Showing posts with label communist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label communist. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Koirala Has Only 85 Out of 330

CIA - The World Factbook -- Nepal a 330 seat Interim Parliament was formed on 15 January 2007 following the promulgation of an interim constitution .... NC 85, CPN/M 83, CPN/UML 83, NC/D 48, RPP 9, NSP/AD 5, NWPP 4, People's Front Nepal (Amik Sherchan Group) 4, People's Front Nepal (Chitra Bahadur K.C. Group) 3, UFL 3, People's Front Nepal (Chitra Bahadur Ale Group) 2, NSP 1
Middle Ground: PR Election Now, Republic Later

I think it would be a great idea to change Nepal's Prime Minister right now. If Gyanendra is villain number one, Girija is villain number two. Girija symbolizes all that was wrong with the 1990s, the corruption, the inept ways, the nepotism, the lack of social justice for the DaMaJaMa. The political culture that says the oldest person in the room gets to be the leader is not how things should be. It should be about the arithmetic in the interim parliament. The alignment should be issue based.

This is how the arithmetic would work right now.

The Maoists should agree on Madhav Nepal as Prime Minister since some Maoist can not hold that post right now. The global powers are not going to be able to digest a Maoist Prime Minister.

Madhav Nepal should grab the opportunity. That will be a big boost for him and his party.

Deuba should realize it has never been Girija's intention to unite the two Congress factions. The whole unification drama that Girija and his coterie have played has had one goal: to prevent Deuba from expanding his party's organization.

Deuba needs a fully PR election more than any other large party, more than the Maoists, more than the UML. If fully PR elections are not held, Deuba's party will get wiped out. And that is why Deuba should throw his 48 MPs behind the new alignment.

The new alignment would have a two point agreement. One, to pass a commitment resolution to a republic, to be passed after the elections. Two, fully PR election with the provision to allow a week or two to register any new parties.

You need a physically agile Prime Minister if the country is to still have elections on November 22.

Prachanda should realize the solution is not in street agitation. The solution is inside the interim parliament. They have to play the arithmetic in the interim parliament.

The mixed election is not in the best interests of even the Koirala Congress. Koirala's party will get 15% of the votes if it is lucky. The days of his party securing 30% of the votes in the country are over.

Fully PR election was Madhav Nepal's idea. It makes no sense for him to not make it possible now when he can.

I am glad the Maoists are calling a special session of the interim parliament.

Land Reform

The only way there is going to be meaningful land reform in the country is if the UML and the Maoists go for it together. Koirala's Congress is going to be the primary hurdle to meaningful land reform in the country.

It makes no sense that Prachanda and Madhav Nepal can not see eye to eye right now.

Middle Ground: PR Election Now, Republic Later

Not UML-Maoist Unification Or Unity, But A One Point Agreement On PR Election
Baburam Bhattarai Is Right About UML-Maoist Unity
एक मात्र िमलनिवन्दु: पुर्ण समानुपाितक िनर्वाचन
Madhav Nepal Needs To Make A Move

