Showing posts with label monkeypox. Show all posts
Showing posts with label monkeypox. Show all posts

Saturday, May 21, 2022

News: May 21

Balen Shah #balen Supporter Group
Aashiq ·

· बा, बाकस र बालेनः

हामीले ४६ सालको आन्दोलनमा यति मरे, माओबादिको आन्दोलनमा १७ हजार मरे, तराई आन्दोलनमा यति मरे भन्दै गर्दा अहिलेसम्म एयरपोर्टबाट बाकसमा जम्मा कति युबाका लाश भित्रिए भनेर टोटल गरेका छौ? छ कसैलाई त्यो गन्ने फुर्सद? त्यहि बाकसमा भित्रिनबाट बचेको एउटा शरीर हो बालेन। बालेन सित्तैमा उदाएको, सञ्जालले ्ख्याल ख्यालमा जन्माएको होइन- धेरै मूल्य चुकाएर, धेरै युबाहरु बाकसमा फर्किए पछि बचेको एक प्रतिनिधि पात्र हो। लेन छोडेका "बा" हरुले यो नयाँ (बाकस बाट बालेनमा बदलिएको) क्रान्तिलाई कहिले चश्माको कुरा गरेर, कहिले गीत गाउने तरिकाको कुरा गरेर, कहिले क्ष्रेत्रको कुरा गरेर पानीमा पादे जस्तै परिभाषित गर्ने कोशिषमा होलान। (देउबा, बार्दली बा र रेणुका बा)। यिनीहरु त यो बालेन पनि अरु ७० लाख युबा जस्तै बिदेश गए खुसी हुन्थे होला। उसले स्ट्रक्चरल इन्जिनीयरको रुपमा बिदेशमा हाइ राइज बिळ्डिङ्ग बनाउने कुरा नरोजी देश निर्माण रोज्यो।

अब बा हरु अभिभाबकीय भूमिकामा बसौं। नयाँ प्रतीभालाई स्वागत गरौं। बा को पुस्ताले खोरिया फाँड्यो, गरा बिरायो, तर रोपाई गर्न जानेन, सकेन, चाहेन। बा को पुस्ताले रोपाई गर्ने तालिम लिनै पाएन। उसको सारा उमेर कान्ह्ला भत्काउंदै बित्यो। रोपाईं गर्न ठूलो गरोमा हल नार्न गएका बा हरु कुस्ति खेल्न थाले, फागु र रत्यौली खेल्न थाले। अब पुग्यो। खुट्टि देखेरै पत्याइयो। अब नयाँ पुस्तालाई रोपाईं गर्न दिऊँ। देश फल्यो भने सबैकोलागि फल्छ, सबैको चुलो बल्छ। "बा" हरुको रत्यौलीले जनताको चुलो बालेन।

बिदेश जाने काम राम्रो होइन भन्ने न्यारेटिभ स्थापना गरौं। युबाले देश मै पसिना नबगाईकन देश बन्दैन भन्ने कुरा बुझौं, जपौं। प्रकृतिले दिएको स्वर्ग जस्तो देशमा सुन फल्छ भन्ने कुरा आत्मसात गरौं। राजनीति फोहोरी खेल होइन, देश निर्माण गर्ने महान यज्ञ/धर्म हो भन्ने न्यारेटिभ स्थापना गरी फर्स्ट बेन्चरहरुको पहिलो रोजाई राजनीति बनाऊँ। देश निर्माण गर्ने अर्थात, नीतिहरुको पनि राजा नीति हो राजनीति। कमाउ नीति राजनीति होइन, धोका हो, पाप हो। धन कमाउनकोलागि ब्यापार, उद्योगमा लाग्नु।

