Showing posts with label Communist Party of Nepal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Communist Party of Nepal. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 02, 2013

A Non Political Cabinet Of Technocrats

It would be a breath of fresh air if a non political cabinet were formed in the leadership of a non political PM. This experiment was successfully conducted in Bangladesh under similar political circumstances.

जसरी भएपनि सविधानसभाको चुनाव गनुपर्ने : मन्त्री महतो
मधेशी मोर्चालाई सरकारमा बस्ने कुनै नैतिक आधार छैन : आत्माराम प्रसाद साह, महासचिव–मधेशी जनअधिकार फोरम (गणतान्त्रिक)

PM proposes to form govt under neutral candidate
EC heads for a vacuum; likely to cast shadow on elections
Opposition parties, including the Nepali Congress and the CPN-UML, are still firm about not participating in the elections without the Bhattarai-led government being replaced by a national consensus one.
2012, a year of futile manoeuvrings, stunts
a year of meaningless manoeuvrings and stunts that only dragged the nation to a deeper political quagmire. ...... The year saw substantial achievement made in connection with the peace process. The protracted process of integration and rehabilitation of former Maoist combatants finally saw completion. In the anti-corruption front too, major decisions did take place that forced such prominent political figures as Chiranjibi Wagle, Gobinda Raj Joshi and Khum Bahadur Khadka (coincidentally all Nepali Congress leaders) to be thrown behind bars. .... loadshedding acted like ants in the businessmen’s pants.
जहाँ पुगेर सहमति हुन्छ, त्यहिं पुग्नुपर्छः दाहाल
महत चढेको जहाज एमाओवादीले फर्काए
महतले सभालाई सम्बोधन गर्दै एमाओवादी कार्यकर्ताको कृयाकलाप अधिनायकवादी, उद्दण्ड र निरंकुश रहेको बताए । आफ्ना कार्यकर्तालाई सहिद घोषणा नगरेसम्म विरोध कार्यक्रम जारी राख्ने उनले बताए ।
Consensus in next couple of days: Dahal
“We should not object to a candidate from outside the parties though," added Dahal.
CPN-Maoist to come up with policy after general convention
Baidya has said that the party would take a clear policy to wage a new people´s revolution after the party´s general convention. .... would introduce a work plan to complete the remaining part of the revolution. .... the party would move ahead by preparing for popular revolt on the basis of people´s war. .... alleged the UCPN-Maoist leaders of submerging into the parliamentary system against the spirit of the people´s war .... CPN-Maoist secretary Dev Gurung said the imperialist and expansionist forces were working through their agents, not directly, in Nepal.
No progress at Maoist property probes
Amid widespread criticism over the lavish lifestyle of some of the party´s leaders, that according to close aides was distinctly at odds their know sources of income, the ruling party had formed two separate commissions during its seventh plenum held last July at Bhrikuti Mandap. Both commissions were asked to submit their reports within a month. ..... The first commission led by party Secretary Posta Bahadur Bogati, who is said to be close to Chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal, was assigned to look into the huge financial irregularities that allegedly took place at the seven PLA cantonments that housed almost 20,000 PLA combatants for almost four years. .... the same plenum had formed another three-member commission led by Amik Sherchan, another close aide to Chairman Dahal, and it was asked to investigate the sources of the huge properties owned by party leaders ..... deepening factional differences and mistrust between the Dahal and Baburam Bhattarai camps have made both the commissions almost defunct. ..... all that the Bogati-led commission did was question some former PLA deputy-commanders ..... the commission had received a barrage of complaints against Chairman Dahal and other senior leaders of the party for their “poor handling” of party funds. Earlier, commission chief Sherchan had informed that a total of 65 complaints had been filed at the commission against various leaders. ...... After the formation of the two commissions, six of the seven former PLA division commanders had resigned en masse from their party posts, alleging that Chairman Dahal was hatching a conspiracy to make a few division commanders scapegoats for huge financial irregularities perpetrated by PLA commanders close to him. ........ The ex-commanders also had demanded a thorough investigation against the former PLA supreme commander and other top level commanders, over embezzlements running into billions of rupees.
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Monday, December 31, 2012

Mohan Baidya Has A Point

When all is said and done Nepal will have ended up like India, not China. India does not have a monarchy. India has federalism. The Indian democracy is not my idea of an attempt at classlessness. (China is not my idea of a democracy, but that is another topic.)

So far the Baidya-Badal group has used the party split as a pressure tactic upon the mother party. If you correct your ways we will reunite is the message.

