Showing posts with label Non Resident Nepali Association. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Non Resident Nepali Association. Show all posts

Friday, October 19, 2012

संगठनका कुरा (3)

NRN NCC President कालागि लड़ने बारे विचार गर्दै
संगठनका कुरा (2)
संगठनका कुरा

हिजोको NRN NCC को कांफ्रेंस कलले नवम्बर 15 सम्म membership drive गर्ने र शायद जनुअरी 15 मा बोस्टनमा चुनाव गराउने निर्णय गर्यो। I have decided not to be part of it, I am no longer interested.

Massive मेम्बरशिप drive को लक्ष्य नभएको चुनाव तालिकाले मलाई आकर्षित गर्दैन।

अब या त ICC को मेम्बरशिप ड्राइव मा भाग लिईन्छ पछि spring मा या छुट्टै न्यू यॉर्क शहर लेवेलको नया संगठन launch गरिन्छ। मासिक हाउस पार्टी को concept अगाडी बढाउनु परेको छ। महिनाको अंतिम आइतबार कसो होला?

Thursday, October 18, 2012

NRN NCC President कालागि लड़ने बारे विचार गर्दै

संगठनका कुरा (2)
संगठनका कुरा

2005-2006 ताका अमेरिकाका 2 लाख नेपाली मध्ये full time democracy movement मा लागेको म एक्लो मान्छे। मैले digital activism गरेको हो त्यति बेला, पत्रकारिता होइन। 2006 February मा house arrest भएको एक महिना पछि कसो कसो गरि वायरलेस इन्टरनेट बाट online आउंदा माधव नेपालले chat गरेको पहिलो ब्यक्ति। त्यों राजनीतिक काम गरेकोले हो। त्यस पछि मधेसी क्रन्तिमा पनि फुल time लागेको। Los Angeles मा प्लेन बाट झर्ना साथ "Where is परमेन्द्र भगत" भनेर उपेन्द्र यादवले भनेको मेरो राजनीतिक कामको  आधार मा हो। 2005-2006 ताका मेरो "हाम्रो नेपाल" नामको डिजिटल संगठन पनि थियो, 100 जना जति सदस्य थिए। न्यू योर्क मा ANTA पैदा गरेको मैले हो। अमेरिका आए पछि कॉलेजमा छ महिना भित्र बिद्यार्थी यूनियनको President को चुनाव जितेको। त्योभन्दा अगाडी नेपालमा राजनीतिक पार्टीमा हृदयेश त्रिपाठी महासचिव, म उपमहासचिव, राजेन्द्र महतो केन्द्रीय समिति सदस्य। त्रिपाठी र महतो मन्त्री छन। म न्यू योर्क मा बराक ओबामाको पहिलो full time volunteer।

म त नेपालमा तानाशाही समाप्त भए पछि नेपाल बारे कम सोंचने, आफ्नो काम गर्न पट्टी लागने भनेर बसेको। तर त्यस्तो नहुने देख्न थालेको छु। नेपालमा आर्थिक क्रांति गर्न 20-30 बर्ष लाग्छ। नेपालमा hydro प्रोजेक्ट हरु कालागी NYC मा funding खोज्ने career move मैले थालिसकेको छु। नेपालको राजनीतिक क्रांतिमा मैले योगदान दिएँ, मधेसी क्रांतिमा योगदान दिएँ, अब़ आर्थिक क्रांतिमा पनि योगदान दिन चाहन्छु।

द्वैध नागरिकता को कुरा छ। द्वैध नागरिकता बिना नेपालमा आर्थिक क्रांति संभव छैन। न्यू योर्क को स्थानीय राजनीतिमा नेपाली हरुलाई empower गर्ने कुरा छ।

यी सब कारण ले म NRNA (Non Resident Nepali Association) NCC (National Coordination Council) को President कालागी लड़ने बारे सोंच्दै छु भन्ने कुरा सबै साथी हरुलाई अबगत गराउन चाहन्छु। अमेरिकामा ICC र NCC दुबैको चुनाव May 2013 को अंतिम weekend मा न्यू योर्क मा गर्ने गरी तालिका बनाउन आग्रह गर्दछु। त्यो चुनाव हुनु अगाडी massive membership drive हुनु जरुरी छ।
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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

