The only full timer out of the 200,000 Nepalis in the US to work for Nepal's democracy and social justice movements in 2005-06.
Tuesday, April 19, 2022
Friday, January 21, 2022
Nepalis In Queens, NY
अब अात्म रक्षाकाे निम्ति तयार हुनै पर्छ।
— Abdul Khan (@abdulkha99) January 21, 2022
Sack the Minister .....give a clear message violence will not be tolerated ...Nepal means peace .....
— Prabhakar Bagchand (@PBagchand) January 21, 2022
पदिय मर्यादाको ख्याल नराखी हिंसात्मक अराजक अभिब्यक्ति दिने मंत्री रेणु यादवले नैतिकताको आधारमा तुरुन्तै राजिनामा दिनु पर्छ।
— Dr Dila Sangroula (@dilasangroula) January 20, 2022
I'm thinking of:
— Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley (@RepPressley) January 21, 2022
—Grandparents still paying student loans on a fixed income
—Teachers who may lose their teaching license because their loans are in default
—Black folks forced to borrow @ higher rates for the same education as white folks
@POTUS must #CancelStudentDebt.
You wanting a sign is a sign. 🪐
— Caitlin Dechelle (@caitlindechelle) January 21, 2022
First, Abbott refused to fully fund our schools (Texas underfunds schools by at least $4,000 PER STUDENT).
— Beto O'Rourke (@BetoORourke) January 21, 2022
Now, he’s trying to DEFUND them by taking our tax dollars out of our kids’ classrooms and putting them in private schools.
Students, teachers, and parents deserve better.
The American people should not have to fight tooth-and-nail against wealthy and powerful corporate interests for decent wages, health care, pensions and safe working conditions.
— Bernie Sanders (@BernieSanders) January 21, 2022
Some startup days feel very lonely
— Nima 🌎 (@NimaRoohiS) January 21, 2022
Psaki on voting rights bills failing: "My advice to everyone out there who's frustrated, sad, angry, pissed off, feel those emotions, go to a kickboxing class, have a margarita, do whatever you need to do this weekend, and then wake up on Monday morning, we gotta keep fighting."
— The Recount (@therecount) January 21, 2022
Portugal to Singapore by train in 21 days.
— Carlos E. Perez (@IntuitMachine) January 21, 2022
The latest in the battle over voting rights:
— The Daily Show (@TheDailyShow) January 21, 2022
► VIDEO: US Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell has been criticised after footage of him saying that black Americans vote "in just as high a percentage as Americans" went viral
— Irish Times Video (@irishtimesvideo) January 21, 2022
U.S. stocks end sharply lower; Nasdaq suffers worst week since March 2020
— MarketWatch (@MarketWatch) January 21, 2022
Mitch McConnell’s comments suggesting African Americans aren’t fully American wasn’t a Freudian slip — it was a dog whistle.
— Rep. Malcolm Kenyatta (@malcolmkenyatta) January 20, 2022
The same one he has blown for years.
Saturday, April 24, 2021
मेरा परिचय: मैं एक प्रवासी डिजिटल एक्टिविस्ट
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Rajendra Mahto In New York
Video Playlist
January 2016: Rajendra Mahato airlifted to New Delhi “without supportive oxygen in sitting position” for further treatment
YouTube: Rajendra Mahato (Leader, Rastriya Janata Party) - Fireside | 20 May 2019
Saturday, November 21, 2015
नेपाली ले इंडिया मा चौकीदारी किन गर्छ?
![]() |
The Flag of India. The colours are saffron, white and green. The navy blue wheel in the center of the flag has a diameter approximately the width of the white band and is called Ashoka's Dharma Chakra, with 24 spokes (after Ashoka, the Great). Each spoke depicts one hour of the day, portraying the prevalence of righteousness all 24 hours of it. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
Saturday, October 03, 2015
Madhesi Self Hate, Indian Self Hate: One And The Same
SD Muni, Rakesh Sood
यता प्रतिगामी संविधान बन्नु, उता चीनले झापामा ३ खर्ब को फैक्ट्री बसाल्ने निर्णय गर्नु
बंद हुँदा पनि प्रतिक्रिया मा बिभेद
आपूर्ति मा चीन ले भारत को स्थान लिन सक्दैन
नेपाल भारत रोटी बेटी सम्बन्ध तोड्ने संविधान
समस्याको समाधान: नेपाल भारत राजनीतिक आर्थिक एकीकरण
भने पछि सरकार र संविधान ढाल्नु पर्ने भो: Humpty Dumpty संविधान
राहुल जी, आप किस दुनिया में रहते हैं?
