Showing posts with label Delhi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Delhi. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 05, 2015

Aam Aadmi Party: Message For Vivekshil Nepali

AAP: How We Are Different
This party will function with full financial transparency. Every single rupee collected by donations to run this people's party will be publicly declared on the party's website and all expenditures will also be declared on the website.

Nonresident Indians Play Major Role in Aam Aadmi Party’s Delhi Campaign
How Arvind Kejriwal and AAP Grew Up
The Broken Economics Of India's Aam Aadmi Party
Arvind Kejriwal’s approach mostly amounts to offering freebies now and figuring out how to pay for them later.
In India, upstart Aam Aadmi Party is shaking up traditional politics
After Delhi, can Aam Aadmi Party win over Mumbai?
Why Are Some of Silicon Valley’s Best and Brightest Spending Time on a Foreign Election?
On the opportunity of Aam Aadmi Party to grow beyond Delhi
10 reasons why BJP lost Delhi to Aam Aadmi Party
Aam Aadmi Party Vancouver
Aam Aadmi Party Tech Team
Aam Aadmi Party: A Turning Point for Indian Democracy?
Infighting threatens to derail Aam Aadmi Party's meteoric rise in India


English: Indian actor Salman Khan
English: Indian actor Salman Khan (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I have been following the #GoHomeIndianMedia Twitter trend. So far I have seen only one video clip that was called offensive, for the sole reason that the reporter called Thamel "Mini India." I responded here.

लोग कह रहे हैं चीन से तो नहीं आए मीडिया वाले। जैसे कि वो कोइ अच्छी बात है। अरे चीन मीडिया न आने के कारण हैं: (१) चीन में प्रेस फ्रीडम नहीं है (२) चीन के लिए अगर तिब्बत दुर है तो नेपाल तो बहुत दुर हुवा न (३) नेपाल को मदत करने सबसे पहले भारत पहुँचा, चीन नहीं।

It is possible some Indian journalists asked some questions that might have come across as insensitive. But, like I said, I have seen only one video clip, and that did not pass the test.

It is the job of the journalists to ask the wh questions: who, why, how, where, when, what.

But I have seen a ton of evidence of blatant racism. A guttural hatred of Indians defines the chief ideology of the power elite in Kathmandu. Indians have a hard time facing that fact. Just go to this Facebook page and see for yourself.

One example. There were online rumors that Salman Khan had donated crores of rupees and a few helicopters to Nepal. Salman did the right thing: he put out a statement saying that rumor is not true.

A whole bunch of Nepalis have been jumping up and down the street on that one. Who does Salman think he is? वो अपने आप को क्या समझता है? People have been calling him names. And he is a movie star. So if people can talk hate upon Salman Khan, don't try to justify their talking hatred upon some young Indian TV journalists.

The word Madhesi does not exist in Delhi. Or in Patna, or Lucknow, or Kolkata. मोदी से ले के जितने आते हैं पशुपति के दर्शन कर के चले जाते हैं। सबको लगता है अपनी ही बिरादरी के हैं। भारत तो १९४७ में आजाद हो गया लेकिन मधेस अभी भी गुलाम है। इस बात पर दिल्ली में कोइ हमदर्दी नहीं। चलो सोशल मीडिया के जरिए वो hatred तो सबके सामने आ रही है।

पहले था Go Home Indian Media, अब वही लोग Go Home Indians, Go Home Indian Army पर उतर आए हैं।

Twitter ने सबको एक एक मेगाफोन दे दिया है। लोग तो बोलेंगे ही। तरह तरह के विचार आएंगे। लेकिन ये गाड़ी free speech के पटरी से उतर के hate speech तक पहुँच गयी है। जो hatred नेपाल के मधेसी रोज भुगतते हैं वो आज सलमान को भी भुगतना पर रहा है।

यमन के दौरान युरोप के कइ देशों ने मोदी को धन्यवाद बोला ---- नेपाल वाले कब बोलेंगे? काठमांडु वालों को चाहिए कि Twitter पर #NepalthanksModi #ThankYouModi को ट्रेंडिंग करो।

