Tuesday, May 15, 2007

द्वैध नागिरकता िबना नेपालमा अार्िथक क्रान्ित सम्भव छैन

उपेन्द्र महतोलाई अिधकांश नेपालीले संसारको सबैभन्दा धनी नेपालीको रूपमा िचन्दछन्छात्रवृितमाबेलरूस पढ्न गएको एक जना मधेशी, एक जना नेपाली कहाँबाट कहाँ पुग्यो, त्यो जस्तो भरखर अाफ्नोकम्पनी लौन्च गरेको मधेशीकोलािग ठूलो प्रेरणाको कुरा वहाँ मेरोलािग संभावनाको प्रतीक हुनुहुन्छ२००६ जुलाईमा वहाँलाई भेट्ने मौका पिन पाएँथुप्रै समय सँगै िबताइयोवहाँ एकदम डाउन टु अर्थ, मजािकयाटाइपको मािनस हुनुहुँदो रहेछ िनकै प्रभािवत भएँवहाँ अाक्कलझुकल मेरो इनबक्समा पिन देिखनेगर्नुहुन्छमलाई िनकै गर्व लाग्छ

िबजनेस अाफ्नो ठाउँमा तर वहाँले प्रवासी नेपालीकालािग अिहलेसम्म जे गर्नुभएको , त्यो अाफैमाएउटा पूर्ण किरयर होपहाडी समुदायले वीपी कोइराला जन्मायोमधेशी समुदायले उपेन्द्र महतो जन्मायोनेपालको राजनीितक क्रान्ितमा वीपीको जे स्थान , अार्िथक क्रान्ितमा उपेन्द्रको त्यही स्थान हुन जानेमैले देिखराखेको छुउपेन्द्रजीको उमेर पिन खासै भइसक्या छैनवहाँसँग समय प्रयाप्त

तर अमेिरकाको पहिरयाहरूले उपेन्द्र महतोलाई अप्िरिसएट गरेको जस्तो मलाई लाग्दैनअमेिरकाकोपहिरयाहरू भनेको पढेलेखेकाहरू हुन्हर्ताकर्ता पहिरयाहरू अिधकांश अप्पर िमडल क्लास हुन पाएरै दंगछन्एक डलर भनेको ७० रूप्या भन्ने िहसाब गर्दै दंगनत्र भने कहाँ राजा भोज कहाँ गंगवा तेलीअमेिरकाका टप पहिरयाहरू उपेन्द्र महतोको िमडल म्यानेज्मेन्ट लायक पिन छैनन्नेट वर्थको कुरैनगरौं

मलाई याद २००६ जुलाईको न्यु जर्सी कन्भेन्शनमा वहाँ अाउनुभयोउद्घाटन समारोहमा वहाँलाई स्टेजमाराख्नुपर्ने तर वहाँको नाम पिन उच्चारण गिरएनकत्रो अपमानअमेिरकाका पहिरयाहरू भनेका त्यहीनेपालकै पहिरयाहरू नै हुन्हवाइजहाज चढेर यहाँ अाइपुगेको हुनसक्छ, तर मेन्टािलटी केही पिन चेन्ज भाछैन जस्तो लाग्योमैले यो कुराको गुनासो साथी चन्द्र प्रकाश शर्मासँग गरेंअिन वहाँले अाफ्नो नेपालीअावाजको कार्यक्रममा उपेन्द्रजी जीवाजीलाई अिभनन्दन गर्नुभोनेपाली अावाज भनेको अमेिरकाकोपिहलो नेपाली पेपर, चन्द्रजी त्यसको प्रकाशकचन्द्र प्रकाश शर्मा भनेको अासामितर हुर्केको नेपाली्नेपालमा अाएर वहाँले म्युजीक इन्डस्ट्रीमा तहल्का मच्चाउनुभोवहाँलाई नेपालको गुलशन कुमार भिनन्छत्यो मान्छे पिन कुन िदन गएर उपेन्द्र महतो जीवा लािमछाने बन्ने मान्छे होमेरो कम्पनीको मार्केिटङमाउसले महत्वपूर्ण रोल खेल्नेछक्यासेट बेच्ने ल्यापटप बेच्ने भनेको उस्तै उस्तै हो

उपेन्द्र महतोले - वर्षदेिख जुन प्रवासी अान्दोलनको नेतृत्व गर्नुभएकोछ, त्यसको प्रमुख मुद्दा भनेकोद्वैध नागिरकताको मुद्दा होद्वैध नागिरकता भनेको सारांशमा के हो भन्दा खेिर द्वैध नागिरकता िबनानेपालमा अार्िथक क्रान्ित सम्भव छैनद्वैध नागिरकता िदयो भने भोिल गएर यो मधेशी उपेन्द्र महतोनेपालको राष्ट्रपित बन्छ भन्ने डर कित पहिरया नेताहरूलाईकस्तो पटमूर्खउपेन्द्र महतोको त्यत्रोिबजनेस एम्पायर त्यो छोडेर राजनीित गर्न िकन जाँदो हो? नेपालको राष्ट्रपित बन्ने भनेको उपेन्द्रयादव होयादव महतोमा त्यसरी कन्फ्युज हुन भएन

प्रेजुिडस भनेको कित पावरफुल कुरा भन्दा खेिर प्रेजुिडसड मान्छेले बरू अाफ्नै अिहत गर्छ तर अर्को अाफुलेतल हेरेको समुदायको व्यक्ितको नेतृत्व मान्दैननत्र भने अार्िथक क्रान्ित गर्ने कुरामा िगिरजा, माधव, प्रचण्ड, देउवा, रामशरण कसलाई के थाहा दुिनयामा, नेपालको इितहासमा अार्िथक क्रान्ित गरेर देखाएकोएउटै नेपाली त्यो हो उपेन्द्र महतोअाफ्नोलािग मैले जे गरें त्यो अब देशकालािग पिन गर्न चाहन्छुभिनराखेका छन् महतो तर पहिरयाहरू कानमा तेल हालेर बसेका छन्नेपालका टप पहिरयादेिख अमेिरकाका टपपहिरयाहरू सबैको िलङगोत्र सबै एकैनासको त्यसलाई अंग्रेजीमा डीएन्ए भन्छन् क्या रेत्यो सडेगलेकोमनस्िथित फाल्ने बाहेक अरू केही उपाय छैनमधेशी क्रान्ित मधेशीलाई चािहएको हो नै, तर त्योपहिरयाहरूलाई पिन चािहएको होनेपालको अार्िथक क्रान्ितको जन्तरमन्तर मधेशी उपेन्द्र महतोसँग, अिन पहिरया नेताहरूले उसको कुरा नसुुनेर हुन्छ?

