Showing posts with label girija. Show all posts
Showing posts with label girija. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Girija Will Kill Another 40,000 Nepalis

Mayawati Has Lessons For Madhesi, Janajati, Dalit, Mahila

The decade long civil war cost us about 13,000 lives to warfare and twice that many to suicides. That is not to count the displaced. That is not to count the damage to infrastrucure. That is not to take into account the lost economic opportunities.

The Maoists might have launched it, but it all gained momentum when Girija Koirala decided there was to be a military solution to the Maoist insurgency. This idiot was the most vicious opponent to the idea of a constituent assembly for the longest time possible. He was the last person to see that a constituent assembly was the only meeting ground for the three political forces in the country.

Girija is the original author of the idea of a military solution to the Maoist insurgency. Gyanendra followed in his footsteps.

Result: 40,000 lives. The tragedy is that if we all had agreed to the idea of a constituent assembly before these 40,000 people died, they might still have been around. A constituent assembly is not a surrender to the Maoists. It is a just political solution.

And now Girija Bahun is talking of sending the army into the Terai. The day he does that, he will have pushed Nepal into a civil war that might last 20 years. It will be a point of no return. This will be much worse than Sri Lanka. The Madhesis are almost half of Nepal's population. They don't live on an island. There is an open border.

If Girija sends in the army, Nepal will no longer remain one country. It will not even be two countries. It will spiral down to being a failed state.

Girija Koirala is a motherfucker for thinking in terms of a civil war. Goit would absolutely love it if the Nepal Army were to be sent into the Terai. That will help him recruit more soldiers. That will prove his point that it makes no sense for the Terai to continue to be part of Nepal.

The country will break into two. But before that there will be a vicious civil war. It will be like one of those African countries.

We all know Girija is stupid. But launching a civil war is more than stupid, it is criminal behavior.

द्वैध नागिरकता िबना नेपालमा अार्िथक क्रान्ित सम्भव छैन

What Is The Solution?

Stop humiliating the Madhesi MPs. The Pahadis in power have gerrymandered the constituencies of all the sitting Madhesi MPs so as to ensure their defeat at the polls. All the additional constituencies that the Madhesi Movement earned for the Terai have been allocated such that they will lie east-west along the Chure range where many Pahadis live.

This humiliation is amazing in that it cuts across all party lines. It is almost like political parties do not matter no more. All Pahadi leaders are on one side, all Madhesi leaders have been put on another side.

The Madhesi MPs have no option but to abandon all the Pahadi parties and come together under one umbrella.

Girija has humiliated the Madhesi Janadhikar Forum, which is a nonviolent political outfit. Girija humiliates the legitimate political actors and that creates room for the violent actors like Goit and Jwala.

The solution is to respect the Madhesi aspirations. The solution is to respect the Madhesi political outfits like the MJF. The solution is to respect the Madhesi MPs. You do all that to isolate the violent groups. And then you deal with them like we dealt with the Maoists. We engage in respectful dialogue.

एक मधेशी पार्टी

Rajendra Mahato

Mahato said that some Madhesi will end up Chief Minister of the future Madhesh state. Is that a revelation? That is what will happen. Why the furor?

मैले पिरकल्पना गरेको मधेश राज्य

In The News

Minister Mahato regrets PM's comment NepalNews "What I said is that Madhesis should be allowed to rule Madhes. This I will say one lakh times," Mahato said on Tuesday.
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Prachanda, Bamdev discuss red unity Gautam is learnt to have taken this request by Prachanda in a positive light and has promised that he would put this before his party’s high command.
Jwala's men kill two cadres of Goit's faction
Maoist women vandalise Kanchanpur DAO
YCL steps up vandalism of Kings' statues
NC will unite once CA date is announced, says PM

म पहाडे-मधेसी-खस-नेपाली

डा जुगल भर्ुतेल

लहानको घटनाले एउटा राष्ट्रको रूपमा हाम्रो रूपान्तरण असहज हुने संकेत दिएपछि आफ्नो पहिचान पहिल्याउने प्रयत्न गर्दा माथिका शर्ीष्ाक तयार भयो, जुन मैले ठूलो गर्व गर्ने मेरो भावनात्मक परिचय हो । एसएलसी पास गरेर काठमाडौं जानु अघिसम्म मैले कहिल्यै नजिकबाट पहाड नदेखेको भए पनि हजुरबुबा भोजपुरबाट र्झनुभएकोले मेरो हनुहारमा पहाडेको छाप लाउने असफल प्रयास गरिन्छ, तर म जन्मे, हर्ुके, बढे र पढेको ठाउ“ मधेस भएकोले म मधेसी हु“ । मेरो नाममा समेत पहाडेपन छैन । भोजपुरभन्दा अघिको इतिहास हाम्रो परिवारलाई थाहा छैन । अज्ञानतावश खस राज्य कहा“ छ, म अनभिज्ञ छु र खस शब्दको भूगोल वा जाति केलाई बुझाउ“छ, मलाई थाहा छैन । तर मधेसमा पनि बाहुन हुने भएकोले जातीय आन्दोलनका नेताहरूले मलाई खस-बाहुन बनाइदिएका हुनसक्छन् । त्यही नै मेरो पहिचान पनि होला, तर काठमाडौंको सामन्ती शासनलाई बुझाउने क्रममा जातीय मानमर्दनका लागि त्यसको व्यापक दुरुपयोग हुने गरेको मेरो अनुभूति छ । खैर जे होस्, मेरो सम्पर्ूण्ा अस्तित्व जोडिएको मूलघर र मातृभूमि झापा भएकोले म झापाली हु“ । मलाई मान्छेमात्र हैनन्, हावा, पानी, माटो, रूख सबै त्यहींका प्रिय लाग्छन् । तर म नेपाल हुन्जेलमात्र झापाली हु“ । यहा“ विदेशमा त मेरा अरू सबै विशेषणहरू गौण हुन्छन् र म केवल नेपाली हुन्छु । हिजोसम्म त्यही मेरो मौलिक पहिचान र जातीय स्वाभिमानको र्सवाेच्चता थियो । तर सबै जातिले आ-आफ्नो ठाउ“ खोज्न थालेपछि नेपालीमात्रको मेरो परिचय क्रमशः अमर्ूत हु“दै गएको छ र म को हु“ भनेर आफैंस“ग अप्ठेरो प्रश्न सोध्न बाध्य भएको छु ।

मैले आफ्नै आ“खाअघि सोभियत साम्रँज्यलाई धराशायी भएको देखेको छु । अनि देश गुमाएर विक्ष्ँिप्तझैं भएका प्यालेस्टिनीहरूको संगतले जीवन-जगतलाई अलि नजिकबाट बुझ्ने प्रयास गरेको छु । अन्तर्रर्ााट्रय वातावरणमा अध्ययन गर्नुको सबैभन्दा ठूलो फाइदा नै थरीथरीका विदेशी मित्रहरूको अनुभवमा उद्घाटित जीवनका नौला पाटास“गको साक्ष्ँँत्कारमा हुने रहेछ । म सोभियत संघमा अध्ययन गर्दा मेरो कक्षामा एउटा प्यालेस्टिनी साथी थियो- अहम्मद । छात्रावासमा पनि ऊ मेरो छिमेकी भएकोले हामी प्रायः स“गै हुन्थ्यौं । उसको आफ्नो देश नभएकोले पढाइ सकेर र्फकेर जाने उसको कुनै ठाउ“ थिएन । निराशाको चरम उद्वेलनमा ऊ कहिलेकाही“ अ“ध्यारो कोठामा एक्लै बसेर रुने गर्थ्याे र मलाई भन्थ्यो, 'त“ कति भाग्यमानी, तेरो आफ्नै देश छ ।' त्यस्तो बेला मलाई आफ्नो देश भएको र उसको नभएकोमा अलिकति ग्लानिबोध पनि हुन्थ्यो । हरेक शनिबार मस्कोमा अध्ययनरत उसका थुप्रै साथीहरू उसलाई भेट्न आउ“थे । उनीहरू राति अबेरसम्म यासेर अराफातका भाषणका क्यासेट सुनेर उत्तेजित हुन्थे, राष्ट्रप्रेमले ओतप्रोत गीत गाएर हामीलाई सुत्न दि“दैन थिए । ती सबै शरणार्थी थिए । कोही जोर्डनबाट आएका, कोही लेबनानबाट र कोही सिरियाबाट । अध्ययनपछि ऊ सायद जोर्डन फर्कियो र हाम्रो सर्म्पर्क पनि टुट्यो । तर स्वतन्त्रताको मूल्यलाई चिनाएर नेपाललाई माया गर्न सिकाएकोमा म जहिले पनि अहम्मदप्रति कृतज्ञ रहनेछु । तर्राईमा बढ्दो हिंसाले उसलाई फेरि सम्झाइदिएको छ ।