Consolidating the achievements made so far - republic, secularism, federalism - is a sound strategy on the parts of the likes of Baburam Bhattarai. A Maoist return to an armed insurgency will simply undo the concrete achievements without bringing forth the classic Maoist dictatorship.

If an armed insurgency is not an option and if becoming India-like is not enough, what is to be done? I believe that option is non-violent. And it turns Nepal into a democracy unlike India, and gives Nepal a political system different from China.

The goal has to be to write a constitution in which Nepal is a multi-party democracy in which human rights, as defined by the UN Charter on the same, are guaranteed, but one where political parties are 100% funded by the state according to a formula that is democratic, the obvious one being you get funds in proportion to the number of votes you collect in an election.

When you take money out of politics like that you turn Nepal into a one person, one vote democracy. That makes the poor actively participate, that makes politicians want to invest lavishly in human capital, in education, in health and in credit availability.

In such a democracy the market forces will be given plenty of play. But there will also be options for the state to become part or majority shareholders in companies/corporations. You will not have nationalized industries, but you can have industries the state participates in. The state owning 5% or 10% or 20% of a company might be an interesting experiment in people power without muzzling the market forces. China will tell you the market is the best way to create wealth there ever was.

So I do think Mohan Baidya has a point. But another armed insurgency - "urban revolt" - is not a good option. The best option is in the constitution writing itself. A Nepal that is a multi-party democracy of completely state funded parties is a democracy better than what exists in India, in Britain, in America. And it will be a much better political system than China. China is only now gearing for political reform. That will mean more openness in its political system. Baidya should learn from China.

Where Mohan Baidya does not have a point is in thinking xenophobia is nationalism. His thinking equality for the Madhesis of Nepal is an Indian agenda is racist thinking. He should also learn from China about foreign direct investment (FDI). The more the merrier, China would tell Baidya. Baidya's stance on BIPPA, frankly, is stupid, it is ignorant. Politicians like Baidya would rather send young Nepali women to brothels in Mumbai than bring in FDI so jobs can be created for those women right there in Nepal.

CA demise deepens crisis
The 601-member Assembly, that was hailed as one of the most representative elected body ever in Nepali history saw its unceremonious demise at midnight on May 27 without producing the new constitution. ..... federalism is the major cause of CA´s dissolution .... With the emergence of caucuses comprise of cross-party lawmakers, these groups at times even challenged the whips of their respective parties on crucial issues such as determining a federal model...... leaders from ´traditional´ political parties mainly Nepali Congress and CPN-UML played negative role in the CA. ..... Congress President Sushil Koirala was the one who had for the first time lobbied against CA term extension by holding press conference immediately after then Law Minister Krishna Sitaula, from his own party, registered a bill to extend the CA at parliament. ..... In the absence of parliament, the country has been trapped in a quagmire. The political parties have neither a proper place to form new government nor a House to amend constitution to pave the way for new elections.
Year of dysphoria
Where did one of the most unemotional people on the planet find the energy to pursue the path leading towards freedom, equality and justice in the Spring Uprising 2006 and the Madhesh Uprisings 2007? ..... “Nobody would have a federal constitution if he could possibly avoid it.” His acolytes in Nepal are busy exploring all avenues of avoiding federalism and limiting it to decentralization as a concession. Devolution without recognition of identity can be termed de-concentration or decentralization, but not federalism. .... inclusion is the second most hated word in contemporary Nepal after federalism. ..... The legislature failed to resolve contradictions inherent in its composition and meekly accepted the supremacy of the judiciary. The judiciary in turn decided that the legislature had outlived its utility and declared that it must commit hara-kiri on a designated date. The executive ignored the wishes of the legislature, honored the directives of the court, and killed the mother that had birthed it. .... On every issue of concern of the marginalized and externalized population—democracy, federalism, inclusion, secularism and welfare economy—by and large the Nepali media stood solidly behind traditional forces. .... After his cooptation by banker, builder and business house nexus, the performance of Baburam Bhattarai has been extremely underwhelming. The tragedy is that all his likely successors appear equally uninspiring.
Social Democratic Party unveiled
The newly formed party has a 63-member central committee, including a seven-member presidium. The presidium accommodates Chaitanya Subba, Kumar Rai, Bam Kumari Budha Magar, Pasang Sherpa, Dalmardan Kami, Jyoti Danuwar and Nima Gyaljen Sherpa ..... SDP´s manifesto has four parts. In the introductory part of the manifesto, it has been claimed that the party has adopted the principle of federalism, social democracy, indigenism and pluri-nationalism. ..... The party has claimed that the characteristic of the state power has remained unchanged to date, with a particular class and race dominating the state power and politics. ...... It has stated that political parties, bureaucracy, civil society, media and intellectual society, which are dominated by elite and high caste, have stood against ethnicity-based federalism, right to self-determination, ethnic and regional autonomy.
Major parties seek five more days to form unity govt
राष्ट्रपतिसंग थप समय माग्ने संकेत
एकीकृत माओवादीका प्रवक्ता अग्नि सापकोटाले छैठौं म्याद पनि गुज्रिएपछि राष्ट्रपतिलाई के भन्ने त्यसबारे आफ्नो पार्टीको धारणा प्रष्ट भइनसकेको स्वीकारे। .... पुष २५ गतेसम्ममा सहमति नजुटे संविधानसभा पुनर्स्थापना गर्नु पर्ने विकल्प सत्तारुढ दलका नेताहरुले यसै साता अघि सारे।
KC comes down heavily upon UCPN (M)
Neutral government won’t deliver May election
political parties to sort out and recommend an agreeable government to take the country to elections. He has, until now, played a constructive role and has wide popularity so I don’t think he’d do anything that is not recommended by political parties. Second, those who are arguing in favour of a neutral government have a misguided perception.
भारतीय बिदेशमन्त्रीले राष्ट्रपतिलाई पाँच पटक भेटे
भारतले मिलाउँदैन, आफैं मिल्नुपर्छः राष्ट्रपति
राष्ट्रपतिको सवारीले दिउँसो दुई बजेदेखि ४ बजेसम्म राजधानीको ट्राफिक अस्तव्यस्त भएको थियो । राष्ट्रपति भारत जाँदा पनि सडकमा 'अघोषित कर्फ्यु' लगाउँदा दिनभर सडक अस्तव्यस्त भएको थियो ।
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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The Implications Of The Madhesi Party Unification