द्वैध नागिरकता भएन भने अार्िथक क्रान्ित हुँदैन, अार्िथक क्रान्ित भएन भने उही बम्बई, मलेिसया, अरब जाँदै गरे भो नेपालीहरूचीनको अार्िथक क्रान्ितमा प्रवासी चीिनयाहरूले िनर्णायक भूिमका खेल्दै अाएका छन्प्रवासी चीिनयाहरूको लगानी िबना चीनको अद्भुत अार्िथक क्रान्ित संभव िथएनप्रवासी नेपालीको लगानी िबना नेपालमा अार्िथक क्रान्ित संभव छैन त्यसकालािग द्वैध नागिरकता चािहन्छ

May 12 Meeting: A Flop
मई १२ िदउँसो १ बजे सेन्ट्रल पार्क दक्िषण पूर्व कोणा
एक मधेशी पार्टी

ANA Convention Photos 8
ANA Convention Photos 5
ANA Convention Photos 4
ANA Convention Photos 3

Monday, May 14, 2007

May 12 Meeting: A Flop

मई १२ िदउँसो १ बजे सेन्ट्रल पार्क दक्िषण पूर्व कोणा
न्यु यर्कमा छाता संगठनको अावश्यकता
ANONYM: Association Of Nepali Organizations In New York Metro

अिनल शाही, सतेन्द्र साह, लुना रंिजत, तोप दाङी भेला भयौंचन्द्र प्रकाश शर्मा, लव गाउँले, टेक गुरुङले फोन गरेअाउनुपर्ने ३० जना जित तर अाएनन्२५% ले कोरम पुग्दैनअाए जितले पालैिपलो मेरो नेतृत्व स्टाइलको अालोचना गरेसपार्नुपर्यो भने

नभम्बर १२ को िमिटङले मलाई मई िमिटङकालािग कन्िभनर बनाएको होमैले छाता संगठन न्यु यर्कमा मतािधकारको एजेन्डा सारेको हुँ

मई १२ को िनर्धािरत िमिटङ असफल हुनुका कारणहरू िविभन्न छन्

() गलत एजेण्डा

गलत भन्दा पिन अनपपुलर एजेण्डा भन्नुपर्योछाता संगठन खडा गर्ने कसैलाई पिन इच्छा नै छैन जस्तो अिनल शाही लुना रंिजत भनेका न्यु यर्क नेपाली समुदायका दुई वटा सबैभन्दा सक्िरय संगठनहरू चलाएर बसेका मािनसहरू, दुवै जनासँग मेरो लगाव , व्यक्ितगत राम्रो सम्बन्ध तर ती दुवै छाता संगठनको अाइिडयाको घोर िवरोधी छन्अरूको कुरै छाडौं

न्यु यर्कको चुनावमा हामीले मतािधकार पाउनुपर्छ, इल्लीगल नेपालीहरूलाई लीगल बनाउने प्रयासगर्नुपर्छ जस्ता कुरामा पिन कस्तो सोंचाइ भन्दा खेिर गरे भने िहस्पािनकहरूले गर्छन्, हामीलाई स्वत: फाइदा भइहाल्छउनीहरूले पिन गर्न सकेनन् भने हामीले गर्न सक्ने संभावना कित नै पो ? त्यस्तो सोंच

त्यसैले न्यु यर्कका नेपाली नेताहरूको भावनाको कदर गर्दै लोकतान्त्िरक मर्मको सम्मान गर्दै यी दुई मुद्दालाई अिहलेकालािग यहीं छोड्दछु मिहनामा एक पटक भेटौं त्यसकालािग रोटेिटङ िकिसमले कन्िभनर छानौंछाता संगठन पिन चािहएन, कर्िडनेशन किमिट पिन चािहएन

छाता संगठनसम्मको सपोर्ट नभएको ठाउँमा कम्युिनटी सेन्टर र कन्भेन्शन त अिहलेलाई नसोंचे पिन हुन्छ।

() गलत िदन

शिनवार अिधकांश नेपालीले काम गर्छन्काम छोडेर अाउने कुरा भएनगर्नुपर्ने भनेको अाइतवार हो। त्यसो पिन सुिनयो।

() गलत ठाउँ

लुनाले डाउनटाउन म्यानह्याटनमा ठाउँ अफर गर्दा गर्दै पिन मैले सेन्ट्रल पार्क नै िनर्णय गरेंथुप्रैलाई त्यो मन परेनछनेपालीहरूको स्ट्यान्डर्ड घटेको जस्तो देिखयो। कहाँ खुला चौरमा गएर भेंट्ने?

हुन त मैले याककालािग प्रयास नगरेको होइन, तर मैले याकबाट कोअपरेशन पाइन। तर याकभन्दा सेन्ट्रल पार्क नै मलाई बढी मन परेको चािहं हो। त्यो म स्वीकार्दछु।

(४) मधेशी क्रान्ित

मधेशी क्रान्ित चर्केको बेला न्यु स्कुलमा अशोक गुरूङजीले त्यत्रो कार्यक्रम गर्दा त्यहाँ म बोल्ने भएकोले त्यो कार्यक्रम नै बिहष्कार गरौं भनेर िमिटङका िमिटङ गरेर सामूिहक रूपले नै बिहष्कार गर्नेहरूले म मधेशी भएको नपचेको पटक्कै होइन भनेर भन्न िमल्दैन। मधेशी-पहाडी क्रान्ित त मेरो नेपालमा हुन्छ। न्यु यर्कको पहाडीहरूलाई त मैले बाल गन्दैन। मेरो मधेशी अान्दोलनसँग सीधा कनेक्शन छ। त्यो कनेक्शन न्यु यर्कका पहाडीहरू भएर जाने होइन।

न्यु यर्कको नम्बर एक राजनीितक संगठन छ एउटा DL21C भन्ने। त्यो यित टप संगठन हो िक त्यसको अध्यक्ष न्यु यर्क राज्यको डेमोक्र्यािटक पार्टीको अध्यक्ष पिन हो। गवर्नर स्िपट्जरको राइट ह्यान्ड मान्छे। त्यो DL21C का पदािधकारीहरू मेरो फ्यान छन्। संगठनको सदस्यता लेउ भनेर कर गर्या गर्यै छन्। मैले नाइ भनेको छु। मेरो कम्पनीमा फोकस गर्नु पर्यो भनेर।

नत्र तारा िनरौला, अानन्द िवष्ट जस्ता कसैले चुन्या छैन, अाफ्सेअाफ नेता भन्दै िहड्ने प्रवृित प्रित मेरो असहमित मात्र छैन िक त्यसले नेपाली समुदायलाई अिहत नै गर्छ भन्ने मेरो भनाइ हो। बाहुनवादले बाहुनलाई नै हानी गर्छ भन्ने कुराको ज्वलन्त उदाहरण न्यु यर्कको नेपाली समुदाय। वीर गोर्खाली भन्या के? त्यस्ता वीरहरू कतै छन् भने ती न्यु यर्क र अमेिरकामा छैनन्। भोट खसाल्ने अिधकार नहुनुको रीस खै? द्वैध नागिरकता नहुनुको
रीस खै?