केही हामी अब नेपालको अस्तित्वलाई निमिट्यान्न पार्ने उद्योगमा लागिसकेका हौं - झट्ट हर्ेदा भयावह र लामो मानवीय संकट निम्त्याउने समस्याजस्तो देखिए पनि टुक्रिनु र फुट्नुको डोमिनो असर हुन्छ- एकपटक सुरु भएपछि तीव्र गतिमा सबै ढलाउ“दै लैजाने । नत्र अपराजेय ठानिने सोभियत संघ १५ टुक्रामा त्यति सहजै परिणत हुने थिएन । साम्प्रदायिक रक्तपातले एक समयको शक्तिशाली युगोस्लाभिया झन्-झन् खुम्चिएर र्सर्भियामा मात्र सीमित हु“दा पनि कोसोभोको रूपमा अझै चोइटिने क्रम जारी छ । वातावरणमा जातिविद्वेषको विष घोलिएपछि सामाजिक सद्भाव र निश्चछलता सबैभन्दा पहिले घाइते हुन्छन् । मैले कोसोभोबाट ज्यान जोगाएर भागेको एउटा शरणार्थी र्सभ ट्याक्सी ड्राइभरलाई भेटेको थिए“ । हिजोसम्म आफन्तझैं लाग्ने अल्बेनियन छिमेकीहरूले उसको घरमा आगो लगाइदिएका थिए । नङमासुझैं रहेका छिमेकीहरू कसरी एक्कासी र्सभ र अल्बेनियनमा परिणत भएर एकअर्कालाई समाप्त पार्ने घृणित खेलमा सामेल भए - हातेमालो गरेर नया“ नेपाल बनाउने बेला हामी पनि खस, जनजाति,

मधेसी, पहाडी हु“दै टुक्रा-टुक्रामा विभक्त हु“दैछ । एक दसक लामो द्वन्द्वले जर्जर भइसकेको हाम्रोजस्तो देशलाई झर्‍यामझुरुम हुन कति समय लाग्ला र -

तर्राईका घटनाहरूले मलाईमात्र होइन, कुनै समय थाइल्यान्डमा स“गै अध्ययन गरेकी एउटी श्रीलंकाली साथीलाई पनि छक्क पारेको छ । माओवादी समस्यालाई राम्ररी बुझ्नुअघि नै त्यो समाधानको दिशातिर उन्मुख भएको देखेर उसले खुसी हु“दै इमेल पठाएकी थिई, 'हामीले पनि नेपालबाट शिक्ष्ँा लिनसकेको भए †' अहिले जातीय द्वन्द्वका संकेतहरू देखिएका छन् र उसले चिन्तित हु“दै फेरि लेखेकी छे, 'हिंसाले जातीय समस्यालाई बढाउनेमात्र काम गर्छ भन्ने कुराको उदाहरण श्रीलंकाभन्दा अर्काे कुन देश हुनसक्छ -' नेपालीले उसको देशबाट ठीक उल्टो शिक्ष्ँा लिइसकेको कुरा लेखेर मैले उसको आत्मसम्मानमा चोट पुर्‍याउन चाहिन ।

संसद्मा पुगेर अपराधीस“ग वातर्ँ गर्नुहुन्न, ती प्रतिगामी शक्ति हुन् भन्दै विजयको आत्मश्लाघामा लिन अर्काथरीलाई हतियारको भरमा टिकेको शक्ति कति क्षणभंगुर हुन्छ भन्ने कुराको यथेष्ट प्रमाण मधेसले दिइसकेको हु“दा उनीहरूको अहंकारी ध्वा“स हिजोको बन्दुकको गर्जनझैं कुरूप सुनिन्छ । राजाको निरंकुश शासनमा उग्रराष्ट्रवादीधारले प्रँेत्साहन पाएर सधैं उपनिवेशझैं रहेको तर्राईले अब दोस्रँे श्रेणीको भूभाग भएर बस्न अस्वीकार गरेको तथ्यलाई प्रतिगमन ठान्नु कति तर्कसंगत छ - मधेसको शोषण तथ्यांकले सावित भइसकेको कुरा हो । आज त्यही राजतन्त्रको अन्त्य होस् भनेर उसले माग गर्छ भने कसरी त्यसलाई अपराध भन्ने - तर्राईका नागरिकले राज्य सञ्चालनमा समान अधिकार खोजे र संविधानसभामा सबैको न्यायोचित प्रतिनिधित्व होस् भने त्यो कसरी नाजायज भयो - असंख्य विरोधाभाषले भरिएको कागजको मुठोलाई अन्तरिम संविधान भनेर हतार-हतार थोपर्दा अन्याय भएन, तर त्यसमा आवश्यक संशोधन होस् भन्दा प्रतिगमन मानिने - बरु देशभरि जातीय विखण्डनको अंकुरण गरेर र विध्वंसले मात्र नया“ सिर्जना हुनसक्छ भन्ने भयानक पाठ सिकाएर माओवादीले जुन भूल गरेका छन्, त्यसको सजाय मुलुकले होइन तिनले नै पाउनर्ुपर्छ भन्ने मलाई लाग्छ । तर उनीहरूझैं हतियार उठाउने हिंसाका कुरालाई म कहिल्यै र्समर्थन गर्दिन । संविधानसभाको निर्वाचनलाई मैले उनीहरूलाई दण्डित गर्ने उटा माध्यमको रूपमा हेरेको छु । तर्राईमा उर्लिएको जनचेतनाको भेलले प्रचण्डपथलाई बगाइदिएपछि पहाडमा समेत पथमा पहिरो जाने सम्भावना त उसै पनि बढेकै छ । हो, अहिले मधेसी आन्दोलनले चाहेझैं त्यो निर्वाचन समावेशी र न्यायपर्ूण्ा हुनर्ुपर्छपहाडे खस भए पनि म मधेसकै अङ्ग हु“ र त्यो मेरो पनि माग हो ।

अर्ढाई सय वर्षो शाही सामन्तवादको जञ्जिरलाई विस्तारै तोडेर उन्मुक्तितिर लम्केको मुलुकका शोषित-पीडित सबै वर्गका नेपालीस“ग अन्ततः आफ्नो पक्ष्ँमा शान्तिपर्ूण्ा ढङ्गले राज्यको समावेशीकरण गर्नसक्ने एउटा अवसर आएको छ । तर निरंकुश राजा र व्रि्रँेही शक्तिको आतंकबाट मुक्तिको सास फर्ेन नपाउ“दै मुलुकमा फेरि अर्काे डढेलो लाग्ने संकेत देखिएका छन् । संविधान संशोधन गरेर त्यो आगोलाई बेलैमा नियन्त्रण गरिएन भने त्यसले र्सवनाश निम्त्याउने त निश्चितै छ । त्यसबेला मजस्ता पहाडे मधेसीमात्र होइन, सम्पर्ूण्ा नेपाली जातिकै पहिचान लोप हुनसक्छ । त्यसबेला म पनि पहाडे-मधेसी- खस-बाहुन- झापाली-नेपालीको समग्र परिचयबाट एक-एक गरी मुक्त हु“दै मेरो प्यालेस्टिनी साथीझैं केवल शरणार्थी हुनेछु । तर सायद एकचोटी गुमेको देश फेरि फिर्ता नहुने अहम्मदको जीवनबाट सिकेको पाठ र विदेशको बसाइले होला, नेपाली पहिचान विनाको आफ्नो अस्तित्वको म कल्पनासमेत गर्न सक्तिन ।

-लेखक, मस्कोमा बसोबास गर्छन् ।)

Posted on: 2007-02-05 21:10:28

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Girija Bahun Baje Dumbass

Is this guy something, or is he something? Look at how he intends to handle the Madhesi Janajati kranti. He is going to create more mayhem. He is going to spill blood. He is going to give birth to more and more martyrs. 40 are not enough.

He wants to treat the Madhesi Janajati kranti as a law and order problem. He wants to find a police/military solution to a movement that is inherently political in nature.

Girija Koirala is the father of the military solution to the Maoist insurgency idea. That backfired big time. Ultimately it is a political solution that has been working. And the Maoist thing was armed from day one.

The Madhesi Janajati kranti is no armed insurgency. But Girija is intent on pushing it and pushing it until it does turn into an armed insurgency.