In The News

New political basis needed to bolster eight-party unity: Mahara Kantipur “The leaders of the seven parties were not serious about our demands till yesterday. We found them somewhat concerned today after we declared the agitation,” Mahara said after the eight-party meeting today, “But, this realization must be taken to a meaningful conclusion if the eight-party unity is to be strengthened.” ........ “A new political basis has to be discovered to bolster the eight-party unity. The recent developments have already proved that the eight-party unity cannot be upheld on the old basis ..... “The (November 22) elections are merely an illusion. They won’t be possible without a new and strengthened unity among the eight parties.” ....... “We have certainly not pulled out from the peace process. We are still in the eight-party alliance. We have only stepped down from the government ...... the Maoist central secretariat meeting this afternoon had mulled over ways to push for a special session of the interim parliament to declare a republic through the House.
Eight parties agree to keep unity intact
OHCHR-Nepal Representative visits sites of violence in Kapilvastu
NC, UML urge Maoists to rejoin govt, call off agitation
Kapilvastu death toll reaches 20 None of the eight bodies have been identified yet as their bodies have been disfigured beyond recognition .... Among the seven found this morning, the deceased have been identified as Hari bahadur Basnet, Jhabinda Khanal, Shovaram Sunar of Bisanpur VDC, and Mohit Bahadur Magar of Shivagadi VDC-3. ..... Property worth millions of rupees were destroyed in the riots ..... In Chandrauta bazaar alone, 85 vehicles were torched whereas 16 others were torched in Krishnanagar.
माओवादी सरकारबाहिर
माओवादी निर्णयबाट नेताहरू चकित
पहाडमा अवरोध तराईमा चहलपहल प्रचार अभियानसँगै जोडेर जिल्ला अधिवेशनमा व्यस्त एमाले अरू दलभन्दा प्रचारमा अगाडि देखा परेको छ । ..... कञ्चनपुरमा भदौ तेस्रो साता एमालेका नेता झलनाथ खनालको चुनावी सभापछि एमाले पूर्णरूपले निर्वाचनमा होमिएको हो । पार्टीका स्थानीय नेता यतिबेला गाउँघरतिर प्रचार अभियानमा छन् । 'संगठन सुदृढीकरण सँगै पचार प्रसारका लागि कहीँ कतै अवरोध छैन,' एमाले कञ्चनपुरका सचिव राजेन्द्र रावलले भने । ...... दार्चुलामा अरू पार्टीभन्दा एमाले प्रचार प्रसारमा अग्रस्थानमा रहेको छ । गएको साता सम्पन्न एमालेको पाँचौं जिल्ला अधिवेशनले पनि राजनीतिक सरगर्मी बढाएको छ । ..... एक साता भित्रै जिल्लाका ४१ वटै गाविसमा चुनाव प्रचारप्रसारको टोली जाने तयारीमा रहेको नव निर्वाचित एमाले जिल्ला सचिव गणेशसिंह ठगुन्नाले बताए । ..... कांग्रेस र प्रजातान्त्रीक कांग्रेस भने पार्टी एकीकरणलाई पर्खेर बसेका छन । दुवै पार्टीका अधिकांश नेता कार्यकर्ता लामो समयदेखि राजधानीमा रहेका छन् । ...... आन्दोलन वा चुनाव स्पष्ट नभएकाले दुविधामा छौं' एक माओवादी जिल्लास्तरीय नेताले बताए । ...... कैलालीमा अरू जिल्लाको तुलनामा चुनावी प्रचार प्रसारको गति तीव्र छ । एमालेले विभिन्न उपसमिति गठन गरी चुनावी तयारीको जिम्मेवारी समेत बाँडफाँड गरिसकेको छ । जिल्लाको ६ वटै निर्वाचन क्षेत्रमा एमालेले चुनाव परिचालनका लागि संयोजक तोकेर जिम्मेवारी दिएको हो । कैलालीमा अन्य दल जनमोर्चा र अन्य बाम घटकसँगै सद्भावना आनन्दीदेवी पनि कार्यकर्ता प्रशिक्षणसँगै उम्मेदवार चयन र प्रचार प्ा्रसारको तयारीमा जुट्न थालेका छन्
प्रहरी-मोर्चा भिडन्त
नेपालको स्वतन्त्रता खतरामा’ किन बोले प्रधानमन्त्री ? नेपालका राजनीतिक शक्ति, मिडिया, नागरकि समाज, पेसागत क्षेत्रलगायत यत्र-तत्र-सर्वत्र कुनै बाह्य शक्तिको परम्परागत प्रभाव छ भने त्यो दक्षिणको छिमेकी नै हो । .... कोइराला सकेसम्म राजतन्त्रप्रति निरपेक्ष रहेरै चुनावमा जाने र संविधानसभाको गठनपश्चात् आवश्यक परे मात्र गणतन्त्रको कार्ड खोल्ने पक्षमा थिए ..... कृष्णप्रसाद भट्टराईले एउटा कार्ड फ्याँके, "राजतन्त्रको अन्त्यले देशमा विभाजन र विखण्डनको बीउ रोप्छ ।" ..... बाह्य अभिरुचिमा राजतन्त्रलाई समाप्त पारएिमा नेपालको राष्ट्रिय अखण्डता खतरामा पर्ने भएकाले त्यस्तो निर्णय नगर्न सेनाको उच्च तहबाट प्रधानमन्त्रीसमक्ष निरन्तर सुझाव/दबाब आइरहेको थियो । तैपनि अपेक्षाविपरीत काङ्ग्रेस गणतान्त्रिक बाटोमा हिँडेपछि सैनिक नेतृत्व झसङ्ग भयो । सुरक्षा-स्थितिको 'बि्रफिङ्' गर्न प्रधानसेनापति रुक्माङ्गद कटवालको नेतृत्वमा देशैभरकिा डिभिजन प्रमुखलगायत दर्जनौँ उच्च जनरलहरू भदौ २३ गते बालुवाटार छिरे । अनि प्रधानमन्त्रीले सेनाको मनस्थिति राम्रैसँग बुझ्न पाए । ...... काङ्ग्रेसको निर्णयबाट राजा ज्ञानेन्द्र मात्र होइन, सेनासमेत सन्तुष्ट नरहेको कोइरालाले बुझिसकेका थिए । .... तराईमा ४८ प्रतिशत निर्वाचन क्षेत्र राख्न आफैँद्वारा घोषित निर्णय उनको चाहनाबाहिरको कदम थियो भने काङ्ग्रेसका मधेसी नेताहरूलाई फुटाएर छुट्टै पार्टी बनाउन गरएिको प्रयासले त उनलाई झनै तर्सायो । ...... संविधानसभा निर्वाचन हुन नसकेमा अन्तरमि सरकारको वैधानिकता सिद्धिने भारतीय राजदूत शिवशङ्कर मुखर्जीको चेतावनीविरुद्ध त कोइरालाले दिल्लीमै असन्तुष्टि जाहेर गरसिकेका छन् । वर्तमान सरकारको वैधानिकता सिद्धिनु भनेको कोइराला सरकार ढल्नु हो । ....... गणतन्त्रको निर्णय गरएिलगत्तै प्रधानमन्त्री-पुत्री सुजाताबाट राजतन्त्रको पक्षमा वकालत सुरु हुनुले धेरैमा सन्देह पैदा गरेको छ । .... चुनाव नहुनु भनेको काङ्ग्रेस र माओवादीबीच कटुता बढ्नु हो । त्यस्तो अवस्थामा राजालाई आफ्नै क्याम्पमा राखेर विगत लामो अवधि राजतन्त्रप्रति बफादार रहेको सेनामार्फत माओवादीको मुकाबिला गर्नुपर्ने आकलनसमेत कोइरालाले गरेका हुन सक्छन् । .... मुखर्जीले राजासमक्ष उनी र छोरा पारस 'भोलिन्टियर रटिायरमेन्ट' मा गई नाति हृदयेन्द्रलाई 'सेरेमोनियल मोनार्क' बनाउन उपर्युक्त हुने सुझाव कूटनीतिक भाषामा दिएका थिए । तर, राजाले त्यो प्रस्ताव अस्वीकार गरेलगत्तै काङ्ग्रेसबाट गणतन्त्रका पक्षमा प्रारम्भिक निर्णय भएको छ । ..... सेनाका कतिपय जनरलहरू पनि यसको पक्षमा देखिन्छन् । समग्र देश गणतन्त्रतर्फ गइसक्दा पनि राजा ज्ञानेन्द्रचाहिँ नाति-राजाका पक्षमा पनि छैनन् । "नाबालक राजाको रजिेन्ट -राज्य सहायक) को हुने ?" दरबारले भन्ने गरेको छ, "बेबी किङ् भनेको राजतन्त्र उन्मूलनको पहिलो कदम हो ।" ...... राजनीति बिथोलिँदै गएमा कुनै विन्दुमा पुगेर आफ्नै भूमिका र्फकनेमा राजा विश्वस्त छन...... भारतको राजनीतिक तहको आश्वासन नै बढी भरपर्दो हुने शाही विश्वास टुटेको देखिँदैन । .... प्लेनमको पूर्वसन्ध्यामा भारतीय नेतृ सोनिया गान्धीले पठाएको प्रतिनिधिले माओवादी अध्यक्ष प्रचण्डसँग भैरहवामा वार्ता .... त्यसलगत्तै भारतको सिलीगुडीमा भारतीय गुप्तचर अधिकारीहरूसँग माओवादीको वार्तालाप भयो । ... भारतीय प्रधानमन्त्रीका विशेष दूत श्यामशरणले पनि गत साता प्रचण्डसँग लामो फोन-वार्ता गरे । .... संविधानसभामा काङ्ग्रेस र एमालेपछि आफूलाई तेस्रो नम्बरको शक्ति बनाउने भारतीय खेल आफूले बुझेको माओवादीको भनाइ छ । ..... भारतमा आधारति मधेसका सशस्त्र समूहहरूलाई वार्तामा ल्याउन प्रयास गर्दैछ । उपेन्द्र यादव नेतृत्वको मधेसी जनअधिकार फोरमसँग भारतकै पहलमा सरकारले सम्झौता गरेको दाबी माओवादी मन्त्री देव गुरुडले गरेका छन् । ....... मधेस आन्दोलन र अन्य उपायमार्फत कमजोर पारएिका माओवादीलाई यसैबेला चुनावी बाटोबाट मूलधारमा ल्याउने भारतीय योजना रहेको छ, ताकि उनीहरू तेस्रो स्थानमा मात्र रहून् र मूलधारबाट अलग्गिने, जनविद्रोह गर्ने हैसियत पनि गुमाउन । माओवादीसँगै राजालाई पनि चुनावको वैधानिक बाटोबाटै ठेगान लगाउन सकिने दिल्लीको आकलन देखिन्छ । र, त्यसप्रति अमेरकिाको पनि समर्थन छ । ....... काङ्ग्रेसलाई गणतन्त्रको पक्षमा निर्णय गराइएता पनि थियो त्यसले माओवादीलाई चुनावतिर लगेन । अब भारतले दोस्रो कार्ड खोल्न सक्छ । त्यो हो, संसद्बाट गणतन्त्रको निर्णय । यद्यपि भारत हालसम्म त्यस्तो निचोडमा पुगिसकेको छैन । तर, संसद्बाट त्यससम्बन्धी निर्णय गर्ने र त्यसको अनुमोदनचाहिँ संविधानसभाको पहिलो बैठकबाट गराउने सहमति हुनसक्ने सम्भावना पनि छ । ......... कुनैबेला गिरजिाप्रसाद कोइरालाले भनेझैँ, नेपाली सेनाले सकेन भने चीन वा भारतको सेना बोलाउने ..... "वास्तवमा नेपालको सार्वभौमिकतामाथि कतैबाट खतरा छ भने त्यो भारतको समर्थन नलिई सत्तामा पुगिन्न भन्ने पार्टीहरूको सोच र शैलीबाट छ" ....... चुनावको विषयमा जति विदेशीहरूले चासो दिएका छन्, त्यति राजनीतिक पार्टीहरूले दिएका छैनन् । ..... चुनाव हुनुपर्छ, नत्र सरकारको वैधानिकता सकिन्छ ..... नेपालमा 'सिभिल ड्रेस' मा अमेरकिी सेना व्यापक छ भन्ने सुनिन्छ । .... काङ्ग्रेसमा २०१२/०१३ सालतिरै गणतन्त्रको प्रश्न उठेको थियो ।

