King Gyanendra's Character resembles Augusto Pinochet --Somnath Ghimire
Since the Royal Nepal Army and Police are under the direct and undisputed control of Black King "G", and since there is no evidence whatsoever that action has been taken to correct the abuses or hold the perpetrators responsible, this places the king in league with such lovely characters as Hitler, Saddam Hussain, Augusto Pinochet, Ferdinand Marcos, Mohammad Reza Pahlevi and others.
It should be noted that, like King Gyanendra, all but Hitler were also supported and armed by the US. The US’s agreement to shield Nepali officials from the International Criminal Court has given a green light to atrocities, and the transfer of more of M16A2 rifles even as the savage treatment of pro-democracy protestors was ongoing raises questions of the violation of the spirit, if not the letter, of US law by the Bush administration. The US’s refusal to condemn atrocities in Nepal and unconvincing stance that human rights training for new soldiers will cure the abuses that are widespread, systematic and under the supervision of senior officers is obviously sending an ambiguous message designed to give it political cover. The media, under army death threat for “insulting the king,” cannot criticize him, while the pro-monarchist writers have free reign without fear of rebuttal of their ludicrous and illogical assertions.
Nepal is one of the poorest countries in the world, yet it spends 65 crore rupees (US$ 8.8 million; adjusted for purchasing power, over $50 million) on the royal family annually, a six fold increase since the dramatic decrease in the family’s numbers in the wake of the palace massacre. Thus, spending so lavishly on this very rich family deprives huge numbers of Nepalis, most of whom are illiterate and who suffer from appalling maternal, infant and child mortality, and whose life expectancy is as little as 37 years in some districts, of services they badly need and whose lack contributed in large part to the success of the Maoist revolution; the monarchists believe that it is more important to support the royal family in high style than to save the poor from death, disease and illiteracy, but most of the rural poor people would disagree. Nepal cannot afford both.
The phony, staged, highly secured “felicitations,” in which BKG greet and will be worshipped by the lowly people living in the country of oldest democracy, do not obscure the fact that the vast majority of Nepalis intensely dislike the king and, indeed, the very institution of Monarchy. The majority of Nepalis continue to support republican democracy; a recent poll indicates that 11% support the monarchy, 9% the Maoists, and 80% republican democracy. And also the Nepal's largest Democratic Party, Nepali Congress has decided to opt out Constitutional Monarchy from it's statute. The king could have made inroads into Nepal’s problems with corruption, poor heath care and lack of adequate educational facilities, but chose to accept continued deterioration in these sectors and to rely on repression and arrogant refusal to communicate honestly with the people. KG lied to the world and who believes him- only his followers and ass lickers.
Although they cleverly soft-pedal their alleged divinity when dealing with foreigners, the Shahs manipulate the uneducated, simple-minded people by claiming to be gods and thus making whatever crimes they may wish to commit acceptable and making dissent against them sinful. Although there is no way to disprove this notion of divinity, a logical person would find nothing in the intelligence, appearance, achievements or conduct of the royalty to indicate superiority or superhuman traits. Oddly, only the simplest villagers and the well-connected elite accept the notion of royal divinity. Without the king, the parties and the Maoists would far more easily come to terms and bring about an end to the civil war; both would likely accept free, fair, internationally supervised elections for a constituent assembly to rewrite the constitution, but the king stands in the way because he knows that he has little popular support.
I do not believe that any argument marshaled by pro-monarchists, whether Nepali, Indian or American, can in any way outweigh the objections I have raised here to the continuance of this feudal, exploitative and undemocratic institution. Most of our people are illiterate but we are not stupid. We know bad things happening in our country under the chairmanship of BKG=Black King Gyanendra. We must awake now not tomorrow, to tell the world about the character of BKG.
Supreme Court, Revive The House And Get The Country Back On Track, Hurry
That might be the best way out.
