Monday, April 24, 2006

ितमीले देखाइ िदयौ

ितमीले देखाइ िदयौ

भन्नेले भन्दै िथए
नेपाली जनताको ठेगान छैन
सुतेका छन्, नबुझ्ने छन
बरु िवश्व सुतेको पाएँ
नेताहरु दुइ कदम पछािड रहेको पाएँ
ितमी त यसरी बर्िसयौ
संसारमा कहीं नभएको क्रान्ित नेपालमा भयो
ितमीले गर्यौ
नेताहरुले चार िदन भने
ितमीले अठारह िदन िदयौ
नेताहरुले आन्दोलन भने
ितमीले क्रान्ित िदयौ
ितमीलाई नतमस्तक सलाम
ितमी यसरी उर्िलएर आयौ
म िनहुिरएँ, राजा िनहुिरयो
ितमीले पक्कै पिन मनसुन डाकेको हुनुपर्छ
लोकतन्त्र त बोनस हो
ितमी सडकमा आउँदा मेरो िदलमा हर्षको सुनामी आयो
ितम्रो बिलदानले िवश्व इितहासमा एक पाना थिपयो
ितमीले पसीना बगायौ, ितमीले रगत बगायौ
पसीना झैं रगत बगायौ
ितम्रो िनधार अझ पिन तात्तातै छ
मलाई ितमीले आभार प्रकट गर्न िसकाउ
ितमीले िवश्व भिर छिरएर रहेका नेपालीलाई गुण लगाएका छौ
आज सबैको िशर ठाडो छ
ितमीले गर्दा हो
यो एक्काइसौं शताब्दीको पिहलो ठुलो क्रान्ित हो
िवश्वले यसलाई अप्िरल क्रान्ित भनेर िचन्ने छ
क्रान्ित त अझ जारी छ
तर अब देश बन्द नगरे पिन जारी रहने क्रान्ित हो यो
यो अप्िरल क्रान्ित त ितमीले िबहान उठेर दाँत माझेको हो
ब्रेक्फास्ट, लन्च र िडनर त अझ अगािड छ
हे योद्धा, यो सडक ितम्रो हो, िथयो र सधैं भिर रिहरहनेछ
ितमीलाई मेरो सलाम
ितमीलाई नतमस्तक सलाम

(अप्िरल २४, २००६)

