Jeet Joshi ji.
What took you so long?
Kidding. Not really.
But, sincerely, thanks.
Action is good. Any and all action in "that" direction is good.
The NAC Executive Committee is a recognized body of individuals. Although many of those individuals are members of this ND forum, the NAC has an independent identity. I am so very glad you all came out with this action.
Do more of this and more often. Keep firing off press statements. Develop a rapid response mechanism. Write to more bodies and individuals. Write to EU, to China, to Venezuela. Write, write, write.
Every act of state repression has to be hit back with a NAC press statement. Strike back within hours at best, within 24 hours at most. More than 24 hours and it looks stale.
List names of all member organizations. List names of all members of the Board. That is how you make it LOUD.
Maybe assign one person to immediately draft letters when events take place. Then circulate over email and give people about 6 hours to respond. And fire off. Let the valley ring with your word bullets.
I respectfully thank you and the NAC Board. Keep up the good work.
Now let me go read the letter!
Nepalese Americas Council
P.O. Box 9883, San Bernardino, CA 92407
NAC Since 1991
Web: www.NepalCouncil.org
Phone: 909-792-0343
December 9, 2005
President Jimmy Carter
The Carter Center
One Copenhill
453 Freedom Parkway
Atlanta, GA 30307
Dear Mr. President,
On behalf of Nepalese Americas Council (NAC) and its member organizations located throughout the North American continent, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the Carter Center for its continued interest in peace and democracy in Nepal.
Mr. President, as you know, a popular movement in 1990 overthrew a thirty year long autocracy in Nepal in favor of a democratic system of governance. Taking advantage of the strength of a democratic system and weakness of newly adopted system that was still in the learning phase, Maoists launched an insurgency with a publicly declared goal of establishing a communist republic.
To make the matter worse, King Gyanendra engineered a coup d'etat and took over a democratically elected government on February 1, 2005. Since then he has ignored all internal and international call for a dialogue with democratic political parties in order to restore democracy and to seek a solution by bringing the Maoists into the main stream democratic polity.
Recently, the Maoists and the democratic forces represented by seven political parties reached an understanding where Maoists have shown serious interest to participate in the multi-party democracy. They declared a three-month unilateral ceasefire. However, the royal Nepalese army commanded by the king did not reciprocate this gesture despite calls from international community, human rights organizations and activists, and Nepalese people in general.
The ceasefire declared by the Maoists ended on the first week of December 2005. On the request of democratic parties, people, human rights organizations and activists, Maoist recently agreed to extend the ceasefire for another month.
Mr. President, such a good window of opportunity to end the decade long violence and political turmoil had not been appeared before. The 12 point agreement between the political party alliance and the Maoists provides that the arms of both the Royal Nepalese Army and the Maoists to be supervised by UN or a dependable international body to ensure free and fair election to the constituent assembly. As this agreement presents a rare chance to bring peace and to restore democracy, it will be extremely unfortunate if this opportunity is lost and the country that is already at the brink of collapse enters into another deadly phase of violence.
Therefore, Mr. President, Nepalese Americas Council (NAC), its member organizations listed below and Nepalese Diaspora in the North American continent call upon you to help, either individually, or through the Carter Center, in concert or in collaboration with the United Nations, or in any other manner you feel appropriate. We also request you to consider a short personal trip to Nepal to take a political stock and to provide an impetus to the political process towards returning to peace and the restoration of civil liberties, human rights, and democracy at the earliest possible time.
Thank you.
Dr. Jeet Joshee
President, Nepalese Americas Council
NAC Member Organizations and other Community Groups.Organizations:
America Nepal Friendship Society (ANFS), New York
America Nepal Society (ANS), California
Association of Nepalis in the Americas (ANA)
Association of the Nepalese in the Midwest America
Association of Nepali Terain in America (ANTA)
Florida Nepalese Association (FNA)
Greater Boston Nepali Community ( Boston)
Kaligandaki Friendship Society (KFC), Washington, D.C.
Liberal Democracy Nepal (LDN)
Nepalese Association in South East America ( NASeA)
Nepalese and Friends Association (NAFA)
Nepali Youth Organization (NYO), Washington, D.C.
Nepa Pasha Pucha Amerikaye (NPPA)
Nepal Cultural Society of B.C. (NCSBC)
Nepal Seattle Society
Nepal Community Network of Canada (NCNC)
Nepali Women’s Network of North America
NCNC( North Carolina)
Nepalese Society of Texas ( Dallas)
Nepali American Public Affairs Council (NAPAC)
Nepal Concern Group-Canada
Nepal Enterprise Forum
Nepal Democracy Forum
Rocky Mountain Friends of Nepal (Denver)
Society of Ex-Budhanilkantha Students - North America
Indira Foundation
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