Monday, November 20, 2006

Nabin Bhattarai


Himalaya Community presents the first "Himalayan Live Concert '06" featuring Mangolian Heart and RAJU LAMA, NIMA RUMBA, MINGMA SHERPA, TSERING GYURMEY, & SINDHU MALLA on November 25, 2006 at 630 2nd Ave, Manhattan, New York. We have limited tickets, so secure your ticket in advance, and save money.

Queens Palace, 37-11 57th Street, Woodside, NY 11377
7:30 PM
Thursday, November 23
Be there

Rockstar Nabin Bhattarai to rock NYC

What Has Narayan Gopal Got To Do With It? (July 22, 2005)
Madhu Acharya Of Asia Calling: The Need For A Truth Commission

Nepali Convention 2007
The largest Nepali event outside of Nepal
Last weekend in May
Queens, New York City
Limited seats, get your tickets online now

ANONYC: Proposed Constitution
The Virus Of The April Revolution
Nepali Mandir Meeting
Hamro Nepal Constitution
ANONYC: Association of Nepali Organizations in New York City
Nepali Convention Leadership Weekly Meeting
Nepali Convention: Management
Nepali Convention 2007: Venue Options: Flushing

Nepali Faces 3
Nepali Faces 2
Nepali Faces 1

In The News

Melamchi springs back to life Kantipur
Principal chooses PLA job
Child sex abuse calls for strong law children are being denied justice due to the culture of treating children's voice as feeble or for the sake of "saving face". .... 18 percent girls and 11 percent boys have experienced physical sexual abuse in one form or the other ........ eight percent of abused girls and six percent of boys in Nepal said the abusers and exploiters are family members
Prachanda continues parleys in Delhi, meets ex-Indian PMs
HLPC to submit its report Monday; members still divided over action against king
Interim parliament ready: Speaker Nemwang
कोही सरकारमा नआउँदैमा फरक पर्दैन’
पत्रकार महासंघ गणतन्त्रका पक्षमा कान्तिपुर संवाददाता
गणतान्त्रिक सांस्कृतिक सभा
ँराजा मुख्य जिम्मेवार’
जारी सैन्य भर्ना
ँराजनीतिमा नयाँ ध्रुवीकरणको आवश्यकता छ’
काङ्ग्रेस एकता

High level probe commission submits its report to PM; recommends action against 202 people NepalNews
Government can take action against suppressors of April movement: Aryal
Maoists continue recruitment drive; parents protest the move: Report
Joint teams finalize five cantonment sites, will decide soon on remaining two
Rana criticizes govt., Maoists for delay in peace accord
Maoist leaders not impressed with Indian democracy, remember their days in India at a luncheon hosted in his honor by Janata Dal (United) president Sharad Yadav, Prachanda broke down remembering his underground days spent in New Delhi. He said he wished to visit his old friends with whom he used to stay while living underground life. ....... At the luncheon, two former prime ministers of India Inder Kumar Gujral and VP Singh were also present. Both the Indian leaders praised Prachanda for leading a successful revolution and changing the history.
Congress will soon publicize its agenda for CA polls: PM Koirala Stating that unity of two congress parties is a must in the present context, Koirala also expressed the confidence that the party unification process would take place before the election of the constituent assembly.
Video Interview with Dina Nath Sharma
Prachanda seeks India's support for democratic republic in Nepal
Prachanda claims he was offered 'assistance' by ISI
Maoist stance delaying signing of peace treaty: Minister Gyawali
PM Koirala vows to implement HLPC report
Prachanda in favour of democracy for the masses; says his party has no working relation with Naxalites
UML has not yet decided whether to join interim govt: Nepal
PFN for powerful republican front: DPM Sherchan

जनजातिहरूद्वारा आन्दोलनको घोषणा Kantipur मंसिर ७ गते झापाको बिर्तामोड र चितवनको भरतपुर, ८ गते पोखरा र बुटवलमा सहमतिको आलोचना गर्न आमसभाको आयोजना गरिनेछ । त्यसपछि ९ गतेदेखि राजधानीमा धर्ना दिने कार्यक्रम तय गरिएको छ । ...... सर्वसमावेशी र सहमतीय पद्धतिमा आधारित संघीय लोकतन्त्रिक गणतन्त्रको स्थापना, जातीय, क्षेत्रीय तथा भाषिक आधारमा राज्यको पुनःसंरचना, संविधानसभामा जनजातिहरूको जनसंख्याको आधारमा समानुपातिक प्रतिनिधित्व र त्यसका लागि राजनीतिक तथा समुदायगत दुवै हिसाबले प्रतिनिधित्व हुनसक्ने समानुपातिक निर्वाचन प्रणाली अंगिकार गर्नुपर्ने माग अघि सारेका छन् ।
महासमिति बैठक बोलाउन माग समावेशी, संघीय लोकतान्त्रिक गणतन्त्रको एजेन्डा अवलम्बन गर्न आग्रह .... लोकतान्त्रिक गणतन्त्रमा जान, 'सेरेमोनियल किङ' पक्षधरसँग सम्झौता नगर्न र ११औं महाधिवेशनबाट निर्णय भएका नीतिको कार्यान्वयन तथा सम्मानको सुनिश्चितता भएमात्र पार्टी एकीकरण गर्न
शेरचन जनमत संग्रहको पक्षमा
पुराना पुस्तक ँडिजिटलाइज’