जनजाितहरूमा पिन राजनीितक चेतनाको कमी छ। समानताको संघर्षमा मधेशीहरूलाई अाफ्नो सहयात्री देख्नु कता कता, पहाडी भइ टोपल्छन्। हामीसँग दुइटा ठुल्ठुला पार्टी छन्। तपाईंहरूसँग के छ? हँ याक?

(५) मेरो नेतृत्व शैली

मैले यो मधेशी प्रेजुडीसको कुरा गर्दा अिनलले त्यो अिल अिल होला तर मुख्य कुरा अर्कै छ भन्यो। त्यसको केही समय पिछ मधेशी सतेन्द्र साह अायो। अिनलको मेरो नेतृत्व शैलीको अालोचना उसैले दोहोर्यायो। त्यसपिछ लुना अाएपिछ उसको पिन भनाई त्यही िथयो।

मेरो नेतृत्व शैली CEO को जस्तो छ। राजनीितक नेतृत्व फरक हुन्छ। फोन भन्दा इमेल बढी efficient होला तर राजनीितक र सामािजक परामर्शकालािग फोन नै राम्रो। त्यस्तो सुझाव अायो। कुन िदन, कुन ठाउँमा, कित बेला, के एजेन्डामा भेट्ने कुरा सबैलाई पालैिपलो फोन गरेर सोध्ने सुझाव मलाई अचम्म लाग्यो। त्यो कुरा इमेलमा कित धेरै चाँडो हुन्छ। सबै जनाले इमेल प्रयोग गर्नुपर्यो भन्ने मेरो तर्क लोकतान्त्िरक मािनएन।


भनेपिछ छ मिहनामा एक पटक भेला हुने र त्यसकालािग रोटेिटङ िकिसमले कन्िभनर छान्ने स्तरमा छौं हामी। र मलाई मेरो CEO शैली बदल्नु पिन छैन। म फुल टाइम अाफ्नो टेक्नोलोजी स्टार्टअपमा लागेको मान्छे। म एउटा िमिटङ डाक्छु। सबै जना अाउनुस्। बरू त्यो िमिटङको एजेण्डा के हुने भन्ने कुरा पालैिपलो म सबैलाई फोन गरेर सोध्छु। शिनवार न्यु स्कूलमा ठुलो कार्यक्रम छ। त्यसमा सबै जनासँग भेंट हुन्छ नै होला।

Time: Sunday May 27, 1 PM
Venue: http://www.rocny.org/ (To be confirmed)
275 Seventh Ave., 17th Floor, New York, NY 10001
{between 25th & 26th St., (1 to 23rd or 28th St., F to 23rd St., C/E to 23rd St., R/W 23rd or 28th St.)}

Refreshments will be provided.

In The News

Madhesi MPs in no mood to allow parliament NepalNews Lawmakers from Madhes region have threatened to even disobey the whips by their respective parties to give continuity to their month-long obstruction of the parliamentary session. ...... "This government is irresponsible," said Hridayesh Tripathy, former minister and general secretary of the Nepal Sadbhavana Party (NSP-Anandidevi). "Madhes is in a mood for agitation but the government has not shown seriousness to address our demands," he said, adding that the scheduled session of the parliament on Monday will be stalled again. ........ Bijaya Gachhadar, MP of NC (Democratic) and coordinator of Madhesi MPs' talks team, said the House will be disrupted despite whips by their parties. ....... The Madhesi MPs have raised demands like revocation of the report by Electoral Constituency Delineation Commission (ECDC); fresh census and fresh delineation based on that census, among others. ......... The Madhesi MPs representing NC, NC-D, UML, NSP-A, NSP and RPP have been stalling the House for nearly one month now. ...... the Madhesi MPs have refused to budge. A few days ago, the UML had issued directives to its MPs to refrain from engaging in activities such as picketing Speaker's rostrum but, apparently, in vain
Speaker intensifies efforts to break ice; Madhesi MPs still to stall House

Maoists register proposal demanding republic NepalNews The proposal further says the state should write off all the debts of the farmers and revolutionary land reform programme should begin. ...... the Maoist central command today submitted 1 million signatures to Speaker Subash Nemwang demanding that the interim parliament declare the country a republic
Ex-COAS Thapa barred from boarding flight to Doha
Minister Mahato’s remarks spark protests Mahoto’s ‘warning’ on Saturday that people of hill communities might be forced out of Madhes if they were not ready to be ruled by Madhesis in Terai region. ...... They also burned the effigies of the Sadbhawana leader.
Prachanda warns against undermining Maoist strength "There is no justification for our People's Liberation Army to suffer in cantonments if the parliament does not announce republic," he said. Prachanda added that responsibility of any consequence resulting from PLA's march out of cantonment will rest on seven parties. ...... all forces were trying to push the Maoists to the wall ...... some reactionaries are trying to suppress us by taking this as our weakness and thinking that we will not return to war ........ We will leave no one. ...... Those against the unity in the UML must be exposed ..... Sitting ministers had aided Maoists in the past
Truth and Reconciliation Commission to be set up
Time to dissolve EC: UML chief deferral of CA election has to do with the sense of fear in the Nepali Congress and the Maoists about an UML majority in the election. The UML remained silent about this matter for the sake of the eight-party unity
Bill to clip King's authority to confer awards
Govt engineer killed by JTMM-Goit

BBC News

Smart Prachanda Move On Land Reform: Two Steps Forward, One Step Back

Prachanda asks Maoists to return seized property Zee News, India
Seized assets to be returned: Prachanda Kantipur Online The Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) has decided to return all lands its cadres seized in the past from the owners, to lead the peace process and political process forward "smoothly". In a statement issued Sunday, Maoist Chairman Prachanda said the Maoist Central Committee has taken a decision to return the ownership of the seized lands to the actual owners. Prachanda said in the statement the condition of the ownership of the tillers over the lands would remain "as it was before the conflict or according to mutual understanding". ...... In a recent meeting between Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala and Prachanda, they had agreed that the government would improve living conditions in the cantonments and the Maoists in return would return all private properties they seized in the past, in order to create a conducive political atmosphere and to lead the ongoing peace process smoothly.
Return seized land: Prachanda Nepalnews.com, Nepal
Prachanda, Sitaula Discuss Seized Property, Camp Mgmt Himalayan Times, Nepal
Nepal Maoists Finally Agree to Return Properties Seized from People Nepal human Rights News, Nepal
Nepal: All set for Janaandonal-III, Prachanda says Telegraphnepal.com, Nepal in the condition that republic is not declared after the CA polls, his party was ready for such a movement with the peoples’ support ... if the EPA can not decide on a republican set-up, we may have to opt for Janaandolan-III
No more unruly acts of YCL, Prachanda assures Gorkhapatra, Nepal

Heather Hogan - Reworking Russia's History: Two Steps Forward, One ...
Lenin: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back
Lenin: (Reply by N. Lenin to Rosa Luxemburg) One Step Forward, Two ...
JSTOR: Reworking Russia's History: Two Steps Forward, One Step Back
One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

Prachanda has to be commended for this deft move. He has not lost the war, he has not even lost the battle. I greatly admire his passion for land reform: I share it. But it is going to have to be carried out by a duly elected government.

