Sunday, September 25, 2005

Pyar Jung's Jumbo Size Love For The King

Like Ram Baran Yadav said to me on the phone from Delhi many months back: "This is your typical Third World dictator."

Buy a plane, and then go where?

Phone Marathon II
Phone Marathon: Called Up Delhi

Royal 737

Jana Aastha, 28 September

The army has in principle decided to buy a Boeing 737 for the king’s visits abroad to be paid for by the Royal Nepali Army’s Welfare Fund. The need for such an aircraft was raised by C-in-C Pyar Jung Thapa because Royal Nepal Airlines’ 15-year-old 757s could not be guaranteed to be snag-free during preparations for His Majesty’s visit to New York which was scrubbed. The idea is for the army to buy the $45.5-77 million plane and lease it to Royal Nepal Airlines for its regional routes. The 737 could be of the 800 or 900 series and would be equipped for VVIP flights or to carry 177 passengers in the airliner configuration. Royal Nepal Airlines has been planning unsuccessfully to buy 737s and the deal would also give local middlemen some added income.

In The News

  • The Royal Trek Nepali Times .... Gyanendra has stepped up efforts to demonstrate that he enjoys widespread support and respect from Nepalis...... walked through Patan greeting thousands of curious onlookers and school children instructed to stand on the sidewalks as he made his way to inspect the regional office of the Central Zone in Jawalakhel ....... king walked on recently patched potholes, past stumps of trees chopped down after 1 February and under dozens of welcome arches and banners that the local administration compelled local hotels, institutions and schools to put up overnight......... that he is working to restore peace and “meaningful” democracy....... the king wants to be an active monarch and suspect a sinister prelude to further crackdowns...... the Maoists stole his thunder by announcing their three-month unilateral ceasefire, this could be a royal PR offensive.... ever since the ceasefire on 3 September the royal regime has been on the defensive, lashing out with an orchestrated attack on pro-democracy elements in the media, judiciary and civil society. This has sparked rumours that royal hardliners are pushing the king to launch further crackdowns........ has worried even committed monarchists who say the king is painting himself into a corner and pushing the country on an irreversible path to republicanism....... “Too many crazy mistakes have been made. Enough is enough, the king should take five of the cleanest most respected people in the land and give them only one mandate: to talk to the Maoists and the parties and find a solution,” says Padam Thakurati, the Panchayat era editor....... “The king is trapped in a conspiracy,” explains retired Brig-Gen Dipta Prakash Shah, a former nominated member of the Upper House, “to hide one mistake the royal courtiers are making a thousand mistakes…both an active monarchy or military rule are out of the question.”
  • Tulsi Giri Speaks Out ... to find out for himself the condition that you, his subjects, live under..... Girija Prasadji says that the king is like the idol of Pashupatinath. What he doesn’t realise is that hundreds of thousands of devotees seek the blessings of Pashupatinath....... When the 1990 constitution was promulgated it wasn’t because of the People’s Movement, it was because His Majesty himself exercised his right to change the constitution. This is an inalienable right that has been vested on the monarch from time immemorial. No one can take it away and if anyone tries, His Majesty also has the right to protect it.......... Now, they say they want to debate whether the monarchy should be kept or done away with. It’s not so simple, this is a potentially huge leap. Where did these so-called democrats get the right to demand that? ........ The parties have now called for a democratic republic even though they know the people will never accept it........ There are parties, they are allowed to hold meetings and demonstrations....... I told foreigners: parliament was dissolved by the parliamentary parties themselves, years before the king took over. Now the parties want to restore parliament and for that Article 127 needs to be invoked—and when the king used the same article they said he was acting unconstitutionally......... Nepalis have a perception that we can’t live without foreign money, that we can’t control the Maoists without foreign arms. I have told them openly: don’t threaten us. We will survive without your money. We will live without your guns. This country will live independently......... Now, if the parties are not for peace and democracy then I have nothing to say......... Nowhere in the world can newspapers get away with what papers get away with here. One can sue the editor of Kantipur, a cartoonist or a publisher and if you win they may get two years behind bars but they can get out on bail and continue writing whatever they want. This constitution allows such things. How does one deal with this? ......... politicised forces threaten strikes and pen downs? If we try to stop it they will go to the Supreme Court. Another problem. After all, the justices are also human beings they are also affected by what happens outside. Now I hear the Supreme Court wants to dissolve the RCCC........ If they have cast aside the constitution, there is no reason why others should adhere to it. We are battling terrorism, we are fighting anarchy and we have to move ahead by circumventing constitutional provisions.
  • PalPalis Want The Government Also To Agree To A Ceasefire when asked about the ceasefire. “We’re happy”, “it’s good news” or “I can move easily” people say but there is always a but: “But the government should also agree to the ceasefire.” ........ The area has been little disturbed by the conflict because it’s not on a main rebel route. But some months ago some soldiers disguised as Maoists entered one end of the village while two rebels on a motorcycle rode in at the other. After the shooting stopped, one Maoist was dead while the other was wounded and escaped......... “After the ceasefire things like that haven’t happened,” says the headmaster. “People are hoping that if both sides drop their guns there will be peace.” ....... a local NGO worker says things are more relaxed. “I can go anywhere now,” she says, “Before I used to have many problems.” Earlier this year in eastern Palpa about 5,000 Maoists had gathered at a school where she was supposed to train locals. “They interrogated me about our training, why we were doing it, what its benefits would be, who was being paid what. Finally they said OK, you can go ahead,” she recalls. ....... Generally, Maoists act respectfully when they’re on duty, they pay the fare and don’t ask for special treatment, says a young jeep driver on the road from Tansen to Chidipani. As for soldiers: “I have never been harassed by them but I know they have beaten drivers who were forced to give rides to Maoists.”........ The only businesses that are thriving are those linked to the overseas workforce: money transfers and international phone call centres........ The local bank has also left and the police post has relocated..... On one occasion the Red Cross walked for five days to take back prisoners captured by the Maoists. But when the military captures people, half of them don’t come out alive, says one local........ Maoists would occasionally demand food. Soldiers would come after that and say, “if you had not fed them they wouldn’t be here”.
  • Something Is Rotten by CK Lal ...... a mood of anticipation tinged with apprehension about something Big that is about to happen. No one is quite sure what, but it is sure to be significant...... The unilateral ceasefire by the Maoists has caught the state in a bind...... hardcore monarchists are feeling a bit concerned by the proactive rebel ceasefire and pressure from the international community. Regressive elements in the palace may be trying to get the king to hit back decisively....... any such move will be counterproductive....... Prior to February First, we ignored Mohammad Mohsin's prediction of a return to autocracy and look at that happened. Something nasty is cooking once again in the royal political kitchen. The smell is overpowering........ a two-step-back-one-step-forward move ot further consolidate monarchical power? ....... Between Dasain and Tihar, the pendulum of power can swing either way: an even more despotic regime run by the military, or a softer authoritarian version functioning under a multi-party facade........ the parties remain suspicious of their intentions. Civil society is hesitant to give them an unqualified benefit of the doubt. The international community is skeptical. Nobody is taking the Maoist commitment to pluralistic democracy at face value........ the continuation of their non-lethal war through abductions, extortions and indoctrination campaigns. Will they strike back at the state with even more vehemence if the ceasefire isn't transformed into a full-fledged truce? Just look at the past pattern....... what is the alternative vision, slogan, ideology and plan of action to replace this tottering regime? ....... the leaders of political parties ..... their inaction ..... stir an apathetic Nepali public into action ...... Indians fear absolute anarchy in Nepal more than an absolute monarchy and are concentrating their efforts in mainstreaming the Maoists....... civil society is pushing for a government response to the ceasefire and parties say they'll talk to the Maoists. The foreigners say they are stepping up the pressure on the king......
  • The Decisive Indecision Of Our Decision Makers by Kunda Dixit .... the antinationalist private media ..... the ministers are all behind the scenes trying hard to be neither seen nor heard...... that way the ministers can’t make any major mistakes..... decided that under no circumstances is the cabinet to take any decisions about making decisions..... It’s an idiot-proof system of governance because our movers and shakers don’t move at all and very rarely shake...... it was recently discovered that there is a mole in the cabinet who is feeding sensitive information about major ministerial indecisions to the media....... The government hasn’t decided whether it should be the one to decide to respond to the unilateral ceasefire, and if so what that decision should be. “The decision hasn’t been taken on who should decide,” clarified the government spokesman with hesitation...... even the Almighty hasn’t made up his and/or her mind about what to do with Nepal next.
  • His Majesty Should Not Fight The People The war between the state and rebels have escalated after the king’s rule......... The parliamentary parties have intensified their movement on the streets despite facing administrative and legal restrictions and penalties. Literary figures, lawyers, journalists and professionals have joined the anti-king street protest. Politics have come to a standstill.......... the people close to him act superior to the citizens, they act like lords, they conspire and play dirty politics....... The civil service is demoralised, and the introduction of new ordinances, regional and zonal administrations, the monitoring teams have all been causing serious disruptions. Even the controversial appointment or promotion of the chief secretary has been done by the king........ he is doing just the opposite by creating a political vacuum and trying to move ahead by intensifying the war with the political parties......... Civil society has been active and with good reason has launched a moral crusade against the king’s move...... One of the king’s political misfits, Tulsi Giri ...... The question is if the views of the royal appointees also reflect the king’s own views....... it has been running the government with arrogance and vindictiveness........ There is still time for the king to play a positive role...... It is becoming increasingly clear who is against peace. The palace has been opposing peace because it knows that with more peace, the lesser scope will be for dictatorship. It is a well known fact that dictators love crises, problems, poverty, mismanagement and conflict. They know that these are the evils that can help them retain power....... After the unilateral ceasefire, the palace certainly has been on the defensive because it doesn’t wish to see an end to the conflict........ even those who are for peace in the palace have begun to ponder if it is the royalists who have been obstructing peace efforts........ The slogan that there will be no Nepal without a monarchy is outdated feudal talk. What the royalists actually mean by that is that they will wipe out the existence of Nepal if there is no monarchy....... will not only help end conflict but also play an important role in the rehabilitation of conflict-torn countries and disarmament and reintegration of the military wings of conflicting parties......... Kofi Annan has repeatedly said that the Nepali conflict cannot be solved militarily and that the UN offers its offices to help dialogue between the two parties. Given the increased military might of the army and the Maoists and soaring security expenditures, the UN can certainly help in disarmament and demobilisation of both sides. In this context, Prachanda’s point is relevant and there are possibilities of a UN role as elsewhere..... The UN has adequate experience on minimising differences and maximising agreements between warring parties and working on compromise...... The two neighbours have not spoken about the UN’s role so far. Therefore, the UN will need to get the nod from three sides: the Maoists who have already sought such role, the government and Nepal’s two neighbours........ the Secretary General’s special representative, Lakhdar Brahimi, has been holding talks with India, China and the US. He has been trying to receive their cooperation without which it is difficult to see progress towards resolution.

