The only full timer out of the 200,000 Nepalis in the US to work for Nepal's democracy and social justice movements in 2005-06.
Showing posts with label Bhaktapur. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bhaktapur. Show all posts
Thursday, August 05, 2021
हेर्दै उचक्का
ढाका टोपी ले पनि छोप्न नसक्ने मान्छे यो। अझ एउटा किताब लेख्न भ्याएको छ। जसपा तोड़फोड़ गर्ने यो हो। राणकाल भए यसको सर्वस्व हरण हुने। नाम मधेस सँग मिल्दोजुल्दो महेश राखेर हुन्छ? कहिले जनकपुर उडेर पुगेको छ सांसद किडनैप गर्न। इंटरपोल लगाउनुपर्ने यो। केपी ओली को किडनी स्टोन यो। यो भक्तपुरवादी।
Saturday, September 05, 2015
एकात्मक व्यवस्था ले अरु त अरु खुद काठमाण्डु लाई ठगेको छ
स्वायत्त काठमाण्डु प्रदेश
स्वायत्त काठमाण्डु प्रदेश किन चाहियो? संघीयता मा यो भक्तपुर चक्रपथ प्रदेश सरकार आफै ले बनाउँछ। भक्तपुर मात्र किन, उपत्यका चक्रपथ बनाउँछ। मेट्रो रेल बनाउँछ। प्रदेश सरकार त्यति ताकतवर हुन्छ। तर कंस सिटौला को संघीयता मा भने होइन। उसको संघीयता मा प्रदेश सरकार अहिले को जिल्ला विकास समिति जस्तो छ, दाँत नङ्ग्रा केही नभएको।
संघीयता मा केंद्र को ८२० अरब मध्ये काठमाण्डु प्रदेश ले ५० अरब पाऊँछ।
एकात्मक व्यवस्था ले अरु त अरु खुद काठमाण्डु लाई ठगेको छ। उदाहरण:
चौध वर्षमा पनि पूरा भएन भक्तपुर चक्रपथ
५२ दशमलव ७ किलोमिटर ट्रयाक ..... ‘ठूलो लगानीबिना चक्रपथ निर्माण पूरा गर्न सम्भव छैन,’ स्थानीय विकास अधिकारी (एलडीओ) पशुपतिबाबु पुरीले भने, ‘जिविसको स्रोतले मात्र पूरा गर्न नसकिने देखेर केन्द्रीय बजेटका लागि मन्त्रालयमा पठाइएको छ, मन्त्रालयले समयमा पारित नगर्दा चक्रपथ अलपत्र भएको हो ।’ .....
०५७ को जिविस बैठकबाट चक्रपथको सीमांकन गरिएको थियो । ०५८ मा चक्रपथ निर्माण थालनी गरेको हो ।
...... भक्तपुर चक्रपथले अनन्तलिंगेश्वर, सूर्यविनायक, महामञ्जुश्री–नगरकोट, चाँगुनारायण नगरपालिका र मध्यपुर थिमी नगरपालिकालाई छोएको छ भने भक्तपुर नगरपालिकालाई घेरेको छ ..... सुरुमा ५० करोडको लागत अनुमान गरिए पनि चक्रपथले पूर्णता पाउन १ अर्ब लाग्ने अनुमान गरिएको र केन्द्रीय बजेट नपरेसम्म निर्माण सम्पन्न गर्न नसकिने कार्यालयले जनाएको छ ।
Sunday, June 14, 2015
हिपत महानगर: परिमार्जित आईडिया
के बनाउने? महानगर
थप के बनाउने: Supporting Regional Infrastructure
बनाउन पैसा कसले दिने?
महानगर मा बस्ने को?
