Monday, June 25, 2007

प्रचण्डे बाहुनले अौंला पिन खान्छ, हात पिन खान्छ

नेपालमा शाहहरूको सामन्तवाद भनेको केही सय वर्ष पुरानो कुरा हो। तर बाहुनवाद भनेको १०,००० वर्ष पुरानो कुरा हो। प्रचण्डे बाहुन भनेको माअोवादी साअोवादी केही होइन त्यो। त्यो खावोवादी बाहुनवादी प्रवृितको मान्छे हो भन्ने कुरा उसको व्यवहारले देखाइरहेको छ। सत्ताधारी काँग्रेसी बाहुनहरू र प्रचण्डे बाहुनको कुरा िमल्नु भनेको १०,००० वर्ष पुरानो बाहुनवाद कायम रहेको उदाहरण हो। वर्तमान नेपालको अिहलेको सबैभन्दा ठूलो समस्या बाहुनवाद हो। बाहुनवादको िवरोध बाहुनको िवरोध नभएर एउटा िवचारधाराको िवरोध हो। मधेशी, जनजाित र दिलतलाई अिहलेसम्म िथचेर राखेको िवचारधाराको िवरोध हो।

राजाको तानाशाही नसहने नेपाली जनताले प्रचण्डे बाहुनको तानाशाही सहला भन्ने कुरा त्यो बाहुनले नसोंचे पिन हुन्छ। राजाको ९०,००० बन्दूकको केही लागेन। प्रचण्डे बाहुनको ३,००० बन्दूकको केही लाग्ला भन्ने सोंचाइ अाफैंमा हास्यास्पद छ।

मधेशी क्रान्ितका दौरान ३८ शहीद पैदा गर्ने बाहुन कंस िसटौलाले उिहले राजीनामा िदइसक्नु पर्ने हो। नैितकताको अाधारमा। घोिषत समयमा संिवधान सभाको िनर्वाचन गराउन नसकेकोले िगिरजा बाहुनले उिहले राजीनामा िदइसक्नुपर्ने हो, नैितकताको अाधारमा। मधेशी क्रान्ितका नम्बर एक शत्रु भएर िनस्केका प्रचण्डे बाहुनले शान्ित सम्झौताका प्रत्येक कुरालाई उल्लंघन गरेर संिवधान सभाको िनर्वाचनको संभावनालाई पर पर सािरिदएका छन्, र त्यसो गरेकोले त्यो बाहुनले नेपाली राजनीितबाटै राजीनामा िदएर काशी गइसकेको हुनुपर्ने हो। देशमा अिहलेसमम् िनर्वाचन भइसक्नु पर्ने हो। नहुनुको िजम्मेवारी िगिरजा र प्रचण्डको बाहुन गठबन्धनको हो।

अाज चुनाव हुने हो भने काँग्रेसले १२%, एमालेले ११% र माअोवादीले १०% मत बटुल्ने देिखन्छ। प्रचण्डे बाहुनको पार्टीले बहुमत ल्याउने कुरा त परै जाअोस्। त्यो कुनै पिन पार्टीको बहुमत नरहेको सभामा सबैभन्दा ठुलो पार्टी पिन बन्दैन। प्रचण्डे बाहुनले नेपालको पिहलो राष्ट्रपित बन्ने सपना देखेको छ। १०% मत ल्याउने पार्टीले राष्ट्रपित पद पाउँदैन। राष्ट्रपित बन्ने सपना प्रचण्डे बाहुनको िदवास्वप्न हो।

शान्ित सम्झौताको प्रत्येक बुँदाको पालना गर्नु प्रचण्डे बाहुनको मुडमा भर पर्ने कुरा होइन। देशमा वाक् स्वतन्त्रता, प्रेस स्वतन्त्रता, राजनीितक िवचारधारा र क्िरयाकलापको स्वतन्त्रता िवरूद्ध प्रचण्डे बाहुनले यूद्द ऐलान गरेको अवस्था छ। यो यथासक्य चाँडो बन्द नगरेमा सबै गैर माअोवादी शक्ितहरू एक भएर माअोवादीका िवरूद्द एउटा िनर्णायक राजनीितक युद्ध छेड्नु नपर्ला भनेर भन्न सिकन्न।