In The News
- From the general convention of Nepal’s largest political party ... United We Blog, Nepal Arjunnarsingh KC mobilized his supporters to distribute printed pamphlets in support of his candidacy for the CWC member........ One convention representative from Sarlahi told me that “a huge debate in favor republicanism was going on” inside the hall. “Hya…gantantra ko pakchhya ma sab sathiharu le boli rakheka chhan,” he said. “All friends are speaking in favor of republicanism.” Sitasaran Raya, 56, from Sarlahi-1, who appeared to be coming out of the hall to buy four sticks of ciggerates (he didn’t reveal the brand despite my repeated attempts to know. Surya? I wanted know. He, in dhoti and kurta, just said this: Hami jasto sarbasadharan le kaha testo khane. (How come common people like myself afford such brand?] Before puffing, he expressed his hope that the party would pass a concrete resolution in favor of Gantantra......... Manamohan Park ...... “NC and CPN UML commanded 70 % members in the parliament,” I overheard a man, in dhaka topi and kurta suruwal with ‘Kangressi’ waistcoat. “They could have amended the constitution as per their wish. But they kept fighting with each other. And ministers from the parties ran after their own personal interests.” ......... Almost every one outside the office (those who were not representatives) expressed opinions in favor of democratic republicanism. But at the same time many of them thought it was next to impossible to see Girija Prasad Koirala defeated in the contest for presidency of the party with Narahari Acharya. One Nepali Student’s Union, sister organization of NC, wanted to know my opinion after I asked him a couple of questions. “I would love to see Naharari as the new president of the party. Is that possible?” He, who was giving lectures about the need of republicanism, became pale and visibly shocked and took out his long and partly red tongue. “Oh..my god. What are you talking about?” ...... despite of all the debates going on in the party and despite of overwhelming majority supporting the democratic republicanism, Koirala will no doubt win the election ....... Koirala is a “necessary evil.” ....... . And then it will be like “Nepali Congress Jindabad, Bhag Shanti Jay Nepal, Siddhanta jati tokari ma Faal.”
- Nepal king renews talks offer
BBC News Gyanendra likened the dispute between the monarchy and political parties to the relationship between a husband and wife, saying that the closer they are the more they quarrel........ He said that if the government had addressed some of the demands the Maoists had put to the authorities nine years ago, Nepal would not have plunged into a 'ditch'....... The king said that his administration was now addressing some of these issues, such as the uplift of lower castes and women.......
- King Gyanendra has to 'wake up': Mulford
Chennai Online In strong comments on the developments in Nepal, US Ambassador David Mulford today said King Gyanendra has to "wake up" to the long term effect of the "deteriorating" situation on the Himalayan Kingdom and have a "rethink" on the Maoist problem...... Neither India nor the US is in a position to intervene directly ..... the deteriorating circumstances, deteriorating economy and frightening away of investments ....... he is going have increasing difficulty keeping his position vis-a-vis the Maoists unless he rethinks on it ....... Mulford said the US was opposed to Maoists "in all shapes and forms. NEPAL: King, politicians and rebels no nearer to talks Reuters AlertNet, UK ...... "I too am accountable to the people. If they [the parties] go to the people and speak clearly, then there is room for talks," said the king. ....... The seven political parties responded to the suggestion from the king by rejecting any possibility that they might participate in any discussions........ "We have already had several talks with the king in the past but none of them had any positive results," said Amik Sherchan ....... "There is no meaning to his offer until he gives up his power and hands over the government to the people's representatives," added Sherchan........ The seven parties said that they are not even willing to consider the royal restoration of parliament, if such an offer is made by the king....... "We don't want it to be restored by the king. Such a move can only be made constitutionally and that would be through the Supreme Court," explained Sherchan........ The Supreme Court has already begun a hearing on a petition to reinstate the country's parliament which was dissolved three years ago........ The political groups say they want an all-party interim government which would then negotiate with Maoists rebels....... some political leaders disagree saying that the turning down of the king's offer of talks is a counterproductive act...... Maoist insurgents to be responsible for the killing of civilians and that they had violated international obligations under humanitarian law. The investigation also found that the state authorities were in breach of their own responsibilities under international humanitarian law through their failure to take precautions to protect the civilian population.......... News reports currently suggest that Maoist forces have shown no commitment to confidence-building measures by abstaining from launching attacks against politicians, journalists, unarmed government officials or rural NGO staff. - Indian leaders denied meeting with jailed Nepali ex-PM:- Webindia123, India ...... prevented three visiting Indian politicians from meeting deposed prime minister Sher Bahadur Deuba .... Basudev Acharya of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) ...... Ramesh Dixit of the Congress and D.P. Tiwari, secretary of Nepal Democracy Solidarity Committee.... The three leaders were accompanied by Deuba's wife Dr Arju Deuba, acting head of the deposed leader's Nepali Congress (Democratic) party Gopal Man Shrestha, former ministers from Deuba's party Homnath Dahal and Bimalendra Nidhi and the wife of Prakash Man Singh..... The Indian leaders were part of a delegation from India that came here to attend the general convention of the kingdom's largest party, the Nepali Congress...."It is strange that the Nepal government did not allow us to meet Deuba and Singh, both of whom are political prisoners," Dixit told the media...... The Indian leaders said the Royal Commission for Corruption Control...was unconstitutional and should be disbanded immediately..... Both Deuba and Singh have challenged the verdict in the Supreme Court.