Girija is a dumass, plain and simple. Girija is a Bahun Baje. That pretty much sums up his ideology. He sees a Bahun in power in Nepal as far as the eyes can see. He is scared he might be the last Bahun to hold the top office in Nepal. And so he wants to prevent the inevitable any which way he can. This Bahun Baje is in panic mode.

He tried to outorganize the MJF strike first. That did not work. He has sent security forces to the Nepal India border, supposedly to check Hindu supremacist infiltration.

Girija obviously can't see straight.

This guy took a strong stand against the constituent assembly idea for as long as he could. And so thousands of lives were unnecessarily lost. But finally he did come around to it. He does not lead. He takes his pigheaded stands to which he offers no logic. And finally he has to be pushed into moving a few inches to making sense. This guy is an albatross around your neck. He prevents progress. That is his primary political skill.

People say he has done much for democracy in Nepal. I say the Koirala brothers are the reason why democracy got delayed in Nepal by half a century. BP Koirala took the army from the Rana prime minister and instead of keeping it with the civilian leadership handed it over on a platter to the feudal king. That has been the biggest blunder of the democracy movement in Nepal. As a result numerous people suffered, BP Koirala among them.

It was Girija's lack of performance in the 1990s that put the country through the subsequent chaos.

The thing is Girija is wedded to the 1990 constitution. He never gave up on it. He never understood why the 1990 document was inadequate. That is still his position.

And today he stands against social progress. The Bahun Baje wants to make no room for the hitherto marginalized groups.

The Madhesh has been the backbone of Girija Koirala's party. Now that party is going to get wiped out of the Madhesh. He is going to have to go graze elsewhere. If he mishandles this Madhesi Janajati kranti, he is going to have to bid farewell to the Madhesh for a long time to come, if not forever.

Girija is obviously not driven by democratic instincts, he is not obviously driven by political instincts of self interest on behalf of his party, or he would try to lead the aspirations of the Madhesi movement, and cater to it. What is Girija is driven by is his Bahun prejudice. He feels the wind of tens of thousands of years behind his back. And so he is not going to let go easy.

Girija is nuts. In getting ready to produce martyrs, he is playing with fire. He has the option to fulfill the three basic demands of the Madhesi Janajati Movement, and hold elections in June. Or there is no telling which way the politics in the country will go. If the Madhesi Janajati Movement goes on for weeks like the April Revolution, and the Maghe Kranti, Girija is gone. He will lose power. He will be pushed into retirement. He might end up facing trial.

Bhagwan unko sadbuddhi de.

Madhesi Janajati Kranti: Victory Scenarios
Ensuring Ethnic And Gender Representation In The Constituent Assembly
Madhesi Janajati Kranti: Confusion, Clarity
Madhesi Janajati Kranti: A Few Scenarios
Mantra For An Economic Revolution In Nepal
Elections In November
Why Will Girija Not Seek A Common Sense Solution?
Bill On Political Parties
पुरे देशको प्यारालाइज कर दो
Nepalgunj II: This Is A Repeat
Eighth State: Khasan
Arato: Well Meaning But Away From Ground Realities
माअोवादी तानाशाही मुर्दाबाद
A Nepali Diaspora Milestone
िगिरजाको कुर्सी से हटा दो, सेरेमोिनयल बना दो
Federalism As A Formula
Janakpur Madhesis Demand Federal Republic Nepal

In The News

Nepal to step up security on India border Assam Tribune, India
1200 APF personnel to man Nepal-India border Kantipur Online
APF to be deployed along Nepal-India border
Nepal to deploy paramilitary forces along Indian border
Relation between Nepal Maoists and Indian Naxals fraternal, says ..., Nepal
Nepal paralyzed by strike, Nepal
Gurkhas to enjoy full British Army pensions, Nepal
Gurkhas' terms 'to be improved' BBC News, UK
Pressure from Maoists forces woman industrialist to shift base Gulf Times, Qatar
I’m happy to see peace process moving in a positive direction ... Kantipur Online, Nepal
Maoists to table 'republic proposal' at parliament Kantipur Online, Nepal
Norwegian minister meets Prachanda Gorkhapatra, Nepal
Indian Railways to go international Times, India
Nepali People Express Vote of No Confidence in The Maoists NewsBlaze, CA
Policemen injured in attack during Terai bandh in Nepal, Nepal
17 per cent women parliamentarians World wide, Nepal
Top 3 Nepali parties say to form interim gov't by mid-March People's Daily Online, China
Pakistan advocates energy cooperation in S Asia: minister Daily Times, Pakistan
Southern Nepal paralyzed by strike PRESS TV, Iran
Women Seek 33 pc Representation in CA Himalayan Times, Nepal
Let CA Decide on King's Position: NSU Prez Himalayan Times, Nepal

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Why Will Girija Not Seek A Common Sense Solution?

A new interim government is about to be formed. That means the entire cabinet will be reorganized. The Home Minister might have had to go regardless.

Girija is like a stopped clock that is right two times a day. For one, he is sick. I wonder how much time he puts into work daily. And what exactly does work mean to him? Sit in bed Mao style and get his close circle to read him out the papers?

This confrontation he has invited is unnecessary. But now he is faced with it.

His tieing Congressi Madhesi Mahantha Thakur's hands and sending him out to pasture, setting him up for failure, is telling of his anti-Madhesi prejudice.

Perhaps what Girija is lacking is not political skill, although that he is, but rather an attitude that Madhesis are equal to Pahadis. Girija is a Khas guy. He knows where his loyalties lie. That he has anointed Krishna Sitaula, another Khas, as the leader among the third generation Congressis is no accident. This is tribal politics.

The enormous Khas resistance to the Madhesi Janajati Movement perhaps should not come as a surprise. The Khas are the powers that be in all seven Pahadi parties. The titanic struggle was perhaps inevitable.

Girija is not committed to the idea of a republic. He is not committed to federalism. The Khas in general are not committed to federalism. The Kathmandu media has been publishing anti-federalism articles one after another. All sorts of ridiculous arguments are being made against federalism by some top names in the diaspora. Political logic has been shunted, they are busy spewing Khas prejudice.

My logic has been simple. Are you for democracy? People say yes. Are you for federalism? Many people find it hard to say no. And then you lose them. They might pay lip service to federalism, but their heart is not into it. Even those who say they are for federalism are dead set against ethnic federalism.

In my mind, the solution is simple. If you are for democracy and federalism, you should let the people decide as to what shape that federalism should take. You produce your map, I produce mine. And we both go to the people. But the parties basically have refused to produce maps. Therein lies their dishonesty. And that is why the Madhesi and the Janajati are so suspicious of the Khas parties. The Maoists have a map, but they are not really for federalism as we might know it. And even their map is suspect. They have a Tharuwan, and a Tamuwan, and so on, but there is no Khasan for the Khas. The hills and the mountains in the west should be Khasan. That is a mindgame on the part of the Khas leaders of the Maoist party. They think of themselves as universal, as neutral. They are not ethnics, the rest are. That just is not true. We are all ethnics.

The fermentation of the Madhesi Janajati Movement has been necessary. The fog of Khas prejudice is too thick. That prejudice does not seem to respond to political logic, and hence the need for street action.

पुरे देशको प्यारालाइज कर दो
Nepalgunj II: This Is A Repeat
Eighth State: Khasan
Arato: Well Meaning But Away From Ground Realities
माअोवादी तानाशाही मुर्दाबाद
A Nepali Diaspora Milestone
िगिरजाको कुर्सी से हटा दो, सेरेमोिनयल बना दो
Federalism As A Formula
Janakpur Madhesis Demand Federal Republic Nepal
Paramendra Mention In Nepali Times By Kashish
Two Things To Do To Prevent April Kranti III
अगर सडक पर िफर से उतडनी पडी तो
Ram Manohar Sah: Himalayan Double Standard
Bahun Federalism Is No Federalism At All
Nepal Sarkar Needs To Set Up A Tribunal
Krishna Sitaula's Resignation: Why It Is Important
Of Hindu Supremacists And Muslim Martyrs