त्यो राजनीितक युद्धको पिहलो कदम प्रचण्डे बाहुनलाई पेरूको गोन्जालोलाई जस्तै झ्यापझुप समातेर अाजीवन कारावासमा पठाउनु पर्ने हुन्छ। त्यसपिछ माअोवादी पार्टीलाई सरकारबाट हटाउनु पर्ने हुन्छ। त्यसपिछ माअोवादी पार्टीसँग फेिर वार्तामा बस्नु पर्ने हुन्छ। अिहलेसम्मका शान्ित सम्झौता सबै मान्ने भए चुनावमा जाउँ, नत्र भने माअोवादी नेता जितलाई जेल चलान, माअोवादी पार्टीमािथ प्रितबन्ध, र सेरेमोिनयल राजतन्त्र रािखछाड्ने ग्यारण्टीकासाथ ३,००० माअोवादी बन्दूक थुत्ने िकिसमले नेपाल सेनाको पिरचालन। बन्दुक नउठाउने जित सबै माअोवादी लडाकुलाई माफी र नेपाल सेनामा भर्तीको अाश्वासनको ऐलान।

देउवा काँग्रेसको हुम्लाको सबैभन्दा लोकप्िरय नेतालाई बेपत्ता पारेर हत्या गिरयो। त्यस्ता धेरै उदाहरण छन्। अिहले मधेशी जनािधकार फोरमका युथ िवङका नेता िजतेन्द्र साहलाई माअोवादीले काठमाण्डुबाट बेपत्ता पारेको र गृह मंत्रालय चुईंक्क नबोलेको अवस्था छ। तराईमा ज्वाला र गोइतले माअोवादीका केही कार्यकर्तामािथ िहंसात्मक, गलत व्यवहार गरेको घटनाहरू सामुन्ने अाएका छन्। त्यसको रीस फोरममािथ पोख्नु जायज होइन। िजतेन्द्र साहलाई प्रचण्डे बाहुनले यथासक्य चाँडो छोड्दैन भने र केही गरी साहको हत्या गर्छ भने त्यसपिछ प्रचण्डे बाहुनले तराईमा राजनीित गर्ने कुरा नसोंचे पिन हुन्छ।

शान्ित सम्झौताको पालना गरेर, संिवधान सभाको लािग अावश्यक वातावरण तयार पारेर, चुनावमा गएर, राजनीितक पार्टीको पैसाको एक मात्र स्रोत जनताको मत हुने संसारको नम्बर एक लोकतन्त्र स्थापना गर्ने तर्फ नलाग्नु प्रचण्डे बाहुनको मुर्खता हो। चेत्ने समय अझै पिन केही बाँकी छ। नत्र प्रचण्डे बाहुनको भिवष्य भनेको गोन्जालोको जस्तो हुने देिखन्छ। संगठन, नीित, मेिनफेस्टो, कार्यक्रम र पिरस्रमको बाटो गएर जनताको िदल िजत्ने बाटो प्रचण्डलाई िकन मन पिररहेको छैन? िहंसाको बाटो, दादािगरीको बाटो िकन? त्यो बाटो गइराख्नु भनेको प्रचण्डकालािग अाजीवन कारावासको बाटो हो। समयमै चेतना भया।

ब्िरटीश प्रधानमन्त्री च्याम्बरलेनले िहटलरलाई अौंला खान िदउँ, अिन हात खाँदैन भन्ने सोंचे। त्यो गलत सोंचे। त्यो गलतीले गर्दा दोस्रो िवश्व युद्ध भयो। त्यस्तै नेपालमा गृह युद्ध नहुन िदनकालािग प्रचण्डे बाहुनसँग कडाइकासाथ पेश अाउनु सबै गैर माअोवादी शक्ितहरूको सामूिहक धर्म बन्न जान्छ। शान्ित सम्झौताको पालना गर, राजनीितक िहंसा र दादािगरी बन्द गर, प्रेस स्वतन्त्रतामािथको अाक्रमण बन्द गर, नत्र भने अाजीवन कारावासमा जाउ भनेर भन्न सक्नुपर्यो। नत्र भने प्रचण्डे बाहुनले अौंला पिन खान्छ, हात पिन खान्छ।

नभम्बर २२ मा चुनाव हुनै पर्छ। त्यसकालािग माअोवादीले अाफ्नो िवचार र व्यवहारमा पिरवर्तन ल्याउनै पर्छ। प्रचण्ड इितहास जाने िक कारावास जाने? त्यो िनर्णय उसकै हो।

