Friday, November 02, 2012

Dahal's Capitulation Is Wrong

UCPN (M) proposes oppn parties to name PM candidate
In the meeting of the major four political forces held on Friday as part of their attempts to seek possible way out of the current political impasse, the Maoist chairaman Pushpa Kamal Dahal proposed to name the PM candidate after the leaders of Nepali Congress and CPN-UML refused former's proposal to convert existing government into national consensus government, according to UML leader Bhim Rawal
This is ridiculous.

Prachanda has to stop pretending that there is going to be a "friendly" election. When the elections are held in April there will be a major ideological tussle between the pro federalism forces and the anti federalism forces. The pro federalism forces have to win a two thirds majority. That is the work cut out before Prachanda as the leader of the Federal Republican Alliance. That alliance has to forge an electoral alliance with the smaller alliance that Upendra Yadav has managed to forge together to bring forth an alliance of alliances. That joint alliance should be able to garner a two thirds majority in the next assembly that is needed to give Nepal genuine federalism.

The NC and the UML are welcome to join the current government. If not, the current government has to move ahead full speed. The Prime Minister has to confront the president and remind him he is not an executive president. The Ram Baran Yadav drama has gone too far. It is not his job to try to bring the political parties together. That is the Prime Minister's job to try.

Consensus is a Panchayati concept. It sickens me to see Prachanda acting like unless the NC and the UML agree nothing can happen in the country. Those are the two parties that need to be soundly defeated at the polls and Prachanda as leader of the Federal Republican Alliance has to start acting like it.

If the NC and UML choose to go for street demonstrations and mass meetings, the ruling coalition has to go for street demonstrations and mass meetings. Violence is not an option, but street action and mass actions are options.

Ram Baran Yadav's activism has to stop. The budget has to be brought through an ordinance. Election related ordinances have to be brought forth. Let the NC and the UML go to the people in April. Those are the two parties that did not let two thirds of the members of the last assembly give Nepal the federal constitution it deserves.

Talks falter over govt leadership
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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Baburam Bhattarai Will Conduct Elections

List of Prime Ministers of Nepal
List of Prime Ministers of Nepal (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Step By Step
Ram Baran Yadav Is Not An Executive President

The constituent assembly is not coming back. It is dead. (Is CA Revival Possible?) It is not coming back even if all major political parties come to an agreement to revive it, not that that consensus is happening.

And so all election related ordinances will have to be passed on from the Prime Minister to the president. It would be best if the NC and the UML cooperated. But their demand that the current government resign before anything can be talked about is unreasonable.

A fair consensus government would have to be lead by Baburam Bhattarai since he represents what was the largest party in the last assembly. And so if an election government of non political people is not an option, then the NC and the UML joining the current government is a good option. But I don't see them doing that.

The two are sore losers who did everything unconstitutional and undemocratic to make sure the country was deprived a federal constitution. So if they will not join the current government to form an all party government to take the country to a new election chances are they might not even cooperate on election related laws.

And here the president does not have the option to make moves. Either the political parties come to consensus on the major issues, or the current Prime Minister pass on the necessary ordinances. The president has to sign them. He is not an executive president. It is not for the president to seek consensus among political parties. That is the job of the Prime Minister. And if the Prime Minister fails to get that consensus, well, the country already has a government in place. The business of governance has to go on.

The ruling Federal Democratic Republican Alliance is capable of showing street strength. It could organize street demonstrations. What are the NC and the UML thinking?

Some polarization is necessary. Otherwise why bother having elections? The next election is in essence a referendum on two different, competing visions on what shape Nepal's federalism should take. The NC, the UML and the rightist parties have one way of looking at it. They don't want federalism, but if there is to be federalism, they want it to be fake, cosmetic. The Maoist, Madhesi and the Janajati parties have a different vision. They are for genuine federalism. Nepal is a mosaic of diversity. Only federalism can speak to that ground reality.

The two visions should necessarily compete.

Baburam Bhattarai was right after all. If the president had done his job and not got in the way of the election ordinances the country might have seen elections in November. But April is not too late.