कर्फ्यु तोड्न आह्वान गर्नेले

कर्फ्यु तोड्न आह्वान गर्नेले
क्रान्ितकारी संसदको स्थापनाको पहल गर्नुपर्छ
नेताहरु वार्तामा नै जाने हो भने
त्यसकालािग शहीद कोही िकन हुनुपर्थ्यो
खुसूक्क फोन डायल गरे भइहाल्थ्यो
राज दरबारमा गएर प्रधानमंत्री पदकालािग
िनवेदन िदए भइहाल्थ्यो
क्रान्ितको िबगुल अप्िरल ५ मा फुिकएको होइन
यो त जनताले डोर्याएको क्रान्ित हो
सार्वभौम सत्ता राजा र नेतामा छैन भन्ने कुरा
जनताले सधैं बुझेको कुरा हो
यो हडताल होइन, यो अान्दोलन होइन
यो क्रान्ित हो
िवश्व इितहासमा यसलाई अप्िरल क्रान्ित भनेर िचिनने छ
सार्वभौम सत्ता जनतामा भएको सत्य क्रान्ित पिछ स्थापना हुने होइन
त्यो सत्य त किहले पिन झुठो िथएन
िहजो पिन िथएन, आज पिन छैन
भोिल हुने त झन कुरै भएन
राजा र मण्डलेहरूको केही लाग्दैन
यो कुरा जनताले राम्ररी बुझेका छन्
सात पार्टी र माओवादी भोिल न रहन सक्छन्
तर जनताको सार्वभौम सत्ता सूर्य र चन्द्र रहेसम्म रहन्छ
यो जनता अिधकार माग्न सडकमा ओर्लेका होइनन्
अिधकार मागेर पाइन्छ भन्ने लागेको भए
िबन्ितपत्र चढाइहाल्थे िन
शहीद नै िकन हुनुपर्थ्यो र
यस क्रान्ितको लक्ष्य वार्ता होइन
यस क्रान्ितको उत्सर्ग क्रान्ित नै हो
क्रान्ितले मागेको क्रान्ितकारी संसद हो
क्रान्ितले क्रान्ितसँगै माग्छ
क्रान्ितले सामन्तीसँैग माग्दैन
क्रान्ितले जनतामा भएको सार्वभौम सत्ताको बलले
त्यो क्रान्ितकारी संसदको स्थापना गर्छ
िकनभने यो क्रान्ित सडक र संसदमा कायम रहन्छ
यो त सडकले संसदलाई डोर्याउने क्रान्ित हो
सार्वजिनक छलफल हुनुपर्ने हुन्छ
मानव अिधकारको उलङघन गर्न पाइँदैन
िनर्णयकालािग बहुमत चािहनेे हुन्छ
तर त्यो पिरिध िभत्र फेिर अर्को क्रान्ित हुन्छ
सडकले संसदलाई डोर्याउँछ
क्रान्ित सडकबाट सरेर संसदमा पुग्छ
जनताले अर्हाएको नेताले गर्ने हो
सार्वभौम सत्ता त जनतामा नै िनिहत रहन्छ
संसद होस् या नहोस्
त्यो सार्वभौम सत्ता जनताले सडकमा प्रकट गर्न सक्छन्
जस्तो िक अिहले गिरराखेका छन्
त्यो सार्वभौम सत्ता जनताले क्रान्ितकारी संसदमा प्रकट गर्न सक्छन्
जनताको चाहना हो, जनताको िनर्णय हो
जनताले चाहेमा त्यो सार्वभौम सत्ता चन्द्रमामा प्रकट गर्न सक्छन्
राजाको कुनै औिचत्य नै छैन
राजाको औिचत्य भए पो राजासँग वार्ताको कुनै औिचत्य हुन्छ
यो जनताले शुरु गरेको क्रान्ित हो
रातको अन्त्य नभइ िदन कसरी अाउँछ
राजतन्त्रको अन्त्य नभइ लोकतन्त्रको स्थापना कसरी हुन्छ
पन्द्रह शहीद वार्ताकालािग शहीद भएका हुन् त?
संिवधान सभा त फगत चुनाव हो
शहीद त गणतन्त्रकालािग भएको हुनुपर्छ
राजा भनेको पिन व्यक्ित हो, देउता होइन
गणतन्त्रमा त्यो व्यक्ित पिन नागिरक भएर बस्न सक्छ
त्यो राजाले देश छोडेर भाग्ने उपाय िकन सोंच्ने
भागेर जाने कहाँ
नागिरक हुनुको जित मजा छ त्यित राजा हुनुको छैन
ए राजा हुनेहरु नागिरक भएर त हेर
नागिरक हुनुको मजा यित बढी छ
घरमा त सबै राजा नै हुन्छन्
नागिरक बन्न मेला जान्छन्
मेला जानुको मजा मेला जानेलाई सोध
कर्फ्यु तोड्न आह्वान गर्नेले
राजालाई मेला लग्नुपर्छ
मेलाको तयारी गर
क्रान्ितकारी संसदको स्थापना गर

(अप्िरल २०, २००६)

जाउलो खाएर क्रान्ित गर

तरकारी महँगो भयो भने

जाउलो खाएर क्रान्ित गर

तरकारी महँगो भएको बहानामा
ितमीले क्रान्ित रोक्यौ भने
नाित पनाितले सराप्लान

बन्द गिरदेउ देश एक चोिट सर्लप्प

तािक फेिर किहले पिन बन्द गर्न नपरोस्

लोकतान्त्िरक गणतन्त्रको नाराले
पाँच छ जना शहीद भइसके
अिहले क्रान्ित रोक्यौ भने

तीनै शहीदले सराप्लान्

खै ती शहीदलाई त तरकारी महँगो भएन

ितमीलाई पिन तरकारी महँगो नभएकै हुनुपर्छ

यो तरकारी महँगो भएको हल्ला ंमण्डलेहरुले फैलाएको हल्ला हुनुपर्छ
तरकारीको मूल्य त मण्डले प्रोपगाण्डा हो

तरकारीको मूल्यको कुनै अर्थ नै छैन

कहाँ क्रान्ित, कहाँ तरकारी
क्रान्ित गर

क्रान्ित गिरराख

क्रान्ितकारी संसदको स्थापना नभएसम्म
क्रान्ित नरोक
क्रान्ितकारी अन्तिरम संिवधान अन्तर्गतको
क्रान्ितकारी संसदको स्थापना नभएसम्म क्रान्ित कायम राख
नत्र नाित पनाितले सराप्लान

यो आन्दोलन होइन, यो त क्रान्ित हो
कुनै देशको इितहासमा हजार वर्षमा एक पटक हुन्छ
सात पार्टीले गरेको आन्दोलन होला, माओवादीले गरेको आन्दोलन होला

राजाले देखे नदेखे गरेको आन्दोलन होला

तर ितमीले गिरराखेको त क्रान्ित हो

क्रान्ितले वार्ता गर्दैन

क्रान्ितले क्रान्ितकारी अन्तिरम संिवधान अन्तर्गतको

क्रान्ितकारी संसदको स्थापना गर्छ

त्यो नभएसम्म ितमी जाउलो खाएर क्रान्ित गिरराख

तरकारीको मूल्यको कुनै अर्थ नै छैन

शहीदको रगतको अर्थ छ


(अप्िरल १८, २००६)

