The king gravitated towards Tulsi Giri (Response To The Panchayati Ghost Tulsi Giri March 18), Kirti Nidhi Bishta and Sharad Chandra Shaha like a heat seeking missile moves towards a target. Like it gets said to be nice to someone, such and such is a man who needs no introduction, Sharad Chandra Shaha is a man who needs no portfolio.
When Kantipur published news stories about Tulsi Giri being a bank loan defaulter, the related papers at the said bank supposedly disappeared, and the Kantipur people started getting threatening phone calls. That's the kind of stuff Sharad Chandra Shaha used to engage in during the Panchayat era. He wrote the book on Mandale, after all.
Kirti Nidhi Bishta and Tulsi Giri both sycophants made Mahendra Raj possible. They were the planets that revolved around the sun of the monarchy in its heyday. The gravity pull is the bigger story than those that got pulled.
All of these are capable, efficient, smart people. A big mistake the democrats can make is to assume these are stupid people. They are not. Assume they are as smart as you are. They will try to counter every move you will try to make. So think a few steps ahead.
Another mistake the democrats can make is to think that maybe these people will change. No, they will not change. They are Monarchists for life. They will be apologists for lifetimes of debaucheries once they get pushed out of power. But in their own minds they will not come around to thinking like a democrat. Never. Democracy is an ideology that has always been foreign to them.
Tulsi Giri used to be a top Congressman. Supposedly BP Koirala thought very highly of him. That gives one an opportunity to heap another bit of criticism upon BP. His judgment of character was not sound. He saw Tulsi and did not recognize him.
You have to study these people like they are biological specimens, with said characteristics. There are certain ways they think, there are certain ways they act. Face that reality. Don't see them for what you wish they were, see them for what they are.
Tulsi Giri
- International Nepal Solidarity Network » Dr. Tulsi Giri: Either ... “Democracy means freedom. Freedom to speak, vote and expression and they are possible even without the multi-party system.”
- United We Blog! for a Democratic Nepal » Blog Archive » Tulsi Giri ...
- Tulsi Giri, Royal Cabinet Meeting and Happy Donors » ..... a medical doctor by training ..... When democracy was first demolished in 1960 he played a major role to sustain King Mahendra’s autocracy in the country. When the rulers tried to be somehow flexible during 1980’s he left the country with fierce indignation. Now he is again back to fuel an attempt to finish democracy........ His coming back to Kathmandu created a panic among the liberals. The pain was materialized when he started to speak against the constitution, political parties, people’s representatives, advocates, journalists, and every liberal corner of the country...... He flew away with state money to Sri Lanka ...... By religious practice also he is a fundamentalist who actively involved himself in forceful conversion of people from one religion to another ...... he is the one who talks a lot and gives lots of direction to the ministers in every Cabinet meeting. The King himself comments a little while most of the members just make briefings...... In the Cabinet meeting just after the news about his bank loans the King was disturbed visually and Giri too. Interestingly Giri didn’t talk that day....... I hope Giri will choose to leave the country once again.
- United We Blog! for a Democratic Nepal » Blog Archive » Tulsi Giri ... Giri’s expression was fluent. I found his personality pleasing and entertaining. He showed no irritation to any question filed toward him. He even replied with a smile to harsh questions like “We are allowed to criticize political leaders, but why not the king?” But he never left his hard-liner stand over the issues. He answered almost all questions, even the most difficult ones, with smile in his face........... Though I still hate him for his conservative approach to the issues, I found his expression style really praiseworthy.
- Tired Tulsi Giri Feels Plunged Into A Mess
- Tulsi Giri in PR Campaign
- Samudaya.org :: View topic - Is Tulsi Giri a handsome man? He carries a very anti-democratic, according to my and general definition, ideology wrapped with an attractive and to a great extent, handsome body...... “Yes, Dr Giri,” I said, staring directly at his mysterious eyes that have serious retinal problem .... the medical doctor who never practiced medicine ....... he admitted of being a shy person.
- Nepal strikes back: India slammed : HindustanTimes.com
- IndiaDaily - Nepal King's deputy named in bank scam Tulsi Giri, a three-time former prime minister and a trusted aide of Gyanendra's father, the late king Mahendra
- Nepal Home Page 1975, Rijal resigns; Tulsi Giri is appointed prime minister; King Birendra ... 1977, Tulsi Giri resigns as prime minister in the wake of corruption charges
- Chiefs of State and Cabinet Members of Foreign Governments Last ...
