be limited to (selected) local community leaders. ........ the deep-rooted suspicion about the Indian agenda which surfaces time and again, particularly when domestic politics deteriorates into a polarising slugfest. .......... Madhesi resentment who are unhappy about the fact that not only are they being presented with a divided Madhes but the districts containing the Kosi, Gandak and Karnali river basins have been excluded from the two Madhesi provinces proposed. .......... The ruling coalition parties (NC, UML and RPP) have traditionally been dominated by the pahadi Bahuns and Chettris who have little sympathy for federalism, a demand associated with Maoists and Madhesis. Both these groups have fractured: from three parties in 2007, Madhesis now have over a dozen and the ruling coalition could well tempt some with offers of ministerial positions. ......... While the CA will continue till 2017 (it was elected for a four-year term in 2013), the positions of president, vice-president and prime minister will open up. Prime Minister Sushil Koirala has announced that he will step down once the task of Constitution drafting is completed. Leaders within the NC and UML are also positioning themselves accordingly. ........ if the Constitution is pushed through with a two-thirds majority, it can lead to the alienation of large sections of the population. The Madhesis would feel let down by India and the Janjati groups would gravitate to hard line Maoist positions. The challenge is therefore to develop a broader consensus than rely on two thirds. ........ He will have to draw a fine line in terms of remaining politically engaged with all groups and yet keep the focus on the economic issues where he can promise, and should ensure, quick delivery. .... He will need to adopt an open style of diplomacy so that, in a break from the past, Nepali nationalism is not reduced to anti-Indianism.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

सुशील-वामदेव: खतरनाक कि निकम्मा?

नेपाल-भारत सम्बन्धलाई नया किसिमले पुनर्स्थापित गर्ने मोदीको इच्छा हो। समानताको कुरा। आर्थिक क्रांतिको कुरा। भारतलाई विकसित देश बनाउने मोदीको सपना हो। क्षमता भएका मान्छे हुन। गर्न सक्छन। १० वर्ष मात्र समय मागेका छन। साथै नेपाललाई पनि विकसित देश बनाउन चाहन्छन्। इच्छा छ। नेपाललाई असाध्यै माया गर्ने मान्छे मोदी। पैसावालको पो पॉकेटमारी हुन्छ, कंगाल मान्छेको पनि कहीं पॉकेटमारी हुन्छ। मोदीले नेपाललाई ठग्न खोजेको भन्ने hint दिने हरुको टाउको भित्र दिमाग होइन, गोबर छ। कहाँ भारत विश्वको तेस्रो सबैभन्दा ठुलो अर्थतंत्र, कहाँ नेपाल।

सुशील-वामदेवको सरकार निकम्मा भएकोले मोदी जनकपुर नआएको

घोडालाई पानी सम्म लग्न सकिन्छ, तर जबरजस्ती पानी खुवाउन सकिँदैन। सुशील-वामदेव-केपी भनेका देशलाई पानी नखाने घोडा बनाएर राखेका मान्छे हरु हुन। जुसिल्किरा साइज का इ मान्छे हरुलाई खतरनाक भनौं भने कसरी भनौं ---- तर निकम्मा चाहिं भन्नै पर्ने हुन्छ।

घोक्रे ठयाक लगाएर नेपालको राजनीति बाट फाल्नु पर्ने मान्छे हरु।

Friday, November 14, 2014

सगुनको पहिलो र दोस्रो राउंड बीच फरक

सगुन सँग सम्बन्ध

केही घण्टा अगाडि कोलोराडो बाट एक जना साथीले कॉल गर्नु भो। "तपाईंले सगुनको fundraising मा रोल खेल्ने कुरा रै छ, मलाई पनि ५ हजार हाल्न मन लाग्यो" भनेर भन्नु भो।

सगुनका दुई जना फाउंडर हरुसँग म सम्पर्कमा छु। वहाँ हरुले आंट गरेकै हो। मान्नु पर्छ। मेरो आफ्नै एउटा pre launch tech startup छ। त्यसैले हामीलाई एकले अर्काको कुरा बुझ्न सजिलो हुन्छ। सगुन अहिले राउंड १ मै छ। 350K fundraising गरिसकेको, 150K गर्ने प्रयासमा रहेको अवस्था छ।

