Wednesday, March 21, 2007

PM, Defense, Finance: Congress, DPM, Home: UML, DPM: Maoist

Home Minister: Bamdev Gautam (April 21, 2006)

It is very important to get Krishna Sitaula out of the Home Ministry. And it is not at all fair for Koirala to claim the PM and DPM positions as well as the three key ministries of Defense, Home and Finance for the Congress. The Congress does not have that many MPs in the interim parliament.

PM, fine, let that be Koirala.

But the UML needs to continue to get the DPM slot. It is wrong for Koirala to suggest he will give a DPM slot to the UML if Oli gets to continue as DPM. It is not for Koirala to decide who the UML makes its DPM candidate. Koirala seems to be wary a strong personality like Bamdev Gautam might show up.

Just like there was no provision whatsoever in the 1990 constitution for the king to become Chairperson of the Council of Ministers, the idea of a Senior Deputy Prime Minister is ridiculous. For one, the title is so long it sounds like the title of some monarch. I thought we were trying to get rid of the monarchy.

Amik Sherchan out, Krishna Mahara in. Let the guy be the second DPM.

There is great danger in creating a Senior Deputy Prime Minister position. Should a Maoist hold that seat, and should something happen to Koirala - say one morning he does not wake up at all - then you are looking at a Maoist Prime Minister for the country, however temporary that might be. Maoist misbehavior on the ground is alarming. That can not be allowed to happen.

If Koirala likes Krishna Sitaula so much, let him have him as Defense Minister, although I feel Krishna Sitaula is singularly disqualified for that particular ministry. The guy lacks basic spine. His ways are too appeasing.

I like the idea of the UML wanting to bring in a new team on its part into the government.

Bamdev Gautam has spine. He will be a much better Home Minister than Krishna Sitaula has been. He will be much less likely to get bullied around by the Maoists.

But the weirdest part is how the eight parties are acting like the Madhesi-Janajati-Dalit Movement is over, that they have managed to brush it aside. The insensitivity on their part is so overwhelming.

Girija's style is to be as little accomodative as possible. He wants to take no prisoners. He is not a consensus seeker like Bill Clinton. He just does not have the smarts, the energy. When organized groups make demands, they speak for the people. Someone of democratic charater would want to respond. But Girija does not. He wants to snuff it out, he wants to disrespect it. He totally has disrespected a major mass movement, and so the seeds of discontent have been sown all over the Terai.

I hope the MJF and NEFIN look into all options and go for one final push, or go for the electoral option with gusto. In a democracy, you go to the people. I guess what these groups are saying is we are not big like the political parties, but our grievances are genuine. They both have wanted to be a civil rights movement rather than political parties. Circumstances might lead them to change that mindset. It will be sweet to watch the Congress getting decimated at the pollig booths across the Madhesh.

A skillful politician with a democratic bent would have wanted to use the opportunity for a new government as a way to meet the Madhesi Movement's key demand of the Home Minister's removal, but Girija is not giving ground. With that attitude, his party will hold ground for a while, and then the ground will shift beneath its feet. The downslide will be swift. In a democracy people catch up with you fast.

Magar Event
Mainstreaming Maoist Tendencies In The Madhesh
Lawoti: Ethnic Or Administrative Federalism
Mainstreaming The Maoists: Various Scenarios
Madhesi, Janajati, Business Community
Three Parties: Congress, Communist, Sadbhavana
ANONYM: Association Of Nepali Organizations In New York Metro
Joint Movement
What Girija Could Have Done
Empowering Nepalis In New York City
Dipendra Jha: The Real Picture Of The Madhesi Movement
No Guns, Explosives, Weapons Outside Cantonments
MPRF: A Few Scenarios
It Is Tough For The Madhesi
Upendra Yadav: Madhesi Martin Luther King
New MJF Strategy: Hit The State, Not The People
Krishna Sitaula: Appeaser, Not Peacemaker
A Federal Republic Electoral Alliance Against The Maoists Needed
Sadist Koirala, Kans Sitaula, Pol Pot Prachanda
Further Compromise: Mixed Election With Reservations
5 Point Demand: Compromise Formula So Elections Can Be Held In June
MJF And NEFIN Must Become Political Parties
The Economist: Nepal's Ethnic Politics: The New Battlefront
Brikhesh Chandra Lal: Suspicion Emanating From The Message
Should The MJF Indefinite Strike Continue? Yes
Girija Bahun Baje Dumbass
Madhesi Janajati Kranti: Victory Scenarios
Ensuring Ethnic And Gender Representation In The Constituent Assembly
Madhesi Janajati Kranti: Confusion, Clarity
Madhesi Janajati Kranti: A Few Scenarios

होला त जेठमा चुनाव - वर्तमान परिस्थितिमा जेठमा चुनाव हुनसक्ने प्राविधिक अवस् था बिथोलि“दै गए पनि नेताहरू इमानदारीपर्ूवक यो कुरा स्वीकार्न तयार देखि“दैनन् सकेसम्म अन्य साझेदार दलहरूलाई महत्त्वपर्ूण्ा मन्त्रालय नदिने प्रधानमन्त्रीको अडान ...... प्रचण्ड र नेपालस“गको भेटमा प्रधानमन्त्रीले वरष्िठ उपप्रधानमन्त्री, गृह, रक्ष्ँा र अर्थ मन्त्रालय काङ्ग्रेसकै भागमा पर्नुपर्ने दाबी गरेको ..... "मेरो अवस्था तपाईंहरूलाई थाहा छ“दैछ, वरष्िठ उपप्रधानमन्त्री, गृह र रक्षा । यी मन्त्रालय तपाईंहरू दाबी गर्दै नगर्नुस्" ....... एमालेले उपप्रधानमन्त्रीसहित गृहको समेत दाबी गर्‍यो ...... घुमाउरो पारामा कोइरालाले वामदेव गौतमलाई उपप्रधान र गृहमन्त्री बनाउन आफू कुनै हालतमा तयार नभएको जनाएका थिए ..... संविधानसभाको मिति तत्काल घोषणा हुनुपर्ने, अन्तरमि सरकारको आचारसंहिता तत्काल बनाउनुपर्ने, मन्त्रालय बा“डफा“टमा ठूला पार्टर्ीीबीच तत्काल सहमति हुनुपर्ने अनि मात्र प्रधानमन्त्रीको चयन मात्र नभई, पर्ूण्ा मन्त्रिमण्डल नै गठन गरनिुपर्ने अडान राख्ने निर्ण्र्ााएमालेले गर्‍यो । ....... कोइरालाको स्वास् थ्यस्थितिमा अपेक्षाकृत सुधार आएको छ ..... मधेशको समस्या आइलाग्नेबित्तिकै मन्त्री पदबाट राजीनामा दिएर आन्दोलनको आगो सल्काउन सद्भावना पार्टर्ीी खेलेको भूमिकाले निश्चय पनि संविधानसभाको निर्वाचनलाई मद्दत गरेन । ...... माओवादीहरूको आचरणमा सुधार खोज्ने तर आफै“ लुटेराहरूको आचरणबाट मुक्त हुन नसक्ने नेपाली काङ्ग्रेसका नेताहरूको व्यवहार ...... सुजाता कोइरालाको नाम भ्रष्ट आर्थिक गतिविधिहरूस“ग जोडिनु ...... नेपालका राजनीतिक दलका नेताहरूमा ठूलो परविर्तन थेग्नसक्ने क्षमता नै छैन ....... "००७ सालदेखि ०१५ सालसम्म संविधानसभाकै नाममा राजाले खेलेर बिताए । अब अहिले सात दलका नेताहरू त्यही कुरालाई दोहोर्‍याएर आफ्नो सत्ता लम्ब्याउने फिराकमा छन् । ...... कोइरालाले विराटनगरमा टिप्पणी गर्नु भयो, "सबै हतियार कसैले पनि बुझाउ“दैन । हामीले पनि बुझाएनौ“ । सबैभन्दा महत्त्वपर्ूण्ा कुरा विश्वास हो ।" ..... कसैले पनि दलीय स् वार्थभन्दा बाहिर निस्किएर दलित, जनजाति र अढाइ सय वर्षम्म राज्यपद्धतिमा समावेश नगरएिका नागरकिहरूको चिन्ता गरेका छैनन् । प्रभावका हिसाबले पनि, राजनीतिक दलहरू सा“घुर“िदै गएका छन् । जनजाति र दलितहरूमा दलहरूमाथिको अविश्वास बढ्दै गएको छ । मधेशमा जसरी आन्दोलन उठ्यो ... त्यसबाट दलहरूले आफ्नो प्रभावको विस्तार गर्न नसकेको स्पष्ट देखिएको छ । ....... जेठमा चुनाव हुन नसके पृथ्वी नै पग्लिन सक्ने आशङ् काले सात दलका नेताहरू मात्र होइन, माओवादी नेताहरू पनि आक्रान्त छन् । ...... चैत २ गतेको एमाले स् थायी समितिको बैठकले चाहि“ अन्तरमि सरकार गठनमा नेपाली काङ्ग्रेसको भूमिका बाधक बनेको निष्कर्षनिकाल्यो ..... प्रधानमन्त्री र गृहमन्त्री एउटै दलको हुन नहुने निष्कर्षएमाले स्थायी कमिटी बैठकको छ ....... काङ्ग्रेसका रामचन्द्र पौडेल, एमालेका भीम रावल, माओवादीका डा बाबुराम भट्टर्राई र काङ्गे्रस -प्रजातान्त्रिक) का डा प्रकाशशरण महत .... शर्ीष्ा नेताहरूको बैठकबाट अपराह्न बाहिरएिर खुलामञ्चको कार्यक्रमलाई सम्बोधन गर्न पुगेका माओवादी अध्यक्ष्ँ प्रचण्डले भनेका थिए, "सरकार गठन गर्न त्यति सजिलो छैन ।" ..... यसअघि भएका बैठकहरूमा भने माओवादीको व्यवहार मुख्य मुद्दा बन्दै आएको थियो ।