- २० किलोमीटर बाइ १० किलोमीटर जग्गा अधिग्रहण
- प्रत्येक १०० मीटर मा चार लेन को वन वे सड़क, ट्राफिक बत्ती सहित, एक एक किलोमीटर सम्म बत्ती एकै रंग को हुने र एकै पटक परिवर्तन हुने गरी --- त्यो सड़कमा २४ घंटा गुड्ने इलेक्ट्रिक बस
- सड़क सड़क बीच ब्लॉक long केंद्र मा गार्डेन हुने बिल्डिंग हरु, एक नासले दश तले, छानामा सोलर हीटर, जसको विद्युतले शहर लाई पुग्ने
- Citywide फ्री WiFi --- शहर को केंद्र मा आइफल जस्तो टावर
- शहरको केन्द्रमा ठुलो पार्क ----- साना तिना पार्क मनग्ये
- शहरको केन्द्रमा ५-१० ब्लॉक बिज़नेस डिस्ट्रिक्ट --- २० तल्ले घर हरु
- त्यहीँ नजिकै गवर्नमेंट डिस्ट्रिक्ट ----- केंद्र सरकारका सबै मंत्रालय एकै ठाउँमा ---- २० तल्ले घर हरु
- शहर को Outer Ring मा लसकरै Textile Factory हरु --- रोजगारी का लागि

थप के बनाउने: Supporting Regional Infrastructure
- निजगढ़ अंतर्राष्ट्रीय विमानस्थल
- काठमाण्डु-हेटौडा टनल फ़ास्ट ट्रैक
- नारायणी नदी बाट खाने पानी को लागि कनाल
- चुरिया मा चितवन देखि झापा सम्म व्यापक वृक्षारोपण
- मध्य तराई बुद्ध रेल मार्ग (पुर्वी तराई बाट शुरू)
- दक्षिण तराई जानकी राजमार्ग (पुर्वी तराई बाट शुरू)
- महानगर-जनकपुर-पटना-कोलकाता Industrial Corridor
बनाउन पैसा कसले दिने?
- ठुलो infrastructure project का लागि पैसा देखि बनाउने सबै दाता सरकारले गर्छ, स्थानीय भ्रष्टाचार को संभावना रहन्न, अनि त्यो नरहेकोले दाता देश हरु मदत गर्न इच्छुक पनि हुन्छन्
- ठुलो regional infrastructure project हरु का लागि ठुला र धनी देश हरु लाई approach गर्ने -- भारत, चीन, जापान, अमेरिका, ब्रिटेन, जर्मनी, फ्रांस, रूस, ब्राज़ील, कनाडा, ऑस्ट्रेलिया आदि
- महानगर का ३०० सड़क संसारको प्रत्येक देश लाई बनाई दे भन्ने --- जस्ले बनाउँछ सड़क त्यसै देशको नाममा
- ५०० इलेक्ट्रिक बस पनि त्यसरी माग्ने
- एक भन्दा बढ़ी सड़क बनाउने देश ले पहिलो पछि सड़क आफ्नो शहर हरुको नाममा राख्न पाउने
- १०० गुणे २०० --- अर्थात २०,००० बिल्डिंग का लागि नेपाल, भारत, बंगलादेश, चीन, पाकिस्तान, जापान र अरु जहाँ सुकै को प्राइवेट रियल इस्टेट कंपनी हरु लाई आह्वान गर्ने ---- (१) एक वर्ष भित्र बनाउनु पर्ने (२) जग्गा पाउने मुफ्तमा (३) त्यस को बदलामा प्रत्येक बिल्डिंग को ग्राउंड फ्लोर र १० मध्ये अर्को random चार तला नेपाल सरकार ले पाउने ---- बाँकी बनाउने कंपनी को
महानगर मा बस्ने को?
- बिल्डिंग का ग्राउंड फ्लोर मा पसल/बिजनेस हरु हुन्छन् --- तिनले बाल तिरछन -- त्यो महानगर सरकार, जिल्ला सरकार, प्रदेश सरकार, केंद्र सरकार सबै ले एउटा फोर्मुला को आधारमा पाउने ---- ३०% महानगर, २०% जिल्ला, २५% प्रदेश, २५% केंद्र
- बाँकी का चार तलामा (१) भुमि अधिग्रहण मा परेका हरु र (२) भुकम्प विस्थापित
- जग्गा अधिग्रहण गर्दा को जग्गाको नया शहर को मार्केट रेट मा ती जग्गा धनी ले आ आफ्नो जग्गा को मुल्य बराबरको अपार्टमेंट हरु पाउने
- भुकम्प विस्थापित ले अपार्टमेंट पाउने बस्न का लागि --- पहिलो दुई वर्ष केही तिर्न नपर्ने --- गोरखा, सिंधु जस्ता जिल्ला का ले आ आफ्नो घर जग्गा सरकार लाई मार्केट रेट मा दिने ---- त्यस बराबरको पैसा नया अपार्टमेंट मा गयो --- त्यसले नभ्याएको पैसा ३० वर्ष सम्म लगाएर महिना महिना मा तिर्नु पर्ने -- सहुलियत ब्याज पनि लाग्ने -- शायद १०%
- काठमाण्डु को घर जग्गा अति महँगो हुने भएको ले, काठमाण्डु का भूकम्प बिस्थापित ले त्यहाँ जति ठाउँ छोड्यो --- मोटामोटी त्यति स्पेस को अपार्टमेंट पाउने।
- Then it gets interesting. गोरखा, सिंधु जस्ता जिल्ला का विस्थापित को जग्गामा वृक्षारोपण हुन्छ --- तर घर प्राइवेट tourism कंपनी लाई दिइन्छ -- त्यसले retrofit गर्दै ट्रेडिशनल स्टाइल मैं घर पुनर्निर्माण गर्छ -- टुरिस्ट हरु बस्ने बनाउँछ ---- त्यस आम्दानी को केही अंश घर को मुल धनीले पाउने। काठमाण्डु मा पनि त्यस्तै
- १० तल्ला मध्ये ५ तल्ला घर बनाउने प्राइवेट कंपनी ले मार्केट रेट मा जसलाई बेचे भो बाल दिए भो
महानगर का ले काम चाहिं के गर्ने?
