Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Beyond The Three Parties

I don't see how it is possible for there to be national consensus if the Madhesi Morcha, the Badal-Baidya group of Maoists, and the Upendra Yadav led front are not taken into confidence. National consensus is not just the NC, the UML and the Prachanda-Baburam group of Maoists.

Prachanda and Baburam might agree to the Sushil Koirala name but if the NC will not accept the Badal name why would Badal-Baidya accept the Sushil Koirala name? If the NC will not accept the Mahantha Thakur name, why will the Madhesi Morcha accept the Sushil Koirala name? And Upendra Yadav is a legitimate candidate himself. He symbolizes the Madhesi Kranti like few other individuals.

If Prachanda is willing to accept Sushil Koirala as PM when Prachanda's party is bigger than that of Sushil, then why is Sushil not willing to accept Mahantha Thakur even though the Madhesi Morcha is smaller than the NC? Or at least was in the last election. That is a valid question.

देश सहमतितिर अघि बढ्यो: प्रचण्ड
प्रस्तावित भनिएको सहमतिप्रति मोर्चा असन्तुष्ट
गच्छदारको भनाईले म्याद सिद्धिन लागेको ठानिएका प्रधानमन्त्री बाबुराम भट्टराईको स्थिति प्रबल बनाएको देखिएको छ। .... तराई केन्द्रित दलहरुको प्रभावशाली मोर्चा प्रधानमन्त्री भट्टराईको सरकारको ढाल बन्ने संकेत दिएका हुन्। .... “तीनवटा दलले मात्रै गरेको सहमति राष्ट्रिय सहमति हुन सक्दैन। अहिलेसम्म तीनवटा दलहरु बीच मात्रै सहमति गर्ने प्रयास भइरहेको छ। चौथो पक्षलाई सहभागी गराउन बाँकी छ।” ..... हाल सक्रिय चार पक्षको घेराबाट बाहिर निस्केर सहमतिको प्रयास राष्ट्रपतिले थाल्ने सम्भावना बढ्ने ... “राजनीतिक निकासको एवं संविधान अनुसार कदम चाल्न ठाउँ नभएको हुनाले दलहरुलाई पन्छाएर राष्ट्रपति अघि बढ्ने सम्भावना म देख्दिन।
'सहमति कायम भइसकेको छैन'
काँग्रेस उपसभापति रामचन्द्र पौडेलले भने, “सहमतिको नजिक, नजिक पुगेको भन्ने कुरा अहिले सम्म निश्चित छैन, सहमतिले कुनै ठोस आकार प्रकार लिईसकेको छैन।” ... आउँदो चुनावको मिति तोक्ने, संवैधानिक र कानुनी अड्चन फुकाउने, केही समयका लागि भए पनि भट्टराई नेतृत्वको सरकारमा काँग्रेस, एमाले सहभागी हुने/नहुने, संवैधानिक निकायमा रिक्त पदपूर्ति र सत्य निरुपण तथा बेपत्ता छानबीन आयोग गठन गर्ने लगायतका विषयमा प्याकेजमै सहमतिको कोसिस भईरहेको नेताहरुले बताएका छन्।
A new force will emerge in Madhes
My two primary interests are reading and writing. I especially enjoy biographies and autobiographies. I recently finished Deng Xiaoping’s biography written by his daughter. I’ve also started reading Kissinger’s biography. ..... Institutionally, except the Constituent Assembly (which was an exception), Madhesi representation has never been above 20 percent...... In the judiciary, it’s below five percent, and in the Police/Army, it’s below one percent. The Dalit presence in all institutions is negligible and the story of Janajatis is similar..... The situation in Nepal is similar to that of Pakistan around 1947-1950, when 20 percent of the population (Punjabis) dominated at the expense of the Sindhi, Balochi and Pashtun. ...... The next elections will show new trends in the Madhes. New polarisation is underway. A new force to represent the Madhes will emerge. ..... A new Madhesi political force will emerge. There are three or four sides to this new formation. The militant forces in the Madhes, currently in negotiation with the government, are not in the mood to continue with an armed movement. The attraction for the Maoists among Madhesis is dwindling; today Madhesi members in that party are threatening to not participate in their general convention. Disenchanted Madhesis in the UML also did not join Ashok Rai’s party. Moreover, the 11 percent of the vote the Madhesi parties got in the last election will not go back to the Nepali Congress because of that party’s anti-federalist position. ...... The new census is out. It says that literacy rates in the Madhes are among the lowest in Nepal, comparable to the remote mountain district of Humla. ...... Bijay Gachchadar has become minister 11 times but look at the literacy rate in his district—it’s abysmal. ..... can’t condemn migration to the Madhes. We have to think about shared rule with Pahadeys in the Madhes. .... The old agenda was focussed on rights advocacy, the new one will focus on development advocacy.