The best course for the country is for the Prime Minister to bring forth election ordinances and for the president to sign them, and make elections happen in April 2013.
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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Step By Step

Step 1 is to realize the constituent assembly is not coming back. It is not coming back for further work on the constitution and it is not coming back to amend the interim constitution. All election related amendments will have to be the act of the president.

But the president is not an executive president, and so a government acceptable to all major parties will have to be put into place first. Do it like they did it in Bangladesh. Put together a government of non political people. Maybe this is the chance for the civil society to shine. Step 2, set up a new government of all non political people.

Step 3, let that government pass on election related ordinances to the president who would sign them to make elections possible in April 2013. Chances are the new assembly is smaller in size. Maybe it is 300 and not 600 strong.

Nepali parties inch back to poll option NC president Sushil Koirala and UML chairman Jhalanath Khanal have categorically rejected the CA revival option. A group of former Supreme Court Chief Justices warned the Prime Minister that CA revival to promulgate the statute would be unconstitutional. President Ram Baran Yadav too has spoken in favour of fresh polls.
Nepal’s president pushes for elections revival of the Constituent Assembly (CA) could not happen ‘under any circumstances’..... “The political parties have no alternative but to go for elections as per the spirit of the interim constitution and the verdict of the Supreme Court.”
Ruling UCPN (M), Morcha strike CA elections accord
SLMM to take final call on CA rebirth
CA rebirth not possible, former CJs tell PM
CA revival not possible: Prez Yadav
Dahal floats new proposal before Prez

The Supreme Court will not let the reinstated CA work
With leaders sticking to differing views, no solution in sight
Grab the offer
Dahal now for fresh CA poll cum poll for prez
Madhesi, ethnic leaders urge prez to work for consensus
Plot to bypass UML will not succeed: Nepal
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Friday, October 19, 2012

संगठनका कुरा (3)

NRN NCC President कालागि लड़ने बारे विचार गर्दै
संगठनका कुरा (2)
संगठनका कुरा

हिजोको NRN NCC को कांफ्रेंस कलले नवम्बर 15 सम्म membership drive गर्ने र शायद जनुअरी 15 मा बोस्टनमा चुनाव गराउने निर्णय गर्यो। I have decided not to be part of it, I am no longer interested.

Massive मेम्बरशिप drive को लक्ष्य नभएको चुनाव तालिकाले मलाई आकर्षित गर्दैन।

अब या त ICC को मेम्बरशिप ड्राइव मा भाग लिईन्छ पछि spring मा या छुट्टै न्यू यॉर्क शहर लेवेलको नया संगठन launch गरिन्छ। मासिक हाउस पार्टी को concept अगाडी बढाउनु परेको छ। महिनाको अंतिम आइतबार कसो होला?

Thursday, October 18, 2012

NRN NCC President कालागि लड़ने बारे विचार गर्दै

संगठनका कुरा (2)
संगठनका कुरा

2005-2006 ताका अमेरिकाका 2 लाख नेपाली मध्ये full time democracy movement मा लागेको म एक्लो मान्छे। मैले digital activism गरेको हो त्यति बेला, पत्रकारिता होइन। 2006 February मा house arrest भएको एक महिना पछि कसो कसो गरि वायरलेस इन्टरनेट बाट online आउंदा माधव नेपालले chat गरेको पहिलो ब्यक्ति। त्यों राजनीतिक काम गरेकोले हो। त्यस पछि मधेसी क्रन्तिमा पनि फुल time लागेको। Los Angeles मा प्लेन बाट झर्ना साथ "Where is परमेन्द्र भगत" भनेर उपेन्द्र यादवले भनेको मेरो राजनीतिक कामको  आधार मा हो। 2005-2006 ताका मेरो "हाम्रो नेपाल" नामको डिजिटल संगठन पनि थियो, 100 जना जति सदस्य थिए। न्यू योर्क मा ANTA पैदा गरेको मैले हो। अमेरिका आए पछि कॉलेजमा छ महिना भित्र बिद्यार्थी यूनियनको President को चुनाव जितेको। त्योभन्दा अगाडी नेपालमा राजनीतिक पार्टीमा हृदयेश त्रिपाठी महासचिव, म उपमहासचिव, राजेन्द्र महतो केन्द्रीय समिति सदस्य। त्रिपाठी र महतो मन्त्री छन। म न्यू योर्क मा बराक ओबामाको पहिलो full time volunteer।

