The MJF Must Stay Intact
The MJF Dispute: Got To Seek Middle Ground
The Madhesi Janadhikar Forum is for a republic. It is okay with the country getting declared a republic right away, and it is okay with doing it after the elections.
The Madhesi Janadhikar Forum is for land reform, but it does not want to put the cart before the horse. First it wants to contest and win the constituent assembly elections. Then it wants to help write a new constitution for the country that will turn Nepal into a federal republic of state funded parties. Then, under that constitution when it will be time to contest elections for a new parliament, it will go to the people with a detailed land reform proposal. And it will implement that land reform proposal after victory in the elections.
The Maoists are not the party of the Dalits in the Terai. The Dalits in the Terai may go for whichever party they feel most empowers them, of course. But the MJF will compete with the Maoists for every single Dalit vote in the Terai. And it will do so by ensuring proportional representation for the Dalits in the party's list of candidates for the constituent assembly.
The MJF will likewise empower the Janajatis in the Terai, namely the Tharus, the Dhimals, Satars, Rajbanshis, and the rest.
A part born out of the Madhesi Kranti must be at the forefront of the women's rights movement in the Terai.
The MJF will empower the Muslims, the Yadavs. The MJF will empower the OBCs of the Terai.
The MJF will be home to the BhuRaBaL: Bhumihar, Rajput, Babhan, Lala.
The MJF will not allow the Maoists to act like a parallel state in the Terai. The MJF will not allow the Maoists to engage in extortions and abductions in the Terai. The MJF will not allow the Maoists to set up their kangaroo courts in the Terai.
उपेन्द्र यादव: सरकार र फोरमबीच सम्झौता
The Madhesi MPs And The Idea Of A New Party
तराई बन्द नहीं संगठन िवस्तार किरए
जयप्रकाश गुप्ता: मधेस आन्दोलनका आग्रह
Calling The Maoists' Bluff
The MJF has proven to the rest of Nepal and to the world that you don't have to be have an army, you don't even have to be in power to bring an end to the dictatorial ways of the Maoist party.
Why can't the UML and the Nepali Congress do the same in the hills? Why can't they stop complaining and start learning from the MJF?
Upendra Yadav Book 2
Upendra Yadav Book 1
The Maoist Confusion Is Unnecessary
In The News
NC Mahasamiti to decide on republic; NC-D wants unification as per ‘previous understanding’ NepalNews meeting of the Mahasamiti (general council) Sept 23-24 to endorse the party’s election manifesto, which will specifically clarify whether the party will go for 'democratic republic' after the constituent assembly polls. ...... The election manifesto will be finalised by the Mahasamiti meeting,” said Dr Ram Baran Yadav, co-general secretary of the party. ..... the NC was least likely to go for some form of monarchy .... “The 11th general convention has already removed the term ‘monarchy’ form the party statute. The interim constitution also does not give any space for the King.” ..... has adopted 'federal republic' as the main election agenda of the party. ..... “We are worried that the unification process is taking so much time. Today’s meeting has decided to unite the two parties according to the agreement between the two presidents,” senior NC-D leader Bimalendra Nidhi said.
Maoists will be out of govt by Sept 18 if republic is not announced, says Ananta we will then hold roundtable conference and go for peaceful street agitation .... Nepali Congress (NC) central member Sujata Koirala warned that any force – either Maoists or monarchists – would be wiped out if they choose to avoid CA election. Likewise, NC-Democratic leader and Minister of State for Labour and Transport Management Ramesh Lekhak stressed the need to institutionalise republic through a democratic mechanism of CA election.
