Saturday, March 22, 2008

मधेसी पार्टीले सीट तालमेल नगरेको राम्रै हो

मधेसी पार्टीले सीट तालमेल नगरेको राम्रै हो

मधेसी अान्दोलनमा साथ रहेका तीन मधेसी पार्टीले सीट तालमेल नगरेको नराम्रो भन्न िमल्दैन। त्यो कदम चतुर कदम हो। अाफ्नो पार्टीको उम्मेदवार नै नरहेको क्षेत्रमा समानुपाितक िनर्वाचनकालािग मत माग्न गार्हो हुन्थ्यो नत्र भने। तीन पहाडी पार्टीले पिन सीट तालमेल गरेका छैनन्।

माअोवादीले लोकतन्त्र अझ पिन िसकेन

माअोवादीको गुण्डागर्दीका समाचारहरू अाइरहेका छन्। माअोवादी नेतृत्वले एक्लै बहुमत ल्याउने सपना िकन देखेको? एक्लो बहुमत कुनै पिन पार्टीको अाउँदैन। २०% भन्दा बढी मत कुनै पिन पार्टीले ल्याउनेवाला छैन। माअोवादीले िहंसा अझै त्यागेको छैन भनेर नै एमालेले माअोवादीसँग चुनावी सीट तालमेल नगरेको हो। अिहले माअोवादी एमालेको एक ितहाइ पिन िक छैन। गुण्डागर्दी गरेमा माअोवादीको मत प्ितशत ह्वात्त घटेर जान्छ, चुनावपिछ माअोवादीलाई अरू सबै पार्टीहरू िमलेर एक्ल्याउने संभावना बढेर जान्छ।

िमलीजुली सरकार

सबैभन्दा ठुलो पार्टी कुन बन्छ? त्यो पार्टी एमाले हुन्छ िक फोरम हुन्छ, भन्न गार्हो छ। तर बहुमत को कुरा नै छोडौं, २०% भन्दा बढी मत पिन कसैले ल्याउला जस्तो मलाई लाग्दैन। चुनावपिछ तीन मधेसी पार्टी एक ठाउँमा अाएको राम्रो। बार्गेिनङ गर्न सिजलो हुन्छ।

एमाले तीन मधेसी पार्टी िमल्न सक्छन्। काँग्रेस तीन मधेसी पार्टी िमल्न सक्छन्। काँग्रेस, एमाले एक वा दुई मधेसी पार्टी िमल्न सक्छन्। माअोवादीको व्यवहारले गर्दा माअोवादी सरकारमा जाने संभावना कम भएर गएको छ।

बन्दुकधारी मधेसी समुहहरू

तीन मधेेसी पार्टी सरकारमा गएपिछ ितनले मधेसी बन्दुकधारी समुहहरूसँग अादरपुर्वक शान्ित वार्ता गर्नेछन्। िमलनिवन्दु भनेको एक मधेस एक प्रदेशको नारा हो। त्यो मधेस राज्यको स्थापना नहुँदासम्म त्यो नाराको अौिचत्य कायम नै रहन्छ। यस चुनावमा ती बन्दुकधारी समुहहरूले तीन मधेसी पार्टीलाई सघाउनुपर्छ, चुनाव सफल पार्नुपर्छ।

अर्को प्रधानमन्त्री: उपेन्दर यादव, माधव नेपाल, शेर देउवा

तीन जना मध्ये जसको पार्टी सबैभन्दा ठुलो भएर अाउँछ उसले प्रम खाने जस्तो देिखयो। दोस्रो ठुलो पार्टीले राष्ट्रपित खाला, तेस्रो ठुलोले सभामुख। चौथो ठुलोले उपसभामुख।

पाँच बुँदा, पाँच चुनाव

In The News

Youth mobilisation during polls may cause violence: UNMIN Kantipur various evidences that find the CPN-Maoist activists guilty of incapacitating parties to freely conduct election campaign in places across the country. ..... Maoist cadres have taken over the right to assembly of activists of various parties, in different ways, in many districts including Darchula, Dhankuta, Kaski, Chitwan and Dhading
Challenegs and obstacles still exist for CA polls: UNMIN growing evidence of action by CPN-M cadres, including members of the Young Communist League (YCL), to restrict in various ways freedom of assembly of other parties in different areas of Darchula, Dhankuta, Sindhulpalchowk, Chitwan, Bardiya, Baitadi, Lalitpur, Okhaldunga, Gorkha, Kaski, Kalikot, Dhading, Salyan, among others. ....... A repeated warning from CPN-M cadres has been that other parties should not campaign in its “base areas”. Voters have been told that the CPN-M will know how they vote and will take action against those who cast their ballot for other parties. ...... The community was found to be in a state of fear and intimidated by the YCL, and OHCHR was told by multiple sources that students as young as twelve had been taken out of school and enlisted by the YCL. ...... Representatives of youth wings of major political parties have indicated that they plan to deploy large numbers of young people “to provide security” at polling stations on the day of the election. ...... a number of commanders and members of the Maoist army have been nominated and are campaigning as candidates for election without having been discharged from the Maoist army ...... retention of a specified number and type of weapons for security at the residence of the Chairman and for 25 central members of the CPN-M ....... weapons are to be used solely for self-defence and are not to be publicly displayed
‘No RPP campaign in Dhankuta due to YCl’
Maoist breaching election CoC: Election Commissioner Nepal
तात्यो सिरहा एकातिर कांग्रेस, एमाले, जनमोर्चा र माओवादीले आफूहरूबीच प्रतिस्पर्धा हुने दाबी गरिरहेका छन् भने फोरम, सद्भावना, तमलोपाले भने आफ्नो पकड रहेको बताउ“दै आएका छन् । उनीहरूको दाबी छ, 'मधेस आन्दोलनमा नेतृत्व गरेकाले हामी प्रभावशाली छौं ।' ..... यसैबीच डोम समुदायबाट पहिलो पटक उम्मेदवार बनेका छन् । क्षेत्र नं. ४ बाट दलित जनजाति पार्टर्ीी रामचन्द्र मरिक डोमलाई उम्मेदवार बनाएको विषयको जिल्लाभर सकारात्मक चर्चा भएको छ ।
मधेसमा होली
भट्टर्राईको क्षेत्रमा चुनावी चहलपहल २०२६ सालको एसएलसीमा आफ्नो गाउ“ छेउकै अमरज्योति जनता माविबाट बोर्ड फस्ट गरेका भट्टर्राईले चुनावका लागि पनि आफ्नै क्षेत्र रोजेका छन् । च्याङली गाविसको साना किसान विकास आयोजनाको भवन ध्वस्त पारेर आफ्नो जनयुद्ध सुरु भएको उद्घोष गरेका माओवादीले यस जिल्लालाई सामरिक महत्त्वको क्षेत्रसमेत मान्ने गरेको छ ।
एमाले-माओवादी झगडा नगर्ने सहमति
नुवाकोटमा त्रिपक्षीय
वाईसीएलले उम्मेदवारलाई खान-सुत्न दिएनन् माओवादी कार्यकर्ता पुष्प दाहाल लगायत ३० जनाको समूहले पकाएको भात खोसेर खाएका हुन् । उनीहरूले कांग्रेस कार्यकर्ता सुत्न स्थानीय दर्ीघमान गुरुङका घरमा लगाएको ओछ्यान अतिक्रमण गरिसुतेका थिए ।
माओवादीद्वारा आक्रमण तीव्र संविधानसभा निर्वाचन प्रचारमा संलग्न कांग्रेस र एमालेका कार्यकर्तामाथि माओवादीको आक्रमण क्रम बढेको छ । संविधानसभाको तिथि नजिकि“दै जा“दा आक्रमणका घटना अरू बढेका हुन् । ..... 'माओवादी अझै पनि बहुदलीय प्रतिस्पर्धामा भन्दा हिंसा, अराजक र तोडफोडमा विश्वास गर्दै त्रासको वातावरण बनाउन लागेको छ,' केन्द्रीय कायर्ँलयका मुख्य सचिव शोभाकर पराजुलीद्वारा जारी विज्ञप्तिमा भनिएको छ- 'यो पराजित मानसिकताको उपज हो ।' ..... एमालेले पनि आक्रमणको निन्दा गर्दै माओवादीले हतास मानसिकताबाट प्रेरित भएर आक्रमणको सिलसिला जारी राखेको दाबी गरेको छ ।

New War If Maoists Lose Polls: Dr Bhattarai Himalayan Times Senior leader of the CPN-Maoist Dr Baburam Bhattarai on Saturday warned that his party would launch a new kind of people's war if it lost in the constituent assembly polls scheduled for April 10. ...... "The new people's war will be a peaceful one, and urban-centred. No one needs to fear on any score." ..... the CPN-Maoist was the progenitor of the constituent assembly
One killed in Police Action in Dhanusha over a dozen persons were injured in clashes at different places here. One person was injured in firing at Green Hotel located at Mujelia. Clashes also took place at Janakpur chowk, Mills Area, Pindari Chowk and other places.

Nepal proposes two-phase polls NepalNews Nepal said deteriorating security situation across the country would disturb holding polls peacefully in a single phase.