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

प्रस्तािवत संिवधान

Full Page Version

  1. नेपाल एउटा संघीय गणतन्त्र हो, एउटा पूर्ण, पारदर्शी लोकतन्त्र हो, सार्वभौमसत्ता जनतामा िनिहत रहेको देश हो।
धारा १ : संसद
  1. एक राज्यको १०० गरी जम्मा ३०० सीट भएको प्रितिनिध सभा र १०० सीट भएको राज्य सभा हुनेछ। प्रत्येक प्रितिनिध सभा सीट लगभग बराबर जनसंख्याको आधारमा हुनेछ र िजल्ला सीमानालाई मान्ने छैन। संसदको म्याद ४ वर्ष हो। प्रितिनिध सभाको िनर्वाचनमा पाएको मतको आधारमा समानुपाितक िकिसमले पार्टीहरूले राज्य सभामा सीट पाउनेछन्। कम्तीमा १% मत पाउने पार्टी त्यसको हकदार हुनेछ।
  2. संसदको िक्रयाकलाप प्रत्यक्ष प्रसारण गर्ने अिधकार िमिडयालाई हुनेछ।
  3. दिलत, मधेशी, जनजाित र मिहलाले प्रितिनिध सभा र राज्य सभामा आरक्षण पाउनेछन्। ५, १०, ९ र १२%। आफ्नो जनसंख्याको २५%। मिहलाले दिलत, मधेशी, जनजाितले पाउनेको कम्तीमा आधा पाउनेछन् र थप, जम्माको ३३% पुग्ने गरी। मिहलाले पाउने ३३% मा कमसेकम २।३ दिलत, मधेशी, जनजाित हुनुपर्नेछ। मुसलमानले १ र नेवारले १ सीट पाउनेछन्। प्रितिनिध सभाकालािग आरिक्षत िनर्वाचन क्षेत्र हुनेछन्।
  4. अारक्षण पाएको कुनै समूहको संख्या संसदमा बढेर त्यस समूहको रािष्ट्रय जनसंख्याको समानुपाितक ७५% पुगेमा अारक्षण समाप्त हुनेछ। जम्मा सीटको ५०% भन्दा बढी अारक्िषत गर्न पाइने छैन। सेन्सस्का दौरान प्रत्येक व्यक्ितले अाफ्नो तीन सामूिहक पिहचान अंिगत गराउन पाउनेछ। पिहलो मिहला, पुरुष। त्यसपिछ प्रमुख सामूिहक पिहचान, जस्तो िक दिलत, मधेशी, जनजाित। तेस्रो अन्य। मिहलाले संसदमा ५०% सहभािगता नपाएसम्म ३३% अारक्षण कायम रहनेछ। त्यसपिछ प्रमुख सामूिहक पिहचानमा पर्ने समूहहरुले जुन समूहको राष्िट्रय जनसंख्याको रहेको भागको कमसेकम ४०% संसदमा छैन, त्यसले अारक्षण पाउनेछ।
  5. संसदले रािष्ट्रय स्तरका सबै सवालहरूमा बहुमतद्वारा िनर्णय गर्ने छ। संसद िनयमावलीकालािग ६०% मत चािहनेछ। नेपालले सही गर्ने अन्तर्रािष्िट्रय सिन्धहरु संसदले ६०% मतद्वारा पािरत गर्नुपर्नेछ।
  6. संसदले मतदान गर्ने प्रत्येक िबल नेपाली, िहन्दी र अंग्रेजीमा इन्टरनेटमा कमसेकम ७ िदन रािखनुपर्ने छ।
  7. संसद सेशनमा रहेको बेला गम्भीर अपराधकालािग बाहेक कुनै पिन सांसदलाई िगरफ्तार गर्न पाइने छैन। संसदमा बोिलएको कुनै पिन वचनमािथ कानून लाग्ने छैन।
  8. सभामुखलाई संसदमा मतको अिधकार हुने छैन। संसदको बैठक कमसेकम तीन मिहनामा एक पटक बस्नुपर्ने छ।
  9. राजनीितक पार्टीले िनजी क्षेत्रमा पैसा उठाउन वर्िजत गिरन्छ। रािष्ट्रय संसदीय चुनावमा कमसेकम १% मत ल्याउने पार्टी रािष्ट्रय पार्टी हो, र प्रत्येक रािष्ट्रय पार्टीले आफुले पाएको मतको आधारमा समानुपाितक िकिसमले राज्यबाट पैसा पाउनेछ।
  10. कुनै पिन पार्टीको कुनै पिन पदको िटकट कसले पाउने भन्ने कुराको िनर्णय त्यस पार्टीको सो वा सो स्तरभन्दा मुिनको सदस्यले लोकतािन्त्रक तिरकाले गर्नेछन्।
  11. प्रत्येक चुनावकालािग िनर्वाचन आयोगले बढीमा कित रकम खर्च गर्न पाउने भनेर तोक्ने छ। स्वतन्त्र उम्मेदवारले आफ्नै िनजी रकम मात्र खर्च ग्रन पाउने छन्। स्वतन्त्र उम्मेदवारले यिद चुनाव िजतेमा कमसेकम १ वर्ष कुनै रािष्ट्रय पार्टीको सदस्यता िलन पाउने छैनन्। कुनै पार्टीले सदस्यता शुल्क वर्षको बढीमा रू ६० राख्न पाउने छन्।
