Monday, January 29, 2007

माघे क्रान्ित, राजावादी र िहन्दु कट्टरपन्थीबारे

नेपालमा चर्केको मधेशी क्रान्ित राजावादी र िहन्दु कट्टरपन्थीहरूको खेल हो, यो संिवधान सभा िवथोल्ने षडयन्त्र हो जस्ता अावाजहरू िविभन्न कुनाबाट अाइरहेका छन्। संसारका धेरै ठूल्ठूला क्रान्ितहरूपिछ सान्ितना प्रितक्रान्ित नभएका होइनन्। तर माघे क्रान्ित को रूपमा अाएको यो पिवत्र मधेशी अान्दोलनलाई पहाडीहरूले वक्र दृष्िटले देखेको उदाहरण हो यो बकम्फुसे लाञ्छना। यो माघे क्रान्ित अप्िरल क्रान्ितको दोस्रो अध्याय हो। यो क्रान्ित सामािजक न्यायकालािग हो।

अप्िरल क्रान्ितले िदनको एक जनाको रूपमा शहीद िलयो। माघे क्रान्ितको पिन त्यही हाल छ। मधेशी जनमानसकालािग राजा ग्यानेन्द्रको तानाशाही र िगिरजाको तानाशाहीमा केही फरक देिखएको छैन। तर यस माघे क्रान्ितलाई हलुकासँग िलनु सत्ताधारी पहाडी बाहुनहरूको ठूलो भूल हुनेछ। राजा ग्यानेन्द्रको राजनीित त समाप्त भइसक्यो। यस माघे क्रान्ितलाई अपमान गर्ने प्रत्येक पहाडी पार्टीको पिन त्यसै गरी मधेशबाट पत्ता साफ हुनेछ।

सामािजक न्याय मात्र मधेशीहरूलाई चािहएको होइन, पहाडका दिलत, जनजाित र मिहलालाई पिन चािहएको हो। तर पहाडका दिलत, जनजाित र मिहला पिहला पहाडी अिन मात्र दिलत, जनजाित र मिहला हुन् िक? मधेशीहरूकालािग पहाडका बाहुन, क्षेत्री र पहाडका दिलत, जनजाित र मिहला सबै एकै पो हुन् िक?

संिवधान सभाकालािग िनर्वाचन क्षेत्र बराबर जनसंख्याका अाधारमा बाँड भन्ने प्रमुख मागकासाथ बिढरहेको अान्दोलन कसरी संिवधान सभा िवथोल्ने षडयन्त्र हुनसक्छ? संवैधािनक राजाको माग गर्ने िगिरजा राजावादी भयो िक मधेशी समुदाय? पहाडी राजा भला मधेशी समुदायलाई िकन चािहयो? राजतन्त्र समाप्त भयो भने कुनै मधेशी राष्ट्रपित हुनसक्छ। तर पहाडी राजाको मधेशी सन्तान त हुँदैहुँदैन। भन्नेले भन्छन् राजा वीरेन्द्र सन्त राजा, राजा ग्यानेन्द्र बदमाश राजा। मधेशी समुदायले त्यसो भन्दैन। हामीलाई वीरेन्द्र नै राजा भएको भए पिन चािहएको िथएन। संसदले पास गरेको नागिरकता िवधेयक िमल्काइिदएको, भाँडभैलो गरेको वीरेन्द्रले नै हो। मधेशी नेपाली नै होइन भन्ने िकिसमको नेपालको छद्म राष्ट्िरयताको बाप भनेको महेन्द्र। भला त्यस्ता बाउ छोराहरूको राजतन्त्रका पक्षमा िकन जाइलाग्थे मधेशीहरू?

