Friday, June 26, 2020

ओली को राणा शासन सोंच र नेपालको सन्दर्भमा नागरिकता

Sunday, June 21, 2020


नेपालमा चीनको BRI बारे बहस भएन। तर अमेरिकाको MCC बारे चर्काचर्की छ। 

बहस र छलफल हुनु राम्रो हो। MCC बारे बहस र छलफल हुनु राम्रो हो तर BRI बारे बहस र छलफल नहुनु अत्यासलाग्दो हो। 
BRI पनि र MCC पनि पुर्वसंरचना (infrastructure) सँग सम्बन्धित हुन। BRI मा सहभागी हुने देश चीनको सैन्य गठजोड़ मा सामेल भएको होइन। BRI मा सहभागी हुन कम्युनिस्ट विचारधाराको प्रचार प्रसारमा लाग्नुपर्छ भन्ने छैन। कम्युनिस्ट विचारधारा त खुद चिनिया कम्युनिस्ट पार्टीले त्यागेको कुरा। तर चीनमा भने उसको राजनीतिक एकमना (political monopoly) बरक़रार छ। नेपालकै कम्युनिस्ट ले कुन चाहिं कम्युनिस्ट विचारधारा पो मानेका छन र? भ्रस्टाचारमा काँग्रेस र पंचायत लाई उछिन्ने होड़बाजीमा लागेको देखिन्छ। 

भनेको कुरा सुन्नु पर्छ तर साथै गरेको कुरा पनि हेर्नु पर्छ। श्रीलंका मा बंदरगाह बनाइ दियो। अनि लि दियो। सैन्य प्रयोग गर्न मिल्ने बंदरगाह। पकिस्तानमा त्यस्तै बंदरगाह बन्दैछ। हुन त अमेरीकी सैनिक उपस्थिति जहाँ तहीं छ। अमेरिका ले गर्न हुने चीनले गर्न नहुने भन्ने होइन। 

BRI प्रोजेक्ट नेपाल ल्याउनु पर्छ। तर कुन शर्तमा ल्याइएको हो त्यो जायज र पारदर्शी हुनु पर्यो। व्यापक छलफल हुनुपर्यो। 

The Belt-and-Road initiative and the rising importance of China's Western  cities - Asiagreen

मधेसको सांस्कृतिक बोर्डर नेपालको राजनीतिक बोर्डर होइन

लन्दन को कुनै टेबल मा बसेर अफ़्रीकी महादेश को नक्शा कोर्ने हरु र नेपाल बालुवाटार बसेर नागरिकता कानुन को नक्शा कोर्ने नेकपा का ९ दाजुभाइ एकै ड़यांग का मुला हुन। सीके राउत को विश्लेषण सही छ। मधेसलाई उपनिवेश बनाएर राखिएको छ। सुगौली सन्धिको उल्लंघन भएको छ सरिता गिरीले भने जस्तो। 

नेपालको बोर्डर १८१६ अथवा १८६० मा कोरिएको हुन सक्छ। तर मिथिलाको बोर्डर ७,००० वर्ष भन्दा पनि पुरानो हो। प्रत्येक वर्ष अयोध्या बाट जनकपुर जंती आइपुग्छ। अयोध्या अवध, जनकपुर मिथिला। 

नेपाल भित्रै एकले अर्को सँग बिहे गर्नु जति प्राकृतिक कुरो हो मिथिला भित्र एकले अर्को सँग बिहे गर्नु त्योभन्दा २०० गुना बढ़ी प्राकृतिक कुरो हो। मिथिला त गंगा तट सम्म छ। नेपाल भारत सीमाना जाए भाँड़ में। 

बेइजिंग मा पानी नपर्दा बालुवाटार मा छाता ओढ्ने हरु कोरोना लाई बेसार चटाएर बसेका छन। कोरोना लाई बेसार आफ्ना वरिपरि का लाई १० अर्ब। 

केपी ओली वापस कर्नाटक जाउ तिमी। मिथिला मिथिलामा बस्छ। कर्नाटक ले न आउ भनेको छ उत्तर कोरिया जाउ। नेपाल लाई उत्तर कोरिया बनाउने तिम्रो सपना पुरा हुँदैन तर तिमी उत्तर कोरिया गए तिम्रो व्यक्तिगत सपना भने पुरा हुन्छ। 

Happy Ram Navami 2020: Date, History, Importance & Significance of Ram  Navami Festival?

Here's what you can do when you are in Janakpur 

Thursday, June 18, 2020

नेपाल का किम जोंग उन हरु

Bijaya Babu Shiwakoti is one of the most sensible people I have ever met in my life. The following article demonstrates his quiet, underrated but very useful common sense.

