New Triangle: Maoists, Seven Parties, Civil Society
These three working in tandem could do much of the work of the peace process with little external help. That is not an argument against external involvement. That is to say it is very important these three work together.
Girija Should Retire, Madhav Nepal Should Take Over
Prime ंMinister: Madhav Nepal
Deputy Prime Minister: Ram Chandra Poudel
Deputy Prime Minister: Prachanda
Deputy Prime Minister: Chitra Lekha Yadav
Girija Koirala's health is failing. Getting out of the chair will be good for his health. I would like him to see the day Nepal gets itself a new constitution. But for that he has to be resting near full time. He should just sit back and relax, and let the doctors take good care of his health.
He should trust his party and his coalition partners. He should bless them and step aside.
The Moriarty Question
Moriarty thinks in terms of the worst case scenario when it comes to the Maoists. He thinks they might do what Lenin and Mao did, what Pol Pot did.
But if it is not true that the Maoists want a communist republic, then those fears are allayed. Moriarty does not trust the Maoists have had a genuine change of heart. What the Maoists call taxation, Moriarty calls extortions.
I think Moriarty does not realize how big an impact he ends up having on the domestic scene when he makes his comments. America is the sole superpower today. Or perhaps he does realize. There is perhaps a method to the madness.
All I have to say is this: if it is not true the Maoists are trying to imitate Lenin, Mao and Pol Pot, then Moriarty and the Maoists have nothing to fear of each other. In other words, it is okay to ignore Moriarty. His alarmist rhetoric only comes into the mainstream if the Maoists end up proving him right, either partly or fully. And I don't believe he makes his remarks because he wants to be proven right. The stark truth is he wishes deep in his bones to be proven wrong.
Sometimes I feel I might be the only person who is suspicious neither of Moriarty nor the Maoists.
The thing you have to know about Moriarty is he is perhaps the top person in the US foreign policy establishment in his chosen field. The guy happens to know what he is talking about. Like heart surgeons are heart surgeons, Moriarty is trained to recognize the methods of ultra left violent groups. Don't begrudge the man his training. Just prove his alarmist rhetoric wrong.
He is not a nuisance. He is a watchdog.
Ultimately it is for Nepal's eight political parties, the civil society, and the Nepali people to decide what shape Nepal will take. Moriarty does not harbor the illusion he is the one who will decide. He is just an ambassador. As long as the worst case scenario does not happen, I think he is pretty much harmless to all political actors in Nepal.
I think he will be much happier talking trade issues. For that the dust has to settle down, Nepal has to get itself a new constitution.
Kul Chandra Gautam
I got to meet Kul Chandraji at the ANA Convention. I told him I was following him in the news during his trip to Nepal.
He is such a pleasant person to be around. He has been of enormous behind the scenes help for the cause of peace and democracy in Nepal. Through him Nepal is in high places.
In The News
Interim Constitution Drafting Committee begins formal work NepalNews the interim constitution would be ready in the next 15 days...... the drafting committee would find an alternative to the House of Representatives before its dissolution .......
Rayamajhi commission gets two more months Journalist Harihar Birahi, lawyers Ram Prasad Shrestha and Ram Kumar Shrestha and general secretary of Nepal Medical Association Dr. Kiran Shrestha are members of the high-level commission.
Cabinet discusses current political situation; Prime Minister’s health Deputy Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli would present the policies and programmes of the government in the parliament on Sunday even if Koirala will not be able to present it due to his ill health. ..... expressed dissatisfaction over the Maoists’ act of extortion and abduction and their commitment to stop people’s court.
18 injured in clash between Maoist 'factions' At least 18 people were injured in a scuffle between two armed groups of Maoists in Dhanusha district Wednesday night. A group of armed Maoists surrounded Sattokhar and the neighboring village and attacked their local cadres.... local Maoists were divided into two factions for some time..... The CPN (Maoist) is yet to comment on the incident. This was the first factional fight within the Maoist party after it joined the peace process in April this year.
