Monday, October 27, 2014

संघीयता महँगो हो भने

अहिलेका प्रधान मंत्री सुशील कोइराला र आफुलाई भावी (next) प्रधान मंत्री भन्ठान्ने केपी ओली दुईटै बाहुनले संघीयता महँगो व्यवस्था हो, त्यसैले संघीयतामा जाने नै हो भने सकेसम्म कम राज्य बनाऊँ ताकि खर्च कम लागोस भन्ने तर्क अगाडि सारेका छन।

अहिले सरकार चलाउन २०० अरब लाग्छ र संघीयतामा गए ३०० अरब लाग्ने हो भने संघीयतामा जाने नै किन? संघीयतामा गएर यदि तीन राज्य बनाए ३०० अरब लाग्छ तर १० राज्यमा गए ६०० अरब लाग्छ भने त्यस्तो वाहियात काम किन गर्ने?

यदि खर्च त्यसरी बढ्छ भने संघीयता नेपालको माटो सुहाउँदो होइन रहेछ भन्ने थाहा हुन्छ। अनि, गरीब देश, संघीयतामा नजाने, अहिलेको नेपालको माटो सुहाउँदो एकात्मक व्यवस्था नै कायम राख्ने।

मैले यो महेन्द्रको पंचायती भाषा जानी जानी बोलेको। सुशीलले माला लगाउँछन् वीपीको तस्वीरमा तर नीति मान्छन् महेन्द्रको। अजब देश गजब नगरी। अहिलेको एकात्मक संरचना महेन्द्रको एक भाषा एक भेष एक धर्म नीतिमा आधारित छ। संघीयता भनेको त्यो गल्तीलाई ध्वस्त पार्ने बम नै हो। State restructuring मा संरचनात्मक तोड़फोड़ हुन्छ नै।

संघीयता महँगो हो भने पनि चाहिने कुरा हो। न्याय महँगो भो भनेर अन्याय कायम गर्ने?

तर संघीयता महँगो होइन। संघीय व्यवस्था एकात्मक व्यवस्थाभन्दा सस्तो व्यवस्था हो। किनभने संघीय व्यवस्थामा efficiency बढ्छ। स्थानीय स्तरमा अधिकांश काम हुन्छन्। त्यहाँ नहुने काम जिल्लामा हुन्छ। जिल्लामा नहुन सक्ने काम मात्र राज्य स्तरमा हुन्छ। र सरकारी काम राज्य स्तरमा नहुने एकदम कम हुन्छ। भनेको केन्द्रमा गएर गराउनु पर्ने काम अति नै कम हुन्छ।

विचार गर्नुस्। यदि जनताका अधिकांश काम राज्य स्तरमा नै हुन्छ भने सस्तो के हो? कम संख्याको राज्य कि बढ़ी संख्याको राज्य? यदि खर्च कम गर्नु छ भने नेपालमा २५ राज्य स्थापना गरेको सबै भन्दा राम्रो। २५ राज्य स्थापना गरेमा जिल्ला सरकार नचाहिने भो। जनताकालागि राज्यको राजधानी टाढा हुने भएन। खर्च घट्ने भो।

सुशील र केपी महेन्द्रपथका अनुयायी मात्र होइन, illogical बाहुन पनि रहेछन् भन्ने थाहा भो, सबैलाई चेतना भया।

Sunday, October 26, 2014

नेपालमा आर्थिक क्रान्ति र न्यु यर्कका नेपाली (2)

English: Nepali sadhu performing a blessing. F...
English: Nepali sadhu performing a blessing. Français : Sadou à Kathmandu Nepal avril 2004 ‪Norsk (nynorsk)‬: Heilag mann i Katmandu i Nepal, med pannemerke, symbolmønstra klede, rosenkrans rundt halsen og handa forma i ein mudra. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Citizenship without political rights is an oxymoron. Dual citizenship without political rights for the Non Resident Nepalis (NRNs) is not an option. Such an arrangement would be crippling.