In The News

Bandh cripples life nationwide NepalNews nationwide shutdown (bandh) called by the Nepal Federation of Indigenous Nationalities (NFIN) to pressurise the government to fulfill its 24-point demands. ...... ethnic autonomy, federal system, linguistic freedom, proportional representation in the constituent assembly and guarantee of self determination ..... Market places, education institutions remained closed and the streets were deserted in the capital and most of the major towns across the country. ..... In Kathmandu valley, all the bazaar areas, educational institutions and industries remained closed. Only a few shops were open in some inner parts of the valley. All the vehicles remained off the road. Only press vehicles, ambulances and blue plated vehicles (UN and diplomats) could be seen in the roads. ..... markets in Nuwakot, Rasuwa, Dhading, Sindhupanchowk, Kavre, Palpa, Dhankuta and other districts remained closed. Members of the NFIN were deployed from early morning in these districts to make the strike successful. ...... Mahendra, Prithvi and other highways also did not see any vehicles plying. All vehicles running long and short distances are at a standstill. ..... the Tharu Kalyankarini Sabha called bandh in four eastern districts ...... life in Sunsari, Siraha, Saptari, Mahottari, Dhanusha, Rautahat, Morang remained affected due to weeklong strike called by the Madhesi Janaadhikar Forum. Customs points also remained closed in these districts. ...... Federation of Nepalese Chambers of Commerce and Industries (FNCCI) has said that such bandhs will have large impact in the national economy PM concerned about Maoist arms, discussion for interim govt begins declare the arms of the Maoists not registered with the UN as illegal. ..... Maoists may not join the interim government without respectable ministries
Moriarty meets Nepal
Maoists should get ‘respectable position’ in interim govt: Prachanda The Maoists are said to have been demanding important portfolios like senior Deputy Prime Minister, Information and Communication and Home Ministry in the forthcoming interim government. ..... the Maoists had no objection to postponing the CA polls by a few months if the parliament agrees to declare Nepal a republic. .... the eight parties had started discussion for declaring republican setup in Nepal through the Interim Parliament itself. .... his party would soon issue a White Paper regarding its business policies.
SAC agrees to finalise election related bills soon

Mistakes of the Government Kantipur the political chaos we have been witnessing after the Madhesi Movement. ..... Promulgation of an interim constitution that was inherently flawed and not up to the expectations of the people can be considered the seed of all the present problems. ..... the anti-Madhesi stratum of the government. ...... who is supposed to investigate, prosecute and punish if the crime of murder is committed- a party or the government? ...... Accusing them of trying to weaken the government can be as ridiculous as it can get in a democratic society. ..... Everybody knows how long it took and how many compromises the government had to make to bring the Maoists to the negotiation table. Why not make some compromises this time too? ...... What the government should have done is to make a Madhesi the home minister. ...... The MJF has put forward three pre-conditions for talks: resignation of the home minister, formation of a high level probe commission and punishment to those who are found guilty of suppressing the Madhesi Movement. It is striking that the MJF should not even have had to ask for the latter two conditions. ...... Formation of probe commissions has taken place after each movement in Nepal. What is different this time? Is there something to hide? .... the government shows so much promptness to form a commission to probe an incident of stone pelting on the Mercedes of Gyanendra. ..... Lena Sundh, representative of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (HCHR) in Nepal, points towards the need of an impartial investigation into the deaths, injuries and destruction of property in Terai during the Madhesi Movement
Govt-Maoist discuss interim govt, CA polls
CA election dates will be announced by Thursday: Prachanda
NFIN-called banda affects life in capital, other parts
Each family in Karnali to get employment
King to vanish from Rs 1000, Rs 500 notes
Gas dealers press NOC to regularize supply
Two killed in Maoist-MPRF clash Seventh grader Khohade Kori, 14, was killed in the attack by Maoists while they were chasing MPRF cadres, according to locals. Another Madhesi activist Koili Kori succumbed to injuries in a hospital last night. ..... Following clashes with MPRF cadres in several places, the Maoists were compelled to move the mass meet venue from the local stadium to the ground of Tondon Rice Mills. Peoples' turnout in the mass meet was significantly lesser than what organizers had expected .... Dr Baburam Bhattarai claimed that Maoist should get the leadership for building a New Nepal.
CPN-M wants new govt in a day or two, govt in no hurry

Sunday, February 11, 2007

38 Martyrs = Go, Krishna Sitaula, Go

Why Krishna Sitaula Has To Go

When there is a major, bad train accident, the railway minister in a functioning democracy resigns on moral grounds. The logic behind asking for Krishna Sitaula's resignation is similar only the Madhesi Movement has been no train accident. The 21 day agitation that has produced 38 matyrs and over 1,000 injured should have been reason enough for the entire government to resign en masse. The Home Minister's resignation is a small price to pay to keep the rest of the peace process moving ahead smoothly.

Why Krishna Sitaula Has To Go

Krishna Sitaula has to close his eyes, take a deep breathe, peep into his soul, and realize he has hit the dead end. He has to resign. He does not need to consult with anyone. The onus is on him.

The second choice is for Girija Koirala to ask for Sitaula's resignation.

Both options will work.

Krishna Sitaula has to resign. That is the bottomline.

If not, people will be back on the streets. And then there is no telling if Krishna Sitaula's resignation will be enough.

Stage Two, Stage Three

Photos From Janakpur: Santosh Bhagat 3
Photos From Janakpur: Santosh Bhagat 2
Photos From Janakpur: Santosh Bhagat

But if Krishna Sitaula resigns, it is possible that all the agitating Madhesi and Janajati groups will get through the talk process what they might otherwise have hoped to achieve through street agitation.

It is possible to get interim federalism now. If you can get an interim parliament and an interim cabinet, why not interim federalism?

But as long as we can achieve a formula such that the constituent assembly will end up looking like Nepal in terms of its ethnic and gender composition, all the thorny issues including federalism can be postponed for now.

But all such political solution do not even show up on the radar screen unless Krishna Sitaula resigns.

Why Krishna Sitaula Has To Go

On The Web

U.K. Science Minister Resigns -- Marshall 2006 (1110): 1 -- ScienceNOW
Ukraine: Yushchenko Allies Dwindling As Foreign Minister Resigns ...
United We Blog! for a Democratic Nepal » A Minister Resigns to ...
Romanian foreign minister resigns after dispute with premier on ...
The Hindu : International : Senior Nepal Minister resigns
Government Minister Resigns - By SMS
Kazakh Prime Minister Resigns - RADIO FREE EUROPE / RADIO LIBERTY
BBC NEWS | Europe | Sweden's trade minister resigns
BBC NEWS | Africa | Congo's finance minister resigns
Cabinet minister resigns after two weeks in office - 25-01-2007 ...
Iraq Oil Minister Resigns Under Pressure; Replaced with Chalabi
European News IN BRIEF: Kosovo's Prime Minister resigns ... - Lebanon's pro-Syrian PM resigns - Feb 28, 2005
Minister resigns amid continuing violence in southern Nepal ...
Indian Science Minister Resigns -- Bagla 2003 (924): 2 -- ScienceNOW
The Hindu : National : Goa Minister resigns over Plan controversy
Turks.US Daily News - Turkish Culture & Tourism Minister resigned
Swedish Foreign Minister resigned following pressure on website | EDRI Election - Scottish Labour Party - Scottish minister ...
Korean prime minister resigns over golf scandal - Asia - Pacific ...
INDIA: Science Minister Resigns, Faces Rioting Charges -- Bagla ...
Pacific Magazine: TONGA: Prime Minister Resigns, Effective Immediately
Kyiv Post. Deputy economic minister resigns in protest of ...
Jharkhand minister resigns, son takes over -
Radio Australia - News - Nepali minister resigns over Madhesi ...
N.S. cabinet minister resigns after accident allegations
SARS Hong Kong Health Minister resigns following a public outcry
Minister Resigns in Support of Madhesi Movement - OhmyNews ...
Here and Now : Taiwan Health Minister Resigns over SARS Outbreak ...
Panama agriculture minister resigns over US talks
Iraqi Oil Minister Resigns to Protest Higher Fuel Prices
Scottish education minister resigns due to ill-health | Special ...

