Militancy, as in non-violent militancy. A militancy where you use words like they were bullets.
It is about using the reverse psychology on the Bahuns.
Bahuns are less than 10% of Nepal's population, more like 5, but they have managed to keep every other group off balance. How? They attack at the level of the collective identity, and keep every other group off balance. The Bahun democrats have a long way to go.
Democracy without social justice can not be imagined. And the time to see that and say that is now. You can not wait for later. Later when? After the Bahuns have managed to scuttle federalism? Is that when? No, the time is now. The right wing in power wishes to deny us democracy, the Bahuns wish to turn that democracy into a joke, not into social justice. The game is very much on.
How do you go about it? The Madhesi presence wherever there is Madhesi-Pahandi interaction tends to be along the 95-5 lines. That is true also in America.
That 5 has to learn to speak for the missing 45. That is where the non-violent militancy comes in.
The Madhesi-Pahadi divide is the fundamental issue of social justice in Nepal. Madhesi Dalits are discriminiated against, Madhesi women are discriminated against. The hill Janajatis often are very much part of that Pahadi superstructure.
The Dalit-Madhesi-Janajati-Mahila mantra comes second.
First and foremost is the Madhesi-Pahadi dynamic. The anti-Madhesi prejudice and hostility is front and center. This country is not going anywhere without resolving this fundamental knot.
The solutions are so very obvious, but the Bahuns are in the way.
But the political aspects are for later, in the political rings. The social aspects are immediate.
The mental slavery has to go.
The pride has to be active.
The renunciation of Pahadi prejudice has to be total, vocal, immediate. And the effort has to start in the diaspora where the Madhesis do not depend on the Pahadis for career advancement. If not here, where? If not you, who? If not now, when?
Taking the country to a constituent assembly, and attaining total political equality for the Madhesis through that constituent assembly is the only way. There is no other way. The time is now. Very much now.
If the Madhesis miss this boat now, the Madhesis are passing the workload onto the next generation. That is irresponsible. That is unnecessary. The time is now.
Act. Reach out. Bond. Contribute. If you have not been political before, become so now. Donate. Become part of the conversation. Call people. Talk. Ask questions. Seek answers.
It is so easy to do.
This revolution does not ask for your blood. This is a revolution that will reinvent non-violence itself. But this is a revolution that does ask that you stand up and speak up.
This is not a quest to seek vengeance, but to seek justice uncompromisingly. There is no half there. Ye aar ki paar ki ladai hai.
We have to become a loud voice inside the movement now. Or the movement will slow down. Even if it reaches its zenith, it will cheat us like every revolution in Nepal before.
I am not the ultimate authority, I am just one voice, and there must be other suggestions. But I think there are two things that can be done concretely. Pride is important, but not enough. Ultimately there has to be concrete action.
(1) Join one of the five projects, donate $100: Nepal 5, Nepal 1000.
(2) Critique the Proposed Constitution.
The iron is hot. The time to strike is now. The mud is wet. The time to shape it is now. Tomorrow will be too late. So reach out from wherever you are.
NDF Owner, Stop This Nonsense, Reinstate Immediately
In The Quest For Social Justice Feelings Are Going To Get Hurt