NASeA-ANMA joint convention held Nepalis Association in Southeast America (NASeA) and the Association of Nepalis in Midwest America (ANMA) .... co-hosted by the Association of Nepali Teraian in America (ANTA). ... Nepali Women's Global Network forum on domestic violence, a forum on depression, a session on NAPAC, an organization interested in Nepali-American issues and an International Nepalese Literary Society activities. ..... Sunday's session, inaugurated by Madhu Raman Acharya ..... the embassy is registering all Nepalis in North America ..... Dr. Ambika Adhikari, President of the Nepali Americas Council and a key note speaker ...... exhorting the assemblage to go to Nepal for the October NRN Conference ... A forum devoted to the Terai issue ..... the first-ever general discussion meeting to establish the American Society of Nepali Engineers
Constituent Assembly Election and Madhesh Turmoil the Madheshi movement (now called the Janandolan III). .... the Terai, which contains 49% of Nepal’s 26 million population, 23% land area and 20 of the 75 districts .... the right to self-determination; proportional representation in the constituent assembly; restructuring the constituencies based on population; federal system with regional autonomy; and elimination of all forms of discrimination practiced by the state mechanism. ...... the movement has been successful in maintaining its momentum ...... the perseverance and firmness of the MJF .... The Government-MJF ultimately reached a 22-point agreement, which includes compensation to those killed during the Terai movement, guarantee of inclusion of Madheshis and other marginalized groups in the constituent assembly, autonomy to the states in the federal system to be designed by the constituent assembly, among others. ....... The MJF has gained positive credibility in due course of the movement and has been elevated as a powerful political force in the country. ..... Janatantrik Terai Mukti Morcha (Goit), JTMM (Jwala Singh), JTMM (Bishfot Singh), Madheshi Mukti Morcha, Madheshi Tiger, Terai Cobra Group, Madhesh Mukti Force, Terai Tiger, Terai Army, AASK Group, Tharu Mukti Morcha, Chure Bhawar Pradesh Ekta Samaj, Janajati Mahasangh, TM Don Group, Young Communist League etc. ...... the unity expressed by Madheshis around the globe. ...... Following the movement, the media has been overwhelmed with news and views on Madheshi movement; there have been discussions and debates on the peaceful resolution of Madhesh issue ....... The electoral seats for CA election are 497, of which 240 would be elected directly, 240 by proportional election, and 17 would be nominated. Presuming that the election is held fairly under the mixed system, 164 Madheshi people would be represented including 38 women. ...... for the major political parties such as NC, UML, CPN-Maoists and NC (D), it might mean having to lose many seats in the CA election ...... the deteriorating law and order situation in the country, particularly the Terai region ...... security, management of cantonments and spreading themselves out to the villages and towns to interact with people about the CA polls ...... the Maoist-affiliated Young Communist League (YCL), which is widely involved in terrorizing people ..... the government aims to recruit 80,000 temporary security personnel ..... The Nepali media has been biased in tone, depiction and revelation while highlighting the unfolding events of the movement, many at times disregarding the Code of Conduct for Journalists. ........ the problem of intolerance and ethnic prejudice that has for centuries plagued the nation. .......structural discrimination can have solution only through systemic reform guided by the principalities of equality, integration, representation and redistribution ..... The ‘hegemonic control’ of the age-old ideology of domination of one caste, one language, one culture, one colour, one region, one religion… can and has to change
MJF takes out 'victory rally' in Birgunj NepalNews People had come in large numbers to Birgunj, the district headquarter of Parsa to take part in the rally. The victory rally, that started from Ghantaghar with people playing musical instruments and their faces smeared with vermilion, toured around the town and turned into a mass assembly at the end. Saying that the government, through the agreement, has pledged to fulfill all demands of the Madheshi people, the district level leaders asked all the people of Terai to be aware of elements against the constituent assembly. Meanwhile, speaking in Sunsari, MJF chairman Upendra Yadav has stressed upon the need of “improving the security arrangement” to hold the CA election successfully. Saying that the serial bomb blasts took place in the capital city because the security situation was very weak and it was all done to disrupt the upcoming election, Yadav asked the government not to make compromise on security matters.
Prachanda demands special session of the parliament to declare republic
Possibility of army mobilisation can’t be ruled out, says Minister
JTMM dissidents ‘expel’ Goit
Upendra Yadav urges people to join election campaign