संगठनका कुरा

हिजो बिहान विश्वजीले भोइस मेल छोड्नु भको रैछ। दुई तीन पटक त फ़ोन ट्याग मै गो। पछि बल्ल गफ्फ भो भरे तिर। शनिवार 4 बजे के गर्दै हुनुहुन्छ ? थकालीमा NRN को मीटिंग छ। आउनुस न भनेर भन्नु भो। 4 बाट 2 मा कुरा पुग्यो। Lunch ख्वाउने हो भनेर सोंधें। चिया ख्वौंछु भन्ने जवाफ आयो।

म नेपालको लोकतान्त्रिक र मधेसी क्रान्तिमा केही वर्ष अगाडि फुल टाइम लागेको मान्छे। तर digital activist भएर, कुनै संगठनको सदस्य भएर होइन। ANTA नेपालमा मधेसी क्रान्ति भएपछि बल्ल अमेरिकामा विस्तार भएको संगठन। ANTA लाई न्यु योर्क मा जन्म दिएको मैले हो। तर मैले सदस्यता कहिले लिएन। Founding charter मा social, cultural organization भन्याथ्यो। म full time political काम गरि रा मान्छे, कहाँ social, cultural मा लगिराखने भनेर लिइन।

Money, message, organization. मैले message मार्फत् contribute गरें। तर अब money र organization बारे पनि सोंच्नु परेको छ। It is only a matter of time, नेपालमा संविधान पनि आउंछ र संघीयता पनि आउंछ। त्यस पछि 20-30 वर्ष लगाएर गर्ने भनेको आर्थिक क्रान्ति नै हो। नेपालमा आर्थिक क्रान्ति गर्नु पर्छ भन्नेले आफ्नो personal आर्थिक क्रान्ति गरेर पनि देखाउनु पर्ने हुन्छ। नत्र भने त्यो भनाइ खोक्रो हुन जान्छ। मैले केही कदम हरू चालिरहेको छु। मेरो tech consulting business लाई expand गर्नुछ। हिमालयन याक restaurant को नया वेबसाइट मेरो टीम ले बनाएको हो। नेपालमा hydroelectric प्रोजेक्ट हरू कालागि यहां investor खोज्ने कुरामा पनि लाग्या छु। पछि microfinance मा जाने पनि सोंच छ।

संगठन को जहाँसम्म सवाल छ त्यो म अहिले एक्कासी हाम फाल्दैन। त्यस बारे मैले NRN को न्यु योर्क chapter बारे पनि सोंचेको छु र Jackson Heights को South Asian community बारे पनि सोंचेको छु। NRN मा 1,000 member बनाए NRN ICC मा जान पाउने र त्यो member न्यु योर्क मै बनाए न्यु योर्क बाहिर जान नपर्ने  घतलाग्दो कुरा हो। म अमेरिका गल्ली गल्ली घुमेको मान्छे। न्यु योर्क शहरको सीमाना बाहिर जान मलाई खासै रहर छैन, कमसेकम अहिलेलाई छैन।

Hitting The Road
My Hurricane Story
Driving Coast To Coast

NRN ICC को सदस्य बन्न मन लागेको दिन टेम्बाजीलाई ल जानुस 1,000 member बनाएर ल्याउनुस भन्छु अनि कुरै सकियो। त्यो भन्दा मुनि त के पद खाई भो र? तर त्यो कदम चाले पनि मेरो फोकस न्यु योर्क मै रहन्छ। NRN को NYC chapter लाई इन्टरनेट technology र social media को सहायताले ग्लोबल NRN movement भित्रको नमुना संगठन बनाउने प्रयास हुनेछ। But at a personal level money before organization. कुन चाहिंले एक चोटि भन्या थियो, all name and no money bhanera. अहिले मेरो starting point त्यस प्रकारको छ। तर 1999 मा म fouding member भएको dot com कम्पनीले round 2 मा 25 मिलियन डलर fundraising गरेको हो।

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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Economic Revolution In Nepal And The NRN Movement

Two Chief Guests: Non Resident Nepali Gathering: Times Square: June 25

An economic revolution would be near double digit growth rates year in year out for 30 years. But the country has to get a new constitution first, and it will, it is only a matter of time.