Death toll in Kapilbastu climbs to 17 NepalNews 300 homes and 100 vehicles have been set to fire by mobs ...... the ensuing violence that took a communal colour
Eight parties agree to maintain unity Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala, Maoist chairman Prachanda, UML general secretary Nepal, Nepali Congress Democratic president Sher Bahadur Deuba, Janamorcha Nepal chairman Amik Sherchan and other leaders were present at the meeting. ..... The meeting was shortened in view of ‘bad health’ of the Maoist chairman
Maoists want special session of parliament; mull ‘no-confidence motion’ against PM a proposal will soon be registered at the parliament secretariat demanding the special session, apparently to push for republic. He said the party would possibly table 'no-confidence' motion against Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala. ...... one fourth of lawmakers can call the special session. The Maoists have 83 MPs in the 330-seat interim parliament.
Deuba furious over delay in unity, NC-D Mahasamiti meeting on Sep 25-26 Deuba stated that if the unity is not announced by September 22, the Congress unity will never materialise. ..... NC-Democratic has also decided to hold its Mahasamiti meeting on September 25-26. The party's general secretary Bimalendra Nidhi issued a statement appealing to all Mahasamiti members to attend the meeting.
MJF dissidents to restrict Yadav from entering Mahottari The dissident faction of the Madhesi Janadhikar Forum (MJF) led by Kishor Kumar Biswas has announced that rival faction's chief Upendra Yadav will be barred from entering Mahottari district. Mahottari district headquarter Jaleshwor remains tense since morning after the dissident faction announced ban on Yadav's entry in the district and followers of the split group are campaigning against Yadav. Yadav was scheduled to address a mass meeting in Jaleshwor as part of his party's political campaign for upcoming constituent assembly elections. The party has split after Yadav signed an agreement with the government and vowed to work for holding the constituent assembly elections on time.
PM hopes for new consensus; parties begin internal discussions The central committee meetings of the Nepali Congress and CPN-UML are undergoing. UML leaders have said their party would propose for a commitment resolution for republic through interim parliament to be approved by the constituent assembly. NC leaders said their discussion primarily focused on desertion of the Maoists from the interim government and possible ways to reach towards a new consensus. People's Front president Amik Sherchan said they would propose for a commitment proposal for republic from the interim parliament. He said it could later be approved by the elected constituent assembly.
Leaders surprised by Maoist decision to quit govt CPN-UML leader Jhala Nath Khanal said that it was unfortunate to see the Maoists sticking to their stance as it has only prolonged the life of monarchy in Nepal. “The ultra-leftist line almost always serve the interest of the ultra right,” he said, adding, “The decision of the Maoists has come just two months ahead of the end of monarchy through a legitimate way.” ..... Narayanman Bijukche .... “I have learnt that this decision of the Maoist came after the four main constituents of the eight party alliance couldn’t reach to an agreement of sharing 60 seats of the Constituent Assembly between themselves,” he said.
Maoists' 22-point demands were legitimate, says Amik Sherchan Saying that the demands for PR-based electoral system and declaring the country a republic through the interim parliament – both of which feature high on the 22 point pre-requisite of the Maoists - were first raised by People's Front Nepal, chairman Sherchan said it was unfortunate to see the Maoists failing to convince the coalition partners to approve it while there was still time.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Not UML-Maoist Unification Or Unity, But A One Point Agreement On PR Election

Madhav Nepal misunderstands. The call is not to unify the two parties. The call is not for a left front unity. The call is for a one point collaboration between the UML and the Maoists to come together and make possible completely proportional elections to the constituent assembly so as to guarantee there will be elections in November.

If you have completely proportional elections, you don't need any unity, any alliance. Every party competes against every other. Votes don't go to waste.

A possibly unified Congress does not want completely proportional elections because if you have completely proportional elections, the communist votes don't go to waste, and if communist votes don't go to waste, the Congress is no longer the center of gravity of Nepali politics.

If Madhav Nepal does not make this move now, he is going to regret big time after the elections are over. No party will win a majority. That is a foregone conclusion. Forget majority, no party is going to win more than 15% of the votes.

If Madhav Nepal can not forge a one point agreement with the Maoists now, he will not be able to forge a coalition after the elections are over. And a coalition is not a one point deal, but a convergence on many points. He has to start practicing right away.

The constituent assembly will work to give the country a new constitution. But the majority coalition born out of that assembly will also run the country. The assembly will also function as a parliament. There is not going to be a power vacuum.

The arithmetic in the interim parliament is simple. If the UML and the Maoists come together on this issue, no power can stop completely proportional elections to the constituent assembly. And holding completely proportional elections to the constituent assembly is the only way to make possible elections in November. If you don't make completely proportional elections to the constituent assembly possible, there are not going to be elections, not in November, not in April.

Baburam Bhattarai Is Right About UML-Maoist Unity
एक मात्र िमलनिवन्दु: पुर्ण समानुपाितक िनर्वाचन
No Point Talking, Got To Get Down To Protests
तीन लाखले सरकारी जागीर खाने, तीन करोड कता जाने?
Best Possible Scenario: How It Could Unfold
मधेशी मोर्चाके िलए फर्मुला
महेन्द्र, वीरेन्द्र र प्रचण्डका सीडीअो अञ्चलाधीशहरू
Upendra Yadav Book 1
The Maoist Confusion Is Unnecessary
Madhav Nepal Needs To Make A Move
Lull Before The Storm
Compromise Formula: 75 Multi Member Constituencies
I Agree With Prachanda On Republic And Proportional Election

In The News

Govt Urged to Consider Dahal's Demands Himalayan Times
Maoists in favour of postponing election, not aborting it
PM pledges to conduct CA polls in writing Koirala signed the 10-point commitment paper presented by the Human Rights and Peace Society (HURPES) .... Koirala signed on the paper immediately after the rights activists produced the paper before him at his official residence in Baluwatar ..... President of HURPES Purusottam Dahal
Nepal Rules Out Maoist-UML Unification Prospects People's support is necessary to get legitimacy of any revolution and it is manifested through an election, CPN-UML general secretary Madhav Kumar Nepal said on Friday. ...... there was no immediate possibility of unification between the UML and the CPN (Maoist), as both the parties were yet to be clear about their ideological ground. .... it was not necessary, as has been ascertained by classical Marxists, to resort to violence or armed struggle to bring about changes in the society. Communists in many Latin American countries have been able to bring about social and political changes through ballot boxes ....... Commenting on the book, Maoist leader Dr Baburam Bhattarai said that there was no other way than to make a unity between the UML and the Maoists though the Maoists must have committed some mistakes during the People's War. "The imperialists will judge us from the same angle even if we do not unite," he said.
JTMM-J Men Kills NC Cadre in Parsa
MMT Bandh Cripples Life in Terai Districts on Day IV Life remained affected today on the fourth day of the five-day-long bandh called by the Madhesi Mukti Tigers (MMT) in Sunsari, Saptari, Sarlahi, Bara, Dhanusha, Mahottari, Siraha, Rautahat and Parsa districts of the Tarai region. Private and public vehicles remained off the road. Protestoers vandalized four vehicles at Koshi Barrage area on Mahendra Highway last night, police said. Factories, industrial plants, business establishments and bazaars in urban and rural centres of the districts also remained closed. People were forced to walk or ride bicycles to reach their destinations. The bandh also caused obstruction in the printing and publication of three weekly newspapers in the Siraha. Meanwhile, human rights activists and businessmen of Sunsari district appealed MMT to call off the bandh.