मैले सगुनको राउंड २ fundraising मा lead role लिने कुरामा हाम्रो छलफल भइ राखेको छ। निर्णय शायद त्यसै किसिमको हुन्छ होला।

तर मैले साथीलाई भनें ---- तपाइँ राउंड २ मा आउन पाउनु हुन्न। क़ानूनले नै दिँदैन। राउंड २ मा venture capitalist हरु, लाइसेंस प्राप्त एंजेल इन्वेस्टर हरु मात्र हो आउन पाउने।

आउने भए राउंड १ मा आउनुस् भनेर मैले भनें र गोविन्द गिरी र कवीन्द्र सिटौला सँग मैले संपर्क गराई दिएँ टेक्स्ट मेसेज मार्फ़त।

सगुन का १००,००० user छन --- त्यो early stage मा धेरै हो।

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

दक्षिण एशियाको आर्थिक एकीकरण

नेपालमा न्यायपुर्ण संघीयता र दक्षिण एशियाको आर्थिक एकीकरण ----  यी दुई कुराले मधेसीलाई समानता दिने हो। सार्कको आफ्नै संसद चाहिने हुन्छ पछि। दक्षिण एशिया को आर्थिक एकीकरण भएमा नेपाल भूपरिवेष्टित भएर बेहोर्नु परेको समस्या सब गायब हुन्छ।

सार्क ईयू मोडलमा जाने
दक्षिण एसियाली आर्थिक संघ (एसएईयू) का रूपमा स्थापित हुने महत्त्वाकांक्षी योजना

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

हिन्दी भाषा र नेपाल

वीपी कोइरालाको जमानामा नेपालमा हिन्दीको जे स्थान थियो, हामीले अहिले जान खोजेको त्यहीं हो। वीपीका चेला भनाउँदा काँग्रेसीहरु भने महेन्द्रको भाषा बोल्छन् र हिन्दीको कड़ा विरोध गर्छन, मलाई अचम्म लाग्छ। माला लगाउने वीपीको तस्वीरलाई तर नीति मानने महेन्द्रको? अजब देश, गजब नगरी।

मधेसी पहिचानको सबैभन्दा महत्वपुर्ण कड़ी नै हिन्दी भाषा हो। पहाड़ी/पर्वते समुदायको लिंक language नेपाली भए जस्तै, मधेसी समुदायको लिंक language हिन्दी हो। भोलि खड़ा हुने मधेशका राज्यहरुमा सदनको प्रमुख भाषा नै हिन्दी हुनेछ।

मलाई लाग्छ नेपालभरी नेपालीभन्दा हिन्दी बुझ्ने मान्छे बढ़ी छन।

मधेसी पहिचानको केन्द्रमा हिंदी भाषा छ भने सम्पुर्ण नेपालीलाई दक्षिण एशियाली बनाउने हिन्दी भाषा हो। बिश्व मञ्चमा नेपालीले आफ्नो दक्षिण एशियाली पहिचान अंगीकार गर्नै पर्छ। मोदीले संसारमा सबैभन्दा बढ़ी माया गरेको देश नेपाल। त्यस प्रेमबाट नेपालले आर्थिक विकास खोज्नै पर्छ। अहिले नै विश्वमा चीन र अमेरिका पछि भारत नै हो। युरोपका दुइ चार देश बाहेक गुजरात सबैभन्दा अगाडि अहिले छ।

नेपालमा हिन्दी भाषा मधेसीलाई मात्र चाहिएको जस्तो महेन्द्रपथको कुरा गर्न छोडौं। दक्षिण एशियालाई आर्थिक प्रगतिको हिसाबले युरोप बनाउने मोदीको सपनामा सहभागी बन्ने तिर सोचौं र पहल गरौं।

हिन्दी भाषालाई संयुक्त राष्ट्र संघको छैठौं भाषाको रुपमा स्थापित गर्ने भारतको लक्ष्यमा सबैभन्दा बढ़ी साथ दिन सक्ने देश नेपाल हो। त्यसमा कुनै किसिमको कन्जुस्याइँ नगरौं।