छाता संगठनको कुरा फेिर ल्याउने िक नल्याउने
समानुपाितक िनर्वाचनको बाहुन फर्मुला मधेशी िवरूद्धको षडयन्त्र हो
तराईमा िहंसाको राजनीितक समाधान छ
जनजाित र दिलतले पार्टी नखोल्नु मानिसक दासता हो
द्वैध नागिरकता िबना नेपालमा अार्िथक क्रान्ित सम्भव छैन
मई १२ िदउँसो १ बजे सेन्ट्रल पार्क दक्िषण पूर्व कोणा
एक मधेशी पार्टी
मैले पिरकल्पना गरेको मधेश राज्य
न्यु यर्कमा छाता संगठनको अावश्यकता
ज्वाला, गोइत, टाइगर और कोबराको चुनाव क्यों लडना चािहए

In The News

EC to govt: Improve security for free and fair polls NepalNews free and fair CA elections would not be possible if security was not improved. The current security situation is far from satisfactory .... urged the parties to reach consensus on the electoral system at the earliest and reach out to the agitating groups in order to create a favourable climate .... will soon bring out the list of political parties
PM for fulfilling all demands before polls fulfilling the demands of the agitating groups .... Koirala also said that the talks with the various agitating groups would reach a conclusion in the next few days.
PM Koirala inaugurates the annual convention of the Democratic NGO Federation
Torture: A Time To Heal The issue of involuntary disappearances, which continues to haunt the people of Nepal even a year after the cessation of armed conflict, has a lot to do with torture. .... oftentimes a person is ‘disappeared’ after the latter is subjected to extreme torture, which leads to his/her death or severe mental/physical injury. In order to suppress the consequence, the victim is made to ‘disappear.’ ...... an improvement from the time of conflict when every year, 100,000 people in the country were directly or indirectly traumatised by torture – mental or physical – perpetrated against them or their family members. ....... torture is still used as a favoured tool to extract confessions; and routinely practiced to subdue opponents. ..... isolation, deprivation, blind-folding, humiliation, threats, threats to relatives, sexual abuse and mental tormenting ..... current laws do not yet designate torture as a crime .... various groups have sprouted, particularly in southern plains, carrying out low intensity insurgency. ...... there are nine different armed outfits in Terai ..... the Maoist-affiliated Young Communist League (YCL), too, has been accused of engaging in indiscriminate abductions and torture. ...... in last one year, the state security forces have turned into mute spectators to the situation of worsening anarchy ........ institutionalise the mechanism of visits to detention centres ..... joining the International Criminal Court (ICC) would also go a long way to deal with crimes against humanity and end impunity ...... By agreeing to pass such impotent law, the women political leaders and MPs of even so-called revolutionary parties exposed the naked fact that though they have body of women, their mind resembles to those of feudal males
Civil society comes up with 6-pt recommendation for CA election CMDP requested the government to hold the CA election in a fully proportional electoral system. .... an all-party roundtable meeting be organised ..... hold all-party round table meetings with Madheshi, Dalit, women and Janjati organisations which have been agitating
UML central meeting focused on polls, says Khanal The central committee meeting, which will run for five days, is expected to come up with the party’s strategies for the upcoming CA polls.
Small arms may affect CA polls the increasing use in small arms has put public security in jeopardy.
NSP-Anandidevi forms new working committeedoes not include those from dissenting factions from both sides. ...... Anandidevi Singh is the president of unified NSP-A. two vice presidents Rajendra Mahato and Ram Narayan Yadav. Likewise, there are two general secretaries, Anil Kumar Jha and Shyam Sundar Gupta. ..... five co-general secretaries including Biswonath Singh Rajbanshi, Sitaram Mandal, Surendra Prasad Kurmi, Kasim Ali Siddiqui and Raj Kumar Gupta. Nawal Kishore Shah has been appointed as treasurer while Sarita Giri is the spokesperson
Terai life hit hard by routine bandhs The agitating Madhesi Janadhikar Forum (MJF), two factions of Janatantrik Terai Mukti Morcha (JTMM), Terai Tigers, and Maoist sister organisations have called bandhs numerous times ...... A Maoist-called bandh in Siraha, Saptari, Sunsari, Udaypur and Rautahat paralysed normal life on the second day on Monday as well. .... Young Communist League (YCL) members could be seen roaming around Rajbiraj and other towns asking shop owners to close their shops. ..... In Rupni of Saptari district, the Maoists torched four trucks during their protest ..... In Rautahat, the Maoist called bandh demanding action against those involved in Gaur massacre
Thapa asks leaders to rise above partisan interests Surya Bahadur Thapa has expressed doubts that environment conducive for polls would be in place for the Constituent Assembly (CA) elections ..... "If the major three players of today's politics (PM Koirala, Prachanda and UML general secretary Madhav Kumar Nepal) do not come up with ideas to move forward through understanding in next one to two months, I do not think the present situation can improve on time for credible polls" ....... currently all the three players were bent on having CA elections but "on their own respective terms." ...... "Just by announcing elections date, I do not think there can be a miracle creating proper environment of security" ..... On the issue of Maoist-affiliated Young Communist League (YCL), Thapa said that no one should try to "give them time to improve at the cost of human rights violations." ..... rejected claims made by some quarters that YCL's 'mistakes' were being 'exaggerated.' .... some good works done by YCL were "ruse to mislead the people." Watch Video
Govt sets Nov 22 poll date
YCL to start ‘door to door’ campaign in the valley the youth wing of Maoist party is facing increased criticism from every quarters for taking the law into its hands .... According to YCL valley coordinator Sagar, some 1,500 young men and women from the league would be mobilised for the campaign. .... YCL would also ‘secretively’ mobilise plain-clothed YCL activists who will observe the activities of the people and then report it to the organisation. ..... YCL plans to carry on with the campaign till September.