EC will Take Three Weeks to Publicise Results Himalayan Times
Reporter’s notebook : Tarai folk not so sure of CA election The government is mainly focusing on bolstering security in troubled areas, but two things that can improve the security situation in these areas — political understanding between major political parties and reconciliatory approach for dealing with the armed groups of Tarai — are lacking. ..... the Prime Minister’s acknowledgement that the government will give priority to holding the CA polls rather than holding talks with the armed outfits cannot be called mature handling of the matter.

Tarai election fallout Nepali Times Ram Baran Yadav, one of the few Madhesi who hasn’t defected from the NC and Shri Krishna Yadav of TMLP ...... “Ram Baran will not even win a ward election in the district now. He is a Pahadi dalal,” asserts the young conductor, Anil. ...... Up north on the highway, Ram Baran is a hero among Pahadis. Gopal Acharya, a young student in Bardibas, says, “If there is one person of Madhesi origin who can be the country’s PM, it is Dr Yadav. He must win.” .... a section of Pahadi vote in the Tarai will go to the Maoists ..... “Mahanta is in the pockets of the Indians, Upendra is an American agent
Murkier and murkier All the three-week agitation did was channelise Madhesi discontent, and generate a wave. But in less than a week, the Madhesi parties blew it all away. ...... the three Madhesi parties are not united and their votes will split. ..... for both the first past the post and proportional representation seats combined, the TMLP, SP and MJF will be lucky to get 50 seats. ...... It is largely traditional NC voters who are shifting loyalties to the Madhesi parties, so if anyone benefits from this fragmentation it is the UML. And the UML with its non-inclusive leadership embodies the worst kind of pahadi conservatism. ....... the MJF .... has a relatively better organisation, brand name, and thus deserves a larger share of the seats, but the Forum has been the most rigid. ....... Before Upendra Yadav knows it, the MJF will be hijacked by the J P Gupta-Gachhedar-Bhandari combine. ...... it might emerge as the biggest Madhesi party ...... The Sadbhabana is a marginal actor. The splits have really destroyed the party .... The weakness of the Madhesi parties, and their possible dismal showing in the polls, may make many in Kathmandu happy.
A year after Gaur massacre Maoists struggle for vote Kantipur “People in this district see the Gaur incident as an assault on Maoists’ prolonged oppression of the common people” argues Ganesh Prasad Yadav, Rautahat district president of MPRF. ..... Mahato’s killing triggered the first wave of Madhes movement that swept MPRF to centre-stage of Madhesi politics and sidelined the Maoists - perhaps for a long, long time to come.
UNMIN: Mission impossible?
Govt invites armed groups for talks
Why UML, Maoist cadres clash everywhere

A top Nepali blogger recalls late King Mahendra NepalNews Kathmandu-based intelligentsia and expatriates say they anxiously await for Maila Baje’s postings every week.

UML strongman fires another salvo at Maoists NepalNews If they intimidate one person, they will lose 100 votes and if they intimidate 100 persons, they will lose 1000 votes
We had proposed a joint manifesto with UML: Prachanda reports of violent confrontations between the cadres of the two parties in different parts of the country. .... murder of two Maoist cadres in Rolpa and National People’s Front candidate in Banke-2

In Constituency 10 Nepali Times Less than two years ago, he was the most wanted man in Nepal with a price on his head and even sought by Interpol on terrorism charges. .... He proposed a four-lane highway from Kathmandu to Hetauda via Dakshinkali, and even promised a railway link from Tibet to Kathmandu, Pokhara, and Lumbini.
No Madhesi wave the casteism of the Yadav-Muslim-Bania combine in the tarai, the myopia of Kathmandu-centric Madhesi leaders ....... “one year of being on the streets for the Madhes movement and I still didn’t get a ticket from MJF.” ...... Less than a month after the signing of an agreement with the government, bickering within the Madhesi alliance has eroded its support base. ........ The big parties are therefore back in business, but fielding Madhesi candidates because they know the Madhes Street will not accept Pahadis. ...... In the 11 constituencies of Bara and Parsa together, the NC and UML may take as many as eight seats. ..... Singh is the Madhes sarkar pramukh of the Jwala faction of the militant JTMM and number two in the hierarchy. A former Sadbhabana activist, he was in the original team that defected from Jai Krishna Goit. ...... The JTMM is angry at the Madhesi parties for not acknowledging its role in the movement, and not being consulted before the Kathmandu agreement. ....... If elections happen, they risk getting marginalised. If they step up violence, the public may turn against them. ..... “We are not against talks. Our preconditions are release of activists, withdrawal of cases, calling off STF operations, and a unilateral ceasefire by the state.”
Cloud hangs over Badal’s campaign Kantipur Marginalized Praja and Chepangs, Tamang, Magar, Gurung and Tharus make up almost half of over 73,000 voters in this constituency.
Back to barracks, says Minister Yadav to NA security Minister Yadav informed that he will resort to security from the Maoist army if he is not provided with the necessary security during what he labeled as a ‘risky period’.
Mahato’s Sadbhawana names PM Head of State with executive rights TMDP has proposed to adopt a Prime Ministerial system provided that a “no confidence” motion cannot be put forward at least for one year to ensure political stability; while MPRF has proposed the President as the head of state with executive rights.
10 hurt in NC-MPRF men clash

Sadbhawana Party, CPN (ML) unveil election manifestoes NepalNews Prime Minister will be elected through direct voting and will be able to serve a maximum of two terms while the President will be appointed by the parliament. ..... CPN (ML) has also proposed seven states One family displaced due to Maoist threat; Gautam attacked Maoists have been speeding up attack against leaders and cadres of other political parties ahead of the election of the constituent assembly.
Minister Yadav dismisses security personnel Minister Yadav is said to have been angered by the refusal of security personnel to travel to Janakpur with him.

Maoists, UML cadres clash in Chitwan NepalNews
EC makes closed-list of PR candidates public
UML says it favors 'One China policy' as violent protest erupts in Tibet the death of at least 80 people in the crackdown by Chinese military and police in Lhasa. ..... violence in Tibet has spilled over to neighboring provinces Sunday where Tibetan protesters defied a Chinese government crackdown. The Dalai Lama warned Tibet faced 'cultural genocide' and appealed to the world for help. ..... protests against Chinese rule of Tibet were reported in neighboring Sichuan and Qinghai provinces and also in western Gansu province. All are home to sizable Tibetan populations.

Armed Terai groups announce programmes to disrupt CA poll; Maoist combatants deserting camp NepalNews Madheshi Mukti Tigers, Terai Cobra, Janatantrik Terai Mukti Morcha and Samyukta Janatantrik Terai Mukti Morcha ...... would carry out explosions in the city areas and district headquarters on 19th March, carry out firings and torch rallies on 20th March ..... take physical action against the candidates and people involved in election publicity campaigns along with officials of Election Commission 25th March .... Madhesh bandh (shutdown strike) on 28th March to 30 March, burn effigies of Madhesi leaders Mahanta Thakur, Upendra Yadav and Rajendra Mahato on 3 April. ....... general strike in Madhesh from 7 to the election day, 10 April. They said people would not be allowed to even walk on foot on 9 and 10 April. ....... the statement of Prime Minister not to hold talks with any groups before the CA polls ..... there will be no need for talks after the election. The armed groups have also given three-day ultimatum to the government for holding talks with them ..... more than half of the Maoist combatants in Dashrathpur cantonment have left the cantonment site and have returned to their village ...... for publicity during the CA polls. .... The Maoists had announced that they would mobilise 200 YCL cadres in a booth on the election day.
NC candidate beaten in Okhaldhunga
MJF manifesto proposes President as chief executive a maximum of two terms ..... the Chief Minister would also be elected through adult franchise. ..... Upendra Yadav said, "The West-Minister style of governance has completely failed. This is why we have proposed President as the chief executive to be elected through direct voting." ...... conducting a census in the country before the drafting of new constitution. ..... MJF leader Bijay Gachhedar who had recently defected from NC to join the party, announced that they hope to make the MJF the 'biggest party' of Nepal.

MJF proposes President with executive power NepalNews the President be elected directly through popular vote. However, the party said the President must be accountable to the parliament. .... bicameral parliament at the center and a legislative assembly in the states. The state parliament will elect the chief minister.