म त नेपालमा तानाशाही समाप्त भए पछि नेपाल बारे कम सोंचने, आफ्नो काम गर्न पट्टी लागने भनेर बसेको। तर त्यस्तो नहुने देख्न थालेको छु। नेपालमा आर्थिक क्रांति गर्न 20-30 बर्ष लाग्छ। नेपालमा hydro प्रोजेक्ट हरु कालागी NYC मा funding खोज्ने career move मैले थालिसकेको छु। नेपालको राजनीतिक क्रांतिमा मैले योगदान दिएँ, मधेसी क्रांतिमा योगदान दिएँ, अब़ आर्थिक क्रांतिमा पनि योगदान दिन चाहन्छु।

द्वैध नागरिकता को कुरा छ। द्वैध नागरिकता बिना नेपालमा आर्थिक क्रांति संभव छैन। न्यू योर्क को स्थानीय राजनीतिमा नेपाली हरुलाई empower गर्ने कुरा छ।

यी सब कारण ले म NRNA (Non Resident Nepali Association) NCC (National Coordination Council) को President कालागी लड़ने बारे सोंच्दै छु भन्ने कुरा सबै साथी हरुलाई अबगत गराउन चाहन्छु। अमेरिकामा ICC र NCC दुबैको चुनाव May 2013 को अंतिम weekend मा न्यू योर्क मा गर्ने गरी तालिका बनाउन आग्रह गर्दछु। त्यो चुनाव हुनु अगाडी massive membership drive हुनु जरुरी छ।
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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Is CA Revival Possible?

If the principle of separation of powers between the three branches of government is to be respected, and it has to be, then how is it possible to revive the constituent assembly? Some political leaders in Nepal are acting as if all it takes is a consensus among the major political parties and the assembly can be revived. That is like saying if the sons and daughters can forge a consensus the dead father can be brought to life. How is that possible?

But then I have proven wrong once before. The 2006 movement resurrected the dead parliament. It was not technically an option, that is what I thought.

I personally think the best option is for the parties to agree to a caretaker government of non political people that will get the president to sign ordinances necessary to conduct a new election, and then to go for an election to a new constituent assembly.

But if the CA can be revived and the country can get a new constitution through it, that might be cheaper for the country. A revived CA that votes on all the key issues would offer a quick resolution. I never understood why party leaders needed to meet privately off site to try to resolve issues. Let the elected officials vote.

CA revival within this month: Dahal
Survey: Half of Chinese like US ideas on democracy

Oli hospitalized in New York
SP assigns portfolios to central members

Dahal fails to impress at EU function
Maoist Madhes wing protests ban on Indian vehicles
Big 3 holding country hostage of indecision: Gachchhadar
UML General Secretary: New elections will be like referendum
President ready for any step to resolve deadlock
PM's remark about prez irresponsible: NC leader Singh
NC prez stresses strengthening party organization for election
NC leader Tamang against single identity-based federalism
Manang linked with road network for first time
PM has no right to talk about prez's jurisdiction: Poudel

Fresh Violence In Madhubani, Nitish Kumar Defers "Adhikar Yatra"
No progress in unification talks: Yadav
Zero tolerance on crime: Gachchhadar
PM tells prez not to meddle with parties

Divisive issues of yore still haunt Madhesi parties
Once bitten, twice shy: NC, UML wary of Dahal's proposal
UML firm on fresh polls

UML leaders hit back at CA revival campaigners
PM cautions against royal comeback
New party before Dashain: Chemjong

Leaders across parties for CA revival

UCPN (Maoist) to undergo structural overhaul

NC leaders accuse Deuba, Paudel of lobbying for CA revival for PM berth
Nepal govt disowns OHCHR conflict report
Elections only as last option: Dahal
New Janajati party should see beyond ethnic agenda
India's Sonia Gandhi speaks out over rape cases
Chavez wins third re-election in tightest race yet

Desertions may give UML hard time to retain cadres
Parties still indecisive on CA polls
Dahal proposes CA revival to NC
Former NC CA members rap party leadership
UN releases Nepal Conflict Report amid govt opposition

Experts doubt long term unification of Madhesi parties
Madhesi parties to unite!