On The Web

Coalition government - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
National Coalition Government of the Union of Burma - Wikipedia ...
coalition government: Information from
National Coalition Government of the Union of Burma - Toward ...
Palestinian parliament OKs coalition government / Norway announces ...
People's Daily Online -- Finland's PM to form new coalition government
[PDF]Government Support Structures in Coalition Governments: Towards an ... Coalition Governments in Western Europe (Comparative ...
Politics of India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
United We Fall: Is a coalition government appropriate for India ...
New Coalition Government in India - New York Times
India's Hindu chauvinist-led coalition government calls early election
Coalition Government and Politics in India/edited by Subhash C ...
Coalition Politics in India : Problems and Prospects/edited by ...

Magar Event

Mainstreaming Maoist Tendencies In The Madhesh

25 feared killed in clash between Maoists and MJF activists in Gaur; curfew clamped NepalNews a shootout between the Maoists and Madhesi Janadhikar Forum (MJF) activists in Gaur ...... Jwala Singh faction of Janatantrik Terai Mukti Morcha (JTMM) has owned up responsibility for the shootout. ..... three dozen others were injured in the shootout. ..... the Maoist-affiliated Madhesi Mukti Morcha and the MJF had planned their mass meetings in the area at the same time. Maoist lawmaker Prabhu Shah and MJF chairman Upendra Yadav were to address their respective mass meetings. ...... some victims died as a result of head injuries caused by beatings with bamboo batons
These 25 deaths in Gaur are in the same category as the 13,000 deaths during the decade long civil war. Two Maoist factions - both Madhesi - clashed. This is sad. This is tragic. This is unnecessary.

Where does the responsibility lie?

The 38 deaths during the 21 day Madhesi Movement were in the same category as the 21 deaths during the April Revolution. But these 25 deaths are in the power-through-barrel-of-gun category.

Where does the responsibility lie?

(1) The Government

The breakaway Maoist factions, how are they different from the Maoists? If you can put 30,000 Maoists into cantonments, why can't you put a few hundred Madhesi fighters also into cantonments? The armed Maoist groups are as much in control of the mainstream Madhesi parties and groups as the Maoists were under the control of the Congress or the UML. We will be lucky to mainstream them now when they are small. Otherwise we could very well go down the Sri Lanka slope, and no Madhesi shouting however loud for Madhesi rights today will matter much once the cycle of violence gains momentum. The soldiers of non-violence will get sidelined. That will be bad for the Madhesh, and bad for the country. Armed political action in the Terai are the single biggest threat to the elections scheduled for June.

You create conditions for talks, and then you talk. The government's attitude is that these armed Madhesi groups are not really that big, so why worry? They are not that big, but they are growing bigger by the day. And how is it bad news that they are not big? The Maoists also started small in 1996. And ethnic civil wars tend to be more complicated than class wars. We have to put out the fire now when it is small.

A civil war in the Terai, if it were to start, will be way more complicated. There is an open border. Let these 25 deaths be the last of its kind.

How do you create conditions for talks? Curiously, the armed groups are not any more demanding than the MPRF. Get the Home Minister to resign. Involve the UN. Do a repeat of what has been done to the Maoists. Tackle politically their various demands. The idea should be to get them to participate in the constituent assembly elections.

The disrespect the eight party government has shown to the 21 day Madhesi Movement has been the fuel to the fire. That disrespect has discredited the Madhesis who believe in non-violent protests. The violent ones have found new currency. This is not okay.

The political leadership in Nepal is prejudiced and it is failing the Madhesi. If the country slides into a civil war, Girija's decision to not sack Krishna Sitaula will have been the starting point in the political arena that pushed the country towards it.

That guy spent 10 years in jail. Something died inside of him. He is so unfeeling.

(2) Maoist Leadership

The Maoist party has been no different than say the Nepali Congress, or the UML, or the RPP and all the other Pahadi parties when it has come to Madhesi participation in its ranks. How many Madhesis are on the Maoist central committee? That anti-Madhesi prejudice has continued.

And now the attitude is that as long it is Madhesi Maoists fighting the breakaway Madhesi Maoists, the Maoist leadership can claim it is not anti-Madhesi prejudice at work. That is a dangerous game to be playing.

The Maoists are going to have to stop trying to disrupt the MPRF mass meetings. That leads to violence. That is not democratic competition. That is not the way to free and fair elections.

(3) The UML, Sadbhavana (Anandi)

The UML is for proportional elections, but it is not siding with the Madhesi-Janajati-Dalit Movement that has the exact same demand. The Sadbhavana (Anandi) claims to have been at the forefront of the fight for Madhesi rights. But it has not joined the call for the Home Minister's resignation. That has created much confusion and disaffection. A lot of Madhesis are feeling abandoned.

(4) Madhesi Mukti Morcha, JTMM Factions

These rival armed Madhesi groups need to wake up. The Pahadi armed rebels are in cantonments. Somebody needs to tell them the civil war is over. Stop fighting. You are getting Madhesis killed on both sides.

The Madhesi Mukti Morcha has got to align itself with the Madhesi Movement and ask for the Home Minister's resignation. It has got to ask that the 38 dead during the 21 days be declared martyrs. It has got to ask for proportional elections.

The JTMM factions have got to see the light. They are beyond the reach of all non-violent Madhesi groups. The goal has to be to reach the milestones for Madhesi rights through proportional elections to the constituent assembly.

The black on black violence in America is not proof that racism does not exist since blacks are killing each other. That is proof racism has its mirror image: internalized racism. Black on black violence is double proof racism exists.

(5) MPRF

The MPRF has to resist the temptation to counter the Maoist violence with violence. If the MPRF changes from being a nonviolent group to being a violent one, then that is a bad sign for the Madhesi Movement. People power is enough. Nonviolence is enough. Nonviolence is the more potent tool.

(6) Pahadi Media

There is such obvious bias. This is but one example.
25 Maoists killed in MPRF- Maoist crossfire Kantipur .... None of the deceased has yet been identified
If there was a crossfire, how is it possible all 25 deaths were on the same side? And how do you know the 25 dead were Maoists when the same news report says the dead have not been identified yet? There is talk the JTMM was involved. Why has that not been reported? Is it possible this was a JTMM-Maoist clash? The MPRF is a political organization. Its cadres do not carry guns, although it is entirely possible a fight broke out, and people got violent and used whatever they could get hold of, sticks, knives.

In The News

25 feared killed in clash between Maoists and MJF activists in Gaur; curfew clamped NepalNews
Business community suspends their indefinite strike the business community – led by FNCCI, CNI and NCC – .... strike in the private schools announced by Maoist-affiliated student wing has also been revoked ..... end threats, intimidation, extortion and abductions.
Parties express commitment to ensure conducive business atmosphere
Prachanda pledges safe environment for private businesses
ANNFSU-R to close down schools
Rana obstructed from entering his home district
US Senator introduces bill aimed at providing duty free access to LDCs seeking duty-free access facilities to the products from Nepal and 13 other Least Developed Countries (LDCs) to American market. .... these LDCs where unemployment is as high as 70 percent. ..... Senator Gordon Smith .... co-sponsored by Senator Feinstein, Senator Craig and Senator Sununu ..... It is also not clear if the readymade garments will qualify for the duty free access. Readymade garments constitute the single largest export product of Nepal to the United States.