The Foreign Powers Need To Come Clean On The Constituent Assembly Question

Time For The Nepali Congress To Take A Stand On The Constituent Assembly Question (March 19)

China is neutral. It will stay that way even after democracy is earned. China is not an anti-democracy, pro-monarchy power. It is at best a benevolent neighbor that wishes Nepal economic success.

India, US and the EU have been vocal on the democracy question. But those three powers have been even more lethargic than the seven party coalition in Nepal in their willingness to get down to basic arithmetic.

If the Nepali Congress had come around to the idea of a Constituent Assembly in 2000, Nepal would have been spared a lot of pain. Folks, the 1990 constitution is the problem. The Congress is still hung up on the idea of House revival, which is big evidence that party has still not ended its puppy love affair with the 1990 constitution.

This Inadequate, Improper, Insufficient 1990 Constitution (April 4)

For the foreign powers singing the democracy tune, I have this message: a country to be a democracy needs a constitution. And Nepal does not have one. The Supreme Court just decided acts of the king can not be questioned even if those acts violate the very constitution that thus "protects" the king.

There are no constitutional forces in Nepal. The king is not one. The 1990 constitution has died a th0usand deaths. So it makes no sense to talk of a reconciliation between the "constitutional forces."

It is lead, follow, or get out of the way time for the foreign powers. Either you just stay out of it, or you do some basic thinking.

The 1990 constitution is dead, and this king is a problem.

This is about Euclidean logic.

Euclid's Elements, Introduction
Euclid's Elements, Table of Contents

Proposition 4: If two triangles have two sides equal to two sides respectively, and have the angles contained by the equal straight lines equal, then they also have the base equal to the base, the triangle equals the triangle, and the remaining angles equal the remaining angles respectively, namely those opposite the equal sides.

Proposition 1: If the 1990 constitution is a democratic constitution, actions taken by any individual within that constitution is democratic. But if actions taken by an individual claiming to be within the purview of that constitution is undemocratic, either that individual is lying or the constitution itself is undemocratic and fundamentally flawed. And if both be the case, as seems to be, so to herald democracy into the country, you get rid of that individual and the constitution, and give the country a new constitution.

Proposition 2: If a country decides upon democracy, and needs a constitution to cement that sentiment, there is no better way to do it than by taking the country through a Constituent Assembly. And so all forces opposed to the idea of a Constituent Assembly are fundamentally undemocratic and have to be seen as such and opposed as such.

Proposition 3: If there is a major insurgency in the country, you either put it down militarily or, if you decide there is no military solution, only a political solution, as seems to be the case in Nepal that even the king acknowledged a few days back, finally, then you engage the insurgents in a respectful dialogue. In this case since it is already known what the rebels want - an interim government and a Constituent Assembly - then you decide if those demands are just. As they are. And once you decide that to be the case, you work to bring all factions to the conflict around to those demands being met. And especially when the one legitimate force in the country - the seven parties - have the same demand, you hang the third force if you have to, for the sake of peace in the country, if they don't come around to it.

Proposition 4: There are three forces inside the country. Two of them already are for an interim government and a Constituent Assembly, and if the third were also to come around to the same, the civil war would end. And the Maoists have already made it very clear they will happily disarm under UN supervision for elections to a Constituent Assembly. So this is not a group trying to play the Lenin game of using a constituent assembly to move on to a communist republic.

