In my last blog entry, I have explored the possibility of a democratic coalition minus the Nepali Congress. I will have to revise that. If the NC chooses to stand by its demand to revive the parliament, it has every democratic right to do so. Instead the NC cadres should be used to create pressure to compromise with the king on the idea of an interim government, which is what I have stated in an earlier blog entry.
And I still think the RPP, RJP, and the Mandal Sadbhavana should be invited in. All three are for constitutional monarchy and multi-party democracy. The last time major protests were launched, Deuba's Congress was kept at bay because Girija said so. Guess what, the king was able to exploit that split. This time the king is being given an opportunity to tap on someone like Surya Bahadur Thapa. Better to have Thapa in your democratic camp. Thapa is the civilian version of King G: he is cunning as hell. Can't afford to have him at large.
In The News
- Nepal displeasure to India, Britain on opposition alliance issue Xinhua, China On May 16, the Indian government and European Union had separately welcomed the forging of alliance among seven opposition parties in Nepal.
- Nepal expresses "concern" to India over statement alliance
Outlook (subscription) the common position announced by the parties, who represent over 90 percent of dissolved parliament........ The seven party alliance has announced fresh stir beginning May 22 to restore democracy and fundamental rights urging King Gyanendra to reinstate the Parliament and form an all party government. - Nepal warns parties against anti-king slogans Reuters AlertNet, UK Nepal's royalist government told political parties on Saturday it would not tolerate public criticism of King Gyanendra during pro-democracy protests........ After widespread condemnation, the king lifted emergency rule but he continues to hold unlimited power, many political leaders are still in jails and civil liberties remain suspended........ Earlier this month, Nepal's Maoist rebels said they supported the political parties in their campaign to restore democracy....... The government said the Maoist rebels might infiltrate the rallies and the political parties would be held responsible for any "untoward incidents" during the protests.
- Nepal Army plays tape saying India in league with Nepal Maoists Newindpress, India the Royal Nepal Army raised a new roadblock by making public video tapes it said suggest New Delhi's links with the Nepal Maoist faction led by Baburam Bhattarai......... ‘‘India was clearly suggesting that the two leaders would be released only after their man Dr Bhattarai was reinstated in his earlier posts,'' Prachanda said....... Bhattarai was head of the ‘People's Government' and later of the western regional command of the Maoists....... Prachanda claimed that ‘‘we received a message from the Indian authorities for a dialogue, but we said we would welcome them in our territory with full guarantee of their safety and security.''...... Hours after the RNA released the tapes, the Indian Embassy in Kathmandu issued a statement, denying Prachanda's claims about the Government of India. It also questioned the authenticity of the audio-visual tapes played by the RNA....... New Delhi has already sent a batch of thermal imagers. Radio sets, jeeps and trucks will be sent in the coming weeks. India has also agreed to service some of the Insas rifles being used by the RNA. The RNA act of releasing the tapes has stumped New Delhi........ $40 million package for RNA includes training at the Counter Insurgency and Jungle Warfare school. Supply of Cheetah helicopters, Insas rifles and sophisticated surveillance equipment.......Senior Maoist leaders like C P Gajurel and Mohan Baidya arrested in India and still in custody.