ये तो क्रान्ित है

कोइ कहते हैं ये आन्दोलन है
दो चार लोग सडक पर इकट्ठा करेंगे
ओैर जाएंगे राजासे िभख माङ्ने
कहेंगे प्रभु दे दो प्रजातन्त्र, कृपा करो
इकट्ठा तो कर ही ली है हमने भीड
दुरबीन लगा के देख लो
खुद अपनी आँखोंसे
क्युँ िछने
िछने भी तो अब तो वापस कर दो
बहुत हो गई
मैलमें क्युँ उतर आए
वो िकचड तो हमारे िलए है
तुम वापस िसंहासन पर िवराजमान हो जाओ
बहुत हो गई
लेिकन मैं कहता हुँ ये तो क्रान्ित है
जनता सडक पर उतर आई है
मनसुन क्या खाक आएगी
ये तो मनसुनसे पहले क्रान्ित आ गई
मनसुनकी तरह
लोगोंके मुहसे िनकल रही बािरसको देखो
क्या बौंछार है
एक जमाना था
जगह जगह मलेिरयाका प्रकोप था
सब जगह पोिलयो िथ
देश देशमें एक राजा हुवा करता था
पोिलयो तो समाप्त हुई
राजतन्त्र भी समाप्त होगी
श्री ५ का भी कोइ सरकार होता है क्या
सरकार तो जनताकी होती है
उसको नेपाल सरकार कहके बुलाया जाता है
ये एक बच्चा पैदा हो रहा है
नेपालमें पहली बार लोकतन्त्रकी स्थापना होने जा रही है
कोइ इसको नेतृत्व क्या देगा
बाढ जो नदी में आती है
उसको कौन नेतृत्व देता है
ये तो क्रान्ित है
आग लग चुकी है
ज्वाला धधक रहा है
लोगोके चेहरा पर गर्व है
उस गर्वको देखो
वार्ताकी तो बात ही न करो
बात आगे बढ चुकी है
ये कोइ हडताल है जो वार्ता होगी
ये तो क्रान्ित है
क्रान्ितकी एक लक्ष होती है
देखो लोगोंको कैसे सडक पर उतर आए हैं
िदलमें धधक रही आगको देखो
ये तो स्वतन्त्रताकी उन्माद है
कैसे मस्त मस्त झुम रहे हैं
कीर्ितपुर, िचतवन, मैतीदेवी गणतन्त्रकी घोषणा कर ली
वार्ता कहाँ हुइ
रुपन्देहीमें नाम दे िदया उन्होने
नेपाल सरकार, नेपाल सरकार
बगैर वार्ताके
ये तो क्रान्ित है
क्रान्ित एक क्रान्ितकारी संसदकी स्थापना करती है
क्रान्ित वार्ता नहीं करती
ये बन्दरका खेल नहीं, ये तो क्रान्ित है

(अप्िरल १०, २००६)

यो सडक ितम्र्ो हो

घरबाट िनस्केर आउ सडकमा
पर्खाल हाम्फालेर आउ
अंकमाल गरेर आउ
कौसीबाट हाम्फाल
ढोका खोलेर आउ
यो सडक ितम्रो हो

फािसस्टहरुले देश बेच्न लािगसके
राजा नभए देश रहन्छ
देश नरहे ितमी रहन्नौ
ितम्रो घरमा अँध्यारो छ
बत्ती बाल्ने बेला यही हो
आउ सडकमा
यो सडक ितम्रो हो

आँधीबेरी जस्तै आउ
मनसुनको बर्सात भएर आउ
तर मनसुन आउनु अगािड आउ
यो आन्दोलन समयको तकाजा हो
यो वर्तमान, यो भिवष्य ितम्रो हो
त्यसैले आउ सडकमा
यो सडक ितम्रो हो

गाउँ गाउमा आउ
शहर शहरमा आउ
िजल्लाको सदरमुकाममा आउ
राजधानीमा त ओइरेर आउ
लाखौंको संख्यामा आउ
यो सडक ितम्रो हो

आन्दोलन सफल हुन्छ
सडक रगताम्मे हुन्छ
िवजयको अबीरले
दशकौंपिछ नाित पनाितले सोध्लान
क्रान्ितका दौरान ितमी कहाँ िथयौ
ितमीले भन्नु नपरोस्
ितमी कोठामा टीभी हेरेर बसेका िथयौ
अथवा बार्दलीबाट रिमता हेरेर बसेका िथयौ
त्यसैले सडकमा आउ
यो सडक ितम्रो हो

