माधव नेपालले भिनसके, इसमें िवदेशीयोका हात है। मधेशी नागिरकलाई नेपाली नमान्नेले मधेशी समस्यालाई िवदेशी समस्या मान्नु, मधेशी अान्दोलनलाई िवदेशीद्वारा संचािलत भन्नु अनौठो शायद होइन।
प्रचण्डले फेिर भिनसक्यो। प्रितक्िरयावादी फेिर जाग्यो भनेर। त्यो बाहुन बुढोले राजावादीसँग पिन िमल्नुपर्छ भनेर भनेको एक हप्ता पिन िबतेको छैन। राजवादीसँग िमल्नुपर्छ भनेर कुनै मधेशी नेताले भनेको छैन त, तर प्रचण्डले अारोप लगाइसक्यो। इसमें राजदरबारका हात है।
मधेशी क्रान्ितका दौरान िगिरजा र प्रचण्डको नाइटो र बुद्िध त्यसरी नै एकाकार भएथ्यो। िगिरजाले भिनसक्यो, इसमें प्रितगामीयोका हात है।
माअोवादको उमेर होला ७०-८० वर्ष। मार्क्सवादको उमेर होला १६० वर्ष। समाजवादको उमेर होला २०० वर्ष। तर ती सबै वादको बडा बाप त बाहुनवाद हो। बाहुनवादको उमेर १०,००० वर्ष हो। माधव नेपाल, प्रचण्ड र िगिरजामा जो यकायक एकता कायम हुन लागेकको छ त्यो बाहुनवादले गर्दा हो। मधेशीलाई देिखनसहने यी तीन बाहुनहरू। माधवले गौरबाट उम्मेदवारी निदए हुन्छ अब किहले पिन।
महन्थ ठाकुरको कदम कुनै सानो कदम होइन। अाधा शताब्दी नेपाली काँग्रेसलाई िदएको व्यक्ितत्व। मधेशी क्रान्ितका दौरान िगिरजाले महन्थ ठाकुरलाई प्रयोग गर्यो। त्यित बेला सफल वार्ताको कडी िथयो गृह मन्तरीको राजीनामा। त्यो साँचो िगिरजाले पोखरीमा फािलिदए अिन भने ठाकुरलाई, जाउ वार्ता गर। त्यो सुिनयोिजत अपमान िथयो।
दक्िषण एिसयाको राजनीितमा भारतीय िवस्तारवाद भयो होला। केही असमान सन्िध भए होलान्। तर ती असमान सन्िधमा हस्ताक्षर गर्ने त िगिरजा जस्ता पहिरयाहरू हुन्। भारतको कुनै पिन व्यवहारको िजम्मेवारी मधेशी समुदायले िलनुपर्ने सोंचाई अाफैमा prejudice हो। भारतको िदल्लीमा बस्ने अिधकांश नेपाली पहाडी छन्।
मधेशको law and order को िजम्मेवारी िबहार पुिलसको हो भनेर िगिरजाले भन्िदयो। त्यो बाहुन म पिन त मधेशी नै हुँ भन्छ, अाफ्नो बाउले िवराटनगरमा बनाएको घर देखाउँछ। त्यो त राणाले मधेशमािथ शासन गर्न पठाएको व्यक्ित िथयो कृष्ण प्रसाद। ब्िरिटशले पिन गोरा viceroy हरू पठाउँथे इण्िडयामा। ती गोरा भारतीय भएनन् त, िगिरजा कसरी मधेशी भयो?