यो यति हरामी संविधान बनेको छ
उपेन्द्र महतो
Types Of Groups
Mass Grave Enearthed In Janakpur
Mass Grave Enearthed In Janakpur
Hrithik Roshan Riots Redux?
The Earthquake, Facebook, And $17 Million
Former Indian Ambassador Shiv Shankar Mukherjee
Pahadi Men, Take Note
Indophobia In Kathmandu
70,000 In Janakpur
Why Nepal's New Constitution Is A Sham
The Indian Century Begins In Nepal
Indian Blockade: Gamechanger
Madhesi Kranti 3: In Solidarity
Former Indian Ambassador Jayant Prasad
Nepal Is Burning, Madhesh Is Burning
Extreme Police Brutality
Nepal Needs A Constitution
The Tamils Of Sri Lanka And Me
The Indian ambassador in Nepal is powerful the same way a Marwari is rich, like the president of Nepal is powerful: he ended Prachanda's, the fierce one's, political career. But the president gets humiliated repeatedly and has to act like he did not notice. The Marwadi was the primary target of the 2000 Hrithik Roshan riots. An Indian ambassador who regularly doles out goodies to the India hating politicians of the Kathmandu establishment is really not that different from the Madhesi president, or the Marwari multi-millionaire. They are all Indians not being able to, refusing to come to terms with their Indianness. There is disbelief, there is denial. When I first experienced the anti Madhesi anti Indian racism in Nepal (and I have been stopped dozens of times in America in the post 9/11 world including while the two buildings were burning on TV and the locals in that small Kentucky town called the cops on me, and the racism does not come even close), so what I experienced was not racism, but something much more virulent, only I was attending the top school in the country, where I had been the top student in class for all seven years to that point, held all major leadership positions, (I did not exactly lack friends or popularity). But when the racism hit, years before I finished high school, I felt it extremely deeply and fiercely, and totally, and the helplessness came from the fact that I had no words to describe what was going on. It is like you see water but don't know the word, what would you call it? But the impact was total. My grades nosedived and I barely inched past graduation a few years later. It was a doubly whammy, a Bahun-British double whammy. It was lack of vocabulary to describe what was going on that threw me so off balance. The experience was an emotional equivalent of someone jabbing a knife into my thigh while I was running full speed. I fell on the tracks, reeled in pain. It was as if I had entered a different dimension that people around me simply did not have access to.
I won an election in the US South before Bobby Jindal did, in the Deep Bible Belt. Within six months of landing I got myself elected student body president. I won on charm. But if I don't "go back" it is because I want to play a global role to help take India to becoming a 240 trillion dollar economy. I wish to colonize. I wish to help colonize. If equality is not an option, we might as well counter colonize. Nepal is as good a place as any. We might as well start in Nepal. I have created a space in the digital realm. I personally know people like Rajendra Mahato, Upendra Yadav, Hridayesh Tripathy, CK Raut. My digital activism helps me do what I could not do in person. And that is great because I have no plans to show up in person. I am never going to run for public office. I moved past the joy of retail politics a long time ago. My path is digital activism and tech entrepreneurship. What burns in my mind is the bruteness of the possibility of the Indian Century, or two. The funny thing is, I was not even rooting for Modi in 2014. I admired his work in Gujrat plenty, and I did not hold 2002 against him because the Supreme Court of India didn't, but my Bihari roots had me rooting for Nitish. But Modi won me over when he kissed the steps of the Indian parliament, and burst into tears in his first speech to the BJP parliamentary party and said, "Jis tarah Bharat meri maan hai, usi tarah BhaJaPa bhi meri maan hai." And I was like, this guy is different, he is not a career politician. This is a man on a mission. I was Barack Obama's first full time volunteer in New York City. Modi is the Obama I was looking for. My dignity in America is tied to how well India does.
I love New York City. I love diversity. My favorite thing about America are inter-racial, cross-cultural kids. And that is not in contradiction to my talk of the Indian Century. For as long as I can remember, I have been for equality, not segregation. I like mixed crowds. The thing is only political equality can make mixed crowds possible.