Govt sets Nov 22 poll date NepalNews
Serious mass movement if no CA, says Prachanda
UML central committee meeting begins
Speaker urges all to unite for CA polls
NRNA wants separate govt body to look after NRN matters
Maoists announce 3-day bandh in Saptari
Increasing number of Chitwan villagers involved in rhino poaching

Sunday, June 24, 2007

छाता संगठनको कुरा फेिर ल्याउने िक नल्याउने

मई १२ िदउँसो १ बजे सेन्ट्रल पार्क दक्िषण पूर्व कोणा
न्यु यर्कमा छाता संगठनको अावश्यकता

शिनवार UNDF ले नेपालबाट हास्य कलाकार िझकाइ गरेको सांस्कृितक कार्यक्रममा गइयोमान्छेहरू अाउन चािहं िढलो अाए तर अाएपिछ अोइिरएर अाए। Indoor यित धेरै नेपाली भेला भएको मैले देखेको छैनमनोज गजुरेल भनेको मेरो अनलाइन पेनपाल जस्तोसंसारको कुनाकाप्चाबाट मसँग अनलाइन अाएर च्याट गिरराख्ने मान्छेबल्ल भेंट भयोपिहलो पटक

कार्यक्रम शुरू हुनु अगािड मगर संगठन चलाएर बसेका लव गाउँलेले छाता संगठनको कुरा बारे फेिर पहल गर्नुस् भनेर भनेअाफ्नो कम्पनी अोबामाले मेरो सबै समय खाइिदएको अवस्था कहाँ गाडी फर्काउने?

मैले छाता संगठनकालािग पहल गरेको हो पक्कैतर न्यु यर्कका पहिरयाहरूमा राजनीितक चेतनाको व्यापक कमी देिखयोसंगठन चलाउने, कोठे राजनीित गर्ने समय समयमा कार्यक्रम गर्ने, तयित अिहेलेत्यो भन्दामािथ जान सक्या छैनत्यो सानो समस्या होठूलो समस्या यो हो िक मै हुँ भनाउने पहिरयाहरूलाई मधेशी नेतृत्व कदािप पिन स्वीकार्य छैनत्यस मानिसकताकालािग उनीहरू अाफ्नै खुट्टामा बन्चरो हान्न तयार छन्

न्यु यर्कका अिधकांश पहिरयाहरू भनेका मधेशी क्रान्ितका िवरूद्ध नेपालमा िवषवमन गर्ने पहिरयाका फोटोकपी हुन्राजनीितक रूपले खट्न परे बरू िहस्पािनककालािग खटौंला तर यी पहिरयाहरूकालािग खट्न तयार छैनअोबामाकालािग खट्ने न्यु यर्कका सबैभन्दा सक्िरय मािनसहरू मबाट प्रभािवत छन्तर पहिरयाहरू त्यस क्याटेगोरीमा पर्दैनन्

