Project Take Over Tundikhel: Draft 1

- Set up a PayPal account and display a Make A Donation button at the Alliance homepage.
- Have a first stage goal of getting 250 Life Members who pay in $125 each. That is $31,250. That is seed money with which to seek $100,000 and above from the National Endowment For Democracy and/or do more fund raising the Alliance way itself. How about getting 1000 Life Members! 2000?
- Keep all book keeping transparent and online in near real time.
- The proposal is that all expenses to do with a decisive protest movement in Nepal will be funded from this end.
- The idea is to take over Tundikhel in Kathmandu as a first step on a 24/7 basis. The second step would be to replicate the same in all 58 municipalities. The protests end only with the establishment of an interim government with the sole responsibility to hold elections to a Constituent Assembly.
- The protest organizations in smaller towns might not be 7 deep. They might only be 6 deep. Or 5 deep. To be decided locally. The Tundikhel version itself might start out 6 deep and that would be just fine.
- Possible expenses could be as follows.
- Three meals a day for all Leaders cooked right there on the grounds. Simple, basic, cheap, clean, healthy. Leaders are those doing minimum 12 hour shifts and having teams minimum 7 strong each at any one time of the day, and having replacements for themselves for those 12 hours or less when they are not on the premises. Volunteers are members of such teams doing 4 hour shifts or less but always having a substitute for when they are not around, or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 in succession. The leader of 7 such Leaders is a Senior Leader, and eats and sleeps at the premises. On premise tent lodging for all Senior Leaders and above. Makeshift mobile toilet facilities on the grounds. Plentiful supply of drinking water. Parked tankers on the premises or nearby. 7 Senior Leaders report to a Field Commander. 7 Field Commanders report to a Commander. All Commanders have on site tent offices, small ones, perhaps shared. 7 Commanders report to a Marshall. 7 Marshalls report to a Central Committee Member.
- Pyramid of 7. Open elections are held bottom up through consensus. No votes cast.
- 7 Volunteers * 7 Leaders * 7 Senior Leaders * 7 Field Commanders * 7 Commanders * 7 Marshalls * 7 Central Committee Members = 8,23,543. The central committee is presided over by a different member each day.
- 8,23,543 people converge onto Tundikhel at once. So the structure will have to be built beforehand. The takeover should not last more than two weeks if done well and if a resolution is reached within that time frame, it might be a possible to go into a Constituent Assembly that guarantees a ceremonial monarchy. But we should be ready to hold for two months. If it goes into two months, a place for the monarchy is an open question for the Constituent Assembly. If it has to last longer than two months, the movement turns into a revolution. It spills over from Tundikhel into the streets. At that point there is no more room for the monarchy in any shape or form. The Constituent Assembly only decides on the shape and form of a republican democracy.
- If the movement has to spillover into a revolution, the central committee unilaterally announces an interim government and seeks its recognition from all foreign powers as the only legitimate government in the country and starts issuing orders to the state apparatus, the police and the army included, as soon as the recognition is forthcoming from the key powers. Ambassadors are replaced as a first step.
- Other expenses. About 50 on site digital cameras uploading at least 100 photos each per day. Taking at least 2 pictures during any one hour period during daytime and 1 per hour at night time when awake. At least 2 of the leaders at any one level must be awake at any one point in time. So there will be those who sleep during day time and stay awake at night. From midnight to six in the morning is the no activity time. Each camera equipped with two memory cards, such that only memory cards leave the premises for uploading purposes. Marshalls and above have a camera each. They also have a prepaid mobile phone each. Some online options for photo hosting, by no means exclusive: Yahoo, Flickr, Blogger. To be individually decided, but linked to from one central site.
- Activities will have to be staged on premises to keep people involved in creative ways. Like skits, songs and dances. Speeches. Small group political meetings. Small group trainings. Press conferences.
- A tent exclusively for use by the media people.
- This is draft 1. I seek feedback.
- The Alliance transfers money to the Central Committee. That committee takes care of all expenses on the ground. And furnishes book keeping in a transparent way in near real time online.
- The central committee decides on the date and time when the takeover starts and springs a surprise if possible.
- The safety of peaceful demonstrators - and all protests are to be kept non-violent at all times - is top priority. Law enforcements agencies are to be warned. Making sure there is no violence is one thing. But if peaceful demonstrators are to be subjected to brutal and retaliatory acts, the interim government will investigate and punish all such acts. All such acts are to be documented as they might happen.
- The central committee is to come up with a cheaper, bare bones version of the above as a backup plan.
eDemocracy, 4S Campaign, 24/7 Vigil For Democracy: Take Over Tundikhel (March 19)
1 comment:
you are just an attention monger aren't ya. You live far away from reality. basically you suck!!
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