Proposition 5: Any and all forces foreign and domestic that seek peace and democracy for the good of the Nepali people need to either pressure the Monarchists to come around to the idea of an interim government and a Constituent Assembly or need to actively assist the other two forces kick the third force out of the scene. Any other attempt is either naivete at best, or cruel at worst.

Proposition 6: The foreign powers need to get ready to recognize the interim government of the seven parties once it is declared after the mass movement for democracy has reached a critical mass. Either you are for democracy, or you are not. There is no in between.

Sadbhavana Meets In Janakpur

The Maoists Must Continue With The Ceasefire

By their own admission, the Maoists did not declare the ceasefire for the Monarchists. They did it for the democrats. Sporadic clashes here and there with the RNA should fall in the "active defence" category. And they should continue to maintain the ceasefire. The movement of the seven parties that they do support needs that space.

On their part, the seven parties need to speed up the dialogue. Delayed dialogue could lead to a formal breakdown of the ceasefire. The movement can not afford that. Just when massive preparations are underway.

Start at the final step: a Maoist party that is no longer armed and is functioning within a multi-party framework. Then come backwards from there. And dialogue makes so much sense. Because there is no other way.

The Maoists are better off fighting the war of words than the war of bullets at this stage. Let the world know how the RNA continues to hun them and is in no mood for peace. This is an image war. Talk of RNA abductions and excesses. That is how you cash on the ceasefire. By telling the world every day how the RNA is not coming along.

If the RNA manages to provoke you into breaking the ceasefire, you lose. It is almost like who will blink first.

The Democrats Must Do Some Homework

The democrats need to do some arithmetic. 2+2=4.

Narahari Acharya is in news talking some sense. There are too many contradictions right now in terms of where the seven parties stand. You want a political solution to the insurgency, but you refuse to hold dialogue with the Maoists. You are for a republic, but you want the king to become so powerful he should revive a House that can not be revived. You want to revive the House, which is to say you want to revive the 1990 constitution. But you are for a Constituent Assembly, which is to say you think the country needs a news constitution. You are agitated the country has been in a mess for years now, but you are in no hurry to kickstart the mass movement.

King's remark revival of 2017 BS: NSP (A)

The National Working Committee meeting of the Nepal Sadbhawana Party- Anandidevi NSP (A) that concluded in Janakpur Saturday has described the King's recent remarks as a revival of 2017 BS (1960).

"Late king Mahendra had also made such remarks in 2017 BS. The present king repeated those remarks in Lalitpur," reports quoted General Secretary of the party Hridayesh Tripathi as saying.

King Mahendra in December, 1960, had dissolved parliament, banished political parties and imprisoned many democratic leaders ushering in the Panchayat era.

King Gyanendra had, during his Lalitupr visit on Thursday, said that some "unnecessary acts" were being carried out in the capital with foreign money.

The meeting also protested the king's directives to shift zonal and regional headquarters in Dhankuta and Surkhet. "It is against the madhesi community," it said.

The meeting has also called a joint meeting of all seven political parties on Sunday.

In The News
  • CIAA begins probe against former KMC mayor for irregularities NepalNews
  • King’s UN visit was cancelled to oppose US boycott: Dr Giri US President George Bush didn’t invite Nepali delegates at a reception he hosted in the honour of international dignitaries on the occasion of the opening of the 60th General Assembly of the United Nations in New York. This led to the cancellation of His Majesty King's visit to the UN...... cancelled in order to show objection to the decision of the US President ...... “By cancelling His Majesty’s visit we have expressed our dissatisfaction towards the American attitude....... "Inviting only selected people for the reception and leaving others was something unexpected,” Dr Giri said, insisting that the cancellation of the King’s visit didn’t imply that the present administration had become unable to defend the Feb 1 royal move in the international arena........ Including Nepal, altogether 11 countries dubbed as 'undemocratic' were denied invitation at the Bush reception....... not only against the diplomatic protocol it was also an arrogant display of power....... made it a point to vent ire against the political parties for suggesting the international community to boycott the King at the UN assembly. “What kind of political atmosphere do these parties want to establish in this country?” ........
  • Eight rebels killed in clashes: RNA Royal Nepalese Army (RNA) said a total of eight Maoist rebels were killed in separate clashes over the last two days....... the first major clash after the declaration of unilateral ceasefire by the Maoist rebels ..... Bahadurpur area of Palpa district ...... two way gun battle....... a team of security personnel on regular patrol were attacked by the insurgents. He said then opened fire in which the rebels were killed. He said six other rebels were also taken into custody....... a separate incident, the RNA said two rebels were killed during clashes at Ausidada area in the eastern district of Tehrathum....... security personnel recovered bombs, explosives and documents related to the Maoists from the site of the clashes...... Maoist sources have said of six rebels killed at Bahadurpur area of Palpa district, one was a villager. They said the security personnel have also taken into custody two people from Koldada area of Palpa district including an Area Secretary of the Maoist party, Prem Dhakal....... Maoists said security personnel have taken into custody two people from Ghiring area of Tanahun district including a member of Maoist-affiliated All Nepal Women's Association, Sushila Basyal........ Earlier, Maoist chairman Prachanda had alleged the government of intensifying its security operations and provoking his party to withdraw unilateral ceasefire.......
  • Koirala’s ill health and politics of confrontation 83-year-leader had left Kathmandu for Biratnagar ...... doctors had advised Koirala to take full rest for the next few months. ...... Koirala may be taken to Delhi, Chennai or even further for treatment ..... Koirala had fainted and got one of his ribs broken during a scuffle between opposition activists and police in Kathmandu while heading a pro-democracy demonstration early this month........ authorities neither sought apology nor furnished explanation for the police behavior against Koirala........ bringing together seven odd-parties against the royal move—majority of which are communists....... even persuaded them to buy his party’s main agenda—reinstatement of the House of Representatives that was dissolved by his disciple-turned-rival Sher Bahadur Deuba three years ago........ Koirala never became popular while in office....... his unfinished agenda now include restoration of democracy in the country by drastically reducing powers of the monarchy, bringing the Maoists into political mainstream, and bringing his party back to the helms of power ........ His critics within the party say Koirala is also keen to install his successor in Nepali Congress — preferably from his own family......... In his absence, the mantle will fall upon UML general secretary Madhav Kumar Nepal to lead the opposition alliance...... On Saturday, he even challenged the king to go to the people to check which one was more popular—a system of monarchy or a republic....... could result into chaos, anarchy and even foreign military intervention...... G P Koirala has been insisting that reinstatement of the dissolved parliament is the only option to bring the derailed constitution back on track and creating an environment where popular democratic forces and a true ‘constitutional monarch’ could work together for the modernization and development of the country........
  • King's remark revival of 2017 BS: NSP (A)
  • No taxation without representation: DNYO has called upon taxpayers in the country including industrialists and businessmen not to pay taxes to what it called the ‘autocratic regime.’ ........ toughening stand of the opposition parties against the royal regime ...... appealed all not to pay taxes until the country returns to democracy....... “We have not paid taxes to buy arms and ammunition only to suppress people” ...... any possibility of dialogue and reconciliation with the king were now exhausted...... boycott all public functions of the ministers of the present cabinet...... participated in by over 470 delegates from around the country......
  • Another royal move in the offing: Madhav Nepal
  • Crown Prince inaugurates golden jubilee ceremony the 28th anniversary function of Janak Education Production Center ...... minister Mainali said the government was mulling over printing question papers and certificates within the country itself.
  • India hit by Nepal fertiliser scam:, India
  • Miffed king blames int'l community: Nepal Kathmandu Post, Nepal
  • Hearing Adjourned for Third Time on Case Against Giri Himalayan Times, Nepal the third time that the apex court has adjourned the hearing even after the case was scheduled for hearing on the bench. Justice Hari Jung Sijapati today adjourned the hearing citing lack of time for the hearing on the case. Previously, Justices Top Bahadur Magar and Khil Raj Regmi had adjourned the case citing same reasons.
  • Guide Aims to Help Bloggers Beat Censors Wyoming News, WY
  • Top Maoist Leaders in Dhading Surrender Twelve active activists of Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) including the so-called chairman and the vice-chairman of the Maoists’ people government in Dhading district surrendered before the district administration this afternoon. Buddhi Lal Shrestha, the chairman, and Bishnu Bahadur Praja, the vice-chairman, of the Maoists’ people government of the district, secretary Hom Bahadur Shrestha and other members surrendered before the administration. Other members who surrendered are: Jit Bahadur Rijal, Kumal Singh Rijal, Man Bahadur Praja, Jir Bahadur Chepang, Somati Chepang, Basu Praja, Baghsingh Chepang, Kabiraj Chepang and Chakra Bahadur Bishwokarma. Baghsingh Chepang (75), who also surrendered before the local administration, said, "We surrendered before the administration as we want to pass our lives in peace and freedom. Maoists had forcefully made us involved in their activities." Those who surrendered in the presence of Dhading Chief District Officer Ramsaran Chimoriya were released on the witness of Keshav Adhikari, general secretary of RILEK, a human rights organisation.
  • Mahat Confused: Acharya Himalayan Times “I have heard that the party spokes-person, in a television interview, said that the party could reconsider its decision on the monarchy provided the dissolved parliament is revived,” he said while addressing a programme at the Reporters’ Club. Acharya said it was not easy to reverse the decision taken by the convention even if the parliament were revived. “There will emerge an ideological crisis if the decision of the convention is altered or misinterpreted,” he said. He made it clear the NC deleted all references related to monarchy after the party, which was involved in drafting three constitutions, failed to make the monarchy a truly constitutional head over the past 50 years.
  • Election Commissioner resolute on holding municipal polls "It is meaningless to discuss the participation of political parties until the date for election is fixed." .... the people will force the parties to participate in the election.
  • Supreme Court Rejects Lawsuit Against King Citing Article 13 UWB Supreme Court today rejected a lawsuit filed against the king claiming that the Feb 1 takeover should be revoked because it was against the constitution. The lawsuit filed by advocate Ramkishore Mahato also demanded a court ruling that would order the defendant (the king) to abide by the constitution. “Posts like Chair/Vice-chair of the council of ministers are aginst the constitution,” advocate claimed. The Supreme Court rejected the lawsuit stating that the article 13 of the constitution forbids anyone from questioning the acts of the king. It is appropriate to note that the king staged the Feb 1 takeover with the shield of Article 127 of the same constitution.