SEBS marks 25th anniversary Kantipur SEBS organized the event as a part of its fund raising initiative for a Nationwide Scholarship Programme (NSP) that provides scholarships to the students of marginalized communities in 65 districts across the country. ..... SEBS President Keshab P Khatiwada and General Secretary Rajesh Adhikari. ..... the hit remix Chiyabarima and Shakira’s hip-shaking number Hips don’t lie ..... Budhanilkantha School Principal Narayan Prasad Sharma. ..... Notable former Budhanilkantha School students including Crown Prince Paras and TV personality Bhusan Dahal were also among the audience.
किन भएन तालमेल
दलित र महिलाले उम्मेदवारी पाएनन्

Why UML-Maoist poll alliance was aborted Kantipur top leaders of the two parties are starting to spit venom at each other while cadres on the ground have begun to engage in violent clashes. .... Although the Maoists had initially proposed a 50:50 percent share with the UML in all 240 constituencies across the country, they (Maoists) later scaled down to 40:60. But the UML offered them an 80:20 formula for the alliance
काठमाडौं-१० त्रिपक्षीय विश्वविद्यालयको भेटघाटमा प्रचण्डले 'नेवारको क्ष्ँेत्रमा यो बाहुन कहा“बाट आयो भन्ने प्रचार गरिएको' मा रोष प्रकट गरे ।
फोरमद्वारा सुजातालाई अवरोध फोरम प्रभावित क्षेत्रमा पुग्नासाथ उनीविरुद्ध नाराबाजी सुरु भएको थियो । फोरमका कार्यकर्ताले कालो झन्डा पनि पर््रदर्शन गरेका थिए । .... मन्त्री कोइराला गाडी लिएर लौकही पुग्दा फोरमका कार्यकर्ताले बाटो छेकेका थिए । नाराबाजी क्रममा उनलाई विदेशी नागरिक भएको आरोप लगाइएको थियो । ..... अवरोधबारे मधेसी जनअधिकार फोरमका संयोजक उपेन्द्र यादवले आफूलाई थाहा नभएको बताए । उनले भने, 'उम्मेदवारलाई चुनावीसभा गर्ने छुट छ, अवरोध गर्ने पक्षमा हामी छैनांै तर जनताले सोधेका प्रश्नको जबाफ भने दिनर्ुपर्छ ।'

NC manifesto proposes ceremonial role to President, executive power to PM NepalNews delineation of federal units will be done in consideration with a number of factors such as geography, population, economic opportunities, relation between federal units, language, ethnicity and culture ...... does not specify the number of federal units. ..... two chambers of parliament at the centre and a legislative assembly in the state. The election of the lower house of the central parliament and the state assembly will be done under mixed electoral system, with 33 guaranteed representation of women, while the upper house will have proportional representation. ...... will adopt the concept of positive discrimination for a certain period of time ..... make Nepal Army an "inclusive, democratic and professional" institution.
UML team attacked by Maoists in Ramechhap

MPRF cadres ‘black-flag’ Sujata Kantipur Sujata opined that law and order situation is still not satisfactory in some of the Terai districts. TMDP airs CA manifesto; backs Prime Ministerial system Thakur claimed that the country’s structure will be free from internal colonialism if the whole Terai is declared an autonomous state. ..... the TMDP has proposed developing road transportation, an Asian Highway and a scientific agriculture system with Bhutan, Pakistan and Bangladesh.
Prachanda says prime ministerial system will save monarchy

TMLP proposes single Madhesh province NepalNews a single Terai province with several autonomous governing units within it. ..... a ceremonial President elected by two chambers of parliaments at the centre and one legislative parliament of each province. The party has proposed to give executive powers to the Prime Minister who will be elected by the central parliament. ...... the party was trying to forge electoral alliance with Rajendra Mahato's Sadbhwana Party and Upendra Yadav-led Madhesi Janadhikar Forum.

Security Situation Not Satisfactory in Tarai: EC Himalayan Times

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

मधेशी पार्टीले तराईका दिलत र मिहलालाई िचनेनन्

Madhesi parties flout constitution on gender balance Kantipur the MPRF has fielded just 3 (2.85%) women candidates out of a total 105 under the FPTP, whereas the TMDP has fielded 4 (4.16%) out of a total 96 candidates and the SP 5 (5.3%) out of a total 93. ....... Women and Tarai Dalits remain the most disadvantaged groups in the southern plains. Despite tall rhetoric about equality, the Madhesi parties have fielded disproportionately fewer Dalit candidates. ..... Tarai Dalits make up 24% of the total Madhesi population but only 3 % of TMDP candidates are from this group. The MPRF and SP are even worse; they, have fielded only 0.9% and 1% Dalits respectively. ...... High caste Tarai Brahmins and Yadavs dominate the candidacy lists of these Madhesi parties. ...... Yadavs, who are just 11.75% percent of the Madhesi population, make up 29.5% of the MPRF list, while TMDP has fielded 19.7% Yadhavs and the SP 19.3% . ......... Tarai high castes, which make up just 3.6 percent of the Madhesi population are over-represented in the candidate lists, whereas Muslims, who are 12.7% of the Madhesi population, are under-represented
Castes % of Madhesi MPRF TMDP SP
Population Candidates Candidates Candidates
Yadav 11.75 31 (29.5%) 19 (19.7%) 18 (19.3%)
Tharu 20.1 15 (14.2%) 20 (30.8%) 15 (16.12%)
Muslim 12.7 9 (8.5%) 7(7.21%) 8 (8.6%)
Tarai-high castes 3.6 8 (7.6%) 10 (10.41%) 7 (7.5%)
OBCs except Yadav 24.45 26 (24.7%) 21 (21.8%) 29 (31.18%)
Tarai Dalits 24 1 (0.9%) 3 (3.1%) 2
Others 3.4 15 16 14
Total 105 ( 3 women) 96 (4 women) 93 (5 women)
Unreported world india - "the broken people" part 1/3
Unreported world india - "the broken people" part 2/3
Unreported world-India Land of missing children - 3/3

िबहारमा छ एउटा रणवीर सेना भन्ने। प्राइभेट अार्मी। नक्सललाई दबाउने नाममा रणवीर सेनाले िबहारका दिलतहरूलाई सताउने गर्छ। नेपालमा त्यो रणवीर सेना त छैन, र नेपालमा नक्सल, अर्थात माअोवादी, पिन शान्ितपुरण राजनीितमा अाइसकेको अवस्था छ। तर िविभन्न पार्टीहरूले अाउँदो चुनावकालािग िदएको उम्मेदवारीवाट स्पष्ट हुन्छ दिलत अिधकार र समानताकालािग सबैभन्दा अगािड रहेको नेपाली पार्टी माअोवादी पार्टीकालािग तराईमा प्रशस्त ठाउँ छ। मिहला समानताका कुरामा पिन माअोवादी अरू सबै पार्टीभन्दा धेरै अगािड छ। काठमाण्डुमा त्यही मिहला समानताको कुरा गरेर माअोवादीले भोट बटुल्न सक्नुपर्ने हो। तराईमा दिलत समानताको कुरा गरेर नै माअोवादीले टन्न भोट िलन सक्नुपर्ने हो। िहंसा पुर्ण रूपले त्याग्ने र शान्ितपुर्ण ढंगले िपछिडएकालाई संगिठत गर्ने, तिरका त्यो हो। दिलत मतदाताले दिलत उम्मेदवारलाई भोट िदन सक्नुपर्यो। त्यो िकिसमको राजनीितक चेतना जगाउने काम जुन पार्टीले गर्छ, त्यस पार्टीले हात चाट्छ।