This is a great tactical move on his part. It will serve him and his party well. He has not hurt the cause of land reform one bit. Actually he has greatly helped it. Now it is much more likely elections will be held in November. A unified communist party could come into power after the country gets a new constitution, and hopefully by then we are a democracy of state funded parties. Land reform can then be legitimately carried out. It should be easy to sell the idea to the landless, the poor. Vote for us, we will secure land for you.

This move on the part of Prachanda now also takes the country one step closer to being a republic. This is progress.

The Maoists have to completely move away from power-flows-through-the-barrel-of-a-gun to power-flows-through-the-ballot-box. We have to become a federal republic of state-funded parties. When gun power and muscle power have been completely taken out of the equation, if the Maoists were to become the majority or the largest party, that would not bother me one bit.

The Truth And Reconciliation Commission deals with the excesses of the decade long civil war. The Maoists get to have a clear start as a political party. And because they are ahead of all the other parties - way ahead - on all the burning issues of the day - republic, federalism, land reform - they are well positioned to emerge the largest party in the country.

They are the ones to have taken the lead on the idea of a constituent assembly. They are the ones who have been taking the lead on the republic issue. The other parties don't even have a map for federalism. How can you be for federalism when you don't even have a map? It is like saying I want to go jogging, but I refuse to get out of bed. While you are in bed, you sure are not jogging. And it is the Maoist map for federalism that I myself have adopted with slight modifications. They have nine states, I have eight. I am personally very thankful to them for the Madhesh state they have outlined. That is not what I started out wanting. But by now I am super committed to the idea of a Madhesh state, and the Madhesh state I have in mind is ditto that the Maoists have in mind. Obviously they knew things I did not know, or not as well. And I am plain thankful as a Madhesi.

I am no communist. Only this past month I registered a company in New York City, a technology startup. The Maoists might call me a capitalist. I am a multi-millionaire in the making. I am going to be bigger than Upendra Mahato in five to seven years. But they must believe me when I say I am for land reform. I share their passion. Land reform makes market sense to me. Land reform will lead to raised agricultural productivity, especially when it is accompanied by near universal micro credit so small farmers can invest in productivity tools like fertilizers and farm machinery.

I have so much political agreement with the Maoists, sometimes I get scared. But they must work to improve their methods. They have taken a huge leap in putting their soldiers into cantonments. And their militia became the YCL. That is still progress. Now they must move further. You put one foot after another, that is how you walk. You have to keep walking. Take the next step and the next. Keep walking. Become a political party, completely.

Once the Maoists have completely transformed into a political party, they are going to make it possible for the UML to think in terms of one unified communist party in Nepal. I will look forward to it. I like the idea of there being only one communist party in Nepal.

The day we become a multiparty democracy of state funded parties, we become the number one democracy on the planet. It will be only a matter of time before India and China follow in our footsteps.

Mayawati Has Lessons For Madhesi, Janajati, Dalit, Mahila
Compulsions Of A Transition
Ian Martin: James Bond Of The UN Peacemaking Ambitions
Empowering Women In The UNMIN Structure
मई १२ िदउँसो १ बजे सेन्ट्रल पार्क दक्िषण पूर्व कोणा
Putting The Peace Process On A Fast Track To Elections
एक मधेशी पार्टी
Peace Process At Risk

In The News

Over dozen injured in Rautahat blast NepalNews Locals Dafar Miya, Indra Maya Rana, Renu Choudhary, Lila Bishwokarma, Nasad Ansari and Prem Chourdhary were among those injured in the blast. ..... A previously unknown outfit called Terai Army has claimed responsibility for the blast. Terai Army commander ‘Mr John’ contacted local media persons informing that a group led by Chattan Singh had carried out the blast.
House stalled yet again the CPN (UML) boycotted today’s parliamentary proceedings complaining that the government failed to address the demands of Madhesis and Janajatis.
Blasts at UML office; Bomb hurled at Kantipur office Two bombs went off at the premises of the Parsa district office of CPN-UML ...... A person claiming to be a leader of (NDA) took responsibility ...... The NDA, which claimed to be Nepal Defence Armyfighting for retaining Nepal as a Hindu state also left some pamphlets at the site owing responsibility of the incidents.
Over three dozen injured in stray bomb blast in Jhapa
Establishing republic is not easy: Koirala
NRB governor barred from flying abroad
Parties criticise Maoists for presenting republic motion in 'light' manner
Madhesi MPs in no mood to allow parliament
Restructuring of State: Implications for population movement
Ex-COAS Thapa barred from boarding flight to Doha

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Mayawati Has Lessons For Madhesi, Janajati, Dalit, Mahila

Mayawati's stunning victory in Utter Pradesh is vastly inspirational. That has to be replicated by the oppressed in Nepal. The closest thing to a Mayawati we have in Nepal is Chitralekha Yadav.

Upendra Yadav is also very promising. Chitralekha Yadav is not the rebel that Upendra Yadav is. But then she has been Speaker. She is highly intelligent. She has a proven track record of electoral victories. And she was the only prominent Madhesi leader to talk protectively of the MJF after the Gaur incident.

I wish the Madhesis in all Pahadi parties would abandon their respective parties and come join the MJF. Let's become the largest party of the future Madhesh state.

Om Gurung and Pasang Sherpa are also impressive, but one thing that I don't understand about these Janajati leaders is as to why they do not want to launch a political party of their own. Their entire grievance is that the Bahuns have been oppressing them. But then their entire strategy is to beg liberty and rights from those same Bahuns. That is not a winning strategy. They have to realize that the source of their empowerment are not going to be the Bahuns. They themselves have what it takes. And for that they need a political party of their own.

Adibasi Janajati Mahasangh is a beautiful name for a politcal party just like Madhesi Janadhikar Forum is. Keep the name, get registered. We will form an alliance in the constituent assembly after the elections.

The Janajati leaders have not done their homework. They need a map to stand by. You can't be for federalism unless you have a map. Otherwise what is the difference between the anti-federalism Bahuns and you? They don't have a map either.

And we have to secure completely proportional elections to the constituent assembly.