It is for India to prove democracy really is the superior system by growing faster than China did: I think 15% possible. It is Indian Muslims who are best positioned to bring about a total spread of democracy across the Muslim World, the only way to conclude the War On Terror. I want a casteless Hinduism that seeks converts across the world. An International Yoga Day is not a bad start. I want an India that helps Africa. Because only Africa can help African Americans in ways the first black president has not been able to.
So when I say I want India to colonize, I don't mean let's go kill like Hitler killed Jews, or Churchill Indians, or America killed in Japan and more recently Iraq. Israel, India, and Japan stand together because they are three Asian democracies who can feel each other's pain. When I say India should become a 240 trillion dollar economy, I think of Israel as the Guru that will take us there. Churchill killed more Indians than Hitler killed Jews and around the same time.
When I talk of the Indian Century, I mean in terms of creating a world where Indians nowhere get mistreated, nowhere get treated second class, not in any country in Africa, not in any town in America, least of all in a country like Nepal that is 200% dependent on India. British colonialism ends for India in Nepal. It has not ended yet. The Nepal India border was drawn by the British and is highly arbitrary and unscientific.
A global superpower India is one that has created trillions in wealth to wipe out poverty in India. A global superpower India represents not just Indians in India, but Indians everywhere, Indians in every town in America.
A global superpower India spreads democracy like America has not been able to, because it is not a Third World country, because it does not have a large enough Muslim population, because America is still too enthralled with its original sin: race.
But all that starts in Nepal. In Nepal I will get to see if Modi is for real. In Nepal now, today, I will get to see if Modi really embodies the beginnings of an Indian Century. All he has to do is stay the course. India can grow at double digit rates and achieve parity with China and America in decades, but it can not go past that unless it takes free speech and diversity to unprecedented heights. But all that is later. For now you can not be seen struggling with basics like dignity and equality for your own in a country that is so dependent on you. All Madhesis are asking for is citizenship papers, and one person one vote, and a federalism that is a simple extrapolation of that one person one vote. Madhesis are asking for equal status for Hindi in Nepal. Madhesis are asking for 20th century rights in the 21st century. If Modi blinks now, I will feel like I placed my bet on the wrong man. I will have to wait for someone else to help shape the beginnings of the Indian Century. You can't jump onto the development bandwagon unless you have those basic rights. Democracy is not India doing America's bidding. Democracy is native to India. The world's first republics were in the early days of Buddhism. India is reclaiming those roots. It does not seek to invade, kill and convert. Democracy is best spread peacefully. The Indian Century is about Indians everywhere getting organized to achieve and protect equality, it is about Indian getting educated and prosperous: all achievable.
Rohingya: India's Responsibility
ब्रिटेन का Cyber Colonization संभव है
A Fan Of Israel
Shashi Tharoor: Impressive Speech At Oxford
स्वच्छ भारत संभव है
नरेन्द्र मोदी और "काला धन"
लालु यादव: मौसम वैज्ञानिक
Making Peace With Pakistan
@SDMUNI Madhesi Self Hate, Indian Self Hate: One And The Same