Warring parties get Prez’s ‘last consensus deadline’
“The President will reach out to all the parties of the dissolved Constituent Assembly and seek their advice if no solution emerges before the deadline. He has no desire to take a lead to form any kind of government”
NC floats ‘holistic’ proposal to confront burning issues
Nepali Congress has proposed that political forces simultaneously agree on amending the Interim Constitution, fulfiling vacant constitutional posts, fixing the date of the Constituent Assembly election and handing over the leadership of a unity government to the party..... NC negotiators have said that all of these issues should be completed on the same day.
Ethnic parties warn of armed struggle
ethnic head of Tamsaling Nepal Rastriya Party, Peshal Tamang ..... Samyukta Jatiya Mukti Morcha Nepal, Kirati Janabadi Workers Party, Tamsaling Nepal Rastriya Dal, Mangol Democratic Party, Mangol Mulbasi Party, Nepal Rastriya Mulbasi Mahasang, Samyukta Rastriyabadi Jatiya Mukti Morcha, Nepal Mukti Morcha, Limbuwan State Force and Tamsaling Swayatta Rajya Parisad
Deal hits PM’s ‘dignified exit’ hurdle
The PM said Koirala was “non-committal to federalism and past agreements.” ...... To Bhattarai, a “dignified exit” is when the NC and the CPN-UML join the incumbent government, albeit for a very brief period, and his government completes all election related tasks, including fixing the date...... Bhattarai has also told his party boss Pushpa Kamal Dahal that he will not resign without turning his government into a national unity one. As an alternative, Bhattarai has proposed forming a unity government led by either a candidate from the Madhesi parties or one from the fringe parties. ..... Koirala has said the date for the new elections should be declared by a new government and not by the Bhattarai government. Earlier, NC negotiators were ready to resolve all the issues simultaneously. ..... NC’s actual reluctance to take the ownership of issues of the new constitution that have been agreed upon, mainly about federalism as proposed by the UCPN (Maoist) and Madhes-based parties. ..... Bhattarai has been pressing Dahal not to agree to change the present government until the party’s convention. The Bhattarai faction of the party is of the view that as it will take more than one month to complete all election related arrangements, government leadership will be handed over to the NC only after that. ...... Dahal is not in a position to force Bhattarai to quit in view of the fast approaching convention. .... an informal meeting of NC office bearers and influential central committee members, has concluded that Bhattarai is a hurdle to consensus.
Pande rejected again for UN force commander
पारस फेरि पक्राउ, पुनस्थापना केन्द्रमा राख्न आदेश
निशानामा पूर्वयुवराज पारस
पूर्व युवराज पारसले मागे सुरक्षा
Prez assures timely removal of constitutional and legal hurdles for polls
Koirala as PM unacceptable: Baidya
PM Bhattarai wants oppn parties to join his govt before leadership handover
Consensus eludes parties as fourth deadline draws to close
PM Bhattarai obstacle to consensus, say NC leaders
Dahal, Sitaula, Nepal hold talks
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Sunday, December 16, 2012