In The News

Low-Caste Politician Wins India Vote Washington Post Mayawati, a fiery 51-year-old woman who goes by one name, was set to become the chief minister of Uttar Pradesh, a vast, poor state that encompasses more than 180 million people and often sets the political agenda for the rest of the country. .... 403 seats in the state assembly ..... won 202 seats, enough to form a government without a coalition ...... Mayawati forged a powerful coalition that brought together low-caste and Brahmin voters and candidates to force out Mulayam Singh Yadav .... The next national elections are due in 2009.
Low-caste Politician Wins India Vote Guardian Unlimited, UK
Low-caste politician wins India vote Boston Globe, MA
Low-caste politician sweeps to power in India's largest state San Diego Union Tribune, CA
Low-caste politician wins India vote China Daily, China
Art of reinvention Hindustan Times, India In a rare television interview, much before her stunning victory in Uttar Pradesh left everyone gawking, Mayawati did not even blink before answering. Yes, she wanted to be Prime Minister, and yes, she could see herself ensconced at Race Course road, within the next ten years. ..... the 51-year old will be content in the knowledge that India’s next President can’t be chosen without her assent. ..... the writing on the wall: Caste matters just as much as it always did, but it is both malleable and dynamic. ....... Mayawati’s elephant .... If, in the past, it was an angry animal that was ready to trample all over the hint of any prejudice, this time it was unveiled as the friendly, generous, beloved Ganesha, who could embrace believers across the divide. ....... the future of India will be driven by regional players and identity politics, with castes, religions and ethnicities locked in a competitive battle for assertion ..... Perhaps, the Congress routs in Punjab and Uttarakhand gave the BJP a misplaced sense of confidence. The UP results show there is no national wave, one way or the other. ...... The Muslim voter remains smart, strategic and entirely unmoved by simple rhetoric. ....... Like everyone else, India’s Muslim voters like a winner. ..... The firebrand can afford to mellow down.
It's nothing but Maya in UP Times of India, India 206 seats in a House of 403 ...... Samajwadi Party came a distant second at 97 seats while BJP folded up at 50 ..... Defying pollsters and political analysts, UP delivered its first unambiguous verdict since 1991. The deadlock-breaking vote puts an end to more than a decade of hung Houses, rag-tag governments punctuated by Central rule and in the process herald the emergence of Mayawati a Delhi University graduate and a former government school teacher, as a key arbiter on the national stage and the first Dalit leader to wrest power on her own steam. .... UP has broken its jinx of serving a "mili-juli sarkar" at every election since 1993. ..... the state which sends 80 MPs to the Lok Sabha, but the BSP tsunami has ominous portents for national players like BJP and Congress. ...... the caste being trumped by the common intent to unseat Mulayam . ...... her gambit to pitch for upper-caste support by fielding 86 Brahmins paid handsome dividends ...... her exceptional success in weaving together a rainbow coalition of Dalits, upper castes and Muslims that had once sustained Congress. ..... Now UP's Dalits, particularly the assertive Jatavs, who are the engine of this social alliance, have the upper castes playing a supporting caste.
BSP win a sweetener for sugar mills Business Standard, India
Governor Arnold too busy to help Paris Hilton China Daily
Mayawati storms to power in Uttar Pradesh Hindu, India clinching an absolute majority on her own ending 14 years of coalition politics. ...... will assume reins of power for the fourth time. ..... fought the polls this time without any allies ...... The party had secured 99 seats in 2002 elections. ...... Chief Minister Mulayam Singh Yadav ..... His Samajwadi Party suffered severe losses, winning 97 seats, coming down drastically from 143 in 2002. ..... Mayawati gave tickets to 138 upper caste candidates, including 86 Brahmins and a large number of Muslims and OBCs, besides 93 Dalits. ....... Popularly known as 'Behenji', Mayawati, who did not contest the elections, single handedly demolished rival bastions and proved wrong all pollsters who had projected a hung assembly. ......... At least 15 ministerial colleagues of Yadav bit the dust while several senior BJP leaders, including its state unit President Kesri Nath Tripathi, lost. ...... Mafia don Mukhtar Ansari won from Mau
BSP's victory is the triumph of the party's ideology: Mayawati Mayawati said, people had risen above caste and religion to vote for the BSP. ...... Mayawati paid tribute to her mentor and BSP founder Kanshi Ram and architect of the Constitution B R Ambedkar
BSP Govt will root out corruption and criminalisation ".... I thank them along with the Bahujan Samaj voters (dalits)." ...... She said Samajwadi Party's "mafia, terror and jungle-raj" in the State has been defeated and described the win as her party's support to rule of law.
All illegal acts of SP Govt to be probed: Mayawati
BSP Maharashtra unit to honour Mayawati
BSP victory a boon for Congress in presidential polls
Maya pips Mulayam, grabs UP throne Economic Times, India The results sparked off victory celebrations by tens of thousands of BSP supporters across the state ..... In the Taj Mahal city of Agra, a BSP stronghold, supporters took to the streets beating drums, showering flowers and distributing sweets. ...... The BSP sweep, all the way from Noida on New Delhi's outskirts to Ballia in Uttar Pradesh's eastern fringe bordering Nepal, simply drowned the Samajwadi Party ....... The elections also decimated the newly formed Apna Dal, a party based on the Kurmi community support base, as well as the Jan Morcha of Raj Babbar, the Bollywood actor-cum-politician who quit the Samajwadi Party in disgust about three years ago. ....... even after nearly five hours of vote count ..... was closeted at her heavily guarded residence with her aides. She did not meet the media to outline her plans. ...... Mayawati has vowed to send Mualayam Singh Yadav, his Man Friday Amar Singh and Raja Bhaiyya to jail on charges of corruption and criminality if she forms a government. ..... Today, the Congress has become an also-ran in Uttar Pradesh, rapidly conceding space to BSP, BJP and Samajwadi Party.
Fair poll brings 1 party majority in UP deletion of 22 lakhs entries of dead voters and 34 lakhs of shifted voters ...... it was found that in many districts female voters were discriminated against with a lot of reluctance on the part of the families in registering them ...... a new category of voters - people whose names were in the electoral rolls but who had migrated elsewhere in search of livelihood while their families stayed back ..... 85 lakh voters constituting 7.5% of the total electorate ....... its long duration extending to nearly 34 days from the first date of poll to the date of counting. ........ 100% coverage of all polling stations with Central Para Military Forces (CPMF). The phase-wise grouping of constituencies was prepared using GIS software to match the requirement and availability of forces.
Mayawati's social remix turns out to be a hit in UP her strategy that is seen by political observers as one of the biggest attempts at social engineering in recent years ..... Casting aside her 'anti-Manuvadi' stance, her pet theme against upper castes, Mayawati ensured substantial number of tickets to Brahmins and also others while keeping her dalit votebank intact. ..... The BSP which earlier used to proclaim "tilak, taraju aur talwar, maro unko jhoote char" (beat up Brahmins, Vaishyas and Kshatriyas) changed the tune completely. ...... The new slogan "Haati nahin Ganesh hai. Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh hai" (it is not elephant but Lord Ganesh, symbolising all gods and communities)
UP trails other states in most economic indicators: Panel The state has the lowest percentage of electrified villages and is second lowest in terms of per capita power consumption.
Uttar Pradesh heads for hung assembly Reuters India, India
BSP to get up to 168 seats in UP: Survey Times of India, India