Posted by Ashutosh Tiwari on Tuesday, June 16, 2020
Based on the current trajectory of the epidemic, the situation on the ground in Nepal, and the how virus has been behaving globally, it is my estimate the situation in Nepal is going to be dire.  

South Korea and China play down Kim Jong-un ill-health claims | Kim Jong-un  | The Guardian

एमसिसी : भ्रम र यथार्थ  अमेरिकाले मिलेनियम च्यालेन्ज कर्पोरेसन (एमसिसी) मार्फत नेपाललाई दिने  ५० करोड डलरको अनुदान सहयोगले हाम्रा नेताहरू मात्र होइन, समाजै विभाजित भएको पनि ६ महिनाजति भइसकेको छ । ........   सही सूचना, गलत सूचना, भ्रामक सूचनाको बाढीमा आमनागरिकचाहिँ अन्योलमा छन् ‌। ..........  सात दशकदेखि लिइआएको वैदेशिक सहायताले हाम्रो मात्र होइन, अधिकांश वैदेशिक सहायता लिने देशको अवस्थामा उल्लेख्य सुधार भएन । ........ यसै यथार्थबीच एक सयभन्दा बढी देशले सन् २००५ मा पेरिस घोषणापत्र जारी गरी वैदेशिक सहयोगमा सहयोग पाउनेको स्वामित्व हुनुपर्ने, तिनको राष्ट्रिय प्राथमिकतामा खर्च हुनुपर्ने, सहयोग गर्नेहरूबीच समन्वय हुनुपर्ने तथा नतिजामा आधारित सहयोग हुनुपर्ने उद्घोष गरे । सन् २००४ मा अमेरिकाले गठन गरेको एमसिसीमा पेरिस घोषणापत्र प्रतिबिम्बित भइसकेको थियो । पेरिस घोषणापत्र तथा एमसिसीका गठनका उद्देश्य हाम्रो अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय सहायता परिचालन नीति, २०७६ मा पनि प्रतिबिम्बित छ । .............. हेटौंडा–बुटवल प्रसारण लाइन विद्युत् प्राधिकरणकै योजना थियो । पूर्व–पश्चिम राजमार्ग सुधार गर्ने योजना अगाडिदेखिकै हो र विभिन्न खण्डमा विभाजन गरी कार्यान्वयन पनि भइरहेको छ । ..........   एमसिसीको परियोजना पाँच वर्षभन्दा बढी अवधिको हुन पाउँदैन भन्ने अमेरिकाको एमसिसी ऐनमै छ । .............   यो सन्धि ‘संविधानभन्दा माथिचाहिँ हैन’ भनेर एमसिसीले पत्राचार गरेको छ, जुन सम्झौताको अंग मानिनेछ । संसदीय अनुमोदनअगावै किन काम गरेको भन्ने सन्दर्भमा पाँच वर्षको दिन गणना गर्नुअगाडि नै यसमा आउन सक्ने अवरोध र यसका लागि गर्नुपर्ने तयारी नगरे समयमा नै काम नसकिने भएकाले काम गरिएको देखिन्छ । ............  एमसिसीको लेखापरीक्षण ऐच्छिक होइन, अनिवार्य नै हो । र, अमेरिकी करदाताको रकमबाट उपलब्ध गराइने सहयोगमा अमेरिकाले प्रयोग गरेको मापदण्डबमोजिम लेखांकन र लेखापरीक्षण गरिनु अस्वाभाविक होइन । अमेरिकी मापदण्डअनुसार गरेको लेखांकन तथा लेखापरीक्षणले नवीन अभ्यास गर्ने अवसर पनि प्रदान गर्न सक्छ । ............ एमसिसीको सबल पक्ष पारदर्शिता हो । र, यसले गर्दा उस्तै प्रकृतिका अन्य विकास परियोजनामा नहुने बहस यसमा भयो । ............  एमसिसीको मापदण्डमा परेर हामी यसमा सहभागी भएका हौँ । यसमा सातवटा सरकारका प्रधानमन्त्री तथा अर्थमन्त्री संलग्न थिए । राजनीतिक, कूटनीतिक तथा कर्मचारीतन्त्र समावेश भएर विभिन्न समयमा गरेका निर्णय र करिब तीन वर्षअघि सम्झौता गरी अहिले विवाद गर्दा दाताहरूमा के सन्देश जाला ? राष्ट्रिय सहमति भएको विषयमा त निर्णय गर्न सकस हुन्छ भने के नेपाल लगानी गर्न उपयुक्त स्थान कसरी हुन्छ भन्ने प्रश्न हरेक दाता र लगानीकर्ताको मनमा नआउला र ?  राष्ट्रिय पुँजीको निर्माण गर्न पनि प्रशस्त वैदेशिक सहायता तथा लगानीको आवश्यकता छ । यस्तो व्यवस्थापन प्रणालीले हामीले कसरी काम ल्याउन सकौँला र ? ..............  अर्थ राजनीतिक विषयमा चीनबाट विद्यावारिधि गर्दै गरेका आशिष अधिकारीले राख्नुभएको विचार, ‘भूगोललाई अवसरको रूपमा लिएर राजनीतिक दिशा बनाउनुपर्छ । सबैका स्वार्थ हुन्छन् र त्यही स्वार्थभित्रै आफ्नो स्वार्थ खोज्ने हो, अझ निर्माण गर्ने हो । ............  जीवनमा आफूले चाहेकोजस्तो आदर्श अवस्थालाई कुनै पक्षले पार्ने नकारात्मक वा सकारात्मक प्रभावको समग्रतामा मूल्यांकन गरी निर्णय लिइन्छ । एमसिसी पनि त्यस्तै हो । त्यसका आर्थिक, सामाजिक, राजनीतिक, सांस्कृतिक प्रभाव के कस्ता हुन्छन्, समग्रतामै जाँचौँ र उपयुक्त निर्णय लिऔँ ।   