Curfew in Nepal town after 25 killed in clash Washington Post, DC Including Wednesday's deaths, the highest toll on a single occasion, at least 56 people have been killed in protests organized by Madhesi activists over the past three months. ..... forum supporters demolished a podium set up by Maoists for a public meeting, close to where the Madhesis were organizing a rival meeting. .... Upendra Yadav, chief of the Madhesi group, said his supporters were attacked first by the Maoists. ..... Madhesi activists say the community faces widespread discrimination by Nepal's political elite and is under-represented in government, politics, police and the army. ..... "What happened in Gaur reflects the Terai mindset that it is the Maoists (who are) not allowing the government to get them into dialogue," said Yubaraj Ghimire
Gaur Killing: Sign of Civil War in Nepal? United We Blog the single largest case of killing since Maoists announced cease fire last year ...... Maoists were not armed ..... widely believed in the democratic circle that MJF was created by regressive force ..... If this killing spreads and turns into the ethnic clash, we might see genocide in Nepal. A senior journalist who recently visited Nepalgunj told us that the western town was on the verge of plunging into a full fledged ethnic fighting. ...... We understand their pain and we express sorrow over the brutal killings of their cadres in Gaur ..... At least 25 Maoists were killed in crossfire between the activists of the Maoist affiliated Madheshi Mukti Morcha and the agitating Madhesi People’s Rights Forum (MPRF) today afternoon in Rautahat headquarters Gaur. District Police Office Rautahat confirmed that the people were killed in the exchange of fire
Maoists, ethnic activists fight in southern Nepal San Diego Union Tribune, CA 25 people dead and 35 wounded. ..... The two sides argued over who had the right to use the land, and fighting quickly broke out .... “Shots were fired and they were fighting with each other using everything from sticks to knives” ........ Violence spread to surrounding areas
Fresh round of violence leaves 25 dead in Nepal Times of India, India
Curfew in Nepal town after 25 killed in clash
25 people killed in Nepal clash
Hindu, India
Curfew in Nepal town after seven killed in clash
San Diego Union Tribune, CA
Nepal Maoists clash with ethnic group, five killed
Reuters India, India
Eight killed in Maoist-Madhesi clashes in Nepal, FL
ROUNDUP: Death Toll In Southern Nepal Gun Battle At Least 25, Romania
12 die in Terai clashes, indefinite curfew clamped
India, India
Death Toll Rises In Battle Between Rival Groups In Nepal, Romania
Indefinite curfew after five die in Terai
India, India
8 people killed in clash between CPN-M and MPRF, Nepal
At least five killed in fresh Terai violence
Indian Muslims, CA
Curfew in Nepal town after 25 killed
Irish Times, Ireland
Violence rocks southern Nepal, Qatar
At least 25 killed in Nepal
Death Toll in Rautahat Clash Reaches 25; Curfew Imposed
Himalayan Times, Nepal
Only 26 percent have bank account in Nepal: survey
UN to start verification of CPN-M soldiers in Nepal
ReliefWeb (press release), Switzerland

Leaders learn federalism, restructuring Kantipur Altogether 32 participants including Koirala and four others from the NC, Dina Nath Sharma and three others from the Maoists, Ishwor Pokharel and two others from the CPN-UML, four including Bimalendra Nidhi from NC-D, Lila Mani Pokharel and two others from People's Front Nepal, Parshu Ram Khapung and two others from Rastriya Prajatantra Party, Anil Jha from Nepal Sadbhabana Party (A), and experts and facilitators have been taking part.
होला त जेठमा चुनाव - वर्तमान परिस्थितिमा जेठमा चुनाव हुनसक्ने प्राविधिक अवस् था बिथोलि“दै गए पनि नेताहरू इमानदारीपर्ूवक यो कुरा स्वीकार्न तयार देखि“दैनन् सकेसम्म अन्य साझेदार दलहरूलाई महत्त्वपर्ूण्ा मन्त्रालय नदिने प्रधानमन्त्रीको अडान ...... प्रचण्ड र नेपालस“गको भेटमा प्रधानमन्त्रीले वरष्िठ उपप्रधानमन्त्री, गृह, रक्ष्ँा र अर्थ मन्त्रालय काङ्ग्रेसकै भागमा पर्नुपर्ने दाबी गरेको ..... "मेरो अवस्था तपाईंहरूलाई थाहा छ“दैछ, वरष्िठ उपप्रधानमन्त्री, गृह र रक्षा । यी मन्त्रालय तपाईंहरू दाबी गर्दै नगर्नुस्" ....... एमालेले उपप्रधानमन्त्रीसहित गृहको समेत दाबी गर्‍यो ...... घुमाउरो पारामा कोइरालाले वामदेव गौतमलाई उपप्रधान र गृहमन्त्री बनाउन आफू कुनै हालतमा तयार नभएको जनाएका थिए ..... संविधानसभाको मिति तत्काल घोषणा हुनुपर्ने, अन्तरमि सरकारको आचारसंहिता तत्काल बनाउनुपर्ने, मन्त्रालय बा“डफा“टमा ठूला पार्टर्ीीबीच तत्काल सहमति हुनुपर्ने अनि मात्र प्रधानमन्त्रीको चयन मात्र नभई, पर्ूण्ा मन्त्रिमण्डल नै गठन गरनिुपर्ने अडान राख्ने निर्ण्र्ााएमालेले गर्‍यो । ....... कोइरालाको स्वास् थ्यस्थितिमा अपेक्षाकृत सुधार आएको छ ..... मधेशको समस्या आइलाग्नेबित्तिकै मन्त्री पदबाट राजीनामा दिएर आन्दोलनको आगो सल्काउन सद्भावना पार्टर्ीी खेलेको भूमिकाले निश्चय पनि संविधानसभाको निर्वाचनलाई मद्दत गरेन । ...... माओवादीहरूको आचरणमा सुधार खोज्ने तर आफै“ लुटेराहरूको आचरणबाट मुक्त हुन नसक्ने नेपाली काङ्ग्रेसका नेताहरूको व्यवहार ...... सुजाता कोइरालाको नाम भ्रष्ट आर्थिक गतिविधिहरूस“ग जोडिनु ...... नेपालका राजनीतिक दलका नेताहरूमा ठूलो परविर्तन थेग्नसक्ने क्षमता नै छैन ....... "००७ सालदेखि ०१५ सालसम्म संविधानसभाकै नाममा राजाले खेलेर बिताए । अब अहिले सात दलका नेताहरू त्यही कुरालाई दोहोर्‍याएर आफ्नो सत्ता लम्ब्याउने फिराकमा छन् । ...... कोइरालाले विराटनगरमा टिप्पणी गर्नु भयो, "सबै हतियार कसैले पनि बुझाउ“दैन । हामीले पनि बुझाएनौ“ । सबैभन्दा महत्त्वपर्ूण्ा कुरा विश्वास हो ।" ..... कसैले पनि दलीय स् वार्थभन्दा बाहिर निस्किएर दलित, जनजाति र अढाइ सय वर्षम्म राज्यपद्धतिमा समावेश नगरएिका नागरकिहरूको चिन्ता गरेका छैनन् । प्रभावका हिसाबले पनि, राजनीतिक दलहरू सा“घुर“िदै गएका छन् । जनजाति र दलितहरूमा दलहरूमाथिको अविश्वास बढ्दै गएको छ । मधेशमा जसरी आन्दोलन उठ्यो ... त्यसबाट दलहरूले आफ्नो प्रभावको विस्तार गर्न नसकेको स्पष्ट देखिएको छ । ....... जेठमा चुनाव हुन नसके पृथ्वी नै पग्लिन सक्ने आशङ् काले सात दलका नेताहरू मात्र होइन, माओवादी नेताहरू पनि आक्रान्त छन् । ...... चैत २ गतेको एमाले स् थायी समितिको बैठकले चाहि“ अन्तरमि सरकार गठनमा नेपाली काङ्ग्रेसको भूमिका बाधक बनेको निष्कर्षनिकाल्यो ..... प्रधानमन्त्री र गृहमन्त्री एउटै दलको हुन नहुने निष्कर्षएमाले स्थायी कमिटी बैठकको छ ....... काङ्ग्रेसका रामचन्द्र पौडेल, एमालेका भीम रावल, माओवादीका डा बाबुराम भट्टर्राई र काङ्गे्रस -प्रजातान्त्रिक) का डा प्रकाशशरण महत .... शर्ीष्ा नेताहरूको बैठकबाट अपराह्न बाहिरएिर खुलामञ्चको कार्यक्रमलाई सम्बोधन गर्न पुगेका माओवादी अध्यक्ष्ँ प्रचण्डले भनेका थिए, "सरकार गठन गर्न त्यति सजिलो छैन ।" ..... यसअघि भएका बैठकहरूमा भने माओवादीको व्यवहार मुख्य मुद्दा बन्दै आएको थियो ।
अब राजाले डेरा सरे हुन्छ’ नरहरि आचार्य जनस्तरमा पार्टर्ीीई पुग्न र आफ्ना कुरा भन्न नेतृत्व तहका साथीहरूलाई गाह्रो भइरहेको छ । .... लोकतन्त्र भनेको राजतन्त्रलाई 'रिप्लेस' गरेर आएको पद्धति हो । .... राजा महेन्द्र र वीरेन्द्रलाई बम हान्ने नेपाली काङ्गे्रस नै हो । यति त माओवादीले पनि गरेनन् । ..... वीरेन्द्र पनि ०४७ को संविधानबाट असन्तुष्ट नै थिए । बारम्बार मेरो भूमिका खोइ भनिरहन्थे । ...... नेतृत्वमा हुन नसकेको आन्तरिक लोकतान्त्रीकरणको कमीले पनि ०४७ सालको संविधानले काम गर्न सकेन । ..... नेपाली जनताको मनस्थितिलाई पार्टर्ीीेतृत्वले कहिल्यै पनि बुझ्न सकेन । .... आन्दोलन पार्टर्ीीे निर्धारणभन्दा बाहिर थियो आन्दोलनको मानसिकतालाई पनि गहिराइमा बुझेको थिएन नेतृत्वले । मैले त यतिसम्म सुनेको छु वैशाख ८ को राजाको वक्तव्यलाई केही पार्टर्ीी सकारात्मक कदम मानिसकेका थिए । तर, नेपाली जनताले जसरी आफूलाई प्रस्तुत गरे, त्यसमा अनुमानको कुनै गुञ्जाइस रहेन । ........ ०४७ सालमा ७५ जनाले शहादत प्राप्त गरेपछि मात्रै वीरेन्द्र टसमस भए । तर, ज्ञानेन्द्रले २५ जना नमर्दै र्समर्पण गर्नुपर्‍यो । ..... स्वयम्सेवी रूपमा नारायणहिटी छोडेर 'डेरा सरे“ र नागरिक भए“' भन्ने हो भने सामान्य जीवन जिउने परिस्थिति बन्नसक्छ । किनभने, विश्वमा यस्तो उदाहरण नै छैन । राजतन्त्र समाप्त भएपछि राजाहरू या त भौतिक रूपमा समाप्त भएका छन् या त देश छोडेर भागेका छन् । ..... माओवादीले बोलीमा लोकतान्त्रिक भने पनि व्यवहार, क्रियाकलाप, अभ्यास हर्ेदा मान्छेेहरूमा आशङ्का छ ..... कतिपय सरकारले हतियार दिन खोज्दा त्यहा“का जनताले गोली पनि बेच्न मानेनन् राजाको सत्तालाई । ..... जेठमा नभए असोजमा हुन्छ ..... १५ दिनमा बनाउने भनेको अन्तरिम संविधान बनाउन पा“च महिना लाग्यो । कतिपय चुनाव गराउन चाहिने ऐन पारित भएका छैनन् । मतदाता नामावली सङ्कलन जारी छ । यस् ता प्राविधिक कुरा नै बा“की छन् भने जेठमा कसरी होला त - तर, भएन भने के चाहि“ हुन्छ भने नेतृत्वको सान्दर्भिकतामा प्रश्न उठ्छ, संविधानसभाको चुनावको सान्दर्भिकतामा होइन । ...... नेपाली काङ्ग्रेस एकाङ्गी छ । अहिले पार्टर्ीीेतृत्वको शैली परम्परागत ढा“चा र मनोगत शैलीमा चलेको छ । .... 'तपाईंलाई नीतिगत रूपले र्समर्थन गछौर्ं तर गिरिजाबाबुलाई अर्कोपटक भोट दिन पाइन्न होला तर्सथ उहा“लाई नै भोट दिन्छौ“' भन्ने साथीहरूको सङ्ख्या बाक्लो थियो ।