In The News

MPs from Terai demand amendment in interim constitution NepalNews Madhesi MPs also threatened of fresh stir in Terai if the government further dillydallied in amending the interim statute. ...... demanded that the government declare those killed during the recent agitations as martyrs, provide compensation to the victims' families, free medical treatment to injured persons and form a high-level commission to probe police atrocities. ...... CPN (UML) lawmaker Mahendra Yadav warned that fresh agitations would start if the constitution is not amended within ten days ...... Nepali Congress (NC) lawmaker Surendra Chodhary said Home Minister KP Sitaula should resign as he was responsible for the loss of lives during the agitations in Terai. ......Speaker Subash Nemwang has issued a ruling seeking government response to the demands of Madhesi lawmakers.
Ojha panel recommends prosecution of RCCC officials
EC urges 8-party leadership to take urgent political decisions for CA polls
Janajati Federation forms committee to talk with govt A meeting of the executive committee of the Federation on Sunday formed the five-member team led by Dr Om Gurung. Other members of the committee are Dr Krishna Bhattachan, Soma Rai, Kripasur Sherpa and Bhulai Chaudhary. ...... Government's talk team headed by minister Mahantha Thakur had wrote to the NEFIN and other agitating groups including the Madhesi Janadhikar Forum and the two factions of Janatantrik Terai Mukti Morcha (JTMM) inviting them for talks to politically address their grievances.
MJF's ultimatum draws closer; Yadav threatens to intensify agitation
Maoists attack RPP leaders and foil their programs
NFIN to sit for talks with government, continue protest
MJF sets three conditions for talks with govt
Arms registration and storage completes in Kailali, Surkhet
Regional convention of Socialist International begins in Kathmandu
EC asks government to arrange necessary manpower for CA poll
Maoists loot voters’ list
UML general secretary smells conspiracy against CA polls
Government authorises CIAA to implement Rayamajhi Commission's report
Free treatment for injured agitators of Terai The government is going to provide free medical treatment for people who have been injured during the recent unrest in Terai. ..... coordinator of the government talks team, the victims will be provided with free treat and their families with necessary financial support. He said attendants of patients in the hospital would be given daily allowance, as well.

Federal setup in the country only after CA elections: Badal Kantipur Badal arrived in Biratanagar with a heavy security detail in the run-up to the mass gathering there on 18th February.
Maoist students vandalise King Mahendra's statue in Kanchanpur
PLA arms registration concludes in 5 camps
Maoists’ buried treasure stolen the "buried treasure" was stolen within 24 hours after it was buried, the incident came to light recently only after Maoists "arrested" three locals for investigation of the disappeared loot. ..... the cache was worth over 30.6 million rupees at present market rates. .... some of their party cadres were also under surveillance.
तर्राई आन्दोलनबारे आयोग गठन माग
मधेस व्रि्रोहको आधार

मधेस व्रि्रोहको आधार

जयप्रकाश गुप्ता

दर्ुइ वर्षभयो नागरिक सञ्जालले 'भावी नेपाल ः जनताको पहल-१' नामबाट काठमाडौंमा व्यापक सहभागितासहित ठूलो आयोजना गरेको थियो । जहा“ एकै समयमा ३०/३५ वटा विषयमा समानान्तर कार्यशाला थिए । त्यसको उद्घाटन समारोहका लागि तोकिएको वर्गीय र क्षेत्रीय प्रतिनिधिमूलक सम्बोधनमा दलित, आदिवासी, जनजाति, महिला, कर्ण्ाालीसमेतको लस्करमा मधेसी समुदायबाट कसैलाई राखिएन । यसबारे त्यहा“ उपस्थित केही मधेसीले ध्यानाकर्षा गराउ“दा आयोजकले राम्रो मानेनन् ।

केहीअघि जनजाति आदिवासी शान्ति आयोगको तत्त्वावधानमा राजधानीको राष्ट्रिय सभागृहमा बृहद् आयोजना भएको थियो । यसमा मधेसी समुदायभित्रका दलित, जनजाति र मुसलमानलाई मधेसी समूहबाट अलग्याएर समग्रमा दलित, जनजाति र अल्पसंख्यक समूहमा सारिएको थियो । त्यहा“ पनि एकथरी मधेसीले यस्ता त्रुटिको विरोध गर्दै मधेसका समस्यालाई समग्रतामा हर्ेन आग्रह गरेका थिए ।

यसैबीच नेपाल बारले राजधानीमै कानुन व्यवसायीको महत्त्वपर्ूण्ा सम्मेलन गराएको थियो, त्यहा“ पनि समग्र मधेसको वृत्तमा मधेसी दलित, जनजाति र अल्पसंख्यकलाई राखिएन- छुट्टाछुट्टै रूपमा समस्या पहिचान गर्ने प्रयत्न भयो । फलतः मधेसी कानुन व्यवसायीहरू भिन्नै बस्नुपर्ने परिस्थिति जन्मियो र मधेसी कानुन व्यवसायीको संगठन अस्तित्वमा देखियो । यसपटकको मधेस व्रि्रोहमा नेपाल बारले भन्दा पनि मधेसी वकिलहरूको समूह सडकमा आयो । नेपाल पत्रकार महासंघको सम्मेलनमा पनि यही प्रश्न दोहिरिए पनि सम्बोधन भएन । फलतः लहानमा जम्मा भएर मधेसी पत्रकारले भिन्नै मधेसी मिडिया मिसन बनाए । यो मिसन हाल पर्ूवमा सक्रिय छ ।

मानव अधिकारको क्षेत्रमा त झन् घोर पर्ूवाग्रह नै छ र्।र् इश्वरको दरबारमा बरु पापी छिर्न सक्छन् तर यहा“का जातीय मानव अधिकारवादीको रिपोर्टमा 'मधेस' शब्द पर्न सक्दैन । यता आएर मधेसका मानव अधिकार सक्रियतावादी अब मानव अधिकारका लालमोहरीया मठाधीशस“ग बिरक्तिएर मधेसी मानव अधिकारवादीको अर्कै सञ्जाल बनाएका छन् । अहिलेको मधेस व्रि्रोहमा यस्ता सञ्जालले जनकपुरतिरबाटै अन्तर्रर्ााट्रय जगत्को रामै्र ध्यानाकर्षा गराउन सके ।

जनजाति महासंघ, आदिवासी प्रतिष्ठान तथा दलित अधिकारवादी संस्था एवं अगुवाले त राजा महेन्द्रको पदचिह्नमै नहल्लिई मधेसलाई कमजोर बनाउन समग्र मधेसीवृत्तबाट जनजाति, आदिवासी र दलित मधेसीलाई अलग्याउन कुनै कसरै बा“की राखेका छैनन् । यता विदेशमा बस्ने नेपालीहरूको गैरआवासीयजस्ता नामधारी संस्था बडो चर्चामा रहे । तर मधेसमा भइरहेको राज्यको दमनको खिलाफमा अमेरिकामा गठित 'एसोसिएसन अफ नेपाली तराइयन इन अमेरिका' ले नै अन्तर्रर्ााट्रय जनमत निर्माणमा कम्मर कस्नुपर्‍यो

मूलधारका भनिने दलहरू मधेसप्रतिको निरपेक्षताको सर्न्दर्भमा झन् अगुवै छन् । संसदीयकालको पछिल्लो समयावधिमा मधेसको बदलि“दो आकांक्षाबारे पार्टर्ीीत्र कुनै स्थानै रहेन । आ-आङ्खना मातृपार्टर्ीी मधेसका विचार राख्न खोज्दा बलात् पार्टर्ीीट तिरस्कृत हुनेहरूको शृंखला यता लामै भएको छ ।

किन यस्तो भइरहेछ - मधेसलाई बुझ्न किन नसकिएको - सहकार्यका लागि मधेसका मानिस अप्ठ्यारा हुन् कि उनीहरूले चाहेको स्थान दिन वास्तवमै मुटु नै काट्नुपर्ने - भर्खरै कान्तिपुरमा भाष्कर गौतमले लेखेझंै 'पहाडीयाहरूको काल्पनिकीमा रहेका मधेसीहरू मर्स्या, धोती र भैया वा अनेपाली, काला जाति, भारतीय मूलका' रहेझैं के मधेसप्रतिको यही खाते खालको अभिव्यक्ति नै मधेसलाई बुझ्ने तत्त्व ज्ञानका बाधक हुन् - मधेस जनसंख्याको आधारमा पहाडी समुदायका लागि निरापद होइनन् । हाल व्रि्रोह चम्केको १० वटा जिल्लालाई मात्र नमुना मान्ने हो भने ः क्रमशः मोरङमा ४९.५४, सुनसरीमा ४१.४२, सप्तरीमा १०.४२, सिरहामा ९.१८, धनुषामा १४.७२, महोत्तरीमा १२.३१, र्सलाहीमा २३.२९, बारामा १८.४६, पर्सर्ाा १४.७३ र रौतहटमा ११.८३ प्रतिशतको दरमा पहाडीया समुदायको नया“ र पुरानो बसोबास रहेको छ । यहा“ घतलाग्दो सर्न्दर्भ पनि छ, यसपटकको व्रि्रोहमा पहाडीया जनसंख्या अपेक्षाकृत कम रहेको सप्तरी, सिरहा, महोत्तरीजस्ता जिल्लामा पर््रदर्शन तीव्र रहे पनि साम्प्रदायिक सद्भावमा सहिष्णुता देखियो, जबकि पहाडीया जनघनत्व केही बढी भएको मोरङ, सुनसरी, र्सलाहीजस्ता जिल्लाको अवस्था भयावह देखियो । पहाडीया नागरिक समाज, नेपाली प्रेस तथा राज्यको व्रि्रोहस“गको गुनासो यिनै स्थानमा बढी देखियो ।

