Hridayesh Tripathy Released
Phone Talk With Madhav Nepal, Hridayesh Tripathy
Hridayesh Tripathy
To: Koirala, Nepal, KC, Pokharel, Tripathy, Mahto And The Rest
Phone Talk With Hridayesh Tripathy
Hridayesh Tripathy In Delhi: Good News
On The Web
Nepal Goodwill Party - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Nepal Goodwill Party - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Nepal Democracy
Nepal - Political Parties
Nepal Sadbhavana Party (Nepal) - What does NSP stand for? Acronyms ...
Nepal Sadbhavana Party
Nepal Goodwill Party: Information From Answers.com
The Maoist People’s War and Human Rights in Nepal
NATIONAL 2 (Spotlight Weekly)]
Nepal Government - Flags, Maps, Economy, Geography, Climate ...
Nepal - The 1991 Elections
Nepal Home Page
South Asian Media Net
NEPAL GEOGRAPHY, CLIMATE AND ECOLOGY Elongated along the Himalayas ...
Nepali Political and Organizational Flags
Nepal: Maoists must stop targeting civilians - Amnesty International
AsiaMedia :: NEPAL: Karan Singh ignored by Nepal govt media
Terai people want voice in Nepal polls : South Asia News ...
People's Daily Online -- Multi-party gov't formed in Nepal
The Tribune, Chandigarh, India - World
Nepal Home Page
CIA - The World Factbook -- Nepal
Madhesi - United We Stand » Madhesis: A Political Force in the Making? voices, hitherto unheard, are emerging in the wake of the democratic space created by the ‘April Revolution’ ...... on 2 June 2006, the Loktrantrik Madhesi Alliance or Democratic Madhesi Alliance (DMA) began a week-long ‘Gherao programme’ to highlight their plight. The DMA is a united platform of various Madhesi groups. The aim of the DMA is to ensure that Madhesis are not left out in the process of building a new Nepal. Until now the Madhesis had been fighting against ‘injustice’ under the aegis of various organizations and political parties that included the Terai Congress, the Nepal Sadbhavana Party (Anandi Devi) and Nepal Sadbhavana Party (Mandal) among others. Of the many ‘minority’ ethnic groups of Nepal, the Madhesis have put forward their demands before the government more strongly after the Revolution. An understanding of Madhesis and their demands is integral to understanding what is at stake in Nepal today......... 40-50 per cent of the total population of Nepal. ..... more than 70-80 per cent of all industries located in the Terai, as also its agricultural bowl, producing more than 65 per cent of the nation’s foodgrains. ..... The Madhesi issue is as old as the emergence of Nepal’s democratic movement in 1950s; major grievance of that time was the imposition of Nepali as medium of education. In the mid-1970s and 80s, issues of citizenship and ‘work permit’ were the major problems for the Madhesis...... today five million Madhesis have been denied citizenship. ..... the demands the DMA has put forward include issuance of ‘citizenship to all stateless Madhesis before elections to the Constituent Assembly’ (CA), ‘Establishment of Federal, Democratic Republican political system’, ‘Proportional Representation for Madhesis in all state structures’, ‘Proportional Representation for Madhesis in the CA election’, and ‘Fresh Census on a scientific basis before elections to the CA.’ To concede to the Madhesi-specific demands, Nepal’s government may have to break its traditional apprehensions and narrowly defined ideologies and policies...... They have, for the first time, garnered the courage to stage a gherao in the capital of Kathmandu. Such an occurance would have been unimaginable some years ago and an important reason for this change is the April Revolution..... It is unclear whether all the Madhesis will stand united under the DMA banner until their demands are achieved. The schisms between various Madhesi groups have been a major handicap of the Madhesi movement in the past. Differences in terms of religion, caste, tribal groups and language were the major divisive elements. ..... this is the first time that they have come together under one Madhesi umbrella to stage a protest in Kathmandu..... Another source of strength lies in the support they have received from other minority communities facing similar problems.
The `Greater India' Game Plan
ICL - Nepal Index
eKantipur.com - Nepal's No.1 News Portal
The 1996 CIA World Factbook page on Nepal
Nepal government media ignores Karan Singh's appointment ...
Nepal Government – Yahoo! Education
The Rising Nepal
Nepal Communist Party-United Marxist & Leninist. - What does NCP ...
ABC Country Book of Nepal - government Flag, Map, Economy ...
Nepal Study Center
Asia Times Online :: South Asia news, business and economy from ...
Nepal (NP): CIA World Fact Book
About Nepal - Nationwide Scholarship Program
NEPAL -- Encyclopædia Britannica
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