The Maoist Ceasefire: The Devil In The Details

It is hard to declare and then maintain a unilateral ceasefire when the state security forces continue to hunt you. It is an action-reaction thing. The Monarchists do not recognize the Maoists, and the Maoists return the favor. The Monarchists did not want to talk to the Maoists, and the Maoists don't want to talk to the king.

The king has no intention to either reciprocate the ceasefire or to seek international mediation to monitor the Maoist ceasefire, or to engage in mutual trust-building measures.

And so it would be unrealistic to think the Maoists would suddenly get all pure and all that.

There are continued reports of abductions and extortions. The Maoists might see that as taxation and education. But the Maoists have to realize it is no longer time for just what they think. Got to make room for what the democrats think. If the democrats think it is abductions and extortions, that is what it is, or at least there is a major disagreement.

Besides, you don't order a people into a movement. You inspire them into it.

So the Maoists need to go one step further and stop their non-violent violence as well. It is great they have dramatically brought down the violence. But there can be a meaningful alliance only if they also give the impression they know what peaceful protests are all about. The people should join you out of free will, or not.

My first choice is of a transformation of the Maoists into one of the largest parties in Nepal within a multi-party framework. And they can not be half in this boat, and half in the other boat.
So, yes, no longer firing upon the RNA soldiers is not enough. It is even more important to stop the abductions and the extortions. Because that is to do with the unarmed general population, the very people who this democracy movement is being organized for.

If the Maoists can cooperate with the democrats more fully, the movement can see a positive resolution earlier. Otherwise, there will be unnecessary delays.

So, good thing you stopped the violence. Now stop the abductions and the extortions. Let the seven parties organize peaceful protest programs in every village, every town. Join if you can. Or organize your own peaceful protest programs separately.

In short, go beyond the ceasefire to strengthen the Maoist-Democrat alliance.

The Maoists are not indispensable to success for the democracy movement. But it would be nice if they came along. For them as well for us.

You would abduct to recruit more people for you. You would extort to make your party richer.

Both are self-defeating. If you abduct, and word spreads, you end up with fewer supporters in the long run to the constituent assembly. Extortion does the same thing.

The Maoists did the hard part with the ceasefire. Now they should not fail to do the easy part, to refrain from abductions and extortions.