कमल थापा हावाको गोली हान्दैछन्
ितमी बोलीको गोली हान
नारा लगाउ
कमल थापा, तुल्सी िगरीलाई जेल पुर्याउ
माधव नेपाललाई जेलबाट फुत्काउ
आउ, ितमी सडकमा आउ
यो सडक ितम्रो हो

राजा नागिरक र व्यापारी भएर बसुन्
नत्र भने जेल जाउन
मतलब छैन
मतलब ितम्रो छ
भरे बाटो कुरेर बस्न नपरोस्
ितमी रातभिर जागाराम भएर पिन आउ
एका िबहानै आँखा िमच्दै आउ
लाखौंको संख्यामा आउ
माित्तएको गोरु जस्तै िनर्धक्क भएर आउ
यो सडक ितम्रो हो

आउ, आउ
सडकमा आउ

(मार्च २८, २००६)

तिमी सडकमा उत्रेको देखेको छु

न्यु यर्क कहिले ननिदाउने शहरमा
इन्टरनेट मेरो पर्दा नलाग्ने झ्याल भएको छ
टाढैबाट भए पनि
सडकमा तिमीले जुन स्वतन्त्रता संग्राम मच्चाएका छौ
त्यसलाई मैले यहाँबाट नै प्रणाम गरेको छु
रगताम्मे निधारमा मैले भोलिको नेपाल देखेको छु
महिला पुरुष एक भएर, विद्यार्थी बुज्रुक एक भएर
तिमीले देखेको सपना, हे योद्धा
साकार हुन्छ, अवश्य हुन्छ
किनभने स्वतन्त्रता बाहिर मानवताको कुनै अस्तित्व छैन
तिमी त्यहाँ होस्टे गर, म यहाँ हैंसे गर्छु
तिमी भन इन्किलाब, म भन्छु यहाँ जिन्दाबाद
तिमी भन तानाशाही, म यहाँ भन्छु मुर्दाबाद
तिम्रो निधारको रगत बिहानीको सुर्य हो
क्षितिजमा त्यो आइसकेको छैन, तर सारा आकाश रगताम्मे छ
त्यो विहान अवश्य आउँछ
त्यो नीतिको नियम हो
वाग्मतीको पानी कसले रोक्न सक्छ
कोशी जहिले बगेकै छ
स्वतन्त्रता त्यस्तै एकोहोरो हुन्छ
लोकतन्त्रको आवाज शंखनाद हो
यो मेघ झैं गर्जन्छ
अहिंसा भनेको अणु बमभन्दा भयानक हतियार हो
यदि त्यो स्वतन्त्रता सेनानीको हातमा पर्छ भने
हे वीर योद्धा
तिमीलाई मेरो सलाम
तिमी भन त्यहाँ इन्किलाब, म भन्छु यहाँ जिन्दाबाद

(अक्टोबर ४, २००५)

18 Days Of April Revolution: Victory

Beloved Countrymen,

Convinced that the source of State Authority and Sovereignty of the Kingdom of Nepal is inherent in the people of Nepal and cognizant of the spirit of the ongoing people's movement as well as to resolve the on-going violent conflict and other problems facing the country according to the road map of the agitating Seven Party Alliance, we, through this Proclamation, reinstate the House of Representatives which was dissolved on 22 May 2002 on the advice of the then Prime Minister in accordance with the Constitution of the Kingdom of Nepal-1990. We call upon the Seven Party Alliance to bear the responsibility of taking the nation on the path to national unity and prosperity, while ensuring permanent peace and safeguarding multiparty democracy. We also summon the session of the reinstated House of Representatives at the Sansad Bhawan, Singha Durbar at 1 P.M. on Friday, 28 April 2006.

We are confident that this House will contribute to the overall welfare of Nepal and the Nepalese people.

We extend our heartfelt condolences to all those who have lost their lives in the people's movement and wish the injured speedy recovery. We are confident that the nation will forge ahead towards sustainable peace, progress, full-fledged democracy and national unity.

May Lord Pashupatinath bless us all!

Jaya Nepal!
Video of April 24 Royal Address

Project Nepal Democracy: Contribute Donate Samudaya, Alliance, NAC.
Nepal Medical Association, A/C # 21228-11, Nepal Bank Limited, Dharmapath, Kathmandu
KMHMAHA-Loktantra HRF, Nepal Investment Bank, Pulchok, A/C 7752140, Swift code: NIBL NP KT

The king has reinstated the parliament. That reinstatement is the departure point of the seven party alliance roadmap. Step two is an all party government, step three is peace talks with the Maoists, and the final step is a constituent assembly.

I accept the leadership of the seven party alliance. They got what they wanted, and so I am happy.

Of course there are reservations. There are people who think this step has now got us stuck in the 1990 constitution. I don't think so. The House reinstatement has been a political decision on the part of the king. It has not been a legal or a constitutional decision. The next three steps of the roadmap are also going to be political decisions.