यो मधेशी अान्दोलन वास्तवमा मधेशी अान्दोलन नै हो भन्ने कुरा पहाडीहरूलाई थाहा छ। उनीहरूले बुझ पचाएका हुन् मात्रै। पिवत्र माघे क्रान्ितमािथ मुत्ने काम पहाडी सत्ताधारीहरूले गिररहेकाछन्। यो अर्को धर्मको मान्छेको मन्िदरमा गएर उसको भगवानको मूर्ितमािथ मुते जस्तो हो। यो अपमान हो। त्यही अपमान अब हामी सहँदैनौं भनेर त हो मधेशी यसरी सडकमा अोर्िलनुपरेको। जित पटक िगिरजा प्रधानमन्त्री भएको छ त्यित पटक उ एउटा स्वाँठ प्रधानमन्त्री सािबत भएको छ। तर यस पटक भने मािनसहरूको धमाधम ज्यान गइरहेको छ। शहीद पैदा गर्ने प्रधानमन्त्री लोकतान्त्िरक प्रधानमन्त्री होइन।

अिहले मात्र गृह मन्त्रीको राजीनामा माँिगएको छ। िगिरजाले यसै गरी कानमा तेल हालेर बस्ने हो भने प्रधानमन्त्री कै राजीनामा माग्नुपर्ने हुनसक्छ। त्यसपिछ पिन नसुन्ने हो भने अलग राज्यको मागलाई ितलाञ्जिल िदएर अलग देशको घोषणा गर्नुपर्ने पिन हुनसक्छ।

ंमधेशी जनािधकार फोरम भनेको एउटा अिहंसावादी संगठन हो। ंमधेशी जनािधकार फोरमको नेतृत्वमा यो अिहंसावादी अान्दोलन भइरहेको छ। यसको सट्टा अरको दश वर्ष गोइत र ज्वालाको स्रीलंकामा जस्तो िहंसक अान्दोलन भइिदएहुन्थ्यो भनेको हो िगिरजा कोइराला र कृष्ण िसटौलाले? अिहेलेको अिहंसावादी अान्दोलन सफल हुनु भनेको नेपालमा स्रीलंकामा जस्तो नहुने ग्यारन्टी हुनु हो। यो अान्दोलन पहाडीहरूले खुशी मनाउनुपर्ने अान्दोलन हो। ंमधेशी जनािधकार फोरमको सफलताले गोइत र ज्वालालाई साइडलाइन गर्छ। म दक्िषण एिसयाको अार्िथक एकीकरणको सपना देख्ने मान्छे, मैले त मधेश अलग देश भनेर सोंचेकै छैन। तर मधेश राज्यको घोषणाले मधेश अलग देशको कुरा गर्नेहरूको छुट्टी गर्छ। पहाडीहरूले त्यस िकिसमले सोंच्नुपर्यो। पहाडीहरूकोे घैंटोमा घाम लाग्नुपर्यो।

अान्दोलनको क्रममा केही अप्िरय घटना नभएका होइनन्। केही तोडफोड भएको छ। केही अागजनी पिन भएको छ। तर यो राजनीितक अान्दोलन हो र यसको समाधान राजनीितक मात्र छ भन्ने कुरा पहाडी पार्टी र नेताहरूले नबुझेमा यो अिहंसावादी अान्दोलनका क्रममा अप्िरय घटनाहरूको संभावना थप बढेर जान्छ। त्यो ंमधेशी जनािधकार फोरमले िनर्णय गर्ने होइन। त्यो भीड अिनयन्त्िरत हुने कुरा हो। अप्िरल क्रान्ित नै पिन कहाँ पो नीट एण्ड क्लीन भएको िथयो र? अिहेलेका सत्ताधारीहरू िक जेलमा िथए िक घरमा। उनीहरूलाई थाहा नहुन सक्छ।

टालमटोलको राजनीित छोडौं। अाठ वटा शहीद अित भइसक्यो। सयकडौं घाइते भएका छन्। यो अपराध हो। गृह मन्त्रीले राजीनामा िदउँ र माग पुरा गर्ने तर्फ लागौं।