In the last election the Madhesi parties did better than they ever had. But they still got less than half of what they should have gotten. If there were 600 seats overall, there were 300 seats in the Terai. The Madhesi parties together got about 80. That is 80 out of 300. There is a long way to go.

Now they are better positioned because the Nepali Congress is in an even worse position today. Post 1990 the thinking in the Terai was you might not like the Nepali Congress but that is the party that will end up in power, so you might as well rally behind. That incumbency has now shifted to the Madhesi parties. It is the Madhesi parties that are in power. It is them that will return to power after elections are held. That rationale will help the Madhesi parties wipe out the Nepali Congress, a party that was damaged but not wiped out the last time around.

Even if the Madhesi parties do not unify, even if they only build an electoral alliance, they are likely to cross 100 seats. My guess is they will approach somewhere between 100 and 150. But if they are unified they will approach 200 seats. They might even cross that 200 mark.

But something interesting has happened in the meantime. Upendra Yadav's alliance has ethnic parties that are in the hills. And so the unified Madhesi party will no longer be a Madhesi party, it will be a national party. That crossover is a big deal. That not only expands the base of the Madhesi politicians into the hills, that also brings about a cultural crossover in the Terai itself. 40% of the people in the Terai are not Madhesi. There are Pahadis - Bahun, Chhetri - and there are Janajatis. Upendra Yadav, in the act, has also proven he deserves to be leading the unified party. Rajendra Mahto has a mass base as well, he has also ventured into the hills. That's a party Vice President right there.

That cultural crossover is a big plus point.

Another advantage of unification is it will force the Madhesi leaders who have come from both Congress and communist backgrounds to get past those ideological baggages, also reflected in leadership styles, to forge something new. One criticism of Upendra Yadav has been his leadership style is dictatorial. Communists might call that discipline. To people of Upendra Yadav's ideological background - a former communist, a former Maoist - people like Mahantha Thakur and JP Gupta come across as chaotic, disorganized, haphazard. You only have to take one look at how the Nepali Congress is and you will see. Half the time you feel like Sher Bahadur Deuba never accepted Sushil Koirala as the party leader. The Congress thrives on that kind of indiscipline. They think that shows there is democracy inside the party.

The exercise of unification will do the Madhesi politicians a lot of good. Right now the attempt should be to also get Upendra Yadav to join the ruling coalition, even as the leader of a separate front.

Unification can not be written off just yet. Even if attempts fail that might still make room for an electoral alliance. Without the electoral alliance the Madhesi parties might struggle to repeat their performance of the past election. Worse, they might end up hurting the cause of federalism.

When you put together a collage of Madhesi leaders you don't see Dalit and female faces. That is ground the Madhesi parties are ceding to the Maoists in the Terai. That is not wise.