माघ १ मा अन्तरिम संविधान जारी हु“दा मुलुकमा अधिकार प्रप्तिका लागि प्रतिक्षारत कुन समुदाय र्सवाधिक आहत भए - संविधानसभामा यिनको प्रतिनिधित्वको अधिकारको अक्षुण्णताबारे बोलिएन । मधेसी वा जनजाति- यिनको पक्षमा कसले बोले - यस्ता अनेकन सवाल उठेका छन् । प्रधानमन्त्रीको दोस्रो सम्बोधनपछि मधेसको सुषुप्त व्रि्रोह तत्काल मत्थर भएको छ । के यो व्रि्रोह समाप्तै भएको हो - मैले मधेसको कुरा गर्दा कांग्रेसका मेरा मित्रले भन्ने गर्थे- यो कुरा हामीले उठाउनर्ुपर्छ, नत्र त“लाई नेताहरूले साम्प्रदायिक भनेर छेउ लाउलान् † विभिन्न पार्टर्ीी यस्ता मित्रको कुरा पनि लागेन । यसपटकको मधेस व्रि्रोहका दौरान त्यस्ता धेरै मानिसले दुखी चित्तका साथ खलबलिएको सामाजिक सद्भावको रक्षाका लागि व्रि्रोहस“ग पाइला मिलाउन खोजे । पछि एक्कासि, मधेसका माग जायज छन् भनेर धेरै नेता र प्रायशः सबै पार्टर्ीी वेश्याले अर्को ग्राहकसामु आफूलाई ताजा एवं सुघ्घरी देखाउन फरिया फर्ेन हतारिएझैं हतारिएर मधेसका मागहरूको र्समर्थन गर्न होड गरे । अब यिनैबाट प्रधानमन्त्रीको दोस्रो सम्बोधनपछि, आफ्नै मात्रको प्रयासबाट यस समस्याको समाधान भएको भन्ने अर्को होडबाजी सुरु भएको छ

मधेस र पहाडका बीचमा संवाद छैन । राज्य र मधेस, राजनीतिक दल र मधेसी जनता, नेपाली नागरिक समाज र मधेसका जागरुक वर्ग, नेपाली प्रेस र मधेसी पाठक, उत्पादक साहू र मधेसी उपभोक्ता-वास्तवमा यी कुनै पनि तह र मधेसको बीचमा संवाद रहेन । राणा शासनको जमिनदारीकालमा मधेसका केही अभिजात्य जमिनदारस“ग अभिजात्य राज्ययन्त्रको विभिन्न तहमा सम्बन्ध हुन्थ्यो, भलै त्यसको आधार मधेसबाट तिरो असुलीको सामन्ती सोच नै किन नरहेको होस् । त्यस सामन्ती स्वार्थले पनि एक प्रकारको राजनीतिक अन्तरसम्बन्ध कायम गरेको थियो । अहिलेको निर्दयी राज्यले मधेसमा ठूलै बाढी विनाशबाट त्राहीमाम् हु“दा राष्ट्र बैंकले निकाल्ने शोधनान्तर रिपोर्ट देखाएर 'ढुकुटीमा प्रचुर विदेशी मुद्रा छ ः अर्को वर्षत्रि्रो क्षेत्रमा राम्रो बाली फल्ने अश्वासन दिनेसम्मको पाप गरेको छ' राज्यले मधेसमा ।

मधेसको व्रि्रोहको माग स्पष्ट थियो । यो कुनै एक संगठनको माग थिएन ः मुलुकको भावी राज्य प्रणाली संघीयतामा आधारित हुनर्ुपर्छ भन्दै अन्तरिम संविधानमा त्यसको उल्लेख हुनुपर्ने, संविधानसभाका लागि समान जनसंख्याको आधारमा निर्वाचन क्षेत्रको पर्ुनर्गठन गरिनुपर्ने र भावी राज्यव्यवस्थाको शक्ति अभ्यासका निकायमा सबै क्षेत्र, वर्ग, जातजाति एवं समुदायको समानुपातिक भागिदारी हुनुपर्ने- यही मूलभूत माग्ा थियो । यो केहीअघिका माओवादीजस्ता सशस्त्र समूहको माग थिएन । तर्सथ हतियारको परित्याग र व्यवस्थापनपछि मात्र विचार गरिने राज्यले पूवर्ैर्सत राखिनुपर्ने अवस्था पनि थिएन । जनआन्दोलन-२ का दौरान भावी राज्यलाई लोकतान्त्रीकरण गर्ने सर्न्दर्भमा यी विषयबारे सबै दल तथा नागरिक समाजको प्रस्ट प्रतिबद्धता पनि रहेकै थियो । तैपनि समयमा विचार नगरि“दा ३१ जनाको ज्यान गयो । धन-जनको अपूरणीय नोक्सानी भयो र यस मुलुकको हृदयमा नमेटिने, सधैं चर्चर्‍याइरहने घाउ बस्यो ।

मधेसको खासगरी १० जिल्लामा व्रि्रोहको दावाग्नि प्रवल थियो, यद्यपि समग्र मधेसको भावना तथा आवाज व्रि्रोहको पक्षमा एकाकारै थियो । संघीयताको मागलाई सरकारले प्रधानमन्त्रीको पहिलै सम्बोधनबाट स्वीकार गरिएको थियो । सरकार र सद्भावना पार्टर्ीीहेकका ७ दलको प्रसव वेदना समान जनसंख्याको आधारमा निर्वाचन क्षेत्रको पर्ुनर्गठन गरिनुपर्ने कुरामा मात्र लम्बित थियो । यसलाई किन स्विकारिएन् - अहिले तथ्य र्सार्वजनिक भएको छ कि, नेकपा माओवादी, एमाले, जनमोर्चाहरू यसो गरेर पहाडमा बस्नेहरूस“ग अन्याय गर्न चाहेका थिएनन् । नेपाली कांग्रेसका दुवै खेमा पनि सकारात्मक थिएनन् । जनमोर्चाका एक नेताले त यस कुरालाई नलुकाई भने पनि ।

कहा“ हु“दै थियो अन्याय, पहाडी क्षेत्रको प्रतिनिधित्वमा वा मधेसमा - यसअघि मधेसका २० जिल्लामा गरी ८८ वटा संसदीय क्षेत्र थिए । ०४७ सालमा निर्वाचन क्षेत्रको निर्धारण गरि“दा मधेसीले निर्धारणको प्रक्रियालाई त्रुटिपर्ूण्ा भन्दै विरोध गरेका थिए । फलतः यसको परिणाम देखियो-०४८, ०५१ र ०५६ मा सम्पन्न तीनवटै संसदीय निर्वाचनमा मधेसीको प्रतिनिधित्व ४१ जनाभन्दा बढ्न सकेनन् । यो संख्या प्रतिनिधिसभाको कुल सदस्य संख्याको २० प्रतिशत थियो । मुलुकमा मधेसीको जनसंख्या ४९ प्रतिशत रहेकोमा मुलुकको संविधानप्रदत्त प्रावधानको अपव्यवहारले एउटा समुदायको न्यायोचित्त प्रतिनिधित्वलाई कहिल्यै पनि स्वाभाविक हुन दिइएन । संविधानमा व्यवस्था थियो- हरेक १० वर्षो अन्तरालमा हुने जनगणनाको आधारमा मुलुकभरका निर्वाचन क्षेत्रलाई २०५ मा नबढ्ने गरी समायोजन गरिने छ । ०४८ को निर्वाचन हु“दा ०३८ सालको जनगणनालाई आधार मानियो । ०५१ मा मध्यावधि निर्वाचन हु“दा ०४८ को जनगणना र्सार्वजनिक भइसकेको थियो । वस्तुतः त्यस संवैधानिक मनसायको कार्यान्वयन गरिएन, फगत औपचारिकता पूरा गर्नुबाहेक । यसका लागि तत्कालीन सरकारहरूले एक मधेसी अस्थायी न्यायाधीश जोगेन्द्रप्रसाद श्रीवास्तवको नाम प्रयोग गर्‍यो । यो नाम मधेसी समुदायमा सरकारी कुकृत्यको विश्वसनीयताका लागि उपयोग गरिएको थियो । फेरि ०५९ सालमा आम निर्वाचनको -हुन नसकेको) घोषणा हु“दा ०५८ को अर्को जनगणना पनि र्सार्वजनिक भइसकेको थियो । यतिखेर तत्कालीन प्रधानमन्त्री शेरबहादुर देउवाको अध्यक्षताको गठित उच्चस्तरीय निर्वाचन सुधार समिति, जसमा तत्कालीन सभामुख तारानाथ रानाभाट, राष्ट्रिय सभा अध्यक्ष मोहम्मद मोहसिन, विपक्षी दलका नेता माधवकुमार नेपाल, आ-आफ्ना पार्टर्ीी नेता गिरिजाप्रसाद कोइराला, र्सर्ूयबहादुर थापा, बद्री मण्डल, नारायणमान बिजुक्छे, लीलामणि पोखरेल र चित्रबहादुर केसी. सबै सामेल थिए । यस समितिले सिफारिस गर्‍यो ः 'जनसंख्यालाई आधार मानी निर्वाचन क्षेत्र निर्धारण गर्दा क्षेत्रीय सन्तुलनमा असर पर्ने हु“दा मौजुदा व्यवस्थाको पुनरावलोकन गर्ने र हाललाई यो अभ्यासलाई रोकेर निर्वाचन क्षेत्र स्थायी गर्ने ।' समितिले भविष्यको २५ वर्षा लागि निर्वाचन क्षेत्रको पुनरावलोकन नगर्ने तत्कालीन संविधानविरोधी निर्ण्र्ाागरेकै हो

