Friday, October 12, 2007

मधेशी मोर्चाका िनर्माण अौर तराई खुला रखनेकी रणनीित

Video: Madhesi Leaders

माअोवादी अौर एमालेवाले यकायक सात पार्टी गठबन्धनकी बात करने लगे हैं कोइ मीिटङ हुइ, कोइअौपचािरक छलफल हुवा, कोइ िनर्णय िलया गयायकायक अाठ पार्टी गठबन्धनसे सद्भावना गायब हैवैसे तो मुझे पहाडी prejudice का कोइ proof नहीं चािहए, वो मुझे न्यु यर्कमें बैठे बैठे िमल जाता हैयहाँकेपहाडीयोका भी िदल गन्दा हैकुछो फर्क नहीं हैयहाँका पहिरया वहाँका पहिरया जैसा ही है

ये लोग अब सात पार्टी गठबन्धनको मजबुत बनानेमें लगे हैंइसको अब सात पार्टी गठबन्धन नहीं, पहाडीगठबन्धन कहा जाए तो ज्यादा accurate रहेगा

वैसे भी फोरमवाले िशकायत करते थे, िक सद्भावना तो सत्तामें है, वो मधेशी पार्टी कैसे हुवा? अमेरीकामें कालासमुदायमें कुछ लोग कहते हैं, He reads, he is acting white। याने िक पावरमें रहना तो पहाडीयोका काम है, सद्भावना अगर पावरमें रहेगी तो वो मधेशी पार्टी कैसे हुइ?

मधेशी अान्दोलनका मकसद ही है मधेशीको सत्तामें न्यायपुर्ण साझेदारी िदलानालेिकन एक िमनट अापकाही बात मानते हैं, तो अब तो सद्भावना पावरमें भी नहीं हैअब तो अाप लोग एक दुसरे से गप्प किरएन्युयर्कमें उपेन्द्र यादवजी से गप्प हुई तो मैने पुछा अाप लोगोका सद्भावनासे कैसा सम्बन्ध है? "दोस्ती भी नहींहै, दुश्मनी भी नहीं है," उन्होने कहा

सत्तामें रहे पहाडीसे अाप गप्प कर सकते हैं, सत्तामें रहे मधेशीसे अाप गप्प क्यों नहीं कर सकते हैं? खैर अबतो वो लोग सत्तामें भी नही हैं, अब तो गप्प किरएिगिरजा बन्दर, अापुर्ित मन्त्रालय रोटी, हृदयेश अौरराजेन्द्र दो झगडते िबल्ली

राजाके शासनके समयमें िजस तरह शुरूमें सात पार्टी अौर माअोवादी नहीं िमले थे, उनको अाठ दलीय मोर्चाबनाने में काफी कसरत करनी पडी, अभी मधेशी अान्दोलनका स्िथित उससे भी बदतर हैराजाके कुके बाद तोकमसेकम सात पार्टी तो एक थेसद्भावना अौर फोरम एक होनेका बात तो छोिडइ, खुद वो दोनो अपने िभतरएक नहीं हैं

पहाडी सत्ता अौर शोषणका सयकडो सालका जो इितहास है वो अभी भी कायम है

मधेशी जनता ने २१ िदनवाली मधेशी क्रान्ितके दौरान प्रमािणत कर िदयाअब नेता लोगोको अपने अापकोप्रमािणत करनी होगी अौर उसमें वो लोग चुक रहे हैंमधेशी क्रान्ितके बाद जनता अागे नेता िपछेवाली बातरही है

हम लोगोको sequence िमलाके चलना होगापहले १२ बुँदावाला सम्झौता होना था, उसके बाद अप्िरल क्रान्ितहोनी थीउसके बाद संसद पुनर्स्थापना होनी थी, उसके बाद अन्तिरम संिवधानउसके बाद मधेशी क्रान्ितउसके बाद संिवधान सभाका चुनावमधेशी अान्दोलनको भी उसी तरह sequence िमलाना होगा

सात पार्टी अौर माअोवादीका एक होनअासान काम नहीं थाकाँग्रेसी कहते थे उनसे कैसे िमल सकते हैं? उन्होने हमारे कार्यकर्ताअोका हत्या िकया हैलेिकन िफर भी िमले, सो कैसे? वो लोग Common Minimum Program के concept के तहत िमले। (Common Minimum Program: Constituent Assembly, How To Move Towards A Common Minimum Program?)

वही concept अब मधेशी अान्दोलनको भी लागु करनी होगीसद्भावनावाले एक रहेंगे िक दो रहेंगे, वो तो वोजानेफोरमवाले भी खुदका सोंचेलेिकन Common Minimum Program का concept ऐसा चीज है िकसद्भावना दो पार्टी रहे, फोरम दो पार्टी रहे तो कोइ फर्क नहीं पर्ता हैदो पार्टी रहनेका िनर्णय कर ही िलए हैंतो वो भी ठीक हैलेिकन उसके बाद एक दुसरे से गप्प तो किरए

प्रथम कदम: मधेशी मोर्चाका िनर्माण

दोनो सद्भावना, दोनो फोरम, दोनो जनतान्त्िरक के नेतृत्वमें एक मधेशी मोर्चाका िनर्माण होना बहुत जरुरीहैअौर उस मोर्चामें तराईके प्रत्येक बन्दुकधारी पार्टीको समािहत करना जरुरी हैअभी तो इतने सारे हो गएहैं िक सबका मुझे नाम भी ठीकसे याद नहीं रहता है