हुलाकी राजमार्ग बनाउने हिन्दी भाषाले हो। हिन्दी भाषा अलंकारको कुरा होइन, आर्थिक विकासको कुरो हो।

Thursday, June 19, 2014

NRNA USA: The Next Steps

Regions and eligible countries for the Diversi...
Regions and eligible countries for the Diversity Visa lottery (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
With the newly organized elections for the first time the Non Resident Nepali Association has become a mass based organization in America, but barely so. If there are 200,000 Nepalis in America, the 2,000 people who voted for Khagendra GC are but one per cent of the target population. And so the immediate focus has to shift to a massive membership drive, much of which can be done online. For elections to be held within a year, the voter base has to cross the 10,000 mark. Even with 20,000 members the organization will have but organized perhaps only 10% or less of the target population.

I think the membership drive by now has hit an autopilot mode. There is a natural rush among the people to join the organization. That is a far cry from the ground reality only a few years back. The use of digital tools has made a major contribution to that end.

But the membership drive is only part of the story. Modern digital tools make possible for an organization to become truly grassroots, not just during membership drives and elections, but also after. A candidate with a public Facebook page that gets updated regularly allows for an election to go beyond name and face recognition to actually igniting discussions on issues. Photos and videos from events shared on such a public Facebook page draw people in, regardless of if they showed up or not, and most can’t.

A national organization necessarily has to hold its regular meetings over conference calls. International meetings can be held over Skype. There are still conferences people show up for, but digital meetings allow for broad participation.

But the most cutting edge thing the NRNA could do would not be digital at all. Encouraging ordinary members to organize monthly home meetings would go a long way to turning the organization truly grassroots. In person is still supreme, and will continue to be.

Those monthly home meetings could be about discussing agenda items sent from the central committee, but also about suggesting agenda items that the central committee should discuss. The communication has to be two way. But the primary thrust of such meetings has to be the upward mobility of members. Most Nepalis in NYC make less than 10 dollars an hour. How can more and more members be guided to possibly making more than 10 dollars per hour? There has to be brainstorming, there has to be note sharing.

The local NRNA has to build formal vehicles to encourage more and more people in Nepal to apply for the diversity visa lottery, and make it smoother for lottery winners to transition their way into America, whether they personally know someone or not. But once here most Nepalis stay stuck in where they started for a decade or more. I think the monthly home meeting could help steer people to look beyond where they stand right now.

A lot of socioeconomic mobility is about exercising the muscles between your ears. There is so much to learn online for free or cheap that can help people move up the income brackets. And being organized helps. There is a clear social component to learning.

Shared wifi can cost as little as $10 per person. You can get a Chromebook for $250. And that is all you need to go to university. We live in an era of lifelong education. No Nepali I know is too educated to learn some more.

So far NRNA membership drives feel like an exercise to help a few dozen people get their fix of politicking and for abstract far flung concepts like dual citizenship. NRNA membership has to be made of month to month immediate relevance to its ordinary members. Beyond taking the membership of the organization past 20,000, that push should be the real thrust of the association.

Keeping all book keeping transparent online, keeping all meeting minutes transparent online would go a long way to making the organization truly grassroots. Heck, in this day and age it should be possible to produce and share video minutes of meetings on Facebook. You get a minute here, a minute there, and edit and share.

If there are two million Nepalis outside South Asia, and if 200,000 of them are in America, the country’s share comes to about 10%. Funny that the top country on the planet has been the last to get organized to some extent as far as the Non Resident Nepali movement is concerned. Perhaps some day NRNA USA might even aspire for global leadership. Going decidedly grassroots and being number one in the use of digital technology is how you get there.