Proposed Constitution

  • A directly elected Prime Minister to serve a four year term for a maximum of two terms. If no candidate gets more than 50% of the votes cast there is a second round between the top two candidates.
  • A ceremonial president elected by all elected officials at all levels of government.
  • Three states: Koshi, Gandaki, Karnali. Keep the current 75 districts. This might be best for rapid economic growth. Hydro is where it's at.
  • Half the parliamentary constituencies in the Terai because half the people live there.
  • A Lower House with 201 members, an Upper House with 51 members.
  • The state legislatures have only one chamber. 
  • The 75 districts will be the 75 multi-member constituencies. But I have a feeling the parties want to keep the first past the post system. That and the proportional representation thing they did for the last constituent assembly.
  • One third of seats reserved for women at all levels.
  • 49% reservation for the DaMaJaMa in all new vacancies in the state apparatus until equity is achieved.
  • Tri-lingual education system in both public and private schools. First language (or any other language spoken in Nepal if Nepali is the first language), Nepali and English.
  • State funded parties. All parties that earned at least 1% of the votes get a sum that is directly proportional to how many votes it earned in the last parliamentary elections. Parties may not otherwise raise money.
Compromise Formula: 75 Multi Member Constituencies, Fully PR Election

Nov 11, 2007: Proposed Constitution
May 26, 2007: Proposed Constitution
Jun 28, 2006: Interim Constitution Draft
Jan 01, 2006: Proposed Republican Constitution
Nov 17, 2005: Proposed Constitution
Aug 08, 2005: Janata Dal Constitution
Jun 18, 2005: Proposed Constitution
May 03, 2005: Proposed Constitution
Apr 04, 2005: This Inadequate, Improper, Insufficient 1990 Constitution
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Agreement Close

Sushil Koirala

Sushil Koirala In Jackson Heights
Sushil Koirala, September 9

NC could accept UCPN (M)'s latest proposal: Deuba
NC could be given government leadership if parties agree to fix a date for CA election and and make appointments to constitutional bodies, including the Election Commission and the Commission for Investigation of Abuse of Authority.
The most important thing is that elections be held in April 2013. I am glad we are about to see some movement to that end.

The all party government under Sushil Koirala has to be an attempt to bring together all the major political forces in the country. That would include the two Maoist parties, and the Upendra Yadav led front. So, all the parties in power right now, plus the Congress and the UML, the breakaway Maoists and the Upendra Yadav front.

Motorable roadway finally reaches remote Mugu in Karnali much to the delight of locals
Dahal confident of parties finalising deals for unity govt by Monday
Consensus agreement will be win-win deal: Sapkota

भट्टराई सरकारले संविधानसभा संशोधन गरेपछि कोइराला प्रधानमन्त्री
Protests will be a test of the opposition’s strength
No CA election unless ethnic issue discarded: KC

Bhattarai says he is ready to make 'sacrifice'

वार्तामा थप लचक हुने एकीकृत माओवादीको निर्णय
कृष्णप्रसाद सिटौलासंग-12.12.12
पोष्टबहादुर बोगटी र बामदेव गौतमसंग-08.12.12

PM Bhattarai warns Prez
It will be my failure if political process fails: PM
Parties would come to agreement soon: PM
Preparations for elections on war-footing: PM
Yadav: Craving for power unfortunate
Watch your step, PM tells Prez
“The only executive authority the President has is endorsing recommendations made by the Cabinet. He should not try to take unilateral decisions,” Bhattarai said.
Japan's LDP, partner on track for two-thirds majority in polls
चुनावको टुंगो छैन, आयोगले तयारी थाल्यो
'आयोगले वैशाखमा हुने चुनावमो पूर्व तयारी गर्दैछ,' निर्वाचन आयुक्त डा. अयोधीप्रसाद यादवले ईकान्तिपुरसित भने, 'सरकारबाट हामी (आयोग) आश्वस्त छौं । चुनावको आधारभूत पूर्वाधार निर्माण भइरहेको छ ।'..... 'निर्वाचन गराउन संविधान, ऐन, कानुन समयमै संशोधन भएर आउनु पर्छ,' आयुक्त यादवले भने, 'करिब एक महिनाभित्र आयोग पदाधिकारीविहीन हुनेछ भन्नेबारे सरकार र दलहरूलाई जानकारी छ । आयोगमा पदाधिकारी नरहे कुनै पनि चुनाव हुनसक्दैन ।' ..... आयोगले यसअघि नै संविधान तथा ऐन कानुनका संशोधन हुनुपर्ने बुँदा किटान गरी सरकारलाई बुझाइसकेको छ । त्यसैगरी आयोगका कार्यवाहक प्रमुख निर्वाचन आयुक्त दोलखबहादुर गुरुङ र आयुक्त यादवको पदावधि आगामी पुस २६ गते पूरा हुनेछ । आयोगका पाँच सदस्यमध्ये तीन सदस्यको पद रिक्त छ ।
मंसिरमा कानुन नआए वैशाखमा चुनाव हुँदैनः आयोग
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Friday, December 14, 2012