अब मेधावी साइन्स एण्ड टेक्नालजी पढ्नेहरुले पनि संगसंगै लिबेरल आर्ट्स पनि पढौं। संस्कृत पढौं। जसले देश निर्माण गर्ने महान बिचारले राजनीतिमा होमिन्छ, त्यसले अरु धर्म, कर्म, तीर्थ, बर्त, दान, पूण्य, यज्ञ केहि गर्नु पर्दैन। पवित्र भावले राजनीतिमा लागेर देश सेवा गर्नु नै सबैभन्दा ठूलो धर्म हो, गौरव हो। भ्रष्टाचार गरेर खानु भनेको आमाको रगत खाए बराबर हो।

ॐ शान्ति! जय होस! -बाबुराम खरेल🙏

बालेनको अग्रताले कांग्रेस, एमालेको त हावा खुिस्कएको छ नै, ब्यक्तिगत रुपमा नेपाली कांग्रेसका महामन्त्री गगन थापाको पनि ‘सातो’ उडेको छ। उनको आफनै वडा (काठमाडौं महानगरपालिका –३०) मा पनि कांग्रेस उम्मेदवार सिर्जनको तुलनामा बालेनको मत धेरै छ। यो परिणामले गगनको ट्यारट्यार पनि वन्द भएको छ । कांग्रेसको प्रभाव कम भएका स्थानमा एमालेलाई ठिक पर्यो भन्दै गरेका थापा आफ्नै वडाको मत परिणामले भने स्तब्ध भएको उनीहरुको भनाई छ।
- पत्रिकाको कॉमेंट

How Crypto Disappeared Into Thin Air When a currency’s value is based on belief alone, it’s liable to evaporate. ....... Carnage in the cryptocurrency market is nothing new. Over the past decade, even as the value of cryptocurrencies like bitcoin and ether has risen sharply, crashes have been a regular feature of the market. (There’s a reason HODL—“Hold on for dear life”—is a mantra among crypto believers.) But even by crypto standards, the destruction of value over the past six months—and in particular, over the past few weeks—has been staggering. .......... Since November, something like $1.5 trillion in cryptocurrency value has been erased. Bitcoin and Ethereum, the market’s bellwethers, are both down about 60 percent from their peaks. And most strikingly, the so-called stablecoin Terra and its sister token, Luna, which together were valued at about $60 billion six weeks ago, imploded in a matter of days and are now essentially worthless. ........ gold has a millennia-long history of people choosing to accept it as money; and fine art is wrapped up with ideas of rarity and the aura of an original work. What’s striking about the crypto market is that it has used this same logic to conjure more than $1 trillion of value out of thin air (or, more accurately, out of code) in less than a decade........ Dogecoin was created back in 2013, literally as a joke. It has no real-world use value; no one needs Dogecoin to buy or sell anything. It’s not even scarce because, unlike bitcoin, which has a finite supply of coins that will ever be available and becomes harder to produce as time goes by, Dogecoins are really easy to “mine.” Yet, at its peak in April 2021, Dogecoin was “worth” a supposed $50 billion, and even today, after its value has dropped almost 90 percent, it’s still worth about $11 billion. Why? The answer might be as dumb as the fact that Elon Musk mentioned Dogecoin in a tweet, calling it “the people’s crypto,” and got everyone excited about it........ Or take Terra and Luna. They’re little more than three years old, and until 2021, they were worth less than $1 billion combined. Then, in the space of a year or so, they were suddenly valued at $60 billion. From August 2021 to March of this year alone, their combined value more than tripled. At that point, Terra and Luna seemed like the next big things in crypto. Do Kwon, Terra’s founder, started getting talked about as a visionary. Luna holders were calling themselves Lunatics. Terra paid nearly $40 million to put its name all over the Washington Nationals’ stadium. ......... some warned that the way Terra was set up meant that it was eventually going to face the equivalent of a run on the bank (which is, in fact, how it collapsed) ........ arguably, bitcoin, apart from its usefulness in buying drugs and other illicit items, has retained value long enough that its status as “digital gold” is not under serious threat.

So, Have You Heard About Monkeypox? A new viral outbreak is testing whether the world has learned anything from COVID.