If there is any deviation from the roadmap, the people should still be ready to come out into the streets. But when that happens, would you rather have Kamal Thapa as Home Minister, or Bamdev Gautam? I would rather have Bamdev Gautam.

Some people say we should be cautious because the king has not given us a constituent assembly, he has merely revived the House. That is not how I read the speech. He has made a clear commitment to the roadmap of the seven party alliance.

House Revival Through Supreme Court Decision
The King Will Only Respond To Internal Pressure (April 22, 2005)

Brave People

The people who braved the streets all across Nepal have a reason to celebrate. This has been a historic revolution. In Ukraine in 2004, it happened only in the capital city, only in one part of the city. In Nepal it happened all across the country. The people shut down the country for 18 straight days. The Nepali people have given a new meaning to the word revolution.

Stick To The Roadmap

Vigilance has to be maintained. We have to secure a constituent assembly, otherwise these 18 days will have gone to waste.

Commend The King

I also commend the king. He has delivered a perfect speech. He has mentioned the movement, he has mentioned the martyrs, the injured. He has come around to the roadmap of the seven party alliance which he describes as "agitated." If I don't like this step, I should take my grievances to the seven party alliance.

You can not say the choice is between a ceremonial monarchy and a republic, and then blame the king for not giving you everything you wanted. A republic, for example.

The Ball Is In the Court Of The Seven Party Alliance

The ball is no longer in the king's court. It is for the SPA to stick to its roadmap. The faster we can get to a constituent assembly, the better.

Two Armies

The formation of the all party government should be smooth. Peace talks with the Maoists will prove challenging, I think. It will be easy because both sides have already agreed to the end result: a constituent assembly. It will be tough because the country has two armies.

I think the best thing to do would be to dismantle both armies, and then take the country to a constituent assembly.

Nepal is not about to go to war with India or China. Nepal is a poor country. We need to be producing teachers and health care workers and political activists, not soldiers. We need to be spending on education, health and micro credit, not on defense.

Constituent Assembly

I think it has to be 300 seats of roughly equal population. The assembly has to stick to the one person one vote principle as closely as possible.

Constituent Assembly: 300 Seats Of Roughly Equal Population

Committed To A Republic

As the president of Hamro Nepal, I am committed to the cause of a republic. Getting there through a constituent assembly is my first choice option. That is the non violence way. That is the democratic way. That is the ballot box way. That is the people power way. You work to win hearts and minds.

For me it is not about the person of the king, any personal dislike, any vendetta. For me it is about a republic being the best vehicle for a rapid socio-economic growth of the country. It is about principle. It is about thinking what is best for the country, what form of a political arrangement. A republic will best make possible a double digit growth.

Hamro Nepal, Latest
Hamro Nepal: Draft Constitution
Hamro Nepal All Set To Be Launched
Organization: Hamro Nepal
Your Many Identities

The Movement Is Very Much On

It is just that it is more fun when your folks are in power.

Now the Maoists should declare an indefinite ceasefire, and the SPA needs to reciprocate without delay. And the SPA will.

Now if the people feel the need to come out and protest, they don't have to fear bullets and batons. The SPA government will respect the right to peaceful assembly.

Madhesis And Constituent Assembly

The revolution has won, but the revolution within the revolution has not even been launched yet. A constituent assembly is the best possible framework the Madhesi community can hope for in which to fight for total equality. The word Nepali has never before included someone like me. That has to change.

My Most Controversial Blog Post To Date: On Madhesi Issue
Aire Gaire Natthu Khaire Pahadis
First ANTA NYC Event, Times Square Marriott
Time For Madhesi Militancy Is Now
Madhesi Hum Lenge Sau Mein Pachas
Madhesi Rights: Abhi Nahin To Kabhi Nahin
Tibetans And Madhesis

International Isolation Now Ends

The country got globally isolated on February 1, 2005. That phase is now over.

Now the country can go back to living fully. We need healthy, relentless debates on many topics, but we don't need to shut the country down for such debates.

Prime Minister

I wonder who will be Prime Minister.

18 Days In Pictures

Kantipur Day 1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12|13|14|15 |16 |17|18|19 Day 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18

Mero Sansar 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23

19 days of pro-democracy movement Kantipur
Photos of nationwide victory rallies
Samudaya Defying curview on the 18th day of protests, Tens of thousands out on Apr 21, Death in Kalanki, Burnt Taxi, New Baneshwor, Jorpati: No stones, Agitation for Democracy, Part 3, Agitation for Democracy, Part 2, Agitation for Democracy, Patan: 5:30-7:30pm, Part 2, Patan: 5:30-7:30pm, Part 1, Business as usual, Following the rubble trail, Khalanga, Rukum, Black Day at Basantapur, Pt 2, Defiance at New Road / Basantapur, Before the curfew, The thoughtpolice says hello, Citizens Meet in New York for Democracy, Part 2, Citizens Meet in New York for Democracy, Vigil at Basantapur — Creative Dissent in Kathmandu, This Week in Kathmandu, Pt. 2, This Week in Kathmandu, Pt. 1
INSN Udayapur: 10-11 Baisakh, Hamro andolan jari cha!, Photos: 8 Baisakh, Signs of the Times, Images, Protest in Chabil Area

Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests Protests (Photo sources: NepalNews, Kantipur, United We Blog, Samudaya, Phalano etc.)

