Tuesday, September 25, 2007

न्यु यर्कका पहिरयाहरू

Silicon City

अाइतवार सत्य नारायण मन्िदरमा कार्यक्रम िथयो। गएँ। सहाना प्रधान अाउनु भएको रहेछ। एउटा पुिलट्जर पुरस्कार प्राप्त लेखकले "I like watching cats and politicians" भने जस्तो। नेपालका celebrity नेताहरूलाई भेट्न पाउनु न्यु यर्क बस्नुको एउटा perk जस्तो।

इमेल पिन अाएको हो, एक वटा भन्दा बढी। टेकजीले फोन नै गर्नुभो। न्यु यर्कका नेपालीहरूको सबैभन्दा ठुलो मेिलङ िलस्ट मेरै छ। त्यही भएर।

जनजाितहरू बाहुनसँग जनजाित, मधेशीसँग पहाडी बिनटोपल्ने बानी छ। गठबन्धन हुने भनेको मधेशी र जनजाितको हुने होइन। गठबन्धन त एजेण्डामा हुने हो, issue मा हुने हो। अिहले संघीय लोकतान्त्िरक गणतन्त्र सबैको एजेण्डा बन्न पुगेको छ। मधेशी अान्दोलनको नारा एक मधेश, एक प्रदेशको हो। त्यो एजेण्डामा जो अाउँछ उहीसँग मधेशीको गठबन्धन हुन्छ। जनजाित अाए जनजाितसँग हुन्छ, बाहुन अाए बाहुनसँग हुन्छ।

िवनोद साह अमेरीकाको मधेशी संगठन ANTA का नव िनयुक्त Senior Vice President राष्ट्िरय स्तरमा, िकन भन्दा िवनोदजीले जित संगठन िवस्तार कसैले गरेको छैन त्यस संगठनकालािग। रतनजीले फोनमा भन्दै हुनुहुन्थ्यो, िवगत दुई मिहना जितमा त चमत्कार नै गर्नु भएको छ भनेर।

Anti-Madhesi prejudice को ज्वलन्त उदाहरण न्यु यर्क। नेपाल सेना र ंमाअोवादी सेनामा मधेशीहरूलाई लाल्टेन बालेर खोज्नु परे जस्तै न्यु यर्कमा ३५,००० पहाडी र ३५ जना मधेशी छन् हाराहारी। हुनुपर्ने ३५,००० मा कमसेकम १०,००० तर १,००० पिन छैनौं।

न्यु यर्कको कुनै नेपाली कार्यक्रममा जानु भनेको नेपालमा मधेसी समुदायको िथचेर रािखएको राजनीितक अवस्थासँग साक्षात्कार हो। मधेशीहरूको न्युन संख्याले त्यही देखाउँछ, पहिरयाहूको attitude problem ले पिन त्यही देखाउँछ।

न्यु यर्कको पहिरयाहरूको माउ िबरालो तारा िनरौला। बाराक अोबामाले मेरो कुरा सुनेको तारा िनरौलाले मेरो कुरा नसुनेको अवस्था छ।

कस्तो strong prejudice न्यु यर्कका पहिरयाहरूको!

Manhattan For Obama Organizational Kickoff Meeting मा सभा संचालक म्यानह्याटनका एक हर्ताकर्ता District Leader ले बोिलसकेपिछ ल अब सबैले पालैिपलो बाोल्नुपर्यो भन्दा सबैभन्दा पिहले मलाई बोल्न लगाइयो। म र Bill Perkins एकअापसका छेउमा बसेका िथयौं। िबल भनेको मेरो साथी। स्टेट सेनेटर िबल जसलाई मैले future Governor भनेर publicly नै भन्िदएको छु। Lt. Governor Paterson को पिहलाको सीट अिहेेले िबलको छ। बराकलाई समर्थन गर्ने न्यु यर्क राज्यको पिहलो िनर्वािचत पदािधकारी िबल। हो त्यो िमिटङमा पिहलो वक्ता म भएँ, तर अाजसम्म न्यु यर्कको कुनै पिन नेपाली कार्यक्रममा मलाई बोल्न िदइएको छैन। यहाँसम्म िक मेरै राजनीितक संगठन हाम्रो नेपालले अायोजना गरेको कार्यक्रमा म मुख्य वक्ताभन्दा ठ्याक्कै अगािड बोल्नु पर्ने, पहिरया उद्घोषक शैलेश श्रेष्ठले मेरो नाम काटी, मुख्य वक्ता देवेन्द्र राज पाण्डेको नाम बोलाई त्यहाँबाट सुइकुच्चा ठोके। कस्तो strong prejudice ।

Event with Dr. Devendra Raj Pandey, NYC (Video 1, Video 2,Video 3)