TMDP, MPRF Unification: Huge
Madhesi, Janajati parties float 'Federal Democratic Front'
Federal Democratic Front-Nepal formed
seven parties .... The front has decided to form three different task forces to draft a declaration of unification of parties, the statute of the party and its political programme. ..... Parshuram Tamang, chairman of Tamsaling Nepal National Party (TNNP)..... if we remained as we were, we would never gain strength and would always be considered regional parties, we have come together to form a strong party that can work as an alternative to the so-called big parties .... the front would turn into a brand new party within the next three months .... more than 13 forces had forged agreement to join the front but we happened to be only seven today due to some technical errors among the parties. They will join the front very soon,” he said, adding that they have also held several rounds of dialogue with the Ashok Rai-led progressive group of CPN-UML and the Kumar Rai-led group of Nepali Congress.

Nepal’s Maoists, Madhesis form federal alliance

दाहालको प्रस्ताव 'ललिपप’ : मधेसी दल
मोर्चा स्रोतका अनुसार शनिबार कांग्रेसका नेताद्वय कृष्णप्रसाद सिटौला र मिनेन्द्र रिजालले ठाकुरसँग प्रत्यक्ष सम्पर्क गर्न खोजे पनि उनी जनकपुरमा भएकाले सम्भव भएन ।
मधेसी मोर्चाद्वारा स्वागत न विरोध
एक होलान् मधेसी दल ?
शुक्लसहित वृजेशकुमार गुप्ता र जेपी यादवको वार्ता टोलीले मधेसी जनअधिकार फोरम नेपालसँग चार चरण एकीकरणको विषयमा छलफल गरेको छ भने अध्यक्ष ठाकुर र फोरम नेपाल अध्यक्ष उपेन्द्र यादवबीच पनि बाक्लै छलफल भएको छ । 'एकीकरण प्रक्रियाबारे पर्याप्त छलफल भएको छ,' फोरम अध्यक्ष यादवले कान्तिपुरसित भने, 'एक-अर्कालाई बुझ्न र अघि बढ्न यसले सहयोग पुर्‍याएको छ ।' ..... फोरम नेपालबाहेक सबै मधेसी दलहरूसँग वार्ता गर्न बनाइएको भौतिक योजनामन्त्रीसमेत रहेका त्रिपाठीसहित जितेन्द्र सोनार र पुष्पा ठाकुरको टोलीले मधेसी जनअधिकार फोरम (लोकतान्त्रिक) का अध्यक्ष एवं गृहमन्त्री विजयकुमार गच्छदार र वार्ताका लागि उक्त पार्टीले तोकेको उपाध्यक्ष रामेश्वर राय, महासचिव जितेन्द्रनारायण देव, रामजनम चौधरी र मृगेन्द्रकुमार सिंह यादवलगायतसँग छलफल गरेको छ । ..... एकीकरणकै विषयमा अध्यक्ष ठाकुरले गच्छदारसहित मधेसी जनअधिकार फोरम (गणतान्त्रिक) का कार्यवाहक अध्यक्ष एवं सञ्चारमन्त्री राजकिशोर यादव, सद्भावना अध्यक्ष एवं स्वास्थ्यमन्त्री राजेन्द्र महतो र राष्ट्रिय मधेस समाजवादी पार्टीका अध्यक्ष शरतसिंह भण्डारीलगायतसँग छलफल गरिसकेका छन् । दसैं सुरु भइसकेकाले अहिले छलफल रोकिएको छ । दसैंलगत्तै फेरि वार्ता जारी हुनेछ । .... फोरम नेपाल र तमलोपाबीच एकीकरणको सम्भावना सबैभन्दा नजिक पुगेको छ ...... फोरम नेपाल र तमलोपाबीच केन्द्रीय कार्यसमिति, नाम, चुनाव चिह्न, पार्टीको सिद्धान्त र अवधारणाबारे व्यापक छलफल भएको छ । भण्डारी अध्यक्ष रहेको राष्ट्रिय मधेस समाजवादी पार्टी (रामसपा) र फोरम नेपाल एकै मोर्चामा भएकाले रामसपा र तमलोपाबीच पनि एकीकरण सहज देखिन्छ । एकीकरण भए केही समयअघि घोषित 'संघीय लोकतान्त्रिक मोर्चा' मा आबद्ध दलहरू पनि समेटिने सम्भावना छ । मोर्चामा ५ वटा जनजाति पार्टी छन् । ...... तराई मधेसमा पछिल्लो अवस्थामा तमलोपा, फोरम नेपाल, रामसपा र राजेन्द्र महतो अध्यक्ष रहेको सद्भावनाको पकड देखिन्छ । संविधानसभा जारी रहेकै बखत बनेका पार्टीहरू उद्योगमन्त्री अनिल झा अध्यक्ष रहेको संघीय सद्भावना, रामनरेश राय अध्यक्ष रहेको राष्ट्रिय सद्भावना, महेन्द्र राय यादव अध्यक्ष रहेको तमलोपा नेपाल, सञ्चारमन्त्री राजकिशोर यादव अध्यक्ष रहेको फोरम गणतान्त्रिक, सरिता गिरी अध्यक्ष रहेको सद्भावना (आनन्दीदेवी) लगायतका साना दलको जनस्तरमा पकड देखिन्न । ....... फोरम -लोकतान्त्रिक) सँग एकीकरणका लागि त्रिपाठी संयोजकत्वको टोलीले वार्ता गरिरहे पनि ऊसँगको वार्ता भने त्यत्ति नजिक पुगेको छैन । एकीकरण हुँदा कुनै बेला एउटै पार्टीमा रहेका उपेन्द्र यादव र शरतसिंह भण्डारीसँगै हुने भएकाले पनि गच्छदार तत्कालै एकीकरणका लागि तयार देखिन्नन् । ..... तत्कालै गच्छदारको पार्टी बाहेकलाई एकीकृत गराउन सके पनि मधेसमा हैसियत प्राप्त दल बन्ने तमलोपा अध्यक्ष ठाकुरको बुझाइ छ । त्यसो त, यो परिस्थितिमा चुनाव भइहाले मधेसमा धेरै दल भएको हिसाबले मधेसीका कोटामा धेरै सिट हात नपर्ने स्पष्ट नै छ ।
बृहत मधेसी मोर्चामा फुट
फोरम लोकतान्त्रिकको संसदीय दलमा झडप