  12. सरकारी तलब खाने प्रत्येक व्यिक्तले आफ्नो पािरवािरक सम्पित्त िववरण वार्िषक िदन पर्ने छ।
  13. सरकारले खर्च गर्ने सबै रकमको अिनतम पैसा सम्मको िहसाब पारदर्शी राख्न पर्ने छ। राज्य र राष्ट्र स्तरका सम्पुरण संसदीय बहसहरू पारदर्शी रािखने छन्।
  14. देशको प्रत्येक िनर्वािचत पदािधकारीलाई तलबको व्यव्स्था हुनेछ।
  15. १८ वर्ष उमेर पुगेको प्रत्येक नागिरकलाई मतको अिधकार हुनेछ। प्रितिनिध सभा सदस्यको उमेर कम्तीमा २२ वर्ष र राज्य सभा सदस्यको उमेर कम्तीमा २५ वर्ष हुनुपर्नेछ।
  16. ६५% मतका आधारमा संसदले कुनै पिन सरकारी पदमा रहेको व्यिक्तलाई पदमुक्त गर्न सक्दछ। ६५% मतका आधारमा संसदले संिवधान संसोधन गर्न सक्दछ।
  17. संसदले वर्तमान सांसदको तलब बढाउन पाउने छैन।
  18. संसदलाई नया मन्त्रालय, एजेन्सी, किमशन गठन गर्ने, पुरानोलाई भंग गर्ने, मर्ज गर्ने अिधकार हुनेछ।
धारा २ : कार्यपािलका
  1. राष्ट्रपितको प्रत्यक्ष िनर्वाचन हुनेछ र कार्यकाल पाँच वर्षको हुनेछ। कुनै पिन उम्मेदवारले कम्ती मा ५०% मत नल्याएमा दुइ जना सबैभन्दा बढी मत ल्याउने उम्मेदवार बीच एक मिहना िभत्र दोस्रो राउण्डको िनर्वाचन हुनेछ।
  2. राष्ट्रपितको उम्मेदवार हुन नागिरक हुनुपर्नेछ र उमेर कमसेकम ३० वर्ष हुनुपर्नेछ।
  3. राष्ट्रपितको एउटा मन्त्री पिरषद हुनेछ। त्यस मन्त्री पिरषदको सदस्य हुन सांसद हुनु पर्दैन। कोही सांसद मन्त्री पिरषदमा पुगेमा उक्त व्यिक्तको संसदीय सीट िरक्त हुनेछ।
  4. सर्वोच्च अदालतका न्यायिधश र िनर्वाचन आयोग, भ्रष्टाचार िनवारण आयोग र केन्द्रीय बैंक जस्ता संवैधािनक रूपले स्वायत्त िनकायका किमशनर र गवर्नरको िनयुिक्त राष्ट्रपितले गर्नेछन्। त्यसरी िनयुक्त व्यिक्तले संसदमा ६०% मत पाउनु पर्नेछ। त्यस्ता किमशनर र गवर्नरको पदाविध ६ वर्षको हुनेछ।
  5. नेपाल सेनाको संख्या देशको जनसंख्याको ०.१% भन्दा बढी हुनेछैन। यो संिवधान लागु भएको ५ वर्ष िभत्रमा त्यसरी संख्या घटाइनुपर्नेछ। राष्ट्रपित नेपाल सेनाका कमाण्डर इन िचफ हुन्। संसदले ६५% मतका अाधारमा नेपाल सेनालाई िवघटन गर्न सक्छ।
  6. अाफ्नो िनजी कार्यालय, सल्लाहकार अािद बाहेक राष्ट्रपितले िनयुक्त गर्ने प्रत्येक व्यिक्तलाई अन्यथा िकटान नगिरएको अवस्थामा संसदको बहुमत चािहनेछ।
  7. वार्िषक बजेट राष्ट्रपितले पेश गर्ने छन् तर संसदले पािरत गर्न पर्नेछ।
  8. संसदले पठाउने िबल राष्ट्रपितले सही गरेपिछ त्यो कार्यान्वयन हुनेछ। संसदमा राष्ट्रपितले पिन िबल पठाउन सक्छन्।
  9. संसदले पठाएको िबल राष्ट्रपितले िफर्ता पठाइिदन सक्छन्। तर त्यही िबल संसदले ६५% मतले पािरत गरेमा त्यो िबल राष्ट्रपितले सही गर्नै पर्नेछ।
  10. संसदले पठाएको िबल राष्ट्रपितले १० िदन िभत्रमा सही नगरेमा वा वापस संसदलाई िफर्ता नपठाएमा त्यो स्वत: पािरत भएको मािननेछ।
  11. प्रत्येक राज्यले त्यसरी नै एउटा गवर्नर िनर्वािचत गर्नेछ।
धारा ३ : न्यायपािलका