- UML constitutes "Movement Secretariat" Kantipur Online, Nepal a 14-member "People's Movement Secretariat" ... another 5-member committee headed by leader Bam Dev Gautam to facilitate coordination and cooperation with other political parties.
- NC convention endorses CWC proposal Kantipur Online, Nepal ... unanimously endorsed its Central Working Committee's (CWC) proposal to omit "constitutional monarchy" from the party statute. overwhelming support form the representatives to the party's decision ....Ram Chandra Poudel, said the policy changes in the party has driven the party towards a golden age...... One of the major changes in the party statute is that it made it obligatory for party cadres to renew their active member every year instead of once in five years...... Present members Ram Chandra Poudel, Shailaja Acharya, Sushil Koirala, Mahesh Acharya, Khum Bahadur Khadka, Gobinda Raj Joshi, Arjun Narsingh KC, Mahanta Thakur, Krishna Sitoula, Bal Bahadur Rai and Baldev Majgaiya are contesting for the next term. ...... Dr Ram Sharan Mahat, Chakra Bastola, Laxman Ghimire, Gopal Pahadi, Ram Krishna Tamtrakar, Binay Dhoj Chand, Dr Ram Baran Yadav, Sunil Bhandari, Farmullah Mansoor and Lila Koirala are other to run for the next term...... Invitee member in the CWC Bhim Bahadur tamang has also filed candidacy for CWC membership....... There are half a dozen candidates from Koirala family alone. GP, Sushil, Shailaja, Dr Sashank, Ashok and Lila Koirala are from Koirala family..... 3 p.m was the deadline for withdrawing the nomination, but nobody withdrew their candidacy.
- NBA calls Maoists for immediate release of Pili captives PeaceJournalism.com, Nepal .... Nepal Bar Association (NBA) today called upon the Maoist insurgents to immediately release the 52 security men taken hostage by them during a clash in Pili, Kalikot district, last month
- 986 people still missing: NHRC Kantipur
- RCCC orders to release Parajuli on bail Kantipur ..... stated in the charge sheet against him that the former minister earned Rs. 15,380,000 through illegal means while holding public posts between 2051 BS to 2056 BS...... the Commission also today took statement from Bamdev Deep Adhikari, Survey Officer at the Land Management Training Centre, Dhulikhel...... charge of amassing approximately Rs. 5,900,000 through illegal means
- Narayan Wagle gets Madan Puraskar Kantipur .... Palpasa Café, the debut novel by Wagle, had created a new "fastest selling" record in the Nepali book publication history. The second edition of the novel has already hit bookstores after 5,000 copies were sold out in the first month of its release in the end of July..... award carries a purse of Rs. 200,000.
- Kantipur Report On Saptari Mass Rape Is False INSN ..... On August 23, Kantipuronline and Kantipur daily reported that a group of Maoist raped 25 Dalit women in Saptari district. Believing in this report, world media and human rights activists and Dalit activists in Nepal and around the world well publicized it. Janadesh weekly, referring to district leadership of CPN (Maoist) reported that the crime was committed by government backed vigilantes. Between August 28, 2005 and today we got several reports on this crime and learned that Maoists killed one of the culprits and apprehended five of them....... The local citizens had told to the investigation team that the real victim of this case was a Shyam Devi Khatwe, Dalit women, from Jagatpur-4- Saptari.On the basis of this informatation provided by local inhabitants, the team had reached the victim’s home. The investigation team had met to Mr. Rupesh Khatwe, husband of victim, and inquired about incident of what happening. It was reported by him to the investigation team that he was in Kathmandu when the incident took place and returned to home immediately after knowing the incident. He had accepted in the presence of the investigation team that his wife had been raped. He also told the investigation team that other people who had been raped are not ready to speak something on this case due to fear and threat........ his mother was scolding members of the investigation team while it was taking information on the spot........ the numbers of rape victims was not 25 as reported in Kantipur...... According to victims, a group of 5 people had told to prepare food on the day of the incident and come here in between 10:00 PM to 2:00 PM when incident took place. The persons in that group were Dinsesh Sardar (local), Pradip Gupta, Devkant Yadav, Lalit Chaudhary and Shambhu Chaudhary as reported by locals to this team...... local Maoist area no 1 had killed Shambhu Chaudhary on 25 August 2005........ feeling insecurity, social pressure, and economic crisis from all around due to their miserable condition after this incident
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