A Peace Trap?

by Ken Ohashi

Peace is the singular goal of the day in Nepal. The political actors have shown much willingness to find compromises on contentious issues to move the peace process far. This is impressive. There is, however, a danger in this. Government leaders are acting as though there were walking on the eggshell, and bending backward to avoid causing any stir in the system that, in their view, may jeopardize the delicate political process. The problem is this extraordinary caution could lead to a situation in which a more solid peace is achieved formally but not much else happens. The expectations for peace dividends are high, but if few materialized, will the peace be lasting?

Peace dividends have to come in two forms: more jobs and better public services. Creating jobs require a better environment for private investment. Better public services require both improvements in the delivery system and more public resources. Even before the conflict intensified in 2001, Nepal was not doing terribly well on either front. Although some reforms have taken place since then, both the economic system and the governmental system still suffer from many problems. Therefore, peace by itself is unlikely to lead to rapid generation of new jobs or much better public services.

If anything, the thinking that this is not the time to take on difficult reforms has led to deeply worrying compromises. For instance, recognizing that overly rigid labor laws are a critical impediment to economic growth, there had been efforts to introduce greater flexibility in the labor laws and make Nepal a more attractive place for investment. But, this process has been all but suspended for the fear that trade unions may cause problems for the government. The lack of transparency in the Revenue Department in regard to corporate tax collection has been another important problem. The government has not taken any bold action to address it, perhaps because civil servants too can cause problems. Under these circumstances, it is hard to believe that the Nepali economy is poised to take off.

The government has also given in to many demands made by special interest groups. Recently, it has promised to make 16,000 temporary teachers permanent. Such compromises will limit the system’s ability to hire most qualified personnel for many years to come; it also limits the government’s ability to fund other priorities. Even bank defaulters are demanding lenient treatment. I am sure some businesses deserve sympathy because the intense political turmoil was not entirely anticipated. But, many were over-ambitious investments to begin with, and deserve no special treatments. The loans that are not recovered by the two largest banks, RBB and NBL, will likely have to be covered by the government, to protect the depositors. By delaying strong actions against defaulters, the government is limiting its future ability to finance development needs. Further, an environment that tolerates willful defaulters is hardly an attractive place for honest business people to invest. Many other important reforms that would make public services more effective are also stalled.

For these reasons, I see a danger of Nepal finding itself in a ‘peace trap.’ The ship Nepal may get through the political storm and find calm waters, but it may also find itself dead in the water. You can see the new destination on the distant shore, but the ship has little power to move forward… This is not where Nepal would want to find itself.

So, how can Nepal ready itself to reap the peace dividends that everyone is hoping for? Many things need to be done, but let me suggest a few ideas. This is not an exhaustive list. It is meant only to highlight obvious areas of priority and provoke more thinking.

Growth and creation of jobs: First, labor, employers, and government should agree on the critical importance of job creation and introducing more flexibility in the labor law. Trade unions argue they are all for it as long as there are adequate safety nets. It is a reasonable argument, certainly for the small number of existing workers. But, what about many who are unemployed? They have neither jobs (even insecure ones) nor safety nets. The situation demands greater pragmatism and rapid action. Labor can agree on introducing employment flexibility in a limited way without affecting the existing workers, e.g., in an Export Processing Zone, even while the longer-term issue of safety nets is being addressed. In return, employers can agree to some targets on the number of new jobs to be created. The government can promise more effective inspection of these new jobs so that the greater employment flexibility is not abused. Second, the government should make urgent efforts to make tax administration transparent. Third, the government should put in place the implementation arrangements for two important new legislations: the Secured Transactions Act and the Insolvency Act. They can make a big difference in business efficiency. Last but not least, Nepal must accelerate investments in basic infrastructure, power and transport in particular.

