Date: Sat, 22 Apr 2006 23:16:52 -0400 From: "luna ranjit"
To: "Paramendra Kumar Bhagat"
Subject: invitation to a community meeting Adhikaar for human rights and social justice
26 Thistle Ct., Staten Island, NY 10304 | p: 718-876-5545 | e: adhikaar@gmail.com
April 22, 2006
Paramendra Bhagat
Hamro Nepal
Dear Paramendra dai:
On behalf of Adhikaar for human rights and social justice, we would like to invite you or a representative from your organization to a community meeting. We are writing to you as a leader committed for the betterment of our community. At this event, we will introduce Adhikaar and our plans for the near future. But more importantly, we would like to learn from your experience and knowledge and get suggestions and feedback. The meeting will be held on Sunday April 30, 2006 from 5pm to 7pm at the Nepali Mandir, 34-11 62nd Street, 2FL, Woodside, NY 11377. The nearest subway station is 65th Street on G,R,V.
Started in early 2005, Adhikaar became incorporated as a non-profit organization in New York State in July 2005. In less than a year, Adhikaar has been very successful in raising awareness among the Nepalis and as well as raising visibility of the organization. Using a needs-assessment survey and newspaper articles as tool for outreach, Adhikaar has reached out to hundreds of Nepalis in New York area, and provided interpretation/translation services as well as referrals to other agencies' services to many of them. In July 2006, we plan to launch our "Know Your Rights and Resources" campaign to reach out to more community members and make them aware about their rights and the free or low-cost resources available to them. Adhikaar has also received attention from Nepali, South Asian, and other media groups, including Samudaya.org, Nepali Aawaz, Nepal Khabar, Vishwa Sandesh, and WBAI, a community-based radio station of New York.
We hope that you will attend this meeting and help us develop programs to serve our rapidly growing community in New York and across the country. Please feel free to contact Luna at 917-656-7442 or luna.ranjit@gmail.com for further information. In the meantime, you can also access more information about the organization and its programs at www.adhikaar.org.
Please let us know by Friday, April 28th, if you will be able to attend. We are also open to suggestions of the names of other community leaders. Thank you for your support and assistance.
Luna Ranjit, Srijana Shrestha, Tafadzwa Pasipanodya
Adhikaar Board Members
"If you have some power, it is your job to empower somebody else."
- Toni Morrison