For a reset in India-Nepal relations  India inherited the boundary with Nepal, established between Nepal and the East India Company in the Treaty of Sugauli in 1816. Kali river constituted the boundary, and the territory to its east was Nepal. The dispute relates to the origin of Kali. Near Garbyang village in Dharchula Tehsil of the Pithoragarh district of Uttarakhand, there is a confluence of different streams coming from north-east from Kalapani and north-west from Limpiyadhura. The early British survey maps identified the north-west stream, Kuti Yangti, from Limpiyadhura as the origin, but after 1857 changed the alignment to Lipu Gad, and in 1879 to Pankha Gad, the north-east streams, thus defining the origin as just below Kalapani. Nepal accepted the change and India inherited this boundary in 1947........   The Maoist revolution in China in 1949, followed by the takeover of Tibet, created deep misgivings in Nepal, and India was ‘invited’ to set up 18 border posts along the Nepal-Tibet border. The westernmost post was at Tinkar Pass, about 6 km further east of Lipulekh. In 1953, India and China identified Lipulekh Pass for both pilgrims and border trade. After the 1962 war, pilgrimage through Lipulekh resumed in 1981, and border trade, in 1991.  ...........  In 1961, King Mahendra visited Beijing to sign the China-Nepal Boundary Treaty that defines the zero point in the west, just north of Tinkar Pass. By 1969, India had withdrawn its border posts from Nepali territory. The base camp for Lipulekh remained at Kalapani, less than 10 km west of Lipulekh. In their respective maps, both countries showed Kalapani as the origin of Kali river and as part of their territory. After 1979, the Indo-Tibetan Border Police has manned the Lipulekh Pass. In actual practice, life for the locals (Byansis) remained unchanged given the open border and free movement of people and goods. ...............  After the 1996 Treaty of Mahakali (Kali river is also called Mahakali/Sarada further downstream) that envisaged the Pancheshwar multipurpose hydel project, the issue of the origin of Kali river was first raised in 1997. The matter was referred to the Joint Technical Level Boundary Committee that had been set up in 1981 to re-identify and replace the old and damaged boundary pillars along the India-Nepal border. The Committee clarified 98% of the boundary, leaving behind the unresolved issues of Kalapani and Susta (in the Terai) when it was dissolved in 2008. It was subsequently agreed that the matter would be discussed at the Foreign Secretary level. Meanwhile, the project to convert the 80-km track from Ghatibagar to Lipulekh into a hardtop road began in 2009 without any objections from Nepal. ................  The new alignment adds 335 sq km to Nepali territory, territory that has never been reflected in a Nepali map for nearly 170 years.    

नक्सा प्रकरण : उल्टो बाटोमा सरकार, आफ्नो खुट्टामा आफैं बन्चरो हान्यो  ‘किन प्रकाशित नक्सा संविधानको अनुसूचीमा समावेश गर्न संविधान संशोधनको प्रस्ताव संसद समक्ष प्रस्तुत गर्यो?,’ उनले लेखेका छन्, ‘समितिले प्रमाण पाइएन भन्यो भने, के सरकार प्रकाशित नक्सा फिर्ता लिन्छ? सरकारको यस्तो ब्यबहारलाई छिमेकीले कसरी हेर्लान र पलट वार गर्लान्?’ 