I was The Reason the political revolution happened in Nepal in 2006. And I am going to be The Reason an economic revolution takes place in Nepal. Ma New York City ma Barack Obama ko Top Volunteer. Manhattan For Obama sangathan ko sansthapak le America ko sambidhan sansodhan garna parchha taki yo manchhe kunai deen rashtrapati ka lagi lados bhaneko manchhe. America aayeko chha mahina bhitra US South ko top liberal arts college ko student union president ko election jiteko manchhe. College ko 150 barsha ko itihas ma kahile na bhayeko kura. America aunu agadi high school pachhhi Nepal ma dui wata MP bhayeko party ko upmahasachib pad khayeko manchhe.

Bhanne bela ma Pahadi haroo le malai patrakar bhan dine garya chhan. Maile patrakarita gareko hoina, maile Nepal ko kranti lai political leadership diyeko ho. I did some major strategic thinking, major tactical thinking, and all of that is documented at my blog. Sambidhan sabha ko mudda ma sab bhanda pachhi ayeko byakti Girija Koirala, us lai kranti ko shreya kasari dina milchha? Tyo ta leader hoina follower ho.

At The Buspark
Southern Hospitality

Afoo le afai lai madisey bhanne Madhesi haroo chhan. Madisey bhaneko ta nigger bhaneko ho. Tone of voice makes no difference. Maile madisey bhanein tara mero voice ma hatred thiyena bhanna mildaina. There is prejudice and there is internalized prejudice. Malai patrakar ra cameraman bhanne Madhesi haroo chhan. Upendra Yadav lai visa dilayeko maile ho. Mero ek jana saathi le State Department ko South Asia desk officer chineko bela paryo tyati bela. Ma jail pareko bela oo bidesh mantri thiyo. America ko bidesh mantri lai phone garna parne usle, garya bhaye kunai deen pradhan mantri banne oo, aba bandaina. Gayo. Swaha.

Madhesi Self Hate
Ugh, Immigration (4)

Malai Upendra Mahato bhanda thulo banna saat barsa bhanda badhi na lagna parne ho. Kina bhane, maile mero company Nasdaq ma list garchhu. I have enormous respect for Upendraji, first as a successful entrepreneur, second as an overachieving Madhesi, and third as the founder of the NRN movement. 2008 ma Russia ko Manager Of The Year ghosit bhayeko manchhe. He is world class. No doubt. But I am going to be bigger than him.

Mero tech startup ko round one ma 10K invest garne pratyek NRN millionaire banchha. Google ma pahilo ek lakh invest garne byakti ko paisa 10 barsha ma 1.5 billion banyo. I could not do that well, but I could do at least 1/3rd as good in maximum twice as much time.

Ma chahanchuu 5 jana Nepali 5k each liyera mero round 1 ma aunu hos.

My Web Diagram
The Google/Facebook Of Microfinance

Duniya ko top venture capitalist Fred Wilson le afno blog ma mero bare lekheko kura.

Netizen Has Arrived: A Link From AVC
Fred Wilson: Mobile First Web Second

Sunday, May 02, 2010

The Infighting Among The Nepali Organizations In America

What do women in my homevillage in Nepal, the Madhesis in Nepal, and the Nepalis in America have in common? I witnessed tremendous infighting among the women in my homevillage growing up. It took me long years to realize that infighting was due to the fact that the women were members of the powerless group in the village. That psychology of infighting extends to the Madhesis of Nepal. Look at how the MJF split. What the Madhesis are in Nepal, the Nepalis are on world stage. The Nepalis in America are numerically practically insignificant, politically non-existent, and not at all impressive when it comes to political consciousness.

What Are You Doing Monday? Come Meet Al Wenger
Reshma Saujani: Innovation, Ethnic Pride, Thought Leadership

The latest round of infighting going on among the three poles - the ANA, the NRN crowd, and the Janajati groups - of Nepali organizations in America reminds me of the women back in my homevillage.

Organizing Nepalis In America: Conversations With Simon Dhungana
Nepali Diaspora: Rethink Time?