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Elections In April 2013 A Must

In Nepal, the quest for April elections

The Baburam Bhattarai government is a caretaker government. It must be replaced by a duly elected government at the earliest. And April 2013 is the best time. It is not a good idea to let a caretaker government stay in power for too long.

The old constituent assembly is dead and gone. A parliament not allowed to last for more than four years is not a bad move, and so I do not wish to drag the Supreme Court into controversy, especially when this particular parliament only had a two year life. That was ample time. The politicians of Nepal registered a collective failure.

Reviving that old assembly was never an option.

The president has no constitutional option to sack the Baburam Bhattarai government. But the political parties have the political option to come to a consensus on a replacement. But that consensus has been a nightmare. The very attempt has been foolish. Consensus is a Panchayati concept. It smells of no party rule.

Bi-polarization is a good thing.

The president is 100% responsible for the current gridlock. Once Baburam became a caretaker Prime Minister he did bring an election timetable. It was the president who unwisely refused to pass the election related ordinances. That was wrong. If those election related ordinances are now not passed by the president's office by the end of December that will mean elections will not be held in April 2013. Then we will be staring at November 2013 or, more likely, April 2014. The NC and the UML will have kept Baburam in the Prime Minister's Chair for a year longer than necessary.

Baburam's best option right now is to expand the cabinet to bring in the breakaway Maoists, the Upendra Yadav led front, Ashok Rai, Kumar Rai and others to form a broader alliance for federalism. As a Prime Minister he can reshuffle his cabinet, he can expand his cabinet, of course he can. That is what being the executive head of the country means. A caretaker Prime Minister is still Prime Minister.

The Asteroids Are Key To Unlocking The Gridlock
The Anti Federal Alliance (AFA)
Consensus Is Not Happening
Baburam's Options
Broadening The Ruling Alliance
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Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The Asteroids Are Key To Unlocking The Gridlock

This is the Anti Federal Alliance.

This is the Federal Alliance.

And these are the asteroids who belong in the Federal Alliance.

As soon as the asteroids realize they belong in the Federal Alliance, this gridlock game is over. And the federalists march on to first a political victory, and then a sweeping electoral victory.

The Anti Federal Alliance is like the king in 2005. The Federal Alliance is like the seven parties. The asteroids are like the Maoists in 2005. The king needed to be isolated through an alliance of the other two forces. Same thing now.

The Five Development Region Thinking
Consensus Is Not Happening
The NC, Fair Polls And The Game Of Musical Chairs
Baburam's Options
Broadening The Ruling Alliance
Four Poles: One PM, Three DPMs
UCPN (M) to be 'flexible' for consensus

Gachchhadar says he is not in PM race
'Walk for Nepal' organised in New York
Minister Tripathi inspects road expansion work

Dahal under pressure
Imagine PM Narendra Modi
An economic facelift

जनताको म्यान्डेटविना एक मिनेट पनि सरकारमा बस्नु लोकतन्त्रको घाँटी निमोठ्नु हो : उपेन्द्र यादव, अध्यक्ष-मधेशी जनअधिकार फोरम नेपाल
कांग्रेस–एमालेको मधेशप्रति प्रष्ट दृष्टिकोण छैन : सन्तोष मेहता, प्रवक्ता-सद्भावना पार्टी
SC issues show cause notice to Prez over consensus call

Dahal offers PM's post to Madhesi leaders
UML CC meet to go for unity govt
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