In The News

रोस्ट्रम नघेर्न एमालेको हि्वप Kantipur झन्डै एक महिनाको गतिरोधपछि दलको कायार् लय सिंहदरबारमा बिहीबार बसेको बैठकले तराई आन्दोलनको नेतृत्व गलत व्यक्तिहरूले गरिरहेको ठहर गर्दै एमालेले सांसदहरूलाई सचेत गराएको हो । तराई र अन्य क्ष्ाेत्रका समस्यालाई 'स्वतन्त्र र उपयुुक्त तरिकाले' उठाउन निर्देशन दिँदै सदनको गतिरोधबाट केही भ्रष्ट र नाजायज तत्त्वले अनुुचित फाइदा उठाउन खो जेको पार्टीको विश्लेषण छ । .... यसअघि तराईको प्रतिनिधित्व गर्ने २६ सांसदले क्ष्ाेत्र निर्धारण आयोगका सिफारिस खारेजी, नयाँ जनगणनालगायत माग संयुुक्त रूपमा गरेका थिए । तराईका केही एमाले सांसदहरूले मागमा हस्ताक्ष्ार गरे पनि रोस्ट्रम घेराउ र नाराबाजीमा भने सहभागी भएका छैनन् । एमाले महासचिव माधवकुुमार नेपालले तराईका हिंसात्मक गतिविधि र नाजायज क्रियाकलापको सबैले प्रस्ट शब्दमा निन्दा गनर्ुुपर्ने बताए । 'हामीले उठाएका जायज मागको फाइदा गलत तत्त्वलाई उठाउन दिनुुहुुन्न,' उनले भने । ..... तराईमा बिग्रँदो शान्तिसुुरक्षा, अपहरण, लुुटपाट र आगजनीका घटना नियन्त्रण नगरी सरकारले तमासा हेरिरहेको आरोप उनले लगाए । 'आफ्नो ठाउँमा सयौं वर्षदेखि बसेकालाई लखेट्दा सरकार मौन बसेको छ,' उनले भने । ...... आठ दलको एकताको मूल्यमा वामपन्थी एकता हुुँदैन ..... एमाले सांसद महेन्द्रप्रसाद यादवले पार्टीले निर्देशन दिए पनि मधेसको हकहितका लागि रोस्ट्रम घेर्ने बताएका छन् । .... 'पार्टी नेताहरूले संसदीय व्यवस्थामा रोस्ट्रम घेर्नुु राम्रो नभएकाले नघेर्न भनेका छन् । तर हामीलाई त्यो मान्य छैन,' उनले बिहीबार कान्तिपुुरसँग भने- 'पार्टीले कि मधेसका मुुद्दा ठीक छैन भन्न सक्नुुपर्‍यो । मुुद्दा ठीक भनेपछि रोस्ट्रम घेराउको विरोध गनर्ुुको अर्थ छैन ।' उनले आउँदो ३१ गते एमालेका १२ मधेसी सांसदले रोस्ट्रम घेर्ने दाबी गरे ।
कांग्रेसको अडानले आठ दल बैठक बसेन

Friday, May 11, 2007

Compulsions Of A Transition

Do I believe the Maoists want a one party communist dictatorship? No.

Do I believe the Maoists want to emerge as the majority party in the constituent assembly? Yes. Do I believe that will happen? No. It will be a hung assembly.

Do I believe the Maoists will emerge the largest party in a hung assembly? Maybe. I don't know. I don't know which will emerge the largest party. It might end up being that no party has more than 25% strength in the assembly. The Congress might not unify, and even a unified Congress at best can hope to emerge the largest party. That too I doubt because they are not taking the lead on any of the burning issues of the day: republic, federalism, land reform. The UML could do really well. The MJF could sweep the Madhesh.

Do I believe the Left Front will come to power through the constituent assembly? That is very possible. Between them, the UML and the Maoists might end up having the numbers.

A hung assembly is pretty much guaranteed. And it does not really matter as to which party will emerge the largest, since the second and the third largest parties will also be pretty big.

Is the Youth Communist League being demonized? That is possible. The Madhesi Movement got demonized big time because it challenged the status quo. The Maoists also challenge the status quo. And so it is possible the Maoists are also getting demonized to an extent.

But the excesses of the YCL are well documented. Those muscle power ways have to come to a complete halt. Otherwise the UML is not going to want to ally with the Maoists. And that alliance might be the best hope for legitimate land reform.

The YCL is in a transition mode. These were militia. Many were PLA. They have shifted from gun power to muscle power, and that too is sporadic. Mostly they are a political organization with a few flash points of roughening people up. They have to go one step further. They have to become a total, peaceful, political organization that does not carry out any of the functions of a state.

If there is going to emerge a Left Front in the assembly, the best hope for the Nepali Congress is to unify the two Congress factions and forge an alliance with the other non-Left parties like the Sadbhavana and the MJF. The primary base of the Congress has been in the Madhesh. It has been amazing to me as to why that party has not tried to take the lead on the Madhesi aspirations. Instead it has clamped down. And so, if you ask me at this point, I am saying the Left Front will secure a majority in the assembly. The Congress has been acting like a spent force.

The MJF could very well emerge the largest party of the future Madhesh state, kind of like one of those many regional parties in India. And I don't see the MJF and the Sadbhavana unifying. And that is okay.

The goal at hand is free, fair, fearless elections. But already foul play is underway. They put 48% of the constituencies in the Terai, but then proceeded to engage in some major gerrymandering. All Madhesi MPs of all parties suddenly find they might not even get elected. They have caused some major disfiguration to Hridayesh Tripathy's constituency.

And so the Madhesi Movement has to move ahead now with the demand for completely proportional elections to the constituent assembly.

The goal is to end up a federal republic of state funded parties, the number one democracy on the planet.

In The News

Eight parties should first decide on republic: Prachanda NepalNews informal deliberations on how to move ahead by abolishing monarchy are underway....... the Maoist leadership was trying to check the unruly activities of the YCL. He informed Situala that he had already issued a tough circular to the YCL ranks directing them not to engage in violent activities.
Professionals demand immediate announcement of polls date
Conflict causes loss of Rs 5 billion
YCL's activities flouting peace pact, says NHRC
Mahara not happy with violent activities in the name of YCL
Prachanda regrets Dang incident