Mero Sansar Video Clips 7
Mero Sansar Video Clips 6
Mero Sansar Video Clips 5
Mero Sansar Video Clips 4
Mero Sansar Video Clips 3
Mero Sansar Video Clips 2
Mero Sansar Video Clips

Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2006 11:36:56 -0700
From: "Shailesh Ghimire"
To: "paramendra bhagat"
Subject: Reaction to King's Latest Proclamation 4/24


I felt like I need to write to you since your blog has so much reach. In reaction to the King's latest proclamation 4/24 06:45PM GMT:

- House revival is a dead end trap. Here is how KG is thinking:
a) revive house
b) let politicans squabble
c) people go back home
d) tempers cool
e) 4-8-10 weeks later we're back to October 2002 - bickering politicans, raging Maosit insurgency,
f) King slowly builds good will as peole start blaming politicans
g) C.A can not agree on monarchy so further complications
h) Maoists break agreement with parties and start killing NC and UML workers
i) Army generals maintain loyalty to KG
j) fast forward to 2008 January, stage is set for another KG/Army power grap - this time factoring in mistakes from previous power grab!

Reviving the house is a mistake!!! This hous is not worth 1 life let alone 14 lives.

Abolition of monarchy is the only way forward. Maoists can be brought into the mainstream through a negotiated compromise. The main obstacle is the King!

We can not compromise on this! I hope you publish these thoughts on your blog.

Here are other reasons we can't trust KG:
- he has not released political prisioners
- he has not returned money stolen from the treasury
- he's cadre's need to be brought to justic for killing innocents - he himself needs to be put on trial!


Kiran Nepal

Kiran Nepal Of Himal Khabar In NYC 1
Kiran Nepal Of Himal Khabar In NYC 2
Kiran Nepal Of Himal Khabar In NYC 3
Kiran Nepal Of Himal Khabar In NYC 4

Kiran Nepal 5
Kiran Nepal 6
Kiran Nepal 7
Kiran Nepal 8

Cobb To Leahy

Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2006 12:22:59 +0100 (BST) From: Send an Instant Message "Dr Brian Cobb"
Subject: Copy of Letter to Senator Leahy

I realize that the Senator gets a lot of mail and cannot attend to most personally, but please strongly consider bringing this to his attention. He is the only one in Congress with sufficient interest in Nepal to make a difference at this most critical juncture. Thank you.


Dear Senator Leahy:

We share an interest in and affection for the people of Nepal, and I know that you have championed their cause. I'm sure you're aware of some of the developments. US policy is misguided at the moment, and I think you will understand why.

The monarchy is moribund from self-inflicted wounds. Hubris, cruelty, greed, exploitation and incompetence have laid it low. The US position, greeting the king's sham offer of appointing a party-nominated puppet prime minister as the Magna Carta, has cost the US dearly. Decades of good will built up by Peace Corps volunteers, visitors and foreign aid are being squandered in a quixotic effort to force upon the people a king they loathe and need like a brain tumor.

I recognize that stability is the key US concern. Fears of anarchy leading to a Maoist coup are reasonable; in my view, an army coup is more likely and would be as bad, maybe worse. But our support of Gyanendra now, if successful, will only push more people into the Maoist fold.

A far smarter strategy is to work with the party leaders so when--not if, but when--the king decamps, a strong and stable transitional government can be put in place. The army and armed police should immediately be placed under UN, EU or retired Gurkha command, and the current officers held for trial.

After that, a constituent assembly or referendum could be held. There is no need to worry about the Maoists doing at the ballot box what they have been unable to do in battle; they're not that popular.

As one who has seen the immense brutality of the Nepali government, and as someone with great familiarity with Nepal, I assure you that the wisest course is to do, for a change, what we always claim we are doing and support democracy and human rights. Doing the right thing is the right thing to do.

It's time to help the Nepalese people find a safe passage to peace, democracy and human rights by throwing off a criminal, brutal, unconstitutional, incompetent and hated government.

On behalf of my many friends in Nepal, I implore you to use your good offices to help the people achieve their aspirations.

Brian Cobb, M.D.