मधेशी अान्दोलन शान्ितपुर्ण हुन्छ, र यसको लक्षय स्पष्ट छ। पुर्ण समानुपाितक िनर्वाचन र एक मधेश एक प्रदेश। माधव नेपालको, प्रचण्डको, िगिरजाको सक्कली रूप मधेशी जनताको सामु प्रस्तुत गर्नु, ितनलाई उदाङगो पार्नु पिन मधेशी अान्दोलनको लक्षय हो।
मधेशी अान्दोलनको लक्षय हो मधेश राज्यको स्थापना। जुन बाहुन अाए पिन कानै िचरेका भनेर यी तीन बाहुनलाई भिनएको हो।
Indian Idol 3 Prashant Tamang In New York City
In The News
Madhesi leaders’ resignation worries major parties Kantipur to launch a decisive but peaceful movement in the Terai. ..... “This is extremely sad that one of the senior most Congress leaders has quit the party at a time of crisis,” acting NC President Sushil Koirala said of Thakur’s move. “He had devoted 40-45 years to the party but he left alone. ...... Earlier today, NC President and PM Girija Prasad Koirala and Maoist Chairman Prachanda had discussed the Madhesi leaders’ move seriously, concluding that the move was a set back to democratic and the peace process in the country ....... They also concluded that the regressive forces had stepped up ploy against the government, seven parties and parliament. ...... Indicating at India, he said that “a big country should not set its smaller neighbour on fire.” The UML chief also warned that such an act would be counter-productive to the big nation.
Koirala, Prachanda for early agreement to counter growing reactionary threats Koirala Tuesday and Maoist Chairman Prachanda have agreed to forge an agreement at the earliest, concluding that the regressive elements have intensified attacks on the government, Seven-Party Alliance (SPA) and parliament over the recent days. ...... noted that regressive forces have stepped up their efforts to dissolve the government and parliament to weaken democracy and the peace process ...... If a consensus is not evolved soon then the situation could spiral out of control. ...... They also voiced concern over the move of some influential Madhesi leaders from the major parties to dissociate from their parties to form a Madhesi front to launch an agitation in the region. ...... “They (the PM and the Maoist Chairman) concluded that the Madhesi leaders’ move was dangerous,” the source added. However, he did not elaborate how the move was dangerous.
Tripathi warns of separatist movement if army is moblised in Terai Hridayesh Tripathi, who has also resigned from Nepal Sadbhavana Party-Anandi Devi, said, “If army is mobilised, then we would be in an unimaginable incident. The Madhes is in federal mood, but if the army mobilization moves ahead then a separatist movement would start there.” .... recalled that they had said the same thing when Maoist second-in-command Dr Baburam Bhattarai had said that both Nepal Army and the Maoist People’s Liberation Army should be sent to curb the Madhesi revolt. ...... took a strong exception to statement some senior leaders of the Seven-Party Alliance that the new political polarisation was being directed by India. ...... “This is not the andolan of Jharkhand or Kashmir,” he added, “This is not any other country’s agitation.” Such remarks are part of the conspiracy to defame the Madhesi andolan ...... “The people of Madhes are fighting for their justified rights and dignity. It is being carried out within the country and is one of the crucial parts of all the andolans the country has seen” ...... the objective of establishing a new party was not to weaken any other party, demand for a separate Terai state or to disrupt the Constituent Assembly elections. ...... claimed that more MPs from Madhesi would tender their resignations and join them. ...... CPN-UML, Nepali Congress and Maoists leaders who were present in the programme admitted that it was not a bad thing to start a new party ...... Maoist leader Barsha Man Pun ‘Ananta’ said that move of a Madhesi minister and some lawmakers hinted at a serious political polarisation in the country. ...... Sarbendranath Shukla, who has also resigned from the party, informed that they would register the party and publicise its manifesto within the next 15 days.
Ex-policemen call Sarlahi banda demanding reinstatement
SPA leaders visit Maoist cantonment in Chitwan
King hindering democratic reforms since 1990: Deuba Answering a query raised by media persons on the resignations tendered by four Madhesi lawmakers, Deuba said he would speak only after knowing details of the issue. “Such incidents keep happening, it should not be taken as a big issue,” said Deuba.