— Paramendra Bhagat (@paramendra) October 3, 2015
Sunday, September 13, 2015
रूद्र पाण्डे लाई जवाफ
StopKillinginNepalThis video is about the ongoing violence in Nepal during the Constitution Building Process. More than 40 people are dead including 35 Madhesi and 8 policemen during the political protest. Government of Nepal has resorted to extreme major of crowd control that resulted in policemen and majority of protesters casualities. Human Rights Agencies such as National and International have reported the ongoing declining human rights condition. The core of the issue is the protest by the marginalized madhesi and JanJatis ( Indigneous Population) who are sidelined from the constitution building process. The protest are mostly in the southern Nepal where people are increasingly isolated and discriminated based on ethnicity. The violence is fueled by irresponsible communal statements made by the ruling three party leaders who claims that killing few will not make any difference to the constitution making. In fact more than 50% of population is dissatisfied by the constitution draft. Government is adamant not to include the marginalized factions in the process.Please share this video to depict the other aspects of the ongoing protest which are being covered by the national media influenced by the ruling class.#StopKillingMadhesiInNepal #StopKillingInNepalReference :
Posted by Amit Ranjan on Sunday, September 13, 2015
सुनसान प्रवास
क्रांति को उत्कर्ष
New York City
Indian Mediation Will Deescalate The Situation
Follow The Money
Extreme Police Brutality
संविधान जारी गर्नु पर्ने गलत कारण हरु
सात अंचल वाला सीमांकन नछुने पुर्व शर्त ले वार्ता असंभव बनाउँछ
देश नतोड़ि ओली प्रधान मंत्री हुने सजिलो बाटो
काँग्रेस को रजिस्ट्रेशन समाप्त हुन लाग्यो
चरम ध्रुवीकरण ले ल्याएका विकल्प हरु
काँग्रेस एमाले अब मधेसमा प्रजा परिषद
काठमाण्डु को १००% नाकाबंदी गर्न हाम्रा रिश्तेदार काफी छन: KKKK
पहाड़ी मीडिया र मधेसी क्रांति
केपी ओली ले Genocide (नरसंहार) को भाषा बोल्यो
KP Oli, CK Lal
काठमाण्डु मा रावण को शासन छ
सुगौली संधि को चर्चा र नेपाल मा इंडोफोबिआ
आमा र बाबु, आमा वा बाबु, न आमा न बाबु
Non Violent Militancy
आनंद विष्ट लाई जवाफ
केपी ओली ले ओगटेको ठाउँ पहिला ज्ञानेन्द्र को हो
प्रदर्शनकारी को टाउको ताकी ताकी गोली हान्नु अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय कानुन को खिलाफ हो
काँगेस एमाले एमाओवादी पार्टी को सदस्यता
ए सुशील, क्रांति को तिमीलाई आदेश छ
यो टुटने होइन कब्ज़ा हुने देश हो
यथार्थ यस्तो छ -- भारतको बुई चढेर तराईलाई छुट्टै देश बनाउने सपना नदेखौं भारतमा पनि पचासौं लाख पाहाडी जन जाति र खश मुलक...
Posted by Dr. Rudra Pandey - Economist on Sunday, September 13, 2015
यथार्थ यस्तो छ -- भारतको बुई चढेर तराईलाई छुट्टै देश बनाउने सपना नदेखौं
भारतमा पनि पचासौं लाख नेपाली भाषे पाहाडी जन-जाति र खश मुलका जनता छन्। भारतका आफ्नै आन्तरिक समस्या छन्। कश्मिर देखि कन्या कुमारी सम्म कयौं राज्य र राज्य भित्रका समूहहरु स्वतन्त्र राज्यका निम्ति लडीरहेका छन् र दिनहुँ भारतीय सुरक्षाकर्मीका गोलीका शिकार भइरहेका छन्। भारतले श्रीलंकाको तामिल लडाईंबाट एउटा पाठ सिकेको छ कि अर्काको देशभित्र गएर होम्मिन त्यति सजिलो छैन। यदि भारतले तराईका चन्द नेताहरुका मिलो मतोमा नेपाल भित्र फौज घुसाएर तराईलाई टुक्र्याउन खोजेमा उस्ले अरु कयौं जटिल प्रस्नहरुको उत्तर खोज्नु पर्नेछ।
१. कास्मिरका प्रिथकताबादी हरुल्लाई किन टुक्रिन नदिने?
२. नागाल्याण्ड, त्रिपुरा, खालिस्तान र बोडाल्याण्डका प्रिथकाबादीहरुको मुख कसरि टाल्ने?
३. भारतका नेपाली बाहुल्य क्षेत्र र प्रदेशहरुले नेपाली भाषीहरुको लागि छुट्टै देश खोजे भने के गर्ने?
४. भारतीय फौजका गोर्खा रेजिमेन्टका हजारौं हजार बहाल वाला र भुतपुर्व सैनिक हरुको बिचमा भारतले नेपाल टुक्र्यायो भन्दै बिद्रोह फैलियो भने के गर्ने?
५. छिमेकी मुलुकमा फौज घुसाउँदा रुसको पुटिनको त त्यो हाल भयो भने भारत सँग त्यति ठुलो अन्तरराष्ट्रिय दबाब सामना गर्ने क्षमता छ त?