सबै मधेशीलाई नागिरकता देउ भन्ने माग नाजायज हो? कुनै पिन मानवलाई नागिरकताबाट वञ्िचत गर्नु मानव अिधकारको उल्लंघन हो। प्रवासी मधेशीले िगिरजा कोइरालालाई अन्तरराष्ट्िरय न्यायालय पुर्याउनुपर्ने अवस्था नअाअोस्। लोकतन्त्र भनेकै एक व्यक्ित एक मत हो। िनर्वाचन क्षेत्र त बराबर जनसंख्याकै अाधारमा हुनुपर्छ। सारा देशले संघीय सरकारको अवधारणालाई मािनसक्यो। संघीय सरकारको अवधारणालाई नमान्ने कुनै राजनीितक पार्टी छ भने त्यस पार्टीको अर्को चुनावमा नामोिनशान मेिटन्छ।

The Maoist Map Is A Pretty Good Map
Kamal Thapa Should Be Arrested, But Not For The Madhesi Movement
Madhesi Movement Invites The Dalit, The Janajati, The Mahila
The Ball Is In Girija's Court: A Response To Pramod Kantha
Gagan Thapa On The Terai
Anand Jha: Raising Dust At SEBS
Need For A Mahila Movement
ANTA Press Release: Stop The State Terror
Stop The Shooting, Give The Speech
Feedback, NSU, USA Canada Chapter Press Release
डटे रहो
Sahana Pradhan, Sarita Giri, Chitra Lekha Yadav, Pratibha Rana
Ram Sah, Ratan Jha, Lalit Jha, Pramod Kantha: Madhesi Diaspora, Pahadi Diaspora
Why Are The Pahadis Quiet?
B. K. Rana: Carter, Palestine and Apartheid
Girija, Give A Speech Like Gyane Did In April
Stop Shooting, Give Concession Speech, Calm Down The Streets
Brikhesh Chandra Lal: Who Will Take Responsibility?
Madhesh Is Burning
शान्ित वार्ता क्या, िवजय घोषणा करो
8 Parties Need To Declare 205 Constituencies Of Equal Population
Madhesi Movement Is April Revolution Part 2
Look Who Is Talking
Madhesi Movement: Write To The Media
बराबर जनसंख्याबाला २०५ सीट
मधेश जल रही है
Girija Koirala Is A Crook
205 Constituencies Based On Equal Population, And Reserved Seats
New Jersey Madhesi Gathering: Photos
Anand Jha: Slugging It Out At SEBS
Ram Manohar Sah: Madheshi Murmurings
Mihir Thakur: Paper On Madhesh Samasya 2051
Madhesi Gathering, New Jersey
Prabasi Madhesi Are With The Madhesi Movement In Nepal
My Role In The April Revolution: The Butterfly Effect
Typhoid And Typhoid Victims
Madhesi Alert, Nepalgunj Pahadi Attack On Madhesi, Raw Email, Video Footage
िफर से कह दो एक बार इन्िकलाब
पहाडी मधेशी दंगा, मधेशी जनजाित गठबंधन, र िनर्णायक, अिहंसात्मक अन्ितम अान्दोलनको खाँचो
सद्भावना रोडम्याप
नेपालमा दमजम अान्दोलनको अावश्यकता
नेपालमा संसारको नम्बर एक लोकतन्त्रको स्थापना हुन सक्छ
राजतन्त्र, बाहुनवाद र भर्ष्टाचार समाप्त पारौं
राजतन्त्र, बाहुनवाद र भर्ष्टाचार समाप्त पारौं
प्रस्तािवत संिवधान

Sunday, January 28, 2007

डटे रहो

िहंसा के पथ पर मत जाअो
अागजनी मत करो, तोडफोडको रोको
लेिकन सडक पर तो डटे रहो
बहुुत हो चुकी गुलामी

अाठ पार्टी सरकारको माँगे पुरी करनी परेगी
क्रान्ित वार्ता थोरे करती है
क्रान्ित तो िवजय की अोर बढती है
बढ रही है
बढने दो