मधेशी क्रान्ितको २१ िदन अप्िरल क्रान्ितको १९ िदनको दोस्रो अध्याय होत्यसलाई िहंसावादी, राजावादी िहन्दु कट्टरपन्थी खेल भन्ने पहिरयाहरू भाँडमा जाउन्त्यो prejudice बोलेको होमनोज गजुरेलले त्यसैमा हाँमा हाँ िमलाएको ज्यादै नमजा लाग्योगणतन्त्रको नारा िदने मधेशी क्रान्ित राजावादी िक राजावादी िगिरजा बाहुन राजावादी? मुस्िलम शहीद पैदा गर्ने मधेशी क्रान्ित िहन्दु कट्टरपन्थी िक िगिरजा बाहुन प्रचण्ड बाहुन िहन्दु कट्टरपन्थी? कमल थापालेभन्दा झन्डै दुइ गुणा बढी शहीद पैदा गर्ने कंस िसटौला िहंसावादी िक मधेशी क्रान्ित?

बरू देश टुट्ला तर मधेशीहरूलाई असमानता सह्य छैन

िटकट चािहं सबैले काट्नैपर्छ, तर तपाईं हाम्रो नेपालको अध्यक्षको नाताले अितिथको रूपमा अाउनुस् भनेर टेक गुरूङजीले हप्तौ अगािड भनेको होिरबनको तक्मा पिन िभडाइयोतर उद्घोषक किहले नसप्िरने पहिरया शैलेश श्रेष्ठले अरू सब संगठन ितनका अध्यक्षहरूको नाम भने, मेरो भनेनन्हुन स्टेजबाट मेरो नाम भिनएको सुन्न गएको पक्कै होइन, तर अाफ्नो संगठनकालािग मैले अाक्षेप िलनै पर्छमैले िरबनको तक्मा मम खाएको अलुिमनमको भाँडोमा फाल्िदएँ

यो किहले नसप्िरने पहिरया शैलेश श्रेष्ठको पिहलो बदमाशी होइनहाम्रो नेपाल राजनीितक स्पन्सर रहेको डा देवेन्द्र राज पाण्डेको कार्यक्रममा पाण्डेको ठ्याक्क अगािड मैले बोल्ने िनर्धािरत िथयोतर उद्घोषक किहले नसप्िरने पहिरया शैलेश श्रेष्ठले मेरो नाम चट गरेर, डा देवेन्द्र राज पाण्डेलाई बोल्न डाकेर तयहाँबाट टाप कसेशैलेश श्रेष्ठ, अानन्द िवष्टहरू भनेका कोठे राजनीित गर्ने मािनसहरूमेरो नाम त्यसरी िझक्दा उसलाई स्याबासी िदने मािनसहरू को को हुन् भन्ने कुरा सहजै अनुमान गर्न सिकन्छ

आनंद िवष्ट भनेको राजनीितक सुझबुझ भएको मान्छे होइनअमेिरकािभत्र अमेिरका बािहरको राजनीितक दलको शाखा खोल्न पाइन्न भन्ने कुरा िवष्टलाई पिन थाहा छैन, िवष्टका काँग्रेसी िवपक्षीहरूलाई पिन थाहा छैन जस्तो । Illegal काम गरे जस्तै Illegal दुइ दुइ
शाखा खोलेर उनीहरू डेढ वर्षदेिख मारामार गरेको गर्यै छन्काठमाण्डुका िगिरजाहरूले जानीजानी नचाएको कुरा िवष्ट िवष्टका िवपक्षीहरूलाई थाहा लािगसक्या छैन‍। कुनै िदन लाग्लाअमेिरकाका काँग्रेसीहरूलाई काठमाण्डुका िगिरजाहरूले कठपुतली बनाएर छोिडिदएका छन्

नेपालको काँग्रेसको रोग न्यु यर्कका काँग्रेसीहरूमा पिन कोठे राजनीितको रोगअप्रजातान्त्िरक चिरत्रको रोगमधेशीलाई देिख नसहने रोग