- Political Leaders: Nepal Bishewar Prasad Koirala 27 May 1959 - 26 Dec 1960 (+1982)
- King Mahendra's rule - 26 Dec 1960 - 2 Apr 1963 (+1972)
Tulsi Giri 2 Apr 1963 - 23 Dec 1963
Surya Bahadur Thapa 23 Dec 1963 - 26 Feb 1964
Tulsi Giri 26 Feb 1964 - 26 Jan 1965
Surya Bahadur Thapa 26 Jan 1965 - 7 Apr 1969
Kirti Nidhi Bista 7 Apr 1969 - 13 Apr 1970
- King Mahendra's rule - 13 Apr 1970 - 14 Apr 1971
Kirti Nidhi Bista 14 Apr 1971 - 16 Jul 1973
Nagendra Prasad Rijal 16 Jul 1973 - 1 Dec 1975
Tulsi Giri 1 Dec 1975 - 12 Sep 1977
Kirti Nidhi Bista 12 Sep 1977 - 30 May 1979
Surya Bahadur Thapa 30 May 1979 - 12 Jul 1983
Lokendra Bahadur Chand 12 Jul 1983 - 21 Mar 1986
Nagendra Prasad Rijal 21 Mar 1986 - 15 Jun 1986
Marich Man Singh Shrestha 15 Jun 1986 - 6 Apr 1990
Lokendra Bahadur Chand 6 Apr 1990 - 19 Apr 1990
National 1 (Spotlight Weekly) Former prime minister Dr. Giri, who has been living in India for the past many years, used to visit Nepal several times in the past creating a kind of turmoil in Nepali politics. Although he was said to have come to Kathmandu two weeks ago to attend the wedding in the family of his close friend, there were rumors about his political role, which came true..... Dr. Giri who had remained out of touch following his self-imposed exile to India and Sri Lanka for more than 13 years..... Known as a hardliner of Panchayat politics, Dr. Giri - who opposed the reform in Panchayat system in 1980, is a shrewd political manipulator....... Dr. Giri, who was foreign minister in B.P’s cabinet - was appointed first vice-chairman of a cabinet chaired by late King Mahendra (in 2019 BS). Dr. Giri -who was promoted to the chairman of the council of ministers later- resigned following differences with the King....... Dr. Giri was appointed as a prime minister last time in 1976 and he again resigned after he was indicted in Carpet Scandal in 1977...... Dr. Giri has many ideological critics in erstwhile followers of Panchas as well as other political parties but even his critics hail his talent of handling politics...... Regarded as a soft-spoken politician, former prime minister Kirti Nidhi Bista is regarded as a good friend of Nepal’s northern neighbor. Although Bista resigned in 1979, he continues to remain in constant touch with Nepalese politics.
- Don’t give them a brand name: Dr. Giri Kathmandu 15-2-2005 (Nepal ... Few would have thought that 78-year-old politician, Dr Tulsi Giri, would make a comeback in the Nepali politics in such a dramatic way....... Every time he arrived Kathmandu strictly on a "private visit" over the last few years he made headlines. And, when he arrived in the Nepali capital at the end of January this year to attend the wedding ceremony of a daughter of one of his well-wishers, he was again in the news. But no political analyst or media observer worth his/her salt could predict that this medical doctor-turned-politico was coming back in the centre-stage of Nepali politics once again within a few weeks in an astounding way........ Born in a politically active family of Giris at Bastipur in southern district of Siraha on 8 October 1926, Tulsi Giri did his MBBS from Darbhanga Medical College in the Indian state of Bihar at the young age of 23 (in 1949). Along with his family members, the young doctor was actively involved the pro-democracy movement in the fifties. His family has thrown a number of politicians in the Nepali politics, but not as charismatic as him. Rudra Prasad Giri served as a minister during the Panchayat regime while Nepali Congress ideologue Pradip Giri is now a central committee member of NC (Democratic)...... B. P. Koirala was the first Nepali politician to identify great political acumen in this young and ambitious man. He appointed him as central working committee member of his party for over six years (2008-2014 B. S.)....... A powerful orator and dynamic leader, Dr Giri was general secretary of the NC when the party contested first-ever parliamentary polls in 1959 and formed the first popularly elected government led by B. P. Koirala bagging two-third majority in the parliament....... During his 16-month-long tenure, Koirala appointed Dr Giri as a junior minister (with rural development portfolio) but later promoted him as foreign minister. Interestingly, when late King Mahendra dismissed the Koirala administration in December 1960, Dr Giri was his first choice. He was the first minister in the council of ministers chaired by King Mahendra himself. And, there was no looking back for this colorful politician...... later appointed Giri as vice chairman of the council of ministers under him. It was during this period that Giri is attributed to have formulated the philosophy of "partyless Panchayat democracy"...... Giri is said to have played an important role in the "Back to Village campaign' launched in the late seventies...... during Dr. Giri's tenure that newspapers like "Naya Sandesh" were banned by the government for criticizing the then Panchayat polity. Interestingly, the then editor of Naya Sandesh, Ramesh Nath Pandey is an influential member in the new council of ministers....... When late King Birendra announced a nationwide referendum between multi-party democracy and Panchayat system with reforms, Dr Giri campaigned vigorously in favour of the latter....... Dr Giri, however, left active politics as soon as the then Panchayat regime entered into a phase of competitive politics allowing election to the Rastriya Panchayat on the basis of adult franchise. He spent his time along with family in Sri Lanka and India.
