A forging of a Indo-US-EU alliance for democracy might be a "gift" of Nepal's 2/1. Let's face it, ultimately the alliance will have to face China itself. I don't know if it will be 10 or 20 years from now, but that time will come. It will not be more than a generation. And Nepal is no Taiwan. China will not go to war with the Indo-US-EU alliance just because the alliance might end up opting for miltary action. The best thing about publicly putting the military option on the table might be that force might not have to be used. The threat will be enough.
China, Pakistan, Russia, Cuba. When they say 2/1 is Nepal's internal matter, they are not saying they support it. They are definitely not saying they will fight for the junta should the need arise.
Unilateral disarmament is ineffective politics. When the junta keeps its "emergency" in place with threat of force, and you demand that it restore all fundamental rights, but you do not back that demand with possible use of force, then you are disarming unilterally. It will not work.
A junta that has taken away the fundamental rights of the Nepali people is not the representative of the sovereignty of the country.
Step 1: Cut military aid.
Step 2: Cut all aid.
Step 3: Economic sanctions and blockade.
Step 4: Seize all property held by the junta outside the country.
Step 5: Threaten to come in.
Of course, the better option would be for the three powers to fund the Nepali democrats in India and elsewhere to organize in a massive way while also keeping steps 1-5 on the table. How about the three powers pumping in $1 million each to start with? I call this the Ukraine option.
The Ukraine option is my preferred one.
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orange_Revolution .....a series of protests and political events that took place throughout the country ..... the capital city of Ukraine and center of the revolution where a large 24-hour tent city was set up ..... series of nationwide protests, sit-ins, and planned general strikes .....the Orange Revolution reached its successful and peaceful conclusion ..... massive protests began in cities across Ukraine: the major one in Kiev's Maidan Nezalezhnosti (Independence Square) attracted an estimated 500,000 participants ..... The demonstrations in Kiev were of an unheard-of scale. By many estimates, on some days they drew over 1 million people to the streets, in freezing weather...... though apparently spontaneous, was the result of extensive grassroots campaigning and coalition building among the opposition ...... extensive work by student activists ......
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gene_Sharp .... Sharp's key insight is that power is not monolithic. According to Sharp, as a dictator continues to discredit himself or herself, more and more police officers and soldiers will do things other than follow the dictator's orders, and once a critical mass is reached, will openly disobey. The activists need to have a positive program, he argues.
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nonviolent_resistance Gene Sharp has identified 198 methods of nonviolent action which may be used to defend countries from invasion, undermine dictatorships, block coups d'etat or challenge unjust social systems. They include:
- symbolic protests
- hunger strike
- paralysis of transportation
- social boycotts
- specific and general strikes
- civil disobedience
- economic shutdowns
- political noncooperation
- "disappearance" under false identity
- economic boycotts
- public demonstrations
- slow-downs
- publication of banned newspapers
- deliberate inefficiencies
- assistance to persecuted people
- broadcasts about resistance on radio and television
- judicial resistance
- defiance by the government
- denial of legitimacy to the usurpers
- non-cooperation of civil servants
- legislative procrastination and delays
- declaration of defiance
- persistent continuation of old policies and laws
- student defiance
- children's demonstrations
- individual and mass resignations
- refusal of collaboration
- maintenance of autonomy of independent organizations and institutions
- subversion of the usurpers' troops, and incitement to them to mutiny
- Orange Ukraine - Journal of Ukrainian Current Events
- Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | US campaign behind the ...
- Build Ukraine
- BBC NEWS | World | Europe | Revolutions: What's in a name?
- Orange Revolution: Information From Answers.com .....a series of nationwide protests, sit-ins, and planned general strikes .....massive protests began in cities across Ukraine ..... A path to a compromise through people demonstrating their will is the only path that will help us find a way out of this conflict. Therefore, the committee of national salvation declares a nationwide political strike. ..... extensive work by student activists ..... Activists in each of these movements were funded and trained in tactics of political organization and nonviolent resistance by a coalition of Western pollsters and professional consultants funded by a range of Western government and non-government agencies....... Writings on nonviolent struggle by Gene Sharp formed the strategic basis of these student campaigns. .....
- US May Aid Iran Activists
- US May Aid Iran Activists - Empire? - Global Policy Forum
- Promoting Democracy: Money Talks
- [PDF] Supporting Human Rights and Democracy: The US Record 2003 -2004
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML wwwc.house.gov/international_ relations/108/State/Intro.pdf -Similar pages - US Democratization Assistance
- Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | US campaign behind the ... ....With their websites and stickers, their pranks and slogans aimed at banishing widespread fear of a corrupt regime, the democracy guerrillas of the Ukrainian Pora youth movement .....while the gains of the orange-bedecked "chestnut revolution" are Ukraine's, the campaign is an American creation, a sophisticated and brilliantly conceived exercise in western branding and mass marketing that, in four countries in four years, has been used to try to salvage rigged elections and topple unsavoury regimes ...."chestnut revolution".... consultancies, pollsters, diplomats ...... experience gained in Serbia, Georgia and Belarus has been invaluable in plotting to beat the regime of Leonid Kuchma in Kiev...... The operation - engineering democracy through the ballot box and civil disobedience - is now so slick that the methods have matured into a template ..... If you want to know how to beat a regime that controls the mass media, the judges, the courts, the security apparatus and the voting stations, the young Belgrade activists are for hire. ..... Stickers, spray paint and websites are the young activists' weapons. Irony and street comedy mocking the regime have been hugely successful in puncturing public fear and enraging the powerful....... the techniques of mass defiance ...... pollsters and professional consultants are hired to organise focus groups and use psephological data to plot strategy ..... The usually fractious oppositions have to be united behind a single candidate if there is to be any chance of unseating the regime. That leader is selected on pragmatic and objective grounds ..... Officially, the US government spent $41m (£21.7m) organising and funding the year-long operation to get rid of Milosevic from October 1999. In Ukraine, the figure is said to be around $14m...... the "parallel vote tabulation", a counter to the election-rigging tricks beloved of disreputable regimes ...... stay cool but determined and to organise mass displays of civil disobedience, which must remain peaceful but risk provoking the regime into violent suppression .... the events in Kiev vindicate the US in its strategies for helping other people win elections and take power from anti-democratic regimes
- Haiti: The US-Led Intervention, 1994 / Operation Uphold Democracy ...