Friday, November 15, 2013

A Global Citizen

Globe (Photo credit: Joe Shlabotnik)
Globe showing Asia - Satellite image - PlanetO...
Globe showing Asia - Satellite image - PlanetObserver (Photo credit: PlanetObserver)
(written for Vishwa Sandesh)

A Global Citizen
By Paramendra Bhagat (

People who attempt and succeed at global endeavors, all else equal, will make more money than people who are based entirely either in Nepal or in America. There is enormous money to be made in the Nepali market, in the South Asian market, once there is political stability in Nepal, which should happen soon. As soon as the country has a constitution and regular elections, the law and order situation surely will improve. The beauty of a democratic arrangement is if the people demand law and order, they will get law and order. If they demand political stability, they will get political stability.

When there are elections in America, you can follow the polls and have a pretty good idea of how the horse race is shaping up. But there is no poll taking in Nepal. I have no idea how the various political parties will fare. My wild guess is the parliament will be even more fractured than last time. On the federalism issue as well, the people will give a fractured verdict. Neither the identity federalists nor the geographic federalists will garner the two thirds majority needed to push through, and so a grand compromise will have to be forged out, which means the last assembly was just as good for the purpose as the next one will be, which means the country just wasted billions of rupees on a second election.

A few years back when I was the only full timer among the 200,000 Nepalis in America working for Nepal’s democracy movement, it cost me money. But contributing to Nepal’s economic revolution to last decades is to be a money maker.

I am a network marketer with ACN. A few days back I spent a few hours one fine morning reaching out to some of my friends outside America for the business. I sent out Facebook emails to about 50 friends spread across the United Kingdom, Australia, Switzerland, Norway, Sweden, Belgium, Netherlands, Italy, Germany, Denmark, the Czech Republic, and Finland.

One of the challenges for me in the business has been how do I reach out to people in my personal network who are spread across the United States who I don’t have the option to bring to a meeting in New York City. Looks like digital technology can go a long way. Emails, phone calls, and videos shared can go a long way. The basic premise behind the Internet is that geography ought not matter.

When Mike Maser, the top performing Senior Vice President with ACN, was at my house a few weeks ago – the guy makes 80,000 dollars a week – I told him if we could do NYC right, we could go from a presence in 24 countries to a presence in 124 countries. Nepal is the poorest country outside of Africa, and quite literally every town in Nepal is represented in NYC. That means it has got to be the case that literally every town on the planet has somebody from that town living in this city. A few weeks later his brother Patrick Maser relayed that same thought on stage at Hotel Pennsylvania when he addressed over a thousand people.

A big part of tech consulting is to do with techies in India for me. That really speaks to the Indian in me. But that is also tremendous in terms of business efficiencies. I also bring the home ground advantage of not getting tripped by cultural nuances when communicating with my engineers. They can be subtle, but I have had friends who went on to raise millions for their startups who have been tripped by the same, to the point they plain gave up.

Nepal hydro as I see it has a major role for the investors who are based in New York City. You necessarily have to get investors from India, China and America excited if the sector is to take off like it deserves to.

But then globalization can also go the other way. The inter mixing of peoples can feel dizzying for some, and they look for symbols and people to clutch to. NYC is very diverse, but it also has ethnic enclaves. People who are alike congregate. You can see that in Jackson Heights. The various country groups maintain strong inbound bonds.

Globalization and the Internet bring enormous opportunities. For the first time in human history, it feels like poverty can be eliminated. That is going to be the biggest achievement of my lifetime. But those same forces also put pressure on people’s traditional sense of being. I for one feel very comfortable crossing the lines, and mixing things up. I am known to visit various places of worship in the neighborhood. And I will take absolutely anyone of any background into my network marketing business. I am not trying to be the master of some ethnic ghetto. I want the members of my team to be typical New Yorkers bound by the city’s subway system. Screen time as time spent staring at the laptop and the phone has to be matched with face time: time spent networking with people, building teams. And so I mean to point out health benefits to networking.

For a guy like me who has been to every nook and corner in America, my choice of NYC as my base is some statement. This is a city I have chosen. I am a New Yorker and a global citizen.
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Friday, October 04, 2013

Buddha Was Born In Lumbini

The Asokan pillar at Lumbini, where Gautama Bu...
The Asokan pillar at Lumbini, where Gautama Buddha was born (current Nepal). (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
(written for Vishwa Sandesh)

Buddha Was Born In Lumbini
By Paramendra Bhagat

Buddha was born in Lumbini. At the time no country called Nepal existed. The country that we know as Nepal today did not exist for another 2,000 years after Buddha was born. So it can be argued Buddha was not born in Nepal. It can also be argued Gandhi was born in Britain, because at the time India that we know today was British territory.