In The News

  • Govt forms probe committee on Krishna KC’s re-arrest, Nepal government today formed a committee to investigate into the re-arrest of Krishna KC, former vice-chairman of the Maoist-aligned All Nepal National Independent Students Union (ANNISU-R), even after a release order by the Supreme Court (SC) on Thursday...... one-member panel under former secretary Narendra Kumar Shrestha has been give a seven days timeframe to present a report on the incident.
  • Another royal move in the offing: Madhav Nepal, Nepal .... the royal palace is preparing to stage a fresh ‘regressive move’, which "will be worst than the royal proclamations of October 4 (2002) and the February 1 this year" ..... “I would describe such a move as ‘crackdown’” ..... Accusing the royal palace and ‘royalist elements’ of trying to impose absolute military rule and threaten the very existence of the political parties .... “The days ahead will be very tough” ..... also directed the party workers to stay prepared for a decisive stir against ‘royal autocracy’. “I call upon the party ranks to be prepared to create a storm of agitations without having any fear or sense of terror.”
  • Madhav Nepal Points at Worst Case Scenario Himalayan Times, Nepal
  • King promulgates four new ordinances, Nepal the Ordinance Related to Insolvency (2005 B.S), the Security Transaction Ordinance (2005 B.S), the Ordinance Related to Securities (2005 B.S) and the Ordinance Related to the Amendment of Some Nepal Acts Concerning Import and Export and Intellectual Property
  • Turning To China For Weapons Strategy Page In the last week, Maoists have kidnapped over 2,000 students and teachers in western Nepal. Kidnapping is used to indoctrinate the young, and recruit some of them into rebel combat units. Those who resist are killed. The Maoists do not consider these operations a violation of their truce....... the Nepalese have decided to buy assault rifles and ammo from the Chinese..... India is preparing a large scale attack on its own 9,000 Maoist rebels, who are becoming increasingly active, and violent, throughout eastern and central India....... The Maoist truce is largely a sham. The rebels continue to kidnap, extort and intimidate. They apparently consider "truce" to mean no mass attacks on government bases. The army and police are not observing the truce, and continue to pursue rebel units in rural areas.
  • Academics stage protests across the country Kantipur Online, Nepal
  • A Study Of NRN Ordinance, Nepal
  • : Villagers Await Gov't Nod to Peace Inter Press Service (subscription), World
  • Academics take to streets in Pokhara Kantipur Online, Nepal
  • Guide Aims to Help Bloggers Beat Censors Wyoming News, WY
  • Nepalese welcome king’s first public walkabout Gulf Times, Qatar
  • Support for Nepal's king vanishing Washington Times, DC
  • US for King, parties reconciliation Kantipur Online, Nepal
  • Maoists not a legitimate political force: US, Nepal
  • Senior citizens to hold rally, Nepal
  • Dr Tulsi Giri Kathmandu Post, Nepal
  • ‘King's indifference pushing nation to crisis’ Kathmandu Post, Nepal
  • Maoists, parties share common forum Kathmandu Post, Nepal For the first time, Maoists and members of the seven political parties agitating against the "regression", came together at a gathering organized in Phulbari of Kailali on the occasion of the International Day of Peace on Thursday..... representatives of Maoists and political party leaders stressed that democratic republicanism and constituent assembly were the only means to end the ongoing conflict in the country...... Kailali district secretary of CPN-UML, Yagya Raj Bastola, maintained that they shared a common mission with the Maoists only for abolition of monarchy...... Maoist representative Krishna Bahadur Chaudhary urged political parties to run their activities in the rural area against the Feb 1 royal move.......
  • NC deploys leaders across the country representatives will address zonal mass meetings and carry out protest rallies of the alliance on September 27...... Bal Bahadur Rai, Ram Chandra Poudel, Chandra Singh Bhattarai and Bhim Bahadur Tamang have been assigned to go to Mechi, Koshi, Sagarmatha and Janakpur zones, respectively. Arjun Narsingh KC, Krishna Sitoula, Mahesh Acharya and Sujata Koirala have been assigned to work in Narayani, Bagmati, Gandaki and Lumbini zones, respectively. Similarly, in Rapti, Karnali, Bheri, Seti and Mahakali zones, Dr Ram Sharan Mahat, Mina Pandey, Sushil Koirala, Dil Bahadur Gharti and Dr Sashank Koirala have been deployed....... CPN-UML Central Peoples' Movement Committee, on Friday, discussed deploying its leaders and cadres across the country in order to sensitize the party's policies and decisions. Addressing the meeting today, party General Secretary Madhav Kumar Nepal ruled that party leaders and cadres must go to the local level and collect peoples' support for the movement. "We have to bring 500,000 people to the streets of Kathmandu in the coming winter," Nepal said..... The octogenerian leader who was re-elected for the third consecutive term last month is planning to stay on leave for a few months for medical check up and and rest.
  • KC's rearrest draws flak Kathmandu Post, Nepal
  • US to coax king for peace .... the US is working with India and the UK to persuade King Gyanendra to reconcile with political parties and lay the groundwork for national elections.....

The Royal Court

King: But the people love me. Did you not see it on TV?

Gajendra Narayan Singh's Ghost: You were in Janakpur. And the people who loved you were all wearing dhaka topis, and they had no noses. It was all so flat.

King: Who's there?

(Panchayati ghost Tulsi Giri enters.)

Tulsi Giri: Your Majesty, if you will scrap this constitution, I mean you already have, but if you will also announce it to the world. We need a democracy that is suited to Nepal. Imported rum is fine, but imported democracy makes no sense.

King: What are you saying?

Tulsi Giri: What I am saying is scrap the constitution, ban the parties, and show the world what the monarchy is capable of: law and order. If we shoot down half a dozen of those hooligans in the streets, the rest will go away.

King: But you have to take the people along with you when you make major decisions like that. And what about elections?

Tulsi Giri: Parties and elections are not indispensable to democracy. Your father used to agree with me readily. He was an original thinker. He was a son of the soil. Think about it. I will show my face again tomorrow. Your father could work with me, so can you, if you tried.

(Tulsi Giri leaves. It is past midnight. The king has a dream.)

Prachanda: Get out of here. You are unwelcome, unneeded, unwanted. You are an unnecessary weight around the neck of the people. Disappear. Evaporate off.

Girija: Listen to me, I am older than you. Revive the House.

Moriarty: Nice talking to you, chap. But I don't work for you. The guy I work for has two minutes to think about you, and he does not much like you. We thought we could talk business with you. But we were wrong.

(The queen wakes up the king complaining he has been talking in his dream again.)

King: It was not me, it was them. They were doing all the talking. How can they not see? The people love me. Wherever I go, they come to see me in the hundreds. There would be no Nepal if Prithvi had not created one. How ungrateful can they get?

(He falls asleep. He has yet another dream.)

Madhav Kumar Nepal: I am sick and tired of you. I am sick and tired of you. I am sick and tired of you.

Girija Koirala: I gave you plentiful warnings, but you would not listen. Your men cracked my rib. I am taking a leave, because I am being forced to. But watch out, I am more effective as a symbol.

CP Mainali: This is no RK Mainali.

Bharat Bimal Yadav: Madhesi hum lenge sau mein pachas.

Amik Sherchan: I did not like it when you got me arrested. You are not going to like what lies ahead of you.

Narayan Man Bijukchhe: I am against feudalism in any form or fashion. I always have been.

Gopal Man Shrestha: Deuba will do fine, you will not. Brother, you are going down.

(The king wakes up screaming. It is four in the morning. He refuses to fall asleep again. He calls for an early morning meeting of his key advisors.)

Sachit Samsher Rana: If it were not for me and my friends, they might have had this democracy thing back in 1990, but we did not let them. The army will never abandon you. And you will do just fine. You have my total loyalty.

Bharat Keshar Singh: You are Jesus Christ himself. You are bigger than Jesus Christ.

King: You mind spreading the word? Some people seem to doubt that these days. Can you talk Moriarty into it?

Tulsi Giri: You have my undying loyalty, but only if you scrap this constitution.

King: What constitution? There is no constitution. There is only Article 127. And tell those three fertilizer ministers to lie low for a few weeks. And whatever happened to Deuba? He does not even show up in my dreams.

Tulsi Giri: You miss him?

King: No. I don't know any patriotic Nepali who does. My family got killed. True, I did not approve of my brother in 1990, but we were so close. I miss them all so very much. It gets lonely around here. And why do they keep complaining? These monkeys from the 1990s. They can't tell a country from a coconut tree. They have no knowledge of statecraft. They were not born to rule. You can't run the country, and you won't let me do it either. What exactly is it that they want?

(Slogans heard out in the streets.)

We want -- democracy!
Down with the king!

Tulsi Giri: Let me shut the window for you.

King: Where is my next visit to?

Tulsi Giri: I was thinking Spain.

King: Forget Spain. I am talking about inside the country. These people in Kathmandu have short attention spans. They can not stomach any government for more than nine months. They don't remember how bad they had it in the 1990s. People appreciate me more in the villages.

Prachanda's Voice: Oh, really?

King: Who was that?