उस मोर्चाका पुर्वाधार रहेगा एक तीन सुत्रीय सम्झौता

# ज्वाला, गोइत अौर अन्य बन्दुकधारी पार्टीयो से काठमाण्डु सरकार अादरपुर्वक शान्ित वार्ता करें नहीं तोतराईमें चुनाव नहीं होने देंगे
# पुर्ण समानुपाितक िनर्वाचन
# एक मधेश, एक प्रदेश

दुसरा कदम: तराई खुला रखनेकी रणनीित

एेरे गैरे नत्थखैरे िजतने भी छोटे बडे पार्टी हैं तराईमें वो सबके सब पालोिपलो एकके बाद दुसरे करके तराई बन्दकरते रहते हैंउस लगातारके तराई बन्दसे तराई तबाह तबाह हो गई हैमधेशी मोर्चाका िनर्माण किरए अौर उसके बाद तराई बन्द करनेका अिधकार िसर्फ उस मोर्चाको रहेगी कहके ऐलान कर िदजीए।

अगर प्रथम दो बुँदा सात पहाडी पार्टी मान जाते हैं तब तो उसके बाद कभी तराई बन्द करनी ही नहीं है। उसके बाद तो शिनवार भी मार्केट खुला रिखए। तराईके शहरोमें व्यापारी अौर उद्योगपित कसके कमाएंगे नहीं तो िफर चुनावके िलए वो लोग मधेशी मोर्चाको कसके चन्दा कैसे देंगे?

नहीं अगर सात पहाडी पार्टी प्रथम दो बुँदा न माने तो चरणबद्ध राजनीितक कार्यक्रम किरए। संगठन िवस्तार, कोण सभा, अाम सभा, धर्ना, उसके बाद एक िदन तराई बन्द, उसके एक हप्ते बाद तीन िदन, तब भी न माने तो मधेशी क्रान्ित िफर से होगी। अौर अगर वैसी नौबत अाती है िक मधेशी क्रान्ित िफर से करनी परे तो वो क्रान्ित मधेश राज्यके स्थापनाके बाद ही िवस्राम लेगी।

यानी िक प्रथम दो बात मान जाए तो पहले चुनाव होगी, मधेश राज्यका स्थापना चुनावके बाद। नही, अगर न माने तो मधेश राज्यका स्थापना पहले, चुनाव उसके बाद होगी। तराई के प्रत्येक सरकारी कार्यालयके साइनबोर्ड परसे नेपाल सरकार शब्दो को िमटा कर मधेश सरकार िलख िदया जाएगा।

अन्धेर नगरी चौपट िगिरजा
Thinking Through This Jolt To The Transition
पुर्ण समानुपाितक िनर्वाचन अौर एक मधेश एक प्रदेशका नारा पर्याप्त है
Pradip Nepal: Pahadi Tiger
न्यु यर्कका पहिरयाहरू
The Symbolism Of Girija Giving Mahto's Ministry To Kans Sitaula
My Idea Of A Madhesi Gathering
Congratulations To Rajendra Mahto
Madhesi Movement: Delicate Turn
Federal National Democratic Forum: The Janajati Party
The Madhesi Cause Is On Fire: Put Out The Fire
To Do List For Sadbhavana And MJF
The MJF Must Stay Intact
The MJF Dispute: Got To Seek Middle Ground
उपेन्द्र यादव: सरकार र फोरमबीच सम्झौता
The Madhesi MPs And The Idea Of A New Party
तराई बन्द नहीं संगठन िवस्तार किरए
जयप्रकाश गुप्ता: मधेस आन्दोलनका आग्रह
एक मात्र िमलनिवन्दु: पुर्ण समानुपाितक िनर्वाचन
Issues Of Madhesh
Madhesi Movement Against Khas Chauvinism
पहाडी बाहुन सुजीत ढकाल
No Point Talking, Got To Get Down To Protests
मधेशी मोर्चाके िलए फर्मुला
महेन्द्र, वीरेन्द्र र प्रचण्डका सीडीअो अञ्चलाधीशहरू
Upendra Yadav Book 2
Upendra Yadav Book 1
Lull Before The Storm
Compromise Formula: 75 Multi Member Constituencies
Pahadi Prejudice
Madhesi Alliance Needed
Tehelka: Madhesi
Ridiculous Bahun Poudel
Talk To Goit
एक मधेश एक प्रदेश
Bahun Conspiracy To Hijack Constituent Assembly Elections
उपेन्द्र यादव: संवाद
Rajendra Mahto: Three Hours Of Video
Rajendra Mahto In Town
Violence Is No Solution In the Terai
ICG: Nepal's Troubled Terai Region
Upendra Yadav: Five Hours Of Video
Upendra Yadav Was In Town
समानुपाितक िनर्वाचनको बाहुन फर्मुला मधेशी िवरूद्धको षडयन्त्र हो
तराईमा िहंसाको राजनीितक समाधान छ
जनजाित र दिलतले पार्टी नखोल्नु मानिसक दासता हो

BBC News

कृष्णप्रसाद भट्टराईसंग 10.10.07
साहना प्रधानसँग-26.09.07
रामचन्द्र पौडेल, देव गुरुङसंग-19.09.07
मोहन बैद्य किरणसँग-12.09.07
जेनरल अशोक मेहतासँग-08.10.07
चुनाव स्थगनपछि अब के?-06.10.07
कांग्रेस गणतन्त्रमा गएपछिको प्रभाव-29.07.09

In The News

Millions spent in east for polls preparedness NepalNews Election Commission regional office in Biratnagar has said it spent over Rs 10 million ...... the money was spent on voters' education programmes, trainings and advertisement for the election and compensation of Rs 3,000 per month to over 2,000 volunteers. ...... The office distributed around 100,000 invitation cards to the people asking them to attend voting.
New teachers to be appointed appointment of 12,000 teachers ..... 8,000 teachers will be in the primary level, 2,500 in the lower secondary level and 1,500 in the secondary level.
Special session of the House begins