यत्रा कठिन प्रश्नहरुको सामना गर्न भारतले आफ्नो नदुखेको टाउकोमा सियोले कोट्याउने गल्ति किन गर्ला र। महिनै पिच्छे सौं मान्छे मर्छन भारतमा सरकार बिरोधि आन्दोलनमा। मोदीले बक्तब्य समेत निकाल्दैनन्। सबैलाई थाहा छ भारतको रेकर्ड। आफुलाई जे फाइदा हुन्छ तेही गर्छ भारतले। हामी पहाडी र मधेशी मिलेर नेपालको समस्या समाधान गर्नु बेश हुन्छ। देश टुक्र्याउने बाटो तिर नलागौं। त्यो बाटो ज्यादै लामो र कठिन छ। अहिले सुरु गर्नु भयो भने महन्थ ठाकुरका नातिका पालामा त होला कि? त्यो पनि के ठेकान?
रूद्र जी।
तपाइँ को फेसबुक स्टेटस अपडेट पढ़ें। यो अन्याय को आगो मा घ्यु थप्ने काम तपाईंले किन गरेको?
नेपालको संविधान ले "स्वायत्त मधेस प्रदेश" को प्रावधान राखेको छ। त्यो आत्म निर्णय को अधिकार हो। त्यो मानव अधिकार अंतर्गत पर्छ। तर मधेसी जनता त्यहाँ पुगे जस्तो लाग्दैन। त्यहाँ पुग्यो भने उसको अधिकार हुनेछ। तर अहिलेको क्रांति भकुण्डो हात ले नखेल भन्न का लागि हो। अंतरिम संविधान मान, पहिलो संविधान सभा को समझौता हरु मान, दोस्रो संविधान सभा को समझौता हरु मान भन्न का लागि हो।
आत्म निर्णय को अधिकार भनेको भारत को बुइ चढ्ने होइन, आफ्नो मानव अधिकार प्रयोग गर्ने हो।
भारत मा १ करोड़ नेपाली भाषी छन जो कि भारतीय नागरिक नै हुन। अर्को ८० लाख त्यस्ता छन जो नेपाल बाट गएका छन काम खोज्दै। भारतमा पनि नेपाली छन भनेको तपाइँ ले मधेसी लाई भारतीय भनेको होइन होला। जातीयता त हो, तपाइँ र बर्मा/आसाम/भुटान का नेपाली हरुको जातीयता नेपाली, हाम्रो जातीयता भारतीय। नागरिकता? १८१६ र १८६० माँ भुमि लियो काठमाण्डु ले तर सन १९५८ सम्म मधेसी ले काठमाण्डु आउन वीसा लिनुपर्ने थियो। १००% सँग नागरिकता पत्र थिएन। अहिले ४०% सँग छैन। भारत बाट बिहे गरेर आउने मधेस को बुहारी लाई आजीवन दोस्रो दर्जा को नागरिक बनाएर राख्ने प्रावधान संविधान मस्यौदा मा छ। मधेसी अनागरिक र दोस्रो दर्जा को नागरिक भएर बस्दैन।
"हामी पहाडी र मधेशी मिलेर नेपालको समस्या समाधान गर्नु बेश हुन्छ। देश टुक्र्याउने बाटो तिर नलागौं।"
अहिले भइरहेको मधेसी क्रांति ले त्यही त भन्दैछ। भकुण्डो हात ले नखेल भनेर आग्रह गर्दैछ, दबाब दिँदैछ। देश विदेश घुमेका, उच्चतम शिक्षा हासिल गरेका, एकसे एक परिष्कृत लोकतंत्र को जीवन चाखेका र चाखिरहेका प्रवासी नेपाली तठस्थ बसेको देख्दा अथवा सत्ताधारी हरुको जातीय उन्माद मा हो-हो गरेको देखदा मलाई अचम्म लाग्छ।
यस सन्दर्भ मा म तपाइँ संग अथवा जोसुकै सँग संवाद गर्न तैयार।
न्यू योर्कमा मधेस किन दु:खी रहेछ ?Candle Light Vigil for Victims of MADHESH/THARUWAN at Times Square, New YorkUnited...
Posted by Pradeep Thapa on Sunday, September 13, 2015

ल हेर्नुस त बिदेश मा बसेका कृष्ण यादब ले नेता हरु ले समिबिधान मा ३००% टयाक्स बृद्धी गरेको रिस ले नेता हरु लाई कस्तो गाली गरेका छन र के भनेका छन संविधान� का बाडेमा ।एक पल्ट जरुर हेर्नुस । Watch this video if u like thenLike N share
Posted by Condition of Janakpur Dham on Sunday, September 13, 2015
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
A Sagoon Sunday In DC
After over a decade I was back in Washington DC on Sunday. And it is not even far: I live in New York City. It was a trip made for Sagoon. (सगुनको महत्त्व)
Unlike NYC, Washington DC obviously is a city that sleeps. I arrived in the wee hours of morning and it felt like I had the entire city just for me. I walked around. I spent a few hours at The National Mall (my favorite "mall" in America since I have never been big on shopping) taking in The White House, the Lincoln Memorial, the Washington Monument, the Capitol. For the first time I took the elevator to the top of the Washington Monument. It was a mini version of a trip to the top of the Empire State Building. DC is small and compact and nice.