  1. गाउँ।शहर, िजल्ला, राज्य, केन्द्र गरेर प्रत्येक तहमा न्यायपािलकाको उपिस्थित रहनेछ। ठुलो जनसंख्या रहेका गाउँ।शहर र िजल्लामा त्यसै अनुसारको ठुलो उपिस्िथित रहनेछ। िजल्ला र राज्य बीच एउटा अर्को लेयर रहनेछ, प्रत्येक राज्यमा ५ वटा कोर्ट अफ अिपल्स। गाउँ।शहर र िजल्ला स्तरमा दक्ष स्थानीय व्यिक्तलाई रािखनु पर्नेछ। स्थानीयको पिरभाषा राज्य सरकारले गर्नेछ।
  2. न्यायपािलकालाई दुरुस्त प्रशासनयन्त्रको रुपमा िवकास गिरनेछ।
  3. सर्वोच्च न्यायालयका न्यायाधीशहरूले ६५ वर्षको उमेरसम्म सेवा गर्नेछन्। सोभन्दा अगािड स्वेच्छाले अवकाश प्राप्त गर्न सक्नेछन्।
  4. राज्य र केन्द्रका सर्वोच्च न्यायालयहरुलाई राज्य र केन्द्रका संसदहरुले पािरत गरेका कानूनको वैधािनकता बारे बहस र िनर्णय गर्ने अिधकार हुनेछ। तर अवैधािनक घोिषत भएका कानूनलाई संसदले ६५% मतले फेिर पािरत गरेमा त्यसको वैधािनकता कायम हुनेछ।
  5. संसदले कुनै न्यायाधीशको तलब घटाउन पाउने छैन।
धारा ४ : राज्यहरू
  1. कोशी, गण्डकी, कर्णाली गरी तीन राज्य हुनेछन्। देशलाई २५ िजल्लामा बाँिडनेछ। प्रत्येक राज्यमा २०० सीट भएको प्रितिनिध सभा र ५० सीट भएको राज्य सभा हुनेछ। केन्द्रीय स्तरको एक क्षेत्रलाई राज्य स्तरमा दुईमा बाँिडनेछ।
  2. गाउँ।शहर र िजल्ला स्तरका सरकारहरुको िनर्वाचन प्रिक्रया, बनौट अािद बारे प्रत्येक राज्यको संसदले छुट्टा छुट्टै िनर्णय गर्नेछन्।
  3. केन्द्र स्तरको बजेटको ५% १० वटा प्रित व्तक्ित सबैभन्दा कम अाय भएका िजल्लाहरूलाई जनसंख्याका अाधारमा समनुपाितक िकिसमले हस्तान्तरण गिरनेछ।
  4. इन्कम ट्याक्स यस प्रकार बाँिडनेछ: ५०% केन्द्र, ३०% राज्य, १०% िजल्ला, र १०% गाउँ।शहर। तर इन्कम ट्याक्स कलेक्शन केन्द्रले मात्र गर्नेछ।
  5. इन्कम ट्याक्सबाट बाहेक अन्य स्रोतबाट अाएको अायबाट बनेको बजेट पिन केन्द्रले ५०% राखी बाँकी तीन राज्यलाई जनसंख्याका अाधारमा समनुपाितक िकिसमले हस्तान्तरण गर्नेछ। राज्यले ५०% राखी बाँकी िजल्लालाई जनसंख्याका अाधारमा समनुपाितक िकिसमले हस्तान्तरण गर्नेछ। िजल्लाले ५०% राखी बाँकी गाउँ।शहरलाई जनसंख्याका अाधारमा समनुपाितक िकिसमले हस्तान्तरण गर्नेछ।
  6. १० कक्षासम्म िनजी, सरकारी, स्वायत्त एवं अन्य िवद्यालयमा त्रीभाषीय िशक्षा लागू हुनेछ। १० कक्षापिछ कुन भाषामा पठनपाठन हुने कुरा प्रत्येक िशक्षण संस्थानले अाफै िनर्णय गर्नेछ। प्रत्येक िवद्यार्थीको एउटा प्रथम भाषा हुनेछ। दोस्रो भाषा नेपाली हुनेछ। नेपाली नै प्रथम भाषा भएकाले नेपालमा बोिलने कुनै पिन भाषालाई अाफ्नो दोस्रो भाषा बनाउन सक्नेछन्। तेस्रो भाषा अंग्रेजी। ५ कक्षापिछ गिणत र िवग्यान अंग्रेजीमा पढाइनेछ। अरू िवषय कुन भाषामा पढाउने भन्ने िनर्णय गर्ने अिधकार िजल्ला सरकारको िशक्षा सिमितलाई हुनेछ। िनजी क्षेत्रका िवद्यालयले त्यो िनर्णय अाफैं गर्नेछन्।
  7. गाउँ।शहर र िजल्ला स्तरका सरकारहरुको कामकाज नेपाली बाहेक अरू पिन भाषामा हुने िनर्णय िजल्ला सरकारले गर्न सक्नेछ।
धारा ५ : व्यिक्त
  1. व्यिक्त राज्यको सबैभन्दा महत्वपूर्ण अंग हो। मानव अिधकारको घोषणापत्र यस संिवधानको आधारिशला हो।