YCL violence against party policy: Mahara Kantipur
YCL ransack farmers' cooperative in Bardiya
Without timely CA elections country could loose its way: PM Koirala The PM also held separate meetings with Bam Morcha Nepal’s CP Mainali and Nepal Sadbhawana Party (Anandidevi)’s Rajendra Mahato.
YCL kill elderly in Sankhwasabha
Petroleum crisis deepens
Petro prices not increasing any time soon: Minister Mahato
'CA polls essential to secure rights of marginalized groups'
द्वन्द्वमा पाँच अर्ब क्षति
रोस्ट्रम नघेर्न एमालेको हि्वप
कांग्रेसले हिंड्नै पर्ने बाटो सात सालदेखि आजसम्म नेपालको राजनीतिमा जुनसुकै भूमिकामा रहे पनि कांग्रेसले नेतृत्व गर्दै आएको छ । यस अवधि -२००७-६२)को अधिकांश समय र प्रयत्न हामीले नेपालको शाह राजतन्त्रलाई संवैधानिक बनाउन सकिन्छ भनेर खर्च गर्‍यौं । लोकतन्त्र र राजसंस्थालाई सँगै हिंडाउन कोसिस गर्‍यौं । कांग्रेसले यस निम्ति गरेका बारम्बार -२००७, २०१५, २०३६, २०४७ र २०५८ पछि)का सम्पूर्ण प्रयत्न निष्फल भए । आफैले पुनःस्थापित गरेको शाह राजवंशका चार राजाहरूसँग निरन्तर संघर्ष गर्नुपर्‍यो । आफ्ना यही ऐतिहासिक प्रयत्न र भूल समीक्षा गर्दै कांग्रेसको एघारौं महाधिवेशन -२०६२, काठमाडौं)ले पचपन्न वर्षदेखि आफ्नो विधानमा कायम रहँदै आएको संवैधानिक राजसंस्थासम्बन्धी आफ्नो प्रमुख नीतिगत उद्देश्यलाई हटाउने निष्कर्षमा पुगेको हो । ......... सिंविधानसभा निर्वाचनका लागि निम्नलिखित विषयसमेत स्पष्ट हुने गरी घोषणापत्र मसौदा तयार गर्न र विशेष महाधिवेशनमा प्रस्तुत गर्न मसौदा समिति बनाउने ः.......... गणराज्य -संघात्मक एवं लोकतान्त्रिक) नेपालको आधारभूत स्वरूप र ढाँचा ......... राष्ट्र प्रमुख र सरकार प्रमुखको निर्वाचन प्रक्रियासहित शासन पद्धतिको खाका ..... सहभागितामूलक समानुपातिक व्यवस्थापिकाका लागि निर्वाचन प्रणालीको स्वरूप.......न्यायालय, अन्य संवैधानिक निकाय, सेना र प्रहरीको पुनःसंरचनासम्बन्धी प्रमुख अवधारणा........राजनीतिक दललाई आन्तरिक लोकतन्त्रसहित पारदर्शी बनाउने ठोस प्रस्ताव र प्रतिबद्धता....... सिंविधानसभा निर्वाचन सम्पन्न नहुँदासम्म केन्द्रीय सदस्यहरूलाई निश्चित जिल्लाहरूको राजनीतिक जिम्मेवारीका साथ सोही क्षेत्रमा बस्ने गरी खटाउने....... मिाओवादीलाई बृहत् शान्ति संझौता र अन्य समझदारी पूर्णपालना गर्न र सरकारलाई समेत आफ्ना तर्फबाट भएका प्रतिबद्धता पूरा गर्न कार्यमूलक ढंगबाट जोड दिने ।...... मिाओवादीसमेत अन्तरिम सरकारमा सामेल भइसकेको परिस्थितिमा पार्टीहरूबीचको एकता र सहकार्यका आधार एवं कार्यविधिलाई नयाँ ढंगले व्यवस्थित गर्न कांग्रेसले अग्रसरता लिने

Indigenous organisations announce fresh agitation NepalNews The Nepal Federation of Indigenous Nationalities (NFIN), Nepal Federation of Indigenous Nationalities Students, Indigenous Nationalities Joint Struggle Committee, Nationalities Indigenous Nationalities Women Federation and Nepal Indigenous Nationalities Youth Association have joined hands to announce the programmes of agitation including nationwide Nepal bandh on June 1, 10 and 11. ...... Major demands of indigenous community include federal restructuring of the state based on ethnic lines equipped with right to self determination and proportional representation based election system, among others.
Bardiya administration acts tough with Maoists
PM stresses CA polls in his talks with small party leaders
No one's right will be established without CA: PM
Mahara not happy with violent activities in the name of YCL
JMCC meeting inconclusive
Prachanda regrets Dang incident
Bandhs, demonstrations make life harder in terai
“NC Will Contest Elections On The Basis Of Moderate Ideology Propounded By B.P. Koirala”
US Hard Stance On the Maoists
UML chief directs his MPs to allow House to run
Poudel meets with MJF chief Ram Chandra Poudel held a secret parley with Upendra Yadav ..... Poudel flew to Birgunj on Wednesday morning and held talks with Yadav in Sripur area of Birgunj

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Ian Martin: James Bond Of The UN Peacemaking Ambitions

Ian Martin: Heart Surgeon

I have been following Ian's work from a distance. When he descended upon Nepal, it was with the aura of someone who had done some major firefighting in East Timor. I was in awe. So was the top Nepali at the UN, Kul Chandra Gautam. He would talk so highly of Ian.

Today on my way back from the UN building where we met up with Ian, I was talking to Sanjaya Parajuli in his jeep as he drove me over to Brooklyn giving me a ride. I compared Ian to James Bond. In the police department, there are lots and lots of police officers. But then there are some star ones. They stand out. They don't don the uniform. They specialize in high profile cases. That is Ian in the UN peacemaking apparatus, although my knowledge of the UN is no way comprehensive. I am sure there are other stars in the galaxy that I don't know of.

I can't talk about the details of the meeting since it was off the record, and mostly casual. We were very comfortable, and we touched many bases. Anil Shahi, Somnath Ghimire were there.

In The News

Republic should be established in time after removing king's power: PM Kantipur the NC district heads asserted that the interim parliament had no authority to declare a republic
Strikes banned in 15 essential services
YCL force police out of office in Rasuwa, thrash administrator in Kailali A group of some 70 YCL cadres had chased away the policemen in a degrading manner by prodding them onwards with sticks.

Speaker intensifies efforts to break ice; Madhesi MPs still to stall House NepalNews Madhesi MPs have said they will not allow it to run till their concerns are addressed. The House has been stalled by Maoist MPs as well as Madhesi MPs since last few weeks. ..... Hridayesh Tripathy, general secretary of Nepal Sadbhavana Party (NSP-Anandidevi), said that they were still seeking time from political leaders to meet to resolve the problem. ...... "We are also trying to get appointment to meet with the Prime Minister. But if the political parties do not show concern towards our demands, the House meeting on Wednesday, too, will be stalled," Tripathy said after an interaction by Democratic Madhesi Organisation. ...... The Madhesi MPs, on the other hand, have demanded fresh census and fresh delimitation of constituencies based on that census, formation of high level commission to probe atrocities during Madhes agitation, among others.
Koirala starts political parleys; 8-party meet on Thursday
Four parties agree to end House deadlock

Three killed in Bara after indiscriminate firing NepalNews
Govt plans to hold talks with all agitating groups within mid-May

Monday, May 07, 2007

Empowering Women In The UNMIN Structure

This petition is being circulated by some women activists. I have been requested to stand by it and support it. I do.