Better public service delivery: There are numerous important tasks. But, I would suggest focusing on two key areas: basic education and health care. In education, the government should reinvigorate the transfer of schools to community management. Evidence is overwhelming that communities generally manage schools far better than the government. Giving the communities the opportunity to be directly involved in improvement of the most important public service will be a peace dividend in itself. Another key issue would be to redeploy an estimated 16,000 surplus teachers to schools that have serious teacher shortages. In health, two obvious things should be done. Make sure all the positions for doctors (1,300) and nurses (2,000) are filled, and the personnel are actually present. These are not huge numbers. If the government cannot show the ingenuity to come up with an effective approach to make this happen, what credibility would it have as a public service provider? The government should also give the positions of auxiliary nurse midwives to about 1,000 women who have been properly trained and certified now. If the government is willing to consider making 16,000 temporary teachers permanent without open competition, surely it can give highly qualified women the positions they deserve.

Protecting and government resources and policy flexibility: First and foremost, the government should not willy-nilly give out benefits that are going to constrain its fiscal ability or agree to policy compromises that limit the scope for policy reforms in the future. Reviewing with utmost rigor any demand from interest groups for special benefits is central to this. Needless to say, it should also get tough on recovering loans from willful defaulters, and improve its revenue efforts.

I do not wish to minimize the political difficulties that Nepal’s leaders face. But, surely reaching any peace is not a satisfactory objective. The goal must be to reach a sustainable peace. For that, Nepali leaders have to look past the immediate political milestones, such as constituent assembly elections, and take some bold actions so that Nepal will be ready to deliver peace dividends. It may upset the existing order here and there and it may seem politically risky. If explained, however, I think the Nepali people will understand such needs. They will provide the real ‘people power’ to support the changes the new future demands.

Mr. Ohashi id the World Bank Country Director for Nepal

Lawoti: Ethnic Or Administrative Federalism

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President, the Association for Nepal and Himalayan Studies

;+;f/df b'O ls;Ldsf ;+3fTds Aoa:yf kfOG5 . 7'nf b]zx?df k|zf;lgs / ax'hflto b]zdf hflto ;+3fTds Aoa:yf kfOG5 . ;+3fTds /x]sf ;a} nf]stflGqs ax'hflto -hxfF hflto, eflifs, wfdL{s ?kdf hgtfx? kl/rflnt 5g_ b]zx?df hflto ;+3fTds ;+/rgf 5 . Switzerland, Belgium, India, Spain, Canada, Austria, Papua New Guinea cflb hflto ;+3fTds /fHox? x'g . g]kfn h:tf] ax'hflto b]zdf k|zf;lgs ;+3Lotf dfq jsfnt ug]{ AolStx?n] cem klg g]kfnsf] ax'hflto oyf{ytfnfO :jLsfg{ g;s]sf] ;+s]t lbG5 .

k|zf;lgs ;+3Lotf clt 7'nf] b]zx?df ;;fgf k|;fzlgs If]qx? agfO k|zf;lgs r':ttf Nofpgsf] nflu ckgfOG5 . ax'hflto b]zx?df To:tf] ;+/rgfn] ;dfhdf /x]sf] ax'hflto :j?knfO ;Daf]wg ub}{g . ;dfhsf] agf]6 / /fHosf] ;+/rgf d]n vfPg eg] To;n] lau|x / lx+;f lgDTofp5 . To;}n] k|zf;lgs ;+3Lotfn] g]kfnn] em]ln/x]sf]] ;d:ofx?sf] xn ug{ g;Sg] dfq xf]Og yk ;d:of v8f ug{ ;S5 . dw]zL / cflbjf;L hghfltx?n] hflto ;+3Lotf dfuL /x]sf] ;Gb{edf k|zf;lgs ;+3Lotfn] tL dfux? s;/L ;fDo kfb{5 <>

g]kfndf laleGg hflto ;d'bfox?n] ;f+:s[lts jf hftLo ;+3fTds ;+/rgfsf] dfu ul//x]sf 5g eg] s]lx sf7df8f}+jfzL k'?if afx'gx?n] k|zf;lgs ;+3fTds ;+/rgfsf] jsfnt u/]sf 5g . hgtfx? hflto ?kdf klxrfg ug]{ ;dfhdf h'g ls;Ldsf] ;+3fTds ;+/rgf ckgfP klg s'g} g s'g} hfltsf] To; If]qdf k|eTj /xG5 . k|zf;lgs ;+3fTds ;+/rgfsf] jsfnt ug]{x?sf] bfjL To:tf] If]q hflto ?kdf lg/k]If x'g]5 eGg] 5 . em66 x]bf{ To:tf] nfUg klg ;S5 t/ To:tf k|:tfljt k|b]zx?sf] hflto hg;+Vof x]/]df s] k|i6 x'G5 eg] tL If]qx?df ca afx'g If]qLx? ax'dtdf x'g]5g . k|zf;lgs ;+3fTds ;+/rgfsf k|Ztfj s]lx k'?if afx'gx?sf] ;s];Dd cfkmgf] hftnfO w]/} 7fpFdf ax'dtdf agfpg] bfp x'g ;S5 . k|zf;lgs ;+3fTds ;+/rgfn] hflto ?kn] kl/rflnt hgtfx?sf] cfsf+IffnfO ;Daf]wg ub}{}g . To;}n] To;n] lx+;f lgDTofpg ;S5 . of] s'/f sf7df8f}{ aflx/sf afxgx?n] a'em]sf 5g / w]/}n] hflto ;+3fTds dfunfO ;d{yg u/]sf5g . ef/tsf] :jtGqtf kl5 g]x?n] ef/tnfO{ k|zf;lgs ?kdf laefhg u/] . To;sf] blIf0f ef/tdf 7'nf] la/f]w eof] . eflifs b+uf eof] . g]x?n] ef/tnfO To; kl5 eflifs ;+3fTds ?kdf k'g laefhg ug{ afWo eP . hgtfsf] eflifs ?kn] :j;f;g ug]{ cfsf+Iffsf] ;Daf]wg ePsf]n] eflifs cfGbf]ng ;fDo eof] . To;n] 6fdLn gf8'sf] k[ystfjflb cfGbf]ngsf] klg cfwf/ v':sfO dTy/ kf/L lbof] . hflto ;+3fTds Aoa:yf ckgfOPdf To;n] hftLut ?kdf kl/rflnt hgtfsf] cfsf+Iffsf] klxrfg ul/ hflto cfGbf]ngnfO ;fDo (defuse) kfb{5 . hflto ;+3fTdstf åGå Aoa:yfkgsf] xltof/ xf] eg]/ k|f1x? eGb5g gls hflto lx+;fsf] aLp . t/ ;+;f/sf] w]/} 7fpFsf] cg'ejaf6 kfPsf] of] kf7nfO u|x0f ug{ sf7df8f}+af;L k'?if afx'gx?n] hlxn] / h] ;jfnx? klg cfkmg} b[li6sf]0faf6 dfq x]g]{ ;+ls{0f cfbt 5f]8g' kb{5 / hflto :jfy{ eGbf dfly p7g ;Sg' kb{5 .

ef/tsf] pt/ k'j{ / cGo If]qdf hflto ;+3fTds Aoa:yfn] ;a} hflto åGå (conflict) x? ;fDo gkf/]sf] s'/f klg ul/Psf] kfOPsf]5 . ef/tsf] ;jfndf s]xL ;fGb{les k|Zgx? s] xf] eg], Ps, pt/k'a{sf h'g lx+;fTds cfGbf]ngx? ;fDo eP, s] tL hflto ;+3fTds Aoa:yf a]u/ ;fDo xGy] <> a9]/ ef/t plxn] 6'ls| ;Sg] lyof] . ef/tdf afFls /x]sf cGo åGåx? cfd kxnsbdL (popular initiative) sf] k|lsofaf6 Zjfottf lbg] Aoa:yf ckgfPdf zflGtk'0f{ tl/sfn] ;Daf]wg ug{ ;lsG5 . Ps k6s u/]sf] k|b]zx?sf] laefhgn] ;a} ;d'bfox?sf] Ps} k6sdf ;a} cfsf+Iffx? ;Daf]wg x'G5 eGg] ;lDemg' 7'nf] e'n x'g]5 lsgsL rfxgf, cfsf+Iff / ;dfhsf] ca:yf abnL /xG5 . ;d'bfox? cGofodf k/]sf] dxz'z u/] kl5 cfGbf]ngdf pqg yfNb5g . Tof] slxn] ub{5g ;lhn} eGg ;lsGg lsgsL w]/} sf/0fx?n] c;/ kfb{5 . To:tf cfGbf]ngx? Nf]fstflGqs tl/sfaf6 xn ug]{ k|fjwfg agfOPdf ZfflGtk'0f{ tl/sfn] ;N6fpg ;lsG5 . s'g} ;d'bfon] :jfottf dfu]df / Go'gtd x:tfIf/ ;+sng u/]df pSt ;jfn :jL6h/Nof08df h:t} hgdtdf nfg] Aoa:yf ug'kb{5 . hgdtdf xf/] lrt a'emfpg ;S5g . lrt ga'em] / hfu+/ /x] csf]{ k6s km]/L k|of; unf{g t/ lx+;fTds af6f] ckgfpg] sf/0fx? sd x'G5 . k|To]s r'gfjdf oL ;jfn p7fpg kfpg] Aoa:yf ug{ ;lsG5 . o; cfd kxnsbdLsf] k|fjwfgaf6 hflto jf k|zf;lgs ;+3Lotf eGg] k|Zg klg 6'80uf] nufpg ;lsG5 .

