Showing posts with label Startup company. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Startup company. Show all posts

Thursday, August 28, 2014

One Eye On Nepal

A tech startup launched partly or fully by Nepalis that might manage to raise 100K or 200K from among Nepalis in the first round, also called seed round, or friends and family round, if it does good work positions itself to raise north of a million dollars in its second round from professional investors. But it would be hard, probably impossible, to raise a million dollars from among Nepalis.

There is a flip side to that coin. Say that tech startup does well and ends up with a valuation in the 100 million dollar range in five years. Interested Nepalis either invested in the first round or did not invest at all. Because round two onwards you have to be a licensed investor to invest. You can’t come into rounds two, three or four.

Granted a tech startup is high risk behavior. Bottom line, it could fail. You could lose your money as an investor. But I can’t think of a better vehicle than a tech startup to start tapping into the robust capital markets in this city, the finance capital of the world. And unless you are a successful entrepreneur, you have no moral standing to make any meaningful contribution to economic growth in Nepal. Lecturing goes only so far, you have to be in a position to make meaningful investments. In this era of globalization and the Internet one can hope to make major contributions to Nepal’s economic growth, even if it might be 10,000 miles away.

Let’s say you invest 5K in a tech startup that goes on from a million dollar valuation in round 1 to a 100 million dollar valuation in about five years. Your 5K just grew to half a million dollars. It can be argued that is retirement money. A 500,000 dollar trust fund could generate 50K every year forever. It could be set up that way. As in, your half million stays intact. And you are netting 50K a year forever. 50K a year is not fancy, but it can be if you were to choose to spend all your money in a country like Nepal.

By that token a 10K investment would bring you a million dollars in that startup. A 20K investment would bring you two million dollars. A two million dollar trust fund would bring you 200K every year. That is rich!

What if you invested 5K each into 10 startups and only one of them hit it big? Your 50K still became half a million.

By one count there are 30 millionaire Nepalis in Russia. Shesh Ghale is in Australia. No matter which way you look, Nepalis in America look to be in a bad shape. America should have minted more Nepali millionaires than any place else. But that has not happened because not enough Nepalis in this country have gone into entrepreneurship. I happen to think that is a shame.

In Russia you could have bought factories for cheap when the Soviet Union collapsed. In Australia I guess real estate and education were key. But in the American economy high tech is the way to go. Old economy companies make money but not wild money. The beauty of software is it allows you to cash on your old economy expertise. I believe many software companies like Uber and AirBnB are yet to be born, companies that will target major inefficiencies in the old economy at large scales. Both are multi-billion dollar companies.

Clean energy is another way to get on the cutting edge. Finally Nepal might start making some big moves in a few years. I think there is room to build multinational corporations that do business globally, but also are deeply engaged in Nepal’s hydro sector.

The other day I was at a rooftop party in Manhattan and I came across this guy who had a biotech background who was doing Big Data for some big bank. He was not cashing in on his biotech background, not yet. But just like there are intersections between software and biotech, there necessarily are intersections between clean energy and software.

Risk taking is the top quality entrepreneurs share. Risk taking is more important than smarts, more important than a great work ethic. Sometimes you simply have to jump in and let the chips fall where they may. No risk, no gain.

But to the ablest of entrepreneurs, it probably does not feel like risk taking. To those watching, it might look like risk taking. But the best of entrepreneurs move with the assurance of a sleep walker. Just like I think of New York City as not part of America, but a whole different country altogether, I think entrepreneurs are a whole different species.

Sunday, August 03, 2014

Angel Investing

English: Diagram of the typical financing cycl...
English: Diagram of the typical financing cycle for a startup company. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Angel investing is a beautiful thing. The person who put the first 100K into Google saw it become a billion and a half in eight years. You couldn’t win a lottery and see that kind of money. Peter Thiel put 500K into Facebook for 5% in its first Silicon Valley round and I believe second round overall and saw it become almost two billion dollars in six years, I think. Granted companies like Google and Facebook are rare.

Predictably there are fewer multi billion dollar companies than there are hundred million dollar companies. And there are far more companies that get bought in the tens of millions. A client of mine turned around and sold his app for a cool million. He had total ownership and so got all the money. That transaction was not covered by any of the tech blogs. There are far too many of those to hit the headlines.

A million might be small compared to a billion, but it is no small sum, objectively speaking. Considering a million could give 100K in annual return without getting used up, you could retire if you had a million dollars. I think it is very possible to live off of 100K a year.

Say you invested 50K in a company valued at a million for a five per cent stake, and the company had a 50 million dollar exit four years later, your 50K will have become 2500K, or two and a half million dollars. That would not be a bad return.

Post-IPO it is hard for a company to show wild growth like from inception to the IPO. Most VCs will cash out soon after an IPO for that reason. They know the wild growth is in the early stages.

Let me ask you a trick question. If you had 50K to invest, and you had the option to get 5% or 50% of a tech startup, which would you rather go for? Most people make the wrong choice and say they would like 50% of the company. Getting 5% is better. At 50% you will likely kill the hen that lays the golden egg. You will scare away round two investors. You will not leave much room for the company to be able to attract top talent. Chances are you will also have squeezed the founders of the company. Not being able to raise round two money, the company likely will die. And you will have lost your 50K. Because 50% of zero is? Zero.

A healthy tech startup is one that has plenty of equity for the founders of the company, for various rounds of investors, and for the entire team as it might build up over years.

IPOs are rare, but then it is a good thing that many other forms of exits are possible. Getting bought is a decent enough exit. Most tech startup founders dream about getting bought, and many do get bought.

It would be hard, probably impossible, to raise two million dollars for a tech startup in the New York City Nepali community. But a startup could possibly raise 100K or 200K. If the idea is great, and if the work with that initial seed fund is great, that startup could then go out into the larger market of professional investors and hope to raise two million dollars. A New York Nepali community that can not produce millionaire entrepreneur after millionaire entrepreneur is in no position to lecture the homeland Nepal on economic development issues. Practice before you preach.

Patel Brothers is likely the largest business in Jackson Heights. On an express train Jackson Heights is but 20 minutes from Times Square. As in, you are very much in the city when you are in Jackson Heights. And the place has a great selection of bars and restaurants. Jackson Heights is the only place in the city with garden apartment complexes. I think it would be possible for tech startups based out of Jackson Heights to surpass Patel Brothers - which is an old economy company - in a few swift years. Silicon Valley used to be apple orchards.

Angel investing is when you have the money - maybe 10K, maybe 20K, maybe 50K - but not the ideas, or the time, or the expertise to work on a tech startup. A lot of old economy professionals in the local Nepali community could afford to angel invest. Actually, I don’t think they can afford to not invest. You should harbor the fear of missing out.

The democracy movement is over. The Madhesi movement is over. Now for the next 20 years Nepal has no other business than rapid economic development. The local Nepali community will have to prove itself locally before it can hope for a significant involvement back home. Entrepreneurship is it, and tech entrepreneurship is the crown jewel.