Maoist round-table meet starts NepalNews Prachanda said government decision to provide three months' salary to PLA personnel has opened a new scope for political consensus. ..... "The new consensus could be on announcement of a republic, full proportional representation system of elections or a referendum," Annapurna Post quoted Prachanda as saying. He also warned to resume stir if consensus could not be reached.
SC denies registering writ against poll suspension
Chure Samaj demands neutral govt The Chure Bhavar Ekta Samaj has demanded formation of a new independent government representing seven parties, agitating groups and civil society members to ensure free election to the constituent assembly on time. ...... The Samaj claimed communal violence and massacres in Tarai had occurred after the government distributed citizenship to non-Nepali nationals and that the government was not serious about the national integrity and nationality. ..... Samaj will resume new phase of protest after the festivals.
NC decides to go against Maoists’ motion in parliament
JTMM-Jwala halts armed activities for 13 days
Tarun Dal UK demands early elections Nepal Tarun Dal is affiliated to Nepali Congress party.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

अन्धेर नगरी चौपट िगिरजा

माअोवादीले पिन गल्ती नगरेका होइनन्

वाइसीएल का ज्यादतीले गर्दा नै एमाले र माअोवादीको सामीप्य नबढेको हो। मानव अिधकार त िसद्धान्तको कुरा होइन। मानव अिधकारका अाधारभुत िसद्धान्तमा कुनै सम्झौता हुँदैन। वामपन्थी िसद्धान्तमा मानव अिधकार फरक हुँदैन।

तर मुख्य गल्ती िगिरजा र काँग्रेसको छ

ंमाअोवादीले कब्जा गरेको जग्गा िफर्ता देउ भन्ने होइन िक त्यो सबै जग्गालाई अिहलेलाई कुनै भुिमसुधार अायोगको मातहतमा राख्ने, अिन नया संिवाधान अाइसकेपिछको संसदीय चुनावमा सबै पार्टी अा-अाफ्नो भुिमसुधार को नीित िलएर जनताकोमा जाने, र अन्ितम िनर्णय जनताले गर्ने। त्यो हो जाने बाटो। २० रोपनी जग्गा भएको काँग्रेसीको बीसै रोपनी माअोवादीले िलएको छ र जनताले १० रोपनीको हदबन्दी गर्ने िनर्णय गरेमा त्यो काँग्रेसीले १० रोपनी िफर्ता पाउँछ, बाँकी भुिंमसुधारलाई जान्छ।

अर्को छ security sector reform को कुरा। शाही सेनालाई नेपाल सेना नाम फेर्दैमा security sector reform भएको होइन। यो कटुवाल जोकर १५-२० जना जेनेरलहरू िलएर िकन गएको बालुवाटार? राजनीित भनेको कटुवालले गर्ने नै होइन। गणतन्त्रको घोषणा अिहले नै संसदबाट गरे पिन, जनमत संग्रह बाट गरे पिन, संिवधान सभाको पिहलो बैठकबाट गरे पिन कुको त ठ्याक्कै डर नै छैन। शाही सेनालाई जनताले अप्िरल क्रान्ितका दौरान नै हराएको हो। Shoot at sight order िदएकै हो ग्यानेले। काम लागेन त।

गणतन्त्रको घोषणा अिहले नै संसदबाट गरे पिन, जनमत संग्रह बाट गरे पिन, संिवधान सभाको पिहलो बैठकबाट गरे पिन कुरा एउटै हो। लस्सी खाए पिन ठीक, चीया, कफी जे खाए पिन ठीक। न राजाको डर छ न राजावादी जेनेरलहरूको। कटुवाल सुग्बुगाउँछ भने उसको जागीर जान्छ।

शुभ काममें िवलम्ब क्युँ? म त भन्छु अिहले नै गर्िदम्। राजतन्त्रले सबैभन्दा बढी सताएको पार्टी काँग्रेसको राजामोह देख्दा िदक्क पिन लाग्छ, हाँसो पिन उठ्छ। माअोवादीले भात खायो भन्दैमा हामी भात नखाने?

संघीय लोकतान्त्िरक गणतन्त्र ग्यारेन्टी भइसक्यो

ग्यारेन्टी भइनसकेको भनेको त्यो संघीय नेपालको नक्शा हो। ग्यारेन्टी भइनसकेको भिवष्यको नेपाल सेनाको size and ethnic and gender composition हो। भुिमसुधार जस्तै त्यस कुराको अन्ितम िनर्णय गर्न िदने पिन जनतालाई हो।

नेपाल सेनामा जम्मा कित जना सेना हुनुपर्ने र त्यसमा मधेशी, दिलत, जनजाित र मिहलाको सहभािगता कित प्रितशत हुने? त्यो दुई प्रश्नको जवाफ प्रत्येक पार्टीले िदनुपर्यो र त्यो जवाफलाई जनताकोमा लानुपर्यो।

त्यस्तै संघीय सरकारको कुरा गर्ने तर नक्शा प्रस्तुत गर्न नचाहने बेइमान पार्टीहरुको बुद्िध पलाउने बेला अाएको छ। कित वटा राज्य हुने? कहाँ हुने? केन्द्र र राज्य बीचको शक्ित बाँडफाँड कुन प्रकारको हुने? ती सबै प्रश्नको उत्तर देउ अिन जनताकोमा जाउ। अन्ितम िनर्णय त जनताले गर्ने हो।