kfls:tfg hfltotf -wd{_ sf] cfwf/df 6'ls|Psf] eg]/ cS;/ elgG5 . 5'66L'g cufj} d'lZnd lnun] wfld{s ;+3fTdsdf cfwfl/t :jfottf dfu]sf] lyof] . Tof] lbPsf] eP pgLx? Eff/td} c6fpg] lyP . ef/tLo sf+u|];n] :jfottf lbg gdfg] kl5 dfq d'lZnd lnu k[ystf lt/ nfu]sf] xf] . ha ef/tLo sf+u|];n] d'l:nd lnusf] :jfottfsf] dfu dfGof], ta k[ystf cfGbf]ngn] ult lnO;s]sf] lyof] . of] 36gfn] klg :jfottf ;dod} glbPdf b]z 6'ls|g ;Sg] /x]5 eg]/ b]vfp5 . kfls:tfg 6's|]sf] kL8fbfoL lzIffn] g]x?n] hflto -eflifs_ ;d'bfox?n] :jfottf dfUbf efiffsf] cfwf/df ;+3fTds If]qx? agfP . ef/tsf] cgejaf6 g]kfnn] lsg lzIff glng] <>

g]kfndf /x]sf] laleGg ;d'bfosf ljljw txsf (multilayered) ;d:ofx¿ hflto ;+3fTds ;+/rgfn] dfq xn ug{ ;Sb}g . To;sf] nflu laleGg ;+/rgfx? k|Ztfj ul/Psf 5g . ;]h k|sfzgbf/f k|sflzt 6'jf{8 c 8]df]s|]l6s g]kfndf -@))%, t;|f] l/k|LG6 @))^_ d}n] blnt, dlxnf, ;fgf 7'nf cflbjf;L hghfltx? / dw]zLx?sf] ;d:ofx? xn ug{ / afx'g If]qLsf] xs klg ;'/lIft ug{ yk cf7j6f ;+/rgfx? k|Ztfj u/]sf] 5' - u}/ ef}uf]lns ;+l3otf, pk :jfottf / clt ;Ldf8=lst ;d'bfonfO laz]if Aoa:yf, cf/If0f, ;dfg'kflts r'gfj k|0ffnL, s]lGb|o l;+xfnf]sg cbfnt, cNk;+Vossf] clwsf/ / zlStzfln hflto dflyNnf] ;bg . oL ;a} ;+/rgfx¿sf] g]kfndf h?/t 5 . s'g} Pp6f, b'O{j6f, jf tLg j6f ;+/rgfx¿ dfq kof{Kt x'Fb}g lsgls k|To]s ;+/rgf laleGg ;d'bfosf] a]Unf a]Un} ;d:ofx? ;dfwfg ug{sf] nflu k|:tfj ul/Psf] xf] . hflto ;+3fTds ;+/rgf ;a} eGbf cfjZos ;+/rgf xf] t/ To;n] dfq ;a} ;d:ofx? ;dfwfg x'b}g . hflto ;+3fTds ;+/rgfn] ;a} ;d:of ;dfwfg x'b}g elg pSt ;+/rgf l7s 5}g eGg' nf]stGqsf] s]lx sdhf]/Lx? b]vfO nf]stGq l7s 5}g eGg] ts{ u/] h:t} xf] . To;df s'g} t's 5}g . g]kfnL k|f1x?n] laleGg ;+/rgfx?sf] k|zZt k|Ztfjx? NofPsf 5g . lab]zLx?sf] lstfjx?sf] dfq cfzf / e/ ug]{ rng cGTo ul/ hf] sf]lxn] ultnf] s[lt n]v] p;sf] hft, ln8+u / /8= Vofn gu/L cWoog ug]{ cfbt a;fpg' kb{5 .

To:t} ;fwg, ;|f]t, bIf hgzlStsf] sld x'G5 eg]/ cem} klg ef+h]f xfNg] ug]{ ul/Psf] 5 . To;f] xf] eg] t las]Gb|Ls/0f klg gu/] eO xfNof] lg . of] ts{ cufl8 ;fg]{x?df s]lGb|otfsf] w8+w8=tL cem} /x]sf] cfefif kfOG5 . 8f= dLgf cfrfo{n] eg] h:t} clxn] s]Gb|n] lhNnfx?df vr{ ug]{ u/]sf] ah]6 k|b]zx?nfO lbPdf pgLx?n] al9 bIftfsf] ;fy vr{ ug]{5g . To;t} 8f= xs{ u?8=n] :yfgLo If]qx?n] cfkmn} a9L ;fwg / ;|f]t h'6fpg ;Sg] bx|f cfwf/x? lbPsf 5g . s0ff{nLnfO :jfottf rflxPsf] 5 lsgsL s]Gb| / s]Gb|sf laz];1x?n] To; If]qsf] ;w}{ pk]Iff u/] . ;fwg / zlSt lbPdf s0ffnLjf;Lx? cfkmgf ;d:ofx? s]Gb|n] eGbf al9 bIftfsf ;fy ;dfwg ug{ ;S5g .

ax'/fli6o /fHo

/fli6otf cWoog ug]{ k|f1x?n] !(^) sf] k'af{w b]lvg} /fHo /fi6sf] cawf/0ffn] ax'hflto b]zx?df hflto b+ufx? lgDtfof] eg]/ eGb} cfPsf 5g . /fHo /fi6sf] cawf/0ff ;'Gbf lg/k]If h:tf] nfUg] t/ ax'hflto b]zx?df lg/k]Iftfsf] 5ftf cf]9L x}sdjfbL ;d'bfox?n] cfkmgf] d'No / dfGotf c?df nfb]/ To;sf] e/df /fh u/]/ cfkmgf] ;d'bfosf] lxt / cGonfO cGofo u/]sf] x'gfn] b+ufx? ePsf] lyof] . t;{y ax'hflto b]zx?sf] nflu /fHo /fi6sf] cawf/0ff sfd gnfUg] 7x/ ePsf] w]/} eO;Sof] . To;sf] ;66f ax'hflto b]zx?df ax'/fli6o /fHosf] cawf/0ff cufl8 cfPsf] 5 .

cfTdlg0f{osf] clwsf/

To:t} cfZro{sf] s'/f cfTdlg0f{osf] clwsf/ k|lt klg s]lx AolStx? em:s]sf] kfOof] . cfTdlg0f{osf] clwsf/ nf]stGqsf] cfwf/e't vDaf xf] . olb s'g} AolStnfO cfkmgf] af/]df cfkm} lg0f{o ug]{ clwsf/ lbOPg eg] To;n] To; AolStsf] nf]stflGqs clwsf/nfO s'l07t ub{5 . o;n] s]lx 6f7f af7fnfO hgtf eGbf a9L hfGb5f}+ elg dfly /xL ;a]{;jf aGg] af6f] v'nfO lbG5 . tfgfzfxx?n] klg o:t} ts{x? k]z ub{5g .

cfTdlg0f{osf] clwsf/n] ljv08gnfO{ 6]jf lbFb}g . g]kfndf cfh;Dd s'g} klg ;d'bfox?n] k[ystfafbL] cfGbf]ng u/]sf 5}gg . o:tf] ca:yfdf klg laz]if ;d'bfox? / tL ;d'bfosf ;b:ox? k|lt lav08gsf] cf/f]k nufpg' hflto k'af{u|x (racism) xf] . l;4fGttM cfTdlg0f{osf] clwsf/n] ljv08g ug]{ xs ;'/lIft ub{5 t/ b]zx¿ la/n} of] clwsf/sf] k|of]u u/L 6'lqmPsf 5g\\ . a?, e]befj / c;Gtf]if (alienation) sd u/]/ o; clwsf/n] ljv08gsf] dfunfO{ dTy/ kfb{5 / /fli6«o PsLs/0fnfO{ 6]jf k'¥ofpF5 . csf]{lt/, e]befj hf/L/x]df, cfTdlg0f{osf] clwsf/nfO{ dfGotf glbF+bf klg ;d'bfox¿ k{ystfjfbL cfGbf]ngdf nfu]sf] pbfx/0fx¿ ;+;f/df w]/} 5g\\ .