Rationale for having the position of Deputy Representative, UNMIN filled up by a WOMAN CANDIDATE, preferably from South Asia

The aforesaid was supported through signatures by 23 participants at the seminar on “Nepal : Road to Peace,”at the Asia Society, New York, on April 25, 2007, copies of which were sent to Secy. General, Chef de Cabinet to SG, SGSR to UNMI, Mr. Ian Martin, USGs DPKO and DPA UN and Ambassadors of South Asian countries to the UN.

A. Recent statements on Gender Balance / women in senior positions in the UN

March 8, 07, Int. Women’s Day

Deputy Secretary-General Asha-Rose Migoro had delivered a speech at Headquarters at an event titled “Breaking Barriers: Achieving Balance in Numbers and Work-Life.” In her remarks, the Deputy-Secretary-General is expected to say that “resolution after resolution of the General Assembly has called for 50-50 gender balance in the staff of the United Nations system. But so far, we have failed to make it a reality.”

March 6, 07 Press Briefing by Spokesperson of the Secy. General

Question: As you know, there is an important debate today in the General Assembly on the gender equality and empowerment of women. Since the Secretary-General's assumed duties in Headquarters, he has made a number of senior appointments. How many of those appointments concern women? Is there a ratio?

Spokesperson: Well, it's a little difficult to say now, because as you know the process is still continuing. As you know, the DSG is a woman and I think she's an important part of the equation. And as you know, Alicia Barcéna is Head of Management and we will know more in the next few days about other, about the ratio that you're talking about.

Feb. 26, 07 : Commission on Status of Women

The Deputy Secretary…referring to the proposals to strengthen the UN's gender architecture, as presented by the High-Level Panel on United Nations System-Wide Coherence, the Deputy Secretary-General said she and the Secretary-General agree wholeheartedly with the Panel's suggestion to replace several current structures with one dynamic UN entity focused on gender equality and women's empowerment. Such an entity should mobilize forces of change at the global level, and inspire enhanced results at the country level.

She also said she will do all she can to meet the goal of 50-50 gender balance within the United Nations.

December 14, 2006

SG had stated in his press conference on December 14, 2006 that "In making senior appointments, I will give primary consideration to individual merit, with due regard to gender balance and geographical distribution."

B. Rationale for having the position of Deputy Representative, UNMIN filled up by a WOMAN CANDIDATE, preferably from South Asia

As per the statistical chart compiled by the Office of Gender Advisor in the UN, as on June 30, 2006; the male female ratio for the senior-level positions at the USG and ASG levels were as follows, and the 50: 50 goal is as yet a far cry.:

a. USG-level: Male 39 and female 16 ; ratio is 2.5: 1

b. ASG-level: Male 41 and women 11; ratio is 4: 1

2. Now, as regards the number of women in the category of Secretary General’s Special Representatives and Personal Envoys, in the list posted on the UN website (at the USG/ASG levels), of 61 Peace-Keeping + 27 other high level appointees=88, only 4, are women, the ratio being 22:1, which is abysmally low.

3. And in the list of the 61 Peace-Keepers in Missions-- comprising SG’s Special Representatives and Deputy Special Representatives, at the USG and ASG levels, as per the Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue (CHD) Geneva’s report of Oct. 2006, By Antonia Potter, entitled : "We the women ; why Conflict Mediation is not just a job for Men;" “Of these 61, just 4* (6.5 %) are women—two in top jobs and two deputies (see box)….Readers will note that none of these women have come from Africa, or barring one, from Asia; but that is a story for a different paper.” (p. 4).

* Ratio is 12:1

NB: As per the names of the incumbents compiled in the box:

a. In 2005, of the 4 women, 1 (SRSG) was Swiss, 2 (SRG an DSRSG) Canadians, and 1 (DSRSG)Bangladeshi--, Ameera Haq, who incidentally is there in her position as Resident Coord.of UNDP in Afghanistan and was appointed as a Peace Keeper per se.

b. Between 2000 and 2004, of the 3 DSRSGs, 2 were Swedish, and 1 Khrgyz

c. Before 2000, of the 4 SRSGs, 1 was British, I Jamaican, I Finn, and I from Newzealand

4. Now, in the case of the UNMIN, the SRSG (USG_level) is the eminently qualified and experienced Mr. Ian Martin from Britain. As regards the position of the Deputy SRSG (at the ASG-level), yet to be filled, in view of the data above, there is a strong rationale for the position to be filled by a WOMAN,* and from the global south. As in the case of mission postings in African countries where language requirement is an important pre-requisite, in the case of Nepal, facility with local languages too needs to be an important prerequsite, which a South Asian incumbent is likely to have.

** Given the enormity of the tasks relating to Women’s issues in Nepal, having a woman incumbent, familiar with the socio-cultural settings of the region, would be a definite asset. Given below are some excerpts on UNMIN from the Secretary General’s report of January 9, 2007 to the Security Council

· The role of the SR (and presumably that of his Deputy), as outlined in the said report would inter alia involve coordinating “all activities of the United Nations system in Nepal for support to the peace process…. The advisers will liaise closely with United Nations agencies that coordinate implementing networks for the inclusion of women and traditionally excluded groups, and for child protection. Induction programmes for mission personnel will include training on gender and social exclusion issues in Nepal…” (paras 47-48).

· The report further states that “The Peace accord also called for “proportional representation of oppressed groups, regions, Madhesis, women, Dalit and other groups… The promise of 33 per cent representation for women in all decisionmaking structures has not been realized in existing peace process structures such as the Peace Committee and the Interim Constitution Drafting Committee. It is urgent that the Nepalese parties open the door to the role that women can and should play in the process, as reflected in Security Council resolution 1325 (2000).”(paras 15, 20).

Summing Up: It is hoped that the Secretary General, concerned USGs (DPKO and DPA) and the SRSG, UNMINMr. Ian Martin would consider the aforesaid requirements in making their selection for the position of the DSRSG, UNMIN

In The News

Establishing republic is not that easy, says Koirala NepalNews most of the district presidents raised objection to the activities of the Maoist youth wing, the Young Communist League (YCL).
UML chief shoots down leftist unity proposal "How can we talk about leftist unity when even our senior comrade Amrit Bohara's properties have not been returned (by the Maoists)?" Nepal asked..... Nepal also said that the issue of CA elections must not be overshadowed in the name of republic. Reacting to Maoist stance that election can be postponed for a long time if republic is declared
Uncertainly shrouds second-phase verification of PLA combatants
NC deplores Bardiya attack; YCL warns of nationwide agitation engaged in expansion drive aiming to rope in 500,000 members across the country and mobilise them for republican campaign
Maoist victims to launch third round of agitation
New petroleum act in the offing, says Mahato
Shocking news: Nepal King biggest electricity defaulter Daily News, Sri Lanka Gyanendra owes more than 460,000 dollars in unpaid electricity bills, making him the Himalayan nation’s biggest power defaulter ...... for electricity supplied to four royal palaces and bungalows since early 2005.