- Invasion, intervention, intervasion: a concise history of the US ...
- frontline: give war a chance: a chronology of us military ...
- Operation Uphold Democracy ....the UN imposed an oil and arms embargo, bringing the Haitian military to the negotiating table ..... The military derailed the process and the UN reimposed economic sanctions. The political and human rights climate continued to deteriorate as the military and the de facto government sanctioned repression, assassination, torture, and rape in open defiance of the international community's condemnation. ..... the UN adopted Resolution 940 authorizing member states to use all necessary means to facilitate the departure of Haiti's military leadership and restore constitutional rule ..... the United States took the lead in forming a multinational force (MNF) to carry out the UN's mandate by means of a military intervention ...... the regime did not relinquish authority but became increasingly repressive and presided over a deteriorating economy ...... the concept of Operations Plan (OPLAN) 2370 was offensive violence inflicted suddenly, from air and sea, with overwhelming but appropriate force ...... OPLAN 2380 was developed for a permissive entry but still sought to land large numbers of well-armed troops in an offensive, combat-ready posture ...... For the invasion, an airdrop was planned involving 3,900 paratroopers. Most of this force was airborne when Haitian officials agreed to a peaceful transition of government and permissive entry of American forces...... the MNF deployed peacefully, Cedras and other top military leaders left Haiti, and restoration of the legitimate government began ...... The credible threat of overwhelming force--combined with skillful, eleventh-hour diplomacy--enabled U.S. forces to land unopposed
- Impact Evaluation PEAIDTO HAITI - View as HTML - Web Search dec.org
THE CIVIL MILITARY OPERATIONS CENTER (CMOC) IN OPERATION UPHOLD DEMOCRACY (HAITI) P To, MAL Wilkins - View as HTML - Web Search maxwell.af.mil - au.af.mil - theinteragency.org
US-Latin American Relations During the Cold War and Its Aftermath JI Dominguez - View as HTML - Cited by 2 - Web Search Bulmer-Thomas, Victor/Dunkerley, James (Hrsg.), The United … - wcfia.harvard.edu - wcfia.harvard.edu
A New Pax Americana? The US Exercise of Hard Power East Asia and Latin America
R Paarlberg - View as HTML - Web Search wcfia.harvard.edu -
Underlying US National Security JP Frizzell - View as HTML - Web Search ndu.edu
… in an Untrustful World: The Need for a Global, Ethical Approach to US Defense Department Principles … MA Van Dyke - View as HTML - Web Search bledcom.com
National Peace Essay Contest 2001-2002 Teaching Guide on Debating the US Military’s Role in … SS Lessons - View as HTML - Web Search usip.org
- STARK WARNING ON NEPAL Special Broadcasting Service, Australia
- UN and donors say Nepal is close to humanitarian crisis
Channel News Asia .... The joint statement was issued by 11 foreign missions and donor agencies including the Canadian International Development Agency, Danish International Development Agency, Britain's Department for International Development, the UN in Nepal, German Technical Cooperation, USAID/Nepal and the Finnish and Norwegian embassies.
- Nepal 'near humanitarian abyss'
BBC News .... Children are among the worst affected, it says, with many suffering from a lack of vitamins and essential dugs...... Credible reports have emerged in recent weeks that some women died in childbirth because they were unable to reach medical help, the statement adds...... There is also concern for the fate of 100,000 Bhutanese refugees in eastern Nepal, who are dependent on relief but find the flow of aid regularly blocked.
Students protest for democracy in Nepal Seattle Post Intelligencer .....detained dozens of students protesting ..... Hundreds of police dragged demonstrators from the main market in Katmandu. .... The protests were organized by 10 different student groups linked to the main political parties. They are urging colleagues to join banned street protests ..... "Our only goal is restoration of full democracy and we will battle to the end. This is the beginning of our decisive battle against the autocratic regime," student leader Gagan Thapa said in a telephone interview..... Police have been hunting down student activists, jailing them and harassing their families .... the government has strictly censored the media and sought to justify strict crackdowns on rallies by citing intelligence that they were being infiltrated by communist rebels .... - Protests erupt in Nepal
NEWS.com.au "I was told the news report in my paper which said around 750 protesters across the country had been nabbed for holding anti-king protests on Monday, had gone against the spirit and norms of the royal proclamation of February 1," Wagle told reporters.
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