In The News

Madhesi parties flout constitution on gender balance Kantipur the MPRF has fielded just 3 (2.85%) women candidates out of a total 105 under the FPTP, whereas the TMDP has fielded 4 (4.16%) out of a total 96 candidates and the SP 5 (5.3%) out of a total 93. ....... Women and Tarai Dalits remain the most disadvantaged groups in the southern plains. Despite tall rhetoric about equality, the Madhesi parties have fielded disproportionately fewer Dalit candidates. ..... Tarai Dalits make up 24% of the total Madhesi population but only 3 % of TMDP candidates are from this group. The MPRF and SP are even worse; they, have fielded only 0.9% and 1% Dalits respectively. ...... High caste Tarai Brahmins and Yadavs dominate the candidacy lists of these Madhesi parties. ...... Yadavs, who are just 11.75% percent of the Madhesi population, make up 29.5% of the MPRF list, while TMDP has fielded 19.7% Yadhavs and the SP 19.3% . ......... Tarai high castes, which make up just 3.6 percent of the Madhesi population are over-represented in the candidate lists, whereas Muslims, who are 12.7% of the Madhesi population, are under-represented
Castes % of Madhesi MPRF TMDP SP
Population Candidates Candidates Candidates
Yadav 11.75 31 (29.5%) 19 (19.7%) 18 (19.3%)
Tharu 20.1 15 (14.2%) 20 (30.8%) 15 (16.12%)
Muslim 12.7 9 (8.5%) 7(7.21%) 8 (8.6%)
Tarai-high castes 3.6 8 (7.6%) 10 (10.41%) 7 (7.5%)
OBCs except Yadav 24.45 26 (24.7%) 21 (21.8%) 29 (31.18%)
Tarai Dalits 24 1 (0.9%) 3 (3.1%) 2
Others 3.4 15 16 14
Total 105 ( 3 women) 96 (4 women) 93 (5 women)
21 firms interested in 600 MW Budhi Gandaki
मधेसी दलहरूबीच तालमेलबारे छलफल फोरमका तर्फाट नेता विजयकुमार गच्छदार बैठकमा सहभागी थिए । .... फोरमका संयोजक उपेन्द्र यादवले समय अभावले यसअघिको तालमेलसम्बन्धी छलफलमा सरिक हुन नसकिएको बताए । उनले मोर्चा कायमै रहेको उल्लेख गर्दै भने- 'हामी सहमतिका आधारमा जानेछौं ।'
प्रधानमन्त्रीको निर्वाचन क्षेत्रमा कांग्रेसलाई अप्ठेरो प्रधानमन्त्री गिरिजाप्रसाद कोइराला तीनपटक संसदीय निर्वाचनमा विजयी भएको उक्त क्षेत्रमा उनी उम्मेदवार नबनेपछि यसपालि कांग्रेसलाई अप्ठेरो परेको छ । ..... सीमावर्ती साथै मुस्लिम बाहुल्य १० गाविसका ७० हजार मतदाता रहेको यस क्षेत्रमा यादवको उम्मेदवारीस“गै चुनावका लागि सुजाताविरुद्ध स्थानीय तालमेल पनि हुन थालेको छ । .... जिल्लामा सबैभन्दा बढी २३ उम्मेदवार रहेको यस क्षेत्रमा आइतबार सद्भावनाका देवराम यादव र स्वतन्त्र उम्मेदवार मोहम्मद मोख्तार आलमले उम्मेदवारी फिर्ता लिएका छन् । ...... मधेस आन्दोलनले अघि ल्याएका नेता उपेन्द्र यादवले आफ्नो घर मधुवन -सुनसरी-६) छाडेर सुनसरी-५ बाट उम्मेदवारी दिएका हुन् । ..... उनको उम्मेदवारीले मधेस आन्दोलनले क्षेत्रमा ल्याएको राजनीतिक परिवर्तनको प्रतिविम्बित गरेको छ । मुस्लिम बुद्धिजीवी मोहम्मद अयुवले भने- 'मतदाताको मागलाई कांग्रेसले सम्मान गरेन, त्यसैले प्रभाव क्षेत्र कमजोर बनेको छ ।' ........ मुस्लिम लिगका जिल्ला प्रवक्ता इकवाल मिया“ले कान्तिपुरस“ग भने- 'यहा“का मतदाता गिरिजाप्रसाद कोइरालालाई सम्मान गर्छन्, उहा“लाई भनेका थियांै- तपाईं उठ्ने हो भने ठीक छ होइन भने मुस्लिम उम्मेदवार नै चाहिन्छ ।' ..... सुनसरी-५ मा १२ भन्दा बढी उम्मेदवार मुस्लिम समुदायकै छन् । मुस्लिम बहुल क्षेत्र भएकाले यस निर्वाचनमा एमाले, माओवादी र राप्रपाले मुस्लिम उम्मेदवार उठाएका छन् । ..... फुटकै कारण सुजाता कोइराला मनोनयनपत्र दाखिला गर्न जिल्ला सदरमुकाम आए पनि निर्वाचन कार्यालय पुगिनन् । प्रस्तावक र र्समर्थकलाई पठाएर उनले उम्मेदवारी दर्ता गरेकी हुन् । ....... क्षेत्रमा कुल ७१ हजार १ सय ६७ मा २५ हजार मुस्लिम मतदाता छन ...... फोरम अध्यक्ष यादवको स्थिति निकै कमजोर भएको दाबी गर्दै उनले भने- 'यस क्षेत्रमा यादवलाई जाने मत सुजातालाई जा“दैन तर मुस्लिमले यादवलाई पनि मत दि“दैनन्, त्यसैले सुजाता सुरक्षित छन् ।' ..... यादव र मुस्लिमबीच विद्यमान सामाजिक प्रतिस्पर्धाले कसलाई फाइदा पुर्‍याउने हो, त्यसका लागि भने चुनाव परिणाम नै पर्खनर्ुपर्छ ।
तर्राई आन्दोलनपछि निर्वाचन तर्राई जनतान्त्रिक मुक्तिमोर्चा -गोइत र ज्वालासिंह समूह) तर्राईमा आतंक फैलाई संविधानसभा विरोधमा छन् ...... मुलुकलाई पृथकतावादी आन्दोलनमा होम्नलागेका तर्राई जनतान्त्रिकका दुइटै समूहलाई सरकार लचिलो भएर वार्तामा बोलाउनुको सट्टा बेवास्ता गरी पन्छाउ“दै गएको देखिन्छ । सरकारले सुरुका दिनमा माओवादी र मधेसवादी आन्दोलनलाई बडो हलुका रूपमा लिइराखेको थियो । ...... जयकृष्ण गोइत .... ०४६ को जनआन्दोलनपश्चात माले एमालेमा परिणत भएपछि उनी सप्तरी जिल्ला एमालेको जिल्ला सचिव भए । त्यतिबेला उनको पार्टर्ीी पकड थियो । ०५४ को स्थानीय चुनावमा एमालेबाट उनलाई जिल्ला विकास समिति सभापतिका लागि टिकट दिने प्रायः निश्चित थियो । केन्द्रीय नेतृत्वको हस्तक्ष्ँेप भई दिवाकर देवकोटालाई टिकट दिइयो । त्यसपछि उनमा विचलन आई ०५६ तिर माओवादीमा प्रवेश गरी त्यसको भ्रातृसंगठन मधेस मुक्तिमोर्चाको अध्यक्ष्ँ बने । ..... स्वाभिमानी र क्रान्तिकारी गोइतको विचारको अगाडि प्रचण्ड र बाबुरामहरूको बाहुनवादी सामन्ती प्रवृत्तिको विचारले मेल खाएन ...... त्यसैबीच उनले तर्राईसम्बन्धी ऐतिहासिक सुगौली सन्धि लगायतका अन्य सामग्री खोजी-खोजी पढ्न थाले

Koirala plans to retire from politics after CA election NepalNews he wanted to transfer the leadership of his party, Nepali Congress, to the new generation.
Spurned by UML, Prachanda spits venom UML used to win the election in the past by putting itself forward as a communist party. Now the original communist party has come forth and there is no need to go for make-believes
Nepal ridicules Maoist plan to make Prachanda president they are busy making him president of the wall

Monday, March 10, 2008

पाँच बुँदा, पाँच चुनाव

पाँच बुँदा

() राष्ट्रपितको प्रत्यक्ष िनर्वाचन

यो अमेिरकन िसस्टम होइन, तर अमेिरकाका प्रगितशीलहरूले पिन चाहेको कुरा हो। अमेिरकामा राष्ट्रपितकोप्रत्यक्ष िनर्वाचन भएको भए सन् २००० मा अल गोर राष्ट्रपित हुन्थ्यो।

राज्यका तीन अंग कार्यपािलका, िवधाियका, न्यायपािलका। ती तीन बीच़ separation of powers हुनु जरूरीछ।

राष्ट्रपितको प्रत्यक्ष िनर्वाचन गर्ने तर संसदले प्रधानमन्त्री पिन चुन्ने माअोवादीको सुझाव, भारतमाजस्तो राष्ट्रपित चुन्ने तर प्रधानमन्त्रीको प्रत्यक्ष िनर्वाचन गर्ने एमालेको प्रस्ताव अचम्मको छ।राष्ट्रपित भए प्रधानमन्त्री िकन चािहयो? प्रधानमन्त्री भए राष्ट्रपित िकन चािहयो? संसदको सभामुखहुन्छ, राष्ट्रपित अथवा प्रधानमन्त्री होइन।

पिहलो राउण्डमा कुनै पिन उम्मेदवारले ५०% भन्दा बढी मत नल्याए सबैभन्दा बढी मत ल्याउने दुई जना बीचदोस्रो राउण्डको िनर्वाचन हुन्छ। राष्ट्रपितले चार वर्ष शासन गर्छ।

() ७५ िजल्ला कायम, चार राज्य: कोशी, गण्डकी, कर्णाली, तराई

७५ िजल्लालाई फाल्नु भनेको देश लथािलङ हुनु हो। जातीय, भािषक राज्यहरू खडा गर्नु संभव पिन छैन, गर्नु पिन हुँदैन। दोस्रो मधेसी क्रान्ितले पुरा तराईलाई एक राज्य बनाउने ग्यारण्टी गरेर देशलाई गुणलगाएको छ। तराई भनेको जातीय होइन, भौगोिलक राज्य हुनेछ। बाँकी राज्यहरू पिन भौगोिलक हुनुपर्नेबाध्यता अब अाएको छ।

राष्ट्रपितको जस्तै गव्र्नरको पिन प्रत्यक्ष िनर्वाचन गर्नु पर्ने हुन्छ प्रत्येक राज्यमा।

केन्दरीय स्तरमा दुई सदनात्मक िवधाियका हुन्छ, तर राज्य स्तरमा एक सदन मात्र हुन्छ। त्यो एकसदनको िनर्वाचन प्रक्िरया केन्दरको तल्लो सदनको जस्तो हुन्छ। पुरा िजल्ला एउटा िनर्वाचन क्षेतर्बन्छ।

() उपल्लो सदनकालािग दलीय समानुपाितक िनर्वाचन, कमसेकम िलस्टमा प्रत्यके तेस्रो नाम मिहला हुनुपर्ने गरी

जम्मा १०० सीट। िलम्बु, गुरूङ, तामाङ, मगर, राई, शेर्पा राज्य पाइँदैन, तर िलम्बु पार्टी खोलेर देश भिर छिरएररहेका िलम्बुहरूको भोट बटुल्ने प्रयास गर्न पाइन्छ। तपाईंले िलम्बु पार्टी खोल्नुभो तर िलम्बुहरूले त्यसपार्टीलाई भोट िदएनन् भने त्यो तपाईको पार्टीगत समस्या भो, त्यो देशको समस्या िलम्बु समुदायकोसमस्या भएन।