Brian Cobb: Savagery on the Roof of the World
Brian Cobb, Brave Man

Leahy Amendment Says No Arms To Nepal
Leahy, Lion
Senator Patrick Leahy
Senator Patrick Leahy, Democrat, Vermont
Senator Leahy To US Congress On Nepal

Peer To Peer Foundation: Demosphere Project


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Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2006 03:07:15 +0100 (BST)
From: "Dr Brian Cobb"
Subject: Re: [DFN Blog] 18 Days Of April Revolution: Victory

Dear Paramendra,

Good commentary. I have clarified the constitutional question I had; article 116 is unclear in English. But it appears that a CA can be called without royal consent.

I see we are in agreement about demilitarization. I have been beating that drum since 2002 and thought no one else thought that way. I am attaching an essay I wrote a while back.

I think you and I should collaborate on promoting demilitarization and formation of a national service corps.

Loktantra jindabad!


Paramendra Kumar Bhagat wrote:

Constituent Assembly: 300 Seats Of Roughly Equal Population 1

The Moral Equivalent of War

By Prof. Dr. Brian Cobb

The brilliant and insightful physician, psychologist and philosopher Dr William James, a veteran of the US Civil War, gave a speech at Stanford University in 1906 in which he proposed a military-style national service corps that would be, as his title says, “The Moral Equivalent of War.” He understood that humans, especially young men, are drawn to aggression, conflict and displays of courage, making them prone to war; Nepal has certainly seen much evidence for his thesis. As many ex-soldiers do, Dr James later became a pacifist. Having seen war’s horrors firsthand, he realized its futility, suffering and insanity. At the same time, he admired the discipline and purpose of the military.

Dr James’s proposal makes sense. Those who would, under conventional circumstances, serve in the armed forces could direct the same energies against the problems of their nation. He calls for building infrastructure and contributing to production capacity by the corps, which would be organized along military lines. In economic terms, the money spent on maintaining an army would be investment, not consumption. Funds otherwise spent on guns and bullets could instead by spent for things that improve the lives of the citizenry.

If the Royal Nepal Army were placed under UN command to voluntarily disarm the Maoists, ensure the integrity of all-party (including the CPN-Maoist) parliamentary elections, then disarm itself to become, integrated with the Maoist Army, a national service corps, the energies of 150,000 or more people could be harnessed to build roads, extend the electrical grid, construct and teach in schools, staff healthcare facilities, and otherwise contribute to the reconciliation and development the nation so badly needs. There would be no danger of military dictatorship, army atrocities or coups d’etat.

Of course this means abandoning the fiction that the RNA could defeat India or China if they attacked, but it’s not a delusion to which reasonable people would cling. By placing security under the police, there will be judiciary and ministerial accountability.

Few people in Nepal want an absolute monarchy or a Panchayat-style government; more and more are calling for a republic. However, the monarchy can be reinvented for the 21st century, avoiding both the uselessness of a purely ceremonial royalty and the autocracy of a politically dominant one. The Shah dynasty could become a force for good, leading a noble effort to develop the nation and serve the citizens. His Majesty could create a secure and respected niche by supervising a corruption-free, efficient, human force to fight poverty, illiteracy and disease. He could become, in James McGregor Burns’s terms, a transformational leader rather than a transactional one.

A parliament elected under the 1990 constitution could amend it or negotiate a constituent assembly. Insisting on a constituent assembly as a precondition for peace seems likely to fail, as the King would almost certainly reject it and, in any case, it would take much longer to establish democratic governance than having elections and seating a parliament first. Even if royal opposition precludes an eventual constituent assembly, a representative government under the present constitution is surely preferable to another decade or more of war and misery.

The American proposal to reunify monarchy and parties without Maoist participation can offer only continued bloodshed and preclude elections. No one thinks the continued prosecution of the war will result in defeat of the Maoists, so it makes no sense to delay reunification of all three factions if satisfactory terms can be agreed to. As things stand the war is more a reflection of intransigence over strategies than of stated principles and goals. All factions would gain by cooperating, compromising and doing what is best for Nepal.

How many more families will have to grieve, how many more people will have to be maimed, how many more displaced and denied education and medical care before sanity and decency prevail? Immoral war must yield to the moral equivalent of war and the energies of the Kingdom be directed toward creating a just, lawful, progressive, educated and prosperous land.

Henry David Thoreau observed, “For every thousand men hacking away at the branches of evil, there is one hacking at the roots.” We must recognize that the roots of this war are injustice, caste discrimination, exploitation, corruption, poverty, lack of opportunity and frustration. It is time to direct the country’s energies to the roots.

The Moral Equivalent of War

By Prof. Dr. Brian Cobb

The brilliant and insightful physician, psychologist and philosopher Dr William James, a veteran of the US Civil War, gave a speech at Stanford University in 1906 in which he proposed a military-style national service corps that would be, as his title says, “The Moral Equivalent of War.” He understood that humans, especially young men, are drawn to aggression, conflict and displays of courage, making them prone to war; Nepal has certainly seen much evidence for his thesis. As many ex-soldiers do, Dr James later became a pacifist. Having seen war’s horrors firsthand, he realized its futility, suffering and insanity. At the same time, he admired the discipline and purpose of the military.