cGTodf, hflto ;+3fTds ;+/rgfaf/]df k|fo h;f] sf7df8f}+jfzL s]lx k'?if afx'gx?n] la/f]w u/]sf] kfOG5 . If]qL afx'gx?sf] k'vf}{nL If]q sFlx gePsf]n] ;+l3o ;+/rgfdf pgLx?sf] cfsfFIffsf] s;/L /Iff x'G5 eGg] k|Zg p7fOg] ul/Psf] 5 . klxnf] s'/f t, lzIfLt ;d'bfon] slx g slx 7fp+F hxfF klg kfFp5g . cd]l/sf / cGo b]zx?df ox'lbx?sf] k|efj o;sf] pbfx/0f xf] . Tof] eGbf dxTjk'0f{ s'/f t afx'g If]qLx? Hfft hfltsf] cfwf/df b]zdf ;a} eGbf al9 hg;+Vof ePsf] x'gfn] s]Gb|nfO pgLx/n] al9 k|efj kf5{g / s]Gb| dfkm{t cfkmgf lxtsf] /Iff ug{]5g . s]Gb| ;a} eGbf zlStzfnL x'g] ePsfn] ;+3fTds g]kfndf klg afx'g If]qLsf] x}sd s]lx xb;Dd sfod g} /xg] 5 . clxn]sf] h:tf] cToflws xfnLd'xfnL gx'g] dfq xf] . hflto ;+3fTds Aoa:yfn] s]Gb|df ax'dt gx'g] hfltx?nfO k|b]z agfO tL k|b]zx?df pgLx?sf] ax'dt agfO pgLx?sf] :j;fzgsf] Aoa:yf ub{5 . hflto ;+l3otfn] ax'hflto b]zdf al9 eGbf al9 hfltx?nfO{ :j;f;g ug{ lbO al9 eGbf al9 hgtfnfO /fHo ;+rfngdf ;xeflutf u/fpFb5 . a9L hgtfnfO ;dfj]z ug]{ ;+/rgfx?af6 ;a{;fwf/0f hgtfx? tl;{g' kg]{ h?/t 5}g / tl;{Psf klg 5}gg .

Monday, March 19, 2007

Mainstreaming The Maoists: Various Scenarios

Mainstreaming The Maoists: Various Scenarios
  • Scenario 1: The Maoists Become A Political Party

    • Scenario 1.1: The Maoist soldiers and arms are all in cantonments. The Maoist militia also disarm. They get out of "law enforcement" work completely. The state police are the only that do it. There are no extortions, no abductions. Maybe there are a few, but they are not party sanctioned. And when they do happen, the state police has the option to go after them without fear the Maoist party might get offended.

      • Scenario 1.1.1: The eight party government makes peace with the Madhesi-Janajati-Dalit Movement. Their three demands are met: (1) The Home Minister resigns, (2) A probe commission is formed, (3) Decision is made to hold completely proportional elections to the constituent assembly. Krishna Sitaula become Defense Minister in the interim eight party government. The probe commission issues a report in August, two months after the elections. There is nothing new in there that was not already publicly known, and noone gets punished. Holding proportional elections also makes it possible to hold the elections on time in June because it is less complicated. The EC says so. The interim parliament passes a law that makes all political parties make public their book keeping. The Maoists show up as the richest party. Elections are held in June. Elections are free and fair. No party gets a majority. The two Congress factions have become one. Girija has retired. He did not contest. After the election, all communist parties in the country start work to become one. The Sadbhavana is adopted by the Madhesi-Janajati-Dalit groups. The country is declared a republic during the first session of the constituent assembly. All political parties are now state funded. Work begins on integrating and downsizing the two armies to make it 30,000 strong and it is made to "look" like Nepal in terms of its ethnic and gender composition. There are competing maps on federalism. But a final map is agreed on based on debate, dialogue and voting. The Maoists in India switch their goal. They now envision an India that is a multi-party democracy of state funded parties like Nepal. They cease violence and take to electoral, non-violent methods. An all party meeting in India decides to accede to the Maoist demand and turns India into a multi-party democracy of state funded parties. Subsequently efforts are underway to unite all communist parties in India. China comes under pressure to become a federal, multi-party democracy of state funded parties. That makes the Tibetan diaspora go party.

        • Scenario The country becomes the number one democracy on the planet. Country after country imports the April Revolution, from Pakistan, to Burma to Zimbabwe. Dictators get toppled left and right. By 2020, every country on the planet is a democracy. The April Revolution has been the model to emulate. The country sees double digit economic growth for 30 years and counting. Poverty becomes a thing of the past by 2015. Nepal has become the Kuwait of hydropower by then.

    • Scenario 1.2: 30,000 Maoist soldiers and 3,000 Maoist arms are in cantonments. But the 100,000 Maoist militia still roams the country. They carry light arms. They "help" with law enforcement work. They maintain the climate of fear in the country.

      • Scenario 1.2.1: The Maoists refuse to fully become a political party. They want to continue with their militia. The eight parties do not give an inch to the Madhesi-Janajati-Dalit Movement. The anarchy, lawlessness, climate of fear in the country gets worse. There is major political paralysis. Elections are postponed to November. That encourages leftover royalists to try and fish in the muddy waters. The eight parties blame each other for not being able to hold elections. And they blame the Madhesi-Janajati-Dalit Movement. Eight party unity is substantially weakened. Hundreds of Maoists have defected the party and have taken their weapons with them. They are engaged in criminal activities of easy money. Non Maoist warlords emerge across the country to counter these groups. Some are ethnic splinter groups. There is fear elections might not be held in November either.

        • Scenario Girija passes away some time between June and November. Krishna Sitaula claims he is the natural heir. Deuba claims he has been the longest serving Prime Minister among the second generation Congress leaders. Madhav Nepal claims the UML has grown much since 1999, and besides, is it not only fair to switch? It used to be the Congress, and now it should be the UML. The Maoists will not have any of this. Their claim is Girija represented the seven party alliance. Now it is the turn of the Maoists to take the top job. Who better qualified than Prachanda? The Madhesi-Janajati-Dalit Movement is the fourth contestant. The tussle for power spills over from the corridors of power out into the streets. Minor and major scuffles are reported all over the country for weeks. The Maoist soldiers threaten to come out of the cantonments, fully armed. Some Nepal Army generals issue statements saying they owe it to the country to make sure Nepal does not become a Bangladesh.

          • Scenario The Maoists agree to Krishna Sitaula as the consensus candidate because they like his appeasing ways. That adds fury to the fire of the Madhesi-Janajati-Dalit Movement. Krishna Sitaula resigns after two weeks of violent protests across the Terai. Much political instability follows. The country gets a new Prime Minister every three months. Elections keep getting postponed. Lawlessness continues across the country. The king gives another speech.

  • Scenario 2: The Maoists Do Not Become A Political Party

    • Scenario 2.1: The Maoists retain their militia. And they intend to rig the elections. They manage to become the largest though not the majority party. All the other parties gang up on them in the assembly. That complicates the process of integrating the two armies. There are major delays. The Maoists were hoping to become the ruling party and organize fresh elections as soon as possible so as to become the majority party by any means possible.

    • Scenario 2.2: The Maoists go back to their old ways. Their soldiers come out of the cantonments. Their MPs in the assembly claim they have managed to "expose" the hypocricy of elections and parliamentary debates, and they leave. This act adds fuel to the Maoist fury in India where the insurgency hits an all time high.

      • Scenario 2.2.1: The US and India throw their weight behind the parliamentary parties in Nepal. There is preparation for war.

        • Scenario A vicious civil war ensues that lasts two years. Neither side wins. Finally peace talks are held. This time the Maoists agree to completely disarm. Both armies are abolished. New generation leadership emerges in all parties.