कोरोना भनेको रुघाखोकी जस्तो हो : प्रधानमन्त्री

Posted by Setopati on Thursday, June 18, 2020

वहाँँहरुले यस्तो सभामा भन्नु चाँही के हुन्छ होला? (फोटो कसले खिच्नुभएको हो बिर्सेंं। फोटो क्रेडिट दिन नसकेकोमा क्षमायाचना सहित)

Posted by Biswo Poudel on Sunday, June 14, 2020

Thursday, June 11, 2020

कोरोना प्रसाद (केपी) ओली को लिमपुयाधुरा नौटंकी मानवता विरुद्ध को अपराध हो

Coronavirus pandemic

यो कोरोना वायरस महामारी बारे नेपाल ले अग्रिम सुचना पायेन भन्ने ठाउँ छैन। जनुअरी मैं चीन को वुहान, त्यस पछि इटली, अनि न्यु यॉर्क शहर को तबाही, त्यस पछि ब्राज़ील, अब आएर मुम्बई र दिल्ली। बालुवाटार मा कानमा तेल हालेर सुतेको बाहेक सबै लाई थाहा छ। मोबाइल फोन चलाउने सबैले समाचार पाएको महिनौं भइसक्यो। 

यो महामारी सँग लड्ने स्रोत साधन नेपाल सँग छैन भन्ने ठाउँ छैन। ओली वरिपरि का मानिसले डकारेको १० अर्ब नै प्रयाप्त रकम हो। गमछा ले नाक मुख छोप्न के स्रोत साधन चाहियो? प्रत्येक मानिस सँग सधैँ ६ फ़ीट को दुरी बनाउन के स्रोत साधन चाहियो? 

सरकारको प्रत्येक तह, समाजको प्रत्येक तपका ले लेज़र फोकस जस्तो एकोहोरो सुचना प्रवाह गर्ने समय हो र थियो। नाक मुख किन छोप्ने, घर भित्र किन बस्ने, ६ फ़ीट को दुरी किन बनाउनु परेको भन्ने कुरा सबै सम्म पुर्याउने बेला यो महामारी को समय। 

जुन जग्गा चीनले नै भारतको हो भनेर सन २०१५ मा नै स्पष्ट भनिदिएको त्यस जग्गा बारे सर्वदलीय धारणा बनाउने समय होइन यो। जुन सड़क १२ वर्ष देखि बन्दै आएको थियो त्यस बारे दुई वर्ष अगाडि अथवा दुई वर्ष पछि निहुँ खोजे पनि त हुन्थ्यो।

यो  लिमपुयाधुरा, लिपुलेक बारे सन २०२० अगाडि मैले कहिले नसुनेको। यो चुच्चे नक्शा मैले जिन्दगीमा कहिले नदेखेको। भन्दैमा कोरोना प्रसाद (केपी) ओली को अडान गलत हो भन्ने अर्थ लाग्दैन। म अज्ञानी हो भने, म अशिक्षित हो भने म त्यो मानन तैयार।  

तर यो त कोरोना प्रसाद (केपी) ओली को राजनीतिक कदम हो। महामारी को समयमा जनताले महामारी को बारे नसोधुन, महाकाली को बारे कुरा गरुन भनेर गरिएको षडयंत्र हो। मैले चिनेका एकसे एक शिक्षित नेपाली कोरोना प्रसाद (केपी) ओली को यो माकुरो जालोमा निर्धक्क फंसेका छन। नेपाली लाई एक शब्द "राष्ट्रियता" भनिदेउ भात खान बिर्सिनछ भने जस्तो। 

यो जग्गाको विवाद हुंदै होइन। 

जग्गाको विवाद हो भने यो महामारी तह लागे पछि दुबै पक्षले म जस्ता अज्ञानी हरु का लागि आ-आफ्नो तर्क र दस्तावेज पारदर्शी किसिमले नै देखाउ। हामी पनि हेरौं के रै छ त गाँठी कुरा। 

सन १८१६ को सन्धि को कुरा आउला। १८६० को कुरा आउला। ब्रिटिश भारत कै बिभिन्न काल खण्डको कुरा आउला। १९५० को कुरा आउला। २५ वर्ष अगाडि ओली नाइके भएर गरेको संधि को कुरा आउला। केही वर्ष अगाडि कै कुरा आउला। संविधान जारी गर्दा नक्शामा त्यो चुच्चो थिएन त। तर म रियल एस्टेट को हिमायती। नक्शा पास गरेर नै आउँछ भने म त भन्छु टिसटा सम्म क्लेम गर। किन कन्जुस्याइँ? 