'पार्टीत्यागले धक्का पर्दैन'
निर्वाचन नभएसम्म प्रधानमन्त्री बन्दिनँ: दाहाल
'सत्ताकब्जा’ को कार्यनीति
चुनावी सरकारको नेतृत्व पनि हाम्रोः दाहाल
दाहाललाई पूर्वकमान्डरको दबाब

Desertions pose no problem: UML
Ashok Rai, noted dissidents quit CPN-UML
Fresh poll to correct faulty composition of CA: Oli
Maoists, NC spar over who leads election govt
UCPN (Maoist) split most manifest in Maoist strongholds
With no outdoor life, children develop behavioral quirks
NC to hold discussions with Janajati leaders on Tamang report
Greed for power prolonging stalemate: Gachchhadar
Friday's demonstration just a 'rehearsal': Khanal
Putin strong at 60 but economic challenges loom


Parties agree to new CA poll but differ on poll govt
Nepali Communists against federalism, inclusive state

Madhesi, Janajati parties announces Federal Democratic ForumYadav also urged Janajati and Madhesi leaders from UCPN (Maoist), Nepali Congress (NC) and CPN-UML to join their alliance ..... TNRD Chairman Parshuram Tamang said that formation of a unified party of Madhesi, Janajati, Muslims and Dalits, among other marginalized groups is a must as three major political parties failed to address their issues. .... CPN-UML leader Hem Rai and NC leader Kumar Rai said that dissatisfied Janajati leaders would formally quit their respective party on Wednesday. "There is no need to stay in the party that could not address our concerns," stated Kumar.
Ruling alliance puts off rallies amid reservation from Madhes-based parties
Oppn alliance to shun protests till mid-October for consesus

Madhesi parties to unite!Terai Madhesi Democratic Party (TMDP) and Madhesi People´s Rights Forum (MPRF) have been engaging on consultations with the aim to unify both parties. Furthermore, MPRF has also held several rounds of consultations with other fringe indigenous parties as well..... MPRF and Rastriya Samajbadi Party led by Sharat Singh Bhandari declared that they merged the two parties naming the party as Sanghiya Loktantrik Sangh. .... It is said that both the party leaders including TMDP Chairman Mahantha Thakur and MPRF Chairman Upendra Yadav have tentatively agreed to merge the parties before October despite the objection from second ranking leaders including TMDP Vice-chairman Hridayash Tripathi. ..... Tripathy has been intensifying parleys with Gachchhadar led forum with the aim to find out the way of possible unification. ..... TMDP’s proposal to the MPRF chairman Yadav for the post of senior vice chairman has been emerging as a obstacle to forge consensus as the MPRF has been claiming that the unified party should be led by both the leaders Yadav and Thakur with the portfolio of supreme leader. ....... It is said that some parties including Sadbhawana Party (SP) have opposing the idea of forming the Federal Republican Democratic Alliance (FDRA), an loose alliance of 21 parties including the ruling parties
Madhesi, Janajati parties set to announce alliance MondayFederal Democratic Forum (FDF) .... mentioned in the concept paper of the alliance is that they aim to form a unified party. The common concept paper of the alliance has been endorsed by the central committees of all parties that will join the alliance ..... MPRF, National Madhes Socialist Party (NMSP), Tamsaling Nepal Rastriya Dal (TNRD), Rastriya Janamukti Party, Khambuwan Swayatta Rajya Parishad, Janamukti Party Nepal and Nepal Shanti Samaj Party will be accommodated in the new alliance ..... MPRF Chairman Upendra Yadav said they have been attempting to unify various political parties both from the hills and the Tarai. FDF-N: new alliance under Upendra YadavKhambuwan Autonomous State Council, Rastriya Janamukti Party, Nepal Shanti Samaj Party, Tamsaling Nepal Rastriya Dal have also joined the newly-formed alliance.