'SLMM to support party committed to past pacts'
Secret talks held for PM's dignified exit
Basnyat, a ‘controversial genius’
NC floats ‘holistic’ proposal to confront burning issues
PM derailed consensus: NC
आज दिनभर राजनीतिक सक्रियता तिब्र
मधेससंगको सबै सहमति माने समर्थन
उनीहरुले एमाओवादी, का“ग्रेस र एमालेबीच मात्र भएको सहमति नमान्ने पनि जनाएको छ ।
प्रचण्ड र प्रधानमन्त्रीबीच मतभेद
चुनावको निर्णय कार्यान्वयनमा तदारुकता देखाउन राष्ट्रपतिको आग्रह

Three-party leaders to President: Consensus is in sight Bhattarai snubs UCPN(M) office bearers' meet
Dahal courts UML leaders as Bhattarai's stance triggers fresh row
Earlier, Dahal had forwarded an eight-point proposal to UML which included announcement of the date for elections in Baisakh (April-May), constitutional amendments necessary to hold the elections, appointment of office-bearers in constitutional bodies, owning up of the issues finalised by the dissolved Constituent Assembly and participation of the opposition parties in Bhattarai-led government for a brief period before handover of government leadership to the Nepali Congress, among others. ..... "The UML accepted all the points except for one about turning Bhattarai into a consensus government before leadership handover," a UML source said, "UML and NC are not ready to join the Bhattarai government even for a day."
Party decision binding on all members: UCPN (M) Spokesperson
Nepal's illicit capital flight totals $8 billion in 10 years
crime, corruption, and tax evasion cost the developing world 858.8 billion U.S. dollars in 2010
Ethnic parties demand CA revival
PM denies role in Timila's appointment
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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Mahantha Thakur For PM

The Maoists will not agree to any NC or UML person. The NC and the UML will not agree to any Maoist name. But none of those three parties have said they will not agree to the Mahantha Thakur name. Perhaps efforts should be made to get all parties to coalesce around the Mahantha Thakur name.
Prez to extend deadline if parties fail to forge consensus
Five days on, consensus on new prime ministerial candidate remains elusive as ruling parties have rejected to give government leadership to both Nepali Congress and CPN-UML, the two main opposition parties. The ruling UCPN (Maoist) has announced that they were ready to offer alternative candidate from within the ruling alliance if there was no consensus on Baburam Bhattarai, but not ready to give away leadership to the opposition parties.
UML rejects Maoists leading new govt

Nepal has 26m plus people
Koirala lobbies for PM post, Poudel dismayed
Prez can't exercise executive power on his own: PM
Delineation of election constituencies is not a big deal: EC
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