समानुपाितक िनर्वाचनको बाहुन फर्मुला मधेशी िवरूद्धको षडयन्त्र हो
तराईमा िहंसाको राजनीितक समाधान छ
जनजाित र दिलतले पार्टी नखोल्नु मानिसक दासता हो
Nepali Times Poll: A Lot Of Room For New Parties
Girija's Dictatorship: Money To The Maoists And The Congress

A Fair Formula For 240 Seats For Proportional Elections

240 seats have been allocated for direct elections. Of those 120 seats will be in the Terai. That is fair as long as there is no attempt at gerrymandering. All those 120 constituencies should be demarcated north to south, from the Nepal-India border in the south to the Churia hills in the north. That is how it has been done in the past. The first attempt was to do so much gerrymandering that none of the current Madhesi MPs would win. That was the Pahadi way to insult the Madhesi Kranti one more time.

There are 240 seats to be allocated through proportional representation. The current formula for that is bogus. It has been designed to favor the three Bahun parties - Congress, UML, Maobadi - and to marginalize the Sadbhavana and the MJF. This is unacceptable.

What would be a fair formula?

Political parties may contest for the proportional election seats only in those districts where they also contest the directly elected seats. And their formula for the list for the proportional election seats will follow the population composition of those districts alone and not the national population composition, as is being suggested right now.

Completely Proportional Elections To The Constituent Assembly
Girija Will Kill Another 40,000 Nepalis
द्वैध नागिरकता िबना नेपालमा अार्िथक क्रान्ित सम्भव छैन
Mayawati Has Lessons For Madhesi, Janajati, Dalit, Mahila
एक मधेशी पार्टी

In The News

Govt to fix poll date Sunday NepalNews
OHCHR raises alarm over YCL activities
JTMM-Goit kills Maoist leader in Saptari
PM should take responsibility if CA polls fail: Nepal
Maoists call indefinite strike in Sarlahi; MJF shut down Parasi
Maoists threaten Madi victims
Trouble in Maoists' Madhesi front; Matrika Yadav steps down growing dispute between his faction and the one led by MP Prabhu Shah. .... MP Ram Kumari Yadav has been brought in as the new chief of the front for the time being. ..... They have had head-on confrontation against other organisations such as Madhesi Janadhikar Forum (MJF) and two factions of Janatantrik Terai Mukti Morcha (JTMM). The Maoists and MJF have demanded ban on each other.

UML rejects Maoists' plan on sharing local bodies NepalNews the plan presented by the Maoists on sharing of local bodies – equally among the three big parties, the Nepali Congress, UML and the Maoists.
Maoists disagree with Madi memorial
Cabinet fails to finalise election date, committee formed for PLA integration
Power still lies in Army Headquarters and Royal Palace, claims Prachanda
Deuba doubts CA elections in Mangsir "In the hilly regions, the Maoists continue to spread terror and violence. They seize vehicles even of police and have not returned properties they have captured. On the other hand, there is violence in Terai region. Elections cannot be held without improving these situations."
Prasai presented before court
Tamrat Samuel appointed UNMIN’s deputy chief

Poudel says PM never spoke about ousting Maoists from govt NepalNews
Yami unveils plan of east west highway in north building tunnel way linking capital valley with Terai as well as building ropeways and railway lines. .... half a dozen north-south roads linking India and China.
UN chief welcomes PLA verification
Nepal govt not doing enough to protect journos: IFJ
Nepal ranked 21st in Failed States Index the third annual Failed States Index 2007. .... topped by Sudan followed by Iraq and Somalia. ..... "Using 12 social, economic, political, and military indicators, we ranked 177 states in order of their vulnerability to violent internal conflict and societal deterioration. The index scores are based on data from more than 12,000 publicly available sources collected from May to December 2006. The 60 most vulnerable states are listed in the rankings" ...... Afghanistan is ranked at 8th position while Pakistan stands at 11th position. Bangladesh is at 16th position; Sri Lanka stands at 25th position and Bhutan at 47th position ...... rampant corruption, predatory elites who have long monopolisd power, an absence of the rule of law, and severe ethnic or religious divisions. ........ there are many paths to success, there are many paths to failure for states on the edge

Local bodies to be formed by mid-July NepalNews the local bodies, too, will be run by eight party understanding
Thakur wants end to status-quo
Maoists to organise agitation in Madhes soon ruled out any agreement to reduce the number of PLA fighters to 15,000 as reported in some media. "There has been no such agreement

PM vows to act tough on YCL NepalNews Talking to the representatives of the Madheshi Janadhikar Forum (MJF) at his Baluwatar residence Tuesday, Koirala said he would take strong measures to check the violent activities of the YCL. ...... MJF representatives had gone to Baluwatar to submit a memorandum to the Prime Minister, demanding ouster of the Maoists from the government and a ban on YCL. ...... Koirala is also said to have assured the MJF that the government is committed to fulfill the demands of the Madheshi people. He also said the activities of YCL would feature in the next meeting of the eight parties. ..... Last week, the meeting of the CPN-Maoist central secretariat had decided to take a proposal of putting a ban on MJF to the government.