Ruling Madhesi parties divided over holding rallies
Prez offers to chip in if parties fail
Confused parties struggling to consolidate alliancesThe ruling parties backed by some other small political parties have formed the Federal Democratic Republican Alliance (FDRA) under the leadership of UCPN (Maoist) Chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal a month ago. Over 20 of the total 33 political parties represented in the then CA have allied themselves with the Dahal-led front.
UCPN (Maoist) spokesman hints at CA revival
Maoist Chairman Dahal, ex-King Shah 'encounter' in Pokhara

Prez presses parties for early consensus
Mahato warns against active presidential role
Chances of consensus govt under NC slim: Dahal
Maoists major hindrance for forging consensus: Oli
Consensus govt first and compulsory condition: Sitaula

Madhesi, Janajati parties set to announce alliance Monday
According to Madhesi and Janajati leaders, MPRF, National Madhes Socialist Party (NMSP), Tamsaling Nepal Rastriya Dal (TNRD), Rastriya Janamukti Party, Khambuwan Swayatta Rajya Parishad, Janamukti Party Nepal and Nepal Shanti Samaj Party will be accommodated in the new alliance. ..... MPRF and NMSP were the constituent parties of the erstwhile Broader Madhesi Front (BMF) while TNRD had supported agitation programs of the BMF. ..... MPRF Chairman Upendra Yadav said they have been attempting to unify various political parties both from the hills and the Tarai.
NMSP to launch awareness drive, press Madhesi issues

Five influential UML dissidents resume party work
Ruling Madhesi parties flay CPN-Maoist
UDMF against Maoists' anti-Indian activities
UDMF for consensus govt for fresh CA polls
Maoists-UDMF meet concludes

How Sonia Gandhi was persuaded to back reforms

NSP-A to protest against ruling coalition
SP for forming federalists' alliance
SP all set for two-day gathering
Extensive meeting of Sanghiya Sadbhawana Party kicks off
NSP-A criticizes PM's address to nation

MPRF-D, TDMP leaders hold talks on party unification
Ajit Jogi lone voice for Rahul's elevation
Rahul Gandhi has to decide for himself, says Sonia Gandhi
Rahul Gandhi has no clear convergent thinking: BJP
Govt losing communication battle: Salman Khurshid
Maharashtra govt in crisis, all NCP ministers quit
UPA troubles put AIADMK in poll mode
CBI finds foreign hand behind bid to malign Rahul Gandhi
Mulayam Singh Yadav admits PM ambitions
Samajwadi Party led third front government at Centre possible in 2014: Mulayam Singh Yadav
UML dissidents to quit the party on Oct 4
PM seeks support for democratization of army
PM rules out prez call for consensus govt
MPRF-N leader shot dead in Birgunj
Extortion on rise in Birgunj again
MJF-R plenum adopts 5-pt Birgunj declaration
MPRF-R breaks links with JP Gupta
MPRF-D expels 14 district committee members
Include dissenting parties in talks: NC
NC-led govt will create serious power imbalance : Maoist
No govt before package deal: FRDA
NC assures CPN-M inclusion in major party talks
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Thursday, October 11, 2012

संगठनका कुरा (2)

संगठनका कुरा

मैले हिजो प्रभु मनी को कार्यलयमा टिपेको विश्व सन्देश को पछाड़ी पट्टी कोर्दै थिएं। विश्व स्तरमा नेपाली त्यही हुन जुन नेपालमा दमजम हुन। र त्यों कुराको झझल्को नेपाली समुदाय भित्र mass base नभएका नचाहेका तर नेतृत्व पद खाई रहेका अनगिनती ब्यक्ति हरुले दिई रहेको अवस्था छ। Living room politics बाट पद हरु बांडने पुरानो परम्परा छ।