    • Scenario 2.3: Prachanda is captured like Gonzalo. The Maoist insurgency goes away like magic. There still are leftovers here and there, but there is nothing significant. The country grows a new leaf in its history. There is no outstanding progress, but there is no war either. The country gets itself a mediocre Prime Minister and hums along.
Madhesi, Janajati, Business Community
Three Parties: Congress, Communist, Sadbhavana
ANONYM: Association Of Nepali Organizations In New York Metro
Joint Movement
What Girija Could Have Done
Empowering Nepalis In New York City
Dipendra Jha: The Real Picture Of The Madhesi Movement
No Guns, Explosives, Weapons Outside Cantonments
MPRF: A Few Scenarios
It Is Tough For The Madhesi
Upendra Yadav: Madhesi Martin Luther King
New MJF Strategy: Hit The State, Not The People
A Federal Republic Electoral Alliance Against The Maoists Needed
Further Compromise: Mixed Election With Reservations
5 Point Demand: Compromise Formula So Elections Can Be Held In June
MJF And NEFIN Must Become Political Parties
The Economist: Nepal's Ethnic Politics: The New Battlefront
Madhesi Janajati Kranti: Victory Scenarios
Ensuring Ethnic And Gender Representation In The Constituent Assembly
Madhesi Janajati Kranti: Confusion, Clarity
Madhesi Janajati Kranti: A Few Scenarios

Madhesi, Janajati, Business Community

The Nepalgunj violence during the last week of December was the fuel (Madhesi Alert, Nepalgunj Pahadi Attack On Madhesi, Raw Email, Video Footage) and the Maoist killing and subsequent desecration of the dead body of the 16 year old Mahato was the fire. The result was the 21 day Madhesi Kranti. The Maoists disrupted the MPRF mass meetings in Bhairahawa and Nepalgunj during the lull after that 21 day movement. (Nepalgunj II: This Is A Repeat)

When the Janajati came out into the streets as a movement, they got beat up by the Maoists who have been pretending they are the messiah to the Janajati community.

The Maoists have also beat up cadres of and disrupted mass meetings of the RJP, the UML, the Nepali Congress.

Prachanda, after repeated denials and fabricated stories of guns that had been washed away by rivers, admitted recently that thousands of Maoists fighters and weapons are still outside the UN cantonments.

Maoist abductions, extortions, and beatings continue. The internally displaced have not yet returned to their homes. The Maoist fear is still in the air.

And now this. I am so glad the business community has decided to not take this lying down. People power was sufficient to cow down the royal dictatorship. People power is sufficient to cow down the Maoist menace.

The peace process was supposed to turn the Maoists into a political party, not let them continue with their dictatorial ways. The democrats have plenty of political options they can go for to counter the Maoists, and they must.

Under the climate of Maoist fear, free and fair elections can not be imagined.

The Maoist leadership can not pretend they don't know what is going on. They are either going to take responsibility for the behavior of their cadres, or they are going to throw them out of their party and let the law enforcement agencies take care of them. They can not have it both ways.

The Madhesi Movement cut the Maoists to size. The joint Madhesi, Janajati, Dalit Movement will do more of that. The Tharu have already broken away from the Maoists. That is their democratic right.

There is to be no compromise on the basics of democracy, especially now when Nepal is about to become a democracy of state funded political parties.

If the political parties will not take a clear stand against the Maoist menace, the people will.

Money And The Maoists

There is too much focus on the Maoist weapons, too little on their money. The interim parliament needs to pass a law that will make it mandatory for all political parties to make their book keeping transparent before they may contest the elections to the constituent assembly. Any political party that has more than 50% money to the second richest party must give all that extra money to the state.

A Federal Republic Electoral Alliance Against The Maoists Needed
Sadist Koirala, Kans Sitaula, Pol Pot Prachanda
Prachanda's Schizophrenia

In The News

Businessmen announce indefinite shutdown NepalNews they would close all industries, export and import, education institutions, banks, transport and air services from 3 pm while the protest would come into effect across the country from Tuesday..... FNCCI said the government's indifference towards the demands of the private sector became clear when the Prime Minister denied meeting to a delegation of private sector entrepreneurs. .... Finance Minister Dr. Ram Sharan Mahat while expressing sympathy over the demands raised by the business community, expressed surprise over the announcement of strike without consulting with the government.
Maoists deny hand in manhandling of businessman Saying that the business community was only targeting the Maoist party, he said the strike of the businessmen smacked of "involvement of reactionaries".
EC to start second phase of voters' registration
Internet services go down in protest of attack on businessman the Internet Service Providers Association of Nepal (ISPAN) has decided to halt all Internet services from 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM today, March 19, 2007 ..... The private sector, according to ISPAN, has repeatedly been the victim of atrocities, such as extortion, arson, abduction and brutal physical assault by members of CPN Maoist cadres .... it would be compelled to intensify protest with similar service outages in the coming days “if the government does not act responsibly”
Few Nepalis have access to formal financial institutions, says WB report
Govt, parties stress on CA polls within mid-June; EC demands laws
Parties have failed to earn their legitimacy: Dixit though Nepali people gave them the second chance to come to power through peaceful 'April uprising,' major political parties in Nepal have largely forgotten the plight of ordinary people ..... the London Chhalphal, a Nepal-facing discussion and networking forum, and SOAS ( School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London) Nepali Society. ..... displaced people are yet to return to their homes ..... "There is an almost abandonment of ordinary people by the seven party alliance and the Maoists. Whatever the development work is going on at the grassroots level, it is despite or without the government" ....... Nepal's success story in community forestry, micro-hydro and community radio has shown that sustainable development takes place only when local communities are empowered and decision-making authority is delegated to the local elected officials. ...... there were separatist scenarios in the south and threat of ethnic militancy in the hills ...... "To create jobs, you have to have right type of investment climate, but the situation is such that Nepal is facing a huge capital flight" ....... Dixit said implementation of lift irrigation project with the investment of say around 10 million dollars would help Karnali people to grow enough food for themselves ...... example of three private colleges in Khandbari in eastern hilly district of Sankhuwasabha coming together to build a 5 MW micro-hydro plant in the district. By selling power to the national grid, they have become able to sustain their colleges ....... extortion was still taking place and violence had almost become a norm .... journalists, teachers and children—who were in the frontline of the decade-old armed conflict in Nepal—were still living with the deep physical and psychological scars. "Minefields are killing more children in Nepal now than during the conflict" ........ Listen to the Audio Transcription: MP3 WAV
"CA polls impossible unless our demands are met: Dr Gurung" - A NepalNews report on London Chhalphal with Mr. Om Gurung
Entrepreneurs organise sit in demanding security

Prachanda expresses sorrow over attack on hotelier, promises to punish guilty Kantipur
EC cautions parties to be serious regarding polls
India providing assistance to Nepal hydro projects
Business community announces indefinite shutdown against Maoist "excesses"
Police foil MPRF border shut down plan; forum cadres forced to flee to India Berhaiya, Rupandehi. .... around 150 cadres had gathered this afternoon to close the border check point. .... the Indian Border Security Force ( BSF) personnel had used force to drive away the MPRF cadres. ..... The forum cadres have fled to Sunauli, India after the Maoists, who had stationed themselves in the border checkpoint along with the Nepal Police personnel, did not let them enter Nepal.
Katari local escapes Maoist custody
Maoists thrash NC, UML, NC-D leaders in Humla
Foreign breeds a threat to indigenous crops
Maoist threat to blacken DEO's face sparks furor
Villagers stay in hut, use modern toilets
Seven-hour curfew clamped in Kalaiya
अन्तरिम सरकार गठनमा अझै ढिलाइ
चन्दा नपाएपछि अपहरण गरी कुटपिट
दुई घन्टा सेनाको नियन्त्रणमा
प्रजातान्त्रिकका कार्यकर्ता अपहरण
घोडेजात्रामा प्रधानमन्त्री प्रमुख अतिथि
माओवादी नेताद्वारा कार्यालय प्रमुखहरूलाई निर्देशन
राजनीतिक निर्णय
संविधानसभा अघिका चुनौती
वनमा माओवादी

Nepal business community calls for shutdown on Tuesday, FL
Nepal business, internet hit by protest against Maoist violence Monsters and, UK
Indian debacle in World Cup busts punters' network in Nepal Malaysia Sun, Malaysia
Tibetans Hope For Improved Treatment of Refugees in Nepal Men's News Daily, CA
Tibetans Hope For Improved Treatment of Refugees in Nepal Voice of America
Nepal Outgoing Indian ambassador meets..., Nepal
Nepal businesses in anti-Maoist strike United Press International
India providing assistance to Nepal hydro projects Kantipur Online, Nepal
Business Community Nepal Banda: Deplorable United We Blog, Nepal
Nepal's business lobby calls for indefinite shutdown India, India