MJF demands ban on YCL NepalNews Talking to reporters after the conclusion of a two-day meeting of the MJF central committee in Janakpur Monday, party chairman Upendra Yadav even said the Maoists should immediately be expelled from the coalition government and there should be a ban on the YCL. ...... Yadav said also his party was ready to hold talks with the government but accused the latter of not taking any initiative to for talks on the demands of the party. ....... The meeting dismissed the old central committee and re-organised an ad hoc committee until the general convention, which is scheduled for October.
Maoists Barring Leaders from Visiting Villages: Deuba Himalayan Times accused the Maoists of preventing leaders of other parties and security personnel from going to the rural areas in the Far West. ...... "The Maoist cadres placed stones on the roads during my visit to the Far West," he said, adding that the Maoists have not improved their conduct. "How could the constituent assembly (CA) polls be held when the Maoists are threatening people?" he asked. ..... they are still not respecting the 12-point agreement ..... he would update himself on the latest development on the party unification front after returning to the capital.
Rains spur PLA fighters to fan out in villages

Hydraulic failure Gorbachev Nepali Times By 2100, one to three billion people worldwide are expected to suffer from water scarcity. Global warming will increase evaporation and severely reduce rainfall—by upto 20 percent in the Middle East and North Africa—with the amount of water per person possibly halved by mid-century in these regions. This sudden scarcity of an element central to human life will exacerbate conflicts worldwide. ...... the most violent water wars take place today within rather than among states, fuelling ethnic strife, as communities seek to capture the resource. In Darfur, recurrent drought has poisoned relations between farmers and nomadic herdsmen, and the war we are helplessly witnessing today follows years of escalating conflict. Chad risks falling prey to the same cycle of violence. ..... Agriculture accounts for more than 70 percent of water use in the world. ..... the dramatic shrinkage of the Aral Sea, Lake Chad, and the Dead Sea ..... The Cold War ended peacefully thanks to realism, foresight, and strength of will. These qualities should be put to work to stave off major water wars. This also demands innovation in global governance, which is why we support the creation of a UN Environment Agency, endowed with adequate legal and financial resources.
“A mobile telecom revolution” two billion mobile subscribers globally. It took us over ten years to get the first billion, and five years to get the next. Eighteen months ago we believed the total would reach three billion by 2009. Now, however, we think that will happen by the end of this year. .......... Markets like Nepal will go through a revolution and not have to wait 10 years to get to where Australia or Singapore are today. ...... the GDP of a country increases by 0.6 percent per 10 percent increase in mobile penetration. ........ Nepal does not have very high fixed teledensity, so the demand and potential of mobile internet is going to be significant in the future. ..... for a lot of people in countries like Nepal, the first time they ever talk on the phone will be on a mobile device