तर त्यो महामारी पछि। 

अहिले विकास बजट बाट चाहिए जति रकम निकालेर घर घर खाद्य सामग्री पुर्याउने समय हो। यो महामारी को विकराल समय।
होइन कोरोना प्रसाद (केपी) ओली लाई हतार नै भएको हो भने संसद ले त पास गरिसक्यो। जाउ जग्गा फिर्ता ल्याउ, ल्याउन नसके खुरुक्क राजीनामा देउ। 

कोरोना प्रसाद (केपी) ओली आफ्नै शब्दमा भैंसी व्यापारी हो। सिङ्ग हेर सिङ्ग भन्दैछ। 



Tuesday, January 14, 2020

दुई नम्बर प्रदेश को नाम जनकपुर राख्ने कि?

कोशी, जनकपुर, बागमती, गण्डकी, लुम्बिनी, कर्णाली, महाकाली। विराटनगर, जनकपुर, हेटौंडा, पोखरा, भैरहवा, सुर्खेत, टीकापुर।

दुई नम्बर को नाम मधेस राख्न का लागि संख्या पुगिराख्या छैन। सपा र राजपा ले मानेका छन। चाहेका छन। तर दुई तिहाई छैन तिनी सँग। नेका ले मिथिला भनेको छ। त्यसमा तर भोजपुरा पनि पर्छ। मिथिला-भोजपुरा बढ़ी लामो नाम भो।तानतुन पारेर बनाए जस्तो। नेकपा ले के अड़ान लिएको छ कुन्नि।

नामाकरण त गर्नु परयो। दुई तिहाई पुर्याउनु परयो। जनकपुर नाम मा सहमति जुट्छ कि?

Tuesday, January 07, 2020

Cambodia's Hun Sen And Nepal's Oli

'No debate, no democracy': journalists in Nepal fight new threat to press freedom Bills introduced by ruling Communist party will bring in heavy fines and the threat of jail to stifle debate, say critics

उनीहरू कतिसम्म प्रभावशाली छन् भन्ने एउटा उदाहरण छ । पूर्व सचिव विश्वप्रकाश पण्डितको लगानी रहेकोे महावीर क्रसर उद्योगले संकलन गरेको नदीजन्य पदार्थको स्रोत खुलाउन र नखुल्ने भए जरिवाना नतिरेसम्म बन्द गर्ने निर्णय एलडिओले गरेपछि त्यस विरुद्ध गृह मन्त्रालयबाट नवलपरासीका प्रमुख जिल्ला अधिकारीमाथि समेत दबाब दिइएको थियो । जबकि गृह मन्त्रालय गिट्टीबालुवा हेर्ने मन्त्रालय नै होइन ।
लोकतंत्रको पुनर्बहाली भएको १५ बर्ष पनि नबित्दै देशको अस्ति सम्मको उप प्रधान मन्त्रीले प्रधान मंत्री लाई कंबोडिया को हुन सेन सँग दाँज्नु, लोकतंत्र नै खतरामा रहेको आभाष दिनु, यो राम्रो लक्षण होइन।

प्रधानमन्त्री त यती समूहको सीईओ रहेछन्!

ओली सरकारबारे उपेन्द्र यादवको विश्लेषण : ‘हुन सेनको बाटोमा ओली : पञ्चायतभन्दा कठोर’ ‘अलिअलि त कम्युनिस्ट होलान् भन्ने ठानें, कांग्रेसभन्दा प्रतिगामी रहेछन्’

अहिलेको सरकारको खास टार्गेट मिडिया नै हो । सोसियल मिडिया होस्, प्रिन्ट मिडिया होस् या इलेक्ट्रोनिक मिडिया होस् । उनीहरु फेसबुकलाई समाप्त पार्छु बनेर लागेका छन् । कानूनै बनाएर लाग्नुपर्छ भनेर लागेका छन् ।

दोस्रो कन्सेप्ट के हो त भन्दाखेरि कम्बोडियाको हुनसेनको जस्तै । व्यवस्था बहुदलीय हुने, लोकतान्त्रिक हुने, आफ्नो कन्ट्रोलमा सबैथोक हुने । क्याम्बोडियामा पनि मिडियामा कन्ट्रोल छ । पार्टीहरु कन्ट्रोलमा छन् । यो बाटोमा जानका लागि ओजीजीको के छ भने पहिले न्यायालयलाई कन्ट्रोल गर्ने, आफ्ना मान्छेहरु घुसाउने । त्यसपछि ब्यूरोक्रेसी कन्ट्रोल गर्ने ।