जातीय राज्य पाइँदैन, तर जातीय पार्टी खोल्न पाइन्छ। उपल्लो सदनले बहुमतले पािरत नगरेसम्म देशमाकेही हुँदैन। त्यसैले जातीय पार्टीहरूको ठुलो भुिमका रहने देिखन्छ।

उपल्लो सदनकालािग हुने िनर्वाचनमा पुरा देश एउटै िनर्वाचन क्षेत्र हुन्छ, राष्ट्रपितको िनर्वाचनमाजस्तो।

उपल्लो सदनको चुनावमा कमसेकम १% मत ल्याउने पार्टीले राष्ट्िरय पार्टीको मान्यता पाउँछ। देशको प्रत्येक तहको चुनावमा ब्यालट पेपरमा त्यस्ता पार्टीको चुनाव िचन्ह मािथ रहन्छ। ती पार्टीले राज्यबाट वार्िषक पैसा पाउने छन्।

() तल्लो सदनकालािग ७५ िजल्लालाई ७५ वटा बहुसदस्यीय िनर्वाचन क्षेत्र बनाउने, मिहलालाई एकितहाइ सीट

जम्मा २४० सीट। िहमालमा रहेका एक िजल्लामा एक सदस्य हुने िजल्लाहरुमा अिहलेको जस्तो first past the post वाला कुरा लागु हुन्छ। तर त्यस्ता १५ िजल्ला छन् भने ती १५ िजल्लामा चुनाव लड्ने पार्टीलेकमसेकम जना मिहला उम्मेदवार खडा गर्नुपर्ने हुन्छ।

दुई देिख चार सीट भएका िजल्लामा कुनै पिन पार्टीको कमसेकम दोस्रो उम्मेदवार मिहला हुनुप्रने हुन्छ। पाँचवा बढी सीट भएका िजल्लामा पार्टी िलस्टमा कमसेकम दोस्रो पाँचौ नाम मिहला हुनुपर्ने हुन्छ। अाठ सीटहुने िजल्लामा त्यसै गरी दोस्रो, पाँचौं अाठौं।

दुई सीट भएको िजल्लामा चुनाव भयो। जम्मा १००,००० मत खस्यो। एक सीटकालािग ५०,००० मत चािहनेदेिखयो। नेपाली काँग्रेसले ६०,००० मत ल्यायो, एमालेले २५,००० माअोवादीले १०,०००। पिहलो सीट काँग्रेसलेिजत्छ। त्यो पार्टीको दुई व्यक्ित िलस्टको पिहलो व्यक्ित सांसद भयो। दोस्रो राउण्डमा काँग्रेससँग १०,०००, एमालेसँग २५,००० माअोवादीसँग १०,००० मत छ। भनेपिछ त्यो िजल्लाको दोस्रो सीट एमालेले पायो।एमालेको दुई व्यक्ितवाला िलस्टको पिहलो व्यक्ित सांसद भयो।

सात सीट भएको िजल्ला छ। जम्मा ३५०,००० मत खस्यो। भनेपिछ एक सीटको कोटा ५०,००० मत भन्नेदेिखयो। नेपाली काँग्रेस ३०,०००, मधेसी जनािधकार फोरम ७०,०००, सद्भावना पार्टी ४०,०००, तराई मधेसलोकतान्त्िरक पार्टी ४०,०००, एमाले ४५,०००, माअोवादी ५०,०००, राप्रपा १०,०००, स्वतन्त्र उम्मेदवार एक५०,०००, स्वतन्त्र उम्मेदवार दुई १५,०००।

राउण्ड एक मा फोरमले सीट पायो, माअोवादीले सीट पायो, स्वतन्त्र उम्मेदवार एकले सीट पायो। राउण्डदुईकालािग बाँकी मत: एमाले ४५,०००, सद्भावना पार्टी ४०,०००, तराई मधेस लोकतान्त्िरक पार्टी ४०,०००, नेपाली काँग्रेस ३०,०००, मधेसी जनािधकार फोरम २०,०००, राप्रपा १०,०००, स्वतन्त्र उम्मेदवार दुई १५,०००।तीन सीट गइसक्यो, चार सीट बाँकी छ। त्यो चार सीट एमाले, सद्भावना पार्टी, तराई मधेस लोकतान्त्िरकपार्टी, नेपाली काँग्रेसलाई जान्छ।

यो बहुसदस्यीय िनर्वाचन क्षेत्रवाला दलीय समानुपाितक िनर्वाचन प्रणाली संसारको सबैभन्दा प्रचिलतिनर्वाचन प्रणाली हो। नेपालमा तल्लो सदनकालािग चार राज्यको सदनकालािग यही अपनाउनु उपयुक्तहुनेछ।

() संसदीय चुनावमा मत ल्याए अनुसार समानुपाितक राज्यबाट नै प्रत्येक पार्टीले पैसा पाउने, अरु चन्दाउठाउन नपाउने

संसदीय चुनाव भयो। एक करोड मत खस्यो। काँग्रेसले २० लाख, एमालेले २० लाख, माअोवादीले १५ लाख, फोरमले २० लाख मत ल्यायो। संसदले एक मतको वर्षको १० रुप्या िदने िनर्णय गर्यो भने, काँग्रेसले अागामीचार वर्षकालािग वर्षको एक करोड पाउने भो। िहसाबिकताब पारदर्शी राख्नुपर्ने हुन्छ। त्यो बाहेक अरू कुनैिकिसमको चन्दा उठाउन नपाइने।

यो एउटा कुरा गर्न सके नेपाल दुिनयाको नम्बर एक लोकतन्त्र बन्छ।

पाँच चुनाव

() अप्िरल २००८ को संिवधान सभा िन्रवाचन

() दशैं २००८ मा गाउँ, नगर, िजल्ला िनर्वाचन

() अप्िरल २००९ मा देशमा राष्ट्रपितको पर्त्यक्ष िनर्वाचन

() दशैं २००९ मा चार राज्यका गवर्नर संसदको िनर्वाचन

() अप्िरल २०१० मा तल्लो उपल्लो सदनको िनर्वाचन

In The News

UML unveils CA manifesto; proposes executive PM, ceremonial President Kantipur elect the Prime Minster under first-past-the-post (FPTP) election system and the President through a clear majority of the elected parliament. ...... a bicameral legislative body at the centre, unicameral assembly at each state ..... does not mention the number of states to be formed under the federal system. .... the CPN-Maoist had publicised its election manifesto which proposes the election of an executive President through the FPTP system and the Prime Minister through the elected parliament.
काङ्ग्रेस त्याग्नेमा गच्छदार एक्ला थिएनन्, उनीसहित छ सांसदहरू पार्टर्ीीाडेर उपेन्द्र यादवको नेतृत्वमा रहेको फोरम प्रवेश गरे । तिनमा गच्छदार र भण्डारीस“गै रामजनम चौधरी, लक्ष्मणप्रसाद मेहता, हरनिारायण चौधरी र मङ्गलप्रसाद थारू छन् । ..... गच्छदार र भण्डारीको बहिर्गमनले तर्राईमा काङ्ग्रेसलाई नोक्सान हुने देखिन्छ ..... काङ्ग्रेसका पर्ूवसांसद शुक्रराज संयोक एवम् मोरङमा खेतीपाती भएका र धनकुटाबाट काङ्ग्रेस महासमिति सदस्य बनेका अर्जुन थापा पनि फोरममा प्रवेश गर्नु ..... भण्डारी आफूलगायत पहाडियाहरूको फोरम प्रवेशबारे भन्छन्, "यो भूगोलको लडाइ“ हो, साम्प्रदायिक लडाइ“ होइन ।" ..... यादवले 'मधेसमा बस्ने पहाडी मूलका व्यक्तिहरू पनि मधेसी हुन्' मात्र भनेनन्, थपे, "हाम्रो पार्टर्ीीहाडी मूलका व्यक्तिहरूको पनि पार्टर्ीीो ।" ....... काङ्ग्रेसले देशभरबिाट ५० सिट पनि जित्दैन ..... युवा नेता गगन थापा आफूले टिकट नपाएको गुनासो थाती राख्दै फागुन २४ गते पार्टर्ीीपसभापति तथा काठमाडौ“ क्षेत्र नम्बर १ का उम्मेदवार प्रकाशमान सिंहको पक्षमा चुनाव प्रचारप्रसारमा व्यस्त देखिन्थ

32 people declared martyrs of Madhes movement NepalNews
PM Koirala urges Terai armed outfits to accept agreement with Madhesi groups the government will not lose any more time in holding dialogue with the armed outfits operating in Terai.
UML unveils its manifesto; republic main agenda the Prime Minister should be directly elected by the people and be checked by elected parliament. ..... "The UML will go for federal units, which will be divided based on concentration/density of language, ethnic group, region, history and socio-economic status. We think that the actual number of such federal units should be decided after wider consultations and through the State Restructuring Committee"
UML chief rules out possibility of alliance with Maoists at the centre Maoist leaders have been lately expressing disappointment after failing to forge electoral alliance with the UML in Kathmandu valley. ..... his party would not engage in the "business of loss" by handing over its seat to others. ..... "The constituency number 10 is a fortress of UML. There is no need for an alliance in a place where we will win. But we have sympathy for Prachanda. We want to see him win from Rolpa.
Prachanda rues lack of electoral alliance with UML “After one UML leader said there would be no leftist alliance in 15 constituencies of the valley, I became emotional.