- Samudaya.org: For Peace's Sake, Tame the King and the RNA Let's see if he can manage to save his safety deposit. Kirti Nidhi Bishta lost his when he was foolhardy enough to fight an election.
- High Level Commission for Information Technology Sharad Chandra Shaha. Vice Chairman. 4244820, 4244559. 223. sharad@hlcit.gov.np
- Scoop: Nepal's Seeks US Help To Squash Maoist Rebellion Nepal needs U.S. weapons and technology to battle Maoist guerrillas, and expects Washington to continue supplying military aid despite a political takeover by Kathmandu's king, according to a top Nepalese official....... "We need helicopters, light arms, the visual-radar type of thing. These are the kind of things which make such a lot of difference. That's what we want in terms of support" from Washington, said Sharad Chandra Shaha, vice chairman of a new High Level Commission for Information Technology (HLCIT)...... "I believe that there will be cooperation...there are certain problems, but I think it will work out" between the U.S. and Nepal...... Mr. Shaha is considered a long-time "known hardliner" and supporter of a powerful monarchy in Nepal, according to an Indian diplomat who has monitored Mr. Shaha's political record....... "He is one of the top three people" politically close to King Gyanendra ...... Despite Mr. Shaha's new role in information technology, he said he was unaware that people in Nepal were creating blogs on Internet criticizing the king's regime after Kathmandu's news media was forced to kneel under heavy censorship....... Though familiar with e-mail, Mr. Shaha said he did not know what a blog was ...... "A 'blog', is it? I didn't know," he said. "The few people who are familiar with putting in these blogs might try and do something and all that, but I think we'll overcome that." ....... "They are free to do it. All you have to do is to put it in the Internet and send it, right? What is the problem?"....... "The Maoists do something, and the newspapers blow it up and make it sound as if they are such a very strong force," Mr. Shaha said, explaining the censorship...... "Real international negative publicity creates a situation in the country where the general public -- before realizing what is going to happen -- might react. Not 'might react', but might be negative."
- Asia Times ...... an instance of the king's preference of his own relatives and members of the Shah-Rana clan when it comes to appointments to key positions maintained by taxpayers' money. Most of his close advisors are Ranas, descendants of autocratic rulers who were ousted during the pro-democracy movement of 1950-51. Sharad Chandra Shaha, one of the new advisors, has been at the center of controversy since 1990 for his anti-democratic stance. "The sooner the king weeds out these flatterers the better for the long-term interest of the institution of monarchy," said a retired royal appointee, on condition of anonymity.
- [PDF] Olympic Review - April 1983/No. 186 Mr. Sharad Chandra Shaha, President of the NOC of Nepal. opens the football course. football pitches
- Year Book 1999 Annex -1 so many incidents of corruption and fraud occurred during the Panchayat era. Those incidents happened in the involvement or protection of the panchas At times some incidences of scandals were exposed publicly. But the panchas the real culprits and smuggles, often protected themselves by taking action against one or two individuals. During that era, a culture was developed to allow the powerful to do anything they would like. This reality is supported by the fact that Sharad Chandra Shaha, was never brought to justice..... The Panchayat era recognised itself nationally and international as the era of fraud, corruption, commission and smuggling.
- Nepal official denies reports of secret mission
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