Dr James’s proposal makes sense. Those who would, under conventional circumstances, serve in the armed forces could direct the same energies against the problems of their nation. He calls for building infrastructure and contributing to production capacity by the corps, which would be organized along military lines. In economic terms, the money spent on maintaining an army would be investment, not consumption. Funds otherwise spent on guns and bullets could instead by spent for things that improve the lives of the citizenry.

If the Royal Nepal Army were placed under UN command to voluntarily disarm the Maoists, ensure the integrity of all-party (including the CPN-Maoist) parliamentary elections, then disarm itself to become, integrated with the Maoist Army, a national service corps, the energies of 150,000 or more people could be harnessed to build roads, extend the electrical grid, construct and teach in schools, staff healthcare facilities, and otherwise contribute to the reconciliation and development the nation so badly needs. There would be no danger of military dictatorship, army atrocities or coups d’etat.

Of course this means abandoning the fiction that the RNA could defeat India or China if they attacked, but it’s not a delusion to which reasonable people would cling. By placing security under the police, there will be judiciary and ministerial accountability.

Skeptics should recall that prior to Gyanendra’s ascension to the throne, Nepal was effectively demilitarized. The army was small, poorly trained, weak and ill-equipped. It had not even one aircraft and its rifles were World War I vintage. Its role was only to guard the King and to put on dog and pony shows on state occasions.

Henry David Thoreau observed, “For every thousand men hacking away at the branches of evil, there is one hacking at the roots.” We must recognize that the roots of this war are injustice, caste discrimination, exploitation, corruption, poverty, lack of opportunity and frustration. Now that democracy has been restored it is time to direct the country’s energies to the roots and, a century on, Dr James's proposal seems the best way to do it.

Namaste everyone.
Several organizations have asked for a formal proposal for my planned program. Here is the preliminary version. Let's hope it is accepted by someone and we can continue our good work.
Brian, April 26
Proposed Nepal Institute of Emergency and Critical Care Medicine
Dr Brian Cobb
There has been a lot of progress in health care in Nepal in the past decade or two, but emergency care has lagged behind. As in the rest of south Asia, there are no trained emergency physicians, no modern emergency/trauma units, no trained emergency nurse specialists or emergency medical technicians, no life support ambulances. My Blue Cross team arose to fill a void by providing advanced level care in the field. I had trained 14 volunteers in the Basic Trauma Life Support program of the American College of Surgeons. Despite my warnings from the beginning, most proved unsuited as our work became more dangerous. Within one week I was down to two. Unfortunately we were shut down by Kamal Thapa’s machinations, but our mission remains.
My idea centers on establishing a non-profit Institute of Emergency and Critical Care Medicine. It would contract to operate the Emergency Department (ED) of an existing hospital, preferably a teaching facility, staff it and carry on research and training programs.
The care component can be divided into prehospital services using ambulances staffed with emergency medical technicians or nurses and equipped with life-saving equipment and drugs, and a modern emergency department configured to deliver immediate, skilled, state of the art care for all types of emergencies, including trauma.
The educational component can be divided into 4 programs:
  1. A four-year MD in Emergency Medicine to prepare skilled, knowledgeable emergency physicians. In the US EM is the most sought after training, accepting only students in the top 5% of the medical school class, and is the most cognitively demanding and diverse.
  2. A four-year BScN in Emergency Nursing to train male and female nurse specialists.
  3. An Emergency Medical Technician-Paramedic program of two years’ duration to train personnel for ambulance and ED duties. This includes advanced trauma, pediatric and cardiac life support skills.
  4. A series of 3 to 5 day courses for practicing doctors and nurses, as well as medical students, in various aspects of emergency care such as Advanced Cardiac Life Support, Advanced Pediatric Life Support, Basic and Advanced Trauma Life Support, Integrated Management of Pregnancy And Childbirth, toxicology and others.
Another option would be to create a free-standing institute which could then transfer stable patients to other hospitals of the patient’s choice. It would have ED, OT and ICU capabilities only. I was half-jokingly thinking that a small portion of the palace, which is centrally located, could be put to that use!
In the US we have to earn a BSc before entering medical school, and during that time I worked as a firefighter-paramedic while studying. I sat on the EMS advisory council from the age of 18 and helped design the EMS system in place today. I have spent my entire adult life working in emergency medicine. Accordingly, I have the breadth of experience and skills to create a program that will fill a void in Nepal’s health care system and contribute to the health and safety of the wonderful people of Nepal.
I would like to find a partner institution to develop this innovative effort.