Poll drama Nepali Times central Tarai is already gripped by election fever. ..... no one will win a majority and results will be a khichdi ..... There is concern about armed groups who are opposed to the deal with the government, and candidates admit they don’t go out at night.

A battle royale: Sujata v Upendra Yadav Himalayan Times “Sunsari is Upendra Yadav’s home district and constituency no. 5 there is his home. There is no question of his withdrawing from the fray.”
Prachanda calls for grand alliance CPN-Maoist believes in “competitive multiparty democracy”, not in the Mao’s “cooperative relations among the parties having the same ideology”. ..... “Let’s give up an affection towards the parliamentary democracy. We want to go for a presidential system,” he said, adding: “If we do not go for a presidential system, there will be no major political changes in the country.” He said the French style of presidential election system could be better for Nepal. He said his party wanted to come to power “through legitimate constitutional process”.

Cooperation within Madhesi parties failed due to insufficient time’ Kantipur TMDP and MPRF have decided to file their nominations for all the six constituencies of Sarlahi district. ..... Mahato led Sadbhawana Party has, however, decided to refrain from filing nominations for Sarlahi constituency-6, where TMDP chair Thakur is contesting the CA polls. It has decided to file nominations in the other five constituencies.
Ex-Panchas form loose alliance Rastriya Prajatantra Party (RPP), Rastriya Janashakti Party (RJP) and RPP-Nepal have reached a tacit understanding not to contest against each other, but the Madhesi groups, which recently staged joint protests in the Tarai, have failed to forge any alliance for now. ....... Sadbhawana Party has refrained from challenging Tarai Madhes Democratic Party (TMDP) Chairman Mahantha Thakur ( in Sarlahi-6) and a few others but the TMDP has not reciprocated. TMDP's Ram Chandra Raya and Madhesi People's Rights Forum's Rameshwar Raya Yadav fielded candidacies against Sadbhawana Party Chairman Rajendra Mahato in Sarlahi-4. ..... "We have fielded Dev Narayan Yadav from Sunsari-5 and Ram Narayan Yadav from Morang-5, constituencies contested by Forum Chairman Upendra Yadav," said Jha. "But we will try to leave Sunsari-5 to Yadav to secure Morang-5 for our central vice chairman."

CPN-M unveils election manifesto NepalNews 11 autonomous provinces and two sub-provinces with right to self-determination. Delineation of federal units will be based on ethnicity and geography ...... a President elected with popular vote and a Prime Minister nominated by the parliament. The party has proposed for bicameral parliament. ...... the constituent assembly should appoint an interim President and a new transitional government. ..... 10,000 megawatt hydroelectricity will be generated in the next 10 years, and drinking water will be made available to the entire population in within five years period. ....... ending illiteracy in just five years. The manifesto also suggests that basic health care will be available to everybody if the party makes it to the power. ...... increase the per capita income from $ 300 to $3000 in ten years and to $10,000 in twenty years and in forty years, Nepal will be counted among one of the most prosperous countries in the world ...... strictly regulate the border with India and end the tradition of recruiting Nepali youths in foreign army, and annul the Nepal-India friendship treaty 1950.
Over 2000 candidates file candidacies MJF chairman Upendra Yadav registered his candidacy in Sunsari-5 and Morang-5 while TMLP chairman Mahantha Thakur and SP's Rajendra Mahato filed candidacies in Sarlahi-6 and Sarlahi-4 respectively. TMLP leader Hridayesh Tripathi will contest the election from Nawalparasi-6.
UML chief says efforts are on to bring armed groups to negotiating table

All but Jwala Singh ready for talks Kantipur

The Madhes Street Nepali Times Each time Madhesi leaders went in for negotiations, there were phone calls from activists and sympathisers from the Tarai asking them not to give in. ...... They need to translate the momentum of the movement into campaigning, hammer out seat-sharing arrangements and figure out the proportional representation system, given these are three different parties in an alliance.
Trouble across the Tarai The entire eastern Tarai, parts of Kapilbastu and Nawalparasi, Bhairahawa and Nepalganj have been affected by strikes, street protests and prolonged curfews. People are running out of fuel and food, and frustration levels are high. ...... There used to be 1,700 buses plying the eastern section of the Mahendra Highway every day, but this has slowed down to a trickle with Rs 50 million daily losses to transporters.
Oil on troubled waters

Tarai trio to field 100 each under PR system Himalayan Times Tarai Madhes Democratic Party (TMDP), Madhesi Janadhikar Forum (MJF) and Nepal Sadbhawana Party (NSP) are likely to field 100 candidates each for the Proportional Representation system. ...... 50 male and an equal number of female candidates. ....... Like Tarai Madhes Party, the MJF plans to field 50 male and 50 female candidates. Yadav himself plans to contest the direct election together with Jaya Prakash Prasad Gupta. Tarai Madhes Party’s Hridayesh Tripathi said his party was yet to decide on who among the top guns would contest the direct election.

Maoists have most young poll candidates Kantipur The CPN (Maoist) appeared to be the youngest party with 126 (52.50%) young candidates across the country in the age group 25-40.
Parties step up CA poll campaign
Home Minister admits procedural errors in govt-UDMF pact Sitaula said that the latest 8-point agreement could not be ratified by the SPA owing to lack of sufficient time.
UDMF intensifies closed-list preparations TMDP leader Hridyesh Tripathi said that the party will come up with its closed-list by tomorrow afternoon. The Election Commission has fixed deadline for March 2 to submit closed-list of candidates under PR system and March 6 to submit nominations under the first-past-the-post system.
Indefinite Terai strike withdrawn in Biratnagar
सद्भावनाले चुनावमा भाग लिने राष्ट्रिय मुस्लिम मञ्च नेपालले सरकार र मोर्चाबीच बिहीबार भएको सम्झौताको स्वागत गर्दै कार्यान्वयन पक्ष सबल हुने विश्वास व्यक्त गरेको छ । सचिव हासिम अन्सारीले जारी गरेको विज्ञप्तिमा स्वायत्त प्रदेश कुनै समुदाय, वर्ग जातजातिस“ग नजोडी प्राकृतिक बा“डफा“ड अनुसार प्रान्तको नामकरण गर्न आग्रह गरिएको छ ।
'एक मधेस एक प्रदेश' सम्झौता तीस प्रतिशतभन्दा कम उम्मेदवार उठाउने दललाई समानुपातिकको नियम नलाग्ने, अरू दलले मधेसी मूलका उम्मेदवार दिनर्ैपर्ने, मधेसी दलले अन्य मूलका तर्राईवासीलाई उम्मेदवारी दिनुनपर्ने .... पहाडका मान्छे झरेर तर्राई मधेस च्यापे भन्ने हो भने अहिले राजधानीमा मात्रै तर्राई मधेसका पा“च सात लाख मान्छे छन् ..... पहाड हिमालका प्रत्येक सदरमुकाम र गाउ“गाउ“मा तर्राईका व्यापारी, शिल्पकार, प्रँविधिज्ञ, शिक्ष्ँक र अन्य विविध काम गर्नेहरू नपुगेको ठाउ“ कहा“ छ ...... अहिले तर्राई मधेसमा पहाडी मूलका थारू आदि जनजाति मूलका र आफूलाई मधेसी मूलका भन्ने तीनथरी मानिस सरदर ३३/३४ प्रतिशतको हाराहारीमा छन
संघीय मोचास“ सहमति संघीय लोकतान्त्रिक राष्ट्रिय मञ्चका डीके बुद्धिष्ट, संघीय लिम्बूवान राज्य परिषदका कुमार लिङ्देन, संयुक्त थारू राष्ट्रिय मोर्चाका लक्ष्मण थारू, दलित जनजाति पार्टर्ीी विसेन्द्र पासवान र तामाङ-सालिङ स्वायत्त राज्य परिषदका सिङमान तामाङ ..... सहमतिका अन्य बु“दाहरूमा लिम्बूवान, खम्बुवान, तामाङ-सालिङ, थरुहट, दलित आदि आन्दोलनमा मारिएकाहरूलाई सहिद घोषणा गरी तिनका परिवारलाई १० लाख रुपैया“ राहत दिने, घाइतेको उपचार तथा आन्दोलनकारी नेता तथा कार्यकर्तामाथि लगाइएका मुद्दा फिर्ता लिने उल्लेख छ

Friday, February 29, 2008

मधेसी मोर्चालाई सत्तामा पुर्याउने तिरका

पिहलो तिरका: तराईमा तीन मधेसी पार्टीले Sweep िदने

एक मधेस एक प्रदेश अब काँग्रेस, एमाले र माअोवादीले पिन मािनसकेको अवस्थामा त्यो नारा मात्रकोबलमा तीन मधेसी पार्टी चुनावमा जान िमल्दैन। तर त्यो नारा प्रमुख नारा हुन्छ नै। अझ पिन तीन पहाडीपार्टीले चुनावपिछ चुितया व्यवहार गर्न सक्छन्। त्यसप्रित सावधान हुनैपर्छ। नत्र भने पोहोरको मधेसीक्रान्ितका शहीदलाई शहीद मान्ने त पोहोर पिन भनेको हो पहिरयाहरूले। फेिर अान्दोलन गर्न पर्यो त।