There was not time to go for long walks in the city like I had wanted, or the trips inside the biggest museums in the world. I had really wanted to go to the Martin Luther King Memorial. But I only got to see it from the top of the Washington Monument.
After noon I got picked up by the Washington Monument by a nephew of Kabindra Sitaula. It was a family lunch at Kabinji's place, half an hour drive away. It was a large gathering of his extended family. I needled him by asking if he had any relatives left back in Nepal!
The 3 PM event is what I was in town for. One by one the crowd gathered. And the presentations began. During Govinda Giri's presentation I saw so much love from among the seed investors in Sagoon, that was a major energy boost to me when it was my turn to speak. I felt like I blew it out of the water.
My job was to reassure these early investors that round 2 fundraising will very likely happen since I was the man in charge. All I needed was a rapidly growing active user base. And they should perhaps go ahead and put some more money in and be done with the first round already. The server budget going up is precisely what we want, precisely what we have been working for. Open up the flood gates already.
Govinda, Kabin and I had dinner together later at a Chinese place. And then Kabinji dropped me off at Union Station for my overnight trip back to New York City. I realized I must have become a local in NYC after all these years because I kept looking for those food carts on the roadside (in DC, Baltimore, Philadelphia) for a quick soda, but they did not exist!
The money is not in until the checks have been issued and cashed, and so the public announcement will be made when it will be made, but I think yesterday was a wonderful day for the final push to get done with round one already!

Monday, November 24, 2014
सगुन, अंजन, छेपाक, डिल्ली, विनोद, कृष्ण (२)
एउटा टेक स्टार्टअप ले राउंड २ मा जान का लागि राउंड १ मा २०-३० हजार डॉलर ले पनि पुग्ने बाटा हरु छन, ५० हजार देखि एक लाख डॉलर सम्म चाहिने बाटा पनि छन, मैले न्यु यर्क को नेपाली समुदाय का २-४ जना सँग विगत केही महिना गफ गर्दा एउटा टीम लाई दुई लाख डॉलर राउंड १ मा चाहिने जस्तो एस्टीमेट भएको थियो। साढ़े तीन देखि पाँच लाख लाग्ने बाटा पनि छन।
तर राउंड १ मा ३०-५० हजारले पुग्ने यदि छ भने पनि सफल भएको खण्डमा आखिर त्यसै स्टार्टअप ले पनि राउंड २ मा गएर ५ लाख डॉलर, एक मिलियन डॉलर fundraising गर्ने र खर्च गर्ने हो।
So it really is a matter of scheduling. कुनै स्टार्टअप २०-३० हजार मै हुने, कसैलाई ५-१० लाख चाहिने भन्ने होइन। सबै सफल स्टार्टअप त्यो मिलियन डलरको बाटो बाट जाने नै हो। नौबिसे हो त्यो रोड मार्कर।
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Friday, November 14, 2014
सगुनको पहिलो र दोस्रो राउंड बीच फरक
केही घण्टा अगाडि कोलोराडो बाट एक जना साथीले कॉल गर्नु भो। "तपाईंले सगुनको fundraising मा रोल खेल्ने कुरा रै छ, मलाई पनि ५ हजार हाल्न मन लाग्यो" भनेर भन्नु भो।
सगुनका दुई जना फाउंडर हरुसँग म सम्पर्कमा छु। वहाँ हरुले आंट गरेकै हो। मान्नु पर्छ। मेरो आफ्नै एउटा pre launch tech startup छ। त्यसैले हामीलाई एकले अर्काको कुरा बुझ्न सजिलो हुन्छ। सगुन अहिले राउंड १ मै छ। 350K fundraising गरिसकेको, 150K गर्ने प्रयासमा रहेको अवस्था छ।
मैले सगुनको राउंड २ fundraising मा lead role लिने कुरामा हाम्रो छलफल भइ राखेको छ। निर्णय शायद त्यसै किसिमको हुन्छ होला।
तर मैले साथीलाई भनें ---- तपाइँ राउंड २ मा आउन पाउनु हुन्न। क़ानूनले नै दिँदैन। राउंड २ मा venture capitalist हरु, लाइसेंस प्राप्त एंजेल इन्वेस्टर हरु मात्र हो आउन पाउने।
आउने भए राउंड १ मा आउनुस् भनेर मैले भनें र गोविन्द गिरी र कवीन्द्र सिटौला सँग मैले संपर्क गराई दिएँ टेक्स्ट मेसेज मार्फ़त।
सगुन का १००,००० user छन --- त्यो early stage मा धेरै हो।
वामदेवले मोदीलाई मदिसे भनेको?