Tulsi Giri: The wind. Do you want me to shut the other window also?

King: Oh, please.


Saturday, September 24, 2005

Madhav Nepal, Commander Of The Movement

Girija Koirala taking a three month leave is bad news. But looks like the police cracked his rib, and health comes first. He will continue to inspire no matter where he is. He does not have to be at the forefront. He is the Supreme Leader of the movement, regardless. Like Ganeshman Singh was in 1990. It is unfortunate that he is having to take time off. But it is more important for the movement for him to stay sound of health than to be at the forefront.

Who will the Congress decide on for Acting President? I think the answer is obvious: Ram Chandra Poudel. He was part of the Sher Bahadur Deuba, Shailaja Acharya, Ram Chandra Poudel troika. Deuba broke away to form his own party. Acharya is too into the monarchy and no longer a member of the central committee. I think Poudel will do just fine. He is articulate. He has been Speaker.

So far the movement has not had a formal leader. It is high time the seven party coalition decided on one. I think Madhav Nepal is the obvious choice. Let's face it, the Nepali Congress is no longer the largest party in the country after it split vertically, the UML is. And as the leader of that party, Nepal deserves to be anointed the commander of the movement and the interim prime minister in waiting.

The fears that the western powers might not like a communist at the helm are totally unfounded. First, he is more like the social democrats in Europe, more like Prakash Karat in India. His inspiration might be communist, but his party has firmly accepted multi-party democracy. And, besides, foreigners don't get to decide who leads Nepal.

Another thing that works in Madhav Nepal's favor is his practical stand on the House revival issue. He has looked at the issue from many angles and does not like it. If the king were to revive the House using Article 127, does he get to dismiss it at any time if he does not like what it is doing? And you don't organize street demonstrations to sway the Supreme Court. That is not how Supreme Courts work. More importantly, it is not possible to make peace with the Maoists by sticking to the 1990 constitution. So House revival only gets in the way. Madhav Nepal only realizes that. A Nepal leadership is needed also to simplify the seven party four point agenda. You move straight for an interim government.

And I would also vouch for Nepal's political skills. He has lead the UML for over a decade now. That is no mean feat. He knows how to play the game. And he has done a much better job on the internal democracy issues inside the UML than Girija has inside the Nepali Congress.

I think it is high time Madhav Nepal is formally anointed.

And the seven names are the interim cabinet in waiting: Madhav Nepal, Ram Chandra Poudel, Bharat Bimal Yadav, Gopal Man Shrestha, Narayan Man Bijukchhe, CP Mainali, Amik Sherchan.
Once you clear up these two things, all that remains doing is a 10-point political program, and then there is no stopping the movement.

The US, EU, India, China Need To Be Talking Constituent Assembly

Because that is what the legitimate seven parties are talking. Because that is the only solution. Unless these foreign powers come forth for a Constituent Assembly, they are not really taking a stand against the king's autocratic ways.