गृह मन्त्रीका राजीनामा लेंगे
बराबर जनसंख्यावाला २०५ सीट लेंगे
अारक्षण लेंगे
६० लाख नागिरकतापत्रिवहीन मधेशी के िलए
नागिरकतापत्र लेंगे
अफ्तब अालमको गृह मन्त्री बनाएंगे
अालमसे ज्यादा भोट नेपालमें कोइ लाता ही नहीं

अाठ पार्टी सरकार घोषणा करो
नहीं तो सद्भावना (अानन्दी) को
सरकारसे अलग हो जानी होगी

मधेशी जनािधकार फोरमको
राजनीितक पार्टी बना दो
जनता दल वा वैसा ही कोइ नाम दे दो
गाँव गाँवमें संगठन िवस्तार करो
वार्ड वार्डमें संगठन िवस्तार करो
क्रान्ितको शक्ितमें बदलो

वो कहते हैं मधेशी राजावादी हैं
िकसी भी मधेशीको पहाडी राजा भला क्यों चािहए
गणतन्त्रका पाठ मधेशीने पहाडीको िसखाया
जनकपुरमें महेन्द्रके गाडी पर बम फेंक्नेवाला
मधेशी ही तो था

समान अिधकारके साथ
गणतन्त्रका भी तो नारा लगाअो

गौतम बुद्ध एक मधेशी था
लेिकन वो कहते हैं मधेशी
िशव सेनावाले, िहन्दु कट्टरपन्थी, बीजेपी टाइप हैं
धर्म अपने जगह पर है
लेिकन ये क्रान्ित तो राजनीितक क्रान्ित है
गुलामीकी जंजीरको तोडनेकी क्रान्ित है

अप्िरलमें कहाँ कहा उन पहाडी नेताअो नें
िक सडक पर उतरे मधेशी
राजावादी हैं, िहन्दु कट्टरपन्थी हैं

िगिरजा है जो सेरेमोिनयल राजतन्त्रकी बात करता है
हमें तो गणतन्त्र अाज क्या अभी चािहए

वैसे मैने दुिनया के कोने कोने के िमिडयाको िलख िदया है
अप्िरलकी तरह
लेिकन तुम अपना िमिडया खुद बन जाअो
क्रान्ितका, सडकमें उतरे लोगोंका
िडिजटल फोटो अौर िभिडयो
इन्टरनेट पर रखो
शहर शहरमें
गाँव गाँवसे
िवश्व समुदायको हमारे पक्षमें लानी है

इस क्रान्ितको सडकसे िवजय घोषणा
िवजय घोषणासे संगठन िवस्तार
संगठन िवस्तारसे चुनावी िजत तक ले जानी है
िगिरजा, माधव, देउवा, प्रचण्ड, सुबथा
प्रत्येकका मधेशसे जमानत जब्त कर दो
संिवधान सभाके पहले सभाको
नेपालका पहला राष्ट्रपित मुझे
एक मधेशी दे दो
पहाडी पार्टीयोंको छोड दो
गुलामीकी जंजीरको तोड दो

पहाडी मधेशी दंगा
सद्भावना रोडम्याप
नेपालमा दमजम अान्दोलनको अावश्यकता
नेपालमा संसारको नम्बर एक लोकतन्त्रको स्थापना हुन सक्छ
राजतन्त्र, बाहुनवाद र भर्ष्टाचार समाप्त पारौं
वीपी र िगिरजाको कहानी
िगिरजा, माधव, प्रचण्ड सब एक जैसे हैं
मधेशीसँग संख्या छ, शिक्त छैन
ितमीले देखाइ िदयौ
कर्फ्यु तोड्न आह्वान गर्नेले
जाउलो खाएर क्रान्ित गर
क्रान्ितलाई नबुझ्नु, बुझ पचाउनु
ये तो क्रान्ित है
यो सडक ितम्र्ो हो
संघीय गणतन्त्र
अहिंसाका प्रश्न
मधेशी अधिकारको कुरामा पहाडीहरुको सहभागीता
मधेशी पहचान
देशव्यापी पम्फलेटिङ
प्रहार गरिहालौं
अइ आन्दोलनमें मधेशी अधिकारके बात
लोकतान्त्रिक गणतन्त्र नै किन?