Monday, July 30, 2007

I Agree With Prachanda On Republic And Proportional Election

The UML wants completely proportional elections to the constituent assembly.
The Maoists want completely proportional elections to the constituent assembly.
The left parties want completely proportional elections to the constituent assembly.
The Sadbhavana wants completely proportional elections to the constituent assembly.
The MJF wants completely proportional elections to the constituent assembly.
The Janajati want completely proportional elections to the constituent assembly.
The Dalit want completely proportional elections to the constituent assembly.
The Deuba Congress wants completely proportional elections to the constituent assembly.

The Koirala Congress alone stands against completely proportional elections to the constituent assembly.

The UML wants a republic.
The Maoists want a republic.
The left parties want a republic.
The Sadbhavana wants a republic.
The MJF wants a republic.
The Janajati want a republic.
The Dalit want a republic.
The Deuba Congress wants a republic.

The Koirala Congress alone stands against a republic.

A republic was the primary call of the April Revolution that has no parallel in world history. The streets were not clamoring for a House revival or even a constituent assembly. The streets were hot for a republic.

Between them the UML and the Maoists have the numbers to claim stake to the Prime Ministership right away. But instead a frail, sick Koirala is Prime Minister.

These are three glaring examples that Nepal is not a democracy. The majority opinion in the interim parliament is for a republic, and for completely proportional elections to the constituent assembly. But that opinion ends up not being the decision. Why? Because there is no democracy in Nepal. That's why.

(1) Declare Nepal a republic right away.
(2) Declare that completely proportional elections to the constituent assembly will be held.
(3) Make Madhav Nepal the Prime Minister who will lead the country to elections.
(4) Make Ram Raja Prasad Singh the first president of Nepal. The first president has to be a staunch republican. It can not be Koirala. Koirala is not a republican. It is only fair that if a Pahadi will be Prime Minister, a Madhesi will be President. Ram Raja is also the person who all armed Madhesi groups wanted as a leader. This step will expedite the process of bringing peace to the Terai.

The UML and the Maoists have it in their powers to bring about these changes. And if they hurry up and do it, we can still have elections on November 22.

This is the only way.

If you don't declare the country a republic right away, the monarchy as an issue will sap too much energy during election time. All energy needs to be focused on the people and their issues, not the king. The primary debate during the election has to be about the shape and form of federalism.

I agree with Prachanda 100%.

He does not need to walk out of the government. He does not need to launch street protests. All he has to do is form a strong alliance with the UML. The small parties will fall in line. Koirala Congress will be forced to tag along.

Holding completely proportional election is also a way to make sure the communist votes do not get divided and thrown to waste.

िगिरजालाई पदमुक्त गर

In The News

Prachanda proposes launching "People's Revolt" NepalNews Concluding that the elections for the Constituent Assembly (CA) is impossible without announcing republic and adopting proportional representation based election system ... their revolt will be of peaceful nature ... more the transition phase prolongs, lesser role they will get to play
Deuba disgruntled over delay in congress unification expressed serious dissatisfaction over the progress of congress party unity process and said his patience was “running thin”. .... “If we are to unite the party, it should be done at the earliest, other wise NC-D will go for campaign on a war-footing.” ...... has been waiting for the call from the NC for the past four days. “But there has been no call as yet

Maoists warn of closing down Kavre and Sindhupalchowk over Dolakha issue NepalNews condemned 'anti-republican move by the Dolakha administration
UN comes to the rescue of flood victims the UNFPA has provided food and non-food items to 1,000 flood victims in Mahottari ..... UNICEF has provided emergency supplies, which include water purification tablets as well as flocculent powder to purify water for some 30,000 people in the flood and landslide affected areas in Banke, Bardiya, Dhanusha, Mahottari and Rautahat

PLA defector claims 1000 combatants left camps in Nawalparasi NepalNews The former platoon commander also accused the Maoist party of misusing the funds provided by the government for the upkeep of the PLA men. ... “Major portion of the government money is spent on other purposes of the party. The comrades have not got the Rs 3000 salary allocated by the government,” reports quoted him as saying. Kusum whose UNMIN registration number is 006 escaped from the camp Sunday night. .... anybody suspected of planning to flee the camp is subjected to torture. Most of the combatants living in the camps prefer employment in foreign contries to any rehabilitation option.
Lawmakers criticise, govt employees protest against YCL activities
Army chief faces 'grilling' after returning from UK
Maoist central committee meeting begins at party chairman Prachanda's residence in Kathmandu .... The central committee meeting will finalise the party's strategies and agendas for the upcoming extended meeting to be held for the first time since the party came into open politics. The extended meeting will be attended by over 1600 party leaders. ..... The previous extended meeting held in India had taken important decisions on the party's war tactics.
YCL cadres vandalise DDC office, LDO's home
MoF cancels passports of 34 willful defaulters
Issues and Challenges of Electoral Reforms in Nepal the Constituent Assembly (CA) election keeps on getting postponed in the country (since more than five-and-half decades ago). .... they treated elections as the only available non-violent approach for societal transformation. ...... hold CA polls in a peaceful, free and fair manner. ..... the cost-per-vote in CA election is li kely to shoot up to N Rs. 107. ..... gun, gold and goondas. .... the CA election, if conducted in free, fair and fearless manner, could bring a new lease of life to the nation; while failure to do so at the scheduled date might invite larger catastrophe to the nation.
New TV channel on the block Sagarmatha TV .... 18-hour a day transmission
Works at DAOs come to a halt; Maoists defend YCL action against Dolakha CDO

Govt Stepping up Security in East Tarai Himalayan Times APF election security base camps have been established in each constituency in Siraha, Saptari and Sunsari districts and additional security arrangements have been made in Siraha and Saptari districts .... A total of 104 persons involved in criminal activities have been arrested along with 19 weapons and bullets recently
561 youths leave Nepal a day for foreign jobs
Home Ministry Vows Action, Maoists Warn Indefinite Dolakha Bandh Maoists, demanding withdrawal of a case against their local leader under the Public Security Act for mistreating an RPP leader last week, had attacked DAO and CDO and clashed with the police in Charikot, the district headquarters, yesterday. At least 30 persons including 7 policemen were injured in the clash. To protest the attack on CDO, all government offices and schools in Dolakha remained closed today. Police have arrested at least 35 Maoist cadres for involvement in the incident. Twelve Maoists were arrested yesterday, while 23 more were arrested today, district police office said. CDO Thapa vowed to take strong legal action against the people involved in the attack. Meanwhile, Maoists have given the local administration 5 pm deadline to free their arrested cadres, withdraw case against their leader Bishal Khadka and provide treatment to their cadres injured yesterday. Addressing a press conference at Charikot, the Maoists threatened an indefinite district bandh if their demands were not met by the deadline. The Maoists have also demanded the release of motorcycles, mobile sets and cash police had seized from them.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

UML, Maoist, NC (D) Alliance To Oust Girija Needed

Girija Koirala has to take responsibility for not being able to hold elections by June and he should resign. Between them, the UML, the Maoists, and the NC (D) have the numbers. The smaller parties can be expected to come along. The Koirala Congress must be isolated.

Girija Koirala has no intention whatsoever to unify the two Congress factions. But he talks like he wants to so as to prevent the Deuba Congress from doing serious organizational work on the ground.

Girija has routinely disrespected the UML since assuming power and before. He has not allowed the UML ministers to make appointments even in their own ministries. He has acted like he is the minister of all ministries. He has exhibited similar behavior towards the Maoist ministers.