ज्वाला गोइतसँग अादरपुर्वक शान्ित वार्ता नगरे नेपालमा १० वर्षसम्म चुनाव हुँदैन

त्यो कुरा काठमाण्डुका पहिरयाहरूलाई थाहा नभएको होइन। तर उनीहरूलाई भ्रम छ, चुनाव सर्दै जानु भनेको हाम्रो सत्ता कायम रिहरहनु हो। यथार्थ यो हो िक चुनाव सर्दै गयो भने देश टुक्िरन्छ। अिहले लथािलङ मात्र छ। टुक्िरसकेको छैन।

पुर्ण समानुपाितक िनर्वाचन हुन्छ िक त क्रान्ित हुन्छ

माअोवादीले माने पिन मधेशी, जनजाित र दिलतले मान्दैन। क्रान्ित हुनु भनेको यो संसद, यो सरकार, यो संिवधान स्वाहा हुनु हो। काँग्रेसको नामोिनशान मेिटन सक्छ।

पुर्ण समानुपाितक िनर्वाचन नमाने काँग्रेसलाई एक्ल्याउनु पर्छ

अाठदलीय सरकारलाई एकदलीय पाराले चलाउने िगिरजाको बानीले गार्दा हो उथलपुथल भएकोवादिववाद हुँदा common ground खोज्न सक्नुपर्छ

एमालेले पिन काँग्रेसको झोला बोकेर िहंड्ने मनस्िथित त्याग्नुपर्यो। अाठ पार्टीको एकता भनेको िगिरजाको चाकरी बजाउने होइन।

संिवधान सभामा साधारण बहुमतले सरकार बनाउँछ, दुई ितहाई बहुमतले संिवधान

Thinking Through This Jolt To The Transition
पुर्ण समानुपाितक िनर्वाचन अौर एक मधेश एक प्रदेशका नारा पर्याप्त है
डा देवेन्द्र राज पाण्डे: अन्तिरम प्रधान मन्त्री?
Rhoderick Chalmers, Monday, October 8, 6-8 PM
Nepal Must Get A New Prime Minister
Pradip Nepal: Pahadi Tiger
The Symbolism Of Girija Giving Mahto's Ministry To Kans Sitaula
ICG: Nepal's Fragile Peace Process
New CMP, New PM, Fully PR Election, Register More Parties, Elections In April
न्यु यर्कका पहिरयाहरू

In The News

Fresh poll date not in a hurry: Koirala, India The Prime Minister, who had earlier said he would quit if he failed to hold the polls on November 22, said that new dates would be announced only after consultations among the ruling alliance and the Maoists. ...... There has been an exodus of government officials from the plains due to threats ....... Maoist chief Prachanda suggested holding a referendum first to decide the contentious issues, an exercise that would take several months. ...... a proposal to hold a national convention of the party first, which would take at least four more months. ..... the vote is unlikely to resolve the dispute since most of the parties have said they would vote against the proposals while the Maoists have said if they lost, they would start another revolt.
UML wants 7-party alliance intact Gorkhapatra Nepal said that the unity of seven-party alliance should be strengthened in the days to come.