  2. प्रत्येक व्यिक्तलाई वाक स्वतन्त्रता, शािन्तपूर्ण रूपले भेला हुने स्वतन्त्रता, धर्मको स्वतन्त्रता हुनेछ। प्रत्येक व्यिक्तलाई स्पीिड, पब्िलक ट्रायलको र प्राइभसीको अिधकार छ। एउटै अपराधकालािग दुई पटक मुद्दा चलाउन पाइने छैन। कसैले अाफै िवरूद्ध साक्षी बस्नुपर्ने छैन। कानुनी प्रिक्रयाद्वारा बाहेक कसैलाई स्वतन्त्रता र सम्पित्तबाट वंिचत गिरने छैन। िनजी सम्पित्त पब्िलक कामकालािग कम्पेनशेसन निदइ जफत गर्न पाइने छैन। अित ठूलो बेल अथवा जिरवाना लगाइने छैन। क्रुर सजाय िदइने छैन। रीट अफ हेिबयस कोर्पस सस्पेण्ड गिरने छैन। िवगतका काम कारवाही समेट्ने गरी कानून पािरत गिरने छैन। िबना स्पष्ट कारण वारण्ट जारी गिरने छैन। जारी गिरएको वारण्टमा कुन ठाउँ खोजतलाशी गर्ने, कुन व्यक्ित समात्ने, के सम्पित्त जफत गर्ने कुरा स्पष्ट हुनु पर्नेछ। अपराधको दोष लागेको व्यक्ितले अिनवार्य रूपले अाफ्नो पक्षमा साक्षी खडा गर्न पाउने व्यवस्था हुन पर्नेछ, र कानूनी सेवाको अिधकार हुनेछ।
  3. नेपालमा जन्मेको प्रत्येक व्यिक्त नेपाली नागिरक हो। तर नेपालमा नजन्मेको व्यक्ितलाई पिन नागिरक बनाउने प्रावधान रािखनेछ।
  4. कानूनका दृष्िटले प्रत्येक व्यिक्त बराबर हो।
  5. कुनै पिन व्यिक्तले अाफ्नो अायको ४०% भन्दा बढी अाय कर ितर्न पर्ने छैन। अाम्दानीका िहसाबले तल्लो ४०% जनसंख्याले अाय कर ितर्नेे छैनन्।
  6. कुनै पिन िबजनेसले अाफ्नो मुनाफाको ३०% भन्दा बढी अाय कर ितर्न पर्ने छैन। तल्लो ३०% िबजनेसले अाय कर ितर्नेे छैनन्। िबजनेस संचालन र िवस्तारमा लाग्ने खर्चमा कर लाग्ने छैन।
  7. सेल्स ट्याक्स १०% भन्दा बढी हुने छैन, र राज्यद्वारा मात्र उसूल गिरनेछ।
  8. कुनै पिन स्तरको िनर्वाचन शिनवार मात्र अायोजना गिरने छ।
  9. जेलमा रहेका बाहेक कुनै पिन नागिरकलाई मतािधकारबाट विञ्चत गराइने छैन।
  10. अाजीवन िशक्षा लक्ष्य हो।
  11. प्रत्येक िशक्षण संस्थाले अाफ्नो १०% िवद्यार्थीलाई पूर्ण छात्रवृित प्रदान गरेको हुनुपर्नेछ। ५% पूर्ण छात्रवृित र १०% अर्द्ध छात्रवृित पिन प्रदान गर्न सक्नेछ। ५% पूर्ण छात्रवृित, ६% अर्द्ध छात्रवृित र ६% एक ितहाइ छात्रवृित पिन प्रदान गर्न सक्नेछ।
  12. िशक्षा र स्वास्थ्य क्षेत्रका उही तहका सरकारी करमचारीलाई अरु क्षेत्रकालाई भन्दा १०% बढी तलब िदइनेछ।
  13. सबैलाई िनशुल्क प्राथिमक स्वास्थ्य र १० कक्षासम्म िशक्षा उपलब्ध गराइनेछ। माइक्रो क्रेिडट उपलब्ध गराइनेछ।
  14. २०,००० रुप्याभन्दा बढीको पैसा लोन िदने काममा लागेको प्रत्येक व्यक्ितले िबजनेसको रुपमा रेिजस्टर गरेको हुनुपर्नेछ। ती िबजनेस रेगुलेट गिरनेछन्।
  15. कमसेकम १० वर्षमा एक पटक सेन्सस् गिरनेछ।
धारा ६ : राजधानी
  1. १० वर्ष िभत्रमा देशको राजधानी सारेर काठमाण्डुबाट िचतवन पुर्याइनेछ। कोशी, गण्डकी, कर्णालीको राजधानी उदयपुर, िचतवन र सुर्खेत हुनेछ।
Proposed Constitution (November 14)
Interim Constitution, Revolutionary Parliament (April 8)
Proposed Republican Constitution 2006 (January 1)
Proposed Constitution (December 19)
Proposed Constitution (November 17)
Proposed Constitution (September 3)
Proposed Democratic Republican Constitution (August 12)
Janata Dal Constitution (August 8)
Proposed Constitution (June 18)
Reorganized UN, Proposed Constitution, Methods (May 30)
Proposed Constitution (May 3)
Shortcut To A New Constitution, Shortcut To Peace (April 8)
This Inadequate, Improper, Insufficient 1990 Constitution (April 4)