Sunday, May 03, 2015

Time For The People To Revolt Against Corruption

माफी माग अनि फिर्ता लैजाऊ भारतीय सेना !
नेपालमा मन्त्रीपरिषदको बैठक बसेर कुन राष्ट्रबाट सहयोग लिने र कुनबाट नलिने भन्नेबारे निर्णय लिन समेत नपाउँदै भारतीय प्रधानमन्त्रीको निर्देशनमा ‘उद्धार गर्छौं र राहत पुर्‍याउँछौं’ भन्दै एकाएक भारतीय सेना नेपाल भित्रनु अनि कुनै पनि राजनीतिक दलले त्यसको प्रतिवाद नगर्नु आफैंमा उदेकलाग्दो विडम्बना भएको छ ।
विदेशी उद्दार टोलीलाई फिर्ता पठाउने सरकारको निर्णय
गृहमन्त्रालयका प्रवक्ता लक्ष्मीप्रसाद ढकालले बाँकी खोज तथा उद्दारको काम नेपाली जनशक्तिले नै गर्ने पनि जनाएका छन् । गत शनिबार आएको महाभूकम्पपछि ३४ देशबाट ४ हजार ५० जनाको खोज तथा उद्दार टोली नेपाल आएका छन् ।
Some people are offended India was the first to arrive on the scene!

Relief work has not even started yet in most parts of the country, and they are asking the relief workers to pack their bags!

Use The Delhi, Patna, Lucknow And Calcutta Airports

नेपालमा एउटा अहिंसात्मक कोतपर्व को खाँचो

भन्सारमै रोकिएपछि राहत फिर्ता

एकै चोटिमा यो पुरै political class लाई फाल्ने किसिमको नेपालमा एउटा अहिंसात्मक कोतपर्व को खाँचो देखिएको छ। दिल्लीमा AAP ले सबै लाई एकै चोटि फाले जस्तै। यस कामको शुरुवात 100% Online Transparency Act को लागि संघर्ष गरेर शुरू गर्ने कि? देशलाई एउटा क्रांतिले नपुग्ने रैछ। हिजो सम्म विकासको सवाल थियो। अहिले त कुरा जनताको जीवन मरणको सवाल सम्म पुगेको छ।

अन्ना हजारे को ठाउँ डाक्टर केसी ले लिने र अरविन्द केजरीवाल को ठाउँ उज्जवल थापाले लिने कि? संगठन विस्तारको कुरा हुबहु AAP कै नक्कल गर्ने। लौ डाक्टर साहेब, एक पटक फेरि भात खान छोड्नु पर्ने भो।

डाक्टर केसी आमरण अनसन मा बस्ने ---- संसदको आकस्मिक बैठक डाकेर यो 100% Online Transparency For The 2015 Earthquake Relief And Reconstruction Act पास नगरेसम्म भात नखाने। त्यस सँगै उज्जवल थापाले देशव्यापी संगठन विस्तार गर्ने। कसो?

Friday, May 01, 2015

An Insane Act By The Nepal Government

An Insane Act

Response 1

Here is what Nepal Government is saying - individuals and spontaneously organizing civic movements shouldn't help their neighbors in need unless Nepal Government approves of it. Waste resources to pay customs and other duties and wait for a month - and GoN verification - before you can put that money to better use.

Why is Nepal Government so fucking stupid???

Response 2

The Government and the bureaucracy, that was so efficient that it gave us 6 hrs electricity, no water in taps, no food before the earthquake now thinks that it can coordinate rapid relief through the CDO office, the same office that takes a month to give a passport. I think if we just give 10% of everything thats coming to the respective political parties they will let us do everything. I hope this Government realizes where all the energy, effort and anger will be directed, if due to their actions, all the citizens that are mobilizing for relief are stopped. Its never going to be normal.
I think there is enough supplies just at the Kathmandu airport that if it were to be lifted and airdropped immediately, there might be enough food in the affected areas for four weeks, there might be enough tents. But the Nepal government wants four weeks just to do its paperwork! Just get out of the way! Is all it takes.