Enough of waiting for Girija and his party to come around to the idea of a republic. If the army has not been acting rough, it is not because they fear Girija but because the mandate of the April Revolution is too obvious.

A UML, Maoist, NC (D) government will not hesitate to declare the country a republic right away. We do need that consolation prize for not having had our elections by June.

I am okay with both options on the republic question. I am okay with declaring the country a republic through the interim parliament and I am okay with going for a referendum. Both are fine options. But neither course will be taken as long as Girija is Prime Minister.

Koirala's party is old just like him. It is not a party that is offering new ideas, new programs, new vision.

Madhav Nepal

I think Madhav Nepal is the obvious candidate to succeed Girija as Prime Minister.

His party has the numbers.

The UML, of all parties in Nepal, is best positioned to judge if the Maoists have and are transforming or not. For those who fear the Maoists might still harbor the vision of a one party dictatorship, Madhav Nepal is the best person to have as Prime Minister of Nepal.

There are no doubts whatsoever that Madhav Nepal's UML is for multi-party democracy.

With Madhav as Prime Minister, we can be sure elections will be held in November. But if Girija continues I doubt we can have elections even in November. That guy lacks physical stamina, for one.

The UML, Maoist, NC (D) government would have a two point agenda.
  • Declare Nepal a republic now.
  • Hold free, fair, fearless elections in November.
The Madhav Nepal led government can still be an eight party government.

Prachanda, Madhav, Devendra
Madhav Nepal
Madhav Nepal Out In Open
Interim President: Madhav Nepal
Phone Talk With Madhav Nepal, Hridayesh Tripathy
Maoist, Moriarty, Madhav, Manmohan: Get Behind The 3 Point Program
Madhav Nepal, Commander Of The Movement
Email From Madhav Kumar Nepal

In The News

Reactionaries fear communist majority in CA: MK Nepal NepalNews The UML general secretary said this at an interaction organised by the CPN (Maoist) in the capital today to mark the establishment day of the Community Party of Nepal.
Dr Dhital conferred OBE serving his seventh term as the chairman of the Yeti Nepalese Association of UK, the oldest Nepali organisation in UK, established in 1960. ...... Dr Dhital is the second Nepali to obtain the OBE after Prof Dr Surya Prasad Subedi.
MJF bandh continues to trouble Terai region The bandh has thrown transport services out of gear in Morang, Sunsari, Bara, Parsa, Siraha, Sarhali, Saptari, Dhanusha, Rautahat and Mahottari districts. Reports say hundreds of passenger buses and trucks have been stranded at different places along the East-west Highway. .... Biratnagar, Inaruwa, Birgunj, Rajbiraj, Lahan, Kalaiya and Gaur are the worst affected towns where marketplaces, educational institutions and factories remain closed. However, there was no impact of bandh in Jhapa district.

An unfinished uprising Nepali Times In Kathmandu, the concerns are about the delayed constituent assembly elections and the shenanigans of the Young Communist League........ Here it is about Madhesi representation and the unfinished revolution. ....... Decades of discrimination, neglect, and oppression have alienated a large section of madhesis. Being moderate here these days earns you a ‘coward’ tag. In Mahottari it’s easy to see why, and to catch a revealing glimpse of the emotional distance between Kathmandu’s rulers and the tarai. ........ CDO Ratan Raj Pandey, a descendent of royal priests, Kathmandu’s top man here, the most powerful person in the district. ......... in a district where over four-fifths of population is madhesi, almost every office is staffed exclusively by pahadis. ...... the matter of how little noble pahadi settlers have been vested in the communities around them. In a district where the big landlords are Sharmas, Upadhyas, Ghimires and Pants, the first school here had to be built by a Marwari Murarka. The college had to wait for a Yadav donor. .......... In Janakpur, the town that Koiralas, Ranas, Sharmas, Singh Thakuris, and Ghimires claim as theirs there is no philanthropic effort bearing these names. The first few schools, the college, the hospital, and several temples were built by the Sah family, who were humble traders in comparison with the Ranas and Giris who made fortunes off the tarai’s resources. ........ Janakpur’s highways, roads, airport and water supply have been set up with Indian assistance. The most visible reminder of the government are security personnel, which reinforces the sense of living in occupied territory. ........ Most people here understand political complexities. “Protests in the tarai will diminish the day the government realises the folly of playing dirty power games in Kathmandu,” says a paan vendor near the vandalised statue of Bhanubhakta in Janakpur.
Madhes mess Bijaya Singh, chair of the Madhesi Student’s Union and Madhesi Intellectual’s Forum, and Rajendra Raya of the Madhesi Dalit Forum have publicly announced that their organisations have split from the MJF. Similarly Madhesi Youth Forum chair Jitendra Sen has said repeatedly that the MJF failed because of Upendra Yadav’s leadership. ........ At a recent MJF central committee meeting there was a heated discussion about the issue of Yadav’s allegiances. The central committee decided to keep Yadav on as chairman only because the 27 April deadline for the registration of parties [to contest the constituent assembly elections] made it complicated to appoint a new leadership in time. ...... even this point is contested, with general secretary Ram Kumar Sharma arguing that the organisation should not be registered as a political party, in order to avoid conflict with madhesi leaders in other parties. He believes the MJF should remain a pressure group. ........ The Maoists have warned Ram Chandra Poudel to not encourage the Forum. ....... The Madhesi Janamukti Morcha’s Satya Narayan Bhagat and Prabhu Sah have accused Matrika Yadav of providing Upendra Yadav with information about how their organisation was planning to launch an attack in Gaur using Young Communist League members and fighters from the Chitwan cantonment. ....... Yadav thus hired professional sharpshooters from Bihar. These criminals were the ones who hunted down YCL activists and fighters from the Chitwan cantonment in Gaur and killed them. The Forum says 11 fighters from Chitwan were killed, but neither the Maoists nor UNMIN have confirmed that.
An armless army In the cities, the YCL has now come to be known for its summary justice and intimidation and is dreaded for the practice of roughing up anyone who stands in the way. In the tarai, the YCL has been blamed for its militant tactics that have alienated madhesis......... in Kathmandu the YCL has been involved in high-profile street cleaning, demolition of illegal structures, crime control, and planting trees along Tundikhel. ...... the YCL has also been active in continued intimidation and extortion ...... The head of the league in Nepalganj is also its central committee member, Jhak Bahadur Malla who used to be Comrade Sudip, the commander of the 11th Battalion of the Maoist Pratap Smriti Brigade. ....... It is clear that a large proportion of the senior PLA leaders are not in camps at all but in the cities living as YCL cadre. They have been involved in organising security for Maoist chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal’s nationwide tour in March during which young Maoists were involved in several violent incidents against madhesi activists. Most of those killed in the massacre in Gaur on 21 March were YCL cadre. .......... In a speech during the memorial in Kathmandu for Maoists killed in Gaur, YCL general secretary warned: “If attacks against us continue, we will mobilise the 21 divisions of YCL and seven divisions inside the camps.” ........ the Maoists have sent their militia and trainees to the camps and kept hardcore fighters outside ...... As in Nepalganj, the YCL in Kathmandu is housed in private homes and factories in Balaju, Gongabu, and Bhaktapur. Although the league says the premises were given to them, owners say they were taken over by force. ...... was involved in intimidation against UML cadre attending a rally by Madhab Nepal in Kailali.