Mahato-faction of NSP-A demands release of ‘abducted’ leaders The activists of Madhes Rakshya Bahini (MRB), the newly formed youth front of the splinter faction of Nepal Sadbhavana-Anandi Devi(NSP-A) Party, staged sit-in at the District Administration Office in Parsa district Tuesday afternoon, demanding safe release of their leaders, who were alleged abducted by a minister on Monday. ...... three leaders including party Vice-Chairman Laxman Lal Karn, General Secretary Anil Jha. ..... Around 50 agitating MRB activists locked the main entrance of the DAO and prevented the employees from entering into the office premises. ..... This is the first protest demonstration of the MRB. ...... The demonstrators then obstructed vehicular movement at Maisthan Chowk in Birgunj for 30 minutes and organised a corner meeting. .... The district leaders Nijamuddin Samani and Mumtaz Alam addressed the corner meeting and warned to intensify the agitation if the abducted leaders were not released. ..... Mahato claimed that Minister Gupta, who is also the NSP-A leader, and his men whisked away the party general secretary Anil Jha and senior leader Laxman Lal Karna from New Valley Guest House, Sundhara at about 9:30 am yesterday.
स्वायत्त मधेसका लागि छुट्टै पार्टर्ीीोल्ने घोषणा निर्ण्ाायक शान्तिपर्ूण्ा संर्घष्ाका लागि तर्राई मधेस बृहत् राजनीतिक शक्ति निर्माण अभियान ...... 'सारमा भन्दा मधेसमा जुन औपनिवेशिक शासन छ, मधेसी जनता त्यसको समाप्ति चाहन्छन् ।' ...... प्रमुख दलहरूले मधेसी जनताको चाहना बुझ्नै नचाहेकाले आफूहरूले ती पार्टर्ीीट राजीनामा दिई नया“ राजनीतिक शक्ति बनाएर निर्ण्ाायक शान्तिपर्ूण्ा संर्घष्ा गर्न लागेको ठाकुरले जनाए । ....... मधेसको ऐतिहासिक जनव्रि्रोह र त्यसलाई परिणाममुखी बनाउन मधेसी सांसदहरूले संसद्मा उठाएको आवाजलाई अर्थहीन र परिणामविहीन बनाउने प्रपञ्चमा सरकार र प्रमुख दलहरू लागेको उनीहरूको आरोप छ । ठाकुरले मधेसी सांसदसमक्ष व्यक्त प्रतिबद्धता पूरा नगरेर ऐतिहासिक तर्राई व्रि्रोहमा अभिव्यक्त जनचाहना बेवास्ता गरी सरकारले तर्राईलाई द्वन्द्व, अशान्ति र अराजकतातर्फधकेलेको आरोप पनि लगाए । 'जनताको आशाको केन्द्रविन्दु अन्तरिम संसद्लाई सात दलका नेताले आफ्नो कठपुतली र लाचार छाया बनाएका छन् । मधेसको सवालमा संसद् औचित्यहीन बनेको छ,' ठाकुरले भने- 'यस्तो अवस्थामा मधेसी जनमानसमा रहेको शान्ति, समृद्ध, स्वाभिमान र पहिचानयुक्त स्वायत्त मधेसको चाहनालाई तर्कसंगत विन्दुमा पुर्याउने साझा दायित्व स्थापित र नवोदित मधेसी नेताहरूमा आएको छ ।' ..... उनले मधेसी जनताले मधेसलाई विखण्डन गर्न नभई छुट्टै स्वायत्त संघ -राज्य) बनाउन चाहेको र त्यसलाई आफूहरूले साथ दिएको बताए । जनतालाई बढी अधिकार दि“दा नेपालको राष्ट्रियता कमजोर नभई झन् बलियो हुने उनको धारणा थियो । त्रिपाठीले राष्ट्रिय महत्त्वका समस्या सम्बोधन गर्न नसकी अन्तरिम संसद्ले क्रमशः आफ्नो औचित्य गुमाउ“दै गएको बताए । सांसद गुप्ताले ठाकुरको नेतृत्वमा स्वायत्त मधेस स्थापनाका लागि सुरु अभियानमा मधेसका अरू सांसद समेत सहभागी हुने दाबी गरे ।
'सांकेतिक' दलित संसद् राष्ट्रिय दलित नेर्टवर्कका अध्यक्ष गणेश विकका अनुसार घोषणापत्र र प्रस्ताव अन्तरिम संसद्मा पनि उठाउनका लागि भनेर सांकेतिक संसद्मा उपस्थित एमाले, माओवादी र जनमोर्चाका तीन जना दलित सांसदलाई हस्तान्तरण गरिएको छ ।
माओवादीको ँकू’
माओवादी विचलनका शृङ्खला फेरि माओवादीले जिकिर गरिरहेको छ- अहँ, आफूले हार्ने चुनावको कुनै अर्थ छैन ।
Koirala, Nepal vow to resolve deadlock within 3 days NepalNews Koirala expressed confidence that the parties would arrive at an agreement and then go for an amendment in the interim constitution. ..... They also discussed the impact the resignation of four Madhesi parliamentarians, including Nepali Congress minister Mahantha Thakur