You have to understand where they are coming from. The ANA - Association of the Nepalese in the Americas - rightfully feels that it has had a long history, and that it was championing the causes the NRN - Non Resident Nepali - movement is associated with now for years before the NRNA was launched, although the ANA did that at the level of the Americas, and the NRN movement is global. The solution there is to acknowledge that ANA history, and then realize there is so much common ground between the two.

The NRN movement does not understand why the ANA will not appreciate the huge global presence of that movement. There the solution is for the ANA to respect the fact that the NRN movement is vibrant in all those parts of the world where the ANA has no plans of even showing up.

My Madhesi heart goes out to the Janajati groups mostly based out of New York City that both the ANA and the NRN movement have so far marginalized. Not only do they have ethnic rights grievances going back all the way to Nepal, and going back centuries, they also have proven to be outstanding organizations in every way in New York City. They have many organizations, they have a vibrant umbrella organization the likes of I have not seen anywhere among the Nepali organizations in America, they raise and spend a lot of money, they  do good work, all they ask for is equality and recognition. The thing to do here is to acknowledge the historic wrongs perpetrated against the Janajati in Nepal and perpetuated perhaps in the diaspora and give the Janajatis their rightful place.

The ANA would like to be recognized as not only the largest Nepali organization nationally, but also as the umbrella organization of all Nepali organizations in America. The big stick the ANA carries is the annual ANA Convention, the biggest Nepali event in America for a few decades now.

The NRN crowd successfully dissolved NAC - Nepalese Americas Council - that never attempted to become an umbrella organization of any kind, but was the only national council type organization, and replaced it with the NRN National Coordination Committee, like they have in many other countries. But the NRN as an organization does not give out membership to organizations, only individuals. NAC was a group of less than 30 organizations, it did not recognize individuals, only organizations, and it was not open to bringing in more organizations.

What the NRN movement is not appreciating is that the movement entered many countries where the Nepalis were not organized at all. So it was easy to set up a NRN NCC in such countries, and then try and get it to go on membership drives. But in America that has not been the case. The oldest Nepali organizations in America are decades older than the NRN movement itself. And there are more than 200 Nepali organizations in America that are not about to get dissolved. And why should they?

So how do you put out the fire? Democracy and transparency should do the trick. I have a few recommendations.
  1. Create an umbrella organization possibly called NOA, Nepali Organizations in America. Such an umbrella organization has never existed before. NAC was not it. The ANA is an organization, not an umbrella organization, and the NRN NCC is one organization seeking membership from individuals not organizations. The NRN NCC has not been designed to be an umbrella organization. 
  2. All Nepali organizations in America should be able to join NOA. Each organization's voting weight would be as to how many verified members it has. An executive committee would be elected every two years. That executive committee has to be one third female by rule. 
  3. The annual ANA Convention would continue to be recognized as the premier Nepali event every year. The NRN NCC should use that convention to hold its annual conference. 
The solution, I guess, is for both the ANA and the NRN NCC to realize they are both individual organizations, neither are umbrella organizations, and should not pretend otherwise. 

Monday, September 21, 2009

The Word Madisey: Madisey Bhanne Shabda

I attended the Non Resident Nepali Association event at Shangrila Sunday evening. It was a well attended event. The energy level was high. It was good to see Binodji emcee the event. I take pride in the fact that a Madhesi - Upendra Mahato - launched the global NRN movement.

I think the NRN movement needs to address some structural anomalies before it takes off in the United States. There is a lot of opposition to the NAC - Nepalese Americas Council - becoming the national coordination committee for the NRNA. The association is going to have to start from scratch and build its own national coordination committee like in other countries.

Also in answer to a question from a Janajati if there were Janajatis among the founding leaders of the NRN, Suman Timilsina, who I gather is the national president of the NRNA in the US, replied by saying a "madisey" was the leader for this particular region.

The word Madhesi is like the word Negro, or even African-American, or black. Negro is an archaic term. We say black or African American today. But the word madisey is like the word nigger. Madisey, marsya, dhoti, they qualify as hate speech. There was no hatred in Sumanji's voice, and I have heard Karma Gyalden Sherpa use the same word in the same intonation before, and I need to correct him as well, but there is no ifs and buts about it. You do not get to use the word madisey. Say Madhesi. The word madisey is hate speech.

Karma Sherpa And The NYC Program For The Prime Minister

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