The Maoist Map Is A Pretty Good Map

Federalism: Competing Maps

I am taking a second look at it. If we were to get federalism now, that map might look something like this. I never disliked this map. It is just that I offered a competing map of three states and 25 districts. Whatever we will finally end up with is going to have to be a result of a democratic process.

But when the Pahadi Bahun establishment is opposed to absolutely any kind of federalim, this ethnic federalism map might be the only to go for. That would be a counterbalance. And we should push for this map to be adopted for interim federalism.

प्रस्तािवत संिवधान

The constituent assembly is going to have to look at the federalism question all over again no matter what we go for now.

At this point we just have to make sure the elections to the constituent assembly are free, fair and representative. Let the people decide who they want to speak on their behalf. Ultimately it is not through street protests that we want to shape up the country, but through the ballot box.

Street protests are for when the democratic process fundamentally fails, like it has failed in the case of the interim constitution.

Democracy is one person, one vote. What we had after 1990 was a deviation from that basic promise.

Federalism: Four Layers Or Three Layers
Interim Federalism
Federal Republic Guaranteed
Critiquing Pitambar Sharma's Federalism
Pitambar Sharma's Federalism
Federalism: Competing Maps
RPP For Federalism Ahead of UML, NC And NC(D)
My Federalism Is Economic, Scientific, Not Ethnic
Why It Is Important To Me The Congress Takes Up A Federal Republic
UML Inching Towards Federalism
Monarchy, Army, Federalism

In The News

Another protester killed in police firing in Bara NepalNews One Majir Alam Ansari, 25, of Raghunathpur VDC died on the spot as bullet fired by the riot police hit him ...... Three protesters injured the incident have been identified as Jitendra Yadav, Surendra Kushwaha and Harihar Mahato. ..... A 12-hour curfew is in effect in Kalaiya Municipality from 8 am after sporadic protests continued around the town from early morning. One protester was killed in police firing there on Saturday.
Eight parties discuss Terai crisis: Tuesday’s meeting to come up with 'concrete decisions' The issue of federal system also figured in the debate