RPP removes monarchy from party statute
Govt forms committee to review peace accord a three-member committee to review the implementation of the comprehensive peace agreement (CPA) ..... resigning from their responsibility to form a new party. ..... Koirala said he would again talk with Mahanta Thakur regarding his resignation. ...... He also instructed the ministers to work with the target to resolve all the differences within a week for holding the elections by mid-April.
Political turmoil mars House proceedings Sitaula tabled the bill on arms control ..... The government has brought the bill to control growing use of illegal arms across the country, especially in Terai. The cabinet has already passed strategies to curb the problem. Earlier in morning, Minister Sitaula briefed the cabinet about the execution of Special Task Force (STF) strategies in Terai. ....... The House session was suspended to initiate talks with the Madhesi parliamentarians who resigned from their positions on Monday, saying that the government, the parliament and the seven parties failed to address the problems facing Terai people.
Prachanda talks with PM on Madhes issue four Madhesi lawmakers from different parties including a minister walked out of the cabinet and parliament promising to float a separate Madhesi party ...... Accompanied by Dr. Baburam Bhattarai and Ram Bahadur Thapa aka Badal, Prachanda met with the PM to discuss the latest situation including the fall-out of the revolt by Madhesi leaders. .... the prime minister promised to call seven party meeting soon to discuss the evolving situation in Madhes.
EC recognises Anandi Devi Singh-led NSP-A The election commission had asked both the NSP factions, one led by Anandi Devi Singh and the other led by Rajendra Mahato to appear before it with proof that majority of the central committee members are on their side. .... The Mahato faction did not appear at the commission alleging that Minister Shyam Sundar Gupta abducted three of its central leaders on Monday. .... The Anandi Devi faction appeared before the commission with signatures of 26 central committee members out of 50 for recognition. The commission said that the decision was taken as majority of CC members were on the side of Anandi Devi faction. ...... The commission has asked the Mahato faction to register as a separate party for election purposes. ...... Mahato alleged that the decision of the commission was influenced by the government. ..... He said the decision would have no effect on his group and announced to form a new party soon.
PM accepts minister Thakur’s resignation
Maoists might be rubbing shoulders with King: Deuba Deuba also said that there is no possibility of change in government leadership despite the differences among the seven parties.
PM urges Thakur to return to NC fold Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala summoned Mahantha Thakur to Baluwatar on Monday evening in an effort to convince him to return to the Nepali Congress (NC) fold. ..... “Thakur was urged to withdraw resignation and return to the party fold. The Prime Minister assured him that the party would be paying attention towards the Terai problem,” said Congress leader Dr. Minendra Rijal. ..... Thakur, however, is learnt to have remained steadfast with his decision to part ways. Thakur was known as a close aide of Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala within the Nepali Congress.
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