In The News
  • University teachers organise protest in Pokhara NepalNews
  • Maoists not a legitimate political force: US ...... would not see Maoist insurgents of Nepal as a legitimate political force unless they give up violence ....... there is a prevailing fear that if the Maoists win political power, they are likely to eliminate the other parties and form a totalitarian state...... the US was working with India and the UK to reconcile with political parties and lay the groundwork for national elections. He also expressed concern over the fact that the legitimate political parties in Nepal were not united in seeking a common stand against the Maoist insurgency or in determining how power should be shared with the King...... gave details of US military aid to the Nepalese government to combat Maoist insurgency. He urged the Royal Nepalese Army to respect human rights while investigating civilians suspected of supporting Maoist operations in the countryside....... Veena Siddharth, the Washington director of Human Rights Watch/Asia, however, dismissed the idea of a military solution to the insurgency. The only solution is steady pressure by the United States, India and the United Kingdom on the Nepalese authorities to seek a viable political solution with the Maoist rebels........
  • Maoists intensify ‘donation’ collection spree Maoist rebels have intensified ‘donation’ collection spree in various parts of the country ....... Maoists had asked all the school teachers in Chitwan district to provide ten percent of their Dashain allowance to the rebels compulsorily........ plans to raise over Rs two million from half a dozen VDCs in eastern Chitwan...... Maoists had fixed separate amounts as ‘donations’ from teachers, government employees and businessmen.
  • NHRC to monitor ceasefire, starts dialogue with political parties the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) has started discussion with the leaders of political parties to transform the ceasefire into sustainable peace....... the role the commission can play to facilitate communication between the parties to the conflict....... The NHRC is planning to meet with the government and the Maoists to discuss the ways of restoring peace in the country after holding talks with the mainstream political parties and representatives of the civil society....... the NHRC has decided to send a team to monitor rights situation and the ceasefire in 10 districts, including Sindhuli, Rautahat, Parsa, Dailekh, and Gorkha....... will monitor the incidents of killings, abductions, tortures, displacing individuals and collecting donations
  • India to probe into Nepal fertilizer scam: Report The plan was to smuggle up to 20,000 metric tonnes of fertiliser from India through small checkpoints on the Bihar-Nepal border over the next two months and sell it at double the price in Nepal taking benefit from Indian subsidies...... In Delhi, the Ministry of External Affairs has contacted the Home, Finance and other related ministries regarding the scam....... the plan got foiled with the Commission to Investigate Abuse of Authority (CIAA) deciding to act on complaints by some rival fertiliser importers....... Home Minister Shahi said five days later that this was being done in his country’s interests to ensure smooth supply of fertiliser........ ‘‘The plan was also aimed at discouraging private fertiliser traders, who were making unnatural profits’’ ...... The estimate is that 30-35,000 metric tonnes of fertiliser are being smuggled into Nepal, which amounts to a loss of IRs 30 crore to the Indian exchequer........ The estimate is that 30-35,000 metric tonnes of fertiliser are being smuggled into Nepal, which amounts to a loss of IRs 30 crore to the Indian exchequer.
  • Publishers, Editors and Journalists protest PCN's classification of newspapers
  • Agitating parties considering to set deadline for House revival “If the House is not reinstated by then, we will move towards establishing a ‘democratic republic’ in the country” ....... bring the monarchy and mainstream political parties on a collision course leaving no room for reconciliation...... Krishna Khanal said last fifty years-- since the fall of the Rana regime—had shown that monarchy and democracy could not go together...... alleged the government of failing to respond positively towards the announcement of unilateral truce by the Maoist rebels.
  • Academics stage protests across the country Kantipur ..... Nepal Professors' Association (NPA), Pokhara branch, organized a protest rally in Pokhara, which passed through major thoroughfares before ending as a mass-meeting at Mahendrapul. ....... Tribhuvan University NPA, Dhankuta branch ...... academics in Bhairahawa also took out a protest rally..... Similar protest rallies were taken out in Ilam and Jhapa .... Bhadrapur Campus in Jhapa
  • Moriarty meets Nepal at the UML party office...... the meeting focused on the current political situation and the recent controversial remarks made by vice-chairman of the Council of Ministers Dr Tulsi Giri...... two also discussed about the unilateral truce announced by Maoists
  • 1000 teachers abducted in Baitadi Maoists have abducted at least 1000 teachers from almost all the schools of Baitadi district ........ teachers were forcibly taken away from the secondary and higher secondary schools of Kulab, Melauli, Sailoda, Titabai, Sarmali, Salena, Pipalbot, Jewalkatte, Rantoli and Rodidewal areas...... "The Maoists took the teachers asking them to join their campaign" ....... all of them were taken to Puchaudi ...... Some 2000 teachers are employed in 51 secondary and higher secondary, 53 lower secondary and over 350 primary schools in the whole district...... Just a few days ago, the rebels had abducted 2000 civilians, including teachers and students from Achaam district.
  • Koirala seeks acting president an acting president to take charge of the party during his three-month vacation...... was planning to go outside the country to take little respite from his hectic political routines and get his health checked...... Both Sushil Koirala, who rejected to remain as the party general secretary and Saileja Acharya, who recently resigned from CWC are said to be possible candidates for the post of acting president.
  • Parliamentary polls in 2 years The government headed by King Gyanendra is committed to holding municipal elections by April 2006, and parliamentary polls within two years, and would welcome international monitors for the same...... the king is trying to make the "Nepal-model" of democracy "meaningful, mature, cultured and refined" ....... While he addressed the UN Summit last week, hundreds of demonstrators from around over a dozen states of the US took out rallies and held a mass meeting in front of the Dag Hammarskjold Plaza, a stone's-throw away from the General Assembly hall, demanding that UN and world leaders discredit Nepal's present regime....... Pandey also renewed Nepal's appeal to UN member states to elect it to the UN Security Council.
  • Writer Denied Visa By British Embassy
  • 22 September COCAP Dispatch
  • Aandolan Jari Chha! DVD Now Available
  • 251 Tormenting Days Inside Barracks The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) has asked the government to provide Jitman Basnet, an innocent civilian who was tortured inside a barrack (without any apparent charges against him), Rs 50,000 as compensation. But fearing that he might again be subjected to torture, Jitman has left the country. A permanent resident of Goli V.D.C, Solukhombu, 30-year-old Jitman is the editor of a local paper called Sagarmatha Times.......... showers of kicks and punches fell on him. One security personnel talked to him very roughly, “Where are the Maoists? Who else do you know? Give us their names and addresses!” He had written an editorial about the Doramba incident in his paper; this was his only ‘crime’........ One team used to take his statement and another used to come and just beat him until he lost consciousness...... The winter had already set in Kathmandu. One security man used to come to him and order him to strip his clothes. Then Jitman used to be immersed in a drum having cold water in an up side down position. “I was upturned and immersed in the pond very much like that, I took in lots of water,” he remembered, “They also beat me with sticks many times. They used to shower kicks and punches on me and whipped me with whatever they could get; and that too by a group of seven or eight. I cried and yelled for mercy. But there was nobody to listen to my cry. They didn’t give me anything to eat that night. I was made to sleep on a bed that looked like a stretcher. But as my body pained so much; I later stopped feeling anything at all. The next day I couldn’t wake up.” Next morning also, the security personnel repeated the same thing. Not only did they stripped me naked and bashed me up, but they even threatened to kill me. “You will die in few moments,” they used to say. For the next three days they continued torturing him. Thereafter, telling him that “you didn’t help us with anything,” he was carried to a small room and told to sleep....... all the inmates who were blindfolded were forced to run to toilet every time they wanted to use it. Imprisoned in such a way that one couldn’t even make out if it is a day or night, Jitman said he remembered only uttering three words while he was inside the barrack – water, toilet, food....... 251 days. “I was blindfolded all the time, they didn’t allow me to pull it down” .... was taken to an unknown location by a van. “I was not even allowed to cough, I had to stay silent and keep my head down.”........To his amazement, he was told very respectfully, “You are innocent, you can go!” But this was not the end of it. Made to sign summon notices by the security personnel in different places even after this, it has been over eight months now that he has left this country.
  • The Case Of Krishna KC Krishna KC, former vice-chairman of the Maoist-affiliated All Nepal National Independent Students Union (ANNISU-R) ....... KC, whose whereabouts remained unknown since his arrest two years ago from Kathmandu, was taken to the court from the Maharajgunj-based Bhairab Nath Battalion of the Royal Nepalese Army (RNA)......... He was blindfolded while being brought to court premises....... Earlier, the government had told the court that security agencies didn’t arrest KC. Some 18 months ago, the court had closed a habeas corpus writ petition based on the government statements........ Then, KC’s wife Laxmi had filed a habeas corpus writ at the apex court after the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) reported that KC had been detained at the Bhairabnath Battalion........ there is a high drama going on at the court premises at the moment. KC is refusing to leave the court building fearing re-arrest while policemen are waiting outside to arrest him......... Police vans were parked just outside the apex court premises throughout this afternoon. Sources said Chief Justice Dilip Kumar Poudel called vice chairman Dr Tulsi Giri about police deployment..... an NHRC team recently said it met KC while in detention at one of the detention centers in the capital...... Talking to reporters after the court verdict, KC said his release was the victory of all. He thanked rights activists, lawyers and members of media for their cooperation in highlighting his case. He said he was tortured badly while in detention and that he wanted to visit a hospital even facing the prospect of re-arrest........
  • Support For Nepal's King Vanishing major parliamentary parties turn their backs on “constitutional monarchy” and prepare for a showdown against the king in alliance with the Maoist rebels....... Analysts say the countdown for the Republic of Nepal appears to have begun in earnest....... a three-month unilateral cease-fire on Sept. 3. The Maoist party spokesman, Krishna Bahadur Mahara, made it clear his party’s announcement was not aimed at opening negotiations with the king.......... also endorsed an interim government and elections to a constituent assembly as the only way to establish a “democratic republic” ........ Interestingly, the Indian government statement was silent regarding its previous emphasis on a “twin-pillar theory” designed to bring the monarchy and parliamentary parties together to fight the Maoist rebels......... U.S. response to Maoist cease-fire, however, was belated and guarded....... cautioned “not to expect too much from the truce,” adding that “the Maoists should show their commitment not only in words but in action.”........ did not reciprocate, saying the rebels cannot be trusted and that the cease-fire is only a ploy to regroup and rearm........ diplomats from Katmandu’s royal court failed to schedule a one-on-one meeting for King Gyanendra with President Bush, British Prime Minister Tony Blair and Mr. Annan........ the RNA is suffering from desertion, if not defections to the Maoist side, of 200 to 300 soldiers per month........ RNA suffers from a lack of ammunition...... The Bush administration, silent about the Maoist cease-fire without asking the king to reciprocate, informed the royal government through its embassy in Katmandu early this month that $5 million worth of military assistance to Nepal proposed for fiscal year 2005-06 will not be forthcoming......... unsubstantiated reports that the RNA is obtaining ammunition from the Israelis and has proposed a deal with China for $22.5 million worth of arms, ammunition and other military hardware — which if true, must have raised eyebrows in New Delhi and Washington........
  • Women And Teachers Hit The Streets ... the sister organizations of seven political parties’ alliance continued massive protests ...... Women demonstrators entered “prohibited zone” from Dillibazar to Bagbazar. A large number of policewomen were deployed, but were unable to stop the huge number of women demonstrators from crossing over to the “prohibited zone”. Subsequently, a large number of policemen were deployed who forcefully arrested demonstrators from the Ratna Park area....... At the same time, students of Padma Kanya (Girls’) College, Kathmandu, also started demonstrations shouting pro-democracy anti-monarchy slogans. A large number of policemen were mobilized around the college...... Dhyan Bir Rai, a COCAP volunteer, was manhandled three times by an assistant sub-inspector of police while he was collecting the names of the arrested demonstrators.
  • Greedy Girija, Who Will Be Acting President In NC? UWB Many thought he wanted to win the match so that he could delegate the power to one of his close aides (hanuman) who couldn’t have faced the election........ “I am going outside (foreign country) for three months. Till then I have to delegate my power. I have to transfer my responsibility to someone else. What is the procedure of such transfer?” ........ Koirala also didn’t suggest any names. He also didn’t name the country where he would be going for treatment. Party’s constitution has the provision with empowers the Central Working Committee to nominate an acting president for 6 months....... Both Sushil and Shailaja resigned from their respective post fearing the other might get the post of acting presidency.
  • An Expensive Morning Walk Mobile phones were not working properly from the very morning. Landlines were dead in some parts of the city. Traffic was a complete mess. Thousands of people faced difficulties going to their work places because traffic police diverted vehicles to different directions without prior notice. Many truckloads of people were ‘imported’ to Kathmandu from surrounding areas like Kavre. People in those trucks were hoisting national flag and shouting slogans like Hamro Raja Hamro Desh, Pran Bhanda Pyaro Chha (Our king and the country are dearer than our own lives). Why? Because Maharaj, the king, was on the streets of Patan for an unprecedented morning walk (10:00-13:00 NST)......... he shouldn’t have feared for his safety by bringing down all the telephone lines, disrupting traffic and making the road an army parade ground
  • Regressive Govt Proposing Aggresive Labor Law the regressive government, now almost secluded from every corner, and expects to cultivate the favor of business community which, of late, is drifting away from the clutches of the royal palace...... The proposal contains almost all the demands hitherto made by the business industrialist – rights to hire and fire, provisions to employ labor on contract basis, daily wage and piece wage basis, rights to hire foreign workers including managerial positions in FDI companies, provision to close the company anytime with three months notifications, provisions for creating labor supply agencies thereby shifting the responsibility to manage labor, creating of economic processing zones and special zones for exempting labor law......... Contrast to Karl Marx, King Gyanendra seems to have adopted a dictum, “workers of Nepal unite, and you have everything to lose”....this proposed amendment will help to bring closer together ever antagonistic Maoist affiliated trade unions and multiparty supporting trade unions to have joint effort to ditch, to borrow the words of Dr. Bhattarai in jungle, this Shah regime into the trash box of history – for once for all.