Experts call for review of 1950 Nepal-India Treaty Kantipur
Maoist victims' property will be returned soon, says PM
Babas in Gorakha Palace wash their hands of palace money
Five inured in scuffle with armed robbers in Mahottari
MPRF strike losing force in Terai
NC, CPN-M discuss repeated disruptions of house proceedings
Stock market gains 5.56 points
Gajurel’s Europe jaunt was ‘intriguing’ He was arrested at the Chennai international airport in India in August 2003 when he, posing as a British medical doctor working in a London hospital, was about to depart on a tour of Europe. ..... completed recently a month-long tour of Europe ..... a key speaker in 13 talk programs. ..... Gajurel had a chance to talk in detail with Simon Hughes, an MP and the president of the Liberal Democrats Party, the third largest in the British parliament. ....... "We also want them (the Naxalites) to enter the parliamentary mainstream, but it may not be possible," said Gajurel. "We don't want to influence them. Though we share common ideologies, all parties are independent to go about their actions." He said each party has its own "strategies and tactics". Though he said the strained relationship between his party and the Naxalites has improved, the CPN(M) is still holding a "wait and see" policy. Both the parties, according to Gajurel, are neither in physical contact nor plan to meet....... his party is in constant touch with the governments in India, China, the UK, Germany, Switzerland, and other liberal European countries.
Druk polls a drama: Rizal
Maoist MPs taught to behave in House
Terai sees mixed reaction of banda, entrepreneurs defy
तथ्याङ्कको तस्वीर नेपालमा जातीय आधारमा सङ्घीय शासन कायम हुनसक्दैन - गौरीनाथ रिमाल राज्यका सामु उभिएका तीन एजेण्डाहरू, जसरी पनि संविधानसभाको निर्वाचन, सङ्घीय लोकतान्त्रिक गणतन्त्रको स्थापना र त्यसपछि राज्यको अग्रगामी पुनःगठन आदि कार्य सबैले मिलेर गर्न जरुरी छ ।
आठ दलको अन्तरसङ्र्घषसंविधानसभा निर्वाचन पर र्सने भएपछि आठ दलको एकता सङ् कटमा पर्न लागेको हो - दरबारनिकट स्रोतहरूका अनुसार राजाले अझै पनि आफू राष्ट्रप्रमुख नरहेको यथार्थ आत्मसात् गर्न सकिरहेका छैनन .... र्सार्क सम्मेलनमा भाग लिने क्रममा भारतको राजधानी नया“ दिल्लीमा कोइरालाले अझ आक्रामक शैलीमा पत्रकारहरूस“ग भने, "राजा ज्ञानेन्द्र नभन्नूस्, ज्ञानेन्द्र भन्नूस् ।" ...... नेपाली राजनीतिमा सतहमा देखिने दृश्य र गुप्त कोठामा गरनिे चलखेलबीच आकाश-जमीनको अन्तर हुन्छ । ..... शासनबाट राजाको भूमिका समाप्त भइसकेकाले उनी निर्मल निवास र्सर्नुपर्ने मधुरो आवाज नागरकि समाजका तर्फाट सुनिए पनि ....... सत्ता साझेदार दलहरूले अघि सारेको जनमतसङ् ग्रह वा संसद्बाट गणतन्त्र घोषणाको प्रस्तावप्रति पनि प्रधानमन्त्री मौन छन् । ...... लोकतन्त्रलाई संस्थागत गर्ने महत्त्वपर्ूण्ा प्रक्रियामा विलम्ब गर्ने प्रधानमन्त्री कोइरालाको व्यवहारबाट सत्ता साझेदार दलहरू दिक्क मान्न थालेका छन् । ...... आफ्नो एकमना सरकारको पालाको कुरा छाडौ“, आठ दलको सहमतिमा बनेको सरकारमा समेत कोइरालाको कार्यशैली अस्वाभाविक देखिन्छ । ...... शिक्षा तथा परराष्ट्र मन्त्रालयमा अनावश्यक हस्तक्ष्ँेप गरेर राजदूत र उपकुलपति नियुक्ति प्रक्रिया अवरुद्ध गराइरहेका प्रधानमन्त्रीले वैशाख ५ गतेको मन्त्रिमण्डल बैठकमा मन्त्री यादवलाई बैठककक्ष्ँबाटै बाहिर जान दबाब दिए । ......... सेनाको 'डिफेन्स' गर्ने नाममा निरङ्कुश शैलीले आफ्नै मन्त्रीलाई 'जहा“बाट आएको हो, त्यही“ जानूस्' भनेर प्रधानमन्त्रीले आफ्नै उचाइ घटाएका छन् । ....... प्रधानमन्त्रीकै हेपाहा प्रवृत्तिका कारण बस्न नसकेको ...... "प्रधानमन्त्री माथिल्लो तलाको कोठामा थिए, हामी तल कुररिहेका थियौ“ । तर, तीन घण्टासम्म पनि प्रधानमन्त्रीले मुख देखाएनन्," एमाले नेता अमृत बोहरा भन्छन्, "त्यसपछि अपमानित महसुस गर्दै सबै बाहिरयिौ“ ।" ...... एउटा सामन्ती प्रवृत्तिस“गको लडाइ“ नसकि“दै पुनः त्यस्तै प्रवृत्तिस“ग सामना गर्नुपर्ने अवस्था देखा परेको बताउ“दै बोहराले भने, "प्रधानमन्त्री विभिन्न कार्यक्रममा गइरहेका छन् तर महत्त्वपर्ूण्ा बैठकमा आउ“दैनन् । संविधानसभाको मिति अन्योलमा परेको छ । तर, विवाद छ भन्दैमा वार्ता नै नगरी निकास निस्कन्छ र -" स्वास्थ्यको हवाला दिएर आठ दलको बैठकमा सहभागी नभए पनि कोइराला दक्षिण कोरयिाका विवादास्पद व्यक्तिको हातबाट पुरस्कार थाप्दा, सेनाको चियापान समारोहमा सहभागी ह“ुदा अनि राजदूतबाट ओहोदाको प्रमाणपत्र बुझ्दा भने तन्दुरुस्त नै देखिएका थिए । ............. नेपाली काङ्ग्रेस, माओवादी र एमालेको त्रिपक्षीय शक्तिसङ्र्घष्ा ...... शक्तिसङ्र्घष्ाको यस खेलमा प्रधानमन्त्री कोइरालाबाट निकै 'झेल' हुन थालेको महसुस भएपछि माओवादी र एमालेको घनिष्ठता बढेको छ । ....... प्रधानमन्त्री कोइराला अहिले पनि कुटिल रणनीति अपनाइरहेका छन् । क्रान्तिकारी नाराका साथ अगाडि आएको माओवादी एवम् सङ्गठित कार्यकर्ता अझै बचाएर राखेको एमालेलाई कुनै पनि हालतमा सत्तामा वर्चस्व कायम गर्न नदिने रणनीति अपनाइरहेका कोइराला संविधानसभापछि पनि नेपाली काङ्ग्रेसकै वर्चस्व स्थापित गर्न चाहन्छन् । तर, अहिलेको विभाजित काङ् ग्रेसबाट सो सम्भव नहुने भएकाले काङ् ग्रेसको सुदृढीकरणका लागि पनि सङ्क्रमणकाल नलम्ब्याई भएको छैन, उनलाई । ......... नेपाली काङ्ग्रेसको सुदृढीकरणका लागि दुवै काङ्ग्रेसलाई मिलाउने, शासन सञ्चालनमा दरबार र सेनाको सहयोग हासिल गर्ने, सङ्क्रमणकाल लम्ब्याउने, सत्तामा गएको माओवादीको क्रान्तिकारी धार भुत्ते पारििदने, एमाले र माओवादीबीच कार्यगत एकताको वातावरण बन्न नदिने आदि दाउ कोइरालाको हुनसक्छ । केन्द्रमा काङ्ग्रेस एकता भए पनि स्थानीय तहसम्म एकीकृत हुन कम्तीमा तीन महिना समय लाग्ने काङ्ग्रेसजनको आकलन छ । ......... कोइरालाले तीनवटा सूत्र प्रयोग गर्दै आएका छन् । ती हुन्, ढिलाइ गर्ने, माओवादी र एमालेलाई थकित पार्ने र अन्ततः आफ्नो मध्यमार्गी एजेण्डामा सहमत हुन बाध्य पार्ने । ....... यही सूत्र प्रयोग गरेर कोइरालाले अन्तरमि सरकारमा महत्त्वपर्ूण्ा मन्त्रालय हात पारे । ........ सत्ता, सडक र सदनको उपयोगको नीति लिएको माओवादीले यही मौकामा आफूलाई नै नया“, क्रान्तिकारी र भरपर्दो राजनीतिक शक्ति दाबी गर्दै सम्पर्ूण्ा सत्ता हात पार्ने अनि मुलुकलाई गणतन्त्रतर्फअग्रसर गराउने रणनीति तय गरेको ........... प्रधानमन्त्री कोइरालाको स्वास्थ्य, उनको ढिलासुस्ती, कमजोरी र सङ्क्रमणकाल लम्बिनुलाई आधार बनाएर सरकारको नेतृत्व फर्ेन सके ....... कोइरालाको विकल्प खोज्नैपर्ने अवस्था उत्पन्न भएमा सकेसम्म आफ“ै अग्रसर हुने, नसके देउवालाई र्समर्थन गर्ने पक्ष्ँमा छन्, महासचिव नेपाल । ........ संविधानसभासम्म पुग्ने साझा लक्ष्य भए पनि कोइराला, प्रचण्ड र माधवबीच सत्ता र राष्ट्रिय राजनीतिमा आफ्नो वर्चस्व कायम गर्ने दौड शुरू भएको छ । वर्चस्व हासिल गर्ने शैली तीन जना नेताकै फरकफरक छन् । कोइराला परिस्थितिको बाध्यतास्वरूप यतिबेला वर्चस्  वमा छन् । माधव अरूको कमजोरीलाई भर्‍याङ बनाएर वर्चस् व हासिल गर्ने कोसिसमा छन् । अनि, प्रचण्ड भने क्रान्तिकारी नारा, व्यक्तिगत 'क्रेज' र हूलदङ् गा मच्चाउन सक्ने लडाकू कार्यकर्ताको सहारामा वर्चस्व कायम गर्ने तयारीमा छन् । ........ एमाले महासचिव माधवकुमार नेपालले भने, "चुनाव गराउन नसकेपछि त्यसको जिम्मेवारी कार्यकारी प्रमुखले लिनर्ुपर्छ ।" त्यति मात्र होइन, उनले नेतृत्वको मूल्याङ्कन हुनर्ुपर्ने बताउ“दै घुमाउरो शैलीमा सरकारको नेतृत्व असफल भएको दाबी गरे । ...... प्रचण्डले 'यसमा सबैको कमीकमजोरी भए पनि प्रमुख जिम्मेवारीचाहि“ प्रधानमन्त्रीको नै भएको' जिकीर गरे । नेपाली काङ् ग्रेस -प्रजातान्त्रिक) र सद् भावना पार्टर्ीी आनन्दीदेवी) ले चाहि“ प्रधानमन्त्रीको खासै आलोचना गरेनन् । ....... "तत्काल गणतन्त्र घोषणा गर्न सकिने स्थिति छैन," नेपाल सद्भावना पार्टर्ीीानन्दीदेवीको स्थापनाको १७ औ“ वाषिर्कोत्सवमा आयोजित चियापान समारोहमा प्रधानमन्त्री कोइरालाले भने ........ माओवादीका नेताहरूले सम्हालेको मन्त्रालयमा नियुक्तिलगायत अन्य विषयमा समेत प्रधानमन्त्रीले आवश्यकताभन्दा बढी नै हस्तक्षेप गरेकाले पनि तनाव बढ्दै जाने सम्भावना छ । माओवादी अध्यक्ष प्रचण्डले प्रधानमन्त्री कोइरालास“गको भेटघाटमा आफ्नो भागमा परेका मन्त्रालय अर्न्तर्गतका संस् थानहरूको राजनीतिक नियुक्तिमा हस्तक्षेप नगर्न आग्रह नै गरेका थिए । ........... बालुवाटारमा पुगेर पनि प्रधानमन्त्रीलाई भेट्न नपाउनुको पीडाले अन्य दलका नेताहरूको चित्त दुखाएको छ । उनीहरू प्रधानमन्त्रीमाथि हैकमवादी भएको आरोप लगाउन थालेका छन् । एमाले स्थायी समिति सदस्य झलनाथ खनालका शब्दमा, "नारायणहिटी दरबार अहिले बालुवाटार सरेको छ ।" ....... चैत २६ मा पोखरामा आयोजित क्षेत्रीय आमसभालाई सम्बोधन गर्दै कोइरालाले भने, "कसैले पनि दम्भ नगरौ“ र अहङ्कार नगरोस् कि गिरजिाप्रसादलाई झुकाउन सक्छु भन्ने । यस्तो दम्भ कसैले नगरे हुन्छ, कुनै शक्तिले नगरे हुन्छ ।" तर, उनी आफ“ैले भने दम्भ छाडेका छैनन् । परण्िााम वैशाख ५ गतेको मन्त्रिपरष्िाद् बैठकमा उनी र वनमन्त्री मातृका यादवबीच भनाभन नै भयो । र, मन्त्रिपरष्िाद्को बैठक अवरुद्ध हुन पुग्यो । ........ यसअघि त्यति साह्रो निकट सम्बन्ध नदेखिएको एमाले र माओवादीबीच एजेण्डाका आधारमा निकटता बढ्दै गएको देखिन्छ । ..... संसद्बाटै गणतन्त्रको घोषणा गर्ने माओवादी प्रस्तावलाई एमालेले र्समर्थन गरेको छ भने जनमतसङ्ग्रहमार्फ छिनोफानो गर्ने एमालेको प्रस्ताव पनि आफूहरूलाई मान्य हुने माओवादी अध्यक्ष प्रचण्डले बताइसकेका छन् । ....... जब विवाद बढ्न थाल्थ्यो, प्रधानमन्त्री कोइराला 'अक्सिजन लिन' भनी माथिल्लो तलामा लाग्थे । त्यसमा छलछामको गन्ध आएको काङ् ग्रेसइतर नेताहरूको आशङ्का छ ।