NC and CPN (UML) lock horns over the spoils of power They fought together for nearly one and half years against the direct rule of the king. In power for just two months, Nepali Congress and CPN (UML)-- two major constituents in the Seven Party Alliance have started locking horns over the issue of sharing power..... Madhav Kumar Nepal has said that there is lack of regular contact and discussion among the alliance partners. ..... “Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister KP Oli is trying to meet Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala for the past five days, but to no avail” ......... UML ministers have not been given free hand to run their ministries ...... employees of the ministries headed by the UML leaders have been asked to organize strike....... there is not any misunderstanding between the NC and UML and the UML and Maoists despite some reservations..... mid and far-western region ..... people in the two regions complained that they had to seek permission from the Maoists while leaving and entering their own villages. He added that some people had been sent to Maoist labour camps following orders of the ‘People’s Court.’...... there might be some minor disputes in the working procedure, which is natural in the democratic culture but there was not major misunderstanding..... it is natural in the coalition government to attempt to minimize the influence of other political parties.....
NHRC exhumes body of a suspected Maoist buried by Army
King to lose power of appointing Judges Though the House declaration curtailed the King’s legislative and executive powers, it was silent on the King’s authority over the judiciary. The Constitution of 1990 allows the King to appoint judges and pardon a criminal. ..... the Judicial Council is mulling to appoint Judges in various district courts.
Civil society leaders warns of strike charging the political leaders of lingering on the issue of constituent assembly and trying to continue the reinstated House of Representatives indefinitely...... Citizens' Movement for Democracy and Peace (CMDP), who played important role during the popular movement of the country, said that the ruling parties have given the people enough reason to question their integrity by indulging in minor issues in parliament....... it is time to remind them that we are still on the streets ...... establishing a democratic republic through an election to a constituent assembly that is the mandate of Jana Andolan II..... the government's failure to take action against the army chief, its failure to sack the chief election commissioner and the head and members of the NHRC, and its indulgence in futile discussions over the future of the House....... "Further continuity of the parliament will establish it as a useless and obdurate forum," said Pahadi. ...... this is the time to discuss internally and come up with clear vision on new constituencies, election process, and management of arms......... CMDP members have already met some of the major ruling parties and the prime minister separately
Maoists approve working procedure of Code of Conduct monitoring committee the Maoists and the government formed a 32-member national committee headed by Birendra P Mishra to monitor the ceasefire code of conduct.
Govt criticises Maoist for continuing extortions Kantipur Publications
Two Maoists shot dead, 16 injured in separate incidents
CMDP warns of street protests
Victims demand Rs 142m as compensation
प्रधानमन्त्रीको श्वासप्रश्वास समस्या यथावत्
राजदम्पतीको सवारीमा सडक खाली
प्रधानमन्त्री अस्वस्थले सरकार 'गतिहीन' माधवकुमार नेपालले प्रधानमन्त्री गिरिजाप्रसाद कोइलाराको स्वास्थ्यका कारण सरकारको गतिशीलतामा गम्भीर असर परिरहेको बताएका छन् । प्रधानमन्त्रीको स्वास्थ्यका कारण तपाईंले सरकारको नेतृत्व गर्दै हुनुहुन्छ कि भन्ने जिज्ञासामा उनले भने- 'यसमा अन्यथा नसोचियोस्, यस्तो प्रश्न र जिज्ञासा मलाई अरूतिरबाट पनि आइरहेको छ, यसमा अहिले मेरो भन्नु छैन ।' 'ढिलोमा वैशाखसम्म संविधानसभाको चुनाव गरिसक्ने योजना छ' केही दिनभित्रै आठ दलको बैठक बसी अन्तरिम संविधान मस्यौदा समितिलाई पूर्णता दिने बताए । 'आफ्ना मान्छे बढी राख्न खोज्ने प्रवृत्तिले समिति गतिहीन भएको हो'