Bimalendra Nidhi US Tour


I look forward to seeing you in the US. Ee ajeeb ke baat chhai du go Janakpurwasi ke pratham bhent America mein hotai se. Logistics ke je baat chhai, se kripaya spasht ka del jao. Katek cheej State Department ke karyakram antargat chhai, katek nai se baat. Email se pratyek dost sab ke se baat jankari kara debai. I will do all I can on my part. And much can be done in NYC. The madhesi network can be used also for some of the other cities.

Your party might be the first large party to have come for federalism. I followed that in the news long time back. But have the UML and the Koirala Congress also come for federalism like they have now come for a democratic republic? I have not seen anything official from them.

I think I learned something new from you about the Maoists' idea of federalism. How accurate is that? What you suggest might have been true if they were still for a communist republic. But if they come around to a democratic republic, don't you think that changes a few things?

This might be one issue to discuss with them in the Maoist-Democrat talks right now.

If the Sadbhavana, NC(D), the UML and the Koirala Congress are all for federalism, what is the form of federalism you envision? How many states? Along what lines? Have you had a chance to look at my three states, three languages idea?

I think it is important for the seven party coalition and the Maoists to really think through this. All parties need to come clearly for federalism, and they also should put forth their version of the same, so the discussions on the details can start right away.

What you are saying about the Maoists and federalism might as well be true, but we must also allow room for a transformation on their part. From a communist republic to a democratic republic is a transformation. From the gun to a peaceful transformation of the state is a transformation. Perhaps they will also move from centralism to federalism. And if they don't, they can always compete for their idea during the elections to a Constituent Assembly after they are no longer an armed group.

Let's take the peace process in stages.

From: "Bimalendra Nidhi"

Subject: RE: Federalism: The Common Minimum Program For All Madhesis
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 14:31:55 +0545

Dear Parmendra Bhagatji.

Yes , I am for Federalism. And large number of leaders and workers of my party(Nepali Congress Democratic), and UML and Nepali Congress, plus many scholars and intelectuals are in favour of Federalism. But for your kind information Maoist is not in favour of Federalism.Because they do not believe in the theory of Power devolution or power distribution or power share which is fundamental base of the Federalism.Nine proposed "JATIYA STATE " by Maoist are not the one that you think of Fedralism. Rather they are totaly controlled by the Center. Because they believe in Centralim and not in Federalism. So, keep it in mind that they do not want Federal structure in real sense in Nepal.

My US visit is as follows as arranged by organizers :-
13 oct. --- Departure from KTM to Boston.
20 oct --- Boston to Washington
24 oct ---Washington to Atlanta
From 26 oct we are free to roam arround at our own.

So after that I want to see some friends like you, Binod, Bimal, JP, Ramnarayan Ranjit, Shyam shrestha, Lav Shrshtha, and others. For that I want to come to NY, Bufallo, Miami, Davis, Denver, California, plus LE and LV. But only if I get full support from you and friends for everything.

With hope .
And with best wishes.

Bimalendra Nidhi.

>From: Paramendra Kumar Bhagat
>Subject: Federalism: The Common Minimum Program For All Madhesis
>Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 09:27:05 -0700 (PDT)

From: "Bindeshwar Prasad Yadav"
Subject: RE: Federalism: The Common Minimum Program For All Madhesis
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 12:33:50 +0000

Dear Mr Parmendra

Best of luck. I fully agree with you on "Federalism".

I feel , Madheshi politics needs alot of patience. No place for agitation of mind. Movement always keep going on. Hero gives direction to movement. Let us prepare madheshi population for this demand. thanks


Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 09:49:48 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Anand Jha"
Subject: Re: Federalism: The Common Minimum Program For All Madhesis

Agree 100%. There ought to be federalism and it ought to be along ethinic lines. Thats what Maoist want too.

Maybe the slogan should be: Federalism along ethinic lines.

As divisive as it may sound, its curicial to prevent internal strife in the future and to make sure that every Nepali in the Federal Republic feels proud to be a Nepali.

Anand Jha

From: "Mahendra Lawoti"
To: ____________
Subject: Re: Federalism: The Common Minimum Program For All Madhesis
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 17:09:57 +0000

Hello everyone,

In case you not aware of it, my new book "Towards a Democratic Nepal: Inclusive Political Institutions for a Multicultural Society" (2005, published by Sage publications) argues that federalism is necessary to include various groups in Nepal. The book is available in Nepal, India, England, and the US.

Good Luck,


Mahendra Lawoti, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Political Science
Western Michigan University
3408 Friedmann Hall, Kalamazoo, MI 49008-5346
Telephone: ________, Fax: __________
Email: 1