Prachanda's Shiva Sena

Prachanda in his freshest interview has said that he does not want to be president but he does want to fundamentally transform Nepal. I wonder if Thackeray of Mumbai is his role model. Thackeray never held any office, but nobody confused that for his lack of interest in power.

In the course of watching Prachanda in action I have been consistently impressed with the guy's knack for the intricacies of power. He has a sure feel for it. He is adept at it. He could be running a fast growing dot com company with ease.

So you are looking at perhaps Badal as president and Matrika Yadav as vice president, or perhaps Hisila Yami as vice president. There are a few other combinations also possible. Of all the big parties in Nepal today, it is the Maoists that are the most likely to manage a fair representation of women and ethnics in power, and the UML the least likely. Bahunbaad is too prevalent in the top echelons of the UML.

Prachanda is about to get 10,000 of the ablest members of the Maoist army out of that army for election purposes. Look at the speed of the execution of the decision. And Girija can not even unify the two Congress factions that are clamoring to unify. Or perhaps he is waiting for the interim parliament to be formed so that the unified Congress is 110 plus strong while the Maoists are only 70 plus strong.

You can not say the Maoists should become a nonviolent party within a multi-party framework, and then complain that they are managing to grow within that nonviolent framework a little too well. I am not complaining. It is just that I am a little amazed at the lethargy of the Congress.

Make no mistake Prachanda wants his party to emerge the largest in the constituent assembly, and has already started work. He wants someone from his party to emerge Nepal's first president. You can not begrudge him his competitive streak. When political parties compete through fair means, the people benefit.

How To Deal With Prachanda

The first thing is history. The guy cares about his place in history more than anything else. He uses the word "historic" at the end of most of his important meetings.

The second thing you have to respect the fact that he is a Marxist. You have to appeal to the aspect of him that feels he is responsible for growing Marxist thought for contemporary realities. He does not feel like he capitulated and accepted a multi-party framework. He has to feel like he grew the Marxist thought itself to work within a multi-party framework.

The third thing is the guy is a soccer player. He is adept at group dynamics. He knows the game. He can get carried away by techniques regardless of ideology. He is so hooked. He really enjoys his job. He relishes power.

If Congress Does Not Go For Republic, Left Front Will Win
वीपी र िगिरजाको कहानी
Proposed Constitution
Defense And Home Stay With The Congress
Kul Chandra Gautam: Message From Gulmi
ANONYC: Proposed Constitution
September 23 Helicopter Crash Memorial Service
Why Prachanda Wants Girija To Lead The Interim Government
The Virus Of The April Revolution
Nepali Congress Needs A Convention

On The Web

Shiv Sena - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia As the president of the party Bal Thackeray takes all major decisions, and has claimed that he ran the Sena-Bharatiya Janata Party government of 1995 to 1999 with what he called a 'remote control.' Activists and members of the Shiv Sena call themselves Shiv Sainiks, and carry out most of the party's grassroot work. In recent times, Thackeray does not concern himself with day-to-day activities of the party, which is run by his youngest son Uddhav Thackeray. The recently refurbished Sena Bhavan located in the Dadar locality in Mumbai has served as the headquarters of the Sena since 1976. The Sena's shakhas (local offices) spread throughout the state of Maharashtra as well as in selected locations in other states decide upon most of the local issues in their particular cities or towns.
Know your party: Shiv Sena
India: Hindu chauvinists block filming of Deepa Mehta's Water
The Shiv Sena's games
Shiv Sena condemns anti-state activities - Deccan Herald ...
Shiv Sena On The Threshold Of Disintegration By Kumar Ketkar
Islamic Voice
Shiva Sena and their threats to the Pakistan Cricket team and ...
JSTOR: Ethnicity and Equality: The Shiva Sena Party and ...
shiva sena - Sulekha Tag Search, Free Blog Tag Blogs Tags Bloggers ...
Narayan Rane quits of opposition leader; Indian politics, assembly ...
The Hindu : Karnataka / Bijapur News : Muthalik joins Shiva Sena
The Hindu : Shiva Sena to field candidates
Shiv Sena in crisis
[PDF] ‘‘City of Mongrel Joy’’: Bombay and the Shiv Sena in Midnight’s ... Sena

BBC NEWS | World | South Asia | Who are Nepal's Maoist rebels?
BBC NEWS | South Asia | Meeting Nepal's Maoist leader
This site is operated by Communist Party Of Nepal(Maoist),central ...
Nepal Civil War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Nepal Terrorist Groups - Maoist Insurgents Specials
FrontPage :: Nepal’s Maoist Insurgency by Steven C. Baker
International Crisis Group - Nepal
International Crisis Group - Nepal's Maoists: Their Aims ...
Maoist Insurgency in Nepal
The Maoists of Nepal:Three perspectives
Nepal's Maoists prepare for final offensive --- Asia Pacific Media ...
Inside Nepal's Revolution Multimedia @ National Geographic Magazine
MIPT Terrorism Knowledge Base
Global Voices Online » Blog Archive » Nepal: Maoists and the agreement
Global Voices Online » Blog Archive » Nepal: Maoists and Democracy :: New Nepal: Maoists sign political pact, say ...
NPR : Nepal Maoist Leader: Women Driving Movement
Political History of the Maoists in Nepal