अहिले कसले पार्टीलाई लेबी तिर्छन्, ब्यूरोक्रेसीमा तिनलाई प्राथमिकताका साथ ल्याइँदैछ । त्यसपछि सेक्युरिटी फोर्सलाई कन्ट्रोल गर्ने । त्यसपछि निर्वाचन आयोगलाई कन्ट्रोल गर्ने । यति कन्ट्रोल गरिसकेपछि त वन साइडेड मात्रै हुन्छ नि । यसरी लिएर जाने बाटोमा उनी लागेका छन् । यसरी नै अगाडि बढ्ने उनले ठानेका छन् । एकदमै ‘टोटालिटेरियन’ (अधिनायकवाद) तर्फ लैजाने उनको घोषितै कुरा हो ।

देशलाई अहिले क्याम्बोडियाको मोडेलमा लान खोजिँदैछ । बहुदलीय प्रणाली हुने, तर एक पार्टीको डोमिनेसन कायम गर्ने बाटोमा सरकार अगाडि बढिरहेको छ । सरकारमा बस्दाखेरि त्यहाँभित्र यस्तो देखियो ।

In Cambodia, ‘Rule of Law’ Means Hun Sen Rules The prime minister uses a shroud of democracy to counter dissatisfaction and thwart the opposition. ...Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen, currently Asia’s longest-serving ruler, faces no tangible political competition. ..... In 2017, Cambodia’s Supreme Court, which is aligned with the ruling party, dissolved the opposition Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP). ..... The prime minister speaks in legal terms, referencing Cambodia’s U.N.-backed 1993 constitution and concepts such as the rule of law and human rights that he frequently disregards in practice. ..... manipulative language ...... Almost two-thirds of Cambodians are under 30, and they do not support Hun Sen at the rate of their elders, instead blaming him for lagging development. They do increasingly support democratic ideals. This creeping unpopularity among young voters was evident during the 2013 elections, which were surprisingly close, and the 2017 local elections, when the opposition managed to increase its vote share relative to the ruling Cambodian People’s Party (CPP) despite Hun Sen’s threats of violence. In 2018, the CPP overwhelmingly won a general election widely regarded as a sham: The CNRP was already banned........ Since 2017, Hun Sen’s government has undermined Cambodia’s democracy without technically violating the constitution. ..... .In practice, Hun Sen pays only lip service to the rule of law. “Hun Sen has ruled in accordance with what can be referred to as a ‘modest’ constitution. It incorporates formal assurances of a wide variety of political rights and civil liberties, but there is

a parallel failure to uphold those guarantees

...... The prime minister has relied on legal and financial tools to stifle the free press.

In September 2017, the government shuttered the Cambodia Daily newspaper, citing a dubious $6.3 million tax bill.

In May 2018, Cambodia’s only remaining independent newspaper, the Phnom Penh Post, was sold to a Malaysian businessman with ties to the CPP. ........ Hun Sen—himself a former low-level Khmer Rouge commander—undermined the operations of the U.N.-backed Khmer Rouge tribunal through political pressure as its defendants aged and doubts grew over future indictments. He argued that the tribunal threatened Cambodia’s safety and the government’s ability to govern.....

The government increasingly wields the digital sphere as a repressive tool, arresting people for critical social media posts and creating a silencing effect.

......... The young don’t see new faces, new input, or new approach. They don’t want to care. ........ The journalist said they

and other Cambodian reporters have a substantial number of Cambodian Twitter bots following them—presumably intended to let Cambodians know they’re being watched by the powerful

. ........ Hun Sen appears to be grooming his son Hun Manet as his successor. In personalized authoritarian regimes like Cambodia, a successor’s success hinges on their ability to reduce public discontent and control volatile elites. ....... Hun Sen, hoping to strengthen his family’s grasp on power, will keep cracking down through supposedly legal means and by acting as Beijing’s proxy. But Cambodians have become increasingly literate in the language of authoritarianism, casting doubt on the long-term success of Hun Sen’s efforts to dress up his one-man rule as democratic.