मधेसी अान्दोलनले प्राप्त गरेको िवजयलाई संस्थागत गर्न मधेसी अान्दोलनको नेतृत्व गर्ने तीन मधेसीपार्टीलाई िजताउनु अावश्यक भएको भनेर भन्न सक्नुपर्यो जनतालाई।

शत प्रितशत सीट तालमेल गर्ने हो र एउटै सामुिहक मेिनफेस्टोकासाथ जाने हो भने तीन मधेसी पार्टीलेतराईमा स्वीप िदने ठुलो संभावना छ। त्यो मेिनफेस्टो संिछप्त र स्पष्ट हुनुपर्छ। छ बुँदाले अान्दोलन सफलपार्यो। पाँच बुँदाले चुनावी िवजय ल्याउँछ।

# राष्ट्रपितको प्रत्यक्ष िनर्वाचन।
# ७५ िजल्ला कायम। चार राज्य: कोशी, गण्डकी, कर्णाली, तराई।
# उपल्लो सदनकालािग दलीय समानुपाितक िनर्वाचन, कमसेकम िलस्टमा प्रत्यके तेस्रो नाम मिहलाहुनुपर्ने गरी।
# तल्लो सदनकालािग ७५ िजल्लामा multi member proportional election, यहाँ पिन मिहलालाई एकितहाईवाला कुरा लागु हुने गरी।
# संसदीय चुनावमा मत ल्याए अनुसार समानुपाितक राज्यबाट नै प्रत्येक पार्टीले पैसा पाउने, अरु चन्दाउठाउन नपाउने।

दोस्रो तिरका: जनजाित, दिलत अन्य मधेसी पार्टीसँग तालमेल

िवश्वास समुहका पार्टीहरूको मास बेस छ िक छैन? त्यो समुहबाट िवश्वास नै उिछट्िट सिकएको अजीबअवस्था छ। थारु र पहाडका जनजाितलाई मधेसीलाई भन्दा गार्हो छ संगिठत हुन। त्यसैले िवश्वास समुहगार्होमा परेको कुरामा तीन मधेसी पार्टी खुश हुने होइन िक उनीहरूलाई फेिर गोलबन्द गर्न सहयोग गर्नुपर्छ।

तर त्यो गोलबन्द भनेको बुँदागत हुन्छ। यी मािथका पाँच बुँदामा तीनलाई ल्याउन सक्नुपर्छ। चािहएकोजातीय राज्य होइन,
उपल्लो सदनकालािग दलीय समानुपाितक िनर्वाचन हो भनेर भन्न सक्नुपर्छ। तर समय कम छ। चुनाव लड्नु छ।

तेस्रो तिरका: काँग्रेस, एमाले माअोवादीलाई एक हुन निदनु

सामािजक न्यायको कुरामा माअोवादी अरू दुई पार्टीभन्दा प्रगितशील छ, तर माअोवादीले बहुदल मानेको हो िक नमानेको हो, त्यस कुरामा अझै पिन प्रचण्डका िववादास्पद वक्तव्यहरू अाइरहेका छन्। नया जनजाित, दिलतर अन्य मधेसी पार्टीसँग मास बेस नभएको देिखएमा यी तीन ठुला पार्टीहरूसँग नै िबजनेस गर्न पर्ने हुन्छ।

लक्ष्य यो हुनुपर्यो िक
काँग्रेस, एमाले र माअोवादीभन्दा मधेसी मोर्चाले बढी सीट िजत्नुपर्यो। ती तीन पार्टीले पहाडमा पिन मारकाट गर्छन्, तराईमा पिन। तर तीन मधेसी पार्टीले तराईमा शत प्रितशत तालमेल गर्ने हो भने ती तीन पार्टीभन्दा बढी सीट ल्याउने ग्यारण्टी छ। चुनाव अगािड मात्र होइन, चुनावपिछ पिन एक िढक्का हुनुपर्छ। हामी तीन पार्टी भए पिन एक िढक्का भएर चुनाव लडेका हौं, त्यसैले हामी एक पार्टी जस्तै हौं भनेर भन्न सक्नुपर्छ।

मधेसी मोर्चाले एक्लै बहुमत नल्याउन सक्छ, तर सबैभन्दा बढी सीट िजते बापत तीन ठुला पार्टी मध्ये एक वा दुईको सहयोग िलएर सरकार बनाउन सक्छ। त्यित बेला कुन चािहंलाई माइनस गर्न पर्ने हो त्यो अिहले नै थाहा हुने कुरा होइन।

बहुदल मानेसम्म माअोवादी अछुत पार्टी भने होइन। माअोवादीसँग िमलेर पिन सरकार बनाउन सिकन्छ। पाँचौं बुँदा भनेको मैले िवशेष रूपले माअोवादीकालािग नै लेखेको हो।

माअोवादीको सरकार?

एमाले, काँग्रेस र मधेसी मोर्चाभन्दा बढी सीट माअोवादीले िजतेमा उसले सरकारको नेतृत्वको दावी गर्न सक्छ। तर त्यित बेला मधेसी मोर्चा, एमाले, र काँग्रेस एक भइिदन सक्छन्। तर त्यसको अर्को पाटा छ। ंमधेसी मोर्चाले सबैभन्दा बढी सीट िजतेको तर एक्लै बहुमत नल्याएको खण्डमा तीन ठुला पार्टी एक भइिदन सक्छन्। त्यो अवस्था नअाउन िदने तिरका हो पाँच बुँदे मेिनफेस्टो।

सर्वदलीय सरकार?

त्यो पिन एउटा उपाय हो।

तीन मिहनामा नया संिवधान?

यी पाँच बुँदामा मधेसी मोर्चा र तीन ठुला पार्टी एक हुने हो भने देशको नया संिवधान लेख्न तीन मिहनाभन्दा बढी लाग्दैन। त्यो भएमा देशमा पिहले राष्ट्रपितको िनर्वाचन हुन्छ। त्यसपिछ देशमा नया संसदको िनर्वाचन हुन्छ। अिन पाँच राज्यका गव्रनर र एक च्याम्बर संसदको िनर्वाचन। त्यसपिछ स्थानीय िनर्वाचन हुन्छ गाउँ र शहर स्तरमा। राष्ट्रपित र नया संसदको िनर्वाचन एकैसाथ हुन सक्छ। त्यो भयो पिहलो। त्यसपिछ राज्य स्तरको िनर्वाचन। त्यो भयो दोस्रो। त्यसपिछ स्थानीय िनर्वाचन। त्यो तेस्रो।

दशैं ताका पिहलो। अर्को अप्िरलमा दोस्रो। अिन अर्को दशैंमा तेस्रो।

पाँच बुँदा

तर त्यसकालािग मधेसी मोर्चा र तीन ठुला पार्टी पाँच बुँदामा सहमत हुनुपर्यो।

In The News

Govt, FRNF to sign accord today Kantipur Bishwendra Paswan, president of the Dalit Janajati Party ..... Pasawan also said that they have reached agreement on eight various points.
Maoists lead inclusion race The Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) has the most inclusive list of candidates among the three major parties for the first-past-the-post (FPTP) system ...... on the number of women, Madhesi and Janajati candidates. ...... 43 women candidates. Of these 8 are Madhesi women, 6 Janajati, 4 Dalit, 2 Newar and 23 others. ..... 71 candidates from Madhesi communities-- including Tharu, Muslim, Rajbansi, Dhimal and Danuwar. It has 46 janajati candidates, 10 Dalit and 15 Newar. ...... The NC and UML have fielded 26 women candidates each - just above the 10 percent mandatory figure. .... The NC has fielded 50 Madhesis while the UML has 65 Madhesis in the electoral fray. ..... The NC has 31 and the UML 35 Janajati candidates
Fringe parties object to Madhes deal Three fringe parties in the ruling seven-party alliance (SPA) - People's Front Nepal (PFN), Nepal Workers Peasants Party (NWPP) and the Left Front
UDMF celebrates victory in tarai districts UDMF supporters took out victory rallies in several tarai districts and life has started limping back to normalcy all across tarai, Friday. ...... Gupta faction of Madhesi People's Rights Forum (MPRF) announced fresh protest on Friday calling Thursday's deal as betrayal of Madhesi people. ...... markets and transportation were hugely affected in Biratnagar as Gupta faction of MPRF continued their protest claiming the deal was against Madhes.
Govt, FRNF close to inking deal while MPRF faction boycotts talks one of the major groups in the FRNF, Bhagyanath Gupta-led Madhesi People’s Rights Forum (MPRF) boycott the talks while other remaining groups United Tharu National Front, Federal Limbuwaan State Council, Tamshaling Autonomous State Council, Madhesi Democratic Front, Democratic Madhesi Front and Dalit and Indigenous Party participated in the talks.
UML will win majority in CA polls: Nepal He claimed that the eight-point agreement reached between the government and the agitating United Democratic Madhesi Front has secured the CA elections.
Maoists will perform political spectacle after CA: Prachanda the Maoist Supremo claimed that the party was not returning to the old parliamentary system. ..... “Those old people have not understood, a spectacle is going to occur in this country after a month,” he said, “They’ve only thought that the Maoists have come to take part in the polls like during the old parliamentary election. (But) they are in illusion.” ..... “We’ve come to the final front of our fight, to the Constituent Assembly front,” he said, “And we’ll show (them) executing a spectacle.” ..... the Maoists were into the elections from the centre to the local levels, he said that they will fulfill their goal for political change through the CA.
Govt, FRNF talks underway, MPRF faction boycott talks ensure federal autonomous governance based on linguistic and regional lines.
NWPP slams 8-pt agreement
EC unveils new electoral programmes
Madhesi parties start preparations for CA polls The leaders of the Mahanta Thakur led Terai-Madhes Democractic Party (TMDP) at are holding discussions to prepare for the closed list at the party central office in the capital. ..... MPRF spokesperson, Upendra Jha said that preparations are going on to file candidacy from the 22 districts of the Terai region.
मोर्चा घटकबीच तालमेल पहल तीनै दलको कार्यालयमा शुक्रबार चुनावी रौनक छाएको थियो । चुनावमा उम्मेदवारको रूपमा प्रस्तुत गर्नेहरूको ओइरो देखिन्थ्यो ।
सुनसरीमा कफर््र्यु कायमै

