Granted, DFNYC is the largest Dean inspired group in the country.
Granted, I have been in town only a few months now, and kind of skipped the local races you all were so involved in, due to my newbie, lost status, but also because, primarily because Nepal has been taking so much of my time.
Granted, you all keep so busy with so many different issues and events all at once, but the big primaries are over, and that might give the group more breathing space.
Granted, the Democrats are so totally out of power in all three branches and at all levels of government that a serious rethink needs to be done for 2006 and 2008.
Granted, Howard Dean chairs the Democratic Party.
Granted, Dean started something that will last a generation.
Granted, the Democrats have been totally giving ground to the Republicans on the foreign policy front.
Granted, the War On Terror is the same magnitude as the Cold War.
Granted, democracies do not go to war with each other.
Granted, the message of democracy is more acute where no democracy exists at all.
Granted, a total spread of democracy has to be the ultimate progressive goal, and the message can not be stopping at the borders.
Granted, 200 billion dollars, 2000 American lives, and tens of thousands of Iraqi lives are a major waste of life, resources and half the time are self-defeating.
Granted, there has to be a better way, and there is.
Granted, strong on defense for progressives has to be in the form of spreading democracy the progressive way.
Granted, democracy will have to be spread proactively.
Granted, if it is between progressives who will do nothing, and neo-cons who will wage war on Saddam, I am for war.
Granted, Nepal can be turned into the Iraq for the progressives.
Granted, Nepal is best positioned to become the Ukraine for 2005.
Granted, a Democratic Party energized on the foreign policy turf will do better in terms of seizing the initiative also on the domestic front.
Granted, logistical support can help, but moral support expressed in loud voices by large numbers spread across the country can mean so much more.
Granted, there has to be a major effort to take back the Congress in 2006, but it can not be done by continuing to be weak on defense.
Granted, Dean could run for president again in 2008.
Granted, the road to the White House might as well go through Nepal.
Granted, Nepal is hence so central to the overall progressive vision.
I hereby propose that DFNYC get behind the movement for democracy in Nepal in a major way.
Democracy For Nepal, DFN
DFNYC Research And Advocacy Group
Tracey Denton Of DFNYC
The Three Pillars
Dear Charlie
Email To Charlie Szrom
Email From Charlie Szrom
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