Kamal Thapa arrested Kantipur will be kept under preventive detention at Hanuman Dhoka for further questioning .... discussed carrying out the actions recommended by the Rayamajhi report- the panel formed to investigate atrocities committed during the April movement- against former ministers of the king appointed cabinet
Eight-party meet Tuesday to tackle Terai unrest
Subba says he will prove his nationality to Supreme Court
Terai unrest continues, Minister Tripathi resigns
Drastic changes in education system soon two streams of education - professional and general - right from primary to higher secondary level. ...... a student who finds formal education boring and unsuitable can just quit and join professional education. ..... Students will have to sit for SLC exams only after completing class 12. ...... children with different mother tongues will be provided with curricula in their own preferred language. ..... teachers too will be provided with training to teach in different languages. ..... the pass marks will be 40 instead of the current 32 out of 100 ..... comprehensive assessment system till class seven, which means evaluating and promoting a child according to his/her overall performance and knowledge instead of examination only
Journos, media houses attacked BIRGUNJ, Jan 29 - Demonstrators in the protests called by Madhesi People's Rights Forum (MPRF) Sunday attacked journalists and media houses here in the town. ...... including Post correspondents. .... A rally that defied curfew orders vandalized local FM station Radio Birgunj and branch office of the Federation of Nepalese Journalists (FNJ). The station's broadcast was disrupted for some hours following the attack. Some 60 to 70 protesters stormed the station, according to Dipendra Chauhan, news coordinator of the station. Protesters also vandalized four motorcycles of the FM station, some equipment of BBC Radio Nepali Service and Communication Corner. ...... After vandalizing Radio Birgunj, the mob was heading toward Narayani FM. ...... managing director of the station Govinda Devkota. ..... "This is a conspiracy hatched by regressive forces against the newly-established loktantra," said Chauhan, who is also a member of Press Council, adding, "Journalists will however tackle it patiently." ...... Protesters had brutally beaten up photojournalist Ram Sarraf earlier in the morning. ..... the group also beat up journalists Dhruva Sah and Bhuvan Jha. ..... editors and publishers of seven daily newspapers have declared in unison they will not publish their editions from Tuesday in protest of the attack against journalists and media houses. ...... Journalists have also blamed the police forces of being mute spectators during the incidents. ..... irate demonstrators also burnt down a police unit at Gandak area, survey and customs offices, and vandalized some private houses. ...... In Bara, journalists could not go outside to cover news and take photographs of demonstrations ...... issuing a statement, MPRF Sunsari chapter has urged journalists and human rights activists to cover news of the protests and monitor activities without any fear and terror.
Indian dies in police baton charge
Begin dialogue to resolve Terai unrest for timely CA elections: NC-D The NC-D meeting today at Maharajgunj urged Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala to immediately call an eight party meet to discuss the problems and demands of the Madheshi people. ...... Seeking the attention of the agitating Madheshi People’s Rights Forum’s attention regarding the infiltration of unruly and violent groups in the ongoing protests, the NC-D today appealed all sides to maintain peace and goodwill in the nation. ..... a state reconfiguration based on a federal setup put forward by the Madheshi community be included in the interim constitution. ..... the need for a serious discussion over the notion of a proportional electorate system and determination of electoral constituencies based on population figures to seek a political outlet to the present crisis. ..... NC-D General Secretary Bimelendra Nidhi, central committee members Bijaya Kumar Gacchadar, Purna Bahadur Khadka, Uma Kant Chaudhary and Dr Prakash Sharan Mahat among others had put forward their views as on the ways to resolve the Terai unrest during the meet.

Nepal minister quits over Terai Indian Express, India
Senior Nepal Minister resigns Hindu
Nepal minister quits, party threat to leave combine The Statesman
Nepal minister quits over ethnic protests Reuters India
Nepal: Violence stops access to hospitals in south
ReliefWeb (press release), Switzerland
Curfew imposed in 3 southern Nepal cities People's Daily Online
Curfew imposed in a third southern Nepal city People's Daily Online
One more protester killed by police in southern Nepal People's Daily Online
Nepal Maoists swap guns for grins San Diego Union Tribune, CA
Nepal Maoists swap guns for grins
2 protesters shot by police die in southern Nepal; death toll at 8, Nepal
Seventh protester killed in Nepal violence
2 protesters shot by police die in southern Nepal; death toll at 8 International Herald Tribune
Protester killed in attack on police station in Nepal Taipei Times
"We will put Nepal's relations with India on a new and equal footing"
Hindu, India
Nepal's Maoists call on US to remove them from `terrorist' list Islamic Republic News Agency
Nepal Congress Leader Dies
OhmyNews International, South Korea
Nepal Congress Leader Nona Koirala Dies
Nepal`s leading female pro-democracy activist dies at 78 Zee News
Nona Koirala, Nepal's most influential woman, dead
Politics Against HR Brings Doomsday For Nepal (press release), New Zealand
UN alarmed at Nepal's violence TVNZ, New Zealand
UN rights office in Nepal concerned over violence Gorkhapatra
UN says alarmed at violence in Nepal's plains ReliefWeb (press release)
UN calls for restraint in southern Nepal People's Daily Online
* Sri Lanka Opposition Leader in Nepal
Colombo Page, Sri Lanka
Nepal: UN envoy urges sides to end violence Associated Press of Pakistan, Pakistan
Nepal: Concerned at recent violence, UN envoy urges sides to ... ReliefWeb (press release)
Nepal: Concerned at recent violence, UN envoy urges sides to ... UN News Centre
Press release from the Office of the Personal Representative of ... ReliefWeb (press release)