Prachanda - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Nepal's No.1 News Portal
RW ONLINE:Red Flag Flying on the Roof of the World
BBC NEWS | World | South Asia | Prachanda interview: Full transcript
BBC NEWS | South Asia | Prachanda - hero or villain?
This Site is Operated by the Communist Party of Nepal(Maoist ...
TIMEasia Magazine: "We Are Trying to Crush Feudal Autocracy"
Interview with Prachanda
exclusive interview with prachanda maoist leader
Prachanda: Information from
RW ONLINE: Statement by Comrade Prachanda, Communist Party of ...
Blogdai: Prachanda: "A Man in Control"
Gary Leupp: the Prachanda Path Towards Urban Insurrection
The Hindu : International / India & World : Prachanda likely to ... Mercantile Communications Pvt. Ltd. Mercantile Communications Pvt. Ltd.
Nepal Deputy PM in Delhi, Prachanda claims 'breakthrough' in ...
The Hindu : Front Page : Prachanda unveils road map for change in ...
Prachanda on Screen - Nepal
Prachanda Path - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
United We Blog! for a Democratic Nepal - We Blog For Peace And ...
Democracy For Nepal (DFN): Prachanda's Transitional Republic
Prachanda hints at breakthrough on arms management, summit meet ...
Global Voices Online » Blog Archive » Nepal: Moriarty Drowns Out ... - Nepal's No.1 News Portal
The Hindu : Front Page : Koirala, Prachanda reach historic accord
Prachanda Bhairavi (1965)
Urban Dictionary: Prachanda
Prachanda likely to visit Delhi to attend global summit ...
Joint Letter to Prachanda By Human Rights Organisation
Nepali Netbook: Enter Prachanda The Geo-Politician
Nepali Netbook: Sitaula: Between Prachanda And Ganapathy?
News: Nepal, Nepal: Prachanda discusses arms management with UN ...
Prachanda and Koirala meet again | Citizen Journalism Nepal
Toe Nepalese Maoists' line: Prachanda- The Times of India
Prachanda - Yahoo! News UK
My mouse, Prachanda and Nepali politics « My world, my perspective
Yahoo! Answers - who is prachanda?
Quote from Interview with comrade Prachanda
Prachanda Discusses Arms Management with UN Representative
AsiaMedia :: NEPAL: RSF removes King Gyanendra and Prachanda from ...
Prachanda meets Indian ambassador
Monthly Review August 2005 | Commentary | CPN (Maoist)
Editors’ Face To Face With Prachanda « United We Blog! for a ...
The Rising Nepal
The Rising Nepal
Democracy For Nepal (DFN): Prachanda, Madhav, Devendra Interview with Prachanda
Reporters sans frontières - Nepal
Prachanda, Indian Envoy Discuss Peace Process

In The News

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Maoist participation in interim legislature and government will be inclusive: Sharma they will give space to Dalits, Janajatis, Women and people injured during the Maoist insurgency in the interim legislature. ....... the election of the constituent assembly by mid June 2007.
‘Interim constitution by mid-November’
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NC-D leadership under pressure to adopt republican agenda At the ongoing meeting of district presidents of the party, the Nepali Congress (Democratic) leadership has come under pressure to adopt republican agenda. "Almost all of the speakers at the meeting (which started on Tuesday) have asked the leadership to adopt republican agenda," said Dr. Minendra Rijal ..... the speakers told leaders that without taking up the agenda of republic the party would not be able to win votes from the people in the coming days.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

If Congress Does Not Go For Republic, Left Front Will Win

If Girija Koirala insists on staying on as Prime Minister and party president, if he keeps refusing to do the concrete homework that is required for party unification, and if he keeps uttering his commitment to a ceremonial monarchy, the Maoists are going to emerge the largest party in the constituent assembly.

The Maoists are the most likely to come up with a 50-50, 30-30-30-10 formula for the interim parliament and government, as in they will send a whole bunch of women and ethnics into power. That will give them a sure edge.

The Maoists have a clear map for federalism. The seven parties don't. That gives the Maoists a huge edge.

Unless the two Congress factions unite around the slogan of a federal republic, and somebody in the second generation takes over, the Congress will be in a sorry shape in the constituent assembly.

And they need a map. What kind of federalism are they proposing?

All the left parties put together are going to have the simple majority they need to declare the country a republic.

Right now the Congress looks like a party in decline.

Many of the seven parties come across as singularly immune to new ideas. That applies to the Congress as well to the Sadbhavana.

The Maoists right now have wind behind their backs.

Girija seems to want to take the party down with him.

वीपी र िगिरजाको कहानी
Proposed Constitution
ANONYC: Proposed Constitution
Why Prachanda Wants Girija To Lead The Interim Government
The Virus Of The April Revolution
Nepali Congress Needs A Convention
Language Policy And University Of Pennsylvania