Hun Sen: Cambodia's strongman prime minister Cambodia's Hun Sen has been in power since 1985 and is one of the world's longest-serving prime ministers. ...... an authoritarian figure with a poor human rights record and the resources and will to thwart any real political challenge. ...... He shows no signs of wanting to relinquish power - in June 2018, he vowed to rule for 10 more years. ....... the party goes into the July 2018 elections facing no significant rivals after the main opposition - the Cambodia National Rescue Party - was dissolved. ...... In the late 1960s, he joined the Communist Party. He lost his left eye during an exchange of gunfire and he has reportedly said he can only see a limited distance. ........ During Pol Pot's tyrannical regime in the late 1970s, under which as many as two million people died,

Hun Sen commanded troops in the Khmer Rouge

- although he denies accusations of complicity in the regime's crimes. ........ Hun Sen lost the 1993 elections, but he refused to accept the results and forced a negotiation to become second prime minister alongside the Funcinpec Party's Prince Norodom Ranariddh. ...... He went on to seize power in a bloody coup in 1997, forcing Prince Ranariddh to temporarily leave the country. ....... In Cambodia's 2008 elections the CPP won most of the contested seats. But the polls were criticised by international monitors, with the EU saying the ruling party made "consistent and widespread" use of state resources for its own campaign. ......... It was the most significant challenge to Hun Sen's rule in more than a decade, and eventually he ordered the security forces to end the protests. ....... a prominent political analyst and government critic, Kem Ley, was assassinated in broad daylight, supposedly over a debt dispute. ...... After the opposition performed well in the 2017 commune council elections, Hun Sen and the CPP moved definitively against the CNRP. In September, Kem Sokha, the new leader, was arrested on treason charges and several other senior politicians fled into exile. ........ Two months later, the Supreme Court dissolved the CNRP completely, paving the way for national elections in 2018 that have been rejected as illegitimate by the EU and US government....... Hun Sen is facing calls for sanctions against his inner circle, but appears to be pushing ahead to consolidate control........ Analysts say he is grooming his three sons - all of whom are in powerful positions either in the party, military or government - to take the reins when he eventually steps down.

Khmer Riche How relatives and allies of Cambodia’s leader amassed wealth overseas Cambodia’s ruling elite are patriots who would never hide money abroad, says the country’s leader, Hun Sen. But a Reuters investigation shows that Hun Sen's family and officials have overseas assets worth tens of millions of dollars, and some have bought themselves European citizenship. ........ It was December 2017. The main opposition party had just been outlawed, the latest move in Hun Sen’s campaign to eradicate his political rivals. The United States and European Union were threatening sanctions, and Hun Sen had a message for them....... “Just do it now if you are brave enough,” he taunted, bristling with outrage. There was no point in the West trying to seize the foreign assets of Cambodian officials, he went on, because they “wouldn’t be so damn stupid as to keep their assets overseas.” ........ Among those who have acquired or applied for European Union passports through a citizenship for sale arrangement in Cyprus are: Hun Sen’s niece and her husband, who is Cambodia’s national police chief; the country’s most powerful business couple, who are old family friends; and the finance minister, a long-time Hun Sen adviser. ........ Photos on social media also show Hun Sen’s relatives enjoying luxurious European lifestyles – boating in Capri, skiing in Verbier, partying in Ibiza – which are at odds with the prime minister’s self-styled image as the humble leader of ordinary Cambodians. ........ He has jailed or exiled political rivals, shut down media outlets and crushed street protests. Only three men have controlled their countries for longer: the presidents of Equatorial Guinea, Cameroon and the Republic of the Congo.

If Hun Sen stepped down tomorrow, Vladimir Putin would have to rule Russia for another 15 years to match his time in power.

......... In February, responding to his crackdown, the European Union began a process that could suspend Cambodia’s special trade preferences, potentially damaging industries that employ hundreds of thousands of workers. The country’s political and business elite is on edge ....... “Everyone is making an escape plan,” he said......... Hun Panhaboth, the son of another niece, defended his lifestyle in messages sent to Reuters through Facebook. An Instagram photo shows him driving a Mercedes while holding a fistful of banknotes. “I really don’t see the harm in that anyways,” he said. ........ One Cambodian with overseas assets is the prime minister’s niece, Hun Kimleng. Photos posted on Instagram by a family nanny helped lead Reuters to a posh apartment in central London, situated only a few hundred metres from the palace of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. ........ Getting a Cypriot passport also makes the niece a citizen of the European Union, which Cyprus joined in 2004. This gives her the right to live, work and travel without visas in 28 EU countries. ...... Becoming a Cypriot isn’t cheap: It involves an investment of at least €2 million ($2.2 million). Between 2013 and 2018, the country granted citizenship to 3,200 foreigners under its Cyprus Investment Programme, raking in €6.6 billion. ........ Neth Savoeun is Cambodia’s powerful national police chief, presiding over a force responsible for arresting Hun Sen’s political opponents and violently suppressing anti-government protests. Last year, Human Rights Watch named him as one of 12 generals who form “the backbone of an abusive and authoritarian political regime.” .......