Referendum helps king: MPRF Kantipur "The decision to opt for a referendum will for sure embolden the already weak monarchy," Yadav told the Post Tuesday. Claiming that CA election is the best way out, Yadav also added that the king could do "anything" to gain power through a referendum. "In the present context, referendum means bringing back the monarchy to power" Yadav said, adding, "MPRF cannot take part in such a referendum." Yadav also warned his party would launch protest if the parties decided to hold referendum for determining monarchy's fate.
Martin says key issues in the hands of Nepalese, not UN we have now completed verification at four of the seven Maoist army divisions and will shortly begin verification at Rolpa ...... ensuring adequate conditions in the cantonments, and commencing serious discussions on security sector reform ........ the reluctance of the CPN-M to ensure that its Young Communist League ends its use of intimidation and sometimes violence has badly eroded public confidence that the Maoists are indeed willing to enter a genuinely democratic process. ....... Martin will be leaving for New York to brief the Secretary General and UNSC on the latest developments in Nepal.
NC asks Maoists to withdraw demands The CWC also accused the Maoists of not doing enough to stop kidnappings and donation drives. The meeting urged the Maoist leadership not to repeat such activities and to return all seized properties. ....... the CPN-UML is trying its level best to avoid a situation where the parties could be forced to settle the issues by voting. ...... a majority of the CWC members had called for a new general convention in order to see out the unification process of the party. They had also suggested a trimming down of committees to make the party run more effectively. ...... Home Minister Krishna Prasad Sitaula, General Secretaries Bimalendra Nidhi and Ram Baran Yadav and central members Chakra Bastola, Mahesh Acharya, Purna Bahadur Khadka, Anand Dhungana, Tek Bahadur Chokhyal
Maoists to revolt if House fails to pass motion “If a republic is not declared through parliament then the republic, new government and parliament will be declared from the street.” ...... he urged the Nepali Congress to give up its stance on the mixed electoral system.
Former DPM's house padlocked in Biratnagar Young Communist League (YCL) cadres Wednesday padlocked a house belonging to Bandri Prasad Mandal, former deputy prime minister during the erstwhile royal regime, and seized his vehicle in Biratnagar. The YCL cadres went to Mandal’s house at Biratnagar-2 this morning, padlocked it and hoisted the YCL flag over Mandal’s house. Mandal is currently in Kathmandu. The YCL cadres drove away in Mandal’s car. ..... the same YCL group smeared Ballav Prasad Dahal’s face with black soot. Dahal was appointed Morang District Committee Chairman during the king’s direct rule. .... the Maoists had publicized the names of 24 persons, who according to them were found guilty by the Rayamajhi Commission, from Morang, Jhapa and Sunsari districts.
NC CWC meet continues The meeting resumed today as all central committee members have not finished addressing the meeting. ....... demanded a special general convention of the party before the constituent assembly polls. ....... the party cadres cannot go for polls with new vigor, with oversized party committees from top to bottom. ....... Chakra Prasad Bastola, Arjun Narsingh KC, Khum Bahadur Khadka and Shukra Raj Sharma were among those demanding a fresh general convention ...... parallel committees still exist at all levels and the committees are so huge with the merger of the two committees that they can not function smoothly.
दसैंका बसहरू रित्तै
गणतन्त्रको मागप्रति भारतमा समर्थन
सद्भावनाको आग्रह काठमाडौं, असोज २२ - नेपाल सद्भावना पार्टी -आनन्दीदेवी) ले पार्टीभित्र अनुशासनको कारबाहीमा परेका व्यक्तिको वक्तव्य र भनाइ कार्यान्वयन नगर्न सरकार, सात दल, कार्यकर्ता र समर्थकहरूसँग आग्रह गरेको छ । सद्भावनाका प्रचार विभाग प्रमुख श्रीमननारायण मिश्रद्वारा मंगलबार जारी विज्ञप्तिमा निलम्बित पदाधिकारीह रूले पार्टीको नाम, लेटर प्याड र चुनावचिह्नको अनधिकृत प्रयोग गरी सबैमा भ्रम सिर्जना गर्न खोजेको उल्लेख छ ।
गोर्खाल्यान्ड’ निम्ति अर्को पार्टी
राजा रहेसम्म निर्वाचन असम्भव'
जनदलका आँसुमा राजदलको हाँसो राजनीतिको यो नयाँ सङ्कटमा तीन माउ दलका पङ्गु माउ हारेका जुवाडेझैं शोकमग्न छन् । र शोक र सन्तापको ज्वाला शान्त पार्न यी एकअर्कालाई झेल गरेको फत्तुर लगाउने अनर्थ धन्दामा लागिपरेका छन् । उता दुई लिखुरे राजदलका माउ मुखिया सूर्यबहादुर थापा र पशुपतिशमशेर राणा भने दङ्ग छन् । .......... तीन माउ दलका माउहरू चुनावको तयारी होइन, मिथ्या अभिनयमात्र गर्दै थिए । ..... चुनाव नहुने कुरा पक्का थियो । आयोग भने आफ्नो मनचिन्ते सपनामा ढुक्क थियो । ....... जता हेर्‍यो गाईजात्रै-गाईजात्रा ! ...... 'जनशक्ति पार्टी'का जेठा मुखिया सूबथाले भने— चुनाव बिथोल्ने सात दल असफल हुन् । शासन गर्ने यिनको हक सकियो । यति भनेर मनोवाद गर्दै आफैंलाई उनले खुसुक्क भने— राजदलका भाग्यमानी जेठा ! मौसुफका कृपाले आउने भो फेरि तेरो पालो । ........ दरबारका दुःखका साथी सूबथा काजी ....... मौसुफको सदिच्छा राजदलका नाइकेहरूको विचारधारा हो । मौसमको लुटको स्वर्गको पुनःस्थापन र निज हजुरको सेवा-भक्ति यिनको अन्तिम अभीष्ट हो । सामन्तवाद यिनको मठ हो । र ज्ञानेन्द्र शाह हुन्, यिनका निर्विकल्प मठाधीश । ........ न सात दलको विकल्प राजदल हुनसक्छ, न नागरिक समाजका सुकिला सज्जनहरूको सत्तारोहण गर्ने सपना नै दलको विकल्प हुनसक्छ । ...... दलहरूका दाज्यैज्यूहरूको पदलिप्सा, यिनका छिर्के दाउ, यिनको आलस्य वा यिनको उद्दण्डताको नाटीकुटी गर्नु एउटा कुरा हो, तर सात दल वा तीन दलको विकल्प राजदलै भन्ने कुरा अर्थिनेगरी शास्त्रार्थ गर्नु जान-अन्जान ज्ञानेन्द्रपथको प्रवक्ता हुनु हो । ........ संसदको विशेष अधिवेशनले राजतन्त्रलाई किनारा लगाउने अठोट गर्‍यो कि यस्ताहरूको अनिष्ट हाँसो सदाका लागि सकियो ।
माओवादीको राजापरस्त राजनीति

