- Take over power: Take Over Tundikhel.
- Build a democratic party, the total, transparent kind: Janata Dal Constitution.
- Introduce a democratic constitution into the country: Proposed Constitution.
- Promise rapid economic growth in the aftermath: 21st Century Nepal.
- Go global with it: Reorganized UN, Methods.
But he is not going to.

And I received this amazing email from an amazing student leader of an amazing global student group yesterday. (Email From Charlie Szrom, Email To Charlie Szrom)
You put these two together and you get a dynamite of a cocktail.
I think Gagan Thapa should break away from a party that has only humiliated him and instead go directly to the people.
Gagan Thapa has become the face of the movement for democracy in Nepal. It is not Girija. Gagan is clean, Girija is not. Gagan is clear, Girija is fuzzy. Gagan is fresh, Girija is stale.
The movement for democracy needs a fresh break, a fresh, dynamic start.
I would be happy to engage in some major fund-raising from my end. The growth could be spontaneous and fast. But the lead has to be taken.
A Gagan Thapa who will not let a King Gyanendra scare him should not let some Girija scare him either. The fight for democracy in the country is with Gyanendra. But the fight for internal democracy in parties is with Girija. Both are equally important.
Neither can be ignored.
Gagan is not young. His youthfulness is a great asset in a country where over 40% of the people are less than 14 years old.
He should be party president.
He is the one who has hit the world headlines. He is the name on the US Senate floor. It has not been Girija, not someone else.
He has shown guts tempered with thoughtfulness and clarity of message. His style is democratic: he is constantly consulting with his associates and friends. He is for elections, not nominations.
His name and face are not any less recognized than either Girija or Gyanendra.
Gagan Thapa has become a political brand name.
The party will grow like a forest fire. Once it has been launched. It will spread its message globally.
Nothing like a fresh start.
Gagan's commitment should be to democracy, not to an outdated political party, especially when that party is in the way of democracy.
I say, let's do it.
Renaming The Blog In Honor Of Gagan's Release
Email To Charlie Szrom