यसरी मधेसको संसद्मा प्रतिनिधित्वको हकलाई खोसियो । यहा“ संसद्मा मधेसी मूलकाको मात्र प्रतिनिधित्व कुण्ठित भएन्, अपितु मधेस क्षेत्रबाट हुने समग्र प्रतिनिधित्वको हकलाई तिरस्कार गरिएको थियो । यो मानसिकता हो- राजाबाट र्सर्दै नया“ राजाहरूमा प्रवेश गरेको मधेसविरोधी मानसिकता । यसैले गर्दा ३१ जना मधेसी मारि“दासम्म सात दलको अहंकारको गर्भबाट मधेसको अधिकार बाहिर्‍याउन उनीहरू वेदनाग्रस्त नै रहे“ ।

आजको नया“ राज्यको मनमा गर्भस्थ मधेसको न्यायोचित्त प्रतिनिधित्वको हकविरोधी यस दृष्टिकोणका बारेमा दरबार, सरकार, पार्टर्ीीन्यायालय, संवैधानिक अंग, नागरिक समाज तथा प्रेस कसैको पनि प्रकारान्तरबाट अर्थ लाग्नेबाहेक खास किटानको विमति रहेको मधेसीले सुन्न पाएनन् । लामो समयसम्म मधेसको व्रि्रोहलाई यही दोषी दृटिकोणले लाञ्छित गरिरह्यो र मधेस जाग्दै गयो । मधेस बुझ्ने यस्तै अज्ञानताले यसपटक नेपाल र मधेसको संवादलाई रोक्यो । अब नया“ संवादका माध्यमले पहाडले मधेसलाई बुझ्न चाह“दैनन् भन्ने धारणालाई मेट्नु आवश्यक छ । राज्यसत्ताबाट पर्ूण्ारूपमा पोषित नरहेका नागरिक समाजले यसमा अगुवाइ गर्नुपर्छ ।

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Protests Will Continue, Big Time

Eight parties seal the deal; PM urges protesters to withdraw agitation, Nepal 34 minutes ago

Eight parties seal the deal; PM urges protesters to withdraw agitation

Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala has stated to delineate electoral constituencies based on population and geographic appropriateness. PM Koirala has also promised to increase the constituencies in Madhes based on population and hold elections (for the Constituent Assembly) based on Proportional Representation system on the increased constituencies also.

Addressing the nation following the understanding among the leaders of the eight political parties on demands raised by Terai agitators, PM Koirala said the interim constitution will soon be amended to incorporate these new agreements.

PM Koirala also expressed the government's determination to ensure participation of Madhesi, Janajati, Dalit, women and backward communities at all organs of the state.

Appreciating the role played by people of Madhes in people's movement and strengthening democracy, PM Koirala expressed sadness over the loss of lives and properties in the current unrest. He expressed sincere condolences to those who died in the protests and vowed to provide relief to injured ones.

PM Koirala has urged all agitators to now withdraw their agitation and concentrate on making the constituent assembly elections successful.

PM Koirala made the remarks in the presence of leaders of eight parties. The PM's address was drafted as per the written agreement signed by leaders of the eight parties. The signatories include Sushil Koirala, vice president of Nepali Congress; Madhav Kumar Nepal, general secretary of UML; Maoist chairman Prachanda; Gopal Man Shrestha, vice president of NC-Democratic; Bharat Bimal Yadav, vice president of NSP (Anandidevi); Narayan Man Bijukchhe, president of Nepal Workers and Peasants Party (NWPP); Amik Sherchan, president of People's Front; and CP Mainali, president of Left Front.

Reacting to the media after the PM's address Rajendra Mahato, general secretary of NSP-Anandidevi said that this will fulfill the demands raised by people of Madhes. He hoped the unrest will now end in Terai. sd Feb 07 07

Audio Of The PM's Address

Proposed Constitution
Braindead Girija: The UML Needs To Walk Out Of This Government
Why Krishna Sitaula Has To Go
Prachanda's Schizophrenia
Inbox 13
Stage Two, Stage Three
Preeti Koirala And Mainstream Pahadi Prejudice

Protests will continue. Big time.

The very first thing that has to happen is Krishna Sitaula has to resign.

Then the political demands have to be met.

Where is compensation for the families of the martyred? Why have they not been declared martyrs? Stop calling this an "unrest." This is a movement. Start calling it the Madhesi Movement.

Each martyr family has to be given a 15 lakh compensation package. All the injured have to be cared for and compensated. That would be medical expenses plus compensation.

Then we move to the political issues.

What has been offered is too vague.

One option would be to add 45 constituencies in the Terai so it has 125 out of 250. Another option is to have all seats in the constituent assembly elected through proportional representation. There is no third option.

After Krishna Sitaula resigns, the Madhesi Janadhikar Forum has to be invited for dialogue by the eight party alliance. And when the talks conclude, and the political demands are met, Upendra Yadav has to be inducted in as a Deputy Prime Minister in the interim cabinet.

Krishna Sitaula's replacement has to be a Madhesi. I propose Aftab Alam's name.

The talks might very well end up with a declaration of a Madhesh state now. But as long as the elections to the constituent assembly take place on a one person one vote principle, federalism can be postponed by a few months.

What does Girija mean by "more" seats? This is not about "more." This is about equality as a matter of principle. The Madhesi Movement demands one person one vote democracy and will not settle for anything less.

In The News

Nepalese govt to meet protesters' demands Evening Echo, Ireland - 31 minutes ago Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala said there would be more seats in the national legislature and a guaranteed number of slots in the administration for representatives from the southern region.
Nepalese govt to meet protesters' demands Irish Examiner, Ireland - 32 minutes ago

Monday, February 05, 2007

Paudel Bahun Is Lying

"The question at the moment is: Who to hold talks with? We don't know whether there is anyone who, after holding talks and agreeing upon something, can convince protesters that their demands have been met," says Ram Chandra Poudel, general secretary of the Nepali Congress, the largest party in the interim parliament.

Protests rock Nepal peace process Christian Science Monitor, MA

The question is not if to hold talks. The question is to meet the basic demands. Girija Koirala in a televised speech to the nation has to meet the demands.
  1. Krishna Sitaula resign.
  2. All those who have died in the Madhesi Movement have to be declared martyrs. Their families have to be compensated. All the injured have to be treated by the state.
  3. All eight parties have to commit to the principle of a federal republic, the shape of the federalism to be decided in the constituent assembly.
  4. Proportional elections for all seats in the constituent assembly in a way that there is proportionate DaMaJaMa representation in the assembly. Cap the assembly at 300 seats.
  5. Citizenship papers to all Madhesis.
  6. Upendra Yadav, Deputy Prime Minister in the Interim Cabinet.
As soon as these demands are met, the Madhesi Movement will get off the streets.

The Madhesi Janadhikar Forum is clearly the leader of this Madhesi Movement. Upendra Yadav is the leader of the Madhesi Janadhikar Forum.

At the mass level, leaders and cadres of all parties are participating, it is not just the Sadbhvana (Anandi). There is participation in every single village and town in the Madhesh.

This patronizing tone of this Paudel Bahun is highly offensive.