UDMF consider forging electoral alliance NepalNews the three parties of the front will contest the April election jointly. ..... The election is another bigger battle for us. The people want us to go jointly
Prachanda sets his eyes on state power He claimed no power in the world would be able to succeed in disrupting their mission to establish the communist government in Nepal. .... He further said Maoists have not entered the parliamentary system of democracy despite their involvement in the interim parliament.
PM making efforts to talk with terai armed groups, says Sujata
NWPP opposes agreement with Madhesi groups
No more changes on election programmes, says CEC

मधेसी अान्दोलनले अब चुनाव िजतेर देखाउनुप्रछ

तीन मधेसी पार्टीले शत प्रितशत सीट तालमेल गर्नुपर्छ

प्रत्यक्ष िनर्वाचनकालािग तराईमा रहेका सम्पुर्ण सीटहरूकालािग तीन मधेसी पार्टीहरूले शत प्रितशत सीट तालमेल गर्नुपर्छ। ११६ सीट छन् जम्मा। ३० सीट महन्थ ठाकुर, ३० सीट राजेन्द्र महतो, ३० सीट उपेन्द्र यादव, १० सीट िकशोर िवश्वास। बाँकी १६ सीट अन्य साना पार्टीहरूलाई र स्वतन्त्र उम्मेदवारहरूलाई। जस्तै अानन्दी समुह, िवश्वास समुहको दिलत पार्टी।

छ बुँदा: मधेसी अान्दोलनको िवजयको प्रमुख कारण

छ बुँदाले मधेसी अान्दोलनलाई स्पष्टता िदयो। त्यसैले िवजय प्राप्त भयो। त्यस िवजयबाट पाठ िसक्नुपर्छ र अब चुनावी िवजय प्राप्त गर्ने तर्फ सोंच्नुपर्छ।

सामुिहक मेिनफेस्टो
  1. राष्ट्रपितको प्रत्यक्ष िनर्वाचन।
  2. ७५ िजल्ला कायम। चार राज्य: कोशी, गण्डकी, कर्णाली, तराई।
  3. उपल्लो सदनकालािग दलीय समानुपाितक िनर्वाचन, कमसेकम िलस्टमा प्रत्यके तेस्रो नाम मिहला हुनुपर्ने गरी।
  4. तल्लो सदनकालािग ७५ िजल्लामा multi member proportional election, यहाँ पिन मिहलालाई एक ितहाईवाला कुरा लागु हुने गरी।
  5. संसदीय चुनावमा मत ल्याए अनुसार समानुपाितक राज्यबाट नै प्रत्येक पार्टीले पैसा पाउने, अरु चन्दा उठाउन नपाउने।
Meeting Ground Between Congress And Maoists: 75 Multi Member Constituencies

जनजाितलाई साथमा ल्याउने

िवश्वास समुहका जनजाितहरूले भन्लान, खै त हामीलाई राज्य? उनीहरूलाई सम्झाउनुपर्छ। जातीय राज्य व्यवहािरक कुरा होइन। भौगोिलक राज्य व्यवहािरक कुरा हो, ७५ िजल्ला फाल्ने हो भने लथािलङ हुन्छ। तर उपल्लो सदनकालािग दलीय समानुपाितक िनर्वाचनको व्यवस्था जातीय राज्यभन्दा superior व्यवस्था हो। अलग िलम्बु राज्य खडा गर्न असंभव छ, तर िलम्बु पार्टी खोलेर देशभिर छिरएर रहेका िलम्बुहरुलाई ल यस पार्टीलाई भोट देउ भन्न सिजलो छ।

िवश्वास समुहका सबै पार्टीहरूले पहाडमा पिन शत प्रितशत सीट तालमेल गर्नुपर्छ। र उनीहरू पिन यस पाँच बुँदे सामुिहक मेिनफेस्टोमा अाउनुपर्छ।

अिन मधेसी र जनजाित िमलेर सरकार बनाउनुपर्छ।

In The News

EC fixes new dates for filing nominations for Madhesi parties NepalNews
Normalcy returns in Terai, eastern hills still remain closed
Yadav says his party is game for electoral alliance
Talks with FRNF still inconclusive

Deal to be struck today: Sitaula Kantipur
Capital’s rice stocks running low stocks of rice with retailers in Kathmandu Valley will barely meet a little over a week's demand. ...... around 500 tons of rice and 150 tons of oil and ghee are needed every day in Kathmandu Valley, with its population of more than 2.5 million. ....... "For more than two weeks, we have not received any supplies from eastern Nepal, which otherwise used to supply more than 90 percent of the food grain required in the Valley"

SPA, UDMF finally reach deal Kantipur ending the 12-day Madhes movement and clearing the deck for Constituent Assembly elections slated for April 10. ...... the key UDMF demand - One Madhes One Pradesh - which they said would be decided through the Constituent Assembly. They have agreed to form autonomous Madhes state and other autonomous states. ....... "We have agreed on autonomous Madhes state. But we are still discussing proper words to reflect the desire of Madhesi people regarding the autonomous Madhes state," said Hridayesh Tripathi .......... agreed to recognize all those killed in the course of the Madhes movement last February as martyrs and provide their families with proper compensation. ...... "We have agreed to increase the provision from 20 to 30 percent," said Tripathi. ....... the government also refused to make group recruitment of Madhesi people in the Nepali Army.
EC simplifies nomination process
Over 1,000 UML cadres quit party Six district committee members and 1,000 other activists of CPN-UML on Sunday reportedly quit their party ..... Those who resigned from the party, however, have not yet decided which party or group they would join. ...... over a dozen district committee members of Rastriya Prajatantra Party (RPP) here in Dhanusha district, including its chairman, collectively resigned from the party ....... Rana, on the one hand, encouraged them to take part in the Madhes movement, while on the other, submitted the closed list of candidates for proportional system in the Constituent Assembly election. Issuing a press statement after the meeting, they also expressed their complete solidarity with the ongoing Madhes aandolan. Those who resigned include district chairman Ramdayal Sah, former chairman Kashi Sah, regional chairmen Ramanandan Mishra and Dipendra Sah, among other district and regional committee members.
SPA working hard for “decisive” talks with Madhesi parties The Terai populace has been reeling under the unabated indefinite general strike running on its 12th consecutive day.
CA not goal of Madhesi people: Mahantha Thakur
Madhes crisis will be resolved by Sunday evening, says Prachanda
Indefinite Terai strike enters 12th day, curfew in Sunsari
Tharus disapprove UDMF demand for “One Madhes”
संकटमा कांग्रेस
सिंगो तर्राई प्रदेश हुन नहुने कारण

Govt, Madhesis to continue talks on Monday NepalNews Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala and Home Minister Krishna Sitaula led government team in the talks that went on throughout the night on Sunday well into the Monday morning. ..... the two sides are close to inking a deal ..... agitating groups have asked the government to amend the constitution and postpone the polls ........ We have agreed on autonomous Madhes. ...... there has also been understanding to declare those killed during Madhes agitation as martyrs and providing their families with relief. Likewise, he said the two sides agreed that the parties which do not field more than 30 percent of candidacies would not need to fulfill quota (of candidates from various region and ethnicity) when filing candidacies. The agitating groups had earlier demanded to raise this limit to 50 percent from the existing 20 percent. ..... Mahantha Thakur, Tripathy, Rajendra Mahato, and Upendra Yadav. The government had flown in Yadav from Birgunj at around 9 pm on army chopper.
Gachhadar, Bhandari not to contest election Bijaya Gachhadar and Sharat Singh Bhandari have informed, Sunday, that they will not contest the election because the burning problem in Madhes has not been addressed by the government. ...... aimed at exerting moral pressure on NC to become serious about Madhes issue .... Bhandari and Gachhadar have announced that they will, however, not leave the party.

Madhesi parties again snub EC’s deadline to submit closed list of candidates NepalNews “RJP hasn’t said it is going to boycott the election, but believes that election is just not possible in the existing situation,” said he.
Top leaders discuss Terai crisis


Talks are as good as failed: MJF leader JP Gupta
One Madesh one province demand cannot be met: Madhesi leader Kishor Biswas
Terai problems must be addressed: NSP (A) vice chairman