Let the points below be taken into consideration:
a) Unless the Peoples in Madheshi Movement shun violence; there shall virtually be no support to the movement from our part;
b) Should Madheshi Movement Peoples move on peacefully, however, we would take the movement targeted against the age old fundamentalism, which needs to be crushed into pieces;
C) Those who until recently resorted to violence, got tagged themselves as 'criminals', brought deaths to more than 13 thousand Nepalis and now 'share power' at the apex and dictate the government not to hold talks - are ridiculous guys;
d) Also those who charge against the People in Madheshi Movement as 'Thugs', 'criminals' or 'people without any base' seem to have lost their own 'bases in Terai' and do not appear wanting the long over-due Terai Problems resolved;
e) The Madheshi peoples who have suffered much, have the right to peacefully choose what they prefer most;
f) The larger mass of disadvantaged communities across South Asia including Nepal is deprived of basic human rights therefore such uprising was inevitable. To broker peace amidst the current violent conditions and flourish prosperity in the region the 'Carterian apartheid' must be abolished;
g) Let there be immediate dialogues and demands fulfilled reasonably;
h) Most importantly, care must be taken as the Hindu Nationalist BJP' having won Bihar may have deep interest in Nepal's current socio-political conditions;
Nepal-US Indigenous Peoples' Forum Inc.
14 Allen Street
Somerville. MA 02143
United States of America

Kamal Thapaharule Teraima bitanda machhayako ho bhane uslai girfatar gareko thikkai hola.
Kamal Thapaharu matrale tyasto aant garna saklan ? Usko pachhadi aru pani holan. Tin lai pani arrest garnu paryo.
Resolve the Terai crisis at the earliest guys !
Yes, the BJP has won Bihar. Caution !

Dear Rana dai,

Very good proposition! I really appreciate it. Those issues, among several others, must be well taken care of (as you've rightly said), if we all aspire of creating a conflict-free society where every one can exercise equal rights. Nevertheless, there is a need to bring down the awful activities happening in the nation. Destroying properties (e.g. destroying the statue of the national icons), harassing people, and abusing socalled PAHADIAS are not the way to put pressure on the government. Hope you all will also come up with benign strategies to managing the movement so that other group of people do not have to suffer.

You can also read an interesting analysis on the following site. Hope you all will like it too.


Kamal Thapa Should Be Arrested, But Not For The Madhesi Movement

Because the Madhesi Movement is no crime, and even if it is, he has had nothing to do with it.

He should have been arrested a long time ago. But for the atrocities of the April Revolution.

Krishna Sitaula is the Kamal Thapa of the Madhesi Movement. Girija Koirala is the Gyane of the Madhesi Movement.

Right now Krishna Sitaula's resignation and agreeing to the basic demands might be enough. But wait a few more days and that is not going to be enough. Girija himself is going to have to resign.
These protests will continue until the basic demands are met.

These Pahadi Bahuns believe their own lies. They see royalist hands behind the Madhesi Movement. They are so totally blind.

मधेशसे काँग्रेसका पत्ता साफ करो
मधेशसे कम्िनष्टका पत्ता साफ करो
मधेशसे राजावादीका पत्ता साफ करो

So now that Kamal Thapa is arrested, the unrest should die down, because according to Krishna Sitaula, Kamal Thapa has had the remote control of the unrest.

Who will they arrest next? Swami Shankaracharya?

This behavior goes on to show how deep-seated the anti-Madhesi prejudice is amongst the Pahadi Bahuns of the Congress and the Communist parties.

The Madhesis want a republic. The Madhesis want the villains of the April Revolution brought to justice. It is Girija who does not want those things. Girija should not project his political insecurities on the Madhesh.