अपहरण रोक्न माओवादीलाई चेतावनी
स्वास्थ्यलाभको कामना
कर्मचारी प्रशासनमा सुधार
कृषि अनुसन्धानमा राजनीति
मोरिआर्टी, सूबथा र पुच्छरहरू उनै मोरिआर्टी जसले कुनै बेला 'सकारात्मक सङ्केत'को हरियो घाँस देखाएर हाम्रा कतिपय लोभी नेतालाई आन्दोलनको डबलीबाट थुतेर दरबार छिराएका थिए । उनै मोरिआर्टी जसले हाम्रो आशाको दीप बाह्रबुँदे समझदारीलाई खरानीमा परिणत गर्न त्यसमा आगो झोँसेका थिए । उनै मोरिआर्टी जसले नेपाली नागरिकलाई निरङ्कुश राजतन्त्रको सडेगलेको शव बोकाइराख्न घरिघरि गर्नु नगर्नु अनर्थ गरेका थिए । उनै मोरिआर्टी जो अहिले आठबुँदे समझदारीलाई नष्ट गर्न र नेपाललाई अफगानिस्तान र इराकको रक्तरञ्जित बाटोतिर डोर्याउन रूद्रघण्टी हल्लाउँदै मैदानमा उत्रेका छन् । नेपाली लोकतन्त्रको मिर्मिरे उज्यालो देखिनसहने मोरिआर्टीले ध्वाँसको भाकामा भने, माओवादी हतियार नत्यागी अन्तरिम सरकारमा घुस्यो भने अमेरिकाले नेपाललाई चुनदाम पैसो दिनेछैन । मालिकको दिव्य वचन सुनेर निजहजुरका अनन्य अनुयायी महापञ्च सूर्यबहादुर थापा हौसिए । तिनको रातो अनुहार झनै रातो भयो । तिनको सदाबहार हुङ्कारमा पाइन चढ्यो । बेलायती बैठकमा उत्तेजक हाउभाउसाथ ती जुरुक्क उठे । अनि आनन्दमय मुद्रामा आफूले रचेको छिन्ताङ हत्याकाण्डको सम्झना गर्दै ती कुर्लिए, सात दलका नेताहरू निरङ्कुश हुन् । प्रतिनिधिसभा यिनका बाउको बिर्ता होइन । बरु म मर्छु, प्रतिनिधिसभा भङ्ग गर्न दिन्नँ । ...... थपडी बजाउनेहरूका टाउका छैनन् । न त तिनका देह नै छन् । ती त केवल पुच्छरमात्र छन् । ....... ताली बजाउने पुच्छरहरूको भीडमा बल्खु मुख्यालयका 'लाल सलाम'हरू पनि छन्, सानेपा मुख्यालयका 'जय नेपाल'हरू पनि छन् । वास्तवमा यी 'लाल सलाम' र 'जय नेपाल'का विकृत सन्तान हुन् । ... पुच्छरले उत्ताउलो मुद्रामा एक पात्रलाई 'माओवादीको सवारी मन्त्री' भनेर फत्तुर लगायो ।......
बजेटको सन्दर्भमा नेपालको अर्थ-राजनीति
नागरिक चाहना
जलविद्युत्मा माओवादीले चन्दा नलिने
माओवादीद्वारा सवारी कर असुली बन्द
Nepal Begins Drafting Interim Constitution After Peace Accord Bloomberg
Vajpayee, Deuba discuss Nepal situation Hindu, India
'Disarm Maoists, then hold polls'
King still has his way in Nepal
Nepal sends letter to UN to monitor army and Maoists Islamic Republic News Agency, Iran
1 July 2006, Saturday | 71 | |
2 July 2006, Sunday | 103 | |
3 July 2006, Monday | 124 | |
4 July 2006, Tuesday | 271 | |
5 July 2006, Wednesday | 343 | |
6 July 2006, Thursday | 439 |
21:11 | National University of Singapore, Singapore, Singapore |
22:19 | Southwestern Bell, Richardson, United States |
22:23 | United States Army, United States |
22:25 | United States Army, United States |
23:00 | Hong Kong S.A.R. (infolink.hk) |
23:23 | Comcast Communications, Alexandria, United States |
23:50 | Road Runner, New York, United States |
00:07 | Nepal (wlink.com.np) |
Question to you bro !! Do these politicians have the mandate to make decisions on our behalf ?? Didn't their term expire few years ago ?? Shouldn't there be an elections first ?? These leaders have an open ended "until further notice" term to rule us .. is that right .. Is this democracy ??
This is real apologetic stuff about Moriarty I cannot believe you are so naive and so ignorant about United States activity in Nepal.
There is more reason to be suspicious of the Maoists than Moriarty. The Maoists have a terrible track record of blatant human rights abuses in Nepal, yet there doesn't seem to be any signs of regret or behavioral change in them, other than they want to be "mainstream". To be mainstream means to get rid of their arms, fair and simple. Not after the interim government, not after the constituent assembly elections, but now. Are they ready for that?
The unwillingness of the Maoists to disarm is an indication that arms is the only major strength they have.
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