Maoists register ‘republic motion’ at parliament secretariat NepalNews The special session of the parliament is set to begin at 4:00 pm Thursday. The special session will directly enter into debate on Maoists’ special political proposal. NC decides to go against Maoists’ motion in parliament Expressing disappointment over the Maoist party’s failure to stop abductions, extortion and return the seized properties as per the agreement in the peace accord, the meeting called upon the Maoist leadership to remain committed to their promise of holding CA election and also fully abide by the Comprehensive Peace Accord (CPA) in letter and spirit.
Current crisis is result of weak management of peace process: Martin the current crisis has come about not just because of failure to reach agreement on two issues, but as a reflection of deeper differences in perception and approach, and as a result of weaknesses in the overall management of the peace process, particularly the failure to implement agreements on certain key issues. ........... the lack of progress within the government in discussing the future of Maoist combatants, ensuring adequate conditions in the cantonments, and commencing serious discussions on security sector reform, have all contributed to Maoist concerns that the government is not fulfilling its commitments. ....... "Many of Nepal's traditionally marginalised groups remain concerned that commitments made to them are not being fulfilled. There is frustration by all communities in the Terai, and indeed across Nepal, about the poor state of public security." ....... the risk of communal tension and violence remains considerable. ...... should not just consider a new election date, but should focus on sustaining and deepening the peace process as a whole and develop a road-map of measures that are necessary to create the conditions for a credible election. ....... independent monitoring of all peace process commitments.
PM assures EU envoys for new CA polls date soon The European envoys had asked Koirala to end the current deadlock and guarantee holding constituent assembly elections to shorten the transitional period. ..... The envoys are also learnt to have drawn attention of the government on the unimproved security situation in across the country, especially in the Terai.
Shyam Saran in Kathmandu to discuss possible solution to political deadlock He is visiting Kathmandu amid controversy triggered by the remarks of Ashok Mehta, a retired Major Gen. of Indian Army, in an interview with the BBC Nepali Service that Indian Army would help Nepal Army if the Maoists launch an armed attack in Kathmandu.
Jhapa administration lifts curfew Due to the curfew, normal life was badly affected with market prices of commodities increasing at unprecedented rates. ...... civil society leaders, political parties, rights groups and the government have urged the agitators to withdraw all protest programmes at the onset of the biggest Nepali festival of Dashain. ..... UN General Secretary Ban Ki-moon strongly urged the Seven-Party Alliance 'to redouble efforts so that outstanding issues can be expeditiously resolved and the election held very soon.'
Security Council 'disappointed' by polls delay
Mahara accepts party members abducted scribe Shah
Entrepreneurs, professionals ask govt to set a new date for CA
CEC hopes CA polls by mid-April
JTMM-Jwala halts armed activities for 13 days The Jwala Singh faction of the Janatantrik Terai Mukti Morcha (JTMM) today announced that it would stop its armed activities for 13 days from October 11 in view of Dashain and Id festivals. Issuing a press statement, JTMM-J chief Jwala Singh announced the halt in armed activities and also asked the party workers to stop collecting donations during this period. Of late, the two factions of JTMM (another group led by Jaya Krishna Goit) have intensified targeted killings, abduction and extortion in Terai districts. There are more than a dozen armed outfits active in the Terai plains.

NC CWC members ask party leadership not to change stand NepalNews Most of the CWC members who put their views on the second day of the ongoing CWC meeting Tuesday said the party should not back the Maoist proposal in the upcoming special session of the parliament to declare republic and adopt fully proportional voting system. ..... They said the party should not go for amendment in the in the interim constitution as suggested by the Maoists

Prachanda warns deadlock could break SPA, topple govt Kantipur the incumbent government could collapse and a new government formed through a broader roundtable conference if there is no agreement.
No compromise on party stance: NC members Some of the members said they would openly defy the whip if the party asks them to vote for Maoist proposals. ....... Some members, like Sunil Bhandari, announced they would quit the party if it deviated any further from its traditional path. ...... Nara Hari Acharya, complained that the party could not develop internal democracy even after its unification. He was referring to the formation of some powerful committees in the party without proper discussions. ........ Dip Kumar Upadhyay claimed that the Kapilvastu carnage could have been averted had the police deployed immediately after the local administration received the information.
Maoists intensify donation drive "We have asked for voluntary donations in order to create a storm of agitation to ensure CA polls." ...... the Maoists also stepped up extortion in Okhaldunga district since the past few days.
Banda continues to paralyze east tarai Federal Limbuban State Council, Khumbuwan National Front, Federal Republic Front, Tamang Saling Autonomous State, Madhesi People's Rights Forum (MPRF) led by Kishwor Kumar Biswas among others called the indefinite strike demanding proportional electoral system, declaration of republic from the interim parliament, among other demands. ......... the daily-wage workers are living hard and unable to arrange essential goods for the coming festivals. ........ Limbuban-Khumbuban Federal Loktantrik National Forum ...... People at Maidhara are compelled to excrete inside their houses due to the curfew for the last three days. The locals are terrorized now after security force killed a youth on Sunday. People in the area do not have toilets inside their poorly built huts. One has to go to the nearby forest to answer nature's calls.
UML central meet concludes: No alternative to CA polls a nine-point decision taken by the three-day meeting. ...... the party has urged PM Koirala to improve the way he has been conducting himself as the Prime Minister and to run the government on the basis of political consensus. ........ Bharat Mohan Adhikari has issued a whip asking mandatory presence of all the lawmakers of the party during the special House session.
Govt decides to nationalize more of king’s property decided to establish a trust for the nationalized property and spend the fund for benefit of the nation ..... nationalized the Narayanhiti Royal Palace, Lamjung Durbar, Gorkha Durbar and Hanumandhoka Durbar on August 23. ........ the Nagarjuna and Gokarna palaces in the capital, Ratna palace in Pokhara, Kanti Ishwari palace in Hetauda and Diyalo palace in Chitwan and forests spread across 3,500 square kilometers in Nagarjuna, Gokarna, Balaju, Thanksen of Nuwakot and Bharatpur of Chitwan ....... 11 plots of land - 754 ropanis in Narayanhiti and 779 ropanis in other palaces