Over 20 MJF activists held for defying prohibitory orders in Gaur NepalNews
US officials in Kathmandu to accelerate refugee resettlement
Dozens of protesting ‘Maoist victims’ arrested, released
YCL starts campaign to seize royal properties The cadres of YCL declared to have 'nationalised' 99 ropanis of royal land in Sallaghari of Bhaktapur on Saturday.
Investigation reports make Gaur carnage further complicated On Friday, a report made public by the OHCHR said the women killed in the incident were not raped and that there was no evidence that their breasts chopped off. "The incident at Rice Mill field was sparked when about a dozen young men destroyed the CPN-M stage. After initially fleeing, MJF supporters turned on the largely outnumbered CPN-M cadres. In the evening attacks, 27 individuals-including four women and a 17-year-old girl were killed, all but one with blows from bhaatas and lathis," the report said. ........ Media had quoted chairman of the Informal Sector Service Centre (INSEC) Subodh Pyakurel, who was a member of the preliminary investigation team of human rights activists, that three of the deceased women were raped before being killed. ....... Nine activists associated with Shanti Malika including Sharada Pokharel, Shobha Gautam, Kalyani Shah and some female journalists had conducted field investigations. ...... They informed that three women, who were trying to cross the Bagmati River in Pataiya of Hajmaniya village, were attacked by criminals who raped and murdered them. "They were chased, raped and killed in the most barbaric manner. Their blood was spilled in the local village temple also," Sharada Pokharel was quoted as saying. ..... Another team of rights activists including Padma Ratna Tuladhar had also concluded that the attackers had raped and cut off the breasts of the deceased women before killing them. Several other reports by national human rights organisations had also supported this claim.
A White Paper: Some Perspectives of North American Nepali Diaspora on Terai Conflicts
Police arrest seven YCL cadres