Mass base मा जानु, democratic process follow गर्नु, पदकालागी खुला चुनाव गराउनु, संगठनको हिसाबकिताब खुला किसिमले वेबसाइट मा राख्नु, खुला बहस गर्नु -- यिनै साधारण अभ्यासले विश्व स्तरमा नेपालीहरूको empowerment हुन्छ। संगठनका अलावा agenda को कुरा आउँछ। Vision को कुरा आउँछ।

60-70 देशमा संगठन विस्तार भएको होला तर dual citizenship को कुरामा र 100 million dollar fund को कुरामा प्रगति भएको देखिंदैन। संगठन पनि mass based छैनन।

NRN (Non Resident Nepali) Association को संगठनमा थुप्रै कमी कमजोरी छन। त्यस बारे केही सुझाव दिन चाहन्छु।

(1) Pyramid of 10 --- व्यापक membership drive गर्ने। सदस्य हरू लाई कम्तीमा 10 बढ़ीमा 20 को संख्यामा संगठित गर्ने। महिना मा एक पटक house party गर्ने समुह। त्यस्तो 10 unit को नाइके को conference call मार्फत अथवा internet मार्फत अर्को समुह। And so on.

(2) Public Facebook page, private Facebook group, public Facebook group. Lots of use of photos and videos. Plenty of textual reports, discussions.

(3) Online voting. प्रत्येक सदस्यले मत दिन पाउनु पर्छ। Ohio जस्तो अनकन्टार दुर्गम ठाऊँमा 10 जना खुसुक्क जम्मा भएर राष्ट्रिय नेतृत्व चयन गर्ने चाहना पंचायती सोंच भयो। Leadership by consensus भनेको रोग हो। चुनाव नै हुन नदिने, कस्तो अचम्मको सोंच? चुनाव नहुने संगठन भनेको कहिल्यै झ्याल ढोका नखोलिने घर जस्तो हो। NRN को global leadership को पनि चुनाव नै हुनुपर्छ र त्यों चुनाव 1,000 delegate ले मत खसाल्ने चुनाव हुन सक्दैन। दुनिया भरका 20 लाख NRN हरू मध्ये व्यापक membership drive गरेर one person one vote का आधारमा आम आदमीको स्तरमा वोट हुनुपर्छ। NRNA को सदस्य हो भने global conference अगाड़ी online आउने, एक हप्ता को window हुन्छ, online गएर वोट खसाल्ने। जम्मा भएको delegate लाई पनि वोट खसाल्न नदिने कस्तो अचम्मको परिपाटी?

(4) 100% transparent, online book keeping. के कति पैसा उठ्यो र खर्च भयो त्यों प्रत्येक सदस्यलाई थाहा हुन पर्छ। Meeting को minutes online राखिनुपर्छ।

(5) NRN को न्यू योर्क चैप्टर ले Memorial Day Weekend मा प्रत्येक बर्ष convention गर्न पर्छ जस्तो मलाई लाग्छ। दुनियाको राजधानी हो यो।

Agenda अझै फराकिलो बनाउनु पर्यो। मुख्य मुद्दा dual citizenship को हो। त्यसमा नेपालका नेताहरूले बड़ो मुर्खता देखाएका छन अहिलेसम्म। त्यों बिना नेपालमा आर्थिक क्रांति संभव छैन। त्यति गहन मुद्दा हो त्यों। 100 million डलर फंडको कुरा राम्रै हो तर global financial market tap गर्ने कुरा त्यो भन्दा 10,000 गुना राम्रो हो।

नेपाली हरुले प्रत्येक देशमा आफ्नो अधिकार खोज्न पर्यो। 150 बर्ष अगाडी बोस्टन मा Irish ले नागरिक नभए पनि मत खसाल्थे मेयर कालागी। आज नेपालीले न्यू योर्क मा त्यही खोज्न पर्छ। त्यस्कालागी नेपाली समुदाय बाहिर जान पर्ने हुन्छ। Indian संग हातेमालो गर्न पर्ने हुन्छ। Chinese संग। Hispanic र African संग।

बलियो संगठन बाट पैदा हुने नेटवर्क ले सदस्य हरु लाई बिभिन्न किसिमका फ़ायदा हरु हुन्छन्।
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