मोदीलाई वामदेवले जनकपुरमा आम सभामा भाषण गर्न नदिने जस्ता समाचारहरु आई राखेका छन। मोदी अमेरिकाको सबैभन्दा भव्य स्टेज मैडिसन स्क्वायर गार्डन मा अमेरिका भरिका सबैभन्दा महत्वपुर्ण २०,००० भारतीय मुलका मानिसलाई सम्बोधन गरेर गएको मान्छे। नेपालका राजा र प्रधान मन्त्रीले हाइड्रो हाइड्रो हाइड्रो भनेको जुग बितिसक्यो। बल्ल मोदीले भकाभक ९०० मेगावाट वाला एउटा होइन दुई दुई वटा प्रोजेक्ट भकाभक सही गराएको छ। नेपालमा हाइड्रो क्रान्ति कुनै राजा अथवा नेताले गर्न सकेन, आखिर मोदीले गर्ने भो।
North अमेरिका को सबै भन्दा प्रख्यात भारतीय ठाउँ भनेको म बसेको जैक्सन हाइट्स। 74th Street ---- यो इलाका मेरो। म बसेको घर एक जना Chinese को, त्यो Chinese बसेको इलाका मेरो। याक रेस्टोरेंट सोनमको, याक जुन इलाकामा छ त्यो इलाका मेरो। थकाली किचेन नवीनको, त्यो थकाली किचेन जुन इलाकामा छ त्यो इलाका मेरो। मेरो इलाकामा सान्तिनो कपड़ा पसल थापेर बसेको मान्छे मुजी डल्ले प्रधान, झारपात। अपशब्द न बोल्ने हो। नत्र पसल बन्द हुने सम्भावना हुन्छ। कीरा फट्याङ्ग्रा उल्लु मुजी। यो हलुवा, दाल भात मुजी।
यो उल्लु स्वाँठ वामदेव गौतम हरिलट्ठक मान्छे।
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Friday, November 07, 2014
Bar Human Rights Committee of England and Wales Writes To PM On Raut
Chair: Kirsty Brimelow QC │ Vice-Chair: Sudanshu Swaroop
Bar Human Rights Committee of England and Wales (BHRC) | 53-54 Doughty Street | London WC1N 2LS |
e-mail: | Tel: +44 (0) 20 7404 1313 ext. 359 | website:
The Right Honourable Mr Sushil Koirala
Office of the Prime Minister and Council of Ministers
Singh Durbar
Kathmandu, Nepal
P.O. Box: 23312
London, 6 November 2014
Your Excellency,
RE: Dr Chandra Kant Raut charged with sedition
I am writing on behalf of the Bar Human Rights Committee of England and Wales (BHRC). The BHRC is the international human rights arm of the Bar of England and Wales. It is an independent body primarily concerned with the protection of the rights of advocates and judges around the world. The Committee is also concerned with defending the rule of law and internationally recognised legal standards relating to human rights and the right to a fair trial.
The BHRC is contacting you regarding the arrest and prosecution of Madhesi activist Chandra Kant Raut. As you will be aware, on 14 September 2014, Dr Raut was placed under detention for allegedly inciting separatism in the Madhes region of Nepal under S. 2(1)(k) of the Some Public (Crime and Punishment) Act, 2027 (1970).