The seven Pahadi parties have no option but to fulfill the basic demands of the Madhesi people.

Madhesi Movement Invites The Dalit, The Janajati, The Mahila
The Ball Is In Girija's Court: A Response To Pramod Kantha
Gagan Thapa On The Terai
Anand Jha: Raising Dust At SEBS
Need For A Mahila Movement
ANTA Press Release: Stop The State Terror
Stop The Shooting, Give The Speech
Feedback, NSU, USA Canada Chapter Press Release
डटे रहो

In The News

A Minister Resigns to Play Vote Politics As Tension Continues in ... United We Blog, Nepal We have rarely seen a minister in Nepal resigning on real issues. ...... Anyway he was suffering from jaundice and was blaming the poor quality of drinking water in his ministry (Commerce, Industry and Supplies). He wasn’t working so his departure shouldn’t come as a blow to the day to day affairs of the government. ....... Nepali Congress might have to give up its stand on proportional electoral procedure. ...... Local administrations across the Terai region today issued fresh curfew orders in four towns as the unrest in southern Nepal continued severely affecting normal life for the 11th consecutive day. ..... shops and transportation services remained closed for the 11th day running ....... Although Lahan has been comparatively calmer in the past two days, transportation services have not started operating and marketplaces remained closed. Krishna Bahadur Yadav, central member of the MPRF, said that the indefinite banda programme would continue until their demands for a proportional electoral system, federal state and declaration of constituencies based upon the population, among others, are addressed by the government. ..... Janakpur remained peaceful today. However, a 10-hour curfew has been imposed by the local administration from 8am to 6pm. ....... life was badly affected in Jaleshwor, Mahottari, as the residents were deprived of essential daily goods as the shops remained closed. ...... threats to journalists in Birjung and other parts of eastern Terai by the activists of organizations that are responsible for the ongoing protests in the region.
Kamal Thapa arrested for ‘instigating’ violence in Terai, Nepal Police arrested Thapa from his residence in Bishal Nagar, Kathmandu, at around 9:45 pm. Thapa reportedly refused to receive the arrest warrant, but the police team insisted to take him with them saying they had order from above to arrest him. ....... Thapa is accused of fuelling violence in the ongoing protests of Madhesi groups in several Terai districts over the last few days. .... Thapa, one of the key figures in the past royal government, is also accused of ordering brutal clampdown on 19-day pro-democracy agitations last April.
Nepal minister quits, party threat to leave combine The Statesman, India Mr Hridayesh Tripathi, the powerful commerce, industry and supplies minister, today sent in his resignation after the toll in the clashes rose to seven in the plains, most of them occurring due to police firing. ....... Mr Tripathi, who suffers from jaundice, sent his resignation from his sick bed ...... The resignation adds a new drama to the violence that has hit the Terai region from mid-January with a little known organisation, the Madhesi Janadhikar Forum, coming to limelight and leading the new agitation for the Madhesi diaspora. ...... Mr Yadav has warned his outfit would not allow elections to be held in June if the constituencies are not revised according to population. Madhesis, because of their dark skin and proximity to India, are excluded from government, judicial as well as military services. Though comprising nearly half of Nepal’s population, over 40 per cent of Madhesis still do not have citizenship or voting rights. ....... the administration turning a blind eye when Madhesi shops were looted and torched. ....... There are also videotapes circulating in Nepal that show police helping the mobs vandalise Madhesi property. ...... has brought four key towns to a standstill for over a week now ..... Bara, where a second protester was killed in police firing yesterday, taking the roll to seven, Parsa and Rautahat districts remained under curfew today. ....... Four Madhes ministers from other leading parties along with 53 MPs yesterday urged Mr Koirala to amend the new Constitution and give proportional representation to the Madhes region. ....... Mr Rajendra Mahato, senior leader of the NSP, warned if the demands were not met, his party would leave the alliance.