King Janak back in the days ruled over a vast country that was larger than today’s Nepal: it spanned what would today be Eastern Terai in Nepal and much of Bihar. It was called Mithila. The cultural entity still exists. My father is Nepali, my mother was born and grew up Indian. But both are Maithils. To my two families the Nepal-India political border feels highly arbitrary. At some level we want Mithila back!

I am no Buddha, not even close, I am merely a Buddhist, “one small human being” in the words of my fellow Buddhist Richard Gere, but I was born in India. Buddha was born in Nepal, but he achieved enlightenment in India. I was born in India, and attended high school in Kathmandu.

I like to argue Buddha must have looked like me when he was born. Lumbini is in the Terai. Buddha was born a Teraiwasi. The Jesus that walked this earth looked like what an average Arab looks like today. He had brown skin. But he is depicted as this blue eyed blonde dude in popular media. That is not accurate but it is something to do with the fact that Christianity has gone on to flourish in the West, whereas Jesus country is mainly home to Judaism, and in a bigger way Islam.

Buddha gets depicted like he had Mongol features. He gets shown to have Kubla Khan eyes. That cannot have been true. Buddha was a Madhesi. Too bad there are hardly any Madhesis and Biharis who are Buddhist today. I might be a major exception to the rule. My family is still Hindu. And I like to celebrate all kinds of festivals. I am a big fan of the Holi in Richmond Hill, the top Holi celebration in North America. I visited a mosque for a month last year every evening during Ramadan. The picture that you see in my ad for my tech consulting firm in this newspaper is from a Christmas party a few years ago.

The various South Asian currencies are already tied to the Indian rupee. When the Indian rupee goes down in value, the Nepali rupee goes down in value. It would make sense for South Asia to attempt a free trade zone and a South Asian economic union to end up with a single currency. But Europe’s mistake was there was no accompanying political union. I don’t imagine a Kashmir that is with either India or Pakistan. I imagine a Kashmir that is in a closely integrated South Asia, and so it does not really matter if Kashmir is with India or Pakistan.

Buddha is a strong case to be made for diluting the Nepal India border to the max. There are more Nepali speakers in India than in Nepal. Preserve the culture, but when it comes to the economy, make decisions that are pro-growth, pro prosperity. The India Pakistan border is a sore point in South Asia. No prime minister level peace talks could achieve with the magic that full-fledged trade could bring about. A South Asia that stands united will be a South Asia that will compete globally. A disunited South Asia will stay preoccupied with its immediate neighborhood.

I have never gotten worked up about the whole Buddha was born in Nepal issue. Like the Indian embassy said in a press release a few weeks ago: “The fact that Buddha was born in Lumbini was established over 2,000 years ago.” During a class discussion I said with immense pride to my geography teacher in college that Mt. Everest was in Nepal. To that his retort was: “And what’s your contribution to that?” Made me think.

Buddha was born in Nepal. But what’s your contribution to that? Nepalis alive today will have to create a world class economy that they can claim credit for and express pride in. But that requires getting past the false nationalism as expressed in the non-issues like the whole Buddha was born in Nepal fiasco.

A front page article in this newspaper a few weeks back argued India was behind the idea of Nepal elections in November 2013 and April 2014. The truth is it is the political parties in Nepal that have engaged in this debate and tussle. But to see India working behind the scenes is pretty reflective of the knee jerk ways of the Nepali media. If South Asia is a solar system, India is the sun, and Nepal is like planet Earth, true. There is the obvious gravitational pull. That geopolitical reality cannot be wished away just like gravity cannot be wished away. Leading Nepali politicians making regular treks to Delhi to lobby the power centers in that power city is a bigger phenomenon than various elements of the Indian foreign establishment wanting to meddle in Nepal. But for the most part both India and China want Nepal to do what’s best for Nepal. And so Nepali leaders just have to take more responsibility for their actions and non actions than they do.