More people have died in this Madhesi Movement than was the case during the April Revolution and this Bahun still does not know what the basic demands of the Madhesi Movement are. This Bahun is pretending.

Girija Koirala, that other Bahun, said to Jhala Nath Khanal that he will meet the demands "at an appropriate time." Now is not that appropriate time. Not enough people have been killed according to Girija Koirala.

The Madhesi Movement is at the verge of charting its own course. The movement will reach a point when it will make its own decisions.

There will be an unilateral declaration of a Madhesh Sarkar. A state will be declared unanimously. Federalism now, Madhesi Movement style.

And Girija will still be looking for an "appropriate time."

The next phase of the Madhesi Movement might be to paint the boards of all government offices in the Madhesh. Paint over Nepal Sarkar. Write instead Madhesh Sarkar. The state government of Madhesh.

Or Girija and his minion Bahuns could play ball now when there is still time.

The Nepali Congress is to be wiped out of the Madhesh regardless.

This guy Girija is a sadist. He is looking for "an appropriate time."

Dhruba Adhikary: Your Typical Pahadi Liar
Proportional Representation Might Work With DaMaJa Reservations
Guiding The Madhesi Movement
Open Letter To Surendra Devkota, Shiva Gautam
Rajendra Mahto Live: Registering Dissent On Interim Constitution, January 15
What Is Wrong With NDYCUSA?
February 10: New School: The Madhesi Question
Maoist Wet Dream
The Accurately Named Krishna Pahadi
Girija Has Proven To Be A Cruel Joke Upon Nepal
Nonviolent Madhesi Movement For Equality Or Violent Ethnic Riot
Sukhdev Shah: Terai’s Fate—Looking Within!
Pahadi Bias Colors Global Media

In The News

Nepal: 27 Killed and Counting OhmyNews International, South Korea With nearly two dozen deaths and several hundreds injured, the Terai crisis is on the verge of spilling over into other parts Nepal. ...... The Madhesi People's Rights Forum (MPRF), which claims to be leader of the Madhesi movement, has laid out three pre-conditions for talks: (1) the resignation of Sitaula, (2) an end to the use of excessive force by the government to suppress the Madhesi movement, and (3) punishment of those guilty of creating the first "martyr" of the Madhesi movement, Ramesh Kumar Mahato, who was reportedly killed by Maoists cadres. ......... Koirala can't be forced to quit, as there is no provision for "vote of no confidence" in the legislative parliament ...... sovereignty hasn't been transferred to the Nepali people. The prime minister and the eight-party government enjoy sovereign authority of the state at present ....... what is keeping Koirala from asking Sitaula to quit ....... the whole nation is being covered by the dust of the Terai unrest ....... one can easily see how his leadership has ruined the country. ..... the leaders are refraining from adopting a federal governing system like that of Switzerland. ....... the Madhesi uprising has the dangerous potential to engulf the whole country ....... A "concrete solution" would be to agree to the demands of the agitating parties to amend the interim constitution to include the provisions of regional autonomy and federal republicanism.
Communal tension mars trip Calcutta Telegraph, India
RIFTS WITHIN Calcutta Telegraph, India The real issue is one of the people’s representation at different levels of the government. ...... Their contradictory responses to the Terai agitation show how yesterday’s rebels can fail as today’s rulers. ...... some Nepalese politicians have complained of Indian “hands” in the Terai violence. They may have their own agenda in doing so, but the so-called anti-India card has long been a favourite ploy for some of Nepal’s politicians.
NEPAL:OHCHR discusses Terai unrest, Nepal Representatives of the seven-party alliance (SPA), CPN (Maoist), the agitating Madhesi Janadhikar Forum (MJF), Madhesi civil society and human rights community participated in the discussion. Ian Martin, personal representative of the UN secretary-general, was also present at the interaction. ...... According to OHCHR-Nepal, most of the victims were Madheshis. At least 13 had been allegedly shot dead or fatally hit over the head by police. ...... Mobile teams of OHCHR-Nepal staff have been working in the regions monitoring the protests and investigating killings and other violence in Lahan, Siraha, Sukhipor, Inaruwa, Biratnagar, Gaur, Janakpur, Chandranigahapur, Birgunj, Kalaiya and Nepalgunj. .... dialogue and advocacy with local authorities, police and protest organisers.
Constitution may be amended for Terai people Daily News & Analysis, India “There is an urgent need to address the issues raised by the Terai people by Seven Party government as Terai is set on fire,” said Rajendra Mahato, general secretary of Nepal Sadbhavana Party, one of the ruling alliances that also represents the Madhesi community. ...... “There will be an amendment in the interim constitution as the parties are in favour of proportional representation,” Nepal News said, quoting UML leader Jhal Nath Khanal. ..... The major demands of the Madhesi community are to declare Nepal a federal state, to re-delineate election constituency on the basis of population and to restructure the state mechanism so that the Madhesis, dalits and different ethnic communities have equal representation in all sectors. The Terai people should have equal share in military, police, government jobs and other fields, Mahato said.
Deuba Urges MJF for Dialogue Himalayan Times, Nepal
Leaders urge PM to address Terai issues The leaders also asked the PM to address the nation again so that the issues raised by the Madhesis, women, Dalit, indigenous and nationalities communities can be duly addressed. “We urged the PM that the issues raised by the Terai people must be addressed politically. A federal system of governance and proportional representation of election in the constituent assembly must be ensured in the interim constitution,” Jhala Nath Khanal ...... a provision should be made in the interim constitution so that women, Dalits, Madhesis and indigenous and nationalities could have proportional representation in the constituent assembly. ....... provide compensation to the bereaved families of the people killed in the agitation and provide free medical services to the injured ones. ........ Khanal also said they did not discuss Home Minister Krishna Prasad Sitaula’s resignation, one of the demands of the Madhesi Janaadhikar Forum. ...... Home Minister Krishna Prasad Sitaula has ruled out tendering resignation amid unchanged demand for it coming from both his party and Madhesi Janadhikar Forum. He ruled out resigning in an interview to KTV on Monday. However, he conceded that he could resign if that helps the Prime Minister.
Protests rock Nepal peace process Christian Science Monitor, MA The Madheshis, a group of indigenous ethnic groups who live in Nepal's lowlands, have spent the past three weeks agitating for greater autonomy and more representation in the new parliament. ....... Kathmandu is running short of essentials, including fuel and cooking gas. ..... "This is not a simple law-and-order problem," says Ameet Dhakal, news editor of The Kathmandu Post ....... "The protests are fueled by long-accumulated resentment, frustration, and desperation among the Madheshis, and real or perceived bias against them ...... A Nepali, as defined in the era of the monarchy's direct rule before 1990, is a person who speaks the Nepali language fluently, is fair in complexion, and follows the customs and culture of the "hill people." ....... Pahades [people from the hills] who have dominated the country socially, culturally, economically, and politically for a long, long time ....... A typical Madheshi, he says, is dark in complexion, identifies with a different culture, and either cannot speak Nepali fluently or speaks it in a "different" accent. ....... the group continues to play a subordinate role in the state's political and economic machinery. Almost all of the chief administrators in Nepal's 75 districts are from the hills. Nepal's hill-dwellers have been known view Madheshis as "less Nepali," identifying them instead with neighboring India. ...... citizenship certificates, which Nepalis need to vote, get a driver's licenses, own property, and carry passports. The lack of opportunity has disenfranchised a vast segment of the Madheshi population. ...... the most formidable difficulty is the protesters' lack of an identifiable leader.
Life Limping Back to Normal in Terai Districts Himalayan Times, Nepal
Life Limping Back to Normal in Terai Districts In Mahottari, sister organisations of the eight political parties, MJF activists, Madhesi Dalit Struggle Committee, Rastriya Prajatantra Party (RPP)-Mahottari, Rastriya Janashakti Party and Nepal Teachers' Union staged protest rallies. Local youths torched effigies of Prime Minister GP Koirala and Maoist chief Prachanda. In Siraha, demonstrators vandalised the statue of Adikabi Bhanu Bhakta Acharya situated at Siraha-8. Professionals, human rights activists, media personnel and civil society members held a peace rally in Lahan. In Bara, the main bazaars, including Madhuban, Prasauni, Gunjbhawanipur, Bariyarpur and Jeetpur, remained closed. The RPP organised a rally in Sisahaniya in support of the ongoing agitation in the Terai. Nepal Sadbhavana Party-Anandidevi (Bara) staged a sit-in in front of the District Administration Office urging the government to meet just demands of the MJF. A condolence meet to mourn Majid Mohammad Mansur of Jagatpur, who was killed last week in police firing at Kalaiya, was organised in Jagatpur.