MPRF for Maoist ouster, YCL ban Kantipur MAHOTTARI, June 19 - The Madhesi People's Rights Forum (MPRF) has demanded the 'ouster' of the CPN (Maoist) party from the government and imposing of a 'ban' on its youth wing, the Young Communist League (YCL). .... the MPRF central meeting held on Sunday at Bakhari Secondary School of Ankar VDC, Mahottari district. Speaking at a press conference organized here on Monday, MPRF chairman Upendra Yadav accused the Maoists of violating the Peace Accord and of not storing away all their arms in the UN-monitored containers. ..... Yadav termed the Maoist proposal to the government to ban the MPRF as 'anti-Madhesi' and 'anti-democratic.' ..... demanded that the government find out the condition of MPRF Kathmandu chairman Jitendra Shah, who was abducted from his house at Koteshwor on Thursday
Indefinite curfew re-imposed in Birtamod
ँराजतन्त्रप्रति मोह छैन’
ँराजसंस्था कमजोर छैन’ कमल थापाले राजसंस्थाको शक्ति कमजोर नभएको दाबी गरेका छन् ..... 'कञ्चनपुरको सीडीओलाई करिब एक सय उद्दण्ड माओवादी गएर कुटपिट गर्दा प्रहरी आएन । कुनै दिन एक हजारले गिरिजाबाबुलाई बालुवाटारबाट अपदस्थ गर्दा पनि त्यही नियति हुने हो ।' ...... मंसिरमा पनि चुनाव गराउने ग्यारेन्टी गर्न नसक्नुमा आठ दलको दोष भएको .... 'आठ दल आफ्नै अन्तरकलहले समाप्त हुन्छ ।' भेलामा शाहीकालका मन्त्रीहरू टंक ढकाल, जगत गौचन र दुर्गा श्रेष्ठ पनि थिए ।
माओवादीलाई सरकारबाट हटाउन माग
गाउँमा राजनीतिक माहोल छैन ः आचार्य लोकतान्त्रिक गणराज्य अभियानका अगुवा नरहरि आचार्यले ग्रामीण क्षेत्रमा संविधानसभाका लागि राजनीतिक माहोल नबनेको बताएका छन् ।
संविधानसभा र गणतन्त्रको सवाल

Thapa warns against republic NepalNews if monarchy is abolished, the Prime Minister, too, will be abolished ...... "If the King is abolished, the PM will have to share the fate similar to CDO of Kanchanpur. No one will be able to protect him then," said Thapa ..... Thapa predicted that the future of eight parties will end with monarchy. He said democracy cannot exist in the absence of monarchy. ...... Thapa went on to claim that morale of nationalist forces, too, will soar and they will work to 'capture' power from the streets. "We will not allow them to finish off monarchy," he said, at the programme, which was held in the hall of Ex-Army Association in Pulchowk after the authorities denied them the Birendra International Convention Center (BICC). ..... Constituent Assembly cannot take place in Mangsir. ..... "It will be unfortunate for Girija and Prachanda if monarchy is abolished."
Second phase verification to begin today
PM denies making comments favouring 'minor King'
EC to govt: Fix poll date immediately
CA will decide monarchy's future, anyway: PM
Prachanda raps PM remarks on monarchy; Deuba says it’s Koirala’s ‘personal opinion’ Deuba, who is on a tour to the far-west region, said there were no discussions in the eight-party meetings about deciding monarchy's fate before the CA polls. ..... unity between the Nepali Congress and his party would accelerate as soon as he returned to the capital. ...... On Sunday, talking to a team of Pakistani journalists in his Baluwatar residence, Koirala said he had told the king that monarchy could be saved if King Gyanendra and Crown Prince Paras abdicated before the November polls.
Republic will come if King, Crown Prince do not step down ahead of CA: PM
Curfew continues in Birtamod
India steps up vigil along border to bar entry of refugees, Maoists
Deuba asks Maoists to return seized lands

Prachanda sees conspiracies galore NepalNews Contrary to the claims made by many senior leaders of the ruling coalition that the eight-party unity is intact, CPN-Maoist chairman Prachanda has said it is heading towards a disaster. He also claimed that the morale of the eight party leaders is at its all time low. .... “The increasing violence and mayhem in Terai plains has increased the danger of the country seeing a counter revolution. I have also learnt from my sources that there are even conspiracies to compel us to return to the jungle (to take up arms against the state) before this Dashain, but I tell you we are very committed to the peace process.” ...... He further said that the Madheshi people are already over and done with the movement for their rights and there are only criminal activities going on in the name of the Terai movement.
Maoists find Carter's assurance positive
Carter to urge Bush administration to have communication with Maoists
MK Nepal claims JTMM not receiving Indian support The central meeting of the Loktantric Madheshi Sangathan, a Madheshi wing of CPN-UML party, has kicked off in Birgunj from Saturday. Altogether 50 representatives are taking part in the two-day event that began with the aim to ensure the rights of the Madheshi community and draw a long-term solution to the Terai unrest. ...... the two-factions of Janatantrik Terai Mukti Morcha (JTMM) involved in low-intensity armed activities in the Terai are not receiving any kind of assistance or support from India. ..... CPN-UML had opened the Madheshi organisation under the leadership of Madheshi leader Raghubir Mahaseth two years ago in order to increase its reach to the Madheshi community.