Kishunji Wants Old Guards in NC to Step Back Himalayan Times suggested "older generation" to step back and hand over the reins of the leadership to "dynamic and younger" generation .... the "older generation" has totally failed after it postponed the November 22 constituent assembly elections. He also suggested party leaders and cadres to "rise above" party interests and even "ignore the party line" for the greater good of the country. ....... the postponement of elections has dragged the country into a "political deadlock".
JTMM-J Cadres Kidnap 3 in Rautahat; Demand Ransom Kul Prasad Gautam, Nilkantha Gautam and Jaya Prasad Gautam of Tandiin Chitwan ..... a group of around 15 armed persons kidnapped the trio..... JTMM-J Area No 2 in-charge claimed responsibility for the abduction. ..... the JTMM-J cadres have demanded Rs 2 lakh for the release of the three persons. The family sources said the JTMM-J cadres had phoned them demanding Rs 2 lakh ransom.
CA best option to usher in republic: UML stressing that the first meeting of constituent assembly was the best option to overthrow monarchy ....... “The monarchy can be eliminated by force, by a two-thirds majority of the interim parliament or by a referendum. But those options need further understanding and a national consensus among all the political parties. So, the practical approach to decide on the future of monarchy is the first meeting of the constituent assembly” ........ the party had “kept open” all options to discuss the issue of a referendum ...... to “block any possible alliance of the rightist forces”. ..... Bara-based journalist Birendra Shah. .... Madhav Kumar Nepal asked Bamdev Gautam to talk to Prachanda for Shah’s safe release.
NC CWC sticks to stand on monarchy a majority of the central members heavily criticising the leadership for failing to live up to the expectations of the party and the masses. ........ Central member Bijay Kumar Gacchedhar ..... “Most of the members were critical of the home minister in view of the deteriorating law and order situation,” Gacchedhar added...... A majority of the CWC members said the party should stick to the mahasamiti meeting decision, which was that the first meeting of the CA should decide the future of monarchy. ....... the NC would not in any way accept the all-out proportional representation electoral system proposed by the Maoist party.
Strike, Curfew Affect Life in Damak the Federal Democratic National Forum (FDNF) ..... the Federal Limbuwan Rajya Parishad (FLRP) ...... CDO Khanal said curfew was extended to prevent demonstrations by the Limbuwan group. ....... the programmes of padlocking government offices, protest rallies and mass meetings would continue. ...... Lingden issued the statement on behalf of the FLRP, Khambuwan Rastriya Morcha, Tamang Saling Rajya Parishad, Madhesi Janadhikar Forum-Biswas and other organisations.
YCL Dharan to Punish Six Royalists former minister Tanka Dhakal ..... Former administrator of the Bagmati zone Kumar Bahadur Karki, former member of the National Assembly Chakra Bahadur Shanker ..... Dev Raj Adhikari, Ambika Shrestha and Samrat Shrestha ..... President of the Dharan chapter of the YCL Kumar Tamang ....... the policy of punishing the Rayamajhi Commission-indicted one after another.

PM says political deadlock will end in a few days NepalNews the army chief is learnt to have briefed PM Koirala on the increased activism of armed groups in Terai and the deteriorating law and order situation there and the intelligence reports the army has got about groups responsible for flaring up violence in Kapilvastu and serial bomb blasts that rocked capital city last month. ........ Koirala is said to have queried the army chief about the reduction in the number of army personnel stationed inside the Narayanhiti royal palace as well as the incident of the Nepal army personnel barring chairman Prachanda from entering the historical Amargadhi site saying they needed orders from higher authority before allowing him to go inside.
Maoists will quit alliance if consensus not reached on republic, PR system: Prachanda Prachanda today warned that his party would be compelled to break the alliance with the parties and wage a peaceful movement if the latter failed to reach agreement on declaring the country republic through the parliament and adopt proportional voting system. ........ the Maoists would push for a new government to replace the Nepali Congress-government if consensus is not reached on the two key issues at the special session of the parliament commencing Oct 11. ....... if there was an agreement then the CA election could be held within the end of this year (mid-April 2008). ...... various other alternatives could be sought to keep the alliance intact. One suitable alternative, according to him, could be “a referendum to decide the fate of monarchy”.
Royalist leaders intensify parleys Few days earlier, royalist leaders had held a secret meeting to chalk out strategies to save monarchy.

Maoists step up donation drive to 'ensure CA election' NepalNews they have fixed certain amount of money for “each category”. A local school teacher said that each VDC has been asked to provide Rs 15,000 while employees and teachers have been asked to part away with a sum equal to their one month salary. ........ The Maoists cadres in groups of three or four have also started collecting money from vehicles from different places along the local highways ...... the Maoist district secretary Kripashwor admitted having started the donation campaign, but said that they have not forced anyone into forking out donations.

Monday, October 08, 2007

Thinking Through This Jolt To The Transition

Who Is To Blame?

The primary blame goes to Girija. He is the Prime Minister. He is the one who has to take ultimate responsibility. The best thing to do would have been to find middle ground. He should have told the Maoists the republic issue will be settled after the elections, but that he will agree to hold a completely PR election to the assembly. That, by the way, has also been the key demand of the Madhesi and the Janajati groups.

Curiously, that continues to be the only way to move forward. Unless the Nepali Congress agrees to hold completely PR election to the constituent assembly, that election might never take place. So why delay?

Can And Should The Interim Parliament Be Dissolved?

Only the interim parliament itself or a revolution could dissolve the interim parliament. Will the interim parliament dissolve itself? That is highly unlikely. It is even harder to imagine a revolution whose express goal might be the dissolution of the interim parliament.

For all its inadequacies, the interim parliament does have its place. It has been a necessary counterbalance to the palace and the army as a power center. An interim cabinet on its own will not have that kind of weight to provide the necessary counterbalance.

But the interim parliament must be dissolved a month before the campaign for the elections to the constituent assembly begins. That is but standard procedure.

Can Girija Be Sacked?

There is this ridiculous provision in the interim constitution that says only a two third majority can sack the Prime Minister. I do think Girija should be sacked for his utter incompetence but the first step in that direction would be a constitutional amendment that says a simple majority can sack the Prime Minister.