1 Then, on 8 October 2014, Dr Raut was charged with subversion contrary to S. 3(1) of the Crime against State and Punishment Act, 2046 (1989) for allegedly inciting separatism in the Madhes region of Nepal, an offence that carries a sentence of life imprisonment.2 Of note, on 20 September 2014, Dr Raut began a hunger strike to protest his arrest for denouncing discrimination of marginalised groups and peacefully demanding autonomy for his region. On 1 October 2014, as Dr Raut’s condition became critical, he was visited in hospital by Nepali Congress Party leader and Minister of Information and Communication Minendra Rijal and Communist Party of Nepal (United Marxist-Leninist) leader and Minister of Agriculture Hari Prasad Parajuli. The two Ministers pleaded with Dr Raut to break his fast and gave a written commitment to respect Dr Raut’s freedom of expression. On that occasion, the Vice-President of the Nepali Congress Party Ram Chandra Poudel also visited Dr Raut and made an oral commitment that the charges would not be proceeded with against him.
However, the following week Dr Raut was charged with sedition under the Crime against State and Punishment Act, 2046 (1989). On 15 October 2014, the Special Court granted bail, but Dr Raut refused release on bail as he considered that he would be rearrested immediately on a different charge; the prosecution had stated in court that there was enough evidence to charge Dr Raut with the offence of
The BHRC respectfully draws to the attention of the Government of Nepal Article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), to which Nepal has been a party since 1991, and Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), which enshrine the right to freedom of expression. Nepal has also ratified the First Optional Protocol of the ICCPR. Nepal’s commitment to human rights and the right to freedom of expression are also reflected in Article 12 (3)(a) of the currently in force Interim Constitution 2007.
Limitations to the right to freedom of expression are legitimate only if they fall within the very narrow conditions defined in the three-part test in Article 19(3) of the ICCPR; these restrictions must be ‘provided by law and necessary’, and there must be a legitimate aim to impose such restrictions.
Similarly, Article 12 of Nepal’s Interim Constitution 2007 allows only for the imposition of ‘reasonable restrictions’ to the right to freedom of expression. The BHRC respectfully submits that the restrictions to Dr Raut’s freedom of expression do not pass the three-part test in Article 19(3) of the ICCPR.
First, the formulation of the offence under S. 3(1) of the Crime against State and Punishment Act, 2046 (1989), with which Dr Raut is charged, does not meet the required standards of clarity and precision, leaving it open to abuse and political expediency.
Second, the current position in international law regarding the balance between national security and expression is that it is illegitimate to criminalise simple speech when no imminent violence is being incited with intent, as in the case of Dr Raut.
Third, limitations to freedom of expression are such as are necessary in a democratic society. The purpose must never be to shield governments from peaceful opposition. In this respect, the Crime against State and Punishment Act, 2046 (1989) is a piece of legislation drafted at the twilight of the Panchayat autocracy (1960-1990). This piece of legislation was enacted to repress dissent and curb the efforts of pro-democracy activists, and as such it has no place in a democracy.
The BHRC therefore respectfully requests the Government of Nepal and appropriate institutions to call to account the current actions that have led to Dr. Raut’s loss of liberty with a view to securing his release without fear of further arrests. Further, it should reconsider the appropriateness of the Crime against State and Punishment Act 2046 (1989). The BHRC calls upon the authorities to ensure the internationally protected right to freedom of expression to all Nepali citizens in order to preserve the rule of law and administration of justice in Nepal. This is particularly important at this delicate moment of negotiations over the new constitutional settlement.
Yours sincerely,
Kirsty Brimelow QC
Chair, Bar Human Rights Committee of England and Wales (BHRC)
Cc : Embassy of Nepal in the UK
Cc : British Embassy in Nepal
1 S.2 – Prohibition to commit some public crime (1) No person shall commit any of the following acts: (k) To commit any act or express anything, which causes intimidation or terror in general public and breaks public peace, by entering or not entering in any public gathering, assembly or demonstration; or to show weapon. See:
2 S.3 (1) – If someone causes or attempts to cause any disorder with an intention to jeopardize the sovereignty, integrity or national unity of Nepal, he/she shall be liable for life imprisonment. See: Kirsty Brimelow QC │ Vice-Chair: Sudanshu Swaroop
Bar Human Rights Committee of England and Wales (BHRC) | 53-54 Doughty Street | London WC1N 2LS |
e-mail: | Tel: +44 (0) 20 7404 1313 ext. 359 | website: cybercrime for posting political material on his website, and the reportedly outstanding case under the Some Public (Crime and Punishment) Act, 2027 (1970).