मलाई निचन्ने नेपालको कुनै पिन ठुलो नेता छैन। तर न्यु यर्कका ऐरेगैरे नत्थुखैरे पहिरयाहरू मलाई माइनस गर्न सक्छु जस्तो attitude राख्छन्।

न्यु यर्का पहिरयाहरूसँग न पैसा छ न पावर छ। संगिठत नभएसम्म स्िथित सुध्िरनेवाला छैन भनेर मैले umbrella organization को concept ल्याएँ। मधेशी नेतृत्व स्वीकार गर्नुभन्दा बरू पैसा र पावर नभएकै ठीक भन्ने attitude छ। छ भने छ। मसँग त अब समय पिन छैन। मेरो टेक्नोलोजी कम्पनी र अोबामाले मेरो सबै समय खाएको छ।

भर्खर एक िछन अगािड David को इमेल अाएको िथयो। उ न्यु यर्क राज्यको डेमोक्रयािटक पार्टीको अध्यक्ष। गवर्नर स्िपट्जरको right hand man। स्िपट्जर भनेको कुन्िदन अमेिरकाको राष्ट्रपित हुने मान्छे। Future of the Democratic Party।

एक व्यक्ित एक मतको िसद्धान्तका अाधारमा छाता संगठन खडा गरौं भन्ने मेरो सुझाव हो। त्यो पाच्य भएन। ठीक छ। तर अब अाइन्दा न्यु यर्कका कार्यक्रम गर्दा िक त पहाडी कार्यक्रम भनेर घोषणा गर्नुपर्यो िक त ANTA लाई Co-Organizer मा राख्नुपर्यो र िवनोद शाहलाई मञ्चमा राख्नुपर्यो।

कर्मा ग्याल्डेन शेर्पालाई मैले बुस्ट गर्दै अाएको। बाहुनलाई नपचेको मलाई पचेको लामो समयसम्म। तर अब बाहुनलाई पच्न पच्न लागेको जस्तो देिखएको अवस्थामा कर्मा शेर्पाको मुखबाट प्याच्च "मिदसे" शब्द िनस्िकहाल्यो। त्यो कालो मान्छेलाई nigger भने जस्तो। नेपाल िसक्कीम हुन लागेको डर प्रकट गर्ने कर्मा। IC as in Indian currency को कुरा गर्ने कर्मा। भोिल नेपालको प्रधानमन्त्री मधेशी भयो भने नेपाल िसक्कीम भएको हो? हो भनेर नेपालमा िगिरजाले भनेको छ। र न्यु यर्का पहिरयाहरूले।

चुनावकालािग क्याम्पेन गर्न नेपाल जाने होेइन भनेर सञ्जय बाहुनले प्याच्च सोध्यो तल कार्यक्रम सिकसकेपिछ। म जाँिदन, मेरो भाषणहरू िभिडयो भएर जान्छन् भन्दा कसले सुन्छ र उसको भाषण भनेर उडायो।

िवश्वको सबैभन्दा ठुलो प्रवासी मधेशी संगठन जसको स्थापनामा मेरो पिन रोल रह्यो, All India Madhesi Student Association, त्यसको पिहलो कन्फरेन्स अक्टोबरमा हुन लागेको छ। मलाई मुख्य अितिथको रूपमा बोलाए। अाउन नसके अाफ्नो िभिडयो भाषण भए पिन पठाइिदनोस् भनेर अनुरोध अायो।

उपेन्द्र यादवका foreign policy advisor सुमनजी। चुनावकालािग िहंड्नुपर्यो भनेर भनेको हो। म अाउन सक्िदन, मेरो िभिडयो भाषण पठाउँछु्। काम लाग्ने जस्तो देख्नु भएमा VCD बनाएर िवतरण गर्नोस् भन्िदएँ।

Video: Message To First All India Madhesi Student Association Conference, October 2007

चन्द्र प्रकाश शर्मा talented मान्छे। कर्मा पिन outspoken जनजाित। दुवैसँग मेरो राम्रो सम्बन्ध लामो समयसम्म। दुवै जना Madhesi sentiment प्रित हमदर्दी भए जस्तो देखाउने। चन्द्र प्रकाशले प्याच्च "मिदसे" भन्यो उसँग सम्बन्ध समाप्त, कर्माले प्याच्च "मिदसे" भन्यो उसँग सम्बन्ध समाप्त। नत्र चन्द्रले मेरो कम्पनी मार्फत ठुलो कमाउने मेरो सपना िथयो।

"पैसा र पावर चािहंदैन, मधेशी नेतृत्व चािहंदैन" मानौं न्यु यर्कका पहिरयाहरूको नारा होस्।