That the country’s top cop has sought foreign citizenship could show that the party’s leaders are losing faith in each other

........ In 2017, the U.S. State Department put Neth Savoeun, Hun Kimleng and their three children on a “visa blacklist” for undermining democracy .......... other members of Hun Sen’s inner circle have also received or applied for Cypriot passports. They include Cambodia’s finance minister, Aun Pornmoniroth, a long-time financial adviser to Hun Sen. Aun’s wife also applied. ...... Another of Choeung and Lau’s companies was embroiled in the eviction of thousands of families from a development site in Phnom Penh; many of those who protested the evictions were beaten and jailed. Citing the evictions, the World Bank temporarily suspended new lending to Cambodia. ....... Choeung and Lau are both in their seventies, and their family has business or marriage links to four of Hun Sen’s five children. Lau is a senator for Prime Minister Hun Sen’s party. Choeung sits on the board of the Cambodian Red Cross. She is a close friend of the charity’s president – Hun Sen’s wife. ........ The murder had a chilling effect on Cambodia’s embattled opposition. In 2018, with his rivals cowed or silenced, Hun Sen held another general election. This time, his party won 77% of the vote – and every single seat. ...... The company that has processed the most applications is the giant accounting firm, PricewaterhouseCoopers; it handled 184 applications during that period with what PwC Cyprus calls “robust client screening and acceptance processes.” ....... handled the applications of the Cambodian finance minister, Aun; the leading business couple, Choeung and Lau; and their family members. ....... 70% of people live on about $3 a day, and Hun Sen has long projected himself as a leader who suffers alongside his poorest compatriots. ......... Yet many relatives with the Hun family name flaunt their wealth on social media accounts. One photo on Instagram shows two of the prime minister’s nieces, Hun Kimleng and Hun Chantha, posing in ballgowns and matching golden necklaces. Other photos document their near-constant travel, often by private jet, to fashion shows in Paris, a hillside villa in Mykonos, and London nightclubs like Loulou’s. Hun Chantha also co-owns London apartments worth £5 million .......... The European Union says three of its member states – Cyprus, Malta and Bulgaria – run what it calls “investor citizenship schemes.” Of those, Cyprus’s is the largest and most lucrative - and, say critics, the least transparent.

Autopsy of a Cambodian Election How Hun Sen Rules ....... Khmer New Year is the closest thing Cambodia has to a High Holiday, and in April, Prime Minister Hun Sen celebrated it in style with his fiercest opponent. During a festival at the ancient temples of Angkor, he and Sam Rainsy ate together from a gigantic cake of sticky rice weighing more than four metric tons—a Guinness World Record.

Cambodia Becomes the World’s Newest One-Party State With Chinese support, Hun Sen has effectively destroyed all opposition to his autocratic rule. ....... On Thursday, the Supreme Court of Cambodia ordered the dissolution of the country’s main opposition party. For most observers, the move didn’t come as much of a surprise. For one thing, the court’s president is an old aide and associate of the long-ruling prime minister, Hun Sen. For another, the pugnacious and dictatorial Hun Sen had spent the past month “predicting” the court’s ruling, offering recently (hint, hint) that the popular Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP) stood a 100-to-1 chance of living to fight another election. .......... the midnight arrest of the CNRP’s leader, Kem Sokha. The 64-year-old has since been accused of plotting with the U.S. government to overthrow Hun Sen’s Cambodian People’s Party (CPP), which has ruled Cambodia since 1979. Since then, media outlets have been shuttered and civil society activists harassed, especially those with perceived or actual links to the United States. The panel of nine judges also dished out five-year political bans for 118 leading CNRP officials.

Monday, January 06, 2020

CK Raut In Kalaiya

हमें इस भाषण में ये अच्छा लगा कि सीके काँग्रेस पर निशाना साध रहे हैं। नेका और नेकपा पर निशाना साधिए। मुख्य रूप से।

सीके ने कहा है कि पार्टी सदस्य पाँच लाख बनाएंगे। महाधिवेशन से पहले पाँच लाख सदस्य बना लेती है जनमत पार्टी तो पार्टी एकीकरण का लाइन गलत होगा। चुनाव से पहले पार्टी महाधिवेशन। पार्टी महाधिवेशन से पहले पाँच लाख सदस्य।

तराई के २२ जिल्ला में।