सबै कुराको ठेक्का मैले थोड़े लिया छ?
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Wednesday, June 10, 2015
165 Seats And Anti-Madhesi Bias
165 सीट बारे मिनेन्द्र रिजाल
Manang 1 Mustang 1 Dolpa 1 Rasuwa 1 Humla 1 Mugu 1 Tehrathum 1 Solukhumbu 1 Jumla 1 Myagdi 1 Taplejung 1 Darchula 1 Bajura 1 Dadeldhura 1 Kalikot 1 Parbat 1 Okhaldhunga 1 Sankhuwasabha 1 Dhankuta 1 Lamjung 1 Jajarkot 1 Bhojpur 1 Dolakha 1 Bajhang 1 Panchthar 1 Arghakhanchi 1 Ramechhap 1 Khotang 1 Rukum 1 Doti 1 Rolpa 1 Pyuthan 1 Salyan 1 Baitadi 1 Achham 2 Dailekh 2 Palpa 2 Gorkha 2 Baglung 2 Nuwakot 2 Gulmi 2 Syangja 2 Sindhupalchowk 2 Sindhuli 2 Ilam 2 Bhaktapur 2 Udayapur 2 Tanahun 2 Dhading 2 Surkhet 2 Kavrepalanchowk 2 Makawanpur 3 Lalitpur 3 Kaski 3 Kathmandu 10
Bardiya 2 Kanchanpur 3 Banke 3 Dang 3 Chitawan 3 Kapilvastu 3 Parsa 4 Nawalparasi 4 Siraha 4 Saptari 4 Mahottari 4 Rautahat 4 Bara 4 Sunsari 4 Dhanusha 4 Sarlahi 4 Kailali 5 Jhapa 5 Rupandehi 5 Morang 6
Terai 78
Pahad 87
This is what it used to be like before the Madhesi Kranti. The next Madhesi Kranti will be for a separate country. These guys leave no choice.
Deduct 5 from the Pahad and add 5 to the Terai. Otherwise this is a no go. Populations of Dhanusha and Kailali are similar. Why does Kailali have 5 but Dhanusha 4? That is a no go.
अप्पर हाउस मा बेइमानी। लोअर हाउस मा बेइमानी।
Manang 1 Mustang 1 Dolpa 1 Rasuwa 1 Humla 1 Mugu 1 Tehrathum 1 Solukhumbu 1 Jumla 1 Myagdi 1 Taplejung 1 Darchula 1 Bajura 1 Dadeldhura 1 Kalikot 1 Parbat 1 Okhaldhunga 1 Sankhuwasabha 1 Dhankuta 1 Lamjung 1 Jajarkot 1 Bhojpur 1 Dolakha 1 Bajhang 1 Panchthar 1 Arghakhanchi 1 Ramechhap 1 Khotang 1 Rukum 1 Doti 1 Rolpa 1 Pyuthan 1 Salyan 1 Baitadi 1 Achham 2 Dailekh 2 Palpa 2 Gorkha 2 Baglung 2 Nuwakot 2 Gulmi 2 Syangja 2 Sindhupalchowk 2 Sindhuli 2 Ilam 2 Bhaktapur 2 Udayapur 2 Tanahun 2 Dhading 2 Surkhet 2 Kavrepalanchowk 2 Makawanpur 3 Lalitpur 3 Kaski 3 Kathmandu 10
Bardiya 2 Kanchanpur 3 Banke 3 Dang 3 Chitawan 3 Kapilvastu 3 Parsa 4 Nawalparasi 4 Siraha 4 Saptari 4 Mahottari 4 Rautahat 4 Bara 4 Sunsari 4 Dhanusha 4 Sarlahi 4 Kailali 5 Jhapa 5 Rupandehi 5 Morang 6
Terai 78
Pahad 87
This is what it used to be like before the Madhesi Kranti. The next Madhesi Kranti will be for a separate country. These guys leave no choice.