Yadav complains non-cooperation from Finance and Home Ministry NepalNews
Poudel hints govt's readiness to cast aside ECDC counsel
Madhesi lawmakers disrupt House proceedings
Maoists, UML acting as opponents: Poudel
MJF reiterates old demands, asks govt to stop constituency delineation process
A White Paper: Some Perspectives of North American Nepali Diaspora on Terai Conflicts

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Three Parties: Congress, Communist, Sadbhavana

Poudel hints of NC unity soon "There is a possibility of unification within two-four days"
I think it will be great if the two Congress factions will unite and become one political party. Looks like it is about to happen. That unified party will still have some major work to do in terms of inner party democracy and social inclusion.

Girija Koirala has a huge stature. He is the only head of state on the planet today who has met Mahatma Gandhi in person. I was once detained in Kentucky for 35 hours and there was a TV set inside the large room I shared with about a dozen inmates. I will never known what it means to have spent 10 years in jail. Good for me.

The April Revolution is the first I ever participated in. This was Girija's final.

This unification will make possible a smooth transition of leadership to the next generation inside the Congress.

Such a unification will put an enormous pressure on all the communist parties in the country to become one, and if they do, that will be great. I hope they do. Complete arms management and a total transformation of the Maoists from a parallel state to a political party - no militia, no extortions - will make such a unification possible. The ball is really in the Maoists' court.

The reasons for the two Congress factions to become one are largely national, but the reasons for all communist parties in Nepal to become one are global. Nepal is about to become a democracy of state funded parties. Lenin or Mao could not have thought of a more classless democracy. This will make Nepal the number one democracy on the planet. That is huge, and has immediate implications. The Maoists in India are going to shift from guns and violence to taking a stand that India also become a democracy of state funded parties. Becoming a democracy of state funded parties is the true cure to India's number one security threat: the Maoist insurgency. China is also going to come under a huge pressure to transform itself into a federal democracy of many state funded parties where the Chinese Communist Party is still overwhelmingly the largest. And you are going to see all the communist parties in India, including their Maoists, become one.

I am not a communist. The label I wear is that of a progressive. But when I do my math, I am looking at a possible scenario where the Nepal Communist Party is the largest party in Nepal, and the Chinese Communist Party is not only the largest party in China, it perhaps occupies 80% of the political space to start with, and the Communist Party Of India is the largest party in India.

This looks like a communist revival to me. And I am not worried. As long as multi-party democracy and the Universal Declaration Of Human Rights are kept sacrosanct, the idea of state funded parties and elections are what the progressives in America fantasize about.

So this communist transformation and resurgence is not going to be bad news for the anti-communists, the non-communists, except to the ideological kind, the inconsolable hawks, and they don't matter. The non-communists will always have the option to try and beat the communists at the polling booth. And that healthy competition will be good for the masses.

That leaves out the third camp in Nepal. Just like the Madhesi Kranti has been more complicated than the April Revolution, it is easier to unify the two Congress factions, and create a single communist party in Nepal, than it is to try and organize the third front, and that third front I would like to call the social justice front. That third front is my natural home, so I have to put in the work.

The first step would be to get all the people talking to each other. You show up without any preconditions. The only precondition is that you are willing to engage in dialogue.

The second step would be to decide to see there is space for a political party that will try to turn the playing field level for the traditionally marginalized, the Madhesi, the Janajati, the Mahila, the Dalit.

What do you call that party? I would propose we call it the Nepal Sadbhavana Party. That way you start with already having a name, the party is already registered and established, that will also give an excuse to unify the two Sadbhavana factions. Heck, Badri Mandal - the Mandale - got kicked out of the other Sadbhavana a long time ago. And if Badri Mandal was Gyanendra's Deputy Prime Minister, heck Deuba was Gyanendra's Prime Minister, but looks to me like Deuba is about to become the leader of the unified Congress. Let bygones be bygones.

So you decide to settle on the name Nepal Sadbhavana Party. The good thing for groups like the MPRF, NEFIN, and the Dalit Mahasangh will be that since you did not make a fuss about the name, you get to make a fuss about other things, like who will be the leaders, what will the central committee of the unfied party look like, things like that.

Who will be the leader? The Sadbhavana got the name. So it is only fair Upendra Yadav becomes the party president. General Secretary: Hridayesh Tripathy who gets to continue as Minister. Vice President: Om Gurung/Pasang Sherpa. Vice President: Dalit Mahasangh person. Vice President: Sarita Giri.

Central Committee: 40% Madhesi, 40% Janajati, 20% Dalit, 1/3rd women in each category. Or it could be 35% Madhesi, 35% Janajati, and 10% also Khas, if you can find any Khas. But don't try too hard.

Then you go for the agenda. The MPRF, NEFIN, the Dalit Mahasangh and the others have coalesced around a three point agenda: (1) Home Minister resign, (2) Form probe commission, and (3) Proportional elections to the constituent assembly. The Sadbhavana is not against any of this, but it is not standing by it. So how do you work things out and end up with a common agenda? There has to be some give and take.

Hridayesh Tripathy should work on Girija Koirala. Get the Home Minister to resign right away, get any other Congress person of your choice to become Home Minister, and if you like Krishna Sitaula so much make him Defense Minister in the next, interim government. Also form a probe commission. That is a no brainer, that has to be done. And if Hridayesh Tripathy can not get Girija Koirala to come around to this, the Sadbhavana would walk out of the eight party coalition.

As for the third agenda item, that is tricky. We can try and get parties like the UML and the RPP to come along with us. But we have to be open to a few different options. I don't want to get too specific. Let the leaders discuss, explore, and decide.

ANONYM: Association Of Nepali Organizations In New York Metro
Joint Movement
MPRF: A Few Scenarios
Further Compromise: Mixed Election With Reservations
5 Point Demand: Compromise Formula So Elections Can Be Held In June

But our goal has to be to go into the June elections full force. All agenda items that we can not get the Congress and the communists to agree to now, we use those against them when we go to the people. We turn them into election issues. That should be to our electoral advantage. To expect the Bahuns to do it all for us is mental slavery. We should go into power ourselves, and we have to do it ourselves.

One Communist Party, One Congress Party, Total Two Parties
The Idea Of One Communist Party In Nepal
Janata Dal Constitution
Party Unification, And One Person One Vote Principle

So basically the unified Sadbhavana will halt all protest programs, try and stay in power, try and get the other parties to come along on the three agenda items, but failing to do so, it turns them into election issues and goes to face the electorate full steam. In short, our total focus shifts to the Mahasangram of the elections to the constituent assembly.

YouTube: Trishul

TRISHUL - aap ki mehki hoowe 02:59
TRISHUL SCENE - amitabh tells all 03:36
Trishul Trailer 01:04
TRISHUL - thoo mere saath rahe ga 03:32
Mahobbat Bade Kaam 04:38
O Sanam 03:05
Janeman Tum Kamal 03:30

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