मेरो एक जना साथीले केही हप्ता अगािड अाफ्नो कम्पनी $90 million मा बेच्यो।

न्यु यर्कका पहिरयाहरूको एउटा रोल छ मेरोलािग। नेपालमा रहेको strong anti Madhesi prejudice बारे remind गर्ने। िगिरजाले पार्टी तोड्यो, बहुमत भएको संसद भंग गर्यो तर महेन्द्र नारायण िनिधलाई प्रधानमन्त्री बन्न िदएन। अब देशले मधेशी राष्ट्रपित पाउन पाउन लागेको बेलामा िगिरजाले देशको स्वतन्त्रता खतरामा पर्न लागेको भन्दै छ। त्यो पाखा लाग्न नसकेको बाहुन।

संिवधान सभाको चुनाव नलड्ने िनर्णय गरेर िगिरजाले ठीक गर्यो। नत्र उसको मोरङमा पिन सुनसरीमा पिन जमानत जब्त हुन्थ्यो। उसको राजनीितक किरयरमा उसले त्योभन्दा राम्रो िनर्णय गरेकै छैन।

My Idea Of A Madhesi Gathering
An Open Letter To NAC
पहाडी बाहुन सुजीत ढकाल
Democracy, Transparency, And The Nepali Diaspora
Alliance Sets The Tone For Diaspora Organizations
छाता संगठनको कुरा फेिर ल्याउने िक नल्याउने
May 19: New School
May 12 Meeting: A Flop
मई १२ िदउँसो १ बजे सेन्ट्रल पार्क दक्िषण पूर्व कोणा
न्यु यर्कमा छाता संगठनको अावश्यकता

In The News

NC, NC-D finally unite; opt for a republic Kantipur NC Vice-president Sushil Koirala is the acting president of the unified party while the party's founding leader Krishna Prasad Bhattarai and NC-D President Deuba have the second and third positions, respectively, in the party hiearchy. ...... NC-D Vice-presidents, Gopal Man Shrestha and Prakash Man Singh, have been retained in the same post in the unified party as well. .... NC General Secretaries Ram Chandra Poudel and KB Gurung and NC-D General Secretary Bimalendra Nidhi have been retained while NC leader Dr Ram Baran Yadav has also been inducted as the fourth general secretary. ..... The unified party has also decided to let the NC lead 40 district committees of the party and the NC-D to lead the remaining 35 district committees. ...... The NC leaders will lead the students, peasants, women, and ex-army men fronts while the NC-D leaders will head the youth, indigenous nationalities and the Dalit fronts of the party. ..... an eight-page long political proposal for the party to opt for a federal democratic republic ...... requests the Maoists not to backtrack from the earlier eight-party agreement on a mixed electoral system and declaration of a republic through the first meeting of the elected CA ...... urged the Maoists to completely adhere to the Comprehensive Peace Agreement, and return the land and property they had seized during the decade long armed insurgency and to let the displaced people to freely return to their homes. ...... The Maha Samiti has also publicized the party's electoral manifesto for the Constituent Assembly (CA) elections slated for November 22 along the line of the proposal tabled by Poudel. ....... will now have 133 seats in the House ...... "I have decided to sacrifice everything as I know the cadres cannot sacrifice themselves if the leaders don't do so," Koirala had said at yesterday’s Maha Samiti meeting. ....... hinting at his intention to hand over party presidency to the next generation. ...... commitment to declare the country a republic has boosted the morale of the party rank and file. ..... Seven out of the 11 parties in the interim parliament are pro-left.
कपिलवस्तु नरसंहार

Nepal: Dr Bhattarai hints at sharp political polarisation; CPN (MLM) merges with CPN (M) NepalNews
Nepal : Maoist district leader killed in Mahottari
Nepal : NC Mahasamiti meeting begins; republic main agenda
Nepal: Koirala says NC is all for democratic republic
Nepal : Home Minister responsible for all losses in Kapilvastu: Rights monitors
Nepal: Stock market drops by 32 points

सद्भावना विवाद महाधिवेशनप्रति असहमति Kantipur काठमाडौं, असोज ७ - नेपाल सद्भावना पार्टी -आनन्दीदेवी) का नौ सदस्यीय संसदीय समितिका पाँच सदस्यले वीरगन्ज mahaadhiveshanalaaeen मान्यता नदिन निर्वाचन आयोगलगायतका पक्षसँग आग्रह गरेको छ । समितिका सचिव योगेन्द्रनारायण सिंह र सदस्यहरू छोटेलाल साह, बृजगोपाल गुप्ता, जीवनप्रसाद गुप्ता, विन्दुदेवी श्रीवास्तवले सोमबार विज्ञप्ति जारी गरी उक्त आग्रह गरेका हुन् । विज्ञप्तिमा अध्यक्ष आनन्दीदेवी सिंहद्वारा स्थगित गरिए पनि निलम्बित व्यक्तिहरूको अध्यक्षता एवं उपस्थितिमा र गणपूरक संख्यासमेत नपुग भएकाले वीरगन्ज अधिवेशनमा भएका निर्णय अवैधानिक र त्रुटिपूर्ण रहेको उल्लेख छ । यस्तै विज्ञप्तिमा विधानअनुसार पार्टीको सांगठनिक निर्वाचनको जिम्मेवारीसमेत संसदीय समितिलाई रहेको उल्लेख छ । यसैबीच सद्भावनाकी राष्ट्रिय अध्यक्ष आनन्दीदेवी सिंहले पार्टीको संयुक्त महासचिव राजकुमार गुप्ता, कोषाध्यक्ष नवलकिशोर साह र केन्द्रीय सदस्यद्वय नरसिंह चौधरी, रामनरेश रायलाई साधारण सदस्यताबाट समेत निलम्बन गरेकी छिन् । पार्टीद्वारा जारी विज्ञप्तिमा पार्टी हितविपरीत काम गरेकाले विधानको धारा ६ दशमलव १०-ग) बमोजिम निलम्बन गरिएको उल्लेख छ ।