Deduct 5 from the Pahad and add 5 to the Terai. Otherwise this is a no go. Populations of Dhanusha and Kailali are similar. Why does Kailali have 5 but Dhanusha 4? That is a no go.
अप्पर हाउस मा बेइमानी। लोअर हाउस मा बेइमानी।
Friday, May 15, 2015
A Malfunctioning Government
Nepal quake victims fear government won't help much, if history is guide
The Earthquake-Wrecked Town That the Nepali Government Forgot
"It's the same government as last year, so I have very little hope that things will be different," said Mangale Tamang, 56, a former Jure resident who was sleeping Sunday morning in a lean-to by the side of a dust-choked highway where his village once stood. ............ in the recent past, the government has struggled to compensate victims of natural disasters far smaller than the temblor that has left more than 7,250 dead and damaged or destroyed hundreds of thousands of homes. ...... a peculiar system of government sprung from a failure to hold local elections in nearly 20 years. All decisions must go through a few top officials in the capital, Katmandu, and committees that manage local affairs are appointed by national political parties, which the Nepalese say makes them less accountable to the people. ........ The country's auditor general reported in March that government agencies had spent just one-fifth of their budget because of "political influence while selecting projects, lack of regular follow-up of project implementation, poor participation of users and collusion between contractors and government officials." ...... The government also aims to collect $2 billion for a national reconstruction fund to rebuild shattered infrastructure. ...... After the Jure disaster, officials paid $1,000 to families that lost their homes and $400 to those that lost a relative. But villagers say they have not seen any money from a $220,000 Jure Landslide Relief Fund created to help families get back on their feet. ...... A report last month in the Nepal News website said the funds, raised mainly through private donations, were sitting in a government account because the Home Affairs Ministry had not given permission for them to be disbursed. ...... A few miles up the winding highway in Chautara, the devastated seat of Sindhupalchowk district, residents said they had not seen any assistance from the local government in the eight days since the quake. More than 2,000 people have died in the district east of the capital, the highest death toll in the country, but residents said they had not heard from Gyawali, the top local official. ........ "Of course the foreigners are helping and aid is coming into the country, but they're not the ones handing it out to the people," shopkeeper Sher Bahadur Thapa said. "They give it to the district and the ward officials, and that's where it goes missing. It's the needy people who suffer."
The Earthquake-Wrecked Town That the Nepali Government Forgot
CHAUTARA, Nepal—Cries of anger rose above the din of military helicopters and wails of the injured, as men banged their fists on the metal gate outside the town’s government offices. But it was fruitless: Local officials had fled the building shortly after Nepal’s earthquake, leaving the windows open and a truck—its windshield smashed by the crowd, creating a spiderweb-shaped crack in the glass—parked outside. ....... The Nepali prime minister’s Disaster Relief Fund, set up explicitly for the earthquake, reported on Friday that it had raised $1.5 million but only distributed 1 percent of that money so far ..... Foreign aid agencies have complained of severe delays in getting their cargo planes into the country’s sole and tiny international airport. ..... “Why do you think we’re in charge here?” a Nepalese Army sergeant, wearing camouflage and a black facemask to ward off disease, asked me in Chautara. “We’re managing this to prevent violence against the government,” said the sergeant ....... The stench of a large, communal toilet wafted over us. .... Though Chautara, a town of roughly 4,000 people, is only 25 miles northeast of Kathmandu, the drive now involves three hours of negotiating thick mud, since most of its crag-hugging roads have been destroyed. In the town itself, whole floors of brick buildings were ripped away; on the third floor of one house, a family’s framed pictures of their children hung on an exposed yellow wall, beside a neatly stacked pile of shoes. The town had so many cracks and clusters of detritus that the rare, untouched building seemed improper, almost impertinent. ....... When I visited, Rachana Sahi, 25, was digging for salvageable belongings through the heap that had been her family home. “Sure, the government will help us,” she hissed, dragging out a dust-covered rug. “Once we’re dead.” ..... the earthquake shows just how vital it is to have political institutions that work, both at the center and, even more importantly, at the local level ...... “Anger does not do justice to my feelings at the moment,” he said brusquely between drilling. Villagers gathered to watch. Around them lay the debris of lives interrupted by cracked earth: a fake pearl bracelet, a TV remote, a computer screen, a submerged motorcycle. Under the surrounding cliffs, viridian wheat fields were almost ready for harvesting—cold comfort for the people of Chautara.
Saturday, May 09, 2015
Nepal Government Responds To Criticism
From the horse’s mouth by Leela Mani Paudyal
I get the impression he has attempted to dodge some of the concrete questions that have been raised. There is a vague appeal to work together. And there is no concrete proposal for a new level of transparency.