In The News

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PM, Prachanda discuss peace agreement Gorkhapatra, Nepal
Prachanda renounces armed struggle Hindu, India
Prachanda: Our Revolution Won L'Espresso, Italy Our revolution has not been completely victorious as yet. Changing the social economic structure and empowering the masses, in this sense, we have done an enormous amount and at the moment we are the main political force in the country. I think that we have achieved almost 60 percent of our goals , the remaining 40 per cent will be achieved with the election of the Costituent Assembly ..... I think that Maoist party will be supported by more than 50 percent of the country. Overall the democratic, republican, radical and left forces will gain more than 75 per cent of the vote ....... the CIA may conspire against our movement, we are serious and we are prepared for anything ...... if we Maoists win the elections, we will naturally claim the presidency of the Republic ......... personally I'm not really interested in becoming president ..... What I want do to do is to change the entire socioeconomic system in our country, but not with myself in government or as the president ....... We want to have a federal style of government with 9 or 10 autonomous regions. In the mean time our priority will be a revolutionary land reform. ....... our understandings standpoint is different from any communist party in the world. We are trying to interpretate marxism according to the needs of 21 st century and we are debating this with the socialist, communist and leftist movements all over the world. This is important not just for South Asia, but for the masses throughout the planet ......... We are not dogmatists, we are not sectarians, we are not traditionalists. We want to be ever more dynamic, adapting to our environment, understanding modernity ......... When we are in the government, our experiment will surprise everybody. ...... We are fighting not only for Nepal but for the masses of the entire world. We need help and the contributions from everybody ......... We changed our name several times in the past, before the Peoples War. We can change name according to the situation, there is no dogmatism about it. ........ We have resorses for hydroelectric power, thanks to the large amount of water coming off the Himalayas. Tourism could also create enormous income for us, thanks to our marvellous mountains, our historical and religious sites and our astonishing natural parks. Not to mention our agriculture, the land in Terai is potentially very fertile With good government we can become one of the richest country in South Asia. But we need transport, hi tech and scientific projects, infrastructures, and a lot of courage. In ten years we'll change the whole scenario, rebuilding this country to prosperity. In 20 years we could be similar to Switzerland. ....... we will welcome foreign investors ..... I lived in the capital for more than 10 years, then I moved to the mountains, when the Peoples War began ....... in the Peoples Army there are Hindus, Buddhists and others, and we respect all the religious beliefs of the masses ...... I read Indian and American literature, and obviously I read a lot of political newspapers from all over the world ........ my favourite was "Spartacus", you know? An historical movie by Stanley Kubrik, with Kirk Douglas, about a revolution by slaves in Ancient Rome
Koirala Will Lead Nation Till CA Polls: Prachanda Himalayan Times, Nepal
People's verdict will be respected: Prachanda Maoist mass meeting ... Gorkhapatra, Nepal
Prachanda renounces armed struggle Zee News, India

Richard Boucher to visit Nepal on Wednesday Times of India, India
Nepal`s Maoists in political makeover Zee News, India Our whole party organisation will focus on peaceful political process rather than war ...... Our party has already decided to dissolve the people's governments, local-level administration and our separate autonomous regions, among others
Yechury to attend signing of Nepal peace pact Monsters and, UK
Pro-King MPs kept out of Nepal Parliament, India
World Food Programme Asks Nepal Truckers To Ease Strike, Romania
Thousands of Child Soldiers Still Missing in Nepal Voice of America
IMF approves 21.2 mln USD payment for Nepal People's Daily Online, China
Korean Air launches Flights to Nepal and Charter Service to ..., Thailand

Verdict on Khum Bahadur’s Graft Case Likely Today Himalayan Times According to the CIAA, Khadka, currently an MP of the sitting parliament, had accumulated Rs 27.5 million without justifiable sources of income.
Minister for Immediate Declaration of a Republic State Chaudhari said that though the recent peace accord was historic, it lacked any word to console the voices of the indigenous people, women, Dalits and the Madheshis. ..... Jog Mehar Shrestha, the vice-president of Rashtriya Prajatantra Party, said the party would not create any obstacle if people's voice is for republic.
Rayamajhi panel indicts King Rayamajhi has found King Gyanendra guilty of suppression and killing of people during Jana Andolan II ...... named some security personnel for ordering the shooting of demonstrators and decided to recommend prosecution of them on charge of murder
Govt briefs donors on peace plan, seeks Rs 5b sought donor assistance in four major areas including infrastructure development of Maoist cantonments, relief and rehabilitation packages for internally displaced peoples (IDPs), strengthening internal security including re-establishment of over 117 police posts and additional expenses for holding the constituent assembly elections. ...... SDC, EU, Japan International Cooperation Agency, German GTZ, World Bank, ADB, USAID

Joint team inspects proposed cantonment sites in Surkhet, Kailali NepalNews
Abandoned IDEs and Landmines: Citizens’ lives still at risk
Congress establishment delaying party unification process: Deuba
Election Commission to prepare voters' list
Nepal: Can We Ever Reconcile Our Relative Truths?

Govt seeks donor assistance for rebel cantonments, CA poll Kantipur
Failure to agree could have been catastrophic: Mahara
Nepali students in US up by 25 percent
Govt-Maoist-UN team inspects Kailali, Surkhet PLA cantonment sites
3-day NC-D gathering begins in capital The party's current parliamentarians, ex-MPs, central members, ex-central members and district chairpersons of all 75 districts are attending the gathering that is taking place at the Birendra International Convention Centre in Kathmandu...... accusing the party leadership of being indifferent to the issue of Congress unification, the party members stressed the need for expediting the party unification process.
Boucher, Yechuri arriving Wednesday
Wanted’ man at TIA
Maoists threaten UML, NC men
‘No discussion on Koirala alternative’
19 still held in Maoist ‘jail’
'Hats off to people of Nepal, we must learn from you' Leaders representing Pakistan, Myanmar, Bhutan, Bangladesh and Kenya ..... Ali said, "People of Bhutan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Myanmar must learn a lesson from Nepal." ......Dr Tint Swe of Myanmar's National League for Democracy congratulated Nepal for achieving such a mammoth success. Swe, who has been fighting to instate democracy in Myanmar for the last 15 years, questioned, "Is not this possible in Myanmar as well?" ...... Nepal's success has convinced everyone around the world that if people unite, even the strongest of the oligarchy can be forced to kneel down. ...... "I salute people of Nepal on behalf of all the Kenyans and African countries," said Yahukara, adding, "The world has witnessed your (people of Nepal) victory and taught a lesson to the whole world."