Another way to get someone else for Prime Minister would be if the Nepali Congress itself put forth someone else. How likely is that? Not very likely right now.

Why Can't The UML And The Maoists See Eye To Eye?

For the same reason that Hridayesh Tripathy and Rajendra Mahto can not see eye to eye. For the same reason that Upendra Yadav and Kishor Kumar Bishwas can not see eye to eye. The powerless have a tendency to not team up. The powerless have a tendency to engage in infighting.

Both the UML and the Maoists know their primary opponent in terms of class struggle is the Nepali Congress. But they are reluctant to take the few steps on their parts that will make it possible for the two to team up.

Between them the UML and the Maoists have enough votes in the interim parliament to shake things up.

Right now it is imperative that the UML gangs up with the Maoists on the issue of a fully PR election. The three big parties could cut a three way deal.
  1. The Nepali Congress gets to continue to keep the prime ministerial berth.
  2. In turn, it agrees to hold a completely PR election to the constituent assembly.
  3. In turn, the Maoists agree to hold a referendum on the republic question.
This way each big party gets something.

What Could A Possible Election Schedule Look Like?

October 2008: Depose Girija, put Madhav Nepal as Nepal's new eight party Prime Minister. Speaker position goes to Congress, to Chitralekha Yadav.

November 2008: Respectful dialogue with all armed Madhesi groups, Jwala, Goit and the rest of them. Release all their imprisoned cadres, take back all cases filed against them, put all their soldiers into cantonments, and invite them to participate in a fully PR election.

February 2008: Deadline for new parties to register.

April 2008: Referendum on the monarchy. Country becomes republic. Ram Raja Prasad Singh, first president of Nepal for being the original republican.

May 2008: Dissolve the interim parliament.

June 2008: Fully PR election to a constituent assembly, 300 strong. Every third name on a party's list must be female. Other than that there are no rules.

पुर्ण समानुपाितक िनर्वाचन अौर एक मधेश एक प्रदेशका नारा पर्याप्त है
डा देवेन्द्र राज पाण्डे: अन्तिरम प्रधान मन्त्री?
Nepal Must Get A New Prime Minister
Pradip Nepal: Pahadi Tiger
The Symbolism Of Girija Giving Mahto's Ministry To Kans Sitaula
ICG: Nepal's Fragile Peace Process
New CMP, New PM, Fully PR Election, Register More Parties, Elections In April
न्यु यर्कका पहिरयाहरू
November 22: Elections Must Happen
The Animals Of The Kapilvastu Riots
Armed Revolution To Street Agitation To Parliamentary Arithmetic
Koirala Has Only 85 Out of 330
Middle Ground: PR Election Now, Republic Later
Completely Proportional Election: Meeting Point With The Maoists
Not UML-Maoist Unification Or Unity, But A One Point Agreement On PR Election
Baburam Bhattarai Is Right About UML-Maoist Unity
एक मात्र िमलनिवन्दु: पुर्ण समानुपाितक िनर्वाचन
I Agree With Prachanda On Republic And Proportional Election

In The News

Nepal, India lose billions after election postponement
Times of India, India the government wasted NRS 70 crore alone on printing election material, like ballot papers, the code of conduct and posters. ..... Generous election assistance had been pouring in from major donors, like India, US and EU. Besides assistance in the form of vehicles and voting machines, India has been flowing in its Election Commission officials for advice and recently, organised an elaborate seminar on constituent assembly.
Is Nepal's democracy in danger? BBC News Many analysts are doubting if the polls will be held at all. ..... The postponement of the polls should be viewed against the wider Maoist strategy. .... In subsequent months, the Maoists became part of the interim parliament and the government. ..... They also went about gaining as much influence as possible in commerce, the media and other areas of public life in the capital. .... So having established themselves in Kathmandu, they have one final objective left - to capture power. ..... Most analysts agree that the Maoists have little chance of doing this through competitive politics. They have lost much of their influence in the countryside, and are unpopular in the cities. ...... They have also shown an ability to outwit their opponents in a way that erodes the authority of much of the state. ..... Now they have reached a point where they seem able to put a break on a national objective like holding elections, something that virtually the entire country had agreed on. ..... This, many say, has severely weakened the public's confidence in its legitimate institutions. ...... Many people have begun to talk about Nepal entering an era of either ultra-rightist (military or military-backed) or ultra-leftist (Maoist) dictatorship. ....... They are not ruling out bloodshed between the army and the Maoists, who have concentrated a large number of their members in Kathmandu. ....... The Maoists have now hinted that they are ready to compromise on the timing of the abolition of the monarchy. ..... But they look far less likely to compromise on the proportional representation issue. ...... Whatever is decided - and other options are up for discussion - the result could well need amendments to the constitution and relevant electoral laws. ...... From all this mess, it is King Gyanendra who is gaining. ...... the wider held view is that a final showdown between the army and the Maoists in Kathmandu is more likely than ever. ....... If such a situation arises, nobody knows who will prevail. ..... retired Gen Ashok Mehta, believes that Delhi would be prepared to give military help to the government in Kathmandu rather than see the Maoists seizing power by force.
Curfew imposed in southeast Nepal after clashes
International Herald Tribune, France
Serial blasts in southern Nepal
People's Daily Online, China
Govt approves report to nationalise Nepal king's properties
Press Trust of India, India
Nepalese nationalize monarch's property. United Press International
Eastern Nepal limps back to normalcy
Kantipur Online, Nepal
Bandh Suspended for Three Days in Eastern Nepal Himalayan Times