People complain about brain drain. Oh, the smart Nepalis left the country, what to do! Then why not work on brain gain!? Dual citizenship with full political rights is a brain gain concept. It is the single best policy decision the power brokers in Kathmandu can make for Nepal's rapid economic growth. Why are the smartest Nepalis on the planet pleading with those power brokers as if they were some kind of a persecuted minority!? Why are they not talking like people who have much to contribute? And all they are asking for is vehicles with which to contribute!

Once a Nepali, always a Nepali -- pure and simple.

But once you do have that legal framework in place, the onus shifts to entrepreneurship. I think the best way to make concrete, positive impacts on the Nepal's economy when you are a Nepali living abroad is to first prove your mettle as an entrepreneur.

1K Per Nepali: Crunching Some Numbers

Last week at a Diwali Party a great idea was floated. Nepali professionals in NYC should put 1K each into a pool which would be in the form of a company. There would be a small Executive Committee that would invest in early stage Nepali origin high tech startups following pre-approved guidelines. The company would also invest in startups based in Nepal.

Let's say 100 Nepalis got together and put in 1K each. You can't invest in every tech startup that comes along just because they are Nepali origin. And not all startups in which Nepalis are involved are looking for money, especially small money like this fund might have. At that event there were two Nepalis who were already working for tech startups. But neither were Founders. And both startups were well funded in their own right.

So with this startup you are looking for Nepali Founders.

Money invested in the stock markets grows at an average annual rate of 10%. Money invested in the US Treasury bonds gives you 5% or less. But the first 100K invested in Google became a billion and a half in about eight years. That is tens of thousands of percentage points in growth. That is wild. Never say never but let's assume, statistically speaking, that a Nepali Founder coming up with the next Google is not very likely. Statistically speaking.

The top VC firm in NYC has a success rate of 66%. As in, one third of the companies it invests in tend to fail. The best ones give them a 10X return. As in, every dollar invested becomes 10 dollars. A 10X return is considered excellent in the VC industry. So Google by that standard is out of the ballpark.

Let's say 100K is raised. And it is invested in three startups that have Nepali Founders, two in NYC/USA and one in Kathmandu. Let's say one NYC startup starts at a million dollar valuation and ends up with a billion dollar valuation in five years. Let's say one NYC startup goes bust, and the investment is lost. The Kathmandu startup starts at a million dollar valuation and goes on to a 100 million dollar valuation in five years.

So, it was 35K, 35K and 30K. 35K went bust. And this is an excellent scenario.

35K fetched 3.5% in equity, there was an anti-dilution clause. And so 3.5% of a billion is 35 million dollars. 30K fetched 3% and 3% of 100 million is three million dollars. So the 100K fund became $38 million in five years. And this is an excellent scenario.

A dud scenario is, 100K was raised, it was invested in three startups, all three went bust. The consolation was it only cost each person 1K each. A 10X scenario would be the 100K became a million dollars. In the VC industry that is considered to be excellent. As in, 100K becoming 35 million dollars is pretty much a wild case scenario.

When the money comes in, each 1K person would have the option to cash out. What is 1% of 35 million? 350K? Or the people could say, I want to take out 300K, and leave 50K in there. 50K times 100 is 5,000K, that is five million. And the Executive Committee now has five million to play with.

Or the fund could expand. It might start with 100K, and it might bring in 400 more people, or a thousand people, and be a 500K fund or a million dollar fund to start with. It is possible to show your companies are doing well before you actually get to cash out.

So far as I know I am the only Nepali in the city who is both a tech startup founder and is actively looking for round one money. My ask is in the 35K range. And my projection is that my startup should be a billion dollar company in five years.

Another great candidate would be the Amazon/Flipkart/Alibaba for the Nepal market that would also do Bitcoin based money transfer for near zero rates.

So my take would be, raise 100K right away, like today, invest in my startup, and start looking for that Kathmandu team. And then start looking for more 1K people. Maybe you want to come into my round 2 as well, as one of several investors.

In my particular case, I would be happy to offer to the fund what I have offered to some of my friends who have come into my round one at 5K each. I will make it risk free for the fund. Should the venture fail, from the day of the failure, I will have 12 months to return this 35K to the fund, as if it were a personal loan. Should the venture succeed, I will get 5% of the growth this investment might see. So if this 35K becomes seven million dollars in five years, I get 5% of that seven million, namely 350K, and the fund gets the rest.