- Resume arms supply, Nepal urges India
Hindu Nepal said it was short of bullets for 5.56 and 7.62-bore weapons and would have to dig into its final reserves if India did not start replenishing its stocks.... the 32,000-strong "first-line" troops of the Royal Nepal Army need at least 65 lakh rounds of ammunition for its two main types of standard issue weapons. - Nepal on its knees for arms
Calcutta Telegraph Royal Nepal Army (RNA) is now delving into its reserves of ammunition for its standard issue India-supplied INSAS 5.56-mm and 7.62-mm combat weapons. The stock of ammunition for these guns could run “dangerously low” in less than a month....... The Maoists have declared that their armed insurgency has entered a phase of “strategic offensive”. Consequently, military authorities expect the Maoists to attack RNA establishments. Given the RNA’s level of training, the usage of ammunition is high....... The RNA has two battalions of special forces equipped with American and Belgian guns but the Indian Small Arms System (INSAS) 5.56 mm and the old 7.62 mm self loading rifle (that is being phased out from the Indian Army) are its primary weapons....... The RNA, which is in the middle of an expansion programme, also needs more INSAS rifles, mine-protection vehicles, field guns and bulletproof jackets. - Nepal foreign secy raps Indian envoy
Times of India India's envoy here sought Nepal's support for his country's bid to become a permanent member of the UN Security Council, but a top Nepalese official used the occasion to blast New Delhi......... "Development of multi-party democracy must be an essential part of any acceptable and sustainable resolution of the conflict," the EU said. - Nepal rights official chooses 'self-exile' in Delhi:- Webindia123, India
- Nepal tightens grip on media, new law passed Deccan Herald, India Tightening its grip on the media despite lifting of emergency, Nepal's Royal government has passed strict laws aimed at curbing press freedom, prohibiting any news item that causes "hatred or disrespect" against King Gyanendra and his family members..... the government's intention to "totally control free press and to convert it into government's propaganda machinery."....... The law, which is yet to be made public, prohibits publishing any item that "causes hatred or disrespect against the King and his family members." It bans publishing items that promote or help terrorists, terrorism and destructive activities and prohibits broadcasting news-based programmes by private FM radio stations, besides restricting license to a single individual to operate only two options out of radio, television and newspaper.
- Nepal to support Egypt for Security Council permanent membership Xinhua, China
- UML Democracy Bulletin 10 INSN
- Press Release By Six Parties After Meeting Natwar Singh INSN .....delegation handed him over a copy of their consensual road map for restoration of full democracy and peace in Nepal. Mr. Singh was happy and expressed full support to the proposed road map. The meeting lasted for more than 45 minutes in a happy and relaxed ambiance. ....... delegates reminded Mr. Singh of 1951 commitment of then Prime Minister of Jawahar Lal Nehru for the elections of the sovereign constituent assembly. Such an election for a constituent assembly has to be preceded by restoration of the dissolved House of Representatives. The HoR will set up a national government competent to hold peace talk with the Maoists. The delegates assured the Minister that such peace talk could be held meaningfully and peace would be restored in Nepal along with a fundamental restructuring of the nation state of Nepal......... The Minister reiterated his faith and trust in the capabilities of political parties. He asked them to be in touch on permanent basis. He expressed happiness at the unity of political parties........ Pradi Giri – Nepali Congress (D), Rajan Bhattarai – CPN (UML), Dr. Shekhar Koirala and Mathura Prasad Ghimire – Nepali Congress, Hridayesh Tripathi and Rajendra Mahto – Nepal Sadbhawana Party (A), Chandra Dev Joshi – United Left Front, Ganga Paudel – People’s Front
- Gorkhapatra's Creative Journalism INSN “The bringing of 100 to 150 Nepalese to Washington yesterday wasn’t merely a shameful act, but also severely to be condemned. In a democracy, people are allowed to criticize. But to denounce one’s nationality and the head of one’s state is not a democratic value.” ....... “Former prime minister Girija Prasad Koirala’s daughter Sujata Jost spent thousands of dollars to spread rumors about Nepal. At yesterday’s demonstration, she spent $50 a head to bring each person there, and because Sunday was a holiday, there were a few Nepali laborers present” ......“Those who bankrupted the nation by committing corruption through the Lauda, Dhamija, and Chase Air scandals, and those who helped the corrupt people in high positions, are trying to reincarnate. But nobody is ready to believe these corrupt people.”
- Musharraf gives tacit backing to Nepal King's power grab Outlook (subscription), India Musharraf has said the monarch's action should be seen in the light of failure of the previous governments to contain the Maoists' "menace." ..... The General said he has good relations with the King ...... he believed that systems should change if they failed to resolve problems faced by the country....... "Nation is not made for democracy, democracy is made for the nation. If the nation is suffering, something has to be done" ..... Chamberline and Nepolean were responsible for establishing democracies in Britain and France
- 50 Maoists killed in Nepal clashes
Daily Times ... the rebels said only six guerrillas were killed in the fighting, including their eastern area commander.
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