पुलिस र सेनाको एक महिनाको तलब काट्दिएको हो?
Massive Corruption At The Airport?
Making Nepal Different From Haiti
नेपाल सरकार कि विदेशी सरकार --- प्रश्न नै गलत
हेटी ले सिकाउने: घुस खाने कि तलब खाने?
The Government Under A Cloud
The Nepal Army Has Been Doing Exemplary Work
हो, सरकार अक्षम्य रुपले असफल भएको हो
A Corrupt Elite Rattled By The Earthquake
नेपालमा एउटा अहिंसात्मक कोतपर्व को खाँचो
Outlines Of A 100% Online Transparency Bill
command centers at the central level under the secretary of Ministry of Home Affairs and in districts under Chief District Officers were established within two hours of the first earthquake on April 25 ...... trained security personnel were deployed and helicopters sent for search and rescue operations in all the affected districts immediately. ........ Central Disaster Relief Committee meeting followed by the meeting of secretaries took place on the same afternoon and it took more than a dozen important decisions to mobilize resources for search and rescue. On the same day, all agencies dealing with essential services like communication, power, road, water supply and transportation, etc. were asked to run 24/7. Water supply was a bit sluggish, as were transportation and power service. The delay in resuming road maintenance and water supply was due to the unavailability of many skilled operators who were themselves victims of the disaster. On the other hand, the communication sector was among the quick respondents. ........ Many public servants resumed their service, risking their lives, even amidst repeated aftershocks. An electrical worker fell off a pole in Kathmandu while repairing transmission line due to an aftershock. But major road blockades were cleared by Sunday evening, power in many places in Kathmandu Valley had resumed by that time, and communication improved a lot. Around 22,500 public servants, 65,000 army personnel, 45,000 police and 25,000 Armed Police Force were at work by Sunday afternoon. ........ we have rough data from the VDCs about the number of affected households, schools and health posts that collapsed as well as public utilities that were damaged. ..... Recently, we have deployed about 1,800 officers in 14 affected districts, along with an 11-member team including doctors and engineers for each VDC. ....... This team will help control post disaster epidemic, collect data of losses, distribute relief materials and prepare physical plan. ....... Teams led by secretaries at the district level and joint secretaries in each constituency were deputed on the fourth day of the disaster. This is the highest-level deployment ever at the local level. As of today, altogether 56 joint secretaries and 14 secretaries are mobilized for this. ........ Our public servants were involved in search, rescue, treatment and maintenance of public utilities. ........ Transport entrepreneurs' apathy to the trouble of commoners after earthquake was a shocking phenomenon in a civilized society. There was similar response from the suppliers/manufacturers of essential services. People working there could not demonstrate magnanimity in these troubled times. ......... Even after facing this great tragedy some people were engaged in self-serving activities. Essential service providers, almost all, were out of business in Kathmandu after April 25 demanding water, tents, transportation and other essentials services from the government. How a poor government can supply all those services without their help? ........ We have requested every individual and organization to coordinate with CDOs at district level. One can help CDOs to make sure relief materials reach the needy. There have been false media reports about the government trying to control individual efforts, barring private sector's efforts, etc. Same bloggers used derogatory words against the government. ..... The PM's Fund is used in relief and rescue. The major contributor of this fund is the Government itself. A separate window is created to ensure quick release of fund in case of emergency without any hassles under present budgetary system. The record from the past several years proves that a ninety five percent of the contribution is from government's treasury. This goes through three channels and is fully accounted for and audited by Auditor General and is scrutinized by the CIAA in case of discrepancies.......... But we believe that no one can collect donations in the name of disaster from general public without prior government approval. This is the law of the land. ...... If the people of social and political stature derogate, demoralize, haggle with and try to use public officials for petty/personal or institutional benefit, the efficiency of this moderately operating system will be affected. ......... Some of you have lauded foreign workers while underrating national response. ...... Glorifying outsiders or non-governmental sector and belittling national system only strengthens outsiders and weakens the country. ............. Let us make government system strong and capable by joining hands with it, and making it accountable. ....... With the help of civil society, learned people and private sector working together, the government can hope to ensure equitable distribution. Otherwise, the powerful will continue to grab more and more, at the cost of the deprived. ....... With a stronger government, our national capabilities to deal with foreigners will be strengthened.
I get the impression he has attempted to dodge some of the concrete questions that have been raised. There is a vague appeal to work together. And there is no concrete proposal for a new level of transparency.
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Outlines Of A 100% Online Transparency Bill
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