Koirala, Deuba Sign Unification Accord Himalayan Times

Leftist parties working on electoral alliance the Leftist forces could also make an electoral alliance. The CPN-UML and the Maoist would get the lion’s share in the electoral alliance while the fringe left parties would get the seats according to their strength in the interim parliament

Koirala says NC is all for democratic republic NepalNews
NC Mahasamiti meeting begins; republic main agenda
Home Minister responsible for all losses in Kapilvastu: Rights monitors
House commitment proposal on republic will not suffice for Maoists

Saturday, September 22, 2007

November 22: Elections Must Happen

The elections can not be postponed one more time. Once was too much.

But the Maoists are right with their key demands. I agree with them wholeheartedly. The country should be declared a republic, and there should be a fully PR election.

How do you reconcile these threads?

Middle Ground: PR Election Now, Republic Later

The Maoists are acting responsible. Their soldiers are in cantonments and will stay there. They continue to be part of the eight party alliance. They have not walked out of the peace process. And their protest programs are all peaceful and legitimate in a democracy.

I think the thing for them to do is to work the parliamentary arithmetic more than they want to work the street protests.

Armed Revolution To Street Agitation To Parliamentary Arithmetic

If they want to do business with the UML, they must publicly apologize to the UML on a few issues. They should publicly say the UML was right and they were wrong when the UML wanted a referendum on the monarchy before going for the elections to a constituent assembly. The UML was also right when it initially argued in favor of a fully PR election.

More important, the Maoist leaders must publicly apologize for some recent incidents where local Maoists beat up some local UML leaders.

And the Maoists should be seen publicly courting Deuba. That guy has almost 50 votes in the interim parliament.

The Maoists may go ahead with their protest programs, but if they don't couple that with public acts of actively trying to work the arithmetic in the interim parliament, they risk acquiring the public image of spoilers.

If the Maoists want to disrupt the November 22 polls, all they have to say and do is declare they are not going to take part. Without them taking part, the November 22 polls will be meaningless.
They have that kind of power. But should they use it? I think not. If they use that option, they are going to suffer from a serious slide in the country. Their base would shrink.

They are right about their two key issues. But they have to remember to act responsibly.

How to act responsibly?

Koirala Has Only 85 Out of 330

You do the very best you can to work the arithmetic in the interim parliament. You also carry out your protest programs. But if you can't work the arithmetic in the interim parliament, you call it quits, and you do go for the polls under the current mixed arrangement.

If elections are not held on November 22, lawlessness in the country will only get worse.

The Animals Of The Kapilvastu Riots

At that point the Maoists' best option will then be to run a vigorous election campaign. They should organize a series of mass meetings across the country. They should take credit for three major things. One, the constituent assembly. Two, republic. Three, federalism. They should tell people how the UML and the Congress came over to the idea of a constituent assembly only because of the Maoists. They should tell people how if it were not for Maoist pressure the Congress would never have opted for a republic, and how even now the Congress party's commitment to a republic is suspect. They might still have a relapse, and that is why the people should vote for the Maoists instead just to make sure we do end up a republic.

On federalism, the Maoists should make fun of the UML and the Congress for not going to the people with at least the outlines of their proposed federalism. This could be their big selling point.

In other words, the Maoists should learn to trust the Nepali people.

And, of course, a huge seller would be their land reform proposal. In a country were most people are poor, land reform should get you a lot of votes.

Time To Hit The Campaign Trail

Don't let the best be the enemy of the good.

Completely Proportional Election: Meeting Point With The Maoists

Do the best you can to get the two goals, but don't work towards the two goals in a way that the country ends up not having elections on November 22. If elections are not held in November, the monarchy will get to live for six months more. That would not be a republican thing to bring about.

Goal: Federal Republic Of State Funded Parties
I Agree With Prachanda On Republic And Proportional Election

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