Buddha was born in Nepal. But what’s your contribution to that?
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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

संगठनका कुरा

हिजो बिहान विश्वजीले भोइस मेल छोड्नु भको रैछ। दुई तीन पटक त फ़ोन ट्याग मै गो। पछि बल्ल गफ्फ भो भरे तिर। शनिवार 4 बजे के गर्दै हुनुहुन्छ ? थकालीमा NRN को मीटिंग छ। आउनुस न भनेर भन्नु भो। 4 बाट 2 मा कुरा पुग्यो। Lunch ख्वाउने हो भनेर सोंधें। चिया ख्वौंछु भन्ने जवाफ आयो।

म नेपालको लोकतान्त्रिक र मधेसी क्रान्तिमा केही वर्ष अगाडि फुल टाइम लागेको मान्छे। तर digital activist भएर, कुनै संगठनको सदस्य भएर होइन। ANTA नेपालमा मधेसी क्रान्ति भएपछि बल्ल अमेरिकामा विस्तार भएको संगठन। ANTA लाई न्यु योर्क मा जन्म दिएको मैले हो। तर मैले सदस्यता कहिले लिएन। Founding charter मा social, cultural organization भन्याथ्यो। म full time political काम गरि रा मान्छे, कहाँ social, cultural मा लगिराखने भनेर लिइन।

Money, message, organization. मैले message मार्फत् contribute गरें। तर अब money र organization बारे पनि सोंच्नु परेको छ। It is only a matter of time, नेपालमा संविधान पनि आउंछ र संघीयता पनि आउंछ। त्यस पछि 20-30 वर्ष लगाएर गर्ने भनेको आर्थिक क्रान्ति नै हो। नेपालमा आर्थिक क्रान्ति गर्नु पर्छ भन्नेले आफ्नो personal आर्थिक क्रान्ति गरेर पनि देखाउनु पर्ने हुन्छ। नत्र भने त्यो भनाइ खोक्रो हुन जान्छ। मैले केही कदम हरू चालिरहेको छु। मेरो tech consulting business लाई expand गर्नुछ। हिमालयन याक restaurant को नया वेबसाइट मेरो टीम ले बनाएको हो। नेपालमा hydroelectric प्रोजेक्ट हरू कालागि यहां investor खोज्ने कुरामा पनि लाग्या छु। पछि microfinance मा जाने पनि सोंच छ।

संगठन को जहाँसम्म सवाल छ त्यो म अहिले एक्कासी हाम फाल्दैन। त्यस बारे मैले NRN को न्यु योर्क chapter बारे पनि सोंचेको छु र Jackson Heights को South Asian community बारे पनि सोंचेको छु। NRN मा 1,000 member बनाए NRN ICC मा जान पाउने र त्यो member न्यु योर्क मै बनाए न्यु योर्क बाहिर जान नपर्ने  घतलाग्दो कुरा हो। म अमेरिका गल्ली गल्ली घुमेको मान्छे। न्यु योर्क शहरको सीमाना बाहिर जान मलाई खासै रहर छैन, कमसेकम अहिलेलाई छैन।

Hitting The Road
My Hurricane Story
Driving Coast To Coast

NRN ICC को सदस्य बन्न मन लागेको दिन टेम्बाजीलाई ल जानुस 1,000 member बनाएर ल्याउनुस भन्छु अनि कुरै सकियो। त्यो भन्दा मुनि त के पद खाई भो र? तर त्यो कदम चाले पनि मेरो फोकस न्यु योर्क मै रहन्छ। NRN को NYC chapter लाई इन्टरनेट technology र social media को सहायताले ग्लोबल NRN movement भित्रको नमुना संगठन बनाउने प्रयास हुनेछ। But at a personal level money before organization. कुन चाहिंले एक चोटि भन्या थियो, all name and no money bhanera. अहिले मेरो starting point त्यस प्रकारको छ। तर 1999 मा म fouding member भएको dot com कम